Angélique Burg's research while affiliated with Sorbonne Université and other places

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Publications (7)

CycA is asymmetrically localized during pI mitosis
a Intracellular localization of CycA. Endogenous CycA revealed by immunofluorescence in red. Sensory cells are identified using neur > H2B::YFP (green) which also shows the condensed state of DNA during mitosis. Note that CycA forms a crescent (arrows) in the posterior cortex of the pI cell at the end of G2 phase and at the beginning of prophase. Bottom panels, separate color channels shown in grayscale (n = 8). b, c Apical section of pI cells. CycA (red) is localized in the apical-posterior region of the cortex (arrows) during pI mitosis as revealed by its colocalization (green) with pTyr (b, n = 3) and aPKC (c, n = 4). d Snapshots of 4D live imaging of CycA::eGFP. Pools of apical and basal chimeric CycA are artificially separated (CycA Ap, green; CycA Ba, red) with chromosomes labelled with H2B::YFP (blue). Arrowheads point to accumulation of CycA dots in the apical part of the cell, arrows indicate the apical-posterior crescent, stars show the centrosomes. Time is given in minutes relative to the onset of metaphase. e Kymograph of the pI cell shown in D, built along a line passing through the apical pole of the pI cell from G2 phase onwards. Note that accumulation of apical-posterior dots (arrowheads) occurred before the formation of the CycA crescent (arrows). Stars indicate centrosomes. f Schematic view of CycA (green) during pI mitosis showing DNA (red) and the mitotic spindle (blue). Ant, anterior; Post, posterior; A, apical; B, basal. Anterior is to the left in a, b, c and f and to the bottom in d and e. Scale bars, 5 μm.
CycA co-localizes and interacts with PCP components
a CycA (red), Fz (green) and Dsh (blue) immunofluorescence in a pI cell of 17 h APF old pupae. Cortical enrichment of the three proteins at the posterior pole is shown by an arrow. Separate color channels shown in grayscale on the right. b–j STED analysis of CycA, Fz and Dsh immunodetection. Immunostaining of the same pI cell after image capture by confocal (b, e, h) or STED (c, f, i) microscopy. In b, e and h the white squares indicate the areas shown in c, f and i. Pairwise comparison was done: (b, c) CycA (green) and Fz (red), (e, f) CycA (green) and Dsh (blue), (h, i) Fz (red) and Dsh (blue). (d, g, j) Graphs showing the intensity of the intensity of STED immunostaining (vertical axis) versus the distance in μm along a line passing through the CycA crescent (horizontal axis) in c, f, and I, respectively. Note that CycA fluorescent peaks correspond with those of Fz and Dsh, to the same extent as those of Fz and Dsh. n = 6, 4, 3 and 3 in a, b, c and d, respectively. Anterior is to the left. Scale bars, 5 μm. Unpaired two-tailed Mann-Whitney-test for αA/P angles and Wilcoxon-test for αA/B angles. (k, l) CycA co-immunoprecipitates with Fz (k, n = 4) and Dsh (l, n = 3). Proteins immunoprecipitated using anti-HA beads were obtained from embryos expressing CycA::HA, Fz::GFP and Dsh::myc or, as negative controls, from embryos expressing only Fz::GFP and Dsh::myc or w¹¹¹⁸. Fz and Dsh were detected using anti-GFP and anti-myc antibodies respectively. Cdk1 detection was used as a positive control. For each blot and for each antibody, the exposure time was adapted to obtain an optimal signal. Asterisks indicate the specific immunoprecipitated protein and (ns) non-specific proteins retained. Note that Dsh::myc was less expressed in the input of embryos expressing only Fz::GFP and Dsh::myc. To unambiguously shown that the co-immunoprecipitated band corresponding to Dsh::myc is specific, a more exposed blot and the result of another independent experiment are shown in Supplementary Fig. 3. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
CycA is recruited by the posterior PCP complex
CycA localization in control (a, d), fz mutant (B) and dsh mutant (c, e). CycA immunoreactivity (red) in prophase pI cells identified by Cut (blue) immunostaining in control (a), fzK21/KD4 (b) and dsh¹ (c) pupae 17 h APF. All pI cells are at the same stage as revealed by the γ−tubulin immunostaining (green). Note that the apical-posterior enrichment of CycA (arrow in control, a) is not observed in fzK21/KD4 (b) or dsh¹ (c). (d, e) in vivo dynamics of CycA::eGFP (green) in control (d) and dsh¹ (e) pupae expressing H2B::RFP (red) under the control of neur to identify pI cells. (f, g) Cortical CycA localization after fz overexpression. CycA (green), Fz (red) and Dsh (blue) immunostaining in pI cell 17 h APF expressing a myc-tagged-Fz form. White arrow points to the apical-posterior CycA crescent whereas yellow arrows indicate a spreading of the cortical recruitment of CycA. n = 20, 14, 10, 20, 16, 8 and 2 in a, b, c, d, e, f and g, respectively. Anterior is to the left. Scale bar, 5 μm.
CycA LOF induced misorientation of pI cell division
a–f Angles of the mitotic spindle relative to both the antero-posterior axis (αA/P, a–c) and to the apico-basal axis (αA/B, d–f). Schematic diagram (a, d) and representative examples of αA/P and αA/B angles in control (b, e) and in CycAC8LR1/hari (c, f). In b, c, e and f PON::GFP (green) and Histone H2B::RFP (red) reveal the antero-posterior polarity and DNA respectively. αA/P angles are measured relative to the pupal midline (dashed lines in a, b, and c). The blue arrows indicate the orientation of the spindle relative to the basal-anterior PON::GFP marker. (g, h) Cumulative plots of αA/P (g) and of αA/B (h) in control (n = 91 and n = 67 in g and n = 84 and n = 63 in h), CycAC8LR1/hari (n = 64 in g and n = 60 in h) and CycARNAi (n = 74 in g and n = 59 in h). Horizontal axis represents the angle between the axis of division and the midline in g or the epithelial plane in h and the vertical axis the cumulative % of cells. Along the antero-posterior axis, measured angles are positive when the anterior spindle pole is closer to the midline than is posterior spindle pole. Along the apico-basal axis, measured angles are positive when the anterior spindle pole is more basal than the posterior spindle pole. Note that in CycA LOF, the spindle was more tilted relative to the plane of the epithelium. Significance was determined by an unpaired two-tailed Mann-Whitney-test for αA/P angles and by a Wilcoxon-test for αA/B angles. (i, j) Relationship between the mitosis duration and the αA/B angles in control (n = 51 in i and n = 64 in j), CycAC8LR1/hari (n = 48, i) and CycARNAi (n = 56, j) pI cells. Note that for each mitosis duration, the distribution of angles was similar in control and CycA LOF. Scale bars, 5 μm. Anterior is to the left. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
Cortical CycA controls mitotic spindle orientation
a–c Intracellular localization of CycA (red) during mitosis of pI in control cells (a) and in cells with ectopic CycA localized at the basal-anterior cortex (b, PON-CA) or through the entire cortex (c, PH-CA) of pupae expressing PON::GFP (green) and Histone H2B::RFP (blue) to reveal the antero-posterior polarity and DNA respectively. Anterior on the left. d–g Cumulative plots of mitotic spindle angles relative to the antero-posterior axis (αA/P) in the control (n = 91), PON-CA (n = 76), PH-CA (n = 80) (d), CycAC8lR1/+ (n = 80), and PON-CA;CycAC8lR1/+ pI cells (n = 60) (f), and relative to the plane of the epithelium (αA/B) in control (n = 84), PON-CA (n = 81), PH-CA (n = 80) (e), CycAC8lR1/+ (n = 78), and PON-CA;CycAC8lR1/+ (n = 51) pI cells (g). Note the significant drift in spindle orientation after CycA ectopic cortical localization in a CycA heterozygous context. h–j Intracellular localization of CycA (red) during pIIb mitosis in the control (h), as well as in pupae expressing PON-CA (i) or PH-CA (j) with PON::GFP (green) and Histone H2B::RFP (blue). Anterior to the left. k, l Cumulative plot of pIIb αA/B angles of mitotic spindles in control (n = 114), PON-CA (n = 93), PH-CA (n = 77) pupae (k) and in CycAC8lR1/+ (n = 42) and PON-CA;CycAC8lR1/+ (n = 65) pupae (l). Note that CycA modified orientation of the spindle during pIIb mitosis depending on its cortical localization, and that this effect is independent of the total amount of CycA. Scale bars, 5 μm. Significance was determined by an unpaired two-tailed Mann-Whitney-test for αA/P angles and by a Wilcoxon-test for αA/B angles. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.


Cortical Cyclin A controls spindle orientation during asymmetric cell divisions in Drosophila
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2022


116 Reads

Nature Communications


Angélique Burg





The coordination between cell proliferation and cell polarity is crucial to orient the asymmetric cell divisions to generate cell diversity in epithelia. In many instances, the Frizzled/Dishevelled planar cell polarity pathway is involved in mitotic spindle orientation, but how this is spatially and temporally coordinated with cell cycle progression has remained elusive. Using Drosophila sensory organ precursor cells as a model system, we show that Cyclin A, the main Cyclin driving the transition to M-phase of the cell cycle, is recruited to the apical-posterior cortex in prophase by the Frizzled/Dishevelled complex. This cortically localized Cyclin A then regulates the orientation of the division by recruiting Mud, a homologue of NuMA, the well-known spindle-associated protein. The observed non-canonical subcellular localization of Cyclin A reveals this mitotic factor as a direct link between cell proliferation, cell polarity and spindle orientation. The Frizzled/Dishevelled planar cell polarity pathway is involved in mitotic spindle orientation, but how this is coordinated with the cell cycle is unclear. Here, the authors show with Drosophila sensory organ precursor cells that Cyclin A is recruited in prophase by Frizzled/Dishevelled, regulating division orientation.


A neural progenitor mitotic wave is required for asynchronous axon outgrowth and morphology

March 2022


28 Reads


4 Citations


Spatiotemporal mechanisms generating neural diversity are fundamental for understanding neural processes. Here, we investigated how neural diversity arises from neurons coming from identical progenitors. In the dorsal thorax of Drosophila , rows of mechanosensory organs originate from the division of sensory organ progenitor (SOPs). We show that in each row of the notum, an anteromedial located central SOP divides first, then neighbouring SOPs divide, and so on. This centrifugal wave of mitoses depends on cell-cell inhibitory interactions mediated by SOP cytoplasmic protrusions and Scabrous, a secreted protein interacting with the Delta/Notch complex. Furthermore, when this mitotic wave was reduced, axonal growth was more synchronous, axonal terminals had a complex branching pattern and fly behaviour was impaired. We show that the temporal order of progenitor divisions influences the birth order of sensory neurons, axon branching and impact on grooming behaviour. These data support the idea that developmental timing controls axon wiring neural diversity.

Figure 3
Cortical Cyclin A controls spindle orientation during asymmetric cell division

March 2021


8 Reads

Cell proliferation and cell polarity need to be precisely coordinated to orient the asymmetric cell divisions crucial for generating cell diversity in epithelia. In many instances, the Frizzled/Dishevelled planar cell polarity pathway is involved in mitotic spindle orientation, but how this is spatially and temporally coordinated with cell cycle progression has remained elusive. Using Drosophila sensory organ precursor cells as a model system, we show that Cyclin A, the main Cyclin driving the transition to M-phase of the cell cycle, is recruited to the apical-posterior cortex in prophase by the Frizzled/Dishevelled complex. This cortically localized Cyclin A then regulates the orientation of the division by recruiting Mud, a homologue of NuMA, the well-known spindle-associated protein. The observed non-canonical subcellular localization of Cyclin A reveals this mitotic factor as a direct link between cell proliferation, cell polarity and spindle orientation.

A neural progenitor mitotic wave is required for asynchronous axon outgrowth and morphology

March 2021


33 Reads

Spatiotemporal mechanisms generating neural diversity are fundamental for understanding neural processes. Here, we investigated how neural connection diversity arises from neurons coming from identical progenitors. In the dorsal thorax of Drosophila, rows of mechanosensory organs originate from the division of sensory organ progenitor (SOPs). We show that in each row of the notum, a central SOP divides first, then neighboring SOPs divide, and so on. This centrifugal wave of mitoses depends on cell-cell inhibitory interactions mediated by SOP cytoplasmic protrusions and Scabrous, a secreted protein interacting with the Delta/Notch complex. When scabrous was downregulated, the mitotic wave was abolished, axonal growth was more synchronous, axonal terminals had a complex branching pattern and fly behavior was impaired. We propose that the temporal order of progenitor divisions influences the birth order of sensory neurons which is critical for correct axon wiring and appropriate grooming behavior, supporting the idea that developmental timing controls neural connectivity.

Shaping of Drosophila Neural Cell Lineages Through Coordination of Cell Proliferation and Cell Fate by the BTB-ZF Transcription Factor Tramtrack-69

May 2019


59 Reads


3 Citations


Cell diversity in multicellular organisms relies on coordination between cell proliferation and the acquisition of cell identity. The equilibrium between these two processes is essential to assure the correct number of determined cells at a given time at a given place. Using genetic approaches and correlative microscopy, we show that Tramtrack-69 (Ttk69, a Broad-complex, Tramtrack and Bric-à-brac - Zinc Finger (BTB-ZF) transcription factor ortholog of the human promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger factor) plays an essential role in controlling this balance. In the Drosophila bristle cell lineage, which produces the external sensory organs composed by a neuron and accessory cells, we show that ttk69 loss-of-function leads to supplementary neural-type cells at the expense of accessory cells. Our data indicate that Ttk69 (1) promotes cell cycle exit of newborn terminal cells by downregulating CycE, the principal cyclin involved in S-phase entry, and (2) regulates cell-fate acquisition and terminal differentiation, by downregulating the expression of hamlet and upregulating that of Suppressor of Hairless, two transcription factors involved in neural-fate acquisition and accessory cell differentiation, respectively. Thus, Ttk69 plays a central role in shaping neural cell lineages by integrating molecular mechanisms that regulate progenitor cell cycle exit and cell-fate commitment.

The BTB-ZF transcription factor Tramtrack 69 shapes neural cell lineages by coordinating cell proliferation and cell fate

June 2018


46 Reads

Cell diversity in multicellular organisms relies on coordination between cell proliferation and the acquisition of cell identity. The equilibrium between these two processes is essential to assure the correct number of determined cells at a given time at a given place. Here, we show that Tramtrack-69 (Ttk69, a BTB-ZF transcription factor ortholog of the human PLZF factor) plays an essential role in controlling this balance. In the Drosophila bristle cell lineage, producing the external sensory organs composed by a neuron and accessory cells, we show that ttk69 loss of function leads to supplementary neural-type cells at the expense of accessory cells. Our data indicate that Ttk69 (1) promotes cell-cycle exit of newborn terminal cells by downregulating cycE , the principal cyclin involved in S-phase entry and (2) regulates cell fate acquisition and terminal differentiation by downregulating the expression of hamlet and upregulating that of Suppressor of Hairless , two transcription factors involved in neural-fate acquisition and accessory-cell differentiation, respectively. Thus, Ttk69 plays a central role in shaping neural cell lineages by integrating molecular mechanisms that regulate progenitor cell-cycle exit and cell-fate commitment. Summary statement Tramtrack-69, a transcription factor orthologous to the human tumor-suppressor PLZF, plays a central role in precursor cell lineages by integrating molecular mechanisms that regulate progenitor cell-cycle exit and cell-fate determination.

Citations (2)

... For example, if a bristle precursor cell is ablated, a nearby uncommitted epithelial cell can take its place [4,6]. The ability to switch fates is a property of most epithelial cells in the notum and is linked to Notch signaling status and G2-exit [6,7]. The flexibility of cells fates in the tissue helps to ensure a robust sensory organ pattern. ...


Scabrous is distributed via signaling filopodia to modulate Notch response during bristle patterning in Drosophila
A neural progenitor mitotic wave is required for asynchronous axon outgrowth and morphology


... The expression of elav-GAL4 in the mechanosensory sheath cell likely reflects the early time point (24 h APF) at which we imaged. This conclusion was also reached by Simon and colleagues [113] after detecting elav expression in sheaths in 28 h APF mechanosensory bristles on the notum. Consistent with this conclusion, we observed a heterogenous mix of Pros + /elav-GAL4 + . ...

Shaping of Drosophila Neural Cell Lineages Through Coordination of Cell Proliferation and Cell Fate by the BTB-ZF Transcription Factor Tramtrack-69
