A. Ganis's research while affiliated with University of Padova and other places

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Publications (6)

Effects of water and nitrogen management on fibrous root distribution and turnover in sugar beet
  • Article

August 2009


263 Reads


41 Citations

European Journal of Agronomy


M. Guarise


A. Ganis


Two field trials were carried out in two years in heavy soils of NE Italy, with the aim of studying the effects of water and nitrogen management on fibrous root distribution and dynamics in sugar beet (cv. Dorotea). In conditions of moderate water deficit (year 2002, Conselice, Ravenna, clay soil), two water regimes (irrigation to 100% of potential evapotranspiration, and rainfed) were factorially combined with three rates of nitrogen application (180, 90, 0 kg ha−1). Irrigation increased volumetric root length density (RLDv) without N application and at the medium N rate – a common amount in beet cultivation – but reduced it at the maximum N dose. The medium N rate increased RLDv and shifted root distribution towards shallow layers, regardless of water regime.In the conditions of marked drought of 2003 (Legnaro, Padova, silty-loam soil), at a single rate of N supply (90 kg ha−1) irrigation increased total production (length) of fibrous roots throughout the soil profile (1.8 m), except in the 0.5–1 m interval, and improved the length of standing living roots during the season. Although the maximum root depth at the end of the season was similar in the two water regimes (about 1.9 m), irrigated roots reached the saturated soil layers 10 days earlier than in rainfed plants. The main result was reduced root turnover in deep soil layers (>1 m) and an increase at the surface in the rainfed treatments in conditions of drought, a probable mechanism of adaptation to a more marked gradient of soil moisture compared with irrigation.


Figure 1. Experimental variograms and fitted models for RLD data (means of four replicates) of two maize hybrids. Number beside each marker: pairs of points considered in both hybrids for calculation of variance (extreme values of distance were excluded from calculations). Equations of two models: (1) spherical
Figure 2. Cross-row vertical maps of root length density in Santos (left) and DK585 (right).
Studying root distribution with geostatistics
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2008


116 Reads


7 Citations

Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology


M. Guarise


A. Ganis




Geostatistics was applied to a set of RLD (Root Length Density) data of maize obtained from auger sampling. A reciprocal linear-logarithmic function was found to fit the spatial trend of RLD, and was subtracted from the original data for correct application of geostatistics. Subsequent use of variography enabled description of the relations of root density with space and provided information on the size of root clusters. Spatial relations also served as a basis for subsequent estimation by kriging of RLD in unsampled locations, thus yielding bi-dimensional RLD maps with higher accuracy than those obtained by traditional methods of interpolation. Comparing two maize hybrids of different yields, the maps showed substantial differences in the proportion of root length in peripheral positions of the cross-row vertical profile and in the incidence of zones with critical density of colonisation. The trend of variograms also indicated larger root clusters in the higher-yielding hybrid, together with more uniform colonisation of soil – a profitable feature in conditions of limited soil resources. The trial highlighted some drawbacks in the application of geostatistics to feasible schemes of soil-coring in wide-spaced crops.


Analysis of root images from auger sampling with a fast procedure: A case of application to sugar beet

August 2003


322 Reads


44 Citations

Plant and Soil

Manual line-intersect methods for estimating root length are being progressively replaced by faster and more accurate image analysis procedures. These methods even allow the estimation of some more root parameters (e.g., diameter), but still require preliminary labour-intensive operations. Through a task-specific macro function written in a general-purpose image analysis programme (KS 300 – Zeiss), the processing time of root images was greatly reduced with respect to skeletonisation methods by using a high-precision algorithm (Fibrelength). This has been previously proposed by other authors, and estimates length as a function of perimeter and area of the digital image of roots. One-bit binary images were acquired, aiming at large savings in computer memory, and automatic discrimination of roots against extraneous objects based on their elongation index (perimeter2/area), was performed successfully. Of four tested spatial resolutions (2.9, 5.9, 8.8, 11.8 pixel mm–1), in clean samples good accuracy in root length estimation was achieved at 11.8 pixel mm–1, up to a root density of 5 cm cm–2 on the scanner bed. This resolution is theoretically suitable for representing roots at least 85 m wide. When dealing with uncleaned samples, a thick layer of water was useful in speeding up spreading of roots on the scanner bed and avoiding underestimation of their length due to overlaps with organic debris. A set of fibrous root samples of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera L.) collected at harvest over two years at Legnaro (NE Italy) was analysed by applying the above procedure. Fertilisation with 100 kg ha–1 of nitrogen led to higher RLD (root length density in soil) in shallow layers with respect to unfertilised controls, whereas thicker roots were found deeper than 80 cm of soil without nitrogen.

Fibrous root turnover and growth in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera) as affected by nitrogen shortage

August 2003


108 Reads


34 Citations

Plant and Soil

The root system of plants is subject to fast cycles of renewal and decay within the growing season. In water and/or nutrient stress conditions, this turnover may become strategic for plant survival and productivity, but knowledge about its mechanisms is still insufficient. In order to investigate the effects of nitrogen fertilization on growth and turnover of sugar beet roots, an experiment was carried out over two growing seasons in northern Italy with two levels of N supply (0, 100 kg ha–1). Biomass production and partitioning were followed during growth, and fibrous root dynamics were inspected by means of computer-aided procedures applied to minirhizotron images.In conditions of N shortage, lower yields (storage roots) were associated with greater allocation of biomass to tap roots (final tap-root/shoot ratio = 5.6 vs. 4.1) and shallower distribution of fibrous root length density. The maximum depth of roots was not affected by N, but unfertilized plants reached it more slowly.The ratio of cumulative root dead length to produced length at the end of the growing period (TDL max/TPL max) was used as the most suitable approach for assessing overall root turnover. This ratio was greater in controls (0.73 vs. 0.50), which showed lower root longevity (–34% life-span on average), indicating that a greater proportion of root growth was renewed by unfertilized plants over the season.

Figure 1. Crop water and nitrogen balance of field experiment, calculated by crop simulation model CropSyst throughout season. (A) Potential (Penman–Monteith method) and actual evapotranspiration (ET) and daily rainfall (vertical bars). (B) Potential and actual transpiration (T). (C) Nitrogen and water stress indexes. 
Figure 2. Pot experiment: relationships between relative transpiration (RT) and fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) of maize hybrids, DK585 and Santos, in progressive water deficit regime. Coefficients of regression curves are: a = 10.307, b = 30.656, R 2 = 0.902 (DK585); a = 8.027, b = 7.98, R 2 = 0.986 (Santos). 
Figure 3. Field experiment: vertical profiles of soil root-length density (RLD) of maize hybrids, DK585 and Santos, for each of following auger sampling positions: (A) on plant; (B) at 18 cm from plant in inter-row; (C) at 37 cm from plant in inter-row (halfway between two rows); (D) between two plants in row. For positions A and D, RLD values at 10 cm of soil depth are shown separately. LSD test: different letters mean significant difference ( P ≤ 0.05). 
Figure 4. Field experiment: root diameter distribution over depth of maize hybrids, DK585 and Santos. LSD test: different letters mean significant difference ( P ≤ 0.05). 
A comparison of root characteristics in relation to nutrient and water stress in two maize hybrids

January 2003


691 Reads


120 Citations

Plant and Soil

Root responses of maize (Zea mays L.) to limited nutrients and water availability were evaluated in two highly productive full-season hybrids, DK585 and Santos (Dekalb – Monsanto), in laboratory, pot and field tests. In the laboratory, under optimal nutrient and water supply, seedlings of DK585 had higher growth (leaves and roots). Under nitrate or sulphate deprivation, DK585 showed better ability in adapting its root/shoot ratio to stress conditions, whereas Santos showed less plastic behaviour. This morphological trait of DK585 was associated with higher sulphate and constitutive nitrate influxes. In pot trials (plants with four to five leaves), DK585 maintained a high transpiration level to very low values (around 0.2) of FTSW (fraction of transpirable soil water), whereas Santos showed a higher response to soil drying. The latter reduced the rate of transpiration starting from a FTSW of about 0.6. In the open field (trial in 2000, Legnaro, NE Italy), in conditions of fluctuating combined water and nitrogen stress, DK585 at flowering reached greater root length density (RLD) than Santos in deep layers (50–100-cm interval depth) of positions further from the plant. However, in these conditions, the yield of DK585 was found to be only slightly higher than that of Santos (8.88 vs. 8.49 t ha–1 d.w.). An overall evaluation of the two hybrids indicates the more conservative strategy towards limited water and nutrient resources in Santos, and a greater tendency towards stress avoidance in DK585.

An approach to minirhizotron root image analysis

January 2000


925 Reads


42 Citations

Plant and Soil

Minirhizotrons speed up research on root demography, but image quality often hampers standardization of the image processing method. A simple procedure working on the blue band of colour images was tested on fibrous roots of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera). With respect to green and red, the blue band allows better detection of roots when their luminance is very similar to that of the background. The method makes use of an exponential algorithm of contrast stretching, which takes luminance frequency distribution into account. Based on a single threshold level, the procedure includes skeletonization. A minimum segment length was adopted to discriminate roots from extraneous objects. Although a specific minimum root length (MRL) value was calculated for each soil type, results show that a single value can be applied, indicating that this method can be profitably used for processing large samples of images.

Citations (6)

... In response to this spatial variation, many plants selectively increase fine root biomass within enriched patches in order to forage efficiently for nutrients (Hodge 2006). Root length density (RLD) can be interpreted as a regionalized variable, showing spatial correlation (Jackson and Caldwell 1993;Vamerali et al. 2008;Gwenzi et al. 2011). Many attributes (e.g., soil properties, plant occurrence, biotic factors, etc.) can exhibit differential spatial heterogeneity as a spatial arrangement (pattern) of high and low values across the field or plot (Ettema and Wardle 2002); for instance, in soil attributes (Utset and Cid 2001;Paz-Gonzalez et al. 2000), or mirid insect density in cocoa agroforests (Babin et al. 2010). ...


Geostatistical modeling of the spatial variability of coffee fine roots under Erythrina shade trees and contrasting soil management
Studying root distribution with geostatistics

Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology

... Minirhizotrons include transparent tubes which are placed in soil and equipped with fiber-optic borescopes or video cameras [148]. This kind of tool allows the observation and measurement of the root growth dynamic during short time intervals, also in open field-like conditions, maintaining the integrity of the living root system. ...

An approach to minirhizotron root image analysis

Plant and Soil

... These roots tend to physically combined with soil particles, which increased soil cohesion and improves soil stability, and thus, promoting soil erosion controlling (De Baets et al., 2007;Liu et al., 2020). Compared with M. sativa, E. dahuricus, B. inermis and T. repens have more abundant fibrous roots (Vamerali et al., 2003;Fan et al., 2016), thus leading to the higher runoff volume and lower sediment yield (Fig. 3). ...

Fibrous root turnover and growth in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera) as affected by nitrogen shortage
  • Citing Article
  • August 2003

Plant and Soil

... Other plants exposed to salt stress over long periods may undergo adaptive evolution, leading to the selection of individuals with traits that enhance salt tolerance [27,[49][50][51]. One adaptive mechanism is developing deep or extensive root systems that explore larger soil volumes, allowing them to access water and nutrients from deeper soil layers [52,53]. This mechanism may explain the observed relative increase in RD regardless of increased salt levels, as most of the genotypes used here were collected from different places in Egypt with sandy soil of various degrees of salinity. ...

A comparison of root characteristics in relation to nutrient and water stress in two maize hybrids

Plant and Soil

... Roots were separated from the soil particles by flotation with a hydraulic centrifugation device and collected in a 500 µm mesh sieve to be stored at 4 • C in an ethanol solution (12% v/v) before analysis [46]. Images of roots were subsequently acquired by digital scanning, and measurements of root morphological parameters, i.e., volumetric root length density (RLD), root area density (RAD), and root diameter (D), were performed following the procedure described in Vamerali et al. [47]. ...

Analysis of root images from auger sampling with a fast procedure: A case of application to sugar beet

Plant and Soil

... Destructive sampling (five plants for each treatment) was performed at each growth stage (35,65,98,130, and 155 days after emergence in 2016; 33, 61, 102, 135, and 162 days after emergence in 2017; 40, 59, 87, 117, and 160 days after emergence in 2018). The collected five plant samples for each treatment were separated into leaves, petioles, and taproots. ...

Effects of water and nitrogen management on fibrous root distribution and turnover in sugar beet
  • Citing Article
  • August 2009

European Journal of Agronomy