Arghya Mazumdar's scientific contributions

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Gait is very important to identify person from distance. It requires very less interaction with human participants. Gait is considered the popularly known visual identification technique. The major challenges associated with gait-based person identification are high variability, gait occlusion, pose and speed variance and uniform gait cycle detecti...


... Various modeling techniques are employed to design and optimize assistive devices, rehabilitation strategies, and technologies that aid individuals with disabilities. Some of these techniques include artificial neural networks (ANNs) [11][12][13], mathematical models [14], fuzzy logic [15,16], and Petri net/S-net models. Differential equations are also extensively used to model and analyze the lower limb kinematics, muscle actions, etc., which include the inverted pendulum model of stance leg [17], muscle-tendon dynamics [18], joint torque/ dynamics, and forward dynamic simulations [19]. ...