Ada Eban-Rothschild's research while affiliated with University of Michigan and other places

Publications (31)

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Accurate detection and tracking of animals across diverse environments are crucial for behavioral studies in various disciplines, including neuroscience. Recently, machine learning and computer vision techniques have become integral to the neuroscientist’s toolkit, enabling high-throughput behavioral studies. Despite advancements in localizing indi...
Although considered an inactive state for centuries, sleep entails many active processes occurring at the cellular, circuit and organismal levels. Over the last decade, several key technological advances, including calcium imaging and optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulations, have facilitated a detailed understanding of the functions of different...
A principal goal of sleep research is to explain how the brain controls different features of sleep and how dysregulation of these mechanisms results in human sleep disorders. For decades, scientists investigating these themes have primarily focused their studies on a handful of mammalian species, including humans, mice, rats, and to a lesser exten...
The transition from wakefulness to sleep requires striking alterations in brain activity, physiology, and behavior, yet the precise neuronal circuit elements facilitating this transition remain unclear. Prior to sleep onset, many animal species display characteristic behaviors, including finding a safe location, performing hygiene-related behaviors...
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Introduction Prior to sleep, animals perform various sleep-preparatory behaviors, yet little is known about their contribution to sleep physiology. Sleep hygiene, which involves proper sleep preparation, is an effective treatment for insomnia in humans. The high prevalence of sleep disorders and drawbacks of available pharmacological interventions...
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Decades of research have implicated the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in motivation, learning and reward processing. We and others recently demonstrated that it also serves as an important node in sleep/wake regulation. Specifically, VTA-dopaminergic neuron activation is sufficient to drive wakefulness and necessary for the maintenance of wakefulnes...
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Decades of research have implicated the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in motivation, reinforcement learning and reward processing. We and others recently demonstrated that it also serves as an important node in sleep/wake circuitry. Specifically, VTA-dopaminergic neuron activation is sufficient to drive wakefulness and necessary for the maintenance...
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Optogenetics and chemogenetics are powerful tools, allowing the specific activation or inhibition of targeted neuronal sub-populations. Application of these techniques to sleep and circadian research has resulted in the unveiling of several neuronal populations that are involved in sleep-wake control, and allowed a comprehensive interrogation of th...
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Lateral hypothalamus (LH) neurons containing the neuropeptide hypocretin (HCRT; orexin) modulate affective components of arousal, but their relevant synaptic inputs remain poorly defined. Here we identified inputs onto LH neurons that originate from neuronal populations in the bed nuclei of stria terminalis (BNST; a heterogeneous region of extended...
Humans have been fascinated by sleep for millennia. After almost a century of scientific interrogation, significant progress has been made in understanding the neuronal regulation and functions of sleep. The application of new methods in neuroscience that enable the analysis of genetically defined neuronal circuits with unprecedented specificity an...
Daily, animals need to decide when to stop engaging in cognitive processes and behavioral responses to the environment, and go to sleep. The main processes regulating the daily organization of sleep and wakefulness are circadian rhythms and homeostatic sleep pressure. In addition, motivational processes such as food seeking and predator evasion can...
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Animals continuously alternate between sleep and wake states throughout their life. The daily organization of sleep and wakefulness is orchestrated by circadian, homeostatic, and motivational processes. Over the last decades, much progress has been made toward determining the neuronal populations involved in sleep/wake regulation. Here, we will dis...
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Dopaminergic ventral tegmental area (VTA) neurons are critically involved in a variety of behaviors that rely on heightened arousal, but whether they directly and causally control the generation and maintenance of wakefulness is unknown. We recorded calcium activity using fiber photometry in freely behaving mice and found arousal-state-dependent al...
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Circadian rhythms in behaviour and physiology are important for animal health and survival. Studies with individually isolated animals in the laboratory have consistently emphasized the dominant role of light for the entrainment of circadian rhythms to relevant environmental cycles. Although in nature interactions with conspecifics are functionally...
Supplementary Figures 1-6 and Supplementary Tables 1-11
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One of the most important and evolutionarily conserved roles of sleep is the processing and consolidation of information acquired during wakefulness. In both insects and mammals, environmental and social stimuli can modify sleep physiology and behavior, yet relatively little is known about the specifics of the wake experiences and their relative co...
Optogenetic tools have revolutionized the field of neuroscience, and brought the study of neural circuits to a higher level. Optogenetics has significantly improved our understanding not only of the neuronal connections and function of the healthy brain, but also of the neuronal changes that lead to psychiatric disorders. In this review, we summari...
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The diverse social lifestyle and the small and accessible nervous system of insects make them valuable for research on the adaptive value and the organization principles of circadian rhythms and sleep. We focus on two complementary model insects, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, which is amenable to extensive transgenic manipulations, and the...
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Honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers emerge from the pupae with no circadian rhythms in behavior or brain clock gene expression but show strong rhythms later in life. This postembryonic development of circadian rhythms is reminiscent of that of infants of humans and other primates but contrasts with most insects, which typically emerge from the pupae...
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The circadian clock of the honey bee is involved in complex behaviors and is socially regulated. Initial molecular characterization suggests that in many ways the clock of the bee is more similar to mammals than to Drosophila. Foragers rely on the circadian clock to anticipate day–night fluctuations in their environment, time visits to flowers, and...
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Unlike most animals studied so far in which the activity with no circadian rhythms is pathological or linked to deteriorating performance, worker bees and ants naturally care for their sibling brood around the clock with no apparent ill effects. Here, we tested whether bumble-bee queens that care alone for their first batch of offspring are also ca...
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The social environment influences the circadian clock of diverse animals, but little is known about the functional significance, the specifics of the social signals, or the dynamics of socially mediated changes in the clock. Honey bees switch between activities with and without circadian rhythms according to their social task. Forager bees have str...
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Honeybee (Apis mellifera) foragers are among the first invertebrates for which sleep behavior has been described. Foragers (typically older than 21 days) have strong circadian rhythms; they are active during the day, and sleep during the night. We explored whether young bees (approximately 3 days of age), which are typically active around-the-clock...


... The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted February 5, 2024. ; doi: bioRxiv preprint accumulating that WAKE-dependent motivational, emotional and other behavioural factors have a profound impact on overall patterns of state expression [13,[82][83][84][85]. On the basis of the results in the present study, we hypothesize that some effects on vigilance state of such factors as environmental temperature [86], stress [87], energy balance [83] and social interactions [88] might be mediated, at least in part, by adjustments in ultradian phase and amplitude. ...
... During wakefulness, states of disengagement can appear as sleep-like states and are accompanied by behavioral lapses 6-8 , while states of hyper-engagement risk the execution of impulsive responses to irrelevant stimuli 2,9,10 . The neuronal substrate of engagement is rarely studied as a continuum, but hypo-engaged and hyper-engaged behavioral states have been associated with distinct cortical activity patterns 5,6,8,[11][12][13] . ...
... Sleep is a ubiquitous natural phenomenon [1,2], yet extremely complex [3], unique [2,3], and with a significant amount of inter-and intra-individual variability [4][5][6][7][8], which has been Table 1. Conceptualization of personalized sleep medicine: an overview of major concepts, advancements, applications, and technologies in patient-centered sleep medicine. ...
... Glutamate is the most prevalent neurotransmitter in the brain and a major wake-promoting neurotransmitter. Most neurons from the brain reticular projection that promote wakefulness are glutamate neurons originating from VTA and LH, Glu projected to LHGlu to excite LHORE to generate wakefulness(however, LHGlu can also induce sleep-preparation behavior [94]), while glutamate from Medial septum further project to LHGlu to enhance the wake induction. Glutamate is also projected to BF, and NAc area from PVT, VTA, and parabrachial nucleus and promotes wakefulness. ...
... The neuronal activity of VTA GABA neurons exhibits variations throughout sleep-wake cycles. Studies have shown that the firing rate (Lee, Steffensen, & Henriksen, 2001) and calcium transients measured by fiber photometry or micro-endoscopic imaging with the fluorescent calcium sensor GCaMP6 (Eban-Rothschild et al., 2020;Yu et al., 2019), were selectively higher during wakefulness and REM sleep compared with NREM sleep. Additionally, c-Fos, a protein marker for neuronal activation, was also expressed more prominently during the dark period (awake phase in mice) (Takata et al., 2018). ...
... In addition to the well-documented sleep propensity and circadian rhythm in the onset of sleep, a variety of external and internal needs can also regulate its initiation. 22 In the context of motherhood, the needs of the pups that require active maternal care might influence the sleep of the mother. ...
... Crucially, these findings indicate a broad overlap in the circuitry underlying mood and arousal, which may ultimately explain the strong behavioral and clinical links between mood and arousal [6,7]. In addition, these findings open the door to new treatment targets and the consideration of therapeutic brain stimulation for sleep-wake disorders [78], such as idiopathic hypersomnia, a condition characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness. Future efforts to map brain regions involved in the extended arousal circuitry will be critical for the ongoing identification of novel treatment targets for the future application of neurostimulation for intractable sleep-wake disorders. ...
... What the role of the BNST is in sexual incentive motivation and which cells in particular play a role in sexual behavior in rats remains unknown. In mice, it was shown that at least aromatase+, cholecystokinin+ and Esr2+ neurons are involved in preference for female pheromones (Bayless et al. 2019a;Giardino et al. 2018) and the regulation of copulatory behaviors (Bayless et al. 2019a;Zhou et al. 2023). Excitotoxic lesions of the BNST have also been shown to eliminate sexual odor preference in sexually naïve hamster males (Been and Petrulis 2010). ...
... According to the Flip-flop model, the sleep-promoting circuit during sleep projects inhibitory inputs to orexin neurons, suppressing the excitatory projection to wake-promoting areas and inhibitory inputs to sleep-promoting areas, to maintain the sleep state [22]. Orexin has a widespread projection throughout the brain, mostly wake-promoting areas like LC, TMN, PVT, NAc, VTA, BF, PAG, PPT, LDT and, which are all considered wake-promoting areas and directly innervating other wake-inducing glutamatergic, cholinergic, histaminergic, serotonergic, dopaminergic and noradrenergic neuron populations [7, [23][24][25]. This widespread excitatory projection also signifies its connection with other wake-promoting neuronal circuits. ...
... To remain synchronized with the daynight cycle, the circadian clock is reset daily by light, the primary entraining signal for circadian rhythms [2,3]. All mammals appear to have a fundamental need for sleep, with humans on average spending one-third of their lives sleeping or attempting to sleep [4]. Sleep timing is regulated by two overlapping processes: the sleep-dependent homeostatic drive for sleep, which increases with increasing time spent awake, and the circadian process, which imposes a 24-hour pattern on sleep/wake behaviour [5]. ...