L & Mccluskey's research while affiliated with Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and other places

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Publications (1)

Fig. 1. Power and attitude in the process of material selection.  
Table 1. The role category and profession of inter- viewees. 
Table 3. Summary of the TPB analysis. 
Table 4. Summary of stakeholder analysis. 
The Influence of Architects and Structural Engineers on Timber in Construction–Perceptions and Roles
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2010


2,456 Reads


88 Citations

Silva Fennica






L & Mccluskey

D. 2010. The influence of architects and structural engineers on timber in construction – perceptions and roles. Silva Fennica 44(5): 871–884. This study considers structural engineers' and architects' perceptions of structural timber in multi-story construction contexts. Qualitative approaches—interviews and focus groups— were used to investigate attitudes, perceived norms, and perceived factors that hamper or facilitate the prescription of wood use in construction. Wood was perceived as an appropriate building material. Architects', and even more so engineers', perceptions of negative aspects of wood focused on decay, instability and sound transmission. Although wood-based construction was seen as a required professional skill, it was not expected to improve one's professional status. Positive aspects of wood in construction included its strength, environmental friendli-ness, simple handling and appropriateness for use in conjunction with industrial methods, whereas knowledge gaps and weak support from the wood industry have reduced the use of wood among structural engineers and architects. Both professions perceived their influence on material selection to be weak. They sensed that most of the influence over material selec-tion rested with developers and contractors. The paper contains suggestions on how to make these two professions more influential advocates for wood in construction.


Citations (1)

... However, as technological advancements made steel and concrete not only more accessible but also cost-effective, these materials began to be perceived as superior alternatives due to their modern aesthetic, enhanced durability, and significantly improved fire resistance. In turn, the prominence of wood in the construction industry diminished as it was relegated to small-scale or less demanding structural applications due to concerns regarding instability, fire safety, decay, and sound transmission [1]. ...


Frictional Behavior of Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Sawn Timber for Carpentry and Mechanical Joints in Service Class 2
The Influence of Architects and Structural Engineers on Timber in Construction–Perceptions and Roles

Silva Fennica