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Biological Networks: The Tinkerer as an Engineer



This viewpoint comments on recent advances in understanding the design principles of biological networks. It highlights the surprising discovery of “good-engineering” principles in biochemical circuitry that evolved by random tinkering.
Biological Networks: The Tinkerer as an Engineer
U. Alon
This viewpoint comments on recent advances in understanding the design principles
of biological networks. It highlights the surprising discovery of “good-engineering”
principles in biochemical circuitry that evolved by random tinkering.
Franc¸ois Jacob pictured evolution as a tink-
erer, not an engineer (1). Engineers and tink-
erers arrive at their solutions by very different
routes. Rather than planning structures in ad-
vance and drawing up blueprints (as an engi-
neer would), evolution as a tinkerer works
with odds and ends, assembling interactions
until they are good enough to work. It is
therefore wondrous that the solutions found
by evolution have much in common with
good engineering design (2). This Viewpoint
comments on recent advances in understand-
ing biological networks using concepts from
Biological networks are abstract represen-
tations of biological systems, which capture
many of their essential characteristics. In the
network, molecules are represented by nodes,
and their interactions are represented by edg-
es (or arrows). The cell can be viewed as an
overlay of at least three types of networks,
which describes protein-protein, protein-
DNA, and protein-metabolite interactions. In-
herent in this description is suppression of
detail: many different mechanisms of tran-
scription regulation, for example, may be de-
scribed by a single type of arrow. Further-
more, the interactions can be of different
strengths, so there should be numbers or
weights on each arrow (3). Whenever two or
more arrows converge on a node, an input
function needs to be specified (for example,
AND or OR gates) (4, 5). At present, many of
the connections, numbers and input functions
are not known. However, something can still
be learned even from the very incomplete
networks currently available (68). First, the
network description allows application of
tools and concepts (9) developed in fields
such as graph theory, physics, and sociology
that have dealt with network problems before
(see D. Bray on pg. 1864 in this issue).
Second, biological systems viewed as net-
works can readily be compared with engi-
neering systems, which are traditionally de-
scribed by networks such as flow charts and
blueprints. Remarkably, when such a com-
parison is made, biological networks are seen
to share structural principles with engineered
networks. Here are three of the most impor-
tant shared principles, modularity, robustness
to component tolerances, and use of recurring
circuit elements.
The first principle, modularity (1012), is
an oft-mentioned property of biological net-
works. For example, proteins are known to
work in slightly overlapping, coregulated
groups such as pathways and complexes. En-
gineered systems also use modules, such as
subroutines in software (13) and replaceable
parts in machines. The following working
definition of a module is proposed based on
comparison with engineering: A module in a
network is a set of nodes that have strong
interactions and a common function. A mod-
ule has defined input nodes and output nodes
that control the interactions with the rest of
the network. A module also has internal
nodes that do not significantly interact with
nodes outside the module. Modules in engi-
neering, and presumably also in biology,
have special features that make them easily
embedded in almost any system. For exam-
ple, output nodes should have “low imped-
ance,” so that adding on additional down-
stream clients should not drain the output to
existing clients (up to some limit).
Why does modularity exist in biological
networks? It is important to realize that not
all networks that evolve by tinkering are
modular. A well-studied example is computer-
science neural networks (NNs). NNs are a set
of interconnected nodes, each of which has a
state that depends on the integrated inputs
from other nodes (14 ). As do protein signal-
ing networks, NNs function to process infor-
mation between input and output nodes (15).
In a way analogous to biological networks,
NNs are optimized by an “evolutionary” tink-
ering process of adding and removing arrows
and changing their weights until the NN per-
forms a given computational goal (gives the
“correct” output responses to input signals).
Unlike biological networks, however, NNs
are nonmodular. They typically have a highly
interconnected architecture in which each
node participates in many tasks. Viewed in
this perspective, the modularity of biological
networks is puzzling because modular struc-
tures can be argued to be less optimal than
NN-style, nonmodular structures. After all,
modules greatly limit the number of possible
connections in the network, and usually a
connection can be added that reduces modu-
larity and increases the fitness of the network.
This is the reason that NNs almost always
display a nonmodular design. A clue to the
reason that modules evolve in biology can be
found in engineering (16 ). Modules in engi-
neering convey an advantage in situations
where the design specifications change from
time to time. New devices or software can be
easily constructed from existing, well-tested
modules. A nonmodular device, in which ev-
ery component is optimally linked to every
other component, is effectively frozen and
cannot evolve to meet new optimization con-
ditions. Similarly, modular biological net-
works may have an advantage over non-
modular networks in real-life ecologies,
which change over time: Modular networks
can be readily reconfigured to adapt to new
conditions (16, 17 ).
The second common feature of engineer-
ing and biological networks is robustness to
component tolerances. In both engineering
and biology, the design must work under all
plausible insults and interferences that come
with the inherent properties of the compo-
nents and the environment. Thus, Escherichia
coli needs to be robust with respect to tem-
perature changes over a few tens of degrees,
and no circuit in the cell should depend on
having precisely 100 copies of protein X and
not 103. This point has been made decades
ago for developmental systems (17, 18) and
metabolism (2, 19, 20). The fact that a gene
circuit must be robust to such perturbations
imposes severe constraints on its design:
Only a small percentage of the possible cir-
cuits that perform a given function can per-
form it robustly. Recently, there have been
detailed experimental-theoretical studies
that demonstrate how particular gene cir-
cuits can be robust, for example, in bacte-
rial chemotaxis (21, 22) and in fruit-fly
development (23).
The third feature common to engineering
and biological networks is the use of recurring
circuit elements. An electronic device, for ex-
ample, can include thousands of occurrences of
circuit elements such as operational amplifiers
and memory registers. Biology displays the
same principle, using key wiring patterns again
and again throughout a network. Metabolic net-
works use regulatory circuits such as feedback
inhibition in many different pathways (24). The
transcriptional network of E. coli has been
shown to display a small set of recurring circuit
elements termed “network motifs” (25). Each
network motif can perform a specific informa-
Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Depart-
ment of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann In-
stitute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 76100. E-mail:
26 SEPTEMBER 2003 VOL 301 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1866
tion processing task such as filtering out spuri-
ous input fluctuation (25), generating temporal
programs of expression (3, 25) or accelerating
the throughput of the network (2, 26). Recently,
the same network motifs were also found in the
transcription network of yeast (7, 27 ). It is im-
portant to stress that the similarity in circuit
structure does not necessarily stem from circuit
duplication. Evolution, by constant tinkering,
appears to converge again and again on these
circuit patterns in different nonhomologous sys-
tems (25, 27, 28), presumably because they
carry out key functions (see Perspective (29)
STKE). Network motifs can be detected by
algorithms that compare the patterns found in
the biological network to those found in suitably
randomized networks (25, 27). This is analo-
gous to detection of sequence motifs as
recurring sequences that are very rare in
random sequences.
Network motifs are likely to be also
found on the level of protein signaling net-
works (30). Once a dictionary of network
motifs and their functions is established,
one could envision researchers detecting
network motifs in new networks just as
protein domains are currently detected in
the sequences of new genes. Finding a se-
quence motif (e.g., a kinase domain) in a
new protein sheds light on its biochemical
function; similarly, finding a network motif
in a new network may help explain what
systems-level function the network per-
forms, and how it performs it.
Will a complete description of the biological
networks of an entire cell ever be available?
The task of mapping an unknown network is
known as reverse-engineering (3, 3133).
Much of engineering is actually reverse-
engineering, because prototypes often do not
work and need to be understood in order to
correct their design. The program of molecular
biology is reverse-engineering on a grand scale.
Reverse engineering a nonmodular network of
a few thousand components and their nonlinear
interactions is impossible (exponentially hard
with the number of nodes). However, the spe-
cial features of biological networks discussed
here give hope that biological networks are
structures that human beings can understand.
Modularity, for example, is at the root of the
success of gene functional assignment by ex-
pression correlations (11, 34 ). Robustness to
component tolerances limits the range of pos-
sible circuits that function on paper to only a
few designs that can work in the cell. This can
help theorists to home in on the correct design
with limited data (2123). Network motifs de-
fine the few basic patterns that recur in a net-
work and, in principle, can provide specific
experimental guidelines to determine whether
they exist in a given system (25). These con-
cepts, together with the current technological
revolution in biology, may eventually allow
characterization and understanding of cell-wide
networks, with great benefit to medicine. The
similarity between the creations of tinkerer and
engineer also raises a fundamental scientific
challenge: understanding the laws of nature that
unite evolved and designed systems.
References and Notes
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4. C. H. Yuh, H. Bolouri, E. H. Davidson, Science 279,
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6. D. Thieffry, A. M. Huerta, E. Perez-Rueda, J. Collado-
Vides, Bioessays 20, 433 (1998).
7. T. I. Lee et al., Science 298, 799 (2002).
8. E. H. Davidson et al., Science 295, 1669 (2002).
9. S. H. Strogatz, Nature 410, 268 (2001).
10. L. H. Hartwell, J. J. Hopfield, S. Leibler, A. W. Murray,
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11. J. Ihmels et al., Nature Genet. 31, 370 (Aug, 2002).
12. E. Ravasz, A. L. Somera, D. A. Mongru, Z. N. Oltvai,
A.-L. Baraba´si, Science 297, 1551 (2002).
13. C. R. Myers, arXiv: cond-mat/0305575 (2003).
14. J. J. Hopfield, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79, 2554
15. D. Bray, J. Theor. Biol. 143, 215 (1990).
16. H. Lipson, J. B. Pollack, N. P. Suh, Evolution 56, 1549
17. J. Gerhart, M. W. Kirschner, Cells, Embryos, and Evo-
lution: Toward a Cellular and Developmental Under-
standing of Phenotypic Variation and Evolutionary
Adaptability (Blackwell Science Inc, Oxford, 1997).
18. C. H. Waddington, Nature 150, 563 (1942).
19. H. Kacser, J. A. Burns, Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 32,65
20. M. Savageau, Nature 229, 542 (1971).
21. N. Barkai, S. Leibler, Nature 387, 913 (1997).
22. U. Alon, M. G. Surette, N. Barkai, S. Leibler, Nature
397, 168 (1999).
23. A. Eldar et al., Nature 419, 304 (2002).
24. D. Fell, Understanding the Control of Metabolism
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25. S. S. Shen-Orr, R. Milo, S. Mangan, U. Alon, Nature
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26. N. Rosenfeld, M. B. Elowitz, U. Alon, J. Mol. Biol. 323,
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27. R. Milo et al., Science 298, 824 (2002).
28. G. C. Conant, A. Wagner, Nature Genet. 34, 264 (2003).
29. A. Wagner, Sci. STKE 2003, pe41 (2003).
30. C. V. Rao, A. P. Arkin, Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 3, 391
31. M. E. Csete, J. C. Doyle, Science 295, 1664 (2002).
32. A. Arkin, P. Shen, J. Ross, Science 277, 1275 (1997).
33. T. S. Gardner, D. di Bernardo, D. Lorenz, J. J. Collins,
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Social Insect Networks
Jennifer H. Fewell
Social insect colonies have many of the properties of adaptive networks. The simple
rules governing how local interactions among individuals translate into group be-
haviors are found across social groups, giving social insects the potential to have a
profound impact on our understanding of the interplay between network dynamics
and social evolution.
The formal exploration of social insect col-
onies as networks is in its infancy. Howev-
er, social insects such as wasps, ants, and
honeybees provide a powerful system for
examining how network dynamics contrib-
ute to the evolution of complex biological
systems. Social insect colonies (and social
groups generally) have key network attributes
that appear consistently in complex biological
systems, from molecules through ecosystems;
these include nonrandom systems of connectiv-
ity and the self-organization of group-level
phenotypes (13). Colonies exhibit multi-
ple levels of organization, yet it is still
possible to track individuals, making these
societies more accessible to experimen-
tal manipulation than many other com-
plex systems.
How can viewing insect societies as net-
works shape our understanding of social orga-
nization and evolution? First, they have become
one of the central model systems for exploring
self-organization: the process by which interac-
tions occurring locally between individuals
produce group-level attributes. Self-organi-
zation in a social insect colony produces
emergent properties: social phenotypes that
are greater than a simple summation of
individual worker behaviors (2). The basic
rules generating these dynamics are broad-
ly applicable across taxa whose members
show social behavior, and they produce
ubiquitous patterns of social organization,
including mass action responses, division
of labor, and social hierarchies (2, 4 ).
School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ 85287–1501, USA. E-mail: j.fewell@asu.
... Previous studies have suggested that under harsh environmental conditions that limit plant growth, there may be a preference for increased modularity and reduced trait connections. This is because robust trait coordination, although beneficial, can come at a cost (Alon 2003;Rao et al. 2023). However, our results were different. ...
... Secondly, a higher modularity in the network may have provided plants with increased freedom and Fig. 4 The relationships of trait network modularity (a), edge density (b), and plant foraging intensity flexibility to adapt to changing environmental conditions while still maintaining optimal performance (Li et al. 2015). Edge density represents the density of connections among nodes in a network, and variations in edge density indicate the balance between the efficiency of information flow and the associated costs of maintaining numerous connections (Alon 2003). Under low-light regime with benthic fish disturbance, we observed weaker connectivity among traits, which was consist with Rao et al. (2023). ...
... The maternal plant biomass ratio was negatively correlated with RGR but not with foraging intensity, suggesting a trade-off between growth and foraging in the allocation of maternal biomass. Since foraging behavior incurs a certain construction cost (Alon 2003;Wang et al. 2013), plants tend to allocate biomass to ramets when growing in a suitable environment, leading to greater foraging intensity. However, under stressful conditions, plants allocate biomass primarily to their mother plant to maintain growth. ...
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In shallow eutrophic lakes, submersed macrophytes are significantly influenced by two main factors: light availability and benthic fish disturbance. Plant foraging is one of the most crucial aspects of plant behavior. The present study was carried out to effects of light regimes and fish disturbance on the foraging behavior of Vallisneria natans in heterogeneous sediments. V. natans was cultivated in heterogeneous sediments with four treatments: high-light regime (H), high-light regime with benthic fish (HF), low-light regime (L), and low-light regime with benthic fish (LF). We use plant trait network analysis to evaluate the relationships between traits in heterogeneous sediments. We found the plant foraging intensity was positively correlated with trait network modularity. The biomass of stem, maternal plant biomass ratio, and ramet number were the hub traits of plant growing in heterogeneous habitats. Although the plant relative growth rate (RGR) was positively correlated with foraging intensity, the hub traits had closer links with plant RGR than foraging intensity. Light regime and benthic fish indirectly affected the plant foraging intensity by changing the chlorophyll a content and pH of overlying water. Overall, our analysis provides valuable insights into plant foraging behavior in response to environmental changes.
... Critical cellular processes including the maintenance of cellular identity, homeostasis, and the cellular response to external stimuli are orchestrated through complex transcriptional co-regulation of multiple genes [1][2][3][4] . Gene Co-expression Networks (GCNs) are a commonly used framework to describe gene-gene relationships and are comprised of nodes that represent genes and edges linking co-expressed genes [5] . ...
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Background Gene co-expression networks (GCNs) describe relationships among expressed genes key to maintaining cellular identity and homeostasis. However, the small sample size of typical RNA-seq experiments which is several orders of magnitude fewer than the number of genes is too low to infer GCNs reliably. recount3 , a publicly available dataset comprised of 316,443 uniformly processed human RNA-seq samples, provides an opportunity to improve power for accurate network reconstruction and obtain biological insight from the resulting networks. Results We compared alternate aggregation strategies to identify an optimal workflow for GCN inference by data aggregation and inferred three consensus networks: a universal network, a non-cancer network, and a cancer network in addition to 27 tissue context-specific networks. Central network genes from our consensus networks were enriched for evolutionarily constrained genes and ubiquitous biological pathways, whereas central context-specific network genes included tissue-specific transcription factors and factorization based on the hubs led to clustering of related tissue contexts. We discovered that annotations corresponding to context-specific networks inferred from aggregated data were enriched for trait heritability beyond known functional genomic annotations and were significantly more enriched when we aggregated over a larger number of samples. Conclusion This study outlines best practices for network GCN inference and evaluation by data aggregation. We recommend estimating and regressing confounders in each data set before aggregation and prioritizing large sample size studies for GCN reconstruction. Increased statistical power in inferring context-specific networks enabled the derivation of variant annotations that were enriched for concordant trait heritability independent of functional genomic annotations that are context-agnostic. While we observed strictly increasing held-out log-likelihood with data aggregation, we noted diminishing marginal improvements. Future directions aimed at alternate methods for estimating confounders and integrating orthogonal information from modalities such as Hi-C and ChIP-seq can further improve GCN inference.
... In biology, many complex biological systems can be modeled as networks where individual biological entities, such as different kinds of molecules, are nodes and the connections among them are links [1,2]. The purpose of clustering analysis in biological networks is to identify functional modules of interest, such as protein complexes and gene co-expression modules. ...
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Background As an important task in bioinformatics, clustering analysis plays a critical role in understanding the functional mechanisms of many complex biological systems, which can be modeled as biological networks. The purpose of clustering analysis in biological networks is to identify functional modules of interest, but there is a lack of online clustering tools that visualize biological networks and provide in-depth biological analysis for discovered clusters. Results Here we present BioCAIV, a novel webserver dedicated to maximize its accessibility and applicability on the clustering analysis of biological networks. This, together with its user-friendly interface, assists biological researchers to perform an accurate clustering analysis for biological networks and identify functionally significant modules for further assessment. Conclusions BioCAIV is an efficient clustering analysis webserver designed for a variety of biological networks. BioCAIV is freely available without registration requirements at
... In doing so, these authors took their cue from work in cognitive science relating categorization to principles of rationality and optimality (e.g., Rosch, 1978;Marr, 1982;Anderson, 1990Anderson, , 1991Oaksford & Chater, 1994;Chater & Oaksford, 1999;Goodman et al., 2008;Frank & Goodman, 2012;Griffiths, Lieder, & Goodman, 2015) as well as from recent work in biology, which explains the occurrence of certain biological traits and processes by reference to what they would look like had they been designed according to principles of good engineering; for instance, Alon (2003) argues that many biological networks look as if they had been constructed by someone who obeyed the same principles of modularity, use of recurring circuit elements, and robustness of component tolerances that guide the design of engineered networks. ...
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This paper studies the learnability of natural concepts in the context of the conceptual spaces framework. Previous work proposed that natural concepts are represented by the cells of optimally partitioned similarity spaces, where optimality was defined in terms of a number of constraints. Among these is the constraint that optimally partitioned similarity spaces result in easily learnable concepts. While there is evidence that systems of concepts generally regarded as natural satisfy a number of the proposed optimality constraints, the connection between naturalness and learnability has been less well studied. To fill this gap, we conduct a computational study employing two standard models of concept learning. Applying these models to the learning of color concepts, we examine whether natural color concepts are more readily learned than nonnatural ones. Our findings warrant a positive answer to this question for both models employed, thus lending empirical support to the notion that learnability is a distinctive characteristic of natural concepts.
Complex networks serve as indispensable instruments for characterizing and comprehending intricate real-world systems. Recently, researchers have delved into the realm of higher-order networks, seeking to delineate interactions within these networks with greater precision or analyzing traditional pairwise networks from a higher-dimensional perspective. This endeavor has unearthed novel phenomena distinct from those observed in conventional pairwise networks. However, despite the significance of higher-order networks, research in this area remains comparatively sparse. Furthermore, the intricacy of higher-order interactions has led to a dearth of standardized definitions for their structural statistical measures, posing additional challenges in their investigation. In recognition of these challenges, this paper presents a comprehensive survey of commonly employed statistics and their underlying physical significance in two prevalent types of higher-order networks:hypergraphs and simplicial complex networks. It not only outlines the specific calculation methods and application scenarios of these statistical indicators but also provides a glimpse into future research trends. This comprehensive overview serves as a valuable resource for beginners or cross-disciplinary researchers interested in higher-order networks, enabling them to swiftly grasp the fundamental statistics pertaining to these advanced structures. By fostering a deeper understanding of higher-order networks, this paper facilitates quantitative analysis of their structural characteristics and serves as a guide for researchers aiming to develop novel statistical methods tailored to higher-order networks.
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In order to deal with problems of reduced searching efficiency and poor quality of algorithms for large-scale inter-cell scheduling problems, an improved cuckoo search algorithm under bottleneck-degree-based search guidance is proposed. A large-scale inter-cell scheduling optimization model aiming at minimizing makespan is established. A tabu search is adopted to replace the local search strategy of the cuckoo search algorithm. The bottleneck degree of a complex network model for an inter-cell scheduling problem is used to guide the design of the neighborhood structure of the tabu search. The proposed algorithm is validated by numerical examples. The results show that the convergent speed and qualities of solutions of the proposed algorithm are improved. It is verified that the proposed search guidance based on a complex network’s bottleneck degree could improve the searching ability and convergence speed of the algorithm for large-scale inter-cell scheduling optimization problems.
This paper addresses two topics in systems biology, the hypothesis that biological systems are modular and the problem of relating structure and function of biological systems. The focus here is on gene regulatory networks, represented by Boolean network models, a commonly used tool. Most of the research on gene regulatory network modularity has focused on network structure, typically represented through either directed or undirected graphs. But since gene regulation is a highly dynamic process as it determines the function of cells over time, it is natural to consider functional modularity as well. One of the main results is that the structural decomposition of a network into modules induces an analogous decomposition of the dynamic structure, exhibiting a strong relationship between network structure and function. An extensive simulation study provides evidence for the hypothesis that modularity might have evolved to increase phenotypic complexity while maintaining maximal dynamic robustness to external perturbations.
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This paper addresses two topics in systems biology, the hypothesis that biological systems are modular and the problem of relating structure and function of biological systems. The focus here is on gene regulatory networks, represented by Boolean network models, a commonly used tool. Most of the research on gene regulatory network modularity has focused on network structure, typically represented through either directed or undirected graphs. But since gene regulation is a highly dynamic process as it determines the function of cells over time, it is natural to consider functional modularity as well. One of the main results is that the structural decomposition of a network into modules induces an analogous decomposition of the dynamic structure, exhibiting a strong relationship between network structure and function. An extensive simulation study provides evidence for the hypothesis that modularity might have evolved to increase phenotypic complexity while maintaining maximal dynamic robustness to external perturbations.
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A method for the prediction of the interactions within complex reaction networks from experimentally measured time series of the concentration of the species composing the system has been tested experimentally on the first few steps of the glycolytic pathway. The reconstituted reaction system, containing eight enzymes and 14 metabolic intermediates, was kept away from equilibrium in a continuous-flow, stirred-tank reactor. Input concentrations of adenosine monophosphate and citrate were externally varied over time, and their concentrations in the reactor and the response of eight other species were measured. Multidimensional scaling analysis and heuristic algorithms applied to two-species time-lagged correlation functions derived from the time series yielded a diagram from which the interactions among all of the species could be deduced. The diagram predicts essential features of the known reaction network in regard to chemical reactions and interactions among the measured species. The approach is applicable to many complex reaction systems.
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The genomic regulatory network that controls gene expression ultimately determines form and function in each species. The operational nature of the regulatory programming specified in cis-regulatory DNA sequence was determined from a detailed functional analysis of a sea urchin control element that directs the expression of a gene in the endoderm during development. Spatial expression and repression, and the changing rate of transcription of this gene, are mediated by a complex and extended cis-regulatory system. The system may be typical of developmental cis-regulatory apparatus. All of its activities are integrated in the proximal element, which contains seven target sites for DNA binding proteins. A quantitative computational model of this regulatory element was constructed that explicitly reveals the logical interrelations hard-wired into the DNA.
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Computational properties of use of biological organisms or to the construction of computers can emerge as collective properties of systems having a large number of simple equivalent components (or neurons). The physical meaning of content-addressable memory is described by an appropriate phase space flow of the state of a system. A model of such a system is given, based on aspects of neurobiology but readily adapted to integrated circuits. The collective properties of this model produce a content-addressable memory which correctly yields an entire memory from any subpart of sufficient size. The algorithm for the time evolution of the state of the system is based on asynchronous parallel processing. Additional emergent collective properties include some capacity for generalization, familiarity recognition, categorization, error correction, and time sequence retention. The collective properties are only weakly sensitive to details of the modeling or the failure of individual devices.
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The molecular components of biochemical systems particularly the mathematical properties and their kinetic descriptions are considered. A power law method of analysis is developed, that provides a unified formalism specifically appropriate for biochemical systems, and yet mathematically tractable. The validity of this method is established, both by arguments from first principles and by direct comparison with experimental results. The methods developed are applied to several biochemical and genetic control systems.
Living cells respond to their environment by means of an interconnected network of receptors, second messengers, protein kinases and other signalling molecules. This article suggests that the performance of cell signalling pathways taken as a whole has similarities to that of the parallel distributed process networks (PDP networks) used in computer-based pattern recognition. Using the response of hepatocytes to glucagon as an example, a procedure is described by which a PDP network could simulate a cell signalling pathway. This procedure involves the following steps: (a) a bounded set of molecules is defined that carry the signals of interest; (b) each of these molecules is represented by a PDP-type of unit, with input and output functions and connection weights corresponding to specific biochemical parameters; (c) a "learning algorithm" is applied in which small random changes are made in the parameters of the cell signalling units and the new network is then tested by a selection procedure in favour of a specific input-output relationship. The analogy with PDP networks shows how living cells can recognize combinations of environmental influences, how cell responses can be stabilized and made resistant to damage, and how novel cell signalling pathways might appear during evolution.
Parameter sensitivity is a theoretical criterion that can be used in the quantitative evaluation and comparison of different biochemical systems that regulate, for example, the supply of end product.