Alexander Mohr's research while affiliated with University of Leipzig and other places

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Publications (2)

Orthogonal Peptide‐Templated Labeling Elucidates Lateral ETAR/ETBR Proximity and Reveals Altered Downstream Signaling
  • Article

November 2021


16 Reads


Philipp Wolf


Alexander Mohr





Elucidation of protein interactions in living cells is a critical step in deciphering pharmacological targets. Here, we apply an orthogonal labeling approach to G protein‐coupled receptors by two peptide pairs, interacting through coiled‐coil motifs. The rapid reporter introduction in a one‐pot reaction allows the investigation of transient and proximity‐dependent interplay of different receptor proteins at the cell membrane. Focusing on prominent cardiovascular receptors, present in heart and blood vessel tissue, distinct receptor–receptor interactions have been identified that modulate intracellular signaling cascades. More information can be found in the Full Paper by A. G. Beck‐Sickinger et al.


Activation profile and peptide‐templated labeling of membrane embedded and N‐terminally modified ETAR, ETBR, AT1R, and APJ in live cells. (A) Receptor activation was investigated by inositol monophosphate accumulation using N‐terminally unmodified receptors (wt) as control in transiently transfected COS‐7 cells (n≥3, performed in triplicates). GPCR activation was facilitated by agonist application (ETAR/ETBR: ET‐1, AT1R: AngII, APJ: Ap13) in a concentration range from 10⁻⁶ to 10⁻¹² M. Signal transduction data represent the mean over all assay repetitions. (B) Reaction scheme of the peptide‐templated acyl transfer reaction, which relies on a membrane‐embedded protein, which extracellularly exposes the Cys‐P1/P3‐tag. The exposed tag is addressed by the complementary P2 or P4 peptide, respectively, equipped with a cargo moiety (red star). (C) Application of peptide‐template labeling to visualize membrane‐embedded ETAR, ETBR, AT1R, and APJ (from left to right) by fluorescence microscopy (n=3), using Atto488‐P2 (P1‐tagged GPCRs, green) or Atto565/TAMRA‐P4 (P3‐tagged GPCRs, red) in transiently transfected HEK293 cells. Scale bar: 10 μm.
Determination of constitutive proximity between GPCRs in homo‐receptor clusters by FRET analyses. (A) Close proximity of two GPCR protomers, equipped with either Atto488 (green star) or Atto565 (red star) by peptide‐templated acyl transfer enables Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). Activation of labeled GPCRs by agonist application can trigger changes in FRET fluorescence due to conformational rearrangement of the receptor. (B) To assess local association of membrane‐embedded GPCRs from the same species (left to right: ETAR, ETBR, AT1R, APJ), receptor titration experiments were performed by transfecting HEK293 cells with constant amounts of P1‐tagged GPCR (subsequently addressed with the FRET donor) and increasing amounts of P3‐tagged GPCR (subsequently labeled with the FRET acceptor). Labeling was simultaneously performed with Atto488‐P2 (FRET donor, green) and Atto565‐P4 (FRET acceptor, red). To determine the acceptor/donor fluorescence ratio at the cell membrane (x axis), either acceptor or donor labeling was performed to determine the respective fluorescence signal of membrane‐embedded GPCRs and exclude intracellularly retained receptor subpopulations. FRET measurement was performed in quadruplicates (n≥2). NetFRET values were determined by subtraction of fluorescence values derived from cells, expressing only the P1‐GPCR (donor). Data represent the mean over all assay repetitions. GPCR proximity is indicated by signal saturation. (C, D) The influence of receptor activation on the proximity‐induced FRET was determined by transfecting P1‐tagged donor GPCR and P3‐tagged acceptor GPCR using equal amounts (1 : 1 ratio). After receptor labeling, the baseline (basal FRET) was monitored before addition of different ligand concentrations (C: 10 nM ligand; D: 500 nM ligand) at t=0 s. ET‐1 was used for activation of ETAR and ETBR, AngII for activation of AT1R, and Ap13 for activation of APJ (left to right: ETAR, ETBR, AT1R, APJ). Ligand‐induced effects on the FRET signal were observed for 10 min after ligand addition. Curves represent the deviation of the FRET signal after ligand addition to the basal FRET (prior to ligand addition) relative to the respective buffer control. (kinetic analysis n=3, each performed in quadruplicates; black: buffer, light blue: 10 nM ligand, blue: 500 nM ligand; representative kinetic data shown).
Membrane residence time of N‐terminally labeled GPCRs in the absence of agonist administration. Membrane‐embedded Cys‐P3‐ETAR (A), Cys‐P1‐ETBR (B) SP‐Cys‐P3‐AT1R (C) or SP‐Cys‐P3‐APJ (D) were stained using the Atto488‐P2 (green) or Atto565‐P4 (red) peptide, respectively. Image acquisition was performed at distinct time point (0, 15, 30 and 60 min) post‐labeling. The membrane fluorescence was quantified for each time point and normalized to 0 min (100 %) and background fluorescence (0 %) (ETAR – blue, ETBR – light green, AT1R – orange, APJ – purple; ETAR/ETBR n=3, AT1R/APJ n=2; quantitative data represent the average over all assay repetitions and 10–15 cells were analyzed per time point and experiment; representative image shown). Scale bar: 10 μm.
Determination of constitutive proximity between GPCRs in hetero‐receptor clusters by proximity‐dependent FRET analyses. For constitutive interactions of membrane‐embedded GPCRs from different species, receptor titration experiments were performed by transfecting HEK293 cells with constant amounts of P1‐tagged GPCR (subsequently addressed with the FRET donor) and increasing amounts of P3‐tagged GPCR (subsequently labeled with the FRET acceptor). Labeling was simultaneously performed with Atto488‐P2 (FRET donor, green) and Atto565‐P4 (FRET acceptor, red). Formation of specific interaction is indicated by hyperbolic fitting of the ETAR/ETBR proximity‐dependent FRET data (A). A linear correlation was observed for ETAR/AT1R (B), ETAR/APJ (C), ETBR/AT1R (D), ETBR/APJ (E), and AT1R/APJ (F) in the absence of receptor activation. Successful peptide‐templated labeling was validated for all investigated GPCR combinations (fluorescence microscopy n=3; representative image shown). (G) For ligand‐driven effects on constitutive ETAR/ETBR proximity‐dependent FRET, FRET was observed without ligand post labeling (basal). Upon stimulation (10 nM ET‐1: light blue; 500 nM ET‐1: dark blue), the FRET fluorescence was observed for 10 min (n≥2 each performed in quadruplicates, representative kinetic data shown). ETAR: blue, ETBR: light green, AT1R: orange, APJ: purple. Scale bar: 10 μm.
Membrane residence time of ETBR co‐expressed with different GPCRs. Membrane‐embedded Cys‐P1‐ETBR and Cys‐P3‐ETAR (A), SP‐Cys‐P3‐AT1R (B) or SP‐Cys‐P3‐APJ (C) were labeled using the Atto488‐P2 (green) and Atto565‐P4 (red) peptide probe. Picture acquisition was performed at distinct time point (0, 15, 30 and 60 min) post‐labeling without agonist application. Membrane fluorescence was quantified for each time point and normalized to 0 min (100 %) and background fluorescence (0 %) (ETAR: blue, ETBR: light green, AT1R: orange, APJ: purple). Representative images are shown, and quantitative data represent the average over all assay repetitions (n≥2 with 10–15 cells analyzed per time point and experiment). Scale bar: 10 μm.


Orthogonal Peptide‐Templated Labeling Elucidates Lateral ETAR/ETBR Proximity and Reveals Altered Downstream Signaling
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2021


49 Reads


3 Citations



Fine‐tuning of G protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling is important to maintain cellular homeostasis. Recent studies demonstrated that lateral GPCR interactions in the cell membrane can impact signaling profiles. Here, we report on a one‐step labeling method of multiple membrane‐embedded GPCRs. Based on short peptide tags, complementary probes transfer the cargo (e. g. a fluorescent dye) by an acyl transfer reaction with high spatial and temporal resolution within 5 min. We applied this approach to four receptors of the cardiovascular system: the endothelin receptor A and B (ETAR and ETBR), angiotensin II receptor type 1, and apelin. Wild type‐like G protein activation after N‐terminal modification was demonstrated for all receptor species. Using FRET‐competent dyes, a constitutive proximity between hetero‐receptors was limited to ETAR/ETBR. Further, we demonstrate, that ETAR expression regulates the signaling of co‐expressed ETBR. Our orthogonal peptide‐templated labeling of different GPCRs provides novel insight into the regulation of GPCR signaling.


Citations (1)

... In the first set of experiments, we performed receptor titration experiments to determine the receptor-to-arrestin-ratio that ensures saturation of the luminescence donor (Nluc-arr3) by the fluorescence acceptor (receptor-eYFP) and hence, results in reproducible measurement window for ligand concentration-response curves. Accordingly, we chose to transfect 30 ng of a modified Nluc-tagged bovine arr-3 construct [71], 3900 ng receptor construct, and 70 ng of an empty pcDNA3.1 vector. After the transfection, 150,000 cells/well were re-seeded into solid white 96-well plates in technical triplicate using a phenol red-free culture medium. ...


Dynamics of the Second Extracellular Loop Control Transducer Coupling of Peptide-Activated GPCRs
Orthogonal Peptide‐Templated Labeling Elucidates Lateral ETAR/ETBR Proximity and Reveals Altered Downstream Signaling
