A.H. Gentry's scientific contributions


... The family has 85 genera and 850 species of shrubs, lianas, and trees (http:// www.theplantlist.org) and a history of diversification that was broadly influenced by the colonization of different habitats and biogeographic regions Olmstead, 2013;Thode et al., 2019;Francisco and Lohmann, 2020;Calió et al., 2022;Ragsac et al., 2022). The family is known for its conspicuous flowers, which are variable morphologically due to specialized plant-animal interactions associated with pollination (Gentry, 1990), and diverse fruit morphology associated with different dispersal systems (Zjhra et al., 2004;Farias-Singer, 2007;Ragsac et al., 2021). The great diversity and high homoplasy of Bignoniaceae's reproductive morphology, the main characters used to circumscribe genera and supra-generic groupings within the family, led to considerable taxonomic confusion (reviewed by Gentry, 1980;Lohmann, 2006;Lohmann and Taylor, 2014). ...