Andrea L. Kritcher's research while affiliated with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and other places

Publications (32)

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On December 5, 2022, an indirect drive fusion implosion on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) achieved a target gain Gtarget of 1.5. This is the first laboratory demonstration of exceeding “scientific breakeven” (or Gtarget>1) where 2.05 MJ of 351 nm laser light produced 3.1 MJ of total fusion yield, a result which significantly exceeds the Lawso...
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Indirect Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) have achieved a burning plasma state with neutron yields exceeding 170 kJ 1, 2 , roughly 3 times the prior record and a necessary stage for igniting plasmas. The results are achieved despite multiple sources of degradations that lead to high variability i...
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For more than half a century, researchers around the world have been engaged in attempts to achieve fusion ignition as a proof of principle of various fusion concepts. Following the Lawson criterion, an ignited plasma is one where the fusion heating power is high enough to overcome all the physical processes that cool the fusion plasma, creating a...
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The principal Hugoniot of carbon, initially diamond, was measured from 3 to 80 TPa (30 to 800 million atmospheres), the highest pressure ever achieved, using radiography of spherically-converging shocks. The shocks were generated by ablation of a plastic coating by soft x-rays in a laser-heated hohlraum at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Expe...
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We previously reported an experimental platform to induce a spherically-convergent shock in a sample using laser-driven ablation, probed with time-resolved x-ray radiography, and an analysis method to deduce states along the principal shock Hugoniot simultaneously with the x-ray opacity. We have now developed a modified method of analysis that is n...
In 2017-2018, record fusion yields on NIF were produced with designs that utilized high-density-carbon capsules and low-gas-fill hohlraums. Subsequently, a strategy was pursued to increase the capsule size and thus the energy absorbed by the capsule, with the latter occasionally used as a metric for these campaigns presuming that subsequent energy...
Time-resolved radiography can be used to obtain absolute shock Hugoniot states by simultaneously measuring at least two mechanical parameters of the shock, and this technique is particularly suitable for one-dimensional converging shocks where a single experiment probes a range of pressures as the converging shock strengthens. However, at sufficien...
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We examine the performance of pure boron, boron carbide, high density carbon, and boron nitride ablators in the polar direct drive exploding pusher (PDXP) platform. The platform uses the polar direct drive configuration at the National Ignition Facility to drive high ion temperatures in a room temperature capsule and has potential applications for...
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White dwarfs represent the final state of evolution for most stars1–3. Certain classes of white dwarfs pulsate4,5, leading to observable brightness variations, and analysis of these variations with theoretical stellar models probes their internal structure. Modelling of these pulsating stars provides stringent tests of white dwarf models and a deta...
The formation and evolution of stars depends on various physical aspects of stellar matter, including the equation of state (EOS) and transport properties. Although often dismissed as `ideal gas-like' and therefore simple, states occurring in stellar matter are dense plasmas, and the EOS has not been established precisely. EOS constructed using mul...
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We examine the performance of pure boron, boron carbide, high density carbon, and boron nitride ablators in the polar direct drive exploding pusher (PDXP) platform. The platform uses the polar direct drive configuration at the National Ignition Facility to drive high ion temperatures in a room temperature capsule and has potential applications for...
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Time-resolved radiography can be used to obtain absolute shock Hugoniot states by simultaneously measuring at least two mechanical parameters of the shock, and this technique is particularly suitable for one-dimensional converging shocks where a single experiment probes a range of pressures as the converging shock strengthens. However, at sufficien...
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Over the last six years many experiments have been done at the National Ignition Facility to measure the Hugoniot of materials, such as CH plastic at extreme pressures, up to 800 Mbar. The “Gbar” design employs a strong spherically converging shock launched through a solid ball of material using a hohlraum radiation drive. The shock front condition...
A simple 3D dynamic model for inertial confinement fusion (ICF) implosions has been developed and used to assess the impacts of low-mode asymmetry, aneurysms and mixinduced radiative loss on capsule performance across ICF platforms. The model, while benchmarked against radiation hydrodynamics simulations, benefits from simplicity and speed to allow...
Herein, recent progress on indirectly-driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF) work at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) is briefly reviewed. An analytic criteria for an ICF burning plasma is given and compared to recent ICF implosion data from the NIF. Scaling of key hot-spot performance metrics is derived from simple physics considerations, in...
Producing a burning plasma in the laboratory has been a long-standing milestone for the plasma physics community. A burning plasma is a state where alpha particle deposition from deuterium-tritium (DT) fusion reactions is the leading source of energy input to the DT plasma. Achieving these high thermonuclear yields in an inertial confinement fusion...
Steady progress is being made in inertial confinement fusion experiments at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Nonetheless, substantial further progress is still needed to reach the ultimate goal of fusion ignition. Closing the remaining gap will require either improving the quality of current implosions, increasing the implosion scale (and corr...
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By the time an inertially confined fusion (ICF) implosion has converged a factor of 20, its surface area has shrunk 400×, making it an inefficient x-ray energy absorber. So, ICF implosions are traditionally designed to have the laser drive shut off at a time, toff, well before bang-time, tBT, for a coast-time of tcoast=tBT−toff>1 ns. High-foot impl...
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The generation of dynamic high energy density plasmas in the pico- to nano-second time domain at high-energy laser facilities affords unprecedented nuclear science research possibilities. At the National Ignition Facility (NIF), the primary goal of inertial confinement fusion research has led to the synergistic development of a unique high brightne...
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Hydrodynamic mix of the ablator into the DT fuel layer and hot spot can be a critical performance limitation in inertial confinement fusion implosions. This mix results in increased radiation loss, cooling of the hot spot, and reduced neutron yield. To quantify the level of mix, we have developed a simple model that infers the level of contaminatio...
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This paper summarizes the results of detailed, capsule-only simulations of a set of high foot implosion experiments conducted on the National Ignition Facility (NIF). These experiments span a range of ablator thicknesses, laser powers, and laser energies, and modeling these experiments as a set is important to assess whether the simulation model ca...
Current indirect drive implosion experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) [Moses et al., Phys. Plasmas 16, 041006 (2009)] are believed to be strongly impacted by long wavelength perturbations driven by asymmetries in the hohlraum x-ray flux. To address this perturbation source, active efforts are underway to develop modified hohlraum des...
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Angular momentum changes due to nuclear-plasma interactions on highly-excited nuclei in high energy density plasmas created at the National Ignition Facility can be measured through a change in isomer feeding following gamma emission. We propose an experiment to detect these effects in ¹³³Xe* in exploding pusher capsules. © 2016 The Japan Society o...
We simulate in 3D both the hydrodynamics and, simultaneously, the X-ray and neutron diagnostic signatures of National Ignition Facility (NIF) implosions. We apply asymmetric radiation drive to study the impact of low mode asymmetry on diagnostic observables. We examine X-ray and neutron images as well as neutron spectra for these perturbed implosio...
We have developed a model for analysing x-ray Thomson scattering data from high-density, millimetre-scale inhomogeneous plasmas created during ultra-high pressure implosions at the National Ignition Facility in a spherically convergent geometry. The density weighting of the scattered signal and attenuation of the incident and scattered x-rays throu...
We have measured the time-resolved x-ray continuum emission spectrum of similar to 30 times compressed polystyrene created at stagnation of spherically convergent shock waves within the Gbar fundamental science campaign at the National Ignition Facility. From an exponential emission slope between 7.7 keV and 8.1 keV photon energy and using an emiss...
Using the ALE multiphysics code HYDRA, a detailed accounting of the various nuclear processes and their relative importance in ICF plasmas is made for each of the main target platforms used at the National Ignition Facility (NIF): symcaps and layered THD and DT capsules. Special attention is given to the individual features observed in calculated a...


... The rigorous theoretical description of warm dense matter (WDM)-an extreme state that naturally occurs in astrophysical objects such as giant planet interiors [1] and white dwarfs [2], and which is relevant to cutting-edge technological applications such as inertial fusion energy [3][4][5]-constitutes one of the most pressing challenges in a variety of fields [6][7][8][9] including plasma physics, material science, and quantum chemistry. In the WDM regime, the Wigner-Seitz radius r s = d/a B , the degeneracy temperature Θ = k B T /E F (where E F is the Fermi energy [10]), and the coupling parameter Γ = W /K (where W and K are the interaction and kinetic energy, respectively) are all of the order of unity [11], implying a complex interplay of effects such as Coulomb coupling, quantum degeneracy and delocalization, strong thermal excitations, and partial ionization. ...
... Moreover, absolute knowledge of the ITCF will potentially open the way toward experimental measurements of the exchange-correlation kernel [cf. Eq. (12)] of real materials, which will be of high value for the benchmarking and further development of ab initio density functional theory (DFT) simulations [30][31][32][33] . Other important parameters that are encoded into F ee (q, τ ) , but cannot be obtained from its symmetry alone, include the number density n and the ionization degree Z, which are of key importance for equation-of-state tables 23,24 . ...
... Thus, for the same fusion plasma conditions, G fuel is fixed, but G cap and G target will be design dependent and, therefore, only qualitative metrics of ignition. In fact, a modest to weak correlation between capsule or target absorbed energy and fusion yield is exhibited in NIF LID DT implosion data [30]. Table I shows all three gain metrics for a variety of NIF DT implosions. ...
... Diese bieten sogar einen dreifachen Zugang zu deren Bestimmung. Erstens kann die Dichte des geschockten Mediums aus dem Transmissionsbild bestimmt werden, wie beispielsweise in Marshall et al. (2009), Le Pape et al. (2010, Antonelli et al. (2017), Swift et al. (2021) gezeigt. Dafür ist es essenziell, die aus dem propagationsbasierten Phasenkontrast erhaltenen Signaturen im Transmissionsbild vom eigentlichen Transmissionssignal bei der Interpretation der Dichtewerte zu trennen beziehungsweise diese im Vorfeld herauszukorrigieren, beispielsweise durch Rückpropagation (Wolf, o.D.). ...
... We applied these new models to 1D hydrodynamic simulations of a polar direct drive fusion experiment based on previous studies. 18,81 For this study, we kept the capsule diameter constant at 3000 µm and set the gas pressure to 8 atm of D 2 at room temperature. We used a flux limiter=0.0398 ...
... By probing the electronic dynamic structure factor S ee (q, E ), where q and E are the change in the momentum and energy of the scattered photon, it is capable of giving detailed insights into the microphysics of the probed sample [2][3][4]. This capability is particularly important for experiments with matter under extreme densities, temperatures, and pressures [2,5,6], as they occur, e.g., in astrophysical objects [7][8][9], inertial confinement fusion applications [10,11], and for material science and materials discovery [12][13][14]. Here, the combination of the extreme conditions with the highly transient nature of the generated extreme states in the laboratory [15] renders the unambiguous diagnosis of plasma conditions challenging. ...
... Laser plasma instabilities (LPIs), [1][2][3] in the form, for example, of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), or two-plasmon decay (TPD), are fundamental limiters of fusion performance for all approaches to laser-driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF), 4-6 because they may cause significant laser energy loss, generate undesirable hot electrons, [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] and seriously influence the drive symmetry on the target. Thus, mitigation of LPI effects is crucial for achieving predictable and reproducible fusion at high gain in the progress toward the practical realization of inertial fusion energy. ...
... Magnetization during laser plasma interactions has attracted significant attention, as it impacts both the laser pulse dynamics and the substrate i.e. the background plasma properties. Inertial confinement fusion (ICF) has triggered interest in the study of magnetized plasma-laser interaction [56,57]. Experimental observations have confirmed the generation of intense magnetic fields (up to hundreds of MG) [14,[58][59][60] during LPI. ...
... This metric describes the resultant behavior of ignition but cannot tell when ignition would occur prior to ignition. An improved form, GLC H , was derived by Hurricane et al. [32,[43][44][45] from thermodynamics by defining ignition (or self-heating) as a point of breaking adiabacity of the hot spot. This metric takes into account some 3D effects. ...
... A wider array of integrated ICF experiments is now considered. This scan includes three experiments from the Hybrid E campaign, 10 one from the BigFoot campaign, 52,53 one subscale high-density-carbon (HDC) 54,55 and two subscale plastic ablator experiments. 56 A summary of the differences between each shot is given in Table I. ...