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Annealing control primer system for identification of differentially expressed genes on agarose gels



We developed GeneFishing technology, an improved method for the identification of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) using our novel annealing control primer (ACP) system. Because of high annealing specificity during PCR using the ACP system, the application of the ACP to DEG discovery generates reproducible, authentic, and long (100 bp to 2 kb) PCR products that are detectable on agarose gels. To demonstrate this method for gene expression profiling, Gene-Fishing technology was used to detect genes that are differentially expressed during development using total RNAs isolated from mouse conceptus tissues at 4.5-18.5 days of gestation. Ten DEGs (DEG1-10) were isolated and confirmed by Northern blot hybridization. The sequence analysis of these DEGs showed that DEG6 and DEG10 are unknown genes.
Vol. 36, No. 3 (2004) BioTechniques 1
The Journal of Laboratory Technology for Bioresearch
Volume 36, No. 3 March, 2004
Annealing control primer system for
identification of differentially expressed
genes on agarose gels
Yun-Jee Kim, Chae-Il Kwak, Young-Yun Gu, In-Taek Hwang,
and Jong-Yoon Chun
Seegene Life Science Laboratory, Seoul, South Korea
BioTechniques 36:424-434 (March 2004)
We developed GeneFishing technology, an improved method for the identification of differen-
tially expressed genes (DEGs) using our novel annealing control primer (ACP) system. Because
of high annealing specificity during PCR using the ACP system, the application of the ACP to
DEG discovery generates reproducible, authentic, and long (100 bp to 2 kb) PCR products that
are detectable on agarose gels. To demonstrate this method for gene expression profiling, Gene-
Fishing technology was used to detect genes that are differentially expressed during develop-
ment using total RNAs isolated from mouse conceptus tissues at 4.5–18.5 days of gestation. Ten
DEGs (DEG1–10) were isolated and confirmed by Northern blot hybridization. The sequence
analysis of these DEGs showed that DEG6 and DEG10 are unknown genes.
Techniques designed to identify dif-
ferentially expressed genes (DEGs) in
cells under various physiological stages
or experimental conditions (e.g., during
developmental or neoplastic differen-
tiation or pharmacological treatment)
have become pivotal in modern biol-
ogy. The difficulty of identifying (or
“fishing out”) a gene responsible for
a specialized function during a certain
biological stage often arises because
the gene is expressed at low levels,
whereas the bulk of mRNA within a
cell are highly abundant transcripts (1).
To screen for DEG transcripts in low
concentrations, PCR amplification is
required. One screening method, dif-
ferential display, requires PCR using
short arbitrary primers and is described
by Liang and Pardee (2). Although
this method is simple, rapid, and only
requires small amounts of total RNA,
many investigators have experienced
significantly high false-positive rates
(1,3) and poor reproducibility of results
(4) because of nonspecific annealing by
short arbitrary primers. The use of short
primers (10–13 bp) usually requires
low annealing temperatures about
40°–45°C for all PCR cycles; these low
temperatures cause nonspecific primer
annealing. The use of longer primers
(18–20 bp) make it possible to increase
the annealing temperature to 60°C af-
ter 1–4 initial cycles at 40°–45°C (5,6).
However, the additional tail sequences
of longer primers are involved in non-
specific annealing to the cDNA tem-
plate during PCR cycles at low anneal-
ing temperatures (7).
We recently developed the annealing
control primer (ACP) system (7) that
uses primers that anneal specifically
to the template and allows only genu-
ine products to be amplified, a process
that eliminates false-positive results.
The ACP system is based on two prin-
ciples: the unique tripartite structure of
the primers, which have distinct 3- and
5-end regions that are separated by a
polydeoxyinosine [poly(dI)] linker, and
the interaction of each region during
two-stage PCR. We adapted the ACP
system for the identification of DEGs
involved in mouse development.
First-Strand cDNA Synthesis
Total RNAs extracted from mouse
conceptus tissues at different devel-
opmental stages [4.5, 11.5, and 18.5
days postcoitus (dpc)] were used for
the synthesis of first-strand cDNAs by
reverse transcriptase, as described by
Hwang et al. (7). Reverse transcrip-
tion was performed for 1.5 h at 42°C
in a final reaction volume of 20 µL
containing 3 µg of the purified total
RNA, 4 µL of 5× reaction buffer (Pro-
mega, Madison, WI, USA), 5 µL of
dNTP (each 2 mM), 2 µL of 10 µM
cDNA synthesis primer, oligo(dT)15,
oligo(dT)15 tail, or oligo(dT)15 ACP
(Table 1), 0.5 µL of RNasin® RNase
Inhibitor (40 U/µL; Promega), and 1
µL of Moloney murine leukemia vi-
rus reverse transcriptase (200 U/µL;
Promega). First-strand cDNAs were
diluted by the addition of 80 µL of ul-
tra-purified water.
ACP-Based GeneFishing PCR
Second-strand cDNA synthesis and
subsequent PCR amplification were
conducted in a single tube. Second-
strand cDNA synthesis was conducted
at 50°C (low stringency) during one cy-
cle of first-stage PCR in a final reaction
2 BioTechniques Vol. 36, No. 3 (2004)
volume of 49.5 µL containing 3–5 µL
(about 50 ng) of the diluted first-strand
cDNA, 5 µL of 10× PCR buffer plus Mg
(Roche Applied Science, Mannheim,
Germany), 5 µL of dNTP (each 2 mM),
1 µL of oligo(dT)15, oligo(dT)15 tail,
or oligo(dT)15 ACP (10 µM), and 1
µL of 10 µM arbitrary primer (Table
1, 10-mer, 10-mer tail, or 10-mer ACP)
preheated to 94°C. The tube containing
the reaction mixture was held at 94°C
while 0.5 µL of Taq DNA Polymerase
(5 U/µL; Roche Applied Science) was
added to the reaction mixture. The PCR
protocol for second-strand synthesis
was one cycle at 94°C for 1 min, fol-
lowed by 50°C for 3 min, and 72°C for
1 min. After second-strand DNA syn-
thesis was completed, the second-stage
PCR amplification protocol was 40 cy-
cles of 94°C for 40 s, followed by 65°C
for 40 s, 72°C for 40 s, followed by a
5-min final extension at 72°C. The am-
plified PCR products were separated in
2% agarose gel stained with ethidium
bromide. The differentially expressed
bands were extracted from the gel by
using a GENECLEAN® II Kit (Qbio-
gene, Carlsbad, CA, USA), directly
cloned into the pGEM®-T Easy vec-
tor (Promega) without reamplification
of the recovered bands, and sequenced
with ABI PRISM® 310 Genetic Analyzer
(Perkin Elmer, Boston, MA, USA).
Northern Blot Analysis
Northern blots of full-stage mouse
conceptus tissue (4.5–18.5 dpc) and of
multiple adult mouse tissues (Seegene,
Seoul, South Korea), each lane contain-
ing 20 µg of total RNA, were hybrid-
ized overnight with the 32P-labeled
cDNA probe in QuikHyb® solution
(Stratagene, La Jolla, CA, USA) as pre-
viously described (8). The probe cDNA
fragments for each DEG were pre-
pared by PCR using their correspond-
ing clones as templates. The fragments
were amplified by using the universal
(tail) sequences of oligo(dT)15 ACP
and arbitrary ACPs JYC5 (5-CTGT-
Principle of GeneFishing Technology
To apply the ACP primer system
to differential display, first-strand
cDNAs are synthesized by reverse
transcription using oligo(dT)15 ACP
as a primer. This method requires only
a single cDNA synthesis for each dif-
ferent RNA sample, in contrast to the
multiple cDNA reactions required for
differential display methods (2,9). Us-
ing first-strand cDNAs as templates,
second-strand cDNAs are synthesized
during one cycle of first-stage PCR us-
ing an arbitrary ACP primer and an ini-
tial annealing temperature (50°–53°C).
In other protocols, the presence of re-
sidual oligo(dT) primers used in first-
strand cDNA synthesis results in high
background noise because oligo(dT)
can potentially anneal to all cDNAs in
the reaction mixture. In our approach,
oligo(dT)15 ACP primer and arbitrary
ACP coexist in the same reaction tube,
but the 3-end core region [(dT)15] of
oligo(dT)15 ACP cannot anneal to the
first-strand cDNAs at the initial an-
nealing temperature due to the lower
annealing temperature required. How-
ever, such annealing temperature does
permit the 3-end core sequence (10-
mer) of the arbitrary ACP to anneal to a
specific template site. This is one of the
unique features of GeneFishing tech-
nology; because of the selective hybrid-
izing ability of the ACP system during
first-stage PCR, background from re-
sidual oligo(dT) primers can be elimi-
nated. Second-strand cDNAs are then
amplified during second-stage PCR at
a second annealing temperature (65°C),
which are high-stringency conditions,
using the sequences at the 3 and 5 ends
of the second-strand cDNAs as the tem-
plates for the amplification priming se-
quences. During the second-stage PCR,
the 3-end core region sequences alone
of the oligo(dT)15 ACP or the arbitrary
ACP primer cannot anneal to the cDNA
templates in such high-stringency con-
ditions, another selective hybridization
feature of GeneFishing technology.
Consequently, second-strand cDNAs
can be amplified at almost the theo-
retical optimum of a 2-fold increase in
product for each cycle of second-stage
PCR amplification.
To examine the above features of
the ACP system using differential dis-
play, we compared ACPs with the con-
ventional short or longer primers. The
conventional longer primers have the
same structure of the ACP except for
the poly(dI) linker. The conventional
short oligo(dT)1 5 and arbitrary (10-
mer) primers were not stable enough
to generate any products under condi-
tions such as the above (Figure 1, lanes
1–3). The use of the conventional lon-
ger oligo(dT) primer was confounded
with high background (Figure 1, lane
4). Further, the results with the con-
ventional longer primers showed a
quite different pattern from the results
generated with ACP primers (Figure 1,
lanes 6 and 9). According to data ob-
tained from the cloning and sequenc-
ing of the amplified products, the
universal (tail) sequence of the con-
ventional longer primers was involved
in primer annealing in an unpredicted
manner (data not shown). Our results
are consistent with the results from the
amplification of a target nucleotide
sequence previously described (7), in
which nontarget universal sequences
of the longer conventional prim-
ers are involved in primer annealing,
Table 1. Primer Sequences Used in cDNA Synthesis and ACP-Based GeneFishing PCR
Use Primer Sequence
Oligo(dT)15 tail
10-mer tail
ACP, annealing control primer.
The polydeoxyinosine [poly(dI)] linkers are underlined. I represents deoxyinosine.
Vol. 36, No. 3 (2004) BioTechniques 3
which results in numerous nonspecific
products. Current differential display
methods have problems of the anchor/
anchor products or arbitrary/arbitrary
products. However, the ACP system
eliminated these problems because
PCR products were generated by only
the combination of oligo(dT)15 ACP
and arbitrary ACP, but not by either
oligo(dT)15 ACP or arbitrary ACP
alone (Figure 1, lanes 7–9).
Identification of Genes Expressed
Differentially During Mouse
Conceptus Development
GeneFishing technology was used
to detect genes that are expressed dif-
ferentially during mouse conceptus de-
velopment by using total RNAs isolat-
ed from 4.5 to 18.5 dpc [embryonic day
(E); E4.5–E18.5] mouse conceptus tis-
sues. From the differential expression
levels of mRNA fragments as observed
on agarose gels, 10 DEGs (DEG1–10)
were isolated from E4.5, E11.5, and
E18.5 tissues using 3 arbitrary ACPs
(Figure 2A). The expression patterns
of the DEGs were confirmed by North-
ern blot analysis (Figure 2B). Northern
blot analysis showed a different ex-
pression pattern for DEG10 from the
results seen on agarose gel because the
low resolution of the agarose gel did
not allow differentiation between two
different fragments, one of which was
DEG10, which were placed side by
side on the agarose gel.
The use of agarose simplifies the
process but generates low resolution.
Such a low resolution of agarose gel
does not allow the PCR products of
similar size to be distinguished. How-
ever, as shown in Table 2, our approach
generates PCR products with 9- to
10-mer base pair matches when the
3-end core sequence (10-mer) of arbi-
trary ACP hybridizes to the first-strand
cDNA. In contrast, the current differ-
ential display generates PCR products
with 6- to 8-mer base pair matches (10).
Accordingly, our approach minimizes
the possibility of accidentally generat-
ing PCR products of similar size.
Sequence analysis showed that 5
of these 10 DEGs were known genes
(Table 2). The other 5 DEGs have not
been characterized although their full-
length cDNA or expressed sequence
tag (EST) sequences were deposited
in a National Center for Biotechnology
Information (NCBI) database (http:// (Table 2).
Northern blot and sequence analyses
suggest that DEG2 is an isoform of β-
tropomyosin 2. EST analysis of DEG5
and DEG7 showed homology to calde-
smon 1 and U6 small nuclear RNA
(SnRNA)-associated spliceosomal-like
protein LSM6, respectively. However,
because the expression patterns of these
DEGs during these embryo develop-
mental stages have not been character-
ized in detail, further study is needed.
NCBI database searches using the
full-length sequence of the predicted
proteins products of DEG6 and DEG10
revealed that DEG6 has significant ho-
mology with human decidual protein
induced by progesterone, but that the
predicted protein product of DEG10
is not homologous with any protein
Figure 1. Comparison of conventional primer and annealing control
primer (ACP) systems in differential display method. The first-strand
cDNAs are synthesized from the total RNAs of mouse conceptus tissues
at 18.5 [days postcoitus (dpc)] by using either (lanes 1–3) oligo(dT)15,
(lanes 4–6) oligo(dT)15 tail, or (lanes 7–9) oligo(dT)15 ACP. A two-
stage PCR amplification was conducted using a single primer or a pair
of primers. Lane 1, oligo(dT)15; lane 2, 10-mer; lane 3, oligo(dT)15 plus
10-mer; lane 4, oligo(dT)15 tail; lane 5, 10-mer tail; lane 6, oligo(dT)15
tail plus 10-mer tail; lane 7, oligo(dT)15 ACP; lane 8, 10-mer ACP; lane
9, oligo(dT)15 ACP plus 10-mer ACP. M represents a 100-bp size mark-
er (generated by Forever 100-bp Ladder Personalizer; Seegene).
Figure 2. Results of GeneFishing PCR for the identification of differentially ex-
pressed genes (DEGs) during mouse conceptus development. (A) RNA finger-
printing on agarose gel. The two-stage PCR amplification was performed using 1 of
the 3 arbitrary 10-mer ACPs in combination with oligo(dT)15 ACP as indicated. Ar-
rows indicate DEGs during mouse conceptus development. MW represents a 100-
bp size marker generated by Forever 100-bp Ladder Personalizer. (B) Northern blot
analysis of the 10 DEG clones shows their expression patterns during mouse con-
ceptus development. Arrows indicate DEGs during mouse conceptus development.
The loading controls (the lower part of each panel) show each gel before blotting,
stained with ethidium bromide and photographed in UV light, and demonstrate the
presence of similar levels of 18S and 28S rRNA. E, embryonic day.
4 BioTechniques Vol. 36, No. 3 (2004)
sequences in any available sequence
database. Interestingly, the correspond-
ing genomic sequence analysis of
DEG10 also showed no homologous
structures in any available genomic
sequence database, which included rat
genomic sequence databases.
The ACP system detects fewer
bands per reaction compared to cur-
rent differential display methods
(which generate 50–100 bands), which
is a drawback that can be overcome by
using more arbitrary ACPs. However,
generating fewer bands and using a
high concentration of dNTP (200 µM)
allows researchers to use ethidium
bromide-stained agarose gel to detect
differentially expressed products. Cur-
rent differential display methods use
insufficient amounts of starting mate-
rial and an insufficient concentration
of dNTP (2–5 µM) to detect different
banding patterns; these factors are also
responsible for the low reproducibility
of differential display results (11,12).
In addition, because the cDNA frag-
ments obtained from differential dis-
play are short (typically 100–500
bp) and correspond to sequences at
the 3 end of the gene that primarily
represent the 3 untranslated region,
the fragments do not usually contain
a large portion of the coding region.
Therefore, labor-intensive screening
of full-length cDNA is required, unless
significant sequence homology (infor-
mation for gene classification and pre-
diction of function) is detected.
Differential display methods gener-
ally use denaturing polyacrylamide gels
and radioactive detection techniques,
which restricts the use of these meth-
ods to laboratories with the appropriate
equipment. Relatively long exposure
times and difficulty in isolating inter-
esting bands from the polyacrylamide
gels are additional drawbacks of dif-
ferential display techniques. Although
nonradioactive differential display
methods have recently been described,
including silver staining (13), fluores-
cence-labeled oligonucleotides (14),
and the use of biotinylated primers (15)
and ethidium bromide-stained agarose
gels (16–19), these methods have met
with only limited success. GeneFishing
technology reaction products can be
detected on ethidium bromide-stained
agarose gel, and the results are repro-
ducible and reliable, all of which great-
ly increases the speed of DEG analysis
while avoiding the use of radioactivity
and expensive methods of detection.
Table 2. Sequence Alignment of DEGs with Known Full-Length cDNAs or ESTs
Accession No. Alignment of Arbitrary 10-mer ACP and Oligo(dT)15 ACP
Sequencesa Identity cDNA
M87635 145 1018
5-GCCATCGACC-3-------------------------------------- poly(A) tail
5-GCCATCGACC-3--------------------------------------oligo(dT)15 ACP
β-Tropomyosin 2 Full-length
AK003186 183 1024
5-GCCATCGACC-3--------------------------------------poly(A) tail
5-GCCATCGACC-3--------------------------------------oligo(dT)15 ACP
A new isoform of
β-Tropomyosin 2 Full-length
NM_011570 1471 1711 2675
5-GCCATCGACC-3----------poly(A) region---------poly(A) tail
5-GCCATCGACC-3----------oligo(dT)15 ACP
transcript Full-length
NM_011619 714 1112
5-GCCATCGACC-3--------------------------------------poly(A) tail
5-GCCATCGACC-3--------------------------------------oligo(dT)15 ACP
Troponin T2 Full-length
BB609848 210 710
5-AGGAGATGCG-3---------poly(A) region-----------
5-AGGAGATGCG-3---------oligo(dT)15 ACP
Homology to
caldesmon 1 EST
BC031533 1093 1279
5-AGGAGATGCG-3-------------------------------------poly(A) tail
5-AGGAGATGCG-3-------------------------------------oligo(dT)15 ACP
Uncharacterized Full-length
CB589336 373 614
5-aGGAGATGCG-3--------------------------------------oligo(dT)15 ACP
Homology to
BC043018 85 769
5-AGGAGATGCG-3-------------------------------------poly(A) tail
5-AGGAGATGCG-3-------------------------------------oligo(dT)15 ACP
T-complex testis
expressed 1 Full-length
NM_153064 1029 1608
5-AGGAGATGCG-3-------------------------------------poly(A) tail
5-AGGAGATGCG-3-------------------------------------oligo(dT)15 ACP
Fe-S protein
XM_129567 1826 2436
5-CTCCGATGCC-3--------------------------------------poly(A) tail
5-CTCCGATGCC-3--------------------------------------oligo(dT)15 ACP
Uncharacterized Full-length
DEG, differentially expressed gene; EST, expressed sequence tag; ACP, annealing control primer.
Numbers above the sequence indicate the position (bolded) of the nucleotide sequences of each cDNA. The 1-bp mismatch be-
tween the arbitrary 10-mer of DEG7 and the target sequence is indicated by lowercase letters.
Vol. 36, No. 3 (2004) BioTechniques 5
Y.-J.K., C.-I.K., and Y.-Y.G. contrib-
uted equally to this work.
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Received 23 September 2003; accepted
7 January 2004.
Address correspondence to Jong-Yoon
Chun, Seegene Life Science Laboratory,
142-21 Samsung-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul
135-090, South Korea. e-mail: chun@see-
... 2. Annealing control primer (ACP)-based differential display reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) ACP-based differential display RT-PCR was carried out using the predesigned arbitrary ACP (Seegene, Seoul, Korea) [28]. First-strand cDNA synthesis was performed using the primer dT-ACT1 (5'-CTGTGAATGCTGCGACTACGATIIIII(T) 18 -3': 'I' is inosine) and 1 µL of M-MLV reverse transcriptase (200 U/µL) (Fermentas, Burlington, Canada). ...
... Dex-treated osteoblastic cell line model To identify the DEGs in the in vitro osteoporosis model, we performed a whole-genome comparative expression study using a RT-PCR based gene expression differential display, the ACP-based PCR GeneFishing DEG screening method [28]. To establish an in vitro osteoporosis model, mouse osteoblastic cell line, MC3T3-E1, was treated with 1 µM of synthetic GC, Dex for 2 days. ...
... Many efforts have been attempted to improve the specificity of DD-PCR 3,4 . Recently epochal modification to eliminate false-positive has been developed by increasing the annealing specificity with specially designed annealing control primer (ACP) system 5,6 . In this study, we applied the ACP system to identify the differentially expressed genes responding to the chemical contaminant such as diesel oil (Figs. 1, 2). ...
... In similar study using DD-PCR method to identify hepatic Fig. 1. Differential display of mRNA from Sebastes schlegeli exposed to diesel oil (primer set [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. M, DNA ladder marker; 1, nonexposed control fish; 2, diesel oil-exposed fish. ...
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The exploration of genes which expressions are changed by exposure to ecotoxicants or pollutants can provide the important information about the reaction mechanisms in the body as well as adaptation to exterior stimulus or environmental changes. Also they can be developed as biomarkers for the detection of environmental pollution. Differential display polymerase chain reaction (DD-PCR) technique has been usefully used to hunt the clones which expressions are up-regulated or down-regulated by exterior changes and this study aimed to search for those clones in diesel oil-exposed rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli) using DD-PCR. The RNA isolated from liver of 20 ppb diesel oil-exposed rockfish was used for screening of the differentially displayed genes and total 44 differentially expressed genes (DEG) are detected then their nucleotide sequences were analyzed. The present data provided the general information about the effect of diesel oil contamination on marine organism and further more the primary step in development of new biomarkers for marine environmental pollution or ecotoxicological stresses.
... Many agricultural traits, for example, seed yield (Zhao et al., 2016), seed yield-related traits (Shi et al., 2009;Zhao et al., 2016), oil content , and fatty acid composition (Jiang et al., 2014;Bao et al., 2018), have been dissected by QTL mapping. In addition, some important genes that regulated agricultural traits of rapeseed were identified by fine mapping and map-based cloning, such as recessive genic male serility BNAMS1 (Yi et al., 2006), seed weight TSWA5a and TSWA5c (Fan et al., 2010), and seed number per silique BnaC9.SMG7b , etc. Gene-Fishing technology, based on PCR technology, could identify the differentially expressed genes quickly (Kim et al., 2004). For example, Choi et al. (2008) found 31 differentially expressed fragments in the grapevines inoculated with Rhizobium and salicylic acid by using Gene-Fishing (Choi et al., 2008). ...
... Differential expression genes (DEGs) were identified by using Gene-Fishing ™ DEG Premix Kits (Seegene, Seoul, South Korea), with an annealing control primer (ACP)-based PCR method (Kim et al., 2004). The total RNA of the DMSs was extracted and then reversed transcription for cDNA by using ReverTra Acea-(code no. ...
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Rapeseed is one of the most important oilseed crops in the world. Improving the production of rapeseed is beneficial to relieve the shortage of edible vegetable oil. As the organ of support and transport, the main stem of rapeseed controls the plant architecture, transports the water and nutrients, and determines the number of inflorescence. Increasing the number of main stems would be helpful for the yield improvement in Brassica napus (B. napus). This attractive multi-main stem (MMS) trait was observed in the KN DH population. We investigated not only the frequency of MMS traits but also dissected the genetic basis with QTL mapping analysis and Gene-Fishing technique. A total of 43 QTLs were identified for MMS based on high-density linkage map, which explained 2.95–14.9% of the phenotypic variation, among which two environmental stable QTLs (cqMMS.A3-2 and cqMMS.C3-5) were identified in winter and semi-winter environments. Epistatic interaction analysis indicated cqMMS.C3-5 was an important loci for MMS. According to the functional annotation, 159 candidate genes within QTL confidence intervals, corresponding to 148 Arabidopsis thaliana (A. thaliana) homologous genes, were identified, which regulated lateral bud development and tiller of stem, such as shoot meristemless (STM), WUSCHEL-regulated-related genes, cytokinin response factors (CRF5), cytokinin oxidase (CKX4), gibberellin-regulated (RDK1), auxin-regulated gene (ARL, IAR4), and auxin-mediated signaling gene (STV1). Based on Gene-Fishing analysis between the natural plants and the double-main stem (DMS) plant, 31 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were also obtained, which were related to differentiation and formation of lateral buds, biotic stimulus, defense response, drought and salt-stress responses, as well as cold-response functional genes. In addition, by combining the candidate genes in QTL regions with the DEGs that were obtained by Gene-Fishing technique, six common candidate genes (RPT2A, HLR, CRK, LRR-RLK, AGL79, and TCTP) were identified, which might probably be related to the formation of MMS phenotype. The present results not only would give a new insight into the genetic basis underlying the regulation of MMS but also would provide clues for plant architecture breeding in rapeseed.
... Hence, the gene expression profile and functional pathway of SHED and DPSCs need to be explored to determine their biological functional activity which can be used in determining the usefulness of these stem cells for cell-based regeneration therapy. The GeneFishing TM technique using annealing control primer (ACP) system allows the identification of differentially expressed mRNA transcripts (Kim et al., 2004). Hence, this study employs the GeneFishing TM technique to identify the DEGs in SHED and DPSCs which will throw light on the differences in the proliferation rate of stem cells from deciduous and permanent teeth. ...
... GeneFishing TM DEG Premix Kits consist of three steps; reverse transcription and two-stage PCR, which uses primers annealing specifically to the template thus amplifying only genuine products. This system hence overcomes the difficulty in identifying the genes responsible for a specialized function during a certain biological stage as the gene is expressed at low levels, whereas most mRNA transcripts within a cell are abundantly expressed (Kim et al., 2004). ...
... Differentially expressed genes between pcDNA-HEK293 cells and PGC-1α-HEK293 cells were screened using the ACP-based PCR method [25] with GeneFishing DEG kits (Seegene, Seoul, Republic of Korea). In brief, second-strand cDNA synthesis was performed at 50 • C during one cycle of first-stage PCR in a final reaction volume of 20 µL containing 3-5 µL (~50 ng) of diluted first-strand cDNA, 1 µL of dT-ACP2 (10 µM), 1 µL of 10 µM arbitrary ACP, and 10 µL of 2X Master Mix (Seegene, Seoul, Republic of Korea). ...
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Simple Summary There are still controversies about the roles of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) and leucyl-tRNA synthetase 1 (LARS1) in cancer. In this study, we examined whether the effects of PGC-1α on cell proliferation and invasion were mediated by modulation of LARS1. Our results showed that PGC-1α regulated cell proliferation and invasion by regulating the LARS1/AKT/GSK3β/β-catenin axis in human colorectal cancer cells. These data suggest that LARS1 might be a potential therapeutic target for PGC-1α-overexpressing human colorectal cancer. Abstract Although mounting evidence has demonstrated that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) can promote tumorigenesis, its role in cancer remains controversial. To find potential target molecules of PGC-1α, GeneFishingTM DEG (differentially expressed genes) screening was performed using stable HEK293 cell lines expressing PGC-1α (PGC-1α-HEK293). As results, leucyl-tRNA synthetase 1 (LARS1) was upregulated. Western blot analysis showed that LARS1 was increased in PGC-1α overexpressed SW480 cells but decreased in PGC-1α shRNA knockdown SW620 cells. Several studies have suggested that LARS1 can be a potential target of anticancer agents. However, the molecular network of PGC-1α and LARS1 in human colorectal cancer cells remains unclear. LARS1 overexpression enhanced cell proliferation, migration, and invasion, whereas LARS1 knockdown reduced them. We also observed that expression levels of cyclin D1, c-Myc, and vimentin were regulated by LARS1 expression. We aimed to investigate whether effects of PGC-1α on cell proliferation and invasion were mediated by LARS1. Our results showed that PGC-1α might modulate cell proliferation and invasion by regulating LARS1 expression. These results suggest that LARS1 inhibitors might be used as anticancer agents in PGC-1α-overexpressing colorectal cancer. Further studies are needed in the future to clarify the detailed molecular mechanism by which PGC-1α regulates LARS1 expression.
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COVID-19 vaccines have been instrumental tools in the fight against SARS-CoV-2 helping to reduce disease severity and mortality. At the same time, just like any other therapeutic, COVID-19 vaccines were associated with adverse events. Women have reported menstrual cycle irregularity after receiving COVID-19 vaccines, and this led to renewed fears concerning COVID-19 vaccines and their effects on fertility. Herein we devised an informatics workflow to explore the causal drivers of menstrual cycle irregularity in response to vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 vaccine BNT162b2. Our methods relied on gene expression analysis in response to vaccination, followed by network biology analysis to derive testable hypotheses regarding the causal links between BNT162b2 and menstrual cycle irregularity. Five high-confidence transcription factors were identified as causal drivers of BNT162b2-induced menstrual irregularity, namely: IRF1, STAT1, RelA (p65 NF-kB subunit), STAT2 and IRF3. Furthermore, some biomarkers of menstrual irregularity, including TNF, IL6R, IL6ST, LIF, BIRC3, FGF2, ARHGDIB, RPS3, RHOU, MIF, were identified as topological genes and predicted as causal drivers of menstrual irregularity. Our network-based mechanism reconstruction results indicated that BNT162b2 exerted biological effects similar to those resulting from prolactin signaling. However, these effects were short-lived and didn’t raise concerns about long-term infertility issues. This approach can be applied to interrogate the functional links between drugs/vaccines and other side effects.
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Fuji, a major apple cultivar in Korea, is susceptible to white rot. Apple white rot disease appears on the stem and fruit; the development of which deteriorates fruit quality, resulting in decreases in farmers' income. Thus, it is necessary to characterize molecular markers related to apple white rot resistance. In this study, we screened for differentially expressed genes between uninfected apple fruits and those infected with Botryosphaeria dothidea, the fungal pathogen that causes white rot. Antimicrobial tests suggest that a gene expression involved in the synthesis of the substance inhibiting the growth of B. dothidea in apples was induced by pathogen infection. We identified seven transcripts induced by the infection. The seven transcripts were homologous to genes encoding a flavonoid glucosyltransferase, a metallothionein-like protein, a senescence-induced protein, a chitinase, a wound-induced protein, and proteins of unknown function. These genes have functions related to responses to environmental stresses, including pathogen infections. Our results can be useful for the development of molecular markers for early detection of the disease or for use in breeding white rotresistant cultivars.
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Porcine beta defensin 2 (pBD2) is a cationic antimicrobial peptide with broad spectrum antibacterial activity, which makes it a potential alternative to antibiotics to prevent and cure diseases of pigs. However, development of pBD2 as an effective antibiotic agent requires molecular understanding of its functional mechanism against pathogens. In this study, we investigated the functional mechanism of pBD2 antibacterial activity. Escherichia coli was incubated with different pBD2 concentrations for different times. Electron microscopy was used to analyze the locations of pBD2 and its induced morphological changes in E. coli. Gene expression analysis was also performed to further understand the molecular changes of E. coli in response to pBD2 incubation. The results demonstrated that E. coli membranes were broken, holed, and wrinkled after treatment with pBD2, and pBD2 was located on the cell membranes and manly in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, 38 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were detected, successfully sequenced and confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Most of the known functional DEGs were associated with DNA transcription and translation and located in the cytoplasm. Collectively, the results suggest that pBD2 could have multiple modes of action and the main mechanism for killing E. coli might be influence on DNA transcription and translation by targeting intracellular molecules after membrane damage, although transport and metabolism proteins were also affected.
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Background: Anopheles gambiae larvae traditionally thrive in non-polluted environments. We previously documented the presence of the larvae in heavy metal polluted urban aquatic environments and the associated biological cost. The goal of this study was to unravel the molecular dynamics involved in the adaptation of the mosquitoes to the heavy metals. Methods: Total RNA was extracted from third instar larvae of both cadmium treated populations and untreated control populations. The RNA concentrations were normalized and complementary DNAs were prepared. Then annealing control primer (ACP) technology was applied to establish transcriptional responses in An. gambiae larvae following several generational (n=90) chronic exposures to cadmium. Differentially expressed genes were determined by their differential banding patterns on an agarose gel. Gel extraction and purification was then carried out on the DEGs and these were later cloned and sequenced to establish the specific transcripts. Results: We identified 14 differentially expressed transcripts in response to the cadmium exposure in the larvae. Most (11) of the transcripts were up-regulated in response to the cadmium exposure and were putatively functionally associated with metabolism, transport and protein synthesis processes. The transcripts included ATP-binding cassette transporter, eupolytin, ribosomal RNA, translation initiation factor, THO complex, lysosomal alpha-mannosidase, sodium-independent sulfate anion transporter and myotubularin related protein 2. The down-regulated transcripts were functionally associated with signal transduction and proteolytic activity and included Protein G12, adenylate cyclase and endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase. Conclusions: Our findings shed light on pathways functionally associated with the adaptation to heavy metals that can be targeted in integrated vector control programs, and potential An. gambiae larvae biomarkers for assessment of environmental stress or contamination.
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Magnetic bead capture utilizes biotin-streptavidin magnetic bead technology to isolate cDNAs rapidly from large genomic intervals, giving several thousand-fold enrichment of the selected cDNAs. The technique can allow parallel analysis of several large genomic segments of varying complexities and can be applied to the isolation of expressed sequences from various tissue sources.
We have isolated a complementary DNA (cDNA) clone that encodes a new member of the PRL-like protein-C (PLP-C) subfamily of the PRL gene family. The clone was amplified from a 13.5-day-old mouse conceptus cDNA library by PCR using primers based on conserved regions of PLP-C sequences. The full-length cDNA encodes a predicted protein of 241 residues, which contains a putative signal sequence and 2 putative N-linked glycosylation sites. The predicted protein shares 55–66% amino acid identity with mouse PLP-Cα and rat PLP-D, PLP-H, PLP-Cv, and PLP-C and also contains 6 homologously positioned cysteine residues. Thus, we named this protein PLP-Cβ for consistency. We have also isolated rat PLP-Cβ from rat placenta cDNA library. Surprisingly, two messenger RNA (mRNA) isoforms of rat PLP-Cβ were isolated: one mRNA (rPLP-Cβ) encodes a 241-amino acid product, but another mRNA (rPLP-CβΔ39) lacks 39 bases that encode for a region rich in aromatic amino acids. The 39-bp region corresponds to exon 3 of other PLP-C subf...
We established robust, reliable protocols for ‘Differential Display (DD),’ an RNA fingerprinting method originally developed by Liang and Pardee [(1992) Science 257, 967–971] using RT-PCR with arbitrary primers. Our protocols are optimized so that reliable DD analysis can be performed on a fluorescent DNA sequencer to ensure high throughput as well as improved operational safety, compared with the original one using radioactive compounds. Such ‘Fluorescent Differential Display (FDD)’ techniques will accelerate the identification of differentially expressed as well as polymorphic transcripts to address various biological questions.
Effective methods are needed to identify and isolate those genes that are differentially expressed in various cells or under altered conditions. This report describes a method to separate and clone individual messenger RNAs (mRNAs) by means of the polymerase chain reaction. The key element is to use a set of oligonucleotide primers, one being anchored to the polyadenylate tail of a subset of mRNAs, the other being short and arbitrary in sequence so that it anneals at different positions relative to the first primer. The mRNA subpopulations defined by these primer pairs were amplified after reverse transcription and resolved on a DNA sequencing gel. When multiple primer sets were used, reproducible patterns of amplified complementary DNA fragments were obtained that showed strong dependence on sequence specificity of either primer.
Differential display and RNA arbitrary primed polmerase chain reaction are methods recently designed to identify and isolate differentially expressed genes. Methodological modifications have since been introduced to streamline the techniques. The major effort has centered on how to eliminate false positives as approached from a variety of angles, ranging from RNA sample preparation, northern blot confirmation, primer length variation, to better experimental design.
To increase the reproducibility and to reduce the false positives in the initial mRNA differential display, modified long composite primers were developed based on both mRNA differential display and RNA arbitrarily primed PCR fingerprinting methods. Ten-base nucleotides were added at the 5' ends of the primers used in the initial mRNA differential display. These included a restriction site to aid cloning. PCR began with one low-stringency cycle (40 degrees C for annealing) followed by 35 high-stringency cycles (60 degrees C for annealing). The modified method significantly improved the reproducibility and sensitivity of the mRNA differential display while still keeping the characteristics of the original method.
We have significantly Improved a method originally developed by Liang and Pardee [Science 257 (1992) 967–971] to display a broad spectrum of expressed genes and to detect differences In expression between different cell types. We have analysed various aspects of the technique and have modified It for both, the application to fast and efficient Identification of genes and the use with automatic analysis systems. Based on the mathematical background we have devised the appropriate number of optimal PCR primers. We have also Introduced nondenaturatlng gels for separating double stranded fragments as single bands. By applying the method to regenerating mouse liver, we have identified, out of a total of 38,000 bands, about 70 fragments where the expression of the corresponding genes seems to be differentially regulated at different time points. Application of the method to an automatic DNA sequencer was successfully done. Thus, we have confirmed the usefulness and Increased the power of the RNA display technique, which we named differential display reverse transcription PCR (DDRT-PCR), and have extended the range of Its application.