A. F. W. Hughes's research while affiliated with Case Western Reserve University and other places

Publications (3)

PIP Experimental work on abnormal conditions of incubation in the chick has been undertaken to acquire a scientific approach to malformations. More precise experiments on causing abnormalities had a common origin with experimental embryology. Progress in experimental teratology during the last 50 years is reviewed in a commentary on the 4 principle...
Glücksmann ('51) observed that during normal mammalin ocular morphogenesis large numbers of cells become necrotic and are resorbed within the eye rudiment prior to and during invagination of the optic cup. Silver and Hughes ('73) observed that these resorptions are largely confined to the ventral aspect of the optic rudiment where the optic fissure...
Serial sections of embryonic rat eyes were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, quantified (by counting pycnotic and viable nuclei), reproduced by camera lucida on wax plates, and moulded into reconstructions in order to study the normal progression of cellular death during morphogenesis. At least nine distinct necrotic loci (A through I) can be dis...


... Because microphthalmia/anophthalmia can result from elevated apoptosis in development (36)(37)(38), we performed cell death analysis, which demonstrated Rbm24 −/− ocular tissue to have high number of TUNEL-positive cells (Fig. 4A-E). We find that the Notch pathway effector JAG1, which positively controls apoptosis inhibitors and functions in eye development (39,40), is downregulated at both the mRNA and protein levels in Rbm24 −/− mice ( Fig. 4F-H). ...
... 2A,B, 3A,B), and later, during optic cup stages, in the ventral region of the presumptive retina in birds (Figs. 2C-F, 3C-E) (Cuadros and R ıos, 1988;Mart ın-Partido et al., 1988;Trousse et al., 2001) and mammals (Silver and Hughes, 1973;Trousse et al., 2001;Rodr ıguez-Gallardo et al., 2005). This area may serve to shape the optic cup formation. ...