Andi Nur Rachman's research while affiliated with Siliwangi University and other places

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Publications (20)

Fig. 2 Fundamental 5P of SDGs
Fig. 5 Data Preparation Scheme
Implementation of Ensemble Machine Learning Classifier and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique for Sentiment Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2024


9 Reads

JOIV International Journal on Informatics Visualization


Irani Hoeronis


Nur Fajar




Heni Sulastri

As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), governments worldwide have committed to improving people's lives to improve the quality of life for all, including the 17 such goals that were agreed upon in 2015 to benefit the human race as a whole. It would be interesting to see how society responds to the SDGs after approximately half of them have been achieved. This public response was analyzed in terms of sentiment. Within the total number of internet users in Indonesia, there are 18.45 million Twitter users. The platform enables anyone to write about anything they are experiencing in their lives, such as what is happening in their environment, what is happening in their education system, what is happening in the food industry, how people feel, and many more. The platform enables anyone to write about anything they are experiencing in their lives, such as what is happening in their environment, what is happening in their education system, what is happening in the food industry, how people feel, and many more. To model the data collected, the researchers used Ensemble Machine Learning Classifiers (EMLC) to model the data by using a machine learning classifier that uses machine learning techniques. The best model in this study is EMLC-Stacking with a data splitting of 80:20 and using SMOTE, which obtains an accuracy of 91%. This accuracy results from a 5% increase compared to when not using SMOTE. From 15,698 tweets, this research found that 47% were positive sentiments, 28% were negative sentiments, and 25% were neutral sentiments. The results that we measured offer hope that there will be a positive trend in the journey of the SDGs until 2030 if these findings are true.


Sistem Informasi Aktivitas Siswa Dalam Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Menggunakan Fitur Whatsapp Web

December 2023


3 Reads

Journal of Approriate Technology for Community Services

Extracurricular activities in the world of education are a necessity for students to improve students' psychomotor skills. Academic activities in participating in extracurricular activities will help students form creative learning patterns and be able to increase creativity in sports and skills in areas of interest and talent. The problem that occurs at Dimitra is that there is no structure in conveying information and monitoring students when taking part in extracurricular activities at Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Madrasah Aliyah Manarul Huda. The information system implemented in this service is expected to help provide information on student development in extracurricular activities and can be monitored by parents. The method applied in this activity uses the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method and applies WhatsApp technology with the aim of much faster development with better quality. From the results of the alpha testing, it shows that the application can be applied to partners for community service within the Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Madrasah Aliyah Manarul Huda as a medium for information on extracurricular developments.

Design of an Integrated Medical Record Information System at Puskesmas Kota Banjar

July 2023


23 Reads

CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering System and Science)

Perkembangan pemanfaatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi memberikan dampak yang dapat digunakan diberbagai bidang salah satunya Puskesmas. Salah satu pengembangan yang dilakukan puskesmas yaitu mengembangkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas manajemen pelayanan kesehatan dengan menerapkan sistem informasi puskesmas berbasis teknologi informasi. Pencatatan apabila dilakukan dengan cara ditulis pada buku pasien merupakan cara lama yang digunakan. Maka perlu adanya suatu sistem yang membantu untuk memudahkan pencatatan. Metode pengembangan pada sistem informasi yang akan di ajukan ini yaitu dengan metode Waterfall. Menghasilkan Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis yang terintegrasi untuk mempermudah pihak Puskesmas di daerah Kota Banjar dalam mengolah data jika terdapat pasien yang sebelumnya belum pernah mengunjungi puskesmas tersebut maka akan terdapat Rekam Medis. Sistem Informasi mempermudah dalam mengelola data Rekam Medis sehingga tidak perlu mencari catatan yang begitu banyak dikarenakan data nya sudah tersimpan dalam database. Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis terintegrasi maka data pasien akan terlihat di semua Puskesmas yang ada di Kota Banjar. Pengujian dalam penelitian dilakukan dengan tahapan metode System Usability Scale (SUS) mendapat nilai akhir yaitu 73,1 dan Hasil pengujian menghasilkan nilai rekomendasi dalam kategori Acceptable.The development of the use of science and technology has an impact that can be used in various fields, one of which is the Puskesmas. One of the developments carried out by the puskesmas is developing to improve the quality of health service management by implementing an information technology-based puskesmas information system. Recording when it is done by writing it in the patient book is the old way used. So, it is necessary to have a system that helps to facilitate recording. The development method for the information system that will be proposed is the Waterfall method. Producing an integrated Medical Record Information System to make it easier for the Puskesmas in the Banjar City area to process data. If there are patients who have never visited the puskesmas before, there will be Medical Records. The Information System makes it easy to manage Medical Record data so there is no need to search for so many records because the data is already stored in the database. The Medical Record Information System is integrated so that patient data will be visible in all Community Health Centers in Banjar City. Testing in the study was carried out using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method, obtaining a final score of 73.1 and the test results yielded a recommendation value in the Acceptable category.

Fig. 1 Research Stages
Fig. 2 Machine Learning Model Design
Fig. 4 Variation Performance Graph
Fig. 5 Confusion Matrix Variation (A)
Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory Algorithms in Human Activity Recognition Based on Visual Processing Video

May 2023


38 Reads

JOIV International Journal on Informatics Visualization

Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is an interesting research topic, especially in identifying human movement actions focusing on video-based security surveillance. Symptom of an illness from a movement. The use of HAR in this research is the key to better understanding the various semantics contained in the video to find out the pattern of a human movement, especially in sports movements. In this study, a combination of the CNN and LSTM method algorithms was applied by using several variations of the model parameter values on the dropout layer and batch size to convert the pattern in the video into image form to produce a HAR model. Data processing at the convolution layer is used to extract spatial features in the frame. The extraction results are fed to the LSTM layer on each network for modeling the temporal sequence of human movement. In this way, the network on the model will learn spatiotemporal features directly in end-to-end data training tests to produce a robust model. The test data used are 10 sports activities obtained from related research from the University of Central Florida (UCF). The results showed that the performance was quite good, although there were still errors in the classification of sports activities because they had similarities in the movements of the activities carried out. The classification results show a loss value of 0.4 and an accuracy of 0.94. In further research, what needs to be corrected is the loss value which is still high so that several times the test results show an error in the classification of sports activities that have similarities in the movements of the activities.

Application of Virtual Assistant in Information System for Student Practicum Case Study Laboratory Informatics Department Siliwangi University

January 2023


25 Reads

CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering System and Science)

Practical activities are carried out in an orderly and timely manner and require systematic recording of activities. The implementation of practicum activities takes place in the Siliwangi University laboratory, to create conducive conditions for practicum activities, a system must be able to support academic success. Not only that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, previous practicum lectures were held offline and campus policy required online learning. These problems can be overcome by building a logbook information system that can record and keep records of laboratory activities automatically. This information system was created using the Extreme Programming system development method. Starting from database design, system design with UML, system development with Visual Studio. NET 2021. This technology can be used by universities for practical activities at the Siliwangi University Laboratory. The application will remind students to complete each activity in each session by displaying notifications in each practicum schedule, rewards, announcements, and other information related to practicum activities. All activities must be recorded in the application. Based on the results of black box testing, the system can run according to the system test design that the response from each student to the application used is 75.68% which can be concluded that the application of virtual assistant is in the interesting category.

Decision Tree and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for Diabetes Mellitus Prediction Accuracy Analysis

July 2022


27 Reads


1 Citation

CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering System and Science)

Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus merupakan penyakit tidak menular, tetapi penyakit ini merupakan salah satu penyakit yang mematikan bagi yang mengidapnya. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh beberapa factor diantaranya pola makan hidup yang tidak teratur atau berlebihan. Apabila penyakit ini tidak dihentikan, maka penderita penyakit Diabetes Mellitus akan semakin memakan para pasien penderita penyakit ini. Menurut WHO atau World Health Organization, sekitar 425 juta orang menderita penyakit diabetes, kemudian 1,6 juta kematian setiap tahunnya di akibatkan oleh penyakit diabetes. Kemudian, pada tahun 2016 di Indonesia, kematian yang disebabkan oleh penyakit diabetes sekitar 99 ribu jiwa. Penyakit diabetes pada tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat, jadi perlu adanya sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu medis untuk melakukan klasifikasi terhadap diabetes berdasarkan data kesehatan pasien. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi penyakit diabetes mellitus adalah dengan menggunakan data mining. Data mining merupakan suatu proses yang interaktif untuk memprediksi penyakit diabetes mellitus. Prediksi untuk mendiagnosis penyakit ini menggunakan seleksi fitur berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) pada dataset Dan metode klasifikasi yang digunakan yaitu metode Decision Tree dan K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN). Hasil dari penelitian ini menghasilkan nilai akurasi tertinggi sebanyak 79.8% dengan AUC 0.71 dengan menggunakan metode Decision Tree, dan untuk menggunakan optimasi metode K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) menggunakan Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) memiliki nilai akurasi tertinggi sebanyak 77.09%.

Piloting Penanggulangan Krisis Pangan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Optimalisasi Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari di Kelurahan Mugarsari dan Setiawargi Kota Tasikmalaya

January 2021


46 Reads

The Covid-19 outbreak and the enactment of the "New Normal" era created a tentative situation, especially with limited food commodities for the needs of all people during times of food insecurity. Food products are limited in number and prices are increasingly soaring in the market, making people have a solution to resistance from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the "New Normal" era, by realizing a sustainable food home area (KRPL), the community of housewives can meet their food needs, in addition to It is also a breakthrough that can provide an injection to the family economy if it is developed comprehensively. The activity will take place with the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach focusing on the Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) group where each group will be limited to 20 people / group, besides that the implementation of education and counseling will apply health protocols according to the direction of the central government. It is hoped that the realization of a sustainable food house area (KRPL) will provide stimulus and solutions to the community so that they can survive, be productive and be independent in this pandemic. Keywords: Food, Commodities, Asset Based Community Development (ABCD).

Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Penyediaan Air dan Sanitasi Masyarakat (PAMSIMAS) berbasis Web

January 2021


111 Reads


2 Citations

The availability of clean water is a hope for the community to meet the needs of drinking sources and the availability of proper sanitation will prevent various diseases. So the government collaborates with villages in providing Community Based Drinking Water and Sanitation (PAMSIMAS). The PAMSIMAS program aims to increase the number of clean water facilities for communities in areas with low economic income levels. In the PAMSIMAS program in Tigaherang Village, Rajadesa District, Ciamis Regency, socialization steps are needed to the community to provide an understanding of clean water and sanitation, monitoring of clean water use and transparency of the PAMSIMAS program. To support its implementation, a Web-based Information System for Water Supply and Sanitation (PAMSIMAS) application design is proposed. This information system is expected to be able to optimize the performance and service of clean water for the community. Keywords: Community, PAMSIMAS Program (community based drinking water supply and sanitation), Information System.

Pemanfaatan Teknologi Virtual Reality (VR) Pada Aplikasi 3D Bangunan Perusahaan

July 2020


596 Reads


5 Citations

CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering System and Science)

Aplikasi 3D objek dan teknologi virtual reality merupakan salah satu pemanfaatan teknologi multimedia interaktif. Dalam pembuatan aplikasi yang menggunakan objek 3D dan teknologi virtual reality, banyak fitur-fitur yang bisa dimanfaatkan salah satunya dengan memanfaat fitur gyroscope yang terdapat pada smartphone sebagai kegunaan sistem kendali dan interaksi pada aplikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan visualisasi objek 3D pada teknologi virtual reality menggunakan pemanfaatan fitur gyroscope sebagai alat untuk berinteraksi pada aplikasi, 3D objek yang digunakan yaitu bangunan dari perusahaan PT. ADD.Co untuk membantu mengenalkan suatu lingkungan bangunan perusahaan kepada calon investor atau pada calon pegawai baru secara visual. Metode yang digunakan pada penilitan ini adalah metode pengembangan multimedia versi Luther-Sutopo yang melalui beberapa tahap, seperti concept, design, material collecting, assembly, dan distribution. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian aplikasi, dalam tahapan pengujian alpha sudah baik sesuai fungsionalitas, dan pada tahap pengujian beta didapat nilai 81,4% dalam interval “sangat baik” sebagai aplikasi yang layak untuk digunakan pengguna dalam mengenalkan suatu lingkungan bangunan perusahaan secara visual.

Citations (9)

... The results showed that the use of the PSO technique succeeded in increasing the prediction accuracy of the Naïve Bayes model up to 77.34%, compared to the previous accuracy of 74.61%. A study by [19] uses the PSO technique and the KNN algorithm succeeded in increasing the prediction accuracy of the KNN model up to 78.65%, which previously had an accuracy of 77.21%. Results from studies done by [16] and [17] experiment on the accuracy of the decision tree model with the object of predicting diabetes and using a dataset from BRFSS and it is proven from the research conducted by [18] and [19] able to increase the accuracy of the classification data mining model using the PSO algorithm which is the focus of the problem in this research, namely focusing on how to implement and improve the accuracy of the decision tree algorithm using the CART model with oversampling using the SMOTE technique and feature selection using the PSO algorithm to predict diabetes using diabetes 4 of 22 the indicator dataset is taken from kaggle which is sourced from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey institute with the whole process carried out on a jupyter notebook using the python programming language. ...


Accuracy Improved Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Model: Diabetes Prediction Using Minority Over-Sampling and Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques
Decision Tree and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for Diabetes Mellitus Prediction Accuracy Analysis

CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering System and Science)

... Community-based provision of drinking water and sanitation (Pamsimas) is a government program to fulfill and increase the population's access to proper clean water and sanitation facilities, especially for suburban and rural communities. This program has been started since 2008 and has succeeded in increasing the number of accesses to drinking water and sanitation services for the poor, rural and suburban residents, as well as increasing the values and behavior of clean and healthy living in around 12,000 villages spread across 233 districts and cities, including the village of Dlimas, Tegalrejo subdistrict [1,2]. ...

Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Penyediaan Air dan Sanitasi Masyarakat (PAMSIMAS) berbasis Web

... Responden ini terdiri dari tim ahli dan mahasiswa yang berpartisipasi dalam pengujian aplikasi. Dalam menentukan hasil pengujian tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode pengumpulan data skala likert seperti pada penelitian [16] [27] [28]. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner pada Tabel 2, selanjutnya akan dicari presentase dari masing-masing jawaban dengan menggunakan Equation 1. ...

Pemanfaatan Teknologi Virtual Reality (VR) Pada Aplikasi 3D Bangunan Perusahaan

CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering System and Science)

... Peer to peer lending is an online market where lenders can lend to individuals or small businesses (borrowers). In this case, borrowers can get funding from many individuals [12] [13], so this method can be applied to students in carrying out entrepreneurship in campus development. ...

  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

... 15 bahkan X-Box. Unity dapat digunakan juga untuk membuat game online namun memerlukan sebuah plugin, yaitu Unity Web Player sama dengan Flash Player pada Browser[4] [8] [11] [12].Fitur scripting yang disediakan, mendukung 3 bahasa pemrograman yaitu, Java Script, C# dan Boo. Proses dalam pembuatan aplikasi seperti changing properties, removing, duplicating, flexible easy moving, rotating dan scaling object hanya membutuhkan satu baris kode. ...

Implementation of Kampoeng Hijrah Residence Housing Catalog Based on Virtual Reality
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2019

... Dalam penelitian Rahmatullah (2018) disebutkan bahwa web push notification merupakan pesan yang dikirimkan di desktop atau layar selular pengguna kapapun saat web browser dijalankan, meskipun pengguna sedang membuka halaman website ataupun tidak. Web push notification dalam hal ini bertujuan sebagai reminder untuk para pengguna [15]. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. ...

Implementasi Web Push Notification pada Sistem Informasi Manajemen Arsip Menggunakan PUSHJS

Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer

... REST merupakan arsitektur standar berbasis web yang sering diimplementasikan dalam lingkungan web [2]. API adalah sebuah teknologi antarmuka virtual yang memfasilitasi pertukaran informasi atau data antara aplikasi atau sistem [3]. RESTful API berfungsi sebagai penghubung komunikasi data antar client dan database [2]. ...

Application Programming Interface Google Picker Sebagai Penyimpanan Data Sistem Informasi Arsip Berbasis Cloud

Jurnal Nasional Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi

... The first step in the product development stage was validation by media experts, namely Mr. Wendi Arifiana and S.Kom as an information technology (IT) staff at STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis, which was performed on August 9, 2022. Aspects validated by media experts were visible, interesting, simple, useful, accurate, legitimate, and structured (VISUALS) adopted by Hidayat et al., (2019). [15] Based on Table 2, it is known that the validation results of the VISUALS aspect by media experts show that overall a mean score of 4.8 is obtained, where this value is included in the very good category. ...

Penerapan Finite State Machine pada Battle Game Berbasis Augmented Reality

Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika (JEPIN)

... Because most of the equipment studied in the multimedia department is mostly expensive and there is a risk of damage if it is often used interchangeably. Research [29] explains that game tools are expensive, namely special features in the form of consoles for interaction including joysticks with the use of PlayStation consoles, touch screens on Android, and mice or keyboards on PCs. The NS technology used in the game makes it impossible for some people to buy it, so it can only be played by certain groups of people. ...

Android Battle Game Based on Augmented Reality with 2D Object Marker

Jurnal Online Informatika