A.R. Bakhtizin's research while affiliated with Russian Academy of Sciences and other places

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Publications (33)

Problems of Standardizing Agent-Based Model Description and Possible Ways to Solve Them
  • Article

October 2023


38 Reads


1 Citation

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences

V. L. Makarov


A. R. Bakhtizin


E. A. Rossoshanskaya




N. A. Samsonova

Problems of standardizing agent-based model description and possible ways to solve them

April 2023


6 Reads

Вестник Российской академии наук

The problem of standardizing the description of agent-based models is considered. The foreign experience in solving this problem is studied in detail, and the authors' developments are proposed. In the course of this study, a critical analysis of the existing standards (the original ODD protocol and its updates and modifications) was carried out. An adapted translation of the ODD protocol for use in Russian-language publications was proposed. The need to develop a separate standard for describing agent-based models intended for approbation of management decisions was substantiated. The structure of the standard was proposed, and the prospects for its application were described. The scientific novelty and practical significance of this study consists in the development and justification of the first Russian-language standard for describing agent-based models with account for domestic experience, terminology, and the best examples of models’ description, as well as in the proposal to create an open registry of applied models that would provide interaction with potential users of agent-based decision support systems developed by research teams.

Application of Supercomputer Technologies for Simulation of Society Development

January 2023

Economic Revival of Russia

Under consideration are issues of using supercomputer technologies in the society development modelling. It has been shown that in the TOP 500 most powerful machines in the world, the USA takes the first place (150 systems), the second place – China (34 systems), Russia has 7 systems; ahead of all in performance is the USA (46%), Russia’s share is 1.4%. The supercomputers main tasks have been listed: deep neural networks customization for managing; composite materials development; drugs modelling; calculation of vehicle bodies optimal geometry and etc. The dynamic development of the situation has been noted in Russia, in particular by the increase of the Lomonosov supercomputer power. The МГУ-27 supercomputer has been distinguished, its main tasks: climate, drugs modelling, as well as the Digital Earth superproject. Three priority areas have been identified for implementing on the supercomputers within the framework of BRICS. Russia has announced climate and demography as priorities. In the CEMI RAS, an agent-based model – a Digital Twin of Russia and a Digital Twin of the Planet on the agent-based approach have been developed. The work has been performed jointly with the colleagues from the PRC. Most of the models made in the CEMIRAS have been implemented on the supercomputers. The work results have been published in the «Scientific Solutions of Complex Economic and Social Tasks Using Supercomputers» monography.

Long-term demographic forecasting

January 2023

Вестник Российской академии наук

The results of the latest demographic forecasts from the world’s leading specialized centers (United Nations Population Division, the Wittgenstein Center for Demography and Global Human Capital, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) are considered, demonstrating a certain bias in favor of individual countries and their calculation methods. The second part of this article provides a description of a digital twin of the planet’s demographic system constructed by a Chinese−Russian team and implemented in China’s national supercomputer center. In addition, the results of some calculations carried out using this tool are described.

Creation of a Supercomputer Simulation of a Society with Different Types of Active Agents and Its Approbation

June 2022


16 Reads

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences

This article continues a series of works devoted to the creation of large agent-based models, built as an artificial society, and the development of software for their implementation-the MÖBIUS design system for scalable agent-based models. The basic core of the system is a demographic model that simulates the natural movement of the population. A new stage in the development of the work discussed in this article was the creation on the basis of this core of an agent-based model of Russia, which includes families as agents of a new type, hierarchically connected with human agents. In addition, objects of a new type were introduced into the model-projects that provide for the creation in an artificial environment of analogues of complex control actions aimed at stimulating fertility. Developed on the basis of simulating the reaction of individual families to the introduced regional support measures, the model makes it possible to track their impact on key demographic indicators. The agent-based model of Russia was tested on data for a long retrospective period using the example of the launch of maternal capital programs and showed good agreement with official statistics.


January 2022


1 Read


3 Citations

The author cites long-term demographic projections of the United Nations, the Institute for Health Measurement and Evaluation (IHME), the Joint Center of the Institute for Mathematical Research of Complex Systems (Lomonosov Moscow State University) and the Wittgenstein Center for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA + WCDGHC). According to the forecasts of these organizations, depopulation awaits Russia. The article presents calculations carried out by scientists of the CEMI RAS based on a demographic agent-­based model.The first scenario is associated with the initiation of the process of deurbanization, which involves an increase in the proportion of people living in rural areas, the second — with a gradual increase in the volume of medical services provided. The article also describes scenarios for the development of demographic systems in most countries of the world, obtained on the basis of an agent-­based model created by scientists from the CEMI RAS, and foreign experience in stimulating the birth rate. It is concluded that it is difficult to isolate the influence of a single factor on the increase in the total fertility rate. Accordingly, in order to really reverse the trend of depopulation, the simultaneous influence of many factors is needed.

Agent-based modeling for a complex world

January 2022


40 Reads


11 Citations

The main goal of this paper has been to summarize selected developments in the field of artificial societies and agent-based modeling and to suggest how this fundamentally new toolkit can contribute to solving some of the most complex scientific and practical problems of our time. This paper consists of several parts. The first one considers the history of agent-based models. The second part is devoted to models of this class related to epidemiology, and the third considers agent-based modeling of pedestrian traffic and evacuation of the population. The fourth part is devoted to issues of demographic process modeling, and the fifth to the simulation of transport systems. Ecological forecasting is considered in part six, while the seventh is devoted to issues of land use, and the eighth to urban dynamics. The ninth part considers models used for the reconstruction of historical episodes, and in the tenth part, we will briefly touch on the issues of conflict simulation. In the eleventh part of the paper, we consider issues related to studying social networks using an agent-based approach. Agent-based models of economic systems are considered in the twelfth part. Undoubtedly, the scope of applications of agent-based models is wider, but we elected to focus on these indisputably significant areas.

Citations (19)

... Кроме того, в начале 2000-х гг. российские ученые уже начали заниматься созданием гибридных моделей и предпринимались попытки объединения нескольких типов моделей [20,[28][29][30][31][32]. В 21 веке в России имитационное моделирование стало полноценным направлением, включающим в себя огромную базу исследований. ...


Development of Simulation Modeling and Assessment of the Popularity of this direction in Russia
Agent-based modeling for a complex world
  • Citing Book
  • January 2021

... При этом, если в долгосрочном управлении используемый методологический инструментарий -это детерминированные математические модели различной степени сложности и детализации [16], то в стратегическом -OTSW-анализ [17][18][19]. Управленческий инструментарий -Единая цифровая платформа Российской Федерации «ГосТех» (ЕЦП «ГосТех») по оперативному созданию на стратегическую перспективу государственных информационных систем (ГИС) и цифровых онлайн-сервисов, т.е. ...

Agent-based modeling for a complex world
  • Citing Book
  • January 2022

... (1) the widely-used SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Removed) model [4][5][6], and many of its variations [7,8]; (2) ABM models [9][10][11][12][13]; and (3) models based on reaction-diffusion processes [14][15][16]. The SEIR model couples sets of ordinary differential equations constrained by numerous variables, including the important (but difficult to constrain [17]) infection rate (R), to produce predictive outcomes. ...

A Design System for Scalable Agent-Based Models with Multi-Stage Interactions of Agents Forming Social Connections
  • Citing Article
  • August 2020

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics

... создан прототип агент-ориентированной модели, который относится к экономической сфере деятельности и демонстрирует взаимодействие участников контрактной системы РФ, где предложенный механизм позволяет выявлять недобросовестных поставщиков («Рейтинг надежности поставщиков») [6]; 20 21 создан прототип агент-ориентированной модели взаимодействия ситуационных центров на примере Кемеровской области-Кузбасса, с предложенной внутренней системой распределенных ситуационных центров [14]; проведена апробация и демонстрация возможностей имитационного моделирования в Правительстве Кемеровской области-Кузбасса и в Министерстве жилищно-коммунального обслуживания Республики Узбекистан; совместно с авторскими коллективами написаны разделы для «Стратегии социально-экономического развития Кузбасса до 2035 года» и «Стратегии водоснабжения, водоотведения и водного баланса Республики Узбекистан на период до 2035 года и более длительную перспективу», основные положения которых были закреплены в виде регионального закона и указа Президента Республики Узбекистан [11,28]. ...

Using agent-based models to expand strategic functionality of the Kuzbass situation centers
  • Citing Article
  • September 2020

Russian Journal of Industrial Economics

... and the high performance parallel computing with China's Tianhe-2 supercomputer. In recent years, the SED model has been applied to simulate the impact of International incidents such as the Sino-US trade war on the global economy, and has been recognized gradually [18][19][20][21]. Later, the SED model will be integrated with ChatGPT based on natural language, becoming a new generation of complex system AI model based on mathematical language, capable of assisting human in economic decision-making. ...

World Trade Wars: Scenario Calculations of Consequences
  • Citing Article
  • April 2020

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences

... It is argued that China is the most urgently sought negotiating partner when it comes to limiting the rise in global temperature. Makarov et al. (2020) use an alternative modeling tool called an agent-based model (ABM) to predict environmental changes from human activity. However, these studies do not make conclusions on the implications for loan pricing, or for the financial regulation of climaterelated risks. ...

Agent-based model as a tool for controlling environment of the region
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

... It is also worth noting that the world's largest importers and exporters have continued to use trade to influence the development of the global economy because of the increasing interdependence of countries involve in international trade. The US and China occupied the top two trading positions with a wide margin (Makarov, Wu, Wu, Khabriev & Bakhtizin, 2019). ...

Modern Tools for Evaluating the Effects of Global Trade Wars
  • Citing Article
  • July 2019

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences

... Few of the tools currently used to assess impact of trade wars meet these requirements. Most of the research devoted to this topic is theoretical in nature and uses simplified mathematical tools applied to a limited set of abstract countries [2]. Further we will consider studies that are related to real trade confrontations and include the entire world economy with varying degrees of detail. 2 The Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) is one of the most well-known in the field of creating tools for assessing consequences of trade wars. ...

World trade wars: new impact estimation toolsFig. 1. Top 10 countries in exports (left) and imports (right) of goods in 2017, billion dollars.Fig. 2. US Trade Volume with China: A Fast Growing Trade Imbalance
  • Citing Article
  • July 2019

Вестник Российской академии наук

... Among the important works in this area, [7][8][9][10] should be highlighted. In particular, [7] presents an aggregated agent-based model of migration flows of the European Union countries and describes the influence of the "gravity effect" on the inter-country redistribution of human flows. ...

Aggregated Agent-Based Simulation Model of Migration Flows of the European Union Countries
  • Citing Article
  • March 2019

Economics and Mathematical Methods