Amr Youssef's research while affiliated with Engineering Institute of Canada and other places

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Publications (176)

Fig. 1: Transformer Model Architecture [19].
Enhancing Power Quality Event Classification with AI Transformer Models
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

July 2024


179 Reads


Amr Youssef





Recently, there has been a growing interest in utilizing machine learning for accurate classification of power quality events (PQEs). However, most of these studies are performed assuming an ideal situation, while in reality, we can have measurement noise, DC offset, and variations in the voltage signal's amplitude and frequency. Building on the prior PQE classification works using deep learning, this paper proposes a deep-learning framework that leverages attention-enabled Transformers as a tool to accurately classify PQEs under the aforementioned considerations. The proposed framework can operate directly on the voltage signals with no need for a separate feature extraction or calculation phase. Our results show that the proposed framework outperforms recently proposed learning-based techniques. It can accurately classify PQEs under the aforementioned conditions with an accuracy varying between 99.81%-91.43% depending on the signal-to-noise ratio, DC offsets, and variations in the signal amplitude and frequency.


Lightweight Group Authentication Scheme Leveraging Shamir's Secret Sharing and PUFs

July 2024


10 Reads

IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

With the proliferation of edge-computing (EC), Internet-of-things (IoT), and smart applications, many challenging security scenarios arise. For example, a common scenario in the edge-computing paradigm is having many nodes requesting authentication from one edge-server. To this end, Group Authentication Schemes (GASs) were introduced recently in the literature. However, most of the proposed GAS are valid for one-time-authentication, lack of flexibility, and key-agreement feature. In this paper, we exploit the advantages of two security primitives, physically unclonable functions (PUFs) and Shamir's secret sharing scheme (SSS) to design a lightweight group authentication scheme (GAS) for edge-computing applications. Specifically, we apply PUFs on SSS and utilize the SSS-homomorphic property to achieve multiple-time group-authentications with the same set of shares. Our PUF-GAS scheme is lightweight, establishes a new group key-agreement per session, and supports efficient node-evicting mechanism. Furthermore, in PUF-GAS , the group nodes do not store any shares; instead, the nodes derive their secret-shares from their PUF-responses. We formally analyze our protocol theoretically and with AVISPA to show that our scheme achieves message secrecy and authenticity. Additionally, we evaluate our scheme in terms of storage, computational complexity, and communication overhead. Specifically, we evaluate the cryptographic operations used in PUF-GAS on an Arduino-Mega, an 8-bit RISC-based ATmega2560 micro-controller. Finally, we present a comparative evaluation of our scheme with others in terms of security and performance.

A Verifiable Computing Scheme for Encrypted Control Systems

May 2024


5 Reads

The proliferation of cloud computing technologies has paved the way for deploying networked encrypted control systems, offering high performance, remote accessibility and privacy. However, in scenarios where the control algorithms run on third-party cloud service providers, the control logic might be changed by a malicious agent on the cloud. Consequently, it is imperative to verify the correctness of the control signals received from the cloud. Traditional verification methods, like zero-knowledge proof techniques, are computationally demanding in both proof generation and verification, may require several rounds of interactions between the prover and verifier and, consequently, are inapplicable in realtime control system applications. In this paper, we present a novel computationally inexpensive verifiable computing solution inspired by the probabilistic cut-and-choose approach. The proposed scheme allows the plant's actuator to validate the computations accomplished by the encrypted cloud-based networked controller without compromising the control scheme's performance. We showcase the effectiveness and real-time applicability of the proposed verifiable computation scheme using a remotely controlled Khepera IV differential-drive robot.

Try On, Spied On?: Privacy Analysis of Virtual Try-On Websites and Android Apps

March 2024


16 Reads

The use of augmented reality (AR) technology for virtual try-on (VTO) in online shopping is on the rise but its current state of privacy is not well explored. To examine privacy issues in VTO websites and apps, we analyze 138 websites and 28 Android apps that offer VTO. By capturing and analyzing the network traffic, we found that 65% of the websites send user images to a server: 8% to first-party (FP) servers only, and 57% to third-party (TP) servers only or both FP and TP. 18% of apps send user images to a server: 4% to FP servers only, and 14% to TP servers only or both FP and TP. Additionally, 43 websites and 2 apps are confirmed to get the users’ images stored, either by the FP website or a TP. 37% of websites are confirmed to use VTO providers which extract facial geometry from received users’ images. We also found that 11% of websites featuring VTO violate their own privacy policies, and 25% use a VTO provider that violates its own privacy policy. Privacy policy violations include sharing the user’s image to a website’s own server, or to a TP server, despite denying so in the privacy policy. Furthermore, 22% of websites use disclaimers that mislead users about what happens to their data when using VTO. We also found 1446 and 931 TP tracking scripts and cookies, respectively, in the analyzed websites. Finally, we identified security vulnerabilities, such as broken authentication, in a VTO provider that can compromise its merchants. These findings underscore the need for greater transparency and clarity from companies using VTO features, and highlight the potential risks to user privacy, even from top brands.

A Verifiable Computing Scheme for Encrypted Control Systems

January 2024


4 Reads

IEEE Control Systems Letters

The proliferation of cloud computing technologies has paved the way for deploying networked encrypted control systems, offering high performance, remote accessibility and privacy. However, in scenarios where the control algorithms run on third-party cloud service providers, the control’s logic might be changed by a malicious agent on the cloud. Consequently, it is imperative to verify the correctness of the control signals received from the cloud. Traditional verification methods, like zero-knowledge proof techniques, are computationally demanding in both proof generation and verification, may require several rounds of interactions between the prover and verifier and, consequently, are inapplicable in real-time control system applications. In this paper, we present a novel computationally inexpensive verifiable computing solution inspired by the probabilistic cut-and-choose approach. The proposed scheme allows the plant’s actuator to validate the computations accomplished by the encrypted cloud-based networked controller without compromising the control scheme’s performance. We showcase the effectiveness and real-time applicability of the proposed verifiable computation scheme using a remotely controlled Khepera-IV differential-drive robot.

No Place to Hide: Privacy Exposure in Anti-stalkerware Apps and Support Websites

November 2023


33 Reads

Stalkerware is malicious software found in mobile devices that monitors and tracks a victim’s online and offline activity. This harmful technology has become a growing concern, jeopardizing the security and privacy of millions of victims and fostering stalking and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). In response to this threat, various solutions have emerged, including anti-stalkerware apps that aim to prevent and detect the use of monitoring apps on a user’s device. Organizations dedicated to assisting IPV victims have also enhanced their online presence, offering improved support and easy access to resources and materials. Considering how these tools and support websites handle sensitive personal information of users, it is crucial to assess the privacy risks associated with them. In this paper, we conduct a privacy analysis on 25 anti-stalkerware apps and 323 websites to identify issues such as PII leaks, authentication problems and 3rd-party tracking. Our tests reveal that 14/25 apps and 210/323 websites share user information with 3rd-party services through trackers, cookies or session replay. We also identified 44 domains to which sensitive data is sent, along with 3 services collecting information submitted in forms through session replay.

On Detecting and Measuring Exploitable JavaScript Functions in Real-World Applications

October 2023


111 Reads


1 Citation

ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security

JavaScript is often rated as the most popular programming language for the development of both client-side and server-side applications. Because of its popularity, JavaScript has become a frequent target for attackers who exploit vulnerabilities in the source code to take control over the application. To address these JavaScript security issues, such vulnerabilities must be identified first. Existing studies in vulnerable code detection in JavaScript mostly consider package-level vulnerability tracking and measurements. However, such package-level analysis is largely imprecise as real-world services that include a vulnerable package may not use the vulnerable functions in the package. Moreover, even the inclusion of a vulnerable function may not lead to a security problem, if the function cannot be triggered with exploitable inputs. In this paper, we develop a vulnerability detection framework that uses vulnerable pattern recognition and textual similarity methods to detect vulnerable functions in real-world JavaScript projects, combined with a static multi-file taint analysis mechanism to further assess the impact of the vulnerabilities on the whole project (i.e., whether the vulnerability can be exploited in a given project). We compose a comprehensive dataset of 1,360 verified vulnerable JavaScript functions using the Snyk vulnerability database and the VulnCode-DB project. From this ground-truth dataset, we build our vulnerable patterns for two common vulnerability types: prototype pollution and Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). With our framework, we analyze 9,205,654 functions (from 3,000 NPM packages, 1892 websites and 557 Chrome Web extensions), and detect 117,601 prototype pollution and 7,333 ReDoS vulnerabilities. By further processing all 5,839 findings from NPM packages with our taint analyzer, we verify the exploitability of 290 zero-day cases across 134 NPM packages. In addition, we conduct an in-depth contextual analysis of the findings in 17 popular/critical projects and study the practical security exposure of 20 functions. With our semi-automated vulnerability reporting functionality, we disclosed all verified findings to project owners. We also obtained 25 published CVEs for our findings, 19 of them rated as “Critical” severity, and six rated as “High” severity. Additionally, we obtained 169 CVEs that are currently “Reserved” (as of Apr. 2023). As evident from the results, our approach can shift JavaScript vulnerability detection from the coarse package/library level to the function level, and thus improve the accuracy of detection and aid timely patching.

Citations (63)

... Classification methods based on learning have emerged in diverse application domains, including PQEs classification. In learning-based methodologies, the input data is processed through a multi-layered network, where each layer's output serves as the input for the subsequent layer [17]. This facilitates the incorporation of multiple levels of data abstraction, which is very useful in PQEs classification [8], [3]. ...


Enhancing Power Quality Event Classification with AI Transformer Models
Learning-Based Detection of Malicious Volt-VAr Control Parameters in Smart Inverters

... Pattern-Based Detection (5 studies) There are multiple studies [31], [40], [50] that use simple matching heuristics to detect problematic regular expressions. Moreover, open-source tools like regexploit [60], redos-detector [61], and safe-regex [62] look for patterns such as infinite repeats (a * b * a * ), branches (a|b), or nested quantifiers ( * , +, ?, {n,m}) that could lead to vulnerabilities. ...

On Detecting and Measuring Exploitable JavaScript Functions in Real-World Applications
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security

... Our results show that the proposed model outperforms other DL techniques, and thus can be implemented in future PQE clas- sifiers. While numerical simulations can provide valuable insights in controlled environments, enable the possibility of exploring extreme conditions, and provide detailed information, it is necessary to evaluate the proposed model for real-world implementation, commencing with hardware-in-the-loop tests similar to previous work [23]. Future work involves assessing the scheme's performance under noise, DC offset, and voltage variations together, addressing misclassifications under lowfrequency noise, and exploring the scalability and resilience to large-scale systems and adversarial attacks. ...

Cyber-Immune Line Current Differential Relays

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

... The tool identifies four categories of backend servers:(1) On-the-fly Model-Checker (OFMC); (2) Constraint Logic-based Attack Searcher (CL-AtSe); (3) SATbased Model-Checker (SATMC); and (4) Tree Automata based on Automatic Approximations for the Analysis of Security Protocols (TA4SP). We use the OFMC and CL-Atse backend servers to verify the proposed protocols similar to [26], [27]. The authentication protocol has four roles: UE, SN, Blockchain, and HN, while the handover phase has two roles: UE and SN. ...

SKAFS: Symmetric Key Authentication Protocol with Forward Secrecy for Edge Computing

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

... In particular, XSS vulnerabilities allow attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users, potentially compromising their browsers and enabling attacks like session hijacking or phishing. On the other hand, CSRF attacks trick authenticated users into performing unintended actions on a website by leveraging their trusted session [139]. This can result in unauthorized changes to user settings or data. ...

All Your Shops Are Belong to Us: Security Weaknesses in E-commerce Platforms
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • April 2023

... In [12], the upper bound of the network capacity with wireless backhaul is evaluated based on the number of antennas per BS. In [13], with the tool of stochastic geometry, the authors examine the performance of mMTC in an ultra-dense network (UDN) environment that utilizes the mmWave band and employs wireless backhaul support for the small cell. In [14], the authors propose a load-balancing algorithm for small-cell-integrated access and backhaul networks operating in the millimeter wave (mmWave) band. ...

Performance Analysis of Cellular Ultra Dense IoT Networks with Wireless Backhauls
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

... Edge computing adds an edge network layer close to the terminal device between the server and the terminal. The edge network layer contains devices and gateways with medium computing power, storage capacity, and battery life [10], and its functions are mainly realized by edge computing nodes, which are regarded as intermediate components and deployed between the NB-IoT terminal and the server. ...

GASE: A Lightweight Group Authentication Scheme With Key Agreement for Edge Computing Applications
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

... Upon receiving a minimum consensus of results from these multiple controllers, the verifier assumes those results are correct. An alternative method to ensure the integrity of the computation at the cloud based controller employs a hardwarebased Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) such as Intel SGX, as demonstrated in [7]. Nevertheless, the latest attacks on SGX have revealed that hardware remains vulnerable to compromise and this could lead to jeopardize both the TEE and the overall systems' security. ...

On Securing Cloud-Hosted Cyber-Physical Systems Using Trusted Execution Environments
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • August 2021