Aigerim Ibrayeva's research while affiliated with Eurasian National University and other places

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Publications (3)

Natural gas in Central Asia and Caspian Basin
Oil -total proved reserves
Importance of the Caspian Countries for the European Union Energy Security
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2018


311 Reads


35 Citations

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

Aigerim Ibrayeva


Dmitriy V. Sannikov





When there is a lack of energy resources in the EU and it has to look for suppliers from other countries, Russia provides the world with most of the oil and gas. Diversification of energy resources is one of the objectives for the EU. The majority of international participants are interested in discovering the potential of the sea. However, the development of the region’s resources still faces many obstacles, such as lack of export pipelines, difficulties due to security of supply considerations, transit complications, political and legal considerations and market uncertainties. This study focuses on the countries of the former Soviet Union such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan in Central Asia, and Azerbaijan in Transcaucasia. One of the six priority areas of the EU in the energy infrastructure of - the Southern Energy Corridor (SEC), the purpose of which is to link the Caspian basin and potentially Middle Eastern gas to Europe. In the article, we analyzed the potential of the Caspian basin in terms of energy and its impact on the energy security of the European Union.


Energy Export Potential in the Caspian Region and Its Impact on EU Energy Security

June 2017


256 Reads


5 Citations

Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences

Energy security has emerged in recent years as one of the cornerstones of the European Union’s (EU’s) foreign policy. The EU is highly dependent on imports of oil and gas, 35 per cent of which comes from Russia. Diversification of energy supplies is thus a key goal for the EU. The Caspian region contains some of the largest undeveloped oil and gas reserves in the world. The intense interest shown by the major international oil and gas companies testifies to its potential. Although the area is unlikely to become “another Middle East”, it could become a major oil supplier at the margin, much as the North Sea is today. As such it could help increase world energy security by diversifying global sources of supply. Development of the region’s resources still faces considerable obstacles. This study focuses on the countries along the southern rim of the former Soviet Union that are endowed with significant oil and gas resources: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in Central Asia, and Azerbaijan in Transcaucasia. The Southern Energy Corridor (SEC), which aims to link Caspian Basin and potentially Middle East gas supplies to Europe, is one of the EU’s six priority axes of energy infrastructures. Drawing on the external governance literature, this article provides an analysis of the EU’s efforts in the wider Black Sea area to increase its energy security. It concludes that despite difficult domestic and geopolitical obstacles, the EU is pushing forward its objective to establish the SEC.

Kazakhstan and European Union: New Tendencies, Priorities and Prospects

December 2015


25 Reads

The Anthropologist

The purpose of this work is to study the problems of strategic cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EU, which is characterized by new challenges and threats - the global financial and economic crisis, international terrorism, trans-national crime and illegal migration. In this paper authors have identified the role of Kazakhstan in the policies of the EU; the peculiarities of relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EU; analyzed the results of the Strategy for a New Partnership of the EU and CA for the period from 2007 to 2013 and identified negative factors influencing the effectiveness of the EU policy towards Kazakhstan and other CA states. Based on the analysis of concepts, ideas and scientific approaches developed by scientists, in respect of cooperation between the EU and CA, documentary sources have developed proposals for improving the efficiency of interaction between Kazakhstan and the EU.

Citations (2)

... The ideas of Knez et al. [8], who considered green technologies and innovative solutions based on them as a basis for the emergence of new forms of relations and interaction in environmental issues, were used in the presented work as primary sources for the development of their own proposals and recommendations; at the same time, Balkan scientists are convinced that such a policy will never work in countries with slow democratic development and a stagnant economic system [57]. The utilization of the ideas put forth by Knez et al. [8], who emphasize green technologies and innovative solutions, is commendable. ...


The Impact of Climate Change on National Security
Importance of the Caspian Countries for the European Union Energy Security

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

... Ibrayeva, Tashtemkhanova [64], Ibrayeva, Sannikov [65] Determining the potential and importance of energy in the Caspian basin, analyzing and its impact on the energy security of the EU. ...

Energy Export Potential in the Caspian Region and Its Impact on EU Energy Security

Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences