Athena M. Owen's research while affiliated with Mississippi State University and other places

Publications (4)

Tafoni are cuspate pseudokarst weathering features with sloping sediment covered floors, and overhangs and projections, occurring in many rock types. Tafoni appear to be polygenetic. Tafoni have been confusingly defined in many ways: variations in size, rock type, and formation mechanisms. This study addresses tafoni in Quaternary eolian carbonates...
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Coastal areas on carbonate islands commonly contain two types of caves: sea caves developed by wave erosion processes, and flank margin caves developed by dissolution at the edge of the fresh-water lens. Differentiating sea caves and flank margin caves in coastal settings is important, but can it be done reliably and quantitatively? Current methods...
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Flank margin caves, sea caves and tafoni caves are found in Bahamian Quaternary eolian calcarenites. All three cave types can be found in coastal exposures being cliffed by Holocene wave activity, but also inland where last interglacial (OIS 5e, ~ 125 ka) coastal cliffing occurred. Flank margin caves are dissolutional features that form within the...


... As noted earlier, these caves are named flank margin caves because of the location in what would have been the margin of the lens, under the flank of the enclosing landmass. The term was developed in the late 1980s (Mylroie and Carew 1990) based on work in the Bahamas and has since been expanded to a variety of island types around the world, including throughout the Bahamas , Isla de Mona (Frank et al. 1998), the Mariana Islands (Jenson et al. 2006), Puerto Rico (Lace 2008), Barbados (Machel et al. 2011), the Adriatic coast (Otonicar et al. 2010), Australia (Mylroie and Mylroie 2009a), Mallorca (Mylroie et al. 2015a), Curacao (Kambesis et al. 2015), and New Zealand (Mylroie et al. 2008). The dissolutional mechanism is extremely powerful and cuts across a variety of primary and secondary features in caves, as shown in Fig. 3. ...
... Work on the subject produced criteria for separating flank margin caves from examples of pseudokarst caves, such as bioerosion notches, sea caves, and tafoni, all of which are commonly found in coastal settings in the Bahamas (Mylroie and Carew, 1991;Owen, 2013;Waterstrat et al., 2010). This work also demonstrated that flank margin caves were the most likely of those cave types to persist in the rock record, because they are produced by actions within the freshwater lens margin, while the pseudokarst cave types are restricted to exposed surficial processes. ...
... [ Waterstrat et al., 2010] Areal coverage ⁄ Describes how good the cave area fits the cave field. [Worthington, 1999;Klimchouk, 2003] Passage density ⁄ Expresses the way passage network is developed in the cave field. ...
... Ritter et al., (2002, p. 88) also discuss the terminology and literature concerning the definition and origin of tafoni, and conclude ''The exact origin of tafoni, however, remains a mystery.'' As noted by Owen (2007) and Mylroie, et al. (2007), tafoni in Bahamian carbonates are only found in eolian calcarenite ridges where cave collapse, wave erosion, or anthropogenic activity such as road cuts and quarries has exposed the soft interior of the ridge to subaerial weathering. The PITA tafoni were probably formed during the +6 m OIS 5e highstand, when the ridge in which they are found was attacked by wave energy (Fig. 9). ...