Anne De Cort's research while affiliated with KU Leuven and other places

Publication (1)

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A suspect of a crime can avoid legal repercussions by creating a false alibi. We examined whether creating such a false alibi can have adverse effects on memory. To do so, participants watched a mock crime video and were either instructed to create a false alibi or to provide an honest account for what they actually saw in the video. After a two-da...


... In short, lying, in the form of fabrication, can lead to the formation of false memories and this effect seems also to be not mitigated or exacerbated by other factors (e.g., incentive to lie, cognitive resources, personality traits) as shown in some recent experiments (Battista et al., 2021b(Battista et al., , 2021cBattista et al., under review;Riesthuis et al., 2022b). All these studies suggest that one explanation for this effect is that, just as false memories, fabrications can result in source monitoring errors because the fabrications appear phenomenologically similar to memories of experienced events. ...