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Parent‐Offspring Conflict in the Evolution of Vertebrate Reproductive Mode



We propose and evaluate the hypothesis that parent-offspring conflict over the degree of maternal investment has been one of the main selective factors in the evolution of vertebrate reproductive mode. This hypothesis is supported by data showing that the assumptions of parent-offspring conflict theory are met for relevant taxa; the high number of independent origins of viviparity, matrotrophy (direct maternal-fetal nutrient transfer), and hemochorial placentation (direct fetal access to the maternal bloodstream); the extreme diversity in physiological and morphological aspects of viviparity and placentation, which usually cannot be ascribed adaptive significance in terms of ecological factors; and divergent and convergent patterns in the diversification of placental structure, function, and developmental genetics. This hypothesis is also supported by data demonstrating that embryos and fetuses actively manipulate their interaction with the mother, thereby garnishing increased maternal resources. Our results indicate that selection may favor adaptations of the mother, the fetus, or both in traits related to reproductive mode and that integration of physiological and morphological data with evolutionary ecological data will be required to understand the adaptive significance of interspecific variation in viviparity, matrotrophy, and placentation.
vol. 163, no. 5 the american naturalist may 2004
Friday Mar 05 2004 01:46 PM/40103/der
Parent-Offspring Conflict in the Evolution of
Vertebrate Reproductive Mode
Bernard Crespi
and Christina Semeniuk
Behavioural Ecology Research Group, Department of Biological
Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby,
British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada
Submitted September 8, 2003; Accepted December 3, 2003;
Electronically published XX
abstract: We propose and evaluate the hypothesis that parent-
offspring conflict over the degree of maternal investment has been
one of the main selective factors in the evolution of vertebrate re-
productive mode. This hypothesis is supported by data showing that
the assumptions of parent-offspring conflict theory are met for rel-
evant taxa; the high number of independent origins of viviparity,
matrotrophy (direct maternal-fetal nutrient transfer), and hemo-
chorial placentation (direct fetal access to the maternal bloodstream);
the extreme diversity in physiological and morphological aspects of
viviparity and placentation, which usually cannot be ascribed adap-
tive significance in terms of ecological factors; and divergent and
convergent patterns in the diversification of placental structure, func-
tion, and developmental genetics. This hypothesis is also supported
by data demonstrating that embryos and fetuses actively manipulate
their interaction with the mother, thereby garnishing increased ma-
ternal resources. Our results indicate that selection may favor ad-
aptations of the mother, the fetus, or both in traits related to re-
productive mode and that integration of physiological and
morphological data with evolutionary ecological data will be required
to understand the adaptive significance of interspecific variation in
viviparity, matrotrophy, and placentation.
Keywords: viviparity, parent-offspring conflict, placentation, repro-
ductive mode.
Since Aristotle in his Historia Animalium divided animals
into oviparous versus viviparous forms and forms nour-
ished by yolk versus more direct means, analyses of the
ecology, physiology, and evolution of reproductive mode
have remained of considerable interest to biologists (Moss-
* Corresponding author; e-mail:
Am. Nat. 2004. Vol. 163, pp. 000–000. 2004 by The University ofChicago.
0003-0147/2004/16305-40103$15.00. All rights reserved.
man 1937, 1987; Wourms 1977, 1981; Wourms et al. 1988;
Blackburn 1992, 1999b, 1999c). Comparative and evolu-
tionary studies have characterized the remarkable diversity
in reproductive mode among animals (Luckett 1976b;
Blu¨m 1986; Blackburn 1999b, 1999c) and have begun to
consider the adaptive significance of prenatal mother-off-
spring interactions (Haig 1993, 1996a, 1996b). Ecological
analyses of the evolution of viviparity have traditionally
focused on the costs and benefits of oviparity in compar-
ison with various forms of live birth (e.g., Tinkle and
Gibbons 1977; Shine 1985, 1995) and the role of selection
in optimizing parental investment (e.g., Clutton-Brock
1991). By contrast, physiological and morphological stud-
ies of the evolution of viviparity and placentation have
concentrated on the description, ontogeny, and function
of diverse structures and mechanisms for nutrient transfer
(e.g., Stewart and Blackburn 1988; Wourms et al. 1988;
Wourms and Lombardi 1992; Wourms 1993).
In this article, we integrate comparative, ecological, and
physiological approaches to the evolution of reproductive
mode and propose a new hypothesis that states that parent-
offspring conflict (Trivers 1974) has driven the evolution
of vertebrate reproductive mode. Several previous studies
have provided evidence that parental-fetal relationships are
subject to such conflict; however, these authors have fo-
cused on the adaptive significance of the current forms of
parent-offspring interactions (Trivers 1974; Haig 1993,
1996a, 1996b) or the expected consequences of parent-
offspring conflicts for the evolution of polyandry (Zeh and
Zeh 2001) and speciation (Zeh and Zeh 2000; whereby
viviparity-driven conflict between mother and fetus pro-
motes antagonistic coevolution, genomic divergence, and
increased postzygotic isolation). Here, we propose that
parent-offspring conflict plays a fundamental, causal role
in the evolution of viviparity and placentation and that it
is responsible for much of the diversity in aspects of animal
reproductive mode. We describe the evolutionary dynam-
ics of parent-offspring conflict in this context, provide
evidence for our viviparity conflict hypothesis, and suggest
further tests using data from physiology, morphology, and
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Parent-Offspring Conflict over Parental Investment
How is the offspring to compete effectively with its parent?
Inside the mother the offspring is expected to employ
chemical tactics. (Trivers 1974)
In all organisms where parents and their offspring are not
genetically identical, conflicts of interest will arise between
them over the level of parental investment (Trivers 1974).
These phenotypic conflicts are mediated by patterns of
gene expression. In mother-offspring interactions, genes
of four sources and kinds may be involved: genes expressed
in the mother, maternally derived genes expressed in the
offspring, paternally derived genes expressed in the off-
spring, and genes expressed in the offspring regardless of
their parental source (Trivers 1974; Haig and Westoby
1989; Haig and Trivers 1995; Haig 1997, 1999b, 2000;
Ubeda and Haig 2003). Each of these types of gene exhibits
its own optimal phenotypic effects for maximizing its rep-
resentation in future generations with regard to how it
influences the physiological interactions between the
mother and developing embryos.
For the mother, each of her genes has an equal prob-
ability of being present in each offspring, so her best strat-
egy involves allocating nutrients to each offspring over her
lifespan to maximize the aggregate reproductive success of
her descendants. For offspring, the effects of genes are
expected to be more “selfish” such that offspring are se-
lected to seek greater investment from the mother than
she is selected to provide (Trivers 1974; Godfray 1995).
This conflict arises because each offspring is more closely
related to itself at (and in the next generation tor p 1
its sons and daughters at ) than it is to any givenr p 0.5
full sibling at (and its nieces and nephews, forr p 0.5
which ). Maternally derived and paternally de-r p 0.25
rived genes in offspring may also exhibit different gene-
expression strategies if such genes are “imprinted” as to
their source (Haig and Westoby 1989; Haig 2000). Thus,
to the extent that a mother’s offspring derive from multiple
paternity within or across broods, genes inherited from a
particular father have a declining probability of being pre-
sent in sibs (Haig 1999b). Such genes should therefore
favor maternal investment in their bearers to an even
greater extent than do maternally derived genes. Evidence
for such imprinting effects on invasive ability of the tro-
phoblast (fetal extraembryonic ectoderm; Mossman 1987,
p. 315) and other aspects of maternal investment has been
described in a variety of taxa (Cross et al. 1994; Bartolomei
and Tilghman 1997; Haig 2000; O’Neill et al. 2000; Vrana
et al. 2001; Tycko and Morison 2002).
Parent-offspring conflict is expected to result in off-
spring developing adaptations to extract more from par-
ents than they are selected to provide and adaptations to
compete with siblings over parental resources. The mag-
nitude of such parent-offspring conflict can be measured
by the difference between the brood size and degree of
investment per offspring that is optimal for the parent
versus what is optimal for an offspring (Trivers 1974; God-
fray and Parker 1991; Parker 1995). Conflict is predicted
to be most intense when only one parent invests, when
the coefficient of relatedness between siblings is low, when
brood size is small, when there is the possibility of intra-
brood competition, and when the benefits of care are non-
depreciable (do not decline with increasing brood size;
Parker 1985, 1995; Godfray and Parker 1991). However,
parent-offspring conflict is constrained by the genetic re-
latedness and mutual dependency of the interactants such
that it often involves a tug-of-war over resource allocation,
with signs of conflict remaining more or less covert unless
the interactions between parties are perturbed in some way
(Moore and Haig 1991; Haig 1993, 1996a, 1996b).
As in other situations with cooperative interactions en-
tangled with conflict and conflict constrained by relat-
edness, the evolutionary outcome of parent-offspring in-
teractions is difficult to predict (Parker 1983; Crespi 1992;
Queller 1994; Godfray 1995; Brown et al. 1997; Zeh and
Zeh 2000; Parker et al. 2002b). Such outcomes can depend
on evolutionary starting points, genetic mechanisms, mat-
ing systems, sequences of mutation, the arsenal of traits
in parents and offspring that can be modified by selection
in this context, and the fitness costs and benefits of win-
ning versus losing in relation to the costs of investing in
adaptations for conflict (Haig 1993; Arnqvist and Rowe
2002; Rowe and Arnqvist 2002; Chapman et al. 2003). In
parent-offspring interactions, conflicts of interest can be
resolved with one side “winning” (at its optimum) at some
more or less stable intermediate point, or conflicts may
generate arms races of variable duration (Parker 1983,
1985; Godfray and Parker 1991; Godfray 1995). Although
parents are usually expected to have an advantage that
derives from size, physical power, and control of resources,
offspring may engage in any number of strategies to ma-
nipulate parents into increased investment; examples in-
clude the release of hormones and other compounds into
the maternal bloodstream (Haig 1993, 1996b) and the loud
begging of nestlings in many species of birds (e.g., Parker
et al. 2002a).
Thus far, most studies of parent-offspring conflict have
focused on behavioral interactions, such as soliciting and
siblicide (Trivers 1974; Clutton-Brock 1991; Mock and
Parker 1997). More recently, evidence of physiological
conflicts has been described between mothers and pre-
parturition offspring, most notably during human preg-
nancy (Haig 1993). As described by Haig, these maternal-
fetal conflicts manifest themselves in the current form of
matrotrophic (direct resource provisioning) viviparity in
Maternal-Fetal Conflict PROOF 3
Friday Mar 05 2004 01:46 PM/40103/der
humans. We argue here that such conflicts also reach back
to the origins of maternal investment in vertebrates and
thus should be instrumental in the evolution and diverse
forms of viviparous reproduction itself. By our viviparity
conflict hypothesis, the evolution of viviparity has been
driven in part by parent-offspring conflict, whereby off-
spring are under continual strong selection to increase the
level of maternal investment that they accrue. Mothers, in
turn, are selected for reproductive modes involving egg
retention and increased investment under appropriate eco-
logical conditions (e.g., Tinkle and Gibbons 1977; Wourms
et al. 1988; Shine 2002) and for increased physiological
efficiency in nutrient provision (e.g., Wourms 1993; Tyn-
dale-Briscoe and Renfree 1987), but they are still expected
to favor levels of investment below the optimum for in-
dividual offspring. The main alternative hypothesis to ours
is that the evolution of reproductive modes involving in-
creased investment in individual offspring is driven by
changes in reproductive ecology in the context of how the
physiology and morphology of different lineages can be
modified by selection. This hypothesis is not mutually ex-
clusive to the viviparity conflict idea because ecological
conditions and maternal-fetal interactions are expected to
select sequentially or jointly on reproductive mode. As-
sessing the degree of support for each hypothesis requires
analysis of the mechanisms and selective pressures driving
evolutionary changes in viviparity and placentation.
Vertebrate Reproductive Modes
Living embryos were exceedingly active in utero. They dashed
about, open mouthed, inside the oviduct, snapping at what-
ever they encountered, including the investigator’s hand. In
this case, there was only one embryo in each oviduct. (Wourms
In oviparous species, preparturition conflict is unlikely
because the quantity of yolk and other materials received
by the developing embryo presumably cannot be influ-
enced by genes expressed in the offspring. As a result, the
origin per se of direct maternal investment in developing
embryos and the initial stages of egg retention are pre-
sumably driven by ecological selective pressures. However,
as soon as such investment has evolved, there is potential
for conflict if the amount and duration of care received
can be influenced by genes expressed in the offspring.
Two main nutritional patterns typify the transfer of ma-
ternally derived nutrients in viviparous vertebrates: lecith-
otrophy, in which energy for development is derived from
the yolk of the ovum, and matrotrophy, in which nutrients
are directly supplied by the mother during gestation
(Wourms 1981; Blu¨m 1986; Blackburn 1999b, 1999c).
These nutritional forms are not mutually exclusive, and
the embryos of most viviparous vertebrates are nourished
by some combination of yolk and direct maternal con-
tribution (Wourms et al. 1988; Blackburn 1999c). Matro-
trophic provision of nutrients provides the widest scope
for parent-offspring conflict because postzygotic invest-
ment can be substantial, with the developing embryo in
intimate contact with the mother throughout develop-
ment. Matrotrophy can be categorized into three main
forms on the basis of the nutrients supplied to offspring
and how they are delivered (Wourms et al. 1988; Hamlett
The first form, oophagy, whereby the developing fetus
feeds on sibling ova, or adelphophagy, the intrauterine
cannibalism of embryos, is found in some amphibians,
sharks, and teleost fishes (Wourms 1977; Wourms et al.
1988; Blackburn 1992; Gilmore 1993). This reproductive
mode presents opportunities for parent-offspring conflict
in that optimal brood sizes may differ between the mother
and offspring (Godfray and Parker 1991, 1992). Because
the offspring are active and in control of cannibalism lev-
els, they may be able to achieve the brood size that max-
imizes their inclusive fitness, and indeed in the sharks and
rays exhibiting oophagy or adelphophagy, only one em-
bryo develops in each of two uterine compartments.
Cannibalistic brood reduction has been described in
other viviparous forms, including some marine snails, cae-
cilians, and other salamanders (Baur 1992; Mock and Par-
ker 1997, pp. 324–333). Although sibling conflict typifies
many such cases of this reproductive mode, the degree to
which the interests of mothers and offspring differ remains
unclear because it is difficult in theory and practice to
specify optimal numbers and sizes of offspring for both
parties (Parker et al. 2002b).
The second form, histophagy, involves the ingestion of
maternal secretions by embryos and is characterized by
the absorption of such secretions (Wake 1977; Wourms
1977; Blackburn et al. 1985; Wourms et al. 1988). These
reproductive patterns are found in some sharks and rays,
one anuran, and some caecilians; in addition, monotreme
mammals exhibit an unusual combination of histotrophy
and oviparity because eggs absorb considerable maternal
secretions before deposition (Blackburn 1999c).
Maternal secretions are normally produced from the
uterine epithelium, and the mother is presumably able to
control their constitution and quantity more or less free
of offspring influence. However, developing offspring may,
in theory, increase the rate of histotroph production in at
least three ways. First, in some amphibians, embryos
abrade the uterine lining with specially adapted prenatal
teeth, apparently to stimulate additional maternal secre-
tions (Wake 1977; Guex and Chen 1986). Like begging
calls in nestlings, such behavior may be partially mala-
daptive for the parents and may lead to investment beyond
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their optimum (Godfray and Parker 1991). Second, ovi-
ductal secretions are under hormonal control in some am-
phibians (e.g., Xavier et al. 1970) such that offspring may
be able to stimulate increased secretion via release of the
same hormones (Haig 1996b). Third, the fetuses of some
rays develop large supranuclear vesicles believed to func-
tion as storage depots for continually ingested secretions
(Hamlett 1999). Such sequestering of maternal resources
may elicit increased investment if it reduces the mother’s
information about offspring’s level of need; indeed, it is
otherwise unclear why a developing ray fetus would store
resources unless they are retained until after parturition.
Similarly, human fetuses sequester unusually high levels
of fat in the last few weeks of pregnancy, after they have
reached full term and are able to survive well postpartur-
ition. (Haig 1993, 1999a). Whether such an apparent ad-
aptation indeed involves conflict requires further data.
The third form, placental viviparity, involves transfer of
materials via “any intimate apposition or fusion of the
fetal organs to the maternal (or paternal) tissues for phys-
iological exchange” (Mossman 1937). Placental viviparity
involves nutrient transfer via cell secretions (i.e., histo-
trophic exchange), via blood constituents (hemotrophic
exchange), or by both routes. This reproductive mode is
found in many chondrichthyan and some osteichthyan
fishes, some squamate reptiles, some amphibians (caecil-
ians, frogs, and salamanders), and all therian mammals
(Blu¨m 1986; Blackburn 1999c). The placenta develops
from fetal membranes (the amnion, chorion, allantoic sac,
and yolk sac) and other tissues, and transfer of nutrients
to developing young by this means may be more efficient
physiologically than other methods, although the evidence
for such efficiency is meager (Seal et al. 1972; Tyndale-
Briscoe and Renfree 1987, p. 323; Wourms 1993). The
prolonged and intimate contact between mothers and off-
spring engendered by this form of viviparity should pro-
vide offspring with considerable opportunities to influence
maternal physiology to their own benefit and vice versa
(Zeh and Zeh 2000). The origins and evolution of placental
forms thus provide the clearest context for testing the
assumptions and predictions of the viviparity conflict hy-
pothesis, especially because viviparity and placentation ap-
pear to evolve in concert rather than sequentially (Black-
burn 1995, 1998a, 1999c).
Assumptions of the Viviparity Conflict Hypothesis
The main assumptions of the viviparity conflict hypothesis
are that relatedness between mothers and offspring is less
than unity (the intensity of conflict then increases with
multiple paternity within and across broods; Haig 1999b),
that the evolution of viviparity and matrotrophy involve
increased benefits to individual offspring and may also
engender increased costs to mothers, and that offspring
exhibit the ability to manipulate maternal investment in
viviparous and incipiently viviparous forms.
Levels of genetic relatedness between mothers and off-
spring and between offspring are conducive to strong se-
lection for parent-offspring conflict over prenatal invest-
ment. Thus, clonal reproduction is rare, and multiple
paternity is virtually the rule among sexual organisms
(Eberhard 1996, p. 413; Birkhead and Parker 1997; Jen-
nions and Petrie 2000; Zeh and Zeh 2001; e.g., in vivip-
arous taxa; Baker et al. 1999; Garner et al. 2002; Saville et
al. 2002). Indeed, multiple paternity may be favored by
one of the same traits that facilitates the evolution of vi-
viparity, internal fertilization (e.g., Wourms et al. 1988).
The possible resultant decrease in paternal investment may
increase the offspring’s optimal level and thus lead to a
higher degree of conflict (Parker 1985); multiple paternity
may also generate increased offspring demands through
its effects on the evolution of genomic imprinting (Haig
and Westoby 1989; Haig 1999b, 2000).
Perhaps the most pervasive theme in the literature on
the evolution of viviparity is that it engenders clear benefits
to individual offspring and may impose increased repro-
ductive costs on mothers. Benefits to offspring include
increased survivorship via avoidance of the egg stage, in-
creased size at birth, and increased offspring vigor (e.g.,
Wourms 1977; Shine 1985, 1989, 1995, 2002; Crespi 1989;
Compagno 1990; Guillette 1991; Wourms and Lombardi
1992; Gilmore 1993; Stewart and Thompson 1993; Qualls
and Andrews 1999; Goodwin et al. 2002). These benefits
contrast with numerous costs of reproducing via viviparity,
most of which accrue to mothers; these encompass reduced
foraging ability and higher susceptibility to predation while
pregnant, total brood loss upon death, higher energetic
costs, and lower fecundity (e.g., Wake 1977; Renfree 1983;
Shine 1985, 1989; Compagno 1990; Wourms and Lom-
bardi 1992; Heulin et al. 1994; Blackburn 1995, 2000;
Schwarzkopf 1996; Goodwin et al. 2002; but see also Qualls
and Shine [1998b], who showed that costs of reproduction
apparently did not differ between conspecific viviparous
and oviparous forms in a lizard). Phenotypic benefits to
mothers of viviparity appear to be relatively few, and they
may include increased energetic efficiency in placental
forms (Wourms 1993) and greater flexibility in adjusting
investment level under varying food supplies (Parker 1977;
Low 1978; Renfree 1983; Hayssen et al. 1985; Stewart 1989;
Trexler 1997; Jerez and Ramı´rez-Pinı`lla 2001; but see Rez-
nick et al. 1996). Taken together, these considerations im-
ply that benefits to offspring increase substantially during
the evolution of viviparity and that reproductive costs to
mothers may increase as well.
We suggest that in viviparous and inchoate viviparous
forms, offspring abilities to manipulate the mother are
Maternal-Fetal Conflict PROOF 5
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even higher before than after birth as a result of the in-
timate, prolonged physiological contact between interac-
tants. Offspring-parent manipulation should first become
possible at the point when fetal tissues can release com-
pounds that reach the mother; this may sometimes occur
early in the evolution of viviparity from oviparity, and the
initial effects may be as simple as slightly prolonged egg
retention or embryo-induced changes in osmolarity gra-
dients that contribute to uptake of materials through the
egg capsule (Lombardi et al. 1993; see also Renfree 1977
on concentration gradients across the yolk sac placenta of
a marsupial). Indeed, transfer of materials from mother
to offspring appears common even in the incipient stages
of viviparity (Blackburn 1998b; Stewart and Thompson
2000) such that physiological mechanisms for transfer in
the other direction should not be unexpected on physi-
ological grounds.
The abilities of preparturition human offspring to ma-
nipulate maternal investment are showcased by Haig
(1993, 1999a). As he describes, human fetuses and their
associated tissues secrete myriad factors (e.g., hormones,
steroids, cytokines, and growth factors); these serve, in
humans and other mammals, to signal the presence of the
conceptus, facilitate invasion of the uterine lining, stim-
ulate angiogenesis, locally modulate the mother’s immune
response in the uterus, maintain the early stages of the
pregnancy, and control gestation length (see also Renfree
1977, 1983; Pavia et al. 1979; Hayssen et al. 1985; Clemens
1991; Arcuri et al. 1998, 1999; Lin et al. 2000).
Considerable evidence indicates that abilities of fetuses
to influence development are not restricted to humans.
Thus, steroid regulation of reproduction by mothers is
present in all vertebrates (Blu¨m 1986; Guillette 1987), and
fetal offspring of elasmobranchs, amphibians, and reptiles
can produce the same or similar compounds as do mam-
mals, apparently with comparable physiological roles in
affecting maternal investment. Guillette (1989) presented
evidence that viviparous nonmammalian vertebrates also
secrete steroids and prostoglandins as pregnancy recog-
nition signals and that embryonic factors influence ma-
ternal uterine development in various ways apparently
beneficial to the fetus. Hamlett (1999) noted that the pla-
centa of some sharks secretes steroid hormones and that
the yolk sac placenta (the simplest form of placentation)
exhibits tissues that also appear to produce steroids, and
Callard and Koob (1993), Callard et al. (1993), and Koob
and Callard (1999) provided additional evidence for ster-
oid regulation of elasmobranch reproduction, with poten-
tial effects from the fetus. Even under the seemingly sim-
plest form of viviparity, histophagy, as expressed in a
species of salamander, antagonistic maternal immune re-
actions (rejection and facilitation) toward the embryo have
been found, along with immunosuppressive factors in the
pregnancy serum thought to originate from the embryo
(Chateaureynaud et al. 1979; Badet 1984). A range of cy-
tokines and other hormones, which regulate immune re-
sponses, fetal growth, and differentiation in mammals, has
also been identified at the maternal-fetal interface in a
species of placental reptile (Paulesu et al. 1995; Paulesu
1997; Jones et al. 2003). Painter and Moore (1999) re-
ported the production of progesterone and corticosterone
from the reptilian fetal adrenal gland and suggested that
the fetal placenta metabolizes steroid hormones, and Bon-
net et al. (2001) reported that progesterone plays an im-
portant role in the pregnancy of a viviparous snake by
stimulating vascularization of the oviducts. Endocrinol-
ogical studies of a placental skink and a review of other
reptiles (Guarino et al. 1998) have shown that when the
corpus luteum begins to degenerate after the middle of
pregnancy, the placenta can become an endocrine organ,
and, as in some mammals, it begins to replace and main-
tain the high levels of progesterone circulating in maternal
blood. Moreover, young embryos of the reptile Lacerta
vivipara produce a compound that extends the life of the
corpus luteum (and thus gestation length; Xavier et al.
1988), and embryos of other lizards release a variety of
compounds, often early in development (see Guillette
1992). Callard et al. (1992) noted that oviparous groups
(e.g., skates, turtles, and birds) exhibit a predominantly
preovulatory pattern of progesterone production, whereas
those groups in which viviparity has evolved (e.g., sharks,
snakes, and lizards) exhibit mainly a postovulatory pattern.
Finally, Shine and Guillette (1988) present evidence that
in reptiles, increased duration of progesterone secretion
prolongs egg retention, which may serve as a simple mech-
anism for the initial stages in the evolution of viviparity.
Their model is of special importance for the viviparity
conflict hypothesis, given that progesterone can also be
secreted by reptile fetuses. Offspring of oviparous and vi-
viparous reptiles may also benefit from delaying birth,
potentially beyond the maternal optimum in viviparous
forms, and they may thus control this important aspect
of development (Shine and Olsson 2003).
These cases indicate that preparturition offspring of all
major vertebrate groups exhibiting viviparity demonstrate
abilities to or the potential to manipulate maternal repro-
ductive physiology. Thus, the assumptions of the viviparity
conflict hypothesis appear to be satisfied. The hypothesis
makes three main predictions that can be evaluated with
the available data: multiple origins of viviparity and forms
of placentation, extreme diversity in traits related to fetal-
maternal interactions among vivparous forms, and evi-
dence of fetal-maternal conflict over levels of investment,
which may lead to arms races.
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Multiple Origins of Viviparity and
Forms of Placentation
Once egg retention exists, maternal oviductal and ovarian
function could be modified by responding to embryonic fac-
tors. (Guillette 1989)
One of the hallmarks of strong selection is parallel or
convergent evolution (Schluter and Nagel 1995; Losos et
al. 1998; Madsen et al. 2001; Nosil et al. 2002). This evo-
lutionary pattern implies first that selection, rather than
the chance effects of drift, has given rise to a particular
trait and second that diverse lineages have been similarly
transformed, overcoming lineage-specific constraints on
many occasions. Multiple origins of viviparity, matrotro-
phy, and more invasive placentation may be explicable by
both the viviparity conflict and reproductive ecology hy-
potheses, and they provide indirect support for viviparity
conflict to the degree that they cannot be explained by
variation in ecological conditions. In addition, more or
less unidirectional trends from oviparity to viviparity and
to increased investment in viviparous forms suggest either
that such transitions are irreversible due to their genetic
or physiological architecture (Bull and Charnov 1985; Lee
and Shine 1998) or that strong selection on offspring can
prevent them.
Striking parallelism and convergence are found in the
origins of viviparity itself, the origins of placentation, and
the forms of placentation most conducive to offspring
control over parental investment. Among vertebrates, vi-
viparity has evolved more than 120 times; there are more
than 100 inferred transitions in reptiles, 12 in teleost fishes
(including patrotrophic viviparity in some seahorses;
Blackburn 1999c; Wilson et al. 2003), nine to 10 in sharks
and rays, five in amphibians, and apparently two in mam-
mals (Hayssen et al. 1985; Dulvy and Reynolds 1997; Zeller
1997, 1999; Blackburn 1999b, 1999c; Goodwin et al. 2002;
Reynolds et al. 2002). Matrotrophy has also evolved readily
(23–24 times), with at least three inferred origins in rep-
tiles, 12 in teleost fishes, four to five in sharks and rays,
three in amphibians, and one in mammals (Dulvy and
Reynolds 1997). In some lineages, viviparity is character-
istic of higher taxonomic categories (e.g., eutherian and
metatherian mammals and some elasmobranch groups);
however, in other taxa, it varies among closely related spe-
cies or even among populations (e.g., Blackburn 1992,
1993, 1995, 1998a; Heap 1994; Qualls et al. 1995; Surget-
Groba et al. 2001). The transitions between oviparity and
viviparity appear to be virtually unidirectional because
there is evidence of shifts from viviparity back to oviparity
in only a few cases, and even these are ambiguous (de
Fraipont et al. 1996, 1999; Dulvy and Reynolds 1997; Lee
and Shine 1998; Blackburn 1999a; Surget-Groba et al.
2001; Reynolds et al. 2002; Douady et al. 2003).
Viviparity has been linked more or less closely to en-
vironmental factors in several taxonomic groups. Thus, in
reptiles, viviparous forms are most common in relatively
cold climates (Tinkle and Gibbons 1977; Shine and Bull
1978; Shine 1985, 2002 and references therein), and in
elasmobranchs, viviparity and matrotrophy are found
most often in tropical and subtropical waters (Wourms
1977; Clutton-Brock 1991; Dulvy and Reynolds 1997),
where utilization of yolk by embryos may be energetically
inefficient (Dulvy 1998). By contrast, reproductive mode
is apparently not associated with ecomorphotype in sharks
(Compagno 1990), and Wourms et al. (1988) noted that
for teleost fishes, “it is difficult to correlate viviparity
with specific ecological parameters.” Indeed, Shine and
Berry (1978), Shine (1985, 1987), and Packard et al. (1989)
stressed that the current ecology of viviparous forms pro-
vides only indirect evidence for the role of specific envi-
ronmental factors in the origins of this reproductive mode.
Thus, although viviparity itself is clearly adaptive in harsh
environments for eggs among some taxa, the selective ad-
vantages of transitional stages in the origin of viviparity
are often unclear (Shine and Bull 1979; Shine 1985; Smith
and Shine 1997; see also Blackburn 1982), and the eco-
logical adaptive significance of the different forms of vi-
viparity or matrotrophy has been difficult to elucidate
(Wourms et al. 1988; Guillette 1991; Stewart and Thomp-
son 2000).
Blackburn (1995, 1998a) provides evidence that inter-
mediate transitional stages in the evolution of viviparity
and placentation are rarely found among extant forms
such that they appear to evolve rapidly. His hypothesis is
also supported by the finding of Reynolds et al. (2002),
who used phylogenies to infer that evolutionary changes
in elasmobranch viviparity often proceeded directly from
egg laying to matrotrophic viviparity and the emphasis by
Rothchild (2003) on the great gap between metatherian
and eutherian reproductive modes. Moreover, Mossman
(1987, p. 146) points out that little morphological change
in fetal membranes is required for the transition to vivi-
parity because most of the changes are mediated by phys-
iological shifts. By the viviparity conflict hypothesis, eco-
logical factors need not drive transitions to viviparity and
matrotrophy in isolation because an advantage will always
be present for offspring to accrue additional investment
up to their optimal level. Moreover, selection on offspring
and mothers is apparently strong enough to cause rapid
microevolutionary change, which has led to accelerated
among-population divergence and speciation in some taxa
such as mammals (Zeh and Zeh 2000).
Placentation has evolved concomitantly with viviparity
among vertebrates (Blackburn 1995, 1999b, 1999c), and it
Maternal-Fetal Conflict PROOF 7
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exhibits the same pattern of multiple evolutionary origins,
with many striking cases of convergence and parallelism
(e.g., Wourms 1977; Blackburn et al. 1984; Wourms et al.
1988; Wourms and Lombardi 1992; Blackburn 1993,
1999b, 1999c; Meyer and Lydeard 1993; Reznick et al. 2002;
also Wourms and Cohen 1975 on trophotaeniae, a pla-
cental analogue in some fishes). There are three main
forms of placentation with regard to one of its most fun-
damental aspects, the functional morphology of the ma-
ternal-fetal interface: epitheliochorial placentation, which
involves proliferation of the trophoblast and uterine epi-
thelium with little or no invasiveness of the trophoblast
into maternal tissue; endotheliochorial placentation,
whereby the trophoblast invades maternal tissue but does
not penetrate into the bloodstream; and hemochorial plac-
entation, in which the trophoblast invades far enough for
the developing placenta to gain direct access to maternal
blood (e.g., Luckett 1976b; Mossman 1987; King 1992).
Hemochorial placentation entails the greatest opportuni-
ties for offspring to manipulate the mother toward in-
creased investment; offspring have direct access to mater-
nal nutrients in the blood, they may release compounds
into her bloodstream, and they can distinguish between
maternal versus fetal sources of hormones and other sub-
stances, while mothers may remain ignorant of this im-
portant information (Haig 1991, 1993, 1999a; Kurz et al.
Hemochorial placentation has apparently originated at
least eight times in mammals, among flying lemurs, bats,
rodents and lagomorphs, primates, anteaters and arma-
dillos, hyraxes, tenrecs and elephant shrews, and hedge-
hogs (King 1992; Carter 2001); only in some rodents has
hemochorial placentation apparently been lost, given rise
to an endotheliochorial form (Mess 2003). Similarly, a
species of shark has evolved a unique form of hemochorial
placenta (Wourms 1993), the placentae of some reptiles
may approach (though not reach) the hemochorial state
(Luckett 1976b; Mossman 1987 p. 146; Blackburn 1993),
and some metatherians (e.g., bandicoots and fat-tailed
dunnarts) exhibit an invasive placenta that has evolved
convergently with that of eutherians (Luckett 1976b; Ren-
free 1983; Hayssen et al. 1985; Tyndale-Briscoe and Renfree
1987; Roberts and Breed 1994a, 1994b; Zeller 1999). Black-
burn et al. (1985) comment on the “convergent trends
toward reduction of the distance between fetal and ma-
ternal bloodstreams in numerous placental groups” (see
also Wourms and Lombardi 1992), which ultimately re-
sults in hemochorial forms. Finally, Pijnenborg et al.
(1981) describe the convergent evolution, in rodents and
humans, of invasion into the maternal spiral arteries of
trophoblast cells, which modify the arteries such that blood
flow cannot be restricted (see also Haig 1993).
Carter (2001) remarks that in hemochorial forms, the
“prime function of the trophoblast is to adapt maternal
circulation to the needs of the placenta and growing fetus.”
They stated that “the advantage of reducing the number
of layers in the interheme membrane is clearly great
enough for such adaptations to have been selected many
times.” But if such an advantage exists, presumably it
should be more common among mammals rather than
distributed so sporadically. By contrast, Mossman (1987,
pp. 152–153, 296) notes that there is no clear selective
advantage associated with variation in trophoblast inva-
siveness, and Pijnenborg et al. (1985) state that it is difficult
to attach any adaptive advantage to the differences among
the three forms of placentation. Leiser and Kaufmann
(1994) describe how neonatal/placental weight ratios are
uncorrelated with the number of tissue layers separating
maternal and fetal blood but are apparently associated with
the geometry of maternal-fetal blood flow interrelation-
ships; moreover, high daily fetal growth rates per placental
weight appear to require a relatively efficient placenta
(hemochorial or endotheliochorial). These findings sug-
gest that placental form influences aspects of fetal devel-
opment related to maternal input, although the ecological
disparities among the mammals with hemochorial plac-
entation argue against the presence of ecological correlates.
According to the viviparity conflict hypothesis, there
may indeed be no ecologically based selective difference
among the three placental forms. Thus, such differences
arise because only in some lineages have fetuses been able
to gain access to the maternal bloodstream; the current
outcomes of conflict vary among taxa, depending on dif-
ferences in physiological and morphological starting
points, sequences of mutational events, strengths of selec-
tion on the interacting parties, and the presence and form
of other adaptations. Consistent with this hypothesis, hem-
ochorial placentation is reached by quite different devel-
opmental pathways across these mammal groups (Carter
Rampant Diversification of Viviparity and Placentation
There is no other mammalian organ whose structure and func-
tion are so species diverse as those of the placenta. This is
curious since the “purpose” of the placenta, presumably, is
the same in all species. (Faber et al. 1992)
The viviparity conflict hypothesis implies antagonistic co-
evolution between parents and offspring in traits that in-
fluence prenatal investment. Thus, after microevolution
toward viviparity and matrotrophy has begun, these traits
are expected to evolve rapidly and in a manner that may
be difficult to predict from comparative or ecological data,
exhibiting similar evolutionary dynamics to those en-
PROOF 8 The American Naturalist
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countered in other cases of antagonistic coevolution, such
as sexual conflict (Brown et al. 1997; Arnqvist and Rowe
2002; Rowe and Arnqvist 2002; Chapman et al. 2003) or
host-parasite interaction (Hughes 1991; Haraguchi and Sa-
saki 1996; Buckling and Rainey 2002). Although parent-
offspring strife is constrained by genetic relatedness, it
should nonetheless generate high diversity in morpholog-
ical, physiological, developmental, and genetic aspects of
reproductive mode.
Forms of viviparity itself exhibit notable diversity within
eutherian mammals (Rothchild 2003), squamate reptiles
(Blackburn 1993), caecilians (Laurin et al. 2000), other
amphibians (Wake 1977; Wake and Dickie 1998), and
fishes (Wourms 1977, 1981; Wourms et al. 1988; Com-
pagno 1990; Wourms and Lombardi 1992; Hamlett and
Hysell 1998; Hamlett 1999). Such diversity extends across
all taxonomic levels because closely related species, pop-
ulations, or individuals within populations often differ
substantially in fundamental aspects of reproductive mode
(e.g., Guillette 1981; Packard et al. 1989; Blackburn 1992,
1993, 1995, 1998a; Heap 1994; Pinella and Laurent 1996;
Meisner and Burns 1997; Smith and Shine 1997; Trexler
1997; Fairbairn et al. 1998; Stewart and Thompson 2000;
Swain and Jones 2000; Thompson et al. 2000; Smith et al.
2001; Reznick et al. 2002).
Although the basic hormones involved in regulation of
reproductive processes are highly conserved among ver-
tebrates, the sources, functions, and targets of these hor-
mones differ strikingly among taxa, sometimes between
closely related species. Thus, Blu¨m (1986), Callard et al.
(1992), Cross et al. (1994), and Roberts et al. (1999) de-
scribe the wide range of hormonal mechanisms vertebrate
embryos use to help maintain pregnancy. Rothchild (1981)
noted how among species of mammals, the regulation of
preovulatory follicles has remained conservative, while the
regulatory mechanisms for postovulatry follicles (after ma-
ternal-fetal conflict has begun; Haig 1993) differ widely.
Guillette (1989) describes some of the profound differ-
ences among humans, pigs, and sheep in the chemical
signals used for recognition of pregnancy (see also Freyer
et al. 2003), and Heap (1994) describes how mammal
species are remarkably dissimilar in the mechanisms
whereby immunological rejection of the conceptus is
achieved. Haig (1993) and Stewart and Allen (1995) de-
scribe the convergent evolution of chorionic gonadotro-
pins in primates and horses, and Forsyth (1994) describes
the convergent evolution of placental lactogens, which are
involved in diversion of nutrients to the fetus, in primates,
rodents, and ruminants. Finally, Amoroso (1981), Heap
(1994), Meyer (1994), and Blackburn (2000) describe no-
table variation in the sources, levels, and profiles of pro-
gesterone during gestation; for example, progesterone ap-
pears to regulate reproduction differently even among
closely related snakes in garter snakes (Highfill and Mead
1975; Whittier et al. 1987; also see Bonnet et al. 2001).
These patterns imply strong divergent and convergent se-
lection on the production levels, targets, and functions of
reproductive hormones involved in maternal-fetal inter-
action (see also Haig 1996b), which appears difficult to
attribute to ecological causes even though an absence of
evidence cannot be interpreted unambiguously as the
Trophoblasts of therian mammals differ profoundly
even among closely related species in the chemical signals
that they produce (Packard et al. 1989; Heap 1994); in
their expression sites for growth factors (Carter and Han
1999); in the presence, density, and form of their “giant
cells” (Mossman 1987, p. 298); and in their degree of
invasiveness into the uterine lining (Hughes 1974; Luckett
1976b; Pijnenborg et al. 1981, 1985; Heap 1994; Carter
2001; Allen et al. 2003; Freyer et al. 2003). Moreover, in
accordance with different resolutions of conflict over in-
vestment or ongoing conflict, the degree of invasiveness
is determined in diverse ways among taxa “by properties
of the trophoblast itself, by maternal factors such as de-
cidualization, by pregnancy-induced change of other uter-
ine tissues, and by maternal immune responses” (Pijnen-
borg et al. 1981).
The placenta exhibits greater interspecific variation in
morphology than does any other mammalian organ (e.g.,
Benirschke 1983; Mossman 1987; Faber et al. 1992; Leiser
and Kaufmann 1994). This remarkable variation among
species in the development, physiology, and morphology
of placentae has fascinated and puzzled biologists for more
than 50 yr (Mossman 1937, 1987, p. 150; Luckett 1976b;
Renfree 1977; Pijnenborg et al. 1985; Stewart and Black-
burn 1988; Wourms et al. 1988; King 1992; Allen et al.
2003). The main source of such puzzlement is that the
physiological and morphological vicissitude of placenta-
based interactions is accompanied by simplicity of primary
function: transfer of nutrients (Faber et al. 1992). Much
of the variation in placental morphology is due to diversity
in the definitive forms of homologous or analogous struc-
tures, but much is also generated via heterochronic shifts
and the terminal addition of new stages (Luckett 1976b;
Wourms et al. 1988; Wourms 1993; Stewart and Thompson
1996, 2003; Allen et al. 2003), which provides an additional
dimension for diversification. Here, we propose that the
striking interspecific diversity of placental physiology and
morphology reflects a long evolutionary history of ma-
ternal-fetal conflict. Evaluating this hypothesis requires
consideration of the mechanisms of interaction at the ma-
ternal-fetal interface.
Maternal-Fetal Conflict PROOF 9
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Maternal-Fetal Antagonism at the Placental Interface
One reason why the placenta and placental signalling mole-
cules are evolving so quickly may be because the placenta
is the site of considerable genetic experimentation. If the re-
lationship between the mother and the conceptus possesses
elements of conflict, rather than being strictly nourishing, a
change in one side of the placenta will in all likelihood be
accompanied by a counter-move on the other side. (Roberts
et al. 1999)
Roberts et al. (1999) anticipate the viviparity conflict hy-
pothesis and one of the best means to test it: finding more
or less direct evidence of maternal-fetal antagonism man-
ifested in the genetics, physiology, and morphology of the
placenta, the uterus (or analogous structure), and the hor-
mones and other chemical factors that mediate their in-
teractions. The conflict hypothesis makes several predic-
tions regarding this fetal-maternal interface: the presence
of placental and maternal structures and functions that
reflect a tug-of-war of constrained reciprocal antagonism
(Haig 1993, 1996a, 1996b, 1999a), a positive association
between placental complexity and maternal investment,
higher interspecific variation in the placental traits that are
most closely related to resource transfer, and rapid evo-
lution and positive selection on placentally expressed genes
and maternally expressed genes that interact with the fetus.
Reciprocal maternal-fetal antagonism is manifested in
the first stage leading to placentation, association of the
trophoblast with the uterine lining. In mammals, increased
fetal (trophoblast) invasiveness has apparently been coun-
tered over evolutionary time by three responses: maternal
secretion of compounds to reduce its degree (Heap 1994),
which includes a stronger maternal immune response (Pi-
jnenborg et al. 1981; Leiser and Kaufmann 1994; Stewart
and Allen 1995); the evolution of more developed maternal
epithelial barriers (Pijnenborg et al. 1995); or the shedding
of overly invasive trophoblasts with the uterine lining (Pi-
jnenborg et al. 1981; Haig 1993, 1996a; Finn 1998). More-
over, as described by Pijnenborg et al. (1985), pigs exhibit
noninvasive trophoblasts, but if a trophoblast is trans-
planted to an ectopic site, it invades maternal tissue, ex-
pressing cytolytic and phagocytic properties that are ap-
parently suppressed by the mother in normal pregnancies
(Pijnenborg et al. 1981). Similarly, a mouse trophoblast
(which is normally mildly invasive) invades uncontrollably
when transplanted to ectopic sites (see Cross et al. 1994).
These findings suggest that invasiveness reflects a tug-of-
war between mother and fetus, with adaptations on both
sides to restrain the other; this hypothesis can be evaluated
more directly by analyzing trophoblast invasiveness and
maternal responses in a species-level phylogenetic context.
Among eutherian and metatherian mammals studied to
date, the trophoblast and developing placenta begin to
secrete hormones early in ontogeny. Some of these hor-
mones function as signals for maternal recognition of
pregnancy (e.g., Heap et al. 1981; Guillette 1989; Allen and
Stewart 2001), which may represent simple fetally derived
hormonal signals to the mother that a fetus is present,
serving to maintain the pregnancy but also perhaps func-
tioning as a test of embryo quality imposed by mothers
(i.e., ability to produce large amounts of gene product
quickly; Haig 1999a). In either case, the developing con-
ceptus should be under strong selection to manipulate the
mother, given any degree of conflict over whether a par-
ticular incipient pregnancy will proceed and how much
will be invested in the fetus. Such conflict apparently un-
derlies the evolution and function of equine chorionic
gonadotropin, which is produced in large quantities by a
placental structure (the endometrial cups) unique to
horses (Haig 1993; Stewart and Allen 1995). This hor-
mone, which appears to be produced by a paternally im-
printed gene (Allen et al. 1993; Lennard et al. 1995), ex-
hibits low binding affinity to its maternal receptors, and
analysis of experimental hybrid pregnancies between
horses and donkeys provides evidence that the maternal
receptors of horses have evolved to become recalcitrant to
this fetal hormone to prevent overstimulation of the ova-
ries (Haig 1993; Stewart and Allen 1995). Moreover, anal-
yses of hybrid and normal pregnancies show that equine
chorionic gonadotropin is not essential for the completion
of development, though its absence is associated with in-
adequate placentation and high levels of abortion (Stewart
and Allen 1995; Allen 2001; Allen and Stewart 2001); the
analyses also show that the development of the endome-
trial cups depends in part on the genotype of the uterus
(Allen et al. 1993; Allen and Stewart 2001), suggesting that
the mother has evolved some degree of control over their
growth and that the mother’s immune system destroys the
endometrial cups about a month after they are formed
(Allen 2001). During the second half of gestation, the horse
fetus also undergoes a massive, temporary enlargement of
the gonads, which produce large quantities of oestrogens;
as with equine chorionic gonadotropin, production of this
hormone by the fetus is not essential for development.
However, fetuses with their gonads removed developed
into smaller foals, apparently as a result of reduced uter-
oplacental blood flow (Allen 2001; Allen and Stewart
Haig (1993, 1996b) presents evidence from human preg-
nancy that antagonistic coevolution may explain the re-
markably high levels of some products secreted by the
placenta, the secretion by the placenta of some of the same
hormones that mothers are also producing (thereby mask-
ing the source of the secretions), and the production of
gene products that are rapidly inactivated by the mother.
PROOF 10 The American Naturalist
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Moreover, Painter et al. (2002) found that the placenta
buffers the effects of experimental variation in maternal
steroid concentration in a viviparous reptile and that ma-
ternal hormones may inhibit placental hormone secretion.
These results hint at the presence of antagonistic inter-
actions whereby each party can undermine the endocrine
production strategies of the other. This evidence from
horses, humans, and a reptile suggests that the evolution
of endocrine hormone production has involved consid-
erable conflict between mothers and fetuses, which can be
resolved in diverse ways.
By our hypothesis, the striking interspecific variation in
placental morphology (reviewed for mammals in Moss-
man 1987) also reflects the outcomes of maternal-fetal
conflict over investment (see also Kurz et al. 1999; Zechner
et al. 2004). Presently, our clearest prediction is that the
placental traits that vary most among taxa will be those
most closely associated with control over nutrient transfer
because on these traits antagonistic selection has been
strongest. The many origins among mammals of hemo-
chorial placentation concord with this prediction, as does
the presence of unique structures such as the equine en-
dometrial cups. Moreover, among placental skinks, there
is a positive association between placental complexity
(which may reflect adaptations for conflict) and the extent
of nutrient transfer (Thompson et al. 2000, 2002). How-
ever, this prediction is difficult to test because the func-
tional morphology of placentation has been analyzed in
sufficient detail to ascribe adaptive significance to taxon-
specific placental structures in only a few taxa: humans
(Haig 1993, 1999a), mice (Rossant and Cross 2001), horses
(Allen 2001; Allen and Stewart 2001), and some other farm
animals (Allen et al. 2003). Indeed, the byzantine com-
plexity and puzzling details of placental development in
humans and horses, two of the best-studied species, sug-
gest that robust comparative analyses of the adaptive sig-
nificance of variation in placental phenotypes must await
further study directed toward clades such as primates, ro-
dents, and artiodactyls, where much of the descriptive
groundwork has already been laid.
Maternal-fetal conflict may also be expressed in the de-
velopment of new fetal structures, some of which are anal-
ogous to the placenta. Thus, the appendiculae of some
placental sharks, outgrowths of the umbilical cord that
appear to function as an additional, secondary placenta
(Wourms et al. 1988; Hamlett 1989, 1990, 1999; Wourms
and Lombardi 1992; Lombardi et al. 1993; Wourms 1993),
may also represent an effect of maternal-fetal coevolution
if they originated in response to maternal limitations im-
posed on the original placental interface (Southwell and
Prasad 1919). Appendiculae appear to have a secretory
role in some species (Hamlett 1989, 1990, 1999), which
the viviparity conflict hypothesis predicts will involve ma-
nipulation of the mother to increase nutrient provision
(e.g., Haig 1996b). They also exhibit striking morpholog-
ical diversity among species, and in at least one shark
genus, they are present in some species but not others
(Hamlett 1989). Some placental structures of therian
mammals that may be comparable to appendiculae in ap-
parently facilitating absorption of nutrients include “in-
verted yolk sacs, hematomes, areolae, arcade networks, and
marginal folds of chorioallantois around the placentomes”
(Mossman 1987, p. 297); these structures also vary notably
among mammalian groups in their presence and forms
(see also Allen 2001 on multiple sources of nutrient trans-
fer in horses). By our hypothesis, some or all of these
structures evolved in the context of offspring under strong
selection to develop new routes for increased maternal
investment. Similarly, the functional redundancy of diverse
biochemical factors involved in mammalian implantation
(Vigano` et al. 2003) may reflect recruitment of new mech-
anisms for trophoblasts to successfully invade the uterine
At the molecular level, numerous genes involved in
mammalian maternal-fetal interactions evolve especially
rapidly (Haig 1993; Chun et al. 1999; Roberts et al. 1999;
Wallis 2000; Sol-Church et al. 2002; see also Kurz et al.
1999). However, imprinted genes analyzed thus far show
no evidence of antagonistic coevolution (McVean and
Hurst 1997; but see Paldi 2003; Verona et al. 2003), perhaps
because they fulfill essential functions in contexts other
than fetal development (Rossant and Cross 2001; Cross et
al. 2003). Antagonistic coevolution may also be responsible
for the strong positive selection detected in the evolution
of numerous placentally expressed genes (Ohta 1993; Wal-
lis 1993; Hurst 1994; Maiti et al. 1996; Xie et al. 1997;
Garbayo et al. 2000; Hughes et al. 2000; Maston and Ru-
vulo 2002; Zhang and Rosenberg 2002; Zhang et al. 2002),
dramatic escalations in rate of change of maternal hor-
mones associated with the origins of placental hormones
(Wallis 1981, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2000; Lioupis et al.
1997; Wallis et al. 2001), and the co-option of endogenous
retroviruses for regulating the placental expression of genes
involved in immunosuppression and trophoblast inva-
siveness (Harris 1998; Bie`che et al. 2003). Joint analysis
of such molecular evolutionary changes with the evolution
of placental and maternal endocrine regulation and pla-
cental morphology may be especially useful for under-
standing how placental traits originate and evolve. Such
analyses should also yield implications for human health
and reproduction because miscarriages are frequently
caused by disruptions of placental development (e.g., Ros-
sant and Cross 2001), because trophoblast invasion of the
uterine wall provides useful models for understanding im-
munology and carcinogenesis (e.g., Ohlsson 1989; Barnea
and Brusato 2000), because parent-offspring and intra-
Maternal-Fetal Conflict PROOF 11
Friday Mar 05 2004 01:46 PM/40103/der
genomic conflict apparently favor the evolution of alleles
that promote cancer (Summers et al. 2002), and because
adult health increasingly appears to be programmed by
the environment and epigenetics of fetal development
(e.g., Godfrey 2002).
Considered together, the evidence from studies of im-
plantation, hormone production, placental structure, evo-
lution of accessory structures for matrotrophic exchange,
and molecular evolution suggest that maternal-fetal arms
races may be widespread, at least in elasmobranchs and
placental vertebrates. Analysis of how and why these are
resolved or continue unabated remains a challenge for
future work.
Alternative Hypotheses
Tentatively, the most reasonable general hypothesis (for the
evolution of placental diversity) seems to me to be that the
genotypes of each group differently limit the directions evo-
lution can take. (Mossman 1987, p. 293)
The diverse forms of viviparity and placentation may also
represent multiple adaptive peaks structured by ecological
selective pressures in the context of different morpholog-
ical and physiological starting points. Testing this hypoth-
esis requires drawing comparative connections between
aspects of ecology and the physiological details of repro-
ductive mode. Similarly, the role of disparate physiological
and morphological evolutionary starting points for the
evolution of viviparity among the major vertebrate groups
in generating diversity requires further study. The amniote
egg is, however, fundamentally similar among vertebrates
(e.g, Luckett 1976b; Mossman 1987), and the profound
differences in reproductive physiology between closely re-
lated or conspecific forms argue strongly against the pri-
macy of diverse starting points in producing adaptively
similar but diverse extant forms. Indeed, the problem of
matrotrophic viviparity appears to be considerably more
complex than efficient nutrient transfer to developing off-
spring; to the extent that the viviparity conflict hypothesis
holds true, the reproductive strategies of mothers and off-
spring are mutually problematic because physiological ef-
ficiency serves as both a constraint on conflict and a se-
lective pressure itself.
Further evaluation of the viviparity conflict hypothesis,
in relation to alternatives, may best proceed along several
fronts. First, Haigian analyses of physiological mechanisms
of maternal-fetal interaction and genomic imprinting ef-
fects in nonhuman mammals and other viviparous ver-
tebrates (Haig 1993; Haig and Trivers 1995) would dem-
onstrate the generality of conflict. Such studies would be
especially useful in species that are presumed or inferred
to be plesiotypic for their forms of viviparity or placen-
tation because they would show the potential role of con-
flict in the early stages of transition between reproductive
modes. Second, the fetal-maternal arms race hypothesis
requires phylogenetically based tests, which would most
directly demonstrate effects of antagonistic coevolution. A
phylogenetic perspective on the evolution of the placenta
is already available (Luckett 1976a, 1976b, 1993; Mossman
1987; Carter 2001; see also Thompson et al. 2002; Mess
et al. 2003) and may serve as a template for such analyses.
However, the high diversity of placental traits urges cau-
tion in the use of such traits to infer phylogenies them-
selves (e.g., Luckett 1976a; Mossman 1987) and in the use
of animal models for understanding human placentation
(e.g., Faber et al. 1992; Rossant and Cross 2001). Third,
given that conflict over reproductive mode may affect evo-
lutionary trajectories, it may have important macroevo-
lutionary consequences. For example, might metatherians
have evolved in the context of mothers winning in most
aspects of conflict over control of investment via short
gestation and long lactation (Hayssen et al. 1985; Renfree
1977, 1983)? Did the allantois itself originate in viviparous
forms as a result of the evolution of this reproductive mode
(Mossman 1987, pp. 118, 124–126)? Given that fetal mem-
branes and placental structure are relatively uniform
within mammalian families but extremely different among
them (Mossman 1987, p. 122, 288–290), might they be
involved in the origin of higher mammalian taxa? Fourth,
Zeh and Zeh (2000) provide evidence that viviparity-in-
duced conflicts have led to accelerated speciation in mam-
mals via rapid divergence of traits involved in maternal-
fetal interactions (see also Wilda et al. 2000); are viviparous
clades of vertebrates more or less speciose than their ovip-
arous sister taxa (Slowinski and Guyer 1994)? Finally, tests
for ecological differences between closely related species
or populations that differ in aspects of viviparity, matro-
trophy, and placentation may reveal unforseen adaptive
linkages or evidence that the differences reflect divergent
outcomes of conflict. Given that antagonistic coevolution
is expected in the evolution of traits related to viviparity
and matrotrophy, analyses of their adaptive significance
may often be misled by genetic conflict in the guise of
ecological maladaptation. Moreover, changes in repro-
ductive mode as a result of maternal-fetal conflict may
also affect the ecology of a species (J. Reynolds, personal
communication) such that differentiating causes from ef-
fects becomes difficult.
Our main goal has been to provide a new perspective
on the diversification of vertebrate reproductive modes.
Most generally, we have shown that analysis of reproduc-
tive mode provides a novel opportunity for analysis of
how conflicts are resolved or ongoing between parties that
are mutually dependent (e.g., Crespi 1992; Brown et al.
1997; Choe and Crespi 1997). Our perspective should
PROOF 12 The American Naturalist
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compel evolutionary ecologists to incorporate physiolog-
ical mechanism more deeply into analyses of selection on
reproductive ecology (e.g., Shine and Guillette 1988; Shine
1995; Blackburn 2000), and physiologists should likewise
entertain the possibility that mechanisms represent more
or less maladaptive compromises rather than manifesta-
tions of optimized function subject to the particularities
of constraint. The forms of traits associated with viviparity,
matrotrophy, and placentation should be largely adaptive,
but the question becomes not just how but also for whom.
We are grateful to D. Haig, J. Joy, D. Lank, M. Loeb, P.
Nosil, J. Reynolds, R. Shine, J. Stewart, R. Trivers, T. Wil-
liams, K. Young, and D. Zeh for helpful discussions and
comments, and we thank the Natural Sciences and En-
gineering Research Council of Canada for financial
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Associate Editor: Allen J. Moore
1 Please provide publication information for Aristotle’s
Historia Animalium to add this reference to the literature
2 Please see throughout manuscript: Parker 1995 is not
listed in the literature cited. Please provide reference in-
formation or delete from text.
3 See query 2
4 Please provide a citation for Haig in the sentence that
begins “As described by Haig ...”
5 Please provide a page number for direct citation of
the quote from Mossman 1937.
6 Please note: Throughout the manuscript, you seem
to go back and forth between using the past tense (here,
“Hamlett noted”) and the present tense (later, “Koob and
Callard provide”). I wanted to bring this to your attention.
It is not required that you are consistent one way or the
other, except maybe when a shift occurs in the same sen-
tence. Please review throughout.
7 Shine and Bull 1978 is not listed in the literature cited.
Did you intend to cite Shine and Bull 1979? If not, please
provide reference information or delete from text.
8 Please provide a page number for citation of the direct
quote from Wourms et al. 1988.
9 Haig 1991 is not listed in the literature cited. Did you
intend to cite some other Haig reference? If not, please
provide reference information or delete from text.
10 In the sentence that begins “Hemochorial placen-
tation ...,” would it be OK to change “given rise to an
endotheliochorial form” to “giving rise to ...”? This phras-
ing seems a bit unclear as is.
11 Please provide a page number for citation of the
direct quote from Blackburn et al. 1985.
12 Please provide a page number for citation of the
direct quote from Carter 2001.
13 Who are “They” in “They stated that ...”? Are you
referring again to Carter? Also, please provide a citation
and a page number for citation of the direct quote.
14 Please provide a page number for citation of the
direct quote from Pijnenborg et al. 1981.
15 Pijnenborg et al. 1995 is not listed in the literature
cited. Did you intend to cite Pijnenborg et al. 1985? If not,
please provide reference information or delete from text.
16 Please see throughout manuscript: Allen and Stewart
2001 is not listed in the literature cited. Please provide
reference information or delete from text.
17 See query 16
18 See query 16
19 See query 16
20 See query 16
21 Does the direct quote beginning “inverted yolk sacs
...” come from Mossman 1987? I moved it closer to the
quoted material, which is our style.
22 In the quote from Mossman that begins “Alternative
Hypotheses,” is it OK that I changed the brackets around
“for the evolution of placental diversity” to parentheses?
Do the brackets appear in how the text was originally
23 Is it OK that I changed the hyphen in “morpholog-
ical-physiological starting points” to “and”?
24 In Carter and Han 1999, please spell out IGF in the
journal title.
25 Please verify that W. C. Hamlett was the author of
the 1999 reference “Placental and analogs in
26 Qualls and Shine 1998a is not cited in the text. Please
provide a citation or delete from literature cited.
27 Is the spelling of the second author’s name Prasad
or Prashad?
28 Please verify the spelling of the author’s last name
for Xavier et al. 1988. Is it Xavire or Xavier?
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... Thus, the access to additional resources during development constitutes a strong selective force that can modify or create new scenarios within which evolutionary processes could operate (Furness et al. 2019, Saldívar-Lemus andMacías Garcia 2022). In particular, the competition for resources 2 • Alarcón-Ríos and Velo-Antón during pregnancy can foster the emergence of inter-and intragenerational conflicts, such as maternal-offspring conflicts and sibling competition (Haig 1996, Crespi and Semeniuk 2004, Furness et al. 2015, Saldívar-Lemus and Macías Garcia 2022. ...
... Exploring the interplay between matrotrophic viviparity, polyandry, and their effect on offspring fitness could help understanding the role that family conflicts may play in the evolution of matrotrophic strategies (Crespi andSemeniuk 2004, Saldívar-Lemus andMacías Garcia 2022). However, the agents involved in any potential matrotrophic allocation conflict would also depend on how matrotrophic resources are provided. ...
... However, the agents involved in any potential matrotrophic allocation conflict would also depend on how matrotrophic resources are provided. For instance, in viviparous strategies in which foetal nutrition takes place through histophagy, or placental structures, the matrotrophic provision includes a direct and continuous provision of nutrients (Blackburn 1992, Crespi andSemeniuk 2004). Thus, the allocation conflict that results from mother-offspring and offspring-offspring relationships is intermixed, because of the interplay between the demand for resources by the offspring and maternal regulation of provisioning (Crespi andSemeniuk 2004, Saldívar-Lemus andMacías Garcia 2022). ...
The evolution of matrotrophic viviparity creates new scenarios within which evolutionary processes can operate, including postcopulatory events, family conflicts, and selective processes, which are expected to intensify with polyandry. We evaluated the effect of matrotrophic viviparity and polyandry on the reproductive output and offspring fitness of a bimodal reproductive vertebrate, the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra), which presents two forms of viviparity: larviparity (i.e. females deliver many aquatic larvae) and pueriparity (i.e. females deliver a few terrestrial juveniles). Polyandry is present in both strategies, but matrotrophy only occurs in pueriparity. Analyses of paternity and offspring life-history traits in 18 pueriparous and 13 larviparous mother–offspring arrays suggest the presence of sibling conflicts in pueriparous salamanders, especially with polyandry. However, these postcopulatory processes did not increase reproductive skew in the pueriparous strategy compared to the larviparous one or lead to fitness differences across sires within a clutch, suggesting other selective processes operating earlier in the reproductive sequence. Observed male–female pairs were found to be genetically more similar than other potential pairings, although no relationship between males’ genetic traits and reproductive success was detected. This work advances our understanding of how sibling conflicts and sexual selection affect the evolution of viviparous matrotrophy and mating strategies.
... The evolution of viviparity is thought to have driven diversification rates in Goodeinae (Helmstetter et al. 2016), and therefore genes involved in placental viviparity are expected to be undertaking rapid evolution (Crespi and Semeniuk 2004). At a broad level, we found limited support for this idea. ...
... There have been few attempts to explain the position of A. toweri in Goodeinae or the hypothesised loss of trophotaenia. One potential explanation for the trophotaenia loss is the resolution of ongoing genomic conflict between maternal resource allocation to offspring, versus exploitation of resources by offspring through the expression of the paternal genome (Trivers 1974;Crespi and Semeniuk 2004;Saldívar-Lemus and Macías Garcia 2022). In Goodeids, the trophotaenial placenta contains a maternal and embryonic component and allows maternal provisioning of offspring, resulting in increases up to 37,800% in embryonic dry weight (Lombardi and Wourms 1979;Schindler 2005;Uribe et al. 2005). ...
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Understanding the phylogeographic history of a group and identifying the factors contributing to speciation is an important challenge in evolutionary biology. The Goodeinae are a group of live-bearing fishes endemic to Mexico. Here, we develop genomic resources for species within the Goodeinae and use phylogenomic approaches to characterise their evolutionary history. We sequenced, assembled and annotated the genomes of four Goodeinae species, including Ataeniobius toweri , the only matrotrophic live-bearing fish without a trophotaenia in the group. We estimated timings of species divergence and examined the extent and timing of introgression between the species to assess if this may have occurred during an early radiation, or in more recent episodes of secondary contact. We used branch-site models to detect genome-wide positive selection across Goodeinae , and we specifically asked whether this differs in A. toweri , where loss of placental viviparity has recently occurred. We found evidence of gene flow between geographically isolated species, suggesting vicariant speciation was supplemented by limited post-speciation gene flow, and gene flow may explain previous uncertainties about Goodeid phylogeny. Genes under positive selection in the group are likely to be associated with the switch to live-bearing. Overall, our studies suggest that both volcanism-driven vicariance and changes in reproductive mode influenced radiation in the Goodeinae .
... Parent versus offspring conflict over parental investment also involves both fast protein evolution and gene duplications in lineages where a placenta has evolved [45]. Parents express genes that provide resources to the offspring but not more than needed, but offspring might evolve to express genes that increase the amount of investment. ...
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Evolutionary conflicts occur when there is antagonistic selection between different individuals of the same or different species, life stages or between levels of biological organization. Remarkably, conflicts can occur within species or within genomes. In the dynamics of evolutionary conflicts, gene duplications can play a major role because they can bring very specific changes to the genome: changes in protein dose, the generation of novel paralogues with different functions or expression patterns or the evolution of small antisense RNAs. As we describe here, by having those effects, gene duplication might spark evolutionary conflict or fuel arms race dynamics that takes place during conflicts. Interestingly, gene duplication can also contribute to the resolution of a within-locus evolutionary conflict by partitioning the functions of the gene that is under an evolutionary trade-off. In this review, we focus on intraspecific conflicts, including sexual conflict and illustrate the various roles of gene duplications with a compilation of examples. These examples reveal the level of complexity and the differences in the patterns of gene duplications within genomes under different conflicts. These examples also reveal the gene ontologies involved in conflict and the genomic location of the elements of the conflict. The examples provide a blueprint for the direct study of these conflicts or the exploration of the presence of similar conflicts in other lineages.
... This finding suggests that female southern grass lizards from different populations and in different seasons tend to produce eggs of similar size in the same clutch. Such a strategy of reproductive investment per offspring is often adopted by species existing in fairly constant or predictable environments, following the prediction from the parent-offspring conflict theory for maternal investment in individual offspring [45,46]. The interaction between population origin and clutch order was not a significant source of variation in any examined female reproductive trait ( Table 2). ...
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Simple Summary We designed a common garden experiment to collect data on female reproductive traits from three populations of Takydromus sexlineatus, testing the hypothesis that geographically separated populations should share a species-specific pattern of seasonal shifts in reproductive allocation. Six traits differed among populations, with four of the six also differing among successive clutches. Females grew longer during the breeding season and produced more eggs in the first clutch than in the subsequent clutches; egg size was unchanged throughout the breeding season. After removing the influence of female size or postpartum mass we found that (1) postpartum body mass, clutch mass, and relative clutch mass were greater in the Wuzhishan population than in the Shaoguan and Zhaoqing populations; (2) egg size was greatest in the Wuzhishan population and smallest in the Zhaoqing population; and (3) clutch size was greatest in the Wuzhishan population and smallest in the Shaoguan population. Our data validate the hypothesis tested. Abstract We designed a common garden design to collect data on female reproductive traits from three populations of the southern grass lizard Takydromus sexlineatus, testing the hypothesis that a species-specific pattern of seasonal shifts in reproductive allocation should be shared by geographically separated populations. Of the seven examined traits, six differed among populations, with four of the six also differing among successive clutches. Females grew longer during the breeding season and produced more eggs in the first clutch than in the subsequent clutches; egg size was unchanged throughout the breeding season. After removing the influence of female size or postpartum body mass we found the following. First, postpartum body mass, clutch mass, and relative clutch mass were greater in the Wuzhishan population than in the Shaoguan and Zhaoqing populations. Second, egg size was greatest in the Wuzhishan population and smallest in the Zhaoqing population. Third, clutch size was greatest in the Wuzhishan population and smallest in the Shaoguan population. Females did not trade-off egg size against number within each population × clutch combination. Our study validates the hypothesis tested, supports the conventional view that reproductive output is highly linked to maternal body size in lizards, and follows the classic prediction that females with different amounts of resources to invest in reproduction should give priority to adjusting the total number rather than size of their offspring.
... Such coordination systems to facilitate childbirth do not discount the possibility of maternal-offspring conflict over nutritional investment, as described by Trivers and Haig [114,129]. Indeed, the pre-existence of such conflict in hominins may have increased the strength of selection on the mechanisms that reduce the risk of obstructed labour [130], in particular as the Homo genus evolved neonates with larger brains and bodies [54]. 'Arms races' associated with imprinted genes may also have increased the risk of overshoots in foetal growth (high or low birthweight) [131], with further implications for both obstructed labour and NCD risk. ...
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In uncomplicated pregnancies, birthweight is inversely associated with adult non-communicable disease (NCD) risk. One proposed mechanism is maternal malnutrition during pregnancy. Another explanation is that shared genes link birthweight with NCDs. Both hypotheses are supported, but evolutionary perspectives address only the environmental pathway. We propose that genetic and environmental associations of birthweight with NCD risk reflect coordinated regulatory systems between mother and fetus, that evolved to reduce risks of obstructed labour. First, the fetus must tailor its growth to maternal metabolic signals, as it cannot predict the size of the birth canal from its own genome. Second, we predict that maternal alleles that promote placental nutrient supply have been selected to constrain fetal growth and gestation length when fetally expressed. Conversely, maternal alleles that increase birth canal size have been selected to promote fetal growth and gestation when fetally expressed. Evidence supports these hypotheses. These regulatory mechanisms may have undergone powerful selection as hominin neonates evolved larger size and encephalisation, since every mother is at risk of gestating a baby excessive for her pelvis. Our perspective can explain the inverse association of birthweight with NCD risk across most of the birthweight range: any constraint of birthweight, through plastic or genetic mechanisms, may reduce the capacity for homeostasis and increase NCD susceptibility. However, maternal obesity and diabetes can overwhelm this coordination system, challenging vaginal delivery while increasing offspring NCD risk. We argue that selection on viable vaginal delivery played an over-arching role in shaping the association of birthweight with NCD risk.
... At a macroevolutionary perspective, live-bearing tends to be associated with higher rates of lineage and species diversification, varying rates of extinction, and expansion into new geographic areas (8,9). At a microevolutionary level, it has been linked to shifts in lifehistory traits that are important for daily existence-for example, changes in reproductive output, mating and parental care behavior, and using new habitats (10)(11)(12). ...
Ecological model systems inform on innovative traits in plants and animals
... Matrotrophy has benefits over lecithotrophy as it permits greater maternal control over nutrient provisioning to the developing fetus, allowing differential investment of resources depending on maternal capacity (Marsh-Matthews & Deaton, 2006). Matrotrophy comes at the cost of requiring resource sharing across gestation, increasing the potential for maternofetal conflict (Crespi & Semeniuk, 2004;Whittington, Van Dyke, et al., 2022;Zeh & Zeh, 2000). ...
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The placenta mediates physiological exchange between the mother and fetus. In placental mammals, all placentas are descended from a single common ancestor and functions are conserved across species; however, the placenta exhibits radical structural diversity. The selective pressures behind this structural diversity are poorly understood. Traditionally, placental structures have largely been investigated by grouping them into qualitative categories. Assessing the placenta on this basis could be problematic when inferring the relative ‘efficiency’ of a placental configuration to transfer nutrients from mother to fetus. We argue that only by considering placentas as 3D biological structures, integrated across scales, can the evolutionary questions behind their enormous structural diversity be quantitatively determined. We review the current state of placental evolution from a structural perspective, detail where 3D imaging and computational modelling have been used to gain insight into placental function, and outline an experimental roadmap to answer evolutionary questions from a multiscale 3D structural perspective. Our approach aims to shed light on placental evolution, and can be transferred to evolutionary investigations in any organ system.
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How organisms adapt to diverse environments is a foundational question in evolutionary biology. In addition to directly adapting to ecological conditions, organisms have evolved diverse reproductive strategies that impact the probability that their offspring survive to adulthood. Here, we describe divergence in reproductive strategy between two closely-related species of swordtail fish (Xiphophorus). Swordtail fish and their relatives have evolved viviparity: they have internal fertilization and give birth to fully developed fry. We find that one species, X. malinche, which lives in high-elevation environments, has evolved larger offspring than its closest relative X. birchmanni and dwarfs the offspring size of other species in the genus. The larger fry of X. malinche are more resilient to starvation than their X. birchmanni relatives, hinting that the evolution of large offspring size may be an adaptation to the particularly challenging environments in which X. malinche are born. We find that X. malinche achieves larger offspring size in part by continuing to provision their offspring over the course of embryonic development after fertilization, the first time this process has been documented in the Xiphophorus genus. Moreover, we observe differential regulation in the ovary of genes associated with post-fertilization nutrient provisioning in other species that use this reproductive strategy. These reproductive differences may drive an asymmetric hybrid incompatibility, since X. birchmanni mothers pregnant with F1 embryos give birth to premature and stillborn fry at an exceptionally high rate.
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In the first paper of this volume Professor Amoroso argues that viviparity is a reproductive stratagem that has evolved many times in widely separated taxonomic groups of the animal kingdom. Retention of embryos within the body and the birth of living young occurs among representatives of all classes of vertebrates except birds, and in many groups of invertebrates. In the light of this wide distribution it is not surprising that solutions to problems posed by this evolutionary innovation are numerous (Amoroso et al., 1979). In eutherian and marsupial mammals, in which viviparity has become the preferred mode of reproduction, a prominent role has emerged for the corpus luteum. Progesterone secretion by the corpus luteum is essential for the establishment of gestation in all eutherians so far studied, and mechanisms have evolved that result in converting the female reproductive system from a cyclic pattern, in which oscillations of progesterone and estrogen secretion occur, to a noncyclic pattern, in which progesterone secretion is dominant. The time in gestation when this transformation occurs is an early indication of the maternal recognition of pregnancy (Short, 1969), and recent studies have focused on the nature of embryonic factors that signal this event (Heap and Perry, 1977).
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The aim of this review is to consider the potential benefits that females may gain from mating more than once in a single reproductive cycle. The relationship between non-genetic and genetic benefits is briefly explored. We suggest that multiple mating for purely non-genetic benefits is unlikely as it invariably leads to the possibility of genetic benefits as well. We begin by briefly reviewing the main models for genetic benefits to mate choice, and the supporting evidence that choice can increase offspring performance and the sexual attractiveness of sons. We then explain how multiple matin!: can elevate offspring fitness by increasing the number of potential sires that compete, when this occurs in conjunction with mechanisms of paternity biasing that function in copula or post-copulation. We begin by identifying cases where females use precopulatory cues to identify mates prior to remating. In the simplest case, females remate because they identify a superior mate and 'trade up' genetically. The main evidence for this process comes from extra-pair copulation in birds. Second, we note other cases where pre-copulatory cues may be less reliable and females mate with several males to promote post-copulatory mechanisms that bias paternity. Although a distinction is drawn between sperm competition and cryptic female choice, we point out that the genetic benefits to polyandry in terms of producing more viable or sexually attractive offspring do not depend on the exact mechanism that leads to biased paternity. Post-copulatory mechanisms of paternity biasing may: (1) reduce genetic incompatibility between male and female genetic contributions to offspring; (2) increase offspring viability if there is a positive correlation between traits favoured post-copulation and those that improve performance under natural selection; (3) increase the ability of sons to gain paternity when they mate with polyandrous females. A third possibility is that genetic diversity among offspring is directly favoured. This can be due to bet-hedging (due to mate assessment errors or temporal fluctuations in the environment), beneficial interactions between less related siblings of the opportunity to preferentially fertilise eggs with sperm of a specific genotype drawn from a range of stored sperm depending on prevailing environmental conditions. We use case studies from the social insects to provide some concrete examples of the role of genetic diversity among progeny in elevating fitness. We conclude that post-copulatory mechanisms provide a more reliable way of selecting a genetically compatible mate than pre-copulatory mate choice. Some of the best evidence for cryptic female choice by sperm selection is due to selection of more compatible sperm. Two future areas of research seem likely to be profitable. First, more experimental evidence is needed demonstrating that multiple mating increases offspring fitness via genetic gains. Second, the role of multiple mating in promoting assortative fertilization and increasing reproductive isolation between populations may help us to understand sympatric speciation.
This paper investigates the evolution of viviparity and of egg guarding in lizards and snakes in which three modes of reproduction can be described: oviparity without egg guarding, oviparity with egg guarding, and viviparity. All possible transitions of reproductive modes were detected in each taxon using Maddison's method. We then tested two specific hypotheses. First, egg guarding can be regarded as an alternative to viviparity. A relatively frequent association of egg guarding and viviparous species in the same taxon may be due to similar environmental conditions or species characteristics leading to two different solutions. Second, egg guarding may facilitate the evolution of viviparity. This hypothesis is supported by the high frequency of viviparous species in taxa containing egg guarding species and by a tendency for prolonged uterine retention of eggs in brooding squamates. Our analyses demonstrate that the first hypothesis is the best supported. Egg guarding and viviparity most often evolved independently. If a major benefit of egg guarding is the repulsion of potential predators, size is one of the most obvious morphological characters that should be correlated with the evolution of reproductive modes. The two reproductive traits were correlated to a reduction in body size for viviparous species and an increase in body size for egg guarding species. This could partly explain why the evolution of these reproductive modes seems almost antagonist.
It has been suggested repeatedly that the evolutionary transition from oviparity (egg-laying) to viviparity (live-bearing) in reptiles is irreversible. However, these adaptive arguments have yet to be tested by detailed examination of the phylogenetic distribution of oviparity and viviparity across a broad range of taxa. Using available data on reproductive modes and phylogenetic relationships within reptiles, we here quantify the numbers and directions of evolutionary transitions between oviparity and viviparity. Phylogenetic relationships among three diverse squamate groups (scincid lizards, colubrid snakes, elapid snakes) are currently inadequately known for inclusion in this study Among the remaining reptiles, oviparity has given rise to viviparity at least 35 times. Five possible instances of reversals (from viviparity to oviparity) are identified, but closer examination indicates that all have weak empirical support (i.e., they could be "unreversed" with little loss in parsimony, and/or are based on poorly substantiated phylogenetic hypotheses). Viviparity is clearly more frequently (and presumably easily) gained than lost in several disparate groups so far examined (reptiles, fishes, polychaete worms); this evolutionary bias should be considered when reproductive mode is optimized on a phylogeny or employed in phylogenetic reconstruction.
The traditional view of the relationship of marsupials is that of Huxley (1880), who held that Metatheria represent a stage of evolutionary development between the Prototheria (for example, platypus and spiny anteater) and the Eutheria (placental mammals). Huxley’s view implies that the living mammals thus represent three groups which evolved one from another, in the sequence Prototheria — Metatheria — Eutheria. It is this background against which features of marsupial anatomy and physiology may be interpreted as primitive in comparison with placental equivalents; thus several authors (for example, Lillegraven, 1969; Sharman, 1970) see certain aspects of marsupial reproductive biology as primitive, restrictive or inefficient when compared with similar features of placental reproduction.
This chapter discusses the maternal–embryonic relationship in viviparous fishes. Viviparity is a highly successful mode of reproduction that has evolved independently many times and with many variations in widely separated taxonomic groups. It occurs in all classes of vertebrates, except birds, and among many different groups of invertebrates. Initial steps in the evolution of viviparity involved a shift from external to internal fertilization and the retention of fertilized eggs in the female reproductive system. The osmoregulation of early embryos can be accomplished more efficiently and with less expenditure of embryonic energy in a maternally controlled uterine environment, but as development progresses to term, the embryos presumably acquire an increasing degree of osmoregulatory independence. Available evidence suggests that maternal regulation of the osmotic and chemical environment of the embryo also confers a selective advantage on viviparous teleosts. The uterine wall of most viviparous elasmobranchs and the coelocanth both delimits and defines the embryonic environment. The most spectacular maternal specializations for uterine gestation involve the uterine wall and involve (1) the amplification of the surface area in the form of folds, villi, or trophonemata; (2) the production of histotrophe or uterine milk’ (3) the compartmentalization of embryos; and (4) the development of placental attachment sites.
The capture of recently inseminated or pregnant specimens of Carcharias taurus, Isurus paucus, I. oxyrinchus, Alopias superciliosus and A. vulpinus has allowed new information to be obtained on the reproductive biology of these species. Oophagy and embryonic cannibalism (adelphophagy) have been documented in C. taurus, but only oophagy in other lamnoid species. The occurrence of up to nine embryos of similar size per uterus in Isurus and no indication of functional erect teeth in embryos leaves considerable doubt that embryophagy occurs in this genus. Considerable data has been collected on Carcharias taurus which allows a lamnoid reproductive model to be developed and tested, in spite of the obvious differences between the reproductive biology of this species and other lamnoids. Gonad structure, ovarian development, fertilization, early embryonic differentiation, embryonic nutrition and parturition, in C. taurus and other lamnoids differs significantly from other elasmobranchs.
Sceloporus aeneus, found at high elevations in southern Mexico, is reproductively biomodal with some populations exhibiting oviparity, others viviparity. Oviparity is exhibited by individuals in S. aeneus, whereas viviparity is exhibited by S. bicanthalis. Egg retention occurs in all females exhibiting oviparity. Egg retention is argued to be an intermediate stage in the evolution of viviparity. -from Author