Ad.A. Aliyev's research while affiliated with Geology Institute, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and other places

Publications (9)

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Based on an analytical review of factual materials, the article discusses the peculiarities of the distribution of gas hydrates in the development zones of mud volcanism of the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian seas, which are direct indications of sedimentary gas complex. A comparative analysis of the composition of hydrate-forming fluids, sources...
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The paper presents a study on genesis and organic geochemical characteristics of oil shales, occurred in different tectonic zones of Eastern Azerbaijan. Lithostratigraphic properties of oil shale containing sediments, evolutionary dynamics and structural types of organic matter were studied. In terms of paleogeography, it was defined that the forma...
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Based on the results of the studies, an insignifcant difference in the geochemical characteristics of oil shales were established within the study area. The amount of OM in the samples taken from the outcrops and pits varies from 13,3 to 32,1 %. Based on the data of gravimetric studies and two-stage pyrolysis, the maturity of OM was assessed and th...
In the paper, the geochemical characteristics of more than 60 deposits and outcrops of oil shales in Azerbaijan, related to geological formations of the Cretaceous-Miocene age were considered. Samples of oil shale were taken from the surface outcrops and ejected materials of mud volcanoes. The main goal of the study is to determine the organic geoc...
The article gives a brief overview of the history of Azerbaijan’s territorial losses from 1918 - the proclamation of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic - to the early 1990s - the last Armenian-Azerbaijani war. With reference to literary and documentary sources, it outlines the vicissitudes of the seizure by Armenia of Azerbaijani territories in di...
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The monograph summarizes the results of many years of study by Azerbaijani researchers on hydrocarbons, mud volcanoes, and Earth physics. The evolution of sedimentary rocks and organic substances, the isotope and geochemical characteristics of hydrocarbons and the mechanism of their formation, and the genesis, characteristics, classifications, patt...
AMEA Geologiya və Geofizika İnstitutu Məqalədə, yanacaq-enerji və xammal resursu kimi dünyada müxtəlif məqsədlərlə istifadə olunan və Azərbaycanda geniş yayılan yanar şistlər təfsilatlı araşdırılır. Yanar şistlərin kəmiyyət və keyfiyyət xüsusiyyətlərini müəyyənləşdirdən tədqiqatlara geoloji-kəşfiyyat işlərilə yanaşı, geokimyəvi laboratoriya analizl...
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National Atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Map (Scale 1:1000000), State Land and Cartography Committee


... In 1996, gas hydrates were also found in the Sorokin Trough and the central part of the Black Sea [115,116]. The generalized data on the conditions for the formation and existence of gas hydrates, based on the available results of analysis of cores from the drilled wells, lead to the conclusion that gas hydrates are accumulated in the Black Sea sediments at appropriate temperature and pressure parameters. ...
... Hidden by the waters of the seas and oceans, their number is in the thousands, and they are diverse in origin and structure (Kvenvolden and Cooper 2003;Kholodov, 2012;Shnyukov et al., 2017). They are also called cold seeps, i.e., areas of discharge of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons on the seabed, which include mud volcanoes, gryphons, salses, and other: fluid-producing or eruptive structures on the seafloor where oil and gas deposits and fault networks coexist (Link, 1952;Etiope, 2015). ...
... This idea is consistent with the conclusion made in [9]. Thus, this literature shows that pyroclastic sediments brought into the paleobasin play a decisive role in the formation of Middle Eocene and Diatom oil shales [11] rich in organic matter (on average about 20 %) in Central and Southern Gobustan. ...
... First Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Azərbaycan ərazisində zəngin neft-qaz yataqları ilə yanaşı, çoxsaylı qeyriənənəvi(alternativ)yanacaq və xammal resurslarıvardır [1][2][3][4]. Alternativ neft-qaz mənbəyi dedikdə, ilk əvvəl yer səthində rast gəlinən neftli qumlar, həmçinin palçıq vulkanlarının yer səthinə xaric etdiyi neft və yanar şistlər nəzərdə tutulur [1,3]. Neftli qumlar istismarda olan neft yataqlarının, həmçinin palçıq vulkanlarının sahələrində qeydə alınırlar [2,5]. ...
... The bitumen-containing areas in the country are associated with the uplift of oilbearing sand layers and the manifestations of heavy hydrocarbons formed on the surface as a result of mud volcanic activity, and oil-contaminated soils in oil fields that have been exploited for many years [7,8,10,11]. According to estimates, the projected reserves of natural bitumen in the republic are more than 200 million tons [6]. In general, there are more than 50 deposits and manifestations of bituminous rocks throughout the country [6,8,10]. ...
... Neogenin ümumi qalınlığı 8500 m-dir. Dördüncü dövr çöküntüləri iri çaqıllı, gil və qravelit təbəqəli, ümumi qalınlığı 200 m olan konqlomerat və qumdaşı laylarının növbələşməsi ilə səciyyələnirlər [21,23,30]. ...