Annette Klaus's research while affiliated with University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover and other places

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Publications (6)

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April 2018


11 Reads

Annette Klaus






Best models (GLMM) for prevalence of nematode infections and influencing variables among helminth groups found in proboscis monkeys, calculated with binomial presence/absence data. If sampling site had a significant effect, two separate models–one for each sampling site—were calculated per helminth group. (DOCX)


Fig 2. Climate diagram of 2012 based on data from the Danau Girang Field Centre in Lot 6 of the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary (LKWS) in Sabah. 
Fig 3. Prevalence of intestinal helminth parasites found in proboscis monkey feces at the two sampling sites. LKWS = Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, LBPMS = Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary. Ã p 0.05; ÃÃ p 0.001; ÃÃÃ p 0.0001. 
Fig 4. Parasite species richness of proboscis monkeys at two sampling sites in Sabah. LKWS = Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, LBPMS = Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary. Band in boxes is the median, boxes define the 25th and 75th percentiles, whiskers extend to maximum +/-1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR = middle 50% of the records). Ã p 0.05; ÃÃ p 0.001; ÃÃÃ p 0.0001. 
Fig 5. Eggs per gram feces (epg) of positive Oesophagostomum/Ternidens spp., Strongyloides spp., and Trichuris sp. T3 fecal samples from proboscis monkeys at two sampling sites in Sabah. LKWS = Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, LBPMS = Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary. Band in boxes is the median, boxes define the 25th and 75th percentiles, whiskers extend to maximum +/-1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR = middle 50% of the records). Ã p 0.05; ÃÃ p 0.001; ÃÃÃ p 0.0001. 
Fecal parasite risk in the endangered proboscis monkey is higher in an anthropogenically managed forest environment compared to a riparian rain forest in Sabah, Borneo

April 2018


320 Reads


15 Citations



Understanding determinants shaping infection risk of endangered wildlife is a major topic in conservation medicine. The proboscis monkey, Nasalis larvatus, an endemic primate flagship species for conservation in Borneo, is endangered through habitat loss, but can still be found in riparian lowland and mangrove forests, and in some protected areas. To assess socioecological and anthropogenic influence on intestinal helminth infections in N. larvatus, 724 fecal samples of harem and bachelor groups, varying in size and the number of juveniles, were collected between June and October 2012 from two study sites in Malaysian Borneo: 634 samples were obtained from groups inhabiting the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary (LKWS), 90 samples were collected from groups of the Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary (LBPMS), where monkeys are fed on stationary feeding platforms. Parasite risk was quantified by intestinal helminth prevalence, host parasite species richness (PSR), and eggs per gram feces (epg). Generalized linear mixed effect models were applied to explore whether study site, group type, group size, the number of juveniles per group, and sampling month predict parasite risk. At the LBPMS, prevalence and epg of Trichuris spp., strongylids, and Strongyloides spp. but not Ascaris spp., as well as host PSR were significantly elevated. Only for Strongyloides spp., prevalence showed significant changes between months; at both sites, the beginning rainy season with increased precipitation was linked to higher prevalence, suggesting the external life cycle of Strongyloides spp. to benefit from humidity. Higher prevalence, epgs, and PSR within the LBPMS suggest that anthropogenic factors shape host infection risk more than socioecological factors, most likely via higher re-infection rates and chronic stress. Noninvasive measurement of fecal parasite stages is an important tool for assessing transmission dynamics and infection risks for endangered tropical wildlife. Findings will contribute to healthcare management in nature and in anthropogenically managed environments.

Fig. 1. Sample collection sites along the Kinabatangan River in Borneo. The island of Borneo, South-East Asia, with position of Lot 6 on the southern riverbank in the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Map reproduced according to GPS data points collected and mapped via Garmin Map Source (version 6.16.3).
Co-infection patterns of intestinal parasites in arboreal primates (proboscis monkeys, Nasalis larvatus ) in Borneo

September 2017


127 Reads


32 Citations

International Journal for Parasitology Parasites and Wildlife

Non-human primates of South-East Asia remain under-studied concerning parasite epidemiology and co-infection patterns. Simultaneously, efforts in conservation demand knowledge of parasite abundance and biodiversity in threatened species. The Endangered proboscis monkey, Nasalis larvatus, a primate flagship species for conservation in Borneo, was investigated in the present study. Habitat loss and fragmentation are among the greatest threats to bachelor and harem groups of this folivorous colobine. Designed as a follow-up study, prevalence and co-infection status of intestinal parasites from N. larvatus in a protected area in Malaysian Borneo were analyzed from fecal samples using a flotation method. For the first time, the intestinal parasite co-infection patterns were examined using quantitative analyses. Overall, 92.3% of fecal samples (N = 652) were positive for helminth eggs. Five helminth groups were detected: (1) trichurids (82.7% prevalence) including Trichuris spp. (82.1%) and Anatrichosoma spp. (1.4%), (2) strongyles (58.9%) including Trichostrongylus spp. (48.5%) and Oesophagostomum/Ternidens spp. (22.8%), (3) Strongyloides fuelleborni (32.7%), (4) Ascaris lumbricoides (8.6%), and (5) Enterobius spp. (5.5%). On average, an individual was co-infected with two different groups. Significant positive associations were found for co-infections of trichurids with strongyles and S. fuelleborni as well as S. fuelleborni with A. lumbricoides and strongyles. This study shows a high prevalence of various gastrointestinal helminths with potential transmission pathways primarily related to soil and with zoonotic relevance in wild proboscis monkeys in their remaining natural habitats. Observed positive associations of trichurids with strongyles and Strongyloides spp. may result from the high prevalence of trichurids. Similarly, positive associations between Strongyloides and Ascaris were found, both of which typically occur predominantly in juvenile hosts. These findings should be considered when proposing conservation actions in altered habitats nearby human settlements and when managing captive populations.

Citations (2)

... Neotropical non-human primates (NHPs) are threatened by habitat loss or habitat fragmentation (agricultural activities, logging, oil drilling, new road networks), hunting and the wildlife trade [1][2][3][4]. These activities increase contact between people and NHPs (increase the human-wildlife interface), but also enhance the prevalence of pathogens [5][6][7][8]. ...


First Molecular Identification of Trypanosomes and Absence of Babesia sp. DNA in Faeces of Non-Human Primates in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Fecal parasite risk in the endangered proboscis monkey is higher in an anthropogenically managed forest environment compared to a riparian rain forest in Sabah, Borneo


... In one case, in an Indonesian lady, adult worms were recuperated from the bile conduit, where they had caused biliary torment, jaundice and fever (25) Trichuris spp. was reported with a prevalence rate of 22.86% that was higher than findings from Nepal (14.05% -14.44%) (2,7,9), Thailand (19.6%) (20), (3.7% -12%) (32,42) and England (11.2%) (21), and lower than the reports from Nepal (23.65%) (7) and Bangladesh (50%) (48). (4) and Nepal (11.57%) (2). The significance of Trichostrongylus spp. in monkeys lies in its potential impact on their health and wellbeing. ...

Co-infection patterns of intestinal parasites in arboreal primates (proboscis monkeys, Nasalis larvatus ) in Borneo

International Journal for Parasitology Parasites and Wildlife