A. Miranda Neto's research while affiliated with Université de Technologie de Compiègne and other places

Publications (6)

Conference Paper
The design of the robotic vehicle VILMA at UNICAMP is developed in-vehicle platform Fiat Punto. In addition to a set of sensors, actuators, mechanism and components (hardware and/or software), new technologies should be developed in support of Automation, Control, Perception, Localization and Navigation. This work presents the design and simulation...
Conference Paper
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Environment perception is a major research issue which is very important in the field of robotic system. In order to identify the horizon line and the drivable region, we have proposed a visual-perception system based on an automatic image discarding method as a simple solution to improve the system performance. In this paper, all these previous me...
Conference Paper
Navigation of an Autonomous Vehicle is based on its interaction with the environment, through information acquired by sensors. The perception of the environment is a major issue in autonomous and (semi)-autonomous systems. This work presents the embedded real-time visual perception problem applied to experimental platform. In this way, a robust hor...
Conference Paper
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Navigation of a mobile robot is based on its interaction with the environment through information acquired by sensors. Particularly for mobile robot navigation in unknown environment, the type and number of sensors determines the data volume necessary to process and compose the image from the environment. Nevertheless, the excess of information imp...
Conference Paper
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Lately, many applications for control of autonomous vehicles are being developed and one important aspect is the excess of information, frequently redundant, that imposes a great computational cost in data processing. Based on the fact that real-time navigation systems could have their performance compromised by the need of processing all this redu...
Conference Paper
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Navigation of a mobile robot is based on its interaction with the environment, through information acquired by sensors. By incorporating several kinds of sensors in autonomous vehicles, it is possible to improve their autonomy and "intelligence", specially regarding mobile robot navigation in unknown environment. The type and number of sensors dete...


... Besides, there are a number of subsystems in a vehicle that affect the motion such as the steering, brake and suspension systems which may also need to be integrated into the vehicle model in some capacity. For instance, involving the steering dynamics has been recommended to improve the performance of MPC [27], [28]. Furthermore, there are some aspects that change due to the operating conditions including parametric and nonparametric uncertainties affecting vehicle motion. ...
... In Fig. 8 (a), (b) and (c) show the successful task execution to go through a gate in off-road context. Fig. 8 (d) and (e) present the obstacle detection and an open-loop reactive navigation [32]. In all experiments there was no collision. ...
... O trabalho de Sövény, Kovács e Kardkovács(2015), que é um trabalho voltado para detectar caminhos como guia para cegos, diz que lida com poças de água e buracos, porém não mostra nenhum resultado que confirme essa afirmação. Nenhum outro trabalho fala sobre detecção de buracos.Além disso, foram levantados os métodos utilizados em cada trabalho para a realização da detecção do caminho, por exemplo: Segmentação com base em cores (NETO;RITTNER, 2006;CARAFFI;GRISLERI, 2007;HEYVAERT; VE- ELAERT, 2012;LI et al., 2016;ZHANG et al., 2016;YING et al., 2016).Redes neurais foram utilizadas em alguns trabalhos, como os trabalhos de Chen e Qiao (2015) e Oliveira, Burgard e Brox (2016). Técnicas de visão estéreo para identificar espaço livre navegável (GUO et al., 2015; WU; LAM; SRIKANTHAN, 2015; YANG et al., 2016). ...
... The inclusion of an automatic image discarding method leads in a reduction of the processing time. Although the system spends some milliseconds computing the PCC, it gains much more time, in some cases, discarding more than 90% of the images [18]. However, it is important to notice that this percentage is not dependent on the video sequence or image size, but on the obstacles / objects influence. ...
... Finding skyline is a challenging vision problem due to nonlinear nature of the skylines, variations in the sky and nonsky regions due to geographical terrains and weather conditions. Skyline detection serves as the underlying method for many practical applications and have been investigated for navigation and localization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) [1]- [9], planetary rover and vehicle localization [10]- [17], augmented reality and tourism applications [18]- [20], geolocation of mountain and desert images [18], [21]- [25], marine security and ship detection [26]- [29]. ...
... The correlation loss, contrast distortion, and luminance distortion in an image are calculated with a single performance metric called UQI [16]. The similarity of the original input image and the enhanced image is evaluated using the Structural similarity index measure (SSIM), and Pearson correlation coefficient [17], and the information variability of input and the enhanced image is estimated by comparing the Shannon entropy of the original and enhanced image. The higher Shannon entropy value indicates high information variability in an image. ...