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Complex biogeographic history of a Holarctic passerine

The Royal Society
Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Abstract and Figures

Our analysis of the ND2 sequences revealed six clades within winter wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes). These clades corresponded to six geographical regions: western Nearctic, eastern Nearctic, eastern Asia, Nepal, Caucasus and Europe, and differed by 3-8.8% of sequence divergence. Differences among regions explained 96% of the sequence variation in winter wren. Differences among individuals within localities explained 3% of the sequence variation, and differences among localities within regions explained 1%. Grouping sequences into subspecies instead of localities did not change these proportions. Proliferation of the six clades coincided with Early and Middle Pleistocene glaciations. The distribution of winter wren clades can be explained by a series of five consecutive vicariant events. Western Nearctic wrens diverged from the Holarctic ancestor 1.6 Myr before the present time (MYBP). Eastern Nearctic and Palaearctic wrens diverged 1 MYBP. Eastern and western Palaearctic birds diverged 0.83 MYBP. Nepalese and east Asian wrens diverged 0.67 MYBP, and Caucasian birds diverged from European wrens 0.54 MYBP. The winter wren has a much greater degree of inter- and intracontinental differentiation than the three other Holarctic birds studied to date--dunlin (Calidris alpina), common raven (Corvus corax) and three-toed woodpecker (Picoides trydactylus)--and represents an example of cryptic speciation that has been overlooked.
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doi: 10.1098/rspb.2003.2638
, 545-551271 2004 Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B
Karagodin, Evgeniy A. Koblik and Yaroslav A. Red'kin
Sergei V. Drovetski, Robert M. Zink, Sievert Rohwer, Igor V. Fadeev, Evgeniy V. Nesterov, Igor
Complex biogeographic history of a Holarctic passerine
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This journal is © 2004 The Royal Society
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Received 26 September 2003
Accepted 4 November 2003
Published online 21 January 2004
Complex biogeographic history of a Holarctic
Sergei V. Drovetski
, Robert M. Zink
, Sievert Rohwer
, Igor V. Fadeev
Evgeniy V. Nesterov
, Igor Karagodin
, Evgeniy A. Koblik
and Yaroslav A. Red’kin
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, and
Bell Museum, University of Minnesota, 100 Ecology Building,
1987 Upper Buford Circle, St Paul, MN 55108, USA
Burke Museum and Department of Zoology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-3010, USA
State Darwin Museum, 57 Vavilova Street, Moscow 117292, Russia
Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, Bol’shaya Nikitskaya Street 6, Moscow, 103009 Russia
Our analysis of the ND2 sequences revealed six clades within winter wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes). These
clades corresponded to six geographical regions: western Nearctic, eastern Nearctic, eastern Asia, Nepal,
Caucasus and Europe, and differed by 3–8.8% of sequence divergence. Differences among regions
explained 96% of the sequence variation in winter wren. Differences among individuals within localities
explained 3% of the sequence variation, and differences among localities within regions explained 1%.
Grouping sequences into subspecies instead of localities did not change these proportions. Proliferation
of the six clades coincided with Early and Middle Pleistocene glaciations. The distribution of winter wren
clades can be explained by a series of five consecutive vicariant events. Western Nearctic wrens diverged
from the Holarctic ancestor 1.6 Myr before the present time (MYBP). Eastern Nearctic and Palaearctic
wrens diverged 1 MYBP. Eastern and western Palaearctic birds diverged 0.83 MYBP. Nepalese and east
Asian wrens diverged 0.67 MYBP, and Caucasian birds diverged from European wrens 0.54 MYBP. The
winter wren has a much greater degree of inter- and intracontinental differentiation than the three other
Holarctic birds studied to date—dunlin (Calidris alpina), common raven (Corvus corax) and three-toed
woodpecker (Picoides trydactylus)—and represents an example of cryptic speciation that has been overlooked.
Keywords: winter wren; biogeography; phylogeography; speciation; vicariance; Holarctic
Very little is known about the phylogeographic structure
of avian Holarctic species. Zink et al. (1995) surveyed 13
species inhabiting both Eurasia and North America and
found that 11 species showed at least some degree of intra-
specific differentiation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
between continents. Only three studies addressed large-
scale phylogeography of Holarctic avian taxa. Wenink et
al. (1996) found three distinct mitochondrial clades of
dunlin (Calidris alpina) corresponding to three large geo-
graphical regions: Europe, Canadian Arctic and
Siberia/Alaska. The latter was subdivided into three sub-
clades: west Siberian, east Siberian and Alaskan. The
Canadian clade was the most distantly related to the other
two clades and differed from them by 3.3% of uncorrected
sequence divergence of the most variable domains, I and
II of the mitochondrial control region (CRI and CRII;
Wenink et al. 1996). Omland et al. (2000) found no differ-
entiation in mtDNA between common ravens (Corvus
corax) from Eurasia and North America. However, birds
from western North America, south of the Canadian bor-
der, formed a distinct clade that was the sister to the Chi-
Author and address for correspondence: Department of Biological
Sciences, University of Alaska Anchorage, 3211 Providence Drive,
Anchorage, AK 99508, USA (
Present address: Igor’s Taxidermy, 2931 S. Main Street, suite D, Santa
Ana, CA 92707, USA.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (2004) 271, 545–551 545 2004 The Royal Society
DOI 10.1098/rspb.2003.2638
huahua raven (C. cryptoleucus), and was well differentiated
from the Holarctic raven (2.69% of uncorrected diver-
gence in the cytochrome b gene and 2.14% in CRI; calcu-
lated from Omland et al. (2000), Table 1). By contrast,
mtDNA of three-toed woodpeckers (Picoides tridactylus)
from Eurasia and North America differed by ca.4%
despite the lack of phylogenetic structure within conti-
nents (Zink et al. 2002). Both the common raven and the
three-toed woodpecker are uniformly distributed across
boreal regions of both continents.
Unlike the dunlin, which inhabits primarily arctic tun-
dra, but similar to the common raven and three-toed
woodpecker, the winter wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)is
widely distributed across the temperate zone of the Hol-
arctic. However, in both continents it is widely distributed
in a north–south direction only in the eastern and western
parts of the continents. In the middle of both continents,
its distribution has large gaps. In the Nearctic, the eastern
and western parts of the range are connected by a narrow
strip of habitat extending across Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta. In the Palaearctic, the eastern and western
parts of the range are separated by a narrow gap between
south-central and extreme eastern Turkmenistan
(Brewer 2001).
This distribution pattern and sedentary/limited
migration lifestyle of winter wren could result in genetic
differentiation at different scales, namely within and
between continents. The winter wren is one of the most
complex and phenotypically diverse taxa. Brewer (2001)
on May 24, 2011rspb.royalsocietypublishing.orgDownloaded from
546 S. V. Drovetski and others Biogeography of a Holarctic passerine
listed 39 subspecies, and noted that many more were
described in the Nearctic. The majority of winter wren
subspecific designations are based on slight variations of
plumage coloration and intensity of underbody barring.
Some geographically proximate subspecies of winter wren
form groups that are distinguished by their appearance
and vocalization. In the Nearctic, there are three pheno-
typically distinct groups: eastern, western and
Alaska/Aleutian (Pyle 1997; National Geographic Society
1999). In the Palaearctic, eastern Asian winter wrens dif-
fer from European and western and central Asian birds by
much darker brown plumage (Stepanyan 2003). Interest-
ingly, birds from the western Nearctic and eastern Asia,
and birds from the eastern Nearctic and Europe, are more
similar in appearance to each other than to birds from
opposite sides of their respective continents.
The complex geographical pattern of phenotypic vari-
ation has fostered much confusion about the evolutionary
and biogeographic history of the winter wren. Although a
generally accepted hypothesis suggests that the Palaearctic
was colonized by the western Nearctic birds through the
Bering Strait (Brewer 2001), alternative hypotheses were
proposed by several authors. For example, Hejl et al.
(2002) suggested separate invasions of the Palaearctic by
both eastern and western Nearctic winter wrens (Hejl et
al. 2002). Interestingly, all of these hypotheses are based
on dispersal scenarios, and none considers vicariance.
Some authors argue that because any distribution pattern
can be explained by numerous, equally parsimonious dis-
persal hypotheses, vicariance should be ruled out first, and
dispersal should be invoked when vicariance fails to
explain observed distribution patterns (Ronquist 1997).
We present data on large-scale phylogeographic pat-
terns in the Holarctic winter wren, and compare popu-
lation genetics parameters among localities with relatively
large sample sizes. We also discuss the historical biogeog-
raphy of winter wren and use dispersal–vicariance analysis
(DIVA; Ronquist 1996, 1997) to determine if vicariance
alone is sufficient to explain the observed geographical
structuring of winter wren haplotypes.
A total of 97 winter wren samples were obtained from 24
localities across the Holarctic (figure 1). We also used 16 indi-
viduals of 14 wren species as outgroups (electronic Appendix A;
available on The Royal Society’s Publications Web site).
Total genomic DNA was extracted from frozen or 96% etha-
nol-preserved tissue samples using a QIAamp Tissue Kit
(QIAGEN Inc.). Each individual complete mitochondrial ND2
gene (1041 bp) was amplified with Perkin-Elmer PCR reagents
and primers L5215 (Hackett 1996) and H1064 (CTTTGA
AGGCCTTCGGTTTA, designed by S.V.D.). The PCR frag-
ments were sequenced directly on an ABI-3700 sequencer.
Sequences were aligned automatically by Sequencher 3.1.1
(Gene Codes Corporation). The alignment did not require edit-
ing because there were no indels in the ND2 sequences. A
maximum-likelihood (ML) phylogenetic analysis was performed
using PAUP
(Swofford 1998). ML model and parameters were
determined by the hierarchical likelihood ratio test (hLRT) in
Modeltest 3.06 (Posada & Crandall 1998). Taxa were added
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (2004)
randomly for both ML and its bootstrap analysis (100
replicates). Population genetics parameters were calculated in
Arlequin 2.000 (Schneider et al. 2000). DIVA (Ronquist 1996,
1997) with its default settings was used for reconstruction of the
biogeographic history of winter wren.
(a) Geographical structuring of winter wren
The initial phylogenetic analysis (results not shown)
indicated that winter wrens are most closely related to
marsh (Cistothorus palustris) and sedge (C. platensis) wrens
than to the other outgroup species (electronic Appendix
A), including two members of Troglodytes: northern house
wren (T. aedon) and mountain wren (T. solstitialis). There-
fore, we used marsh and sedge wrens as outgroups for the
phylogenetic analysis of winter wren haplotypes.
Among 97 individuals of winter wren, 51 unique haplo-
types were distinguished based on 126 variable sites (120
transitions and nine transversions). The hLRT selected
the TrNG model (Posada & Crandall 1998) for com-
plete ND2 sequences of winter, marsh and sedge wrens.
The TrNG is a submodel of the general time reversible
(GTR) model (Rodrı
guez et al. 1990) in which transver-
sions are weighted equally and the discrete-gamma model
of substitution rates across sites (Yang 1994) is included.
Guanine was under-represented and cytosine was
over-represented in ND2 sequences (A = 30.08%,
C = 39.62%, G = 10.26%, T = 20.04%; G-test p = 0.0110).
All taxa shared this nucleotide bias and there was no evi-
dence of heterogeneity of base composition among taxa.
GenBank accession numbers for ND2 sequences are
The ML analysis of wren haplotypes resulted in a
single tree. The molecular clock assumption for this tree
was not rejected (ln L without molecular clock
enforced = 3092.786 33, ln L with molecular clock
enforced = 3124.447 44; 2ln L = 63.322 22, d.f. = 51,
p = 0.1154). Winter wren haplotypes formed six geo-
graphically concordant clades (figure 2). These clades cor-
responded to six major geographical regions: Europe,
Caucasus, Nepal (central Asia), eastern Asia, eastern
Nearctic and western Nearctic (figure 1). Each clade was
supported by bootstrap values of greater than or equal to
78%. The relationships among these clades, however,
were not strongly supported except for the sister-group
relationship of Caucasian and European clades, which
received 94% bootstrap support (figure 2).
The Palaearctic clades were divided into two pairs of
sister clades: the east Asian clade and a single haplotype
from Nepal (3.7% ML divergence between clades exclud-
ing intraclade variation), and European and Caucasian
clades (3.0% ML divergence). The ML divergence
between these pairs was 4.6%. Palaearctic birds were more
closely related to the eastern Nearctic clade (5.6% ML
divergence) than to the western Nearctic clade (8.8% ML
divergence), so the two Nearctic clades were not sisters.
Conversion of the node depths (excluding intraclade vari-
ation; figure 2) into million years before the present time
(MYBP) using an ND2 molecular clock calibration for
on May 24, 2011rspb.royalsocietypublishing.orgDownloaded from
Biogeography of a Holarctic passerine S. V. Drovetski and others 547
Caucasus 10
Ontario 4
MN 9
MI 2
ME 1
Buryatiya 1
Moscow 5
Greece 1
AK 2
NY 4
MA 1
NJ 1
St Paul
p = 0.275
p = 0.030
p = 0.404
p = 0.245
12345 6
Figure 1. Geographical regions, localities, sample sizes and mismatch distributions. Vicariant events are labelled with the letter
‘V’ and their consecutive number. Mismatch distributions: x-axis, number of pairwise differences; y-axis, observations. Solid
lines, observed distributions; dashed lines, expected distributions; vertical lines, mean mismatch. The p-values are for the
differences from expectation of sudden population expansion.
Galapagos mocking birds (0.0276 substitutions per site
per lineage Myr
; B. S. Arbogast, P. T. Boag, G. Seutin,
P. R. Grant, B. R. Grant, S. V. Drovetski, R. Curry and
D. J. Anderson, unpublished data) indicated that winter
wrens radiated into the six lineages in Early–Middle Pleis-
tocene. The western Nearctic clade diverged from the
common ancestor of the other winter wren clades first, ca.
1.6 MYBP. The eastern Nearctic birds diverged from the
common ancestor of the Palaearctic clades ca. 1 MYBP.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (2004)
Eastern and western Palaearctic winter wrens diverged
0.83 MYBP. East Asian birds and Himalayan birds
diverged 0.67 MYBP, and Caucasian and European birds
diverged last, 0.54 MYBP. Although sedge and marsh
wrens may not be the closest relatives of the winter wren,
divergence between the common ancestors of these two
lineages occurred 13 MYBP. Therefore, winter wren
could have existed since the Middle Miocene, long before
the radiation of the six current clades.
on May 24, 2011rspb.royalsocietypublishing.orgDownloaded from
548 S. V. Drovetski and others Biogeography of a Holarctic passerine
iuk263, svd1703, 1945, 2005
svd2659, pac573
evl295, sar7443, t1241, svd2382, 2844,
2848, grg3763, prs309,
svd2631, 2849
grg3766, prs235,
ksw2720, rwd24877
ksw1388, t713, gfb3209, 3217, mgs65,
svd1241, 2195, wlk37
00. 51. 01.5
Cistothorus palustris (sar7250)
C. platensis (ksw694, sdw50)
tt6, 7
tt3, 10, 12-13, 17-18, vm248
tt1, 11
tt4, 15
9/23/02, db02.63, db99.64, b13472, rya,
bey98-99, iuk114, vm395,
svd2628, x8237, 8248, 8251
Figure 2. Maximum-likelihood tree of unique haplotypes. Sample numbers are listed at the tips (for localities and subspecies
see electronic Appendix A). Numbers next to branches indicate ML bootstrap values (100 replicates with random addition of
taxa) and branch lengths (substitution/site).
Using PAUP
we calculated average ML pairwise dif-
ferences among haplotypes within clades and their stan-
dard deviations (± s.d.). They were 0.34 ± 0.16% for the
western Nearctic, 0.26 ± 0.11% for the eastern Nearctic,
0.30 ± 0.14% for eastern Asia, 0.20 ± 0.08% for Europe
and 0.27 ± 0.11% for Caucasus.
Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA; Excoffier et
al. 1992) indicated that most of the sequence variation
was due to differences among the six geographical regions.
Differences among individuals within populations
accounted for 3% of the sequence variation, differences
among localities within regions accounted for 1% of the
sequence variation, and differences among geographical
regions accounted for 96% of the sequence variation.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (2004)
Grouping of haplotypes by subspecies rather than by
localities did not change the AMOVA results.
(b) Population genetics and demography of the
winter wren
Only one of the 11 localities with a sample size of four
or more had a marginally significant Tajima’s D-value
(Tajima 1989) indicating that the selective neutrality
assumption is appropriate for the evolution of ND2
sequences of winter wren (table 1).
The ML nucleotide diversity varied from 0 to 0.0029
(table 1). All European populations had very low nucleo-
tide diversities. British wrens were more genetically
diverse than birds from continental Europe, where 10
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Biogeography of a Holarctic passerine S. V. Drovetski and others 549
Table 1. Tajima’s p-values, age, nucleotide diversity based on ML (ML
) and on infinite site model (
), and their standard
deviations (s.d.) for populations with n 4.
locality npage (MYBP) ML
WA 16 0.047 0.038 0.002 104 0.001 642 0.002 017 0.001 330
MN 9 0.248 0.032 0.001 771 0.000 885 0.001 708 0.001 233
NY 4 0.284 0.018 0.000 968 0.000 617 0.000 961 0.000 952
Ontario 4 1.000 0.000 0.000 000 0.000 000 0.000 000 0.000 000
NC 5 0.079 0.051 0.002 835 0.001 383 0.002 690 0.001 986
Sakhalin Is. 4 0.739 0.052 0.002 870 0.001 560 0.002 722 0.002 147
Japan 14 0.177 0.019 0.001 041 0.000 669 0.001 035 0.000 813
GB 6 0.089 0.024 0.001 308 0.000 968 0.001 281 0.001 059
Moscow 5 1.000 0.000 0.000 000 0.000 000 0.000 000 0.000 000
Switzerland 4 1.000 0.000 0.000 000 0.000 000 0.000 000 0.000 000
Caucasus 10 0.266 0.037 0.002 043 0.001 264 0.001 964 0.001 358
birds from Switzerland, Germany and the Moscow region
shared a single haplotype. An application of the ND2 mol-
ecular clock indicates that all localities, except the three
localities covered by ice sheets (Ontario, Moscow and
Switzerland), were colonized by winter wrens before or
during the Last Glacial Cold Stage 0.021–0.017 MYBP
(Adams 2002). The three glaciated localities had all indi-
viduals sharing the same haplotype (figure 2), indicating
a very recent colonization of these areas by winter wrens.
The nucleotide diversity based on infinite site model
) was slightly lower than nucleotide diversity based on
ML corrected distances (ML
). However, the values
were strongly correlated (Y = 1.733 × 10
0.950 × X;
d.f. = 10, r
= 1, p 0.0001).
Mismatch distributions were calculated for four
localities that had a sample size of nine or more (Japan,
Caucasus, Minnesota and Washington; figure 1). All four
localities were at similar latitudes 43°–48° N. Mismatch
distributions for Caucasus, Minnesota and Washington
had similar mean mismatch values and did not differ sig-
nificantly from the expectation of recent demographic
expansion (Slatkin & Hudson 1991; Rogers & Harpending
1992). By contrast, the mismatch distribution for the
Honshu sample differed significantly from that expected,
despite its apparent unimodality and its mean mismatch
value, which was half of each of the other three sample
(c) Dispersal–vicariance analysis and area
DIVA (Ronquist 1996, 1997) indicated that vicariance
alone is sufficient to explain the current distribution of
winter wren clades, and no dispersal has to be invoked.
According to DIVA reconstruction, the ancestral popu-
lation of winter wrens was widespread across the Holarc-
tic. The first divergence resulted from western Nearctic
birds separating from the Holarctic ancestor, presumably
because they were isolated in a southern area of western
North America at a time when Holarctic populations of
wrens were still exchanging genes across Beringia (figure
1). Consistent with this reconstruction of their early his-
tory is the fact that the songs of European, Japanese and
eastern North American wrens are much more similar to
each other than any of them is to the songs of winter wrens
from Washington and Oregon (Kroodsma & Momose
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (2004)
1991). This first divergence was followed by the separ-
ation of eastern Nearctic and Palaearctic birds. This
second split is likely to have involved isolation across
Beringia because prior to major Middle Pleistocene glaci-
ations, eastern Nearctic wrens could have occupied an
even larger portion of the northern Nearctic than they do
to date. Within the Palaearctic, the first divergence was
between the wrens of eastern and western Eurasia. Eastern
Palaearctic birds diverged into east Asian and central
Asian (represented by a single individual from Nepal in
our study) clades, and western Palaearctic birds diverged
into Caucasian and European clades (figure 1).
Our analysis identified six mtDNA clades of winter
wren. This differentiation was geographically structured
and clades corresponded to large geographical regions:
eastern Asia, Nepal (central Asia), Caucasus, Europe,
eastern Nearctic and western Nearctic. The differentiation
among the six clades was 3.0–8.8% of ML nucleotide
divergence. These deep divergences argue for recognition
of the six clades as evolutionarily significant units (Moritz
1994), or even species. Strong differentiation of winter
wren clades and the relationships among them are also
supported by differences in their vocalization
(Kroodsma & Momose 1991).
Virtually all sequence variation in winter wren was
explained by differences among the six regions (96%).
Differences among localities or subspecies within the six
regions explained only 1% of sequence variation. Subspe-
cies were not reciprocally monophyletic and many shared
haplotypes. Thus, subspecific divisions in winter wren do
not reflect the species’ evolutionary history, as found for
many other birds (Zink 2004). Unlike in most other cases,
however, the numerous subspecific divisions in winter
wren have obscured the recognition of deep, species-level,
evolutionary divisions.
Although an ancestral form could have existed since the
Middle Miocene (13 MYBP), proliferation of winter wren
into the six clades coincided with the Early and Middle
Pleistocene glaciations. Late Pleistocene glaciations did
not produce distinct clades, but presumably contributed
to self-pruning of the ND2 haplotype tree. In the localities
that were free of ice during the last glaciation, population
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550 S. V. Drovetski and others Biogeography of a Holarctic passerine
age does not exceed 52 000 years (middle of the previous
interstadial), which is an order of magnitude younger than
the age of the most recent divergence among the clades
(540 000 years).
Mismatch distributions (figure 1) suggested recently
expanding populations, except for the Honshu population,
whose mismatch distribution was significantly different
from that expected for a recently expanding population
despite its unimodal shape and low mean. Northward
expansion during the current interstadial could have
resulted in fragmentation of the southern parts of the spec-
ies’ range and in a loss of genetic variability in Japan
(Hewitt 2000). A recent loss of genetic variability can pro-
duce a unimodal mismatch distribution similar to that of
rapidly expanded populations. The slope of the distri-
bution plot in declining populations, however, is steeper,
especially on the right side of the graph, than in recently
expanded populations (Rogers & Harpending 1992).
Although the Japanese winter wren population appears
stable, our samples are from central Honshu, where wrens
are on the periphery of the core population to the north,
and where they have low breeding success (K. Ueda, per-
sonal communication). The loss of genetic variability in
Japanese winter wren is also supported by the fact that the
population from Daito Islands (800 km south of Kyushu)
recently became extinct and the population from Izu
Islands (just southeast of Honshu) is endangered
(Ministry of the Environment of Japan 1998). Further-
more, nucleotide diversity in Sakhalin Island, to the north
of Hokkaido, is 2.8 times greater than in central Honshu.
Declines in Japanese populations of some other temperate
species are also known. For example, in the 1970s Asian
rosy-finch (Leucosticte arctoa) probably bred in Hokkaido,
where adults and fledglings were observed during the
breeding season, but it no longer appears to breed in Japan
(Brazil 1991).
The current distribution of winter wren clades can be
explained by a sequence of five vicariant events (figure 1)
that were probably caused by Early and Middle Pleisto-
cene glaciations. These glaciations began periodic separ-
ations between the Nearctic and Palaearctic across
Beringia, and between regions within these continents.
Winter wrens could have had over 10 Myr to acquire a
wide Holarctic distribution during the Late Miocene and
Pliocene when the continents were connected across
Beringia and many animals dispersed from one continent
to the other. It is difficult to reconstruct the routes by
which winter wren may have spread throughout the Hol-
arctic because habitat distributions have changed dramati-
cally since the Miocene. For example, mountain ranges
currently inhabited by some clades (e.g. Caucasus,
Himalayas) developed during the Miocene. However,
colonization routes probably had little effect on differen-
tiation of the six clades because these clades seem to have
differentiated from a single, undifferentiated Holarctic
While the six clades discovered with our samples can
readily be explained by vicariance, dispersal may still be
needed to explain some aspects of the distribution of win-
ter wrens. Most obvious are the populations of winter
wrens currently inhabiting Iceland and other islands of the
North Atlantic. These islands could have been colonized
by dispersal from either Europe or the eastern Nearctic.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (2004)
Samples from these islands, together with larger samples
from eastern North America and Europe, will be needed
to determine the source populations for these coloniza-
The winter wren appears to differ considerably in phylo-
geographic structure from the other three Holarctic avian
taxa studied to date. It is strongly differentiated within and
between continents and differences among clades are
much greater (almost threefold) than in the dunlin
(Wenink et al. 1996), the common raven (Omland et al.
2000) and the three-toed woodpecker (Zink et al. 2002).
Additional detailed population genetics studies of widely
distributed Holarctic taxa are needed to elucidate whether
these differences among taxa in the degree of intrataxon
differentiation are related to their ecology and dispersal
ability or to their demographic history.
Garrett Eddy sponsored all of the Burke Museum expeditions
to Russia in 1992–2000. D. A. Banin, V. B. Masterov, A. V.
Andreev and many other Russian colleagues provided help
with the logistics of the expeditions. Paul Kester helped with
references on palaeoecology. The majority of tissue samples
for this study came from the University of Washington Burke
Museum, with additional samples supplied by Dr Keisuke
Ueda, Rikkyo University, the University of Minnesota Bell
Museum, the British Natural History Museum, the University
of Michigan Museum of Zoology, the US National Museum
of Natural History, the Royal Ontario Museum, the University
of Alaska Museum, the Louisiana State University Museum
of Natural History, the Moscow State University Zoological
Museum, the American Museum of Natural History, and the
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. S.V.D. was sup-
ported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Department of
Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota.
Molecular work for this project was funded by Garrett Eddy,
an EEB postdoctoral fellowship to S.V.D., and an NSF grant
DEB 9707496 to R.M.Z. and S.A.R. We are grateful to D.
Parkin and an anonymous reviewer for useful comments on
our manuscript.
Adams, J. 2002 A quick background to the last ice age. In
Global land environment since the last interglacial. A World
Wide Web publication compiled by J. Adams. Available at:
Brazil, M. A. 1991 The birds of Japan. Washington, DC: Smith-
sonian Institution Press.
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... Winter Wren T hiemalis, Eurasian Wren and Pacific Wren T pacificus are part of a large Northern Hemisphere wren complex; they were formerly considered a single Holarctic species with c 45 subspecies, stretching from North America (hiemalis sensu lato) to Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and large parts of Asia (troglodytes sensu lato). Based on genetics, Drovetski et al (2004) found six clades within this group: in the western Nearctic, the eastern Nearctic, eastern Asia, Nepal, Caucasus and Europe. They connected their proliferation with Early and Middle Pleistocene glaciations. ...
... Eastern Nearctic and Palaearctic wrens diverged 1 million years ago, Eastern and Western Palaearctic birds 0.83, and Nepalese and East Asian birds 0.67 mil lion years ago. Caucasian birds diverged from European wrens 0.54 million years ago (Drovetski et al 2004). This possibly indicates cryptic specia tion. ...
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Overview of the St Kilda Wren. Information about population, ecology and the other Atlantic island subspecies.
... T. t. juniperi is one of 28 subspecies of Eurasian Wren, which, following the first molecular genetic assessment of the species complex and analysis of territorial songs, is currently regarded as an exclusively Palearctic species T. troglodytes, split from Pacific Wren T. pacificus of the western Nearctic and Winter Wren T. hiemalis of the eastern Nearctic (Drovetski et al. 2004). Drovetski et al. (2004) identified four distinct mitochondrial lineages within T. troglodytes. ...
... T. t. juniperi is one of 28 subspecies of Eurasian Wren, which, following the first molecular genetic assessment of the species complex and analysis of territorial songs, is currently regarded as an exclusively Palearctic species T. troglodytes, split from Pacific Wren T. pacificus of the western Nearctic and Winter Wren T. hiemalis of the eastern Nearctic (Drovetski et al. 2004). Drovetski et al. (2004) identified four distinct mitochondrial lineages within T. troglodytes. We conducted a follow-up molecular study, which sampled 18 subspecies of T. troglodytes, including for the first time both North African subspecies (juniperi and kabylorum), and resulted in the identification of eight distinct genetic lineages (Albrecht et al. 2020). ...
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Le Troglodyte mignon de Cyrénaïque Troglodytes troglodytes juniperi, un taxon relique isolé depuis les glaciations du Pléistocène. L'aire de répartition du Troglodyte mignon Troglodytes troglodytes, seul représentant de la famille des Troglodytidae dans l'Ancien Monde, s'étend des îles de l'Atlantique Nord (Islande, Grande Bretagne) vers l'est à travers l'Europe continentale, le Caucase, l'Asie centrale, l'Himalaya et la Chine jusqu'en Sibérie orientale et le Japon. Il est aussi présent au Maghreb et dans la Péninsule ibérique (T. t. kabylorum) et dans le Djebel Akhdar, un massif montagneux isolé de la Cyrénaïque en Libye (T. t. juniperi). Ce dernier taxon, décrit par l'ornithologue allemand Ernst Hartert en 1922, est sans doute le moins bien connu et jusqu'à récemment on ne disposait que de peu de données sur son statut, son écologie et ses relations phylogénétiques. Lors d'une expédition en 2010 à Wadi al-Kouf en Cyrénaïque, nous avons observé des adultes nourrissant des jeunes. A cette occasion, nous avons pu photographier pour la première fois cette sous-espèce ainsi que son nid situé à 3 m de haut dans un Arbousier. Grâce à un oeuf abandonné, nous avons réalisé des analyses génétiques. Selon nos analyses, les deux populations nord-africaines (kabylorum et juniperi) représentent les deux lignées génétiquement les plus anciennes de l'arbre généalogique du Troglodyte mignon. Néanmoins, elles ne sont pas des taxons soeurs mais des lignées bien séparées. Par ailleurs, les populations ibériques et nord-africaines de T. t. kabylorum ne sont pas très proches l'une de l'autre. La diversification génétique intraspécifique du Troglodyte mignon a commencé au début du Pléistocène, quand les oiseaux européens ont été repoussés vers des habitats forestiers méditerranéens qui ont constitué des refuges isolés. Il est probable que le massif montagneux de la Cyrénaïque a offert un habit favorable pour le Troglodyte mignon pendant les glaciations, de sorte que cette ancienne lignée génétique a pu évoluer vers un endémisme particulier dans cette région. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 28.2 August 2021, p. 241-244
... We amplified the partial sequence of two mitochondrial genes largely used in phylogeographic studies, namely the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI; 656 bp) with primers passerF1/passerR1 [24] and BirdF1/BirdR1 [25] along with the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2; 1041 bp) with primers L5215 and H1064 [26]. PCR reactions were performed in a 50 µL final volume including 1× PCR buffer (Bioron, Ludwigshafen, Germany), 100 µM dNTPs, 0.2 units of Taq DNA polymerase (Bioron), 200 ng of DNA and 5 pmol of primers. ...
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Located at the crossroads of two continents and at the southeastern edge of the Mediterranean Basin, Anatolia was one of the most important Pleistocene glacial refugia in the Western Palaearctic. As part of the Irano-Anatolian, Caucasus and Mediterranean Basin biodiversity hotspots, this region is also home to a rich avian community including nearly 400 breeding species. Nevertheless, research addressing the genetic structure and diversity of local bird populations is limited, and information on glacial refugia in this region is still scant, especially when compared to other large Mediterranean peninsulas, namely the Balkan, Italian and Iberian ones. In this study, we contribute to filling this gap by addressing the biogeographic pattern of four common resident songbirds—the Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus), the great tit (Parus major), the Eurasian chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) and the Eurasian blackbird (Turdus merula)—and one endemic species—the Krüper’s nuthatch (Sitta krueperi)—by amplifying two mitochondrial DNA genes in individuals from Anatolia (n = 329) and comparing their sequences to those of conspecifics from the rest of their distribution range across the western Palaearctic (n = 357) deposited in public databases. The overall genetic structure of these species is consistent with a scenario of isolation for multiple populations in different refugia across Anatolia and subsequent secondary contact in the wake of ice retreat, which makes this region a hotspot of genetic diversity for both widespread and endemic avian species.
... We pursued an augmented supermatrix approach (Dufort 2016) to infer certhioid relationships. First, we downloaded published sequence datasets from GenBank that were generated through multiple smaller-scale studies of taxonomic relationships within the family Troglodytidae (González et al. 2003, Barker 2004, 2017, Drovetski et al. 2004, Mann et al. 2006, Vázquez-Miranda et al. 2009, Campagna et al. 2012, Lara et al. 2012, Robbins and Nyári 2014, Saucier et al. 2015, Aguilar et al. 2016, Cadena et al. 2019, Vázquez-Miranda and Barker 2021, Klicka et al. 2023. Several wren species were not included in this initial compiled dataset, which required us to obtain data from additional sources. ...
The passerine superfamily Certhioidea lacks a complete phylogeny despite decades of recognition as a clade and extensive systematic work within all its constituent families. Here, we inferred a near-complete species-level phylogeny of Certhioidea from a molecular supermatrix, including the first comprehensive sampling of the wrens (Troglodytidae), and used this phylogeny to infer its biogeographic and diversification histories. We also inferred an expanded phylogeny including nearly 100 putative phylospecies previously documented in the literature, and we found that including this diversity had notable impacts on the inferred evolutionary history of Certhioidea. This phylospecies-level tree documented a few instances of species paraphyly, some previously described in the literature and some novel. We found that Certhioidea originated largely in Eurasia and dispersed into North America five times in the last 20 million years, including at the origin of the “New World certhioids,” wrens and gnatcatchers, a clade herein named Orthourae. After this initial dispersal event, both wrens and gnatcatchers diversified extensively across the hemisphere, with both lineages repeatedly crossing between continents. However, we detected no notable impact of the formation of the Isthmus of Panama on the frequency of dispersal events between North and South America. The inclusion of phylospecies altered this biogeographic inference in some portions of the tree but overall was largely consistent. With species-level sampling, we found that diversification rates within Certhioidea were largely constant through time with a detectable deceleration toward the present. By contrast, phylospecies-level sampling recovered a different diversification history with a significant rate increase at the crown node of Orthourae after dispersing into the Americas and increased speciation rates particularly within the genera Polioptila and Henicorhina. This largely resolved phylogeny for Certhioidea has yielded important insights into the evolutionary history of this group and provides a framework for future comparative work on this fascinating clade.
... While much of the Northern Hemisphere was covered by ice sheets during past glaciations, the lowlands of Beringia remained free of ice, providing a refuge for high-latitude flora and fauna (Elias & Brigham-Grette, 2013). These cyclic fluctuations in climate have had genetic consequences on Beringian taxa (Hewitt, 1996), including creating diverse patterns of differentiation in Holarctic birds (e.g., Zink et al., 1995;Drovetski et al., 2004;Buehler & Baker, 2005;Humphries & Winker, 2011;Peters et al., 2014). Previous work on speciation and divergence in birds across Beringia has shown that speciation with gene flow is common (Winker et al., 2013(Winker et al., , 2018Peters et al., 2014;. ...
The processes leading to divergence and speciation can differ broadly among taxa with different life histories. We examine these processes in a small clade of ducks with historically uncertain relationships and species limits. The green-winged teal (Anas crecca) complex is a Holarctic species of dabbling duck currently categorized as three subspecies (Anas crecca crecca, A. c. nimia, and A. c. carolinensis) with a close relative, the yellow-billed teal (Anas flavirostris) from South America. A. c. crecca and A. c. carolinensis are seasonal migrants, while the other taxa are sedentary. We examined divergence and speciation patterns in this group, determining their phylogenetic relationships and the presence and levels of gene flow among lineages using both mitochondrial and genome-wide nuclear DNA obtained from 1,393 ultraconserved element (UCE) loci. Phylogenetic relationships using nuclear DNA among these taxa showed A. c. crecca, A. c. nimia, and A. c. carolinensis clustering together to form one polytomous clade, with A. flavirostris sister to this clade. This relationship can be summarized as (crecca, nimia, carolinensis)(flavirostris). However, whole mitogenomes revealed a different phylogeny: (crecca, nimia)(carolinensis, flavirostris). The best demographic model for key pairwise comparisons supported divergence with gene flow as the probable speciation mechanism in all three contrasts (crecca─nimia, crecca─carolinensis, and carolinensis─flavirostris). Given prior work, gene flow was expected among the Holarctic taxa, but gene flow between North American carolinensis and South American flavirostris (M ∼0.1 - 0.4 individuals/generation), albeit low, was not expected. Three geographically oriented modes of divergence are likely involved in the diversification of this complex: heteropatric (crecca─nimia), parapatric (crecca─carolinensis), and (mostly) allopatric (carolinensis─flavirostris). Our study shows that ultraconserved elements are a powerful tool for simultaneously studying systematics and population genomics in systems with historically uncertain relationships and species limits.
... Recently, the importance of the Beringia barrier in the diversification of the Holarctic fauna has been demonstrated by phylogeographic analysis of mitochondrial DNA and in some cases nuclear DNA (Zink et al. 1995;Kerr et al. 2009;Johnsen et al. 2010;Humphries and Winker 2011). Deep divergences have been documented in several species, including Larus canus / L. brachyrhynchus (Sonsthagen et al. 2012), Picoides tridactylus / P. dorsalis (Zink et al. 2002), Lanius excubitor / L. borealis (Olsson et al. 2010), Pica pica / P. hudsonia (Kryukov et al. 2017;Song et al. 2018), Nannus troglodytes / N. pacificus (Drovetski et al. 2004), Hirundo rustica (Zink et al. 2006;Dor et al. 2010), Eremophila alpestris (Drovetski Vertebrate Zoology 72, 2022, 445-456 | DOI 10.3897/vz.72.e85419 Copyright George Sangster. ...
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The taxonomic status of the North American and Eurasian populations of northern goshawk A. gentilis has been called into question by recent molecular studies, indicating the need for additional taxonomic study. Vocalisations have long played an important role in diagnosing potentially reproductively isolated groups of birds. The chattering-type call of A. gentilis plays a role in advertisement and pair-contact, making this a suitable basis for taxonomic study of vocalisations. The data set consisted of recordings of the calls of 75 individuals of the Eurasian gentilis-group of A. gentilis, 37 of the North American atricapillus-group of A. gentilis and, for comparison, seven of Henst's goshawk A. henstii. The three groups showed non-overlapping variation in the duration of call-notes and also showed several other highly significant differences. Discriminant Function Analysis resulted in 100% correct classification of recordings into the three groups. It is here argued that the new bioacoustic data, in combination with previous evidence of morphological , mitochondrial DNA and genomic DNA differences between Eurasian and North American A. gentilis, suggests that two species are best recognised: northern goshawk A. gentilis and American goshawk A. atricapillus. A. gentilis / A. atricapillus add to a growing list of Holarctic temperate zone taxa that have recently been recognised as separate species based on a deep phylogeo-graphic split between Eurasian and North American populations in combination with differences in other characters. This is the first quantitative taxonomic study of vocalisations in Accipitridae.
... These cyclic fluctuations in climate have had genetic consequences on Beringian taxa (Hewitt, 1996), for example creating diverse patterns of differentiation in Holarctic birds (e.g. Zink et al., 1995;Drovetski et al., 2004;Buehler & Baker, 2005;Humphries & Winker, 2011;Peters et al., 2014). ...
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The processes leading to divergence and speciation can differ broadly among taxa with different life histories. We examine these processes in a small clade of ducks with historically uncertain relationships and species limits. The green-winged teal ( Anas crecca ) complex is a Holarctic species of dabbling duck currently categorized as three subspecies ( Anas crecca crecca , A. c. nimia , and A. c. carolinensis ) with a close relative, the yellow-billed teal ( Anas flavirostris ) from South America. We examined divergence and speciation patterns in this group, determining their phylogenetic relationships and the presence and levels of gene flow among lineages using both mitochondrial and genome-wide nuclear DNA obtained from 1,393 ultraconserved element (UCE) loci. Phylogenetic relationships using nuclear DNA among these taxa showed A. c. crecca , A. c. nimia , and A. c. carolinensis clustering together to form one polytomous clade, with A.flavirostris sister to this clade. This relationship can be summarized as ( crecca , nimia , carolinensis )( flavirostris ). However, whole mitogenomes revealed a different phylogeny: ( crecca , nimia)(carolinensis , flavirostris ). The best demographic model for key pairwise comparisons supported divergence with gene flow as the probable speciation mechanism in all three contrasts ( crecca − nimia , crecca − carolinensis , and carolinensis − flavirostris ). Given prior work, gene flow was expected among the Holarctic taxa, but gene flow between North American carolinensis and South American flavirostris ( M ∼0.1 - 0.4 individuals/generation), albeit low, was not expected. Three geographically oriented modes of divergence are likely involved in the diversification of this complex: heteropatric ( crecca − nimia ), parapatric ( crecca − carolinensis ), and (mostly) allopatric ( carolinensis − flavirostris ). Ultraconserved elements are a powerful tool for simultaneously studying systematics and population genomics in systems like this. Graphical Abstract
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The patterns of population divergence of mid-latitude marine birds are impacted by only a few biogeographic barriers to dispersal and the effect of intrinsic factors, such as fidelity to natal colonies or wintering grounds, may become more conspicuous. Here we describe, for the first time, the phylogeographic patterns and historical demography of Bulwer’s petrel Bulweria bulwerii and provide new insights regarding the drivers of species diversification in the marine environment. We sampled Bulwer’s petrels from the main breeding colonies and used a statistical phylogeography approach based on surveying nuclear and mitochondrial loci (~ 9100 bp) to study its mechanisms of global diversification. We uncovered three highly differentiated groups including the Western Pacific, the Central Pacific and the Atlantic. The older divergence occurred within the Pacific Ocean, ca. 850,000 ya, and since then the W Pacific group has been evolving in isolation. Conversely, divergence between the Central Pacific and Atlantic populations occurred within the last 200,000 years. While the Isthmus of Panama is important in restricting gene flow between oceans in Bulwer’s petrels, the deepest phylogeographic break is within the Pacific Ocean, where oceanographic barriers are key in driving and maintaining the remarkable structure found in this highly mobile seabird. This is in contrast with the Atlantic, where no structure was detected. Further data will provide insights regarding the extent of lineage divergence of Bulwer’s petrels in the Western Pacific.
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We examined the phylogenetic relationships of South Asian bulbuls with focus on endemic species to understand the historical biogeography of the region. Molecular phylogenetic analysis, divergence date estimation and ancestral area reconstruction were performed to understand the role of paleoclimate on extant bulbul diversity and their distribution. We tested for vicariance, dispersal and in situ speciation events that defined the bulbul assemblage in the region. Using morphometric data and phylogeny, we resolved taxonomic uncertainties. There was a single event of in situ speciation of a dry-zone species, and isolation of species to the wet zone, causing endemism. Diversification rates remained relatively constant during late Miocene and Pliocene. Sundaland-Philippines served as the seat of diversification of bulbul lineages, and Indochina was part of the dispersal route. Bulbul diversity in the region has been shaped due to dispersal events at different time periods ranging from late Miocene to early Pleistocene. Post-Miocene aridification was an important driver of diversification in the region, by creating barriers for wet-zone species, and opening up new habitats for dry-zone species.
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We compared mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction fragment profiles from samples of 13 bird species that occur on both sides of Beringia. All but two species, Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) and Green-winged Teal (Anas crecca), exhibited evidence of genetic differentiation, albeit at varying degrees. Several species exhibited mtDNA differentiation consistent with species-level distinctness: Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus), Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus), Mew Gull (Larus canus), Black-billed Magpie (Pica pica), American Pipit (Anthus rubescens), and Rosy Finch (Leucosticte arctoa). Other species exhibited levels of mtDNA differentiation intermediate between populations and species: Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica), Common Tern (Sterna hirundo), Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago), and Pelagic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus). Because of small sample sizes, we do not recommend formal taxonomic changes, although our data could be combined with other data to raise several taxa to species level. Our data do not indicate a consistent level of mtDNA differentiation between putatively conspecific populations on different sides of Beringia, suggesting different times of colonization or cessation of gene exchange. Most comparisons of birds within continents exhibit less mtDNA differentiation than our trans-Beringia comparisons, suggesting limited gene flow between continents.
We compared mitochondrial DNA sequences of Three-toed Woodpeckers (Picoides tridactylus) within and between Eurasia and North America. Samples from the two continents are each reciprocally monophyletic, and differ by approximately 4% sequence divergence, suggesting that a separate species exists on each continent. We recommend formal taxonomic action. Within continents, no phylogeographic structuring was found, suggesting that both species have recently expanded their ranges following the end of the last ice age. Filogeografía Holártica y Límites de la Especie Picoides tridactylus Resumen. Comparamos secuencias de ADN mitocondrial en Picoides tridactylus, dentro y entre Eurasia y América del Norte. Las muestras de cada uno de los dos continentes son recíprocamente monofiléticas y difieren aproximadamente en un 4% de divergencia secuencial, sugiriendo que existe una especie distinta en cada continente. Recomendamos acción taxonómica formal. No encontramos estructura filogeográfica dentro de los continentes, sugiriendo que ambas especies han expandido recientemente sus rangos luego del final de la última era glacial.
Comparison of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region sequences of 155 dunlins from 15 breeding populations confirmed the existence of five major phylogeographic groups in the circumpolar breeding range of this migratory shorebird species. Time estimates of the origin of groups, based on sequence divergences and a molecular clock for birds, suggest a scenario of repeated fragmentation of populations in isolated tundra refugia during the late Pleistocene. The distribution of about three-quarters of all detected molecular variance between phylogeographic groups attests to the strongly subdivided genetic population structure in dunlins that is being maintained by natal philopatry. Each mtDNA phylogeographic group can be related to a morphometrically defined subspecies, but several other recognized subspecies are not supported by monophyletic mtDNA lineages within their purported ranges. More detailed analysis of several European populations reveals low amounts of gene flow and the partitioning of a substantial fraction of molecular variance between them. This ongoing evolution of population-genetic structuring within the European phylogeographic group most likely started with the last retreat of the ice sheets some 10,000 years ago. Dunlins thus provide one of the clearest examples of the linkage between historical and contemporary components of mtDNA phylogeographic structuring in birds.
Episodes of population growth and decline leave characteristic signatures in the distribution of nucleotide (or restriction) site differences between pairs of individuals. These signatures appear in histograms showing the relative frequencies of pairs of individuals who differ by i sites, where i = 0, 1, .... In this distribution an episode of growth generates a wave that travels to the right, traversing 1 unit of the horizontal axis in each 1/2u generations, where u is the mutation rate. The smaller the initial population, the steeper will be the leading face of the wave. The larger the increase in population size, the smaller will be the distribution's vertical intercept. The implications of continued exponential growth are indistinguishable from those of a sudden burst of population growth Bottlenecks in population size also generate waves similar to those produced by a sudden expansion, but with elevated uppertail probabilities. Reductions in population size initially generate L-shaped distributions with high probability of identity, but these converge rapidly to a new equilibrium. In equilibrium populations the theoretical curves are free of waves. However, computer simulations of such populations generate empirical distributions with many peaks and little resemblance to the theory. On the other hand, agreement is better in the transient (nonequilibrium) case, where simulated empirical distributions typically exhibit waves very similar to those predicted by theory. Thus, waves in empirical distributions may be rich in information about the history of population dynamics.
— We studied sequence variation in 16S rDNA in 204 individuals from 37 populations of the land snail Candidula unifasciata (Poiret 1801) across the core species range in France, Switzerland, and Germany. Phylogeographic, nested clade, and coalescence analyses were used to elucidate the species evolutionary history. The study revealed the presence of two major evolutionary lineages that evolved in separate refuges in southeast France as result of previous fragmentation during the Pleistocene. Applying a recent extension of the nested clade analysis (Templeton 2001), we inferred that range expansions along river valleys in independent corridors to the north led eventually to a secondary contact zone of the major clades around the Geneva Basin. There is evidence supporting the idea that the formation of the secondary contact zone and the colonization of Germany might be postglacial events. The phylogeographic history inferred for C. unifasciata differs from general biogeographic patterns of postglacial colonization previously identified for other taxa, and it might represent a common model for species with restricted dispersal.
An evaluation of the singing behavior of the Japanese wren (Troglodytes trog-lodytes fumigatus) might help to identify the origin of Old World wren populations and the forces that have molded the remarkable songs of this species throughout the Holarctic. The Japanese wrens seem identical to European wrens: males have repertoires of 6-7 highly repeatable song types of comparable duration and complexity. Wrens of eastern North America have a similar song organization, but the internal microstructure of songs is simpler and repertoires are only l-3 song types apiece. Both of these song populations are highly different from the wrens of western North America, which use songs with greater internal variety, more variable sequences of songs, and hence much larger repertoires of song types. These behavioral data are consistent with a hypothesis that populations in the mountainous regions of western North America were isolated before the "eastern" North American wren colonized the Old World, nrobablv via the Bering Straits. Not knowing the malleabilitv of these vocal behaviors under different life histories, however, makes such a phyletic con&u-sion highly tentative.
Quantification in historical biogeography has usually been based on the search for a single branching relationship among areas of endemism. Unlike organisms, however, areas rarely have a unique hierarchical history. Dispersal barriers appear and disappear and may have different effects on different species. As a result, the biota of an area may consist of several components with separate histories, each of which may be reticulate rather than branching. In an attempt to address these problems, I present a new biogeographic method, dispersal-vicariance analysis, which reconstructs the ancestral distributions in a given phylogeny without any prior assumptions about the form of area relationships. A three-dimensional step matrix based on a simple biogeographic model is used in the reconstruction. Speciation is assumed to subdivide the ranges of widespread species into vicariant components; the optimal ancestral distributions are those that minimize the number of implied dispersal and extinction events. Exact algorithms that find the optimal reconstruction(s) are described. In addition to their use in taxon biogeography, the inferred distribution histories of individual groups serve as a basis for the study of general patterns in historical biogeography, particularly if the relative age of the nodes in the source cladograms is known.