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Does Rejection Hurt? An fMRI Study of Social Exclusion


Abstract and Figures

A neuroimaging study examined the neural correlates of social exclusion and tested the hypothesis that the brain bases of social pain are similar to those of physical pain. Participants were scanned while playing a virtual ball-tossing game in which they were ultimately excluded. Paralleling results from physical pain studies, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) was more active during exclusion than during inclusion and correlated positively with self-reported distress. Right ventral prefrontal cortex (RVPFC) was active during exclusion and correlated negatively with self-reported distress. ACC changes mediated the RVPFC-distress correlation, suggesting that RVPFC regulates the distress of social exclusion by disrupting ACC activity.
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DOI: 10.1126/science.1089134
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subtilis (fig. S2). The RLP of B. subtilis
includes both those amino acid residues of
RuBisCO that are responsible for binding
the phosphate on C1 of RuBP and those
required for activation by CO
. However,
the residues of RuBisCO that are responsi-
ble for binding the other phosphate group
of RuBP and the residues of loop 6, which
are essential for RuBisCO activity (2,3),
are replaced by different amino acids in
RLP (Fig. 1B). The reaction catalyzed by
RuBisCO consists of three sequential, par-
tial reactions: enolization, carboxylation or
oxygenation, and hydrolysis (2,3,26). De-
letion of loop 6 from RuBisCO prevents it
from catalyzing the carboxylation/oxygen-
ation reactions (27). However, it retains the
ability to catalyze the enolization reaction
(27). This observation supports the hypoth-
esis that the RLP-catalyzed enolization of
DK-MTP-1-P does not require the amino
acid residues that bind the phosphate group
on C5 of RuBP and the loop 6. Moreover,
the structure of DK-MTP-1-P is very sim-
ilar to that of RuBP. In photosynthetic
RuBisCO, these additional structures may
hinder the DK-MTP-1-P enolase reaction,
and they may also explain the slow growth
of ykrW
cells (Fig. 4C). In this
context, our results with the RLP of B.
subtilis suggest that RLPs of other bacteria
may also catalyze a reaction similar to one
of the partial reactions of RuBisCO in a
bacterial metabolic pathway.
Our analysis shows that RLP of B. sub-
tilis functions as a DK-MTP-1-P enolase,
which has no RuBP-carboxylation activity,
in the methionine salvage pathway. More-
over, this function of RLP is conserved in
the RuBisCO from a photosynthetic bacte-
rium. In a standard phylogenetic tree of the
large subunits of RuBisCO, the RLP from
B. subtilis is not included on any branches
that include RuBisCO or on branches that
include other RLPs with RuBP-carboxyla-
tion activity (Fig. 1A). The codon usage
and the G C content of the gene for RLP
are typical of the organism. The literature
(28) suggests that genes such as the gene
for RLP were probably not derived by lat-
eral transfer of a gene for a RuBP-carbox-
ylating enzyme from another unrelated or-
ganism, for example, in this case, an ar-
chaeon or photosynthetic bacterium. Thus,
it is possible that the gene for RLP, which
in B. subtilis is part of the methionine
salvage pathway, and the gene for photo-
synthetic RuBisCO originated from a com-
mon ancestral gene (supporting online
text). However, bacteria and Archaea that
have RLPs first appeared on Earth (29)
long before the Calvin cycle developed in
photosynthetic bacteria (30), thus we sug-
gest that RLPs may be the ancestral en-
zymes of photosynthetic RuBisCO.
References and Notes
1. R. J. Ellis, Trend. Biochem. Sci. 4, 241 (1979).
2. T. J. Andrews, G. H. Lorimer, in Biochemistry of Plants,
vol. 10, M. D. Hatch, N. K. Boardman, Eds. (Academic
Press, New York, 1987), pp. 131–218.
3. H. Roy, T. J. Andrews, in Photosynthesis, vol. 9, R. C.
Leegood, T. D. Sharkey, S. von Caemmerer, Eds. (Klu-
wer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2000), pp. 53–83.
4. G. M. Watson, F. R. Tabita, FEMS Microbiol. Lett.146,
13 (1997).
5. G. M. Watson, J. Yu, F. R. Tabita, J. Bacteriol.181,
1569 (1999).
6. S. Ezaki, N. Maeda, T. Kishimoto, H. Atomi, T.
Imanaka, J. Biol. Chem.274, 5078 (1999).
7. F. Kunst et al., Nature 390, 249 (1997).
8. T. E. Hanson, F. R. Tabita, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
98, 4397 (2001).
9. J. A. Eisen et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.U.S.A.99, 9509
10. H. P. Klenk et al., Nature 390, 364 (1997).
11. J. F. Grundy, M. T. Henkin, in Bacillus subtilis and Its
Closest Relatives: from Genes to Cells, A. L. Sonen-
shein et al., Eds. (ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2002),
pp. 245–254.
12. B. A. Murphy, F. J. Grundy, T. M. Henkin, J. Bacteriol.
184, 2314 (2002).
13. A. Sekowska, A. Danchin, BMC Microbiol.2, 8 (2002).
14. E. S. Furfine, R. H. Abeles, J. Biol. Chem. 263, 9598
15. R. W. Myers, J. W. Wray, S. Fish, R. H. Abeles, J. Biol.
Chem.268, 24785 (1993).
16. J. W. Wray, R. H. Abeles, J. Biol. Chem. 270, 3147
17. Y. Dai, T. C. Pochapsky, R. H. Abeles, Biochemistry 40,
6379 (2001).
18. J. Heilbronn, J. Wilson, B. J. Berger, J. Bacteriol. 181,
1739 (1999).
19. Materials and Methods are available as supporting
material on Science Online.
20. A. Sekowska, L. Mulard, S. Krogh, J. K. Tse, A. Danchin,
BMC Microbiol.1, 15 (2001).
21. G. Avigad, Methods Enzymol.41, 27 (1975).
22. N. C. Kyrpides, C. R. Woese, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
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23. Y. R. Chen, F. C. Hartman, J. Biol. Chem.270, 11741
24. H. Ashida et al., unpublished observations.
25. V. Vagner, E. Dervyn, S. D. Ehrlich, Microbiology 144,
3097 (1998).
26. W. W. Cleland, T. J. Andrews, S. Gutteridge, F.C.
Hartman, G. H. Lorimer, Chem. Rev. 98, 549 (1998).
27. E. M. Larson, F. W. Larimer, F. C. Hartman, Biochem-
istry 34, 4531 (1995).
28. I. Moszer, E. P. Rogha, A. Danchin, Curr. Opin. Micro-
biol.2, 524 (1999).
29. C. R. Woese, O. Kandler, M. L. Wheelis, Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 4576 (1990).
30. H. Hartman, Origins Life Evol. Biosphere 28, 515
31. We thank W. L. Ogren and A. R. Portis Jr., for review-
ing the manuscript. We also thank M. Inui, RITE, for
providing the plasmid pRR2119, and J. Tsukamoto for
assistance with mass analysis. This study was sup-
ported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (no.
10460043) from the Ministry of Education, Science,
Sports and Culture of Japan, and by the “Research for
the Future” programs (JSPS-RFTF97R16001 and
JSPS-00L01604) of the Japan Society for the Promo-
tion of Science.
Supporting Online Material
Materials and Methods
SOM Text
Figs. S1 and S2
19 May 2003; accepted 26 August 2003
Does Rejection Hurt? An fMRI
Study of Social Exclusion
Naomi I. Eisenberger,
* Matthew D. Lieberman,
Kipling D. Williams
A neuroimaging study examined the neural correlates of social exclusion and
tested the hypothesis that the brain bases of social pain are similar to those
of physical pain. Participants were scanned while playing a virtual ball-
tossing game in which they were ultimately excluded. Paralleling results
from physical pain studies, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) was more
active during exclusion than during inclusion and correlated positively with
self-reported distress. Right ventral prefrontal cortex (RVPFC) was active
during exclusion and correlated negatively with self-reported distress.
ACC changes mediated the RVPFC-distress correlation, suggesting that
RVPFC regulates the distress of social exclusion by disrupting ACC
It is a basic feature of human experience to
feel soothed in the presence of close others
and to feel distressed when left behind.
Many languages reflect this experience in
the assignment of physical pain words
(“hurt feelings”) to describe experiences of
social separation (1). However, the notion
that the pain associated with losing some-
one is similar to the pain experienced upon
physical injury seems more metaphorical
than real. Nonetheless, evidence suggests
that some of the same neural machinery
recruited in the experience of physical pain
may also be involved in the experience of
pain associated with social separation or
Department of Psychology, Franz Hall, University of
California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095–1563,
Department of Psychology, Macquarie Univer-
sity, Sydney NSW 2109, Australia.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
10 OCTOBER 2003 VOL 302 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org290
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rejection (2). Because of the adaptive value
of mammalian social bonds, the social at-
tachment system, which keeps young near
caregivers, may have piggybacked onto the
physical pain system to promote survival
(3). We conducted a functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) study of social
exclusion to determine whether the regions
activated by social pain are similar to those
found in studies of physical pain.
The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is
believed to act as a neural alarm system
or conflict monitor, detecting when an au-
tomatic response is inappropriate or in con-
flict with current goals (46). Not surpris-
ingly, pain, the most primitive signal that
something is wrong,activates the ACC
(7,8). More specifically, dorsal ACC ac-
tivity is primarily associated with the affec-
tively distressing rather than the sensory
component of pain (79).
Because of the importance of social
bonds for the survival of most mammalian
species, the social attachment system may
have adopted the neural computations of
the ACC, involved in pain and conflict
detection processes, to promote the goal of
social connectedness. Ablating the cingu-
late in hamster mothers disrupts maternal
behavior aimed at keeping pups near (10),
and ablating the cingulate in squirrel mon-
keys eliminates the spontaneous production
of the separation cry, emitted to reestablish
contact with the social group (11). In hu-
man mothers, the ACC is activated by the
sound of infant cries (12). However, to
date, no studies have examined whether the
ACC is also activated upon social separa-
tion or social rejection in human subjects.
Right ventral prefrontal cortex (RVPFC)
has been implicated in the regulation or
inhibition of pain distress and negative af-
fect (1316). The primate homolog of
VPFC has efferent connections to the re-
gion of the ACC associated with pain dis-
tress (17,18), suggesting that RVPFC may
partially regulate the ACC. Additionally,
electrical stimulation of VPFC in rats di-
minishes pain behavior in response to pain-
ful stimulation (19). More recently in hu-
mans, heightened RVPFC activation has
been associated with improvement of pain
symptoms in a placebo-pain study (16).
Given that even the mildest forms of
social exclusion can generate social pain
(20), we investigated the neural response
during two types of social exclusion: (i)
explicit social exclusion (ESE), in which
individuals were prevented from participat-
ing in a social activity by other players
engaged in the social activity, and (ii) im-
plicit social exclusion (ISE), in which par-
ticipants, because of extenuating circum-
stances, were not able to join in a social
activity with other players.
fMRI scans were acquired while partic-
ipants played a virtual ball-tossing game
(CyberBall) with what they believed to
be two other players, also in fMRI scan-
ners, during which the players eventually
excluded the participant (21). In reality,
there were no other players; participants
were playing with a preset computer pro-
gram and were given a cover story to en-
sure that they believed the other players
were real (22).
In the first scan (ISE), the participant
watched the other playersplay Cyber-
Ball. Participants were told that, because of
technical difficulties, the link to the other two
scanners could not yet be made and thus, at
first, they would be able to watch but not play
with the other two players. This cover story was
intended to allow participants to view a
scene visually identical to ESE without par-
ticipants believing they were being exclud-
ed. In the second scan (inclusion), partici-
pants played with the other two players. In
the final scan (ESE), participants received
seven throws and were then excluded when
the two players stopped throwing partici-
pants the ball for the remainder of the scan
(45 throws). Afterward, participants
filled out questionnaires assessing how ex-
cluded they felt and their level of social
distress during the ESE scan (22).
Behavioral results indicated that partic-
ipants felt ignored and excluded during
ESE (t5.33, P0.05). As predicted,
group analysis of the fMRI data indicated
that dorsal ACC (Fig. 1A) (x8, y20,
z40) was more active during ESE than
during inclusion (t3.36, r0.71, P
0.005) (23,24). Self-reported distress was
positively correlated with ACC activity in
this contrast (Fig. 2A) (x6, y8, z
45, r0.88, P0.005; x4, y31,
z41, r0.75, P0.005), suggesting
that dorsal ACC activation during ESE was
associated with emotional distress parallel-
ing previous studies of physical pain (7,8).
The anterior insula (x42, y16, z1)
was also active in this comparison (t
4.07, r0.78, P0.005); however, it was
not associated with self-reported distress.
Two regions of RVPFC were more ac-
tive during ESE than during inclusion (Fig.
1B) (x42, y27, z11, t4.26, r
0.79, P0.005; x37, y50, z1, t
4.96, r0.83, P0.005). Self-reported
distress was negatively correlated with
RVPFC activity during ESE, relative to
inclusion (Fig. 2B) (x30, y34, z3,
r0.68, P0.005). Additionally,
RVPFC activation (x34, y36, z3)
was negatively correlated with ACC activ-
ity (x6, y8, z45) during ESE,
relative to inclusion (r0.81, P0.005)
(Fig. 2C), suggesting that RVPFC may play
a self-regulatory role in mitigating the dis-
tressing effects of social exclusion.
ACC activity (x6, y8, z45)
mediated the direct path from RVPFC (x
34, y36, z3) to distress (Sobel test,
Z3.16, P0.005). After controlling for
ACC activity, the remaining path from
RVPFC to distress was no longer signifi-
cant (␤⫽0.17, P0.5). This mediation-
al model is nearly identical to the results
from previous research on the self-regula-
tion of physical pain (16).
ISE, relative to inclusion, also produced
significant activation of ACC (x6, y
21, z41; (z41, t4.34, I 0.78, P
0.005). To preserve the cover story, self-
reported distress was not assessed after this
condition, and thus we could not assess the
relation between ACC activity during ISE
and perceived distress. However, no
RVPFC activity was found in this compar-
ison, even at a P.05 significance level,
suggesting that the ACC registered this ISE
but did not generate a self-regula-
tory response.
In summary, a pattern of activations very
similar to those found in studies of physical
pain emerged during social exclusion, pro-
viding evidence that the experience and reg-
ulation of social and physical pain share a
common neuroanatomical basis. Activity in
dorsal ACC, previously linked to the experi-
ence of pain distress, was associated with
increased distress after social exclusion. Fur-
thermore, activity in RVPFC, previously
linked to the regulation of pain distress, was
associated with diminished distress after so-
cial exclusion.
The neural correlates of social pain were
also activated by the mere visual appear-
Fig. 1. (A) Increased
activity in anterior cin-
gulate cortex (ACC)
during exclusion rela-
tive to inclusion. (B) In-
creased activity in
right ventral prefron-
tal cortex (RVPFC)
during exclusion rela-
tive to inclusion.
on September 30, 2008 www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from
ance of exclusion in the absence of actual
exclusion. The pattern of neural activity
associated with ISE and ESE provides
some challenges to the way we currently
understand exclusion and its consequences.
Although the neural correlates of distress
were observed in both ISE and ESE, the
self-regulation of this distress only oc-
curred in response to ESE. Explicit aware-
ness of exclusion may be required before
individuals can make appropriate attribu-
tions and regulate the associated distress.
Dorsal ACC activation during ESE
could reflect enhanced attentional process-
ing, previously associated with ACC activ-
ity (4,5), rather than an underlying distress
due to exclusion. Two pieces of evidence
make this possibility unlikely. First, ACC
activity was strongly correlated with per-
ceived distress after exclusion, indicating
that the ACC activity was associated with
changes in participantsself-reported feel-
ing states. Second, although inclusion is
likely to require greater attentional process-
ing than does ISE to facilitate participation
in the game, there was greater ACC activity
during ISE than during inclusion, indicat-
ing that the ACC activity was not fully
attributable to heightened attention.
Because of the need to maintain a realistic
situation in which participants would genu-
inely feel excluded, the study did not contain
some of the controls typical of most neuro-
imaging studies. For instance, the conditions
were always implemented in the same order
so as to keep expectations consistent from
one scan to the next across participants. It
was especially critical that ESE came last to
prevent expectations of possible exclusion
from contaminating the other conditions.
There was only a single ESE period to pre-
serve ecological validity. This modification,
however, diminishes, rather than increases,
the likelihood of Type I errors.
This study suggests that social pain is
analogous in its neurocognitive function to
physical pain, alerting us when we have
sustained injury to our social connections,
allowing restorative measures to be taken.
Understanding the underlying commonalities
between physical and social pain unearths
new perspectives on issues such as why phys-
ical and social pain are affected similarly by
both social support and neurochemical inter-
ventions (2,3,25), and why it hurtsto lose
someone we love (1).
References and Notes
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22. Materials and methods are available as supportive
material on Science Online.
23. The correction for multiple comparisons was carried
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voxel false positive probability of less than 0.000001
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26. We thank A. Satpute and the staff of the University
of California, Los Angeles, Brain Mapping Center
for their assistance. This research was funded by a
grant from the National Institutes of Mental
Health (R21MH66709-01) to M.D.L.
Supporting Online Material
Materials and Methods
14 July 2003; accepted 15 August 2003
Fig. 2. Scatterplots showing the
relation during exclusion, rela-
tive to inclusion, between (A)
ACC activity and self-reported
distress, (B) RVPFC and self-
reported distress, and (C) ACC
and RVPFC activity. Each point
represents the data from a single
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... The final 36 exclusions were assessed and not the first five exclusions to ensure participants were aware they were being excluded. The exclusion phase of this task has been shown to be perceived as distressing to adults 58,81 . ...
Full-text available
The behavioral and neural responses to social exclusion were examined in women randomized to four conditions, varying in levels of attractiveness and friendliness. Informed by evolutionary theory, we predicted that being socially excluded by attractive unfriendly women would be more distressing than being excluded by unattractive women, irrespective of their friendliness level. Our results contradicted most of our predictions but provide important insights into women’s responses to interpersonal conflict. Accounting for rejection sensitivity, P300 event-related potential amplitudes were largest when women were excluded by unattractive unfriendly women. This may be due to an expectancy violation or an annoyance with being excluded by women low on social desirability. An examination of anger rumination rates by condition suggests the latter. Only attractive women’s attractiveness ratings were lowered in the unfriendly condition, indicating they were specifically punished for their exclusionary behavior. Women were more likely to select attractive women to compete against with one exception—they selected the Black attractive opponent less often than the White attractive opponent when presented as unfriendly. Finally, consistent with studies on retaliation in relation to social exclusion, women tended to rate competitors who rejected them as being more rude, more competitive, less attractive, less nice, and less happy than non-competitors. The ubiquity of social exclusion and its pointed emotional and physiological impact on women demands more research on this topic.
... Our findings of neural responses to social exclusion in the insula and the relationship between DMPFC activation to social exclusion and friendship quality in our sample overlap with findings from studies showing a positive relationship between self-reported distress during social exclusion and activity in brain regions associated with affective and pain processing, including the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala, periaqueductal grey and anterior insula (Eisenberger, 2012(Eisenberger, , 2013(Eisenberger, , 2015Eisenberger, Lieberman, & Williams, 2003;Eisenberger et al., 2007). We note, however, that we did not find significant correlations between neural responses and resilient functioning in our sample. ...
Friendships increase mental wellbeing and resilient functioning in young people with childhood adversity (CA). However, the mechanisms of this relationship are unknown. We examined the relationship between perceived friendship quality at age 14 after the experience of CA and reduced affective and neural responses to social exclusion at age 24. Resilient functioning was quantified as psychosocial functioning relative to the degree of CA severity in 310 participants at age 24. From this cohort, 62 young people with and without CA underwent functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to assess brain responses to social inclusion and exclusion. We observed that good friendship quality was significantly associated with better resilient functioning. Both friendship quality and resilient functioning were related to increased affective responses to social inclusion. We also found that friendship quality, but not resilient functioning, was associated with increased dorsomedial prefrontal cortex responses to peer exclusion. Our findings suggest that friendship quality in early adolescence may contribute to the evaluation of social inclusion by increasing affective sensitivity to positive social experiences and increased brain activity in regions involved in emotion regulation to negative social experiences. Future research is needed to clarify this relationship with resilient functioning in early adulthood.
Social isolation and loneliness have a significant impact on people’s physical and mental health, as well as society as a whole. Consequently, numerous studies have examined interventions to alleviate social isolation and loneliness and have shown that they have some effect. This paper first briefly reviewed studies that have examined the influences of social isolation and loneliness and intervention studies aimed at alleviating them. Then, after pointing out the limitations of previous intervention studies, it was emphasized that research on primary prevention of social isolation and loneliness is needed, yet little has been done. Finally, based on research findings on, social pain, relational mobility, and social networks, we argued that for the primary prevention of social isolation and loneliness, providing a variety of social networks and increasing freedom of movement between these networks are important.
How metaphors are comprehended and their pragmatic effects have long been of interest ( Colston, 2019 ; Gibbs, 2017 ; Gibbs & Colston, 2012 ). Attending to the varied constructions where metaphors appear has also advanced our understanding ( Athanasiadou, 2017 ). How metaphors in extra-linguistic mediums has been of particular interest of late, as have the import of embodied simulations ( Bergen, 2012 ; Cienki & Muller, 2008 ; Forceville & Urios-Aparisi, 2009 ). But these explorations outside of language and inside the body have left some bits relatively unattended. Metaphors and their host constructions can be embedded into an array of language genres. These also bring their own idiosyncratic influences on metaphor cognition. Moreover, the target domain content that metaphors invoke adds to this complex mixture. And metaphors can be layered within metaphors. This paper presents a tour of just some of the immense fractalesque complexity invoked when we look at the full richness of metaphorical meaning.
Theories of adolescent development suggest that elevated neural sensitivity to social evaluation confers tradeoffs for adolescents’ wellbeing, promoting adaptation to changing social contexts but increasing risk for emotional distress and depression. This study investigated whether the association between neural processing of peer feedback and depressive symptoms depends on teacher‐reported executive function (EF) ability in adolescent girls. Girls showed activation to negative and positive peer feedback in regions implicated in social–emotional processing that interacted with EF to predict depressive symptoms. Specifically, activation predicted more depression in youth with poorer EF but less depression in youth with better EF, suggesting that the impact of increased social sensitivity may depend on youths’ ability to regulate this sensitivity in adaptive ways.
This chapter focuses on consumers’ need for belonging and its relation to their well-being. The chapter delves into the challenges that arise when this need is unfulfilled, the actions consumers employ to satisfy this need, and the effectiveness of these actions in improving their well-being, with a specific focus on the consumer context. After a brief introduction, the chapter explores the need for belonging as discussed in prominent need and motivation theories, and it reviews the empirical evidence on how belonging contributes to well-being. Next, the chapter examines how the need to belong manifests itself in the consumer realm and explores how consumers seek to fulfill this need. Specifically, the chapter investigates consumer behaviors that arise from the need for belonging, including consumption aimed at building and nurturing relationships, participating in social communities centered around brands and products, developing a connection with brands and products themselves, and utilizing symbolic means to compensate for the need for belonging. Additionally, it looks into whether these actions effectively fulfill consumers’ need for belonging and contribute to their overall well-being. Finally, the chapter concludes by offering policy recommendations aimed at fostering consumer well-being.
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This doctoral thesis in Health and Social Management Science examines perceived and observed workplace ostracism (WOS) in Finnish healthcare; its manifestations, causes and consequences; its connection and significance for well-being at work; and its associated interpretations and explanations. WOS is a phenomenon whereby, without words or explanations, and/or through certain actions, someone or some people are excluded from the social interaction of the workplace. WOS can be considered a form of workplace bullying, but it is distinguished from other forms of harmful behaviour by its non-verbal and possibly unintentional nature. Thus, ostracism can occur without motive or intention to deliberately exclude someone from the workplace. To this extent, WOS has not previously been studied in Finland. In addition, in Europe, studies have been limited, especially in healthcare. The global human resources crisis and economic challenges in healthcare call for new perspectives to explore the factors that undermine work well-being. This study contributes to this need. The study consists of: 1) an integrative literature review (N = 35), which included a conceptual analysis of WOS, and 2) a survey in two Finnish university hospitals (N = 569). Responses to the structured questions of the questionnaire were analysed using statistical methods (correlations, regression analyses, mediator models) and open-ended responses (N = 267) using theory-based content analysis. The study produced a wide range of information on WOS from the perspective of both individual employees' well-being at work and the workplace community. Based on the conceptual analysis carried out at the beginning of the study, I will use the term (workplace) ostracism, the term ostracized for the target of WOS, and the term ostracizer for the person who ostracizes others. Results indicated that 73% had experienced workplace ostracism and 82% had observed it in the past year. The results showed that a good social climate in the workplace and, at the same time, support from col- leagues significantly reduced the incidence of WOS. For those who perceived ostracism, the results were almost identical. This indicates that people were able to identify ostracism and assess the factors involved similarly, even if they did not become ostracized themselves. Thus, WOS can also impact other members of the work community. WOS reduced job satisfaction and perceived health, and increased stress. Loneliness fully mediated (mediation effect) the association between WOS and stress and perceived health, and partially mediated the association between WOS and well-being at work. Self-esteem partially mediated the association between WOS and job satisfaction, stress, and perceived health. Those who perceived and observed WOS interpreted and explained the phenomenon in terms of internal, external, and relational attributions. Internal attributions included personality and behavioural explanations of the ostracized and the ostracizer. External attributions were related to colleagues, the organisation, or the culture of the work community. Relational attributions involve factors in the relationships between members of the work community. There was no single cause or reason for ostracism. Respondents identified situations and characteristics, both within themselves and in their colleagues, when and why they had ostracized another member of the work community. The survey shows that WOS is a common and well-recognised phenomenon in healthcare. Talking about ostracism and making it visible is relevant to the well-being of work communities and individual employees. Well-being in employees builds well-being in work communities, which fosters a sense of community, inclusion, well-being, and commitment to work. Research into this phenomenon needs to be continued and further expanded to increase understanding and awareness of WOS and its prevention.
Humanoid robots have been designed to look more and more like humans to meet social demands. How do people empathize humanoid robots who look the same as but are essentially different from humans? We addressed this issue by examining subjective feelings, electrophysiological activities, and functional magnetic resonance imaging signals during perception of pain and neutral expressions of faces that were recognized as patients or humanoid robots. We found that healthy adults reported deceased feelings of understanding and sharing of humanoid robots’ compared to patients’ pain. Moreover, humanoid robot (vs. patient) identities reduced long-latency electrophysiological responses and blood oxygenation level–dependent signals in the left temporoparietal junction in response to pain (vs. neutral) expressions. Furthermore, we showed evidence that humanoid robot identities inhibited a causal input from the right ventral lateral prefrontal cortex to the left temporoparietal junction, contrasting the opposite effect produced by patient identities. These results suggest a neural model of modulations of empathy by humanoid robot identity through interactions between the cognitive and affective empathy networks, which provides a neurocognitive basis for understanding human–robot interactions.
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Ostracism is such a widely used and powerful tactic that the authors tested whether people would be affected by it even under remote and artificial circumstances. In Study 1, 1,486 participants from 62 countries accessed the authors' on-line experiment on the Internet. They were asked to use mental visualization while playing a virtual tossing game with two others (who were actually computer generated and controlled). Despite the minimal nature of their experience, the more participants were ostracized, the more they reported feeling bad, having less control, and losing a sense of belonging. In Study 2, ostracized participants were more likely to conform on a subsequent task. The results are discussed in terms of supporting K. D. Williams's (1997) need threat theory of ostracism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved). (from the journal abstract)
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Previous studies have shown that the orbital and medial prefrontal cortex (OMPFC) is extensively connected with medial temporal and cingulate limbic structures. In this study, the organization of these projections was defined in relation to architectonic areas within the OMPFC. All of the limbic structures were substantially connected with the following posterior and medial orbital areas: the posteromedial, medial, intermediate, and lateral agranular insular areas (Iapm, Iam, Iai, and Ial, respectively) and areas 11m, 13a, 13b, 14c, and 14r. In contrast, lateral orbital areas 12o, 12m, and [12] and medial wall areas 24a, b and 32 were primarily connected with the amygdala, the temporal pole, and the cingulate cortex. Data were not obtained on the poateroventral medial wall. Three distinct projections were recognized from the basal amygdaloid nucleus: (1) The dorsal part projected to area 121; (2) the ventromedial part projected to most areas in the posterior and medial orbital cortex except for areas Iai, 12o, 13a, and 14c; and (3) the ventrolateral part projected to orbital areas 12o, Iai, 13a, 14c, and to the medial wall areas. The accessory basal and lateral amygdaloid nuclei projected most strongly to areas in the posterior and medial orbital cortex. The medial, anterior cortical, and central amygdaloid nuclei and the periamygdaloid cortex were connected with the posterior orbital areas. The projection from the hippocampus originated from the rostral subiculum and terminated in the medial orbital areas. The same region was reciprocally connected with the anterornedial nucleus of the thalamus, which received input from the rostral subiculum. The parahippocampal cortical areas (including the temporal polar, entorhinal, perirhinal, and posterior parahippocampal cortices) were primarily connected with posterior and medial orbital areas, with some projections to the dorsal parr of the medial wall. The rostral cingulate cortex sent fibers to the medial wall, to the medial orbital areas, and to lateral areas 12o, 12r, and Iai. The posterior cingulate gyrus, including the caudomedial lobule, was especially strongly connected with area 11 m. © 1995 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Some investigators have argued that emotions, especially animal emotions, are illusory concepts outside the realm of scientific inquiry. With advances in neurobiology and neuroscience, however, researchers are proving this position wrong while moving closer to understanding the biology and psychology of emotion. In Affective Neuroscience, Jaak Panksepp argues that emotional systems in humans, as well as other animals, are necessarily combinations of innate and learned tendencies; there are no routine and credible ways to really separate the influences of nature and nurture in the control of behavior. The book shows how to move toward a new understanding by taking a psychobiological approach to the subject, examining how the neurobiology and neurochemistry of the mammalian brain shape the psychological experience of emotion. It includes chapters on sleep and arousal, pleasure and pain systems, the sources of rage and anger, and the neural control of sexuality. The book will appeal to researchers and professors in the field of emotion.
Abundant proteins found within the spore core (the small, acid-soluble proteins, or SASP) as well as surrounding the spore (the coat proteins) help to protect the spore from these assaults such as extremes of temperature, radiation, desiccation, and attack by a wide variety of toxic molecules. The SASP and coat proteins have been studied for many years, and much is known about their roles in resistance. The predominant proteins of the spore core are the SASP, making up as much as 20% of total spore protein. YrbB, which has been localized to the cortex and to the inner coat, and SspG , which is synthesized in the mother cell, may also be coat proteins. Measuring the effects of the loss of a single protein might require highly sensitive and specific assays. Given their unique roles in spore dormancy and survival, it will be of great interest to compare SASP and coat protein genes of the various spore-forming bacteria as their genome sequences become available. At the moment, relatively little information is available, making a detailed comparative analysis difficult. Homologues of CotE are encoded in three of the genomes of endospore-forming bacteria (Bacillus anthracis, B. stearothermophilus, B. subtilis) for which data are available, and homologues of SpoIVA are encoded by these genomes as well as those of two Clostridium species (C. acetobutylicum and C. difficile). Therefore, it is tempting to speculate that the formation of a basement layer by SpoIVA is a universal early step in coat assembly.
Examines the dark side of relating, an inevitable part of interacting with others. How is it that we need others so much, indeed rely on them for our survival and well-being, yet often find it so difficult to maintain satisfying relationships? How can the loved one who raises your spirits by leaving flowers for you one day be the same individual who the next day acts like an insensitive jerk? Relationships provide us with meaning and psychological well-being, but are the source of many, perhaps most, of life's greatest frustrations. Some the most commonly experienced aversive phenomena are explored in this book, including teasing, swearing, gossip, and betrayal. Rich in research and vivid examples, the chapters of this volume explore these behaviors through the eyes of both victims and perpetrators, often revealing the hidden benefits of aversive behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Provides an overview of what is currently known about hurt feelings and speculates regarding its causes and functions. The chapter begins with an examination of the status of hurt feelings as an emotion. Given that the emotions of hurt feelings have not been widely studied and do not appear in most taxonomies of emotion, the authors have only partial answers regarding the characteristics of hurt feelings and how they relate to other emotions. After discussing the features of hurt feelings, the authors offer a theoretical perspective that attempts to explain why people's feelings are hurt, and then they review the sparse empirical findings that bear on this theory. Common behavioral reactions to being hurt are introduced, followed by a discussion of why people hurt one another's feelings in the 1st place. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The typical functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) study presents a formidable problem of multiple statistical comparisons (i.e, > 10,000 in a 128 x 128 image). To protect against false positives, investigators have typically relied on decreasing the per pixel false positive probability. This approach incurs an inevitable loss of power to detect statistically significant activity. An alternative approach, which relies on the assumption that areas of true neural activity will tend to stimulate signal changes over contiguous pixels, is presented. If one knows the probability distribution of such cluster sizes as a function of per pixel false positive probability, one can use cluster-size thresholds independently to reject false positives. Both Monte Carlo simulations and fMRI studies of human subjects have been used to verify that this approach can improve statistical power by as much as fivefold over techniques that rely solely on adjusting per pixel false positive probabilities.
Since the separation of mammals serves to maintain (1) mother-offspring contanct and (2) contact between members of a group, it probably ranks as a basic mammalian vocalization. The present study is part of an investigation concerned with identifying the cerebral representation of the separation call in squirrel monkeys. For this purpose, monkeys are tested for their ability to produce spontaneous calls in isolation before and after ablations of different parts of the brain. Because of the subject's auditory and visual isolation, the call emitted during testing is referred to as the isolation call. In a preceding study, it was shown that lesions at the thalamomidbrain junction and in the ventral central gray interfere with the structure and/or production of the call. The present study focuses on the rostral midline limbic cortex, known to be one of the two cortical areas where stimulation elicits vocalization in monkeys. Evidence derived by the process of elimination indicates that the spontaneous call depends on the concerted action of a continuous band of rostral limbic cortex comprising parts of areas 24, 25, and 12. The midline frontal neocortex peripheral to this limbic zone does not appear to be essential for the call.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, Los Angeles, 2001. Typescript (photocopy). Vita. Includes bibliographical references.
Hamsters deprived from birth of the neocortex developed normally and displayed the usual hamster-typical behavioral patterns. With the additional concurrent destruction of midline limbic convolutions (cingulate and underlying dorsal hippocampal), there were deficits in maternal behavior and a lack of development of play behavior. These findings demonstrate in a rodent (i) that the striatal complex and limbic system, along with the remaining neuraxis, are sufficient for giving expression to a wide range of unlearned forms of species-typical behavior and (ii) that midline limbic structures are required for the expression of play behavior and the integrated performance of maternal behavior.