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Percutaneous Imaging-guided Abdominal and Pelvic Abscess Drainage in Children1


Abstract and Figures

Percutaneous imaging-guided drainage is the first-line treatment for infected or symptomatic fluid collections in the abdomen and pelvis, in the absence of indications for immediate surgery. The technology and expertise needed to perform percutaneous abscess drainage are widely available and readily adapted for use in the pediatric population. Catheter insertion procedures include the trocar and Seldinger techniques. Imaging guidance for drainage is most commonly performed with ultrasonography (US), computed tomography, or US and fluoroscopy combined. Abscesses in locations that are difficult to access, such as those deep in the pelvis, subphrenic regions, or epigastric region, can be drained by using the appropriate approach-transrectal, transgluteal, intercostal, or transhepatic. Although the causes of abscesses in children differ slightly from those of abscesses in the adult population, the frequency of successful treatment with percutaneous abscess drainage in children is 85%-90%, similar to that in adults. With expertise in imaging-guided drainage techniques and the ability to adjust to the special needs of children, interventional radiologists can successfully drain most abscesses and obviate surgery. Successful adaptation of abscess drainage techniques for pediatric use requires attention to the specific needs of children with respect to sedation, dedicated resuscitation and monitoring equipment, avoidance of body heat loss, minimization of radiation doses, and greater involvement of family compared with that in adult practice.
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Percutaneous Imaging-
guided Abdominal and
Pelvic Abscess Drainage
in Children
See www.rsna
After reading this
article and taking
the test, the reader
will be able to:
Recognize the indi-
cations for percuta-
neous abscess drain-
age in children.
Describe the imag-
ing-guided drainage
procedures and the
principles of catheter
Identify the signs of
fistula at percutane-
ous drainage.
Debra A. Gervais, MD
Stephen D. Brown, MD
Susan A. Connolly,
Sherry L. Brec
Mukesh G. Harisinghani, MD
Peter R. Mueller, MD
Percutaneous imaging-guided drainage is the first-line treatment for
infected or symptomatic fluid collections in the abdomen and pelvis, in
the absence of indications for immediate surgery. The technology and
expertise needed to perform percutaneous abscess drainage are widely
available and readily adapted for use in the pediatric population. Cath-
eter insertion procedures include the trocar and Seldinger techniques.
Imaging guidance for drainage is most commonly performed with ul-
trasonography (US), computed tomography, or US and fluoroscopy
combined. Abscesses in locations that are difficult to access, such as
those deep in the pelvis, subphrenic regions, or epigastric region, can
be drained by using the appropriate approach—transrectal, transglu-
teal, intercostal, or transhepatic. Although the causes of abscesses in
children differ slightly from those of abscesses in the adult population,
the frequency of successful treatment with percutaneous abscess drain-
age in children is 85%–90%, similar to that in adults. With expertise in
imaging-guided drainage techniques and the ability to adjust to the
special needs of children, interventional radiologists can successfully
drain most abscesses and obviate surgery. Successful adaptation of ab-
scess drainage techniques for pediatric use requires attention to the
specific needs of children with respect to sedation, dedicated resuscita-
tion and monitoring equipment, avoidance of body heat loss, minimi-
zation of radiation doses, and greater involvement of family compared
with that in adult practice.
RSNA, 2004
Index terms: Abdomen, abscess, 70.21, 751.21, 761.21, 77.21, 77.245, 775.21, 78.21
Abscess, percutaneous drainage
Children, infections,
70.21, 80.21
Interventional procedures, in infants and children, 70.1211, 70.12141, 70.12986, 70.12989, 80.1211, 80.12141, 80.12986, 80.12989
Pelvic organs, abscess, 811.211, 87.211, 88.311
RadioGraphics 2004; 24:737–754
Published online 10.1148/rg.243035107
From the Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, 34 Fruit St, White 270, Boston, MA 02115 (D.A.G., S.L.B., M.G.H.,
P.R.M.); and Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital, Boston, Mass (S.D.B., S.A.C.). Recipient of a Certificate of Merit award at the 2002
RSNA scientific assembly. Received April 14, 2003; revision requested July 1; revision received August 4 and accepted August 11. All authors have no
financial relationships to disclose. Address correspondence to D.A.G. (e-mail:
See also the article by Maher et al (pp 717–735) in this issue.
RSNA, 2004
Imaging-guided percutaneous drainage of ab-
dominal and pelvic abscesses was initially devel-
oped and used in adults. However, because the
successful treatment of abscesses with percutane-
ous drainage either obviated surgery altogether or
facilitated surgery by providing a clean operative
eld, the technique was soon adapted for use in
the pediatric population (1 4). This article re-
views the indications for and contraindications
against percutaneous abscess drainage, the spe-
cic needs of pediatric patients during the proce-
dure, catheter insertion techniques, use of imag-
ing modalities for guidance, methods of catheter
xation and management, techniques for draining
abscesses in difcult locations, postdrainage im-
aging, common causes of organ-specic ab-
scesses, and reported results of percutaneous ab-
scess drainage in children.
Indications and
Although uid collections have diverse origins,
the purposes of percutaneous intervention in all
such collections may be classied in one or more
of the following three categories: to obtain a uid
sample for diagnosis, to completely drain the uid
from an abscess or symptomatic collection, or to
treat a recurrent collection by instilling a scleros-
ing agent (1). With respect to diagnosis, aspirated
uid can be sent for laboratory analysis to deter-
mine whether it is benign or malignant. Microbio-
logic analysis may reveal an organic cause of in-
fection, but when it does not, a cell count per-
formed on the uid may help conrm the
presence of white blood cells and, thus, infection.
A positive result of aspirate culture may provide
additional guidance with respect to antibiotic
choice, through susceptibility testing of the cul-
ture. In some cases, laboratory analysis of a speci-
men may reveal the cause of the abscess; for ex-
ample, a high creatinine level helps conrm a di-
agnosis of urinoma, and a high bilirubin content
helps conrm a diagnosis of biloma or bile leak.
With respect to treatment, abscesses generally
require a combination of either percutaneous or
surgical drainage and antibiotics for complete
cure, since antibiotics do not reach sufcient con-
centrations within abscess cavities. Exceptions are
very small abscesses of 13 cm in diameter, which
sometimes resolve with antibiotic therapy alone.
In these cases, a period of observation and waiting
may be appropriate. To obtain material for cul-
ture and susceptibility testing, needle aspiration
may be performed. Infection is not the only indi-
cation for drainage. Symptoms such as pain or
pressure from a large noninfected uid collection,
or obstruction of the bowel or ureter, are also in-
dications for drainage. Patients with abscesses
under pressure benet from the immediate de-
compression provided through drainage. Finally,
the percutaneous drainage catheter also may be
used as a conduit for infusing a sclerosing agent
into a recurrent collection.
Contraindications for percutaneous treatment
are relatively few. The main ones are uncorrect-
able coagulopathy, lack of safe percutaneous ac-
cess, and inability of the patient to cooperate. For
practical purposes, the absence of a safe percuta-
neous path is the only factor that prohibits percu-
taneous abscess drainage, since in most instances
coagulopathy can be corrected to allow drainage.
The presence of bowel near the abscess may pre-
clude percutaneous abscess drainage (Fig 1). Ab-
scesses located near or between bowel loops are
not amenable to percutaneous catheter drainage
and may require surgery if the patient experiences
symptoms of peritonitis. However, in the absence
of acute peritonitis, needle aspiration of an inter-
loop abscess can be performed to obtain material
for culture. Transection of the bowel with a small
(19 22 gauge) needle is generally safe. However,
transgression of the colon should be avoided, as
the colonic ora will contaminate the specimen
and may cause infection in the uid collection.
Figure 1. Axial CT image obtained in a 13-year-old
male patient shows an appendiceal abscess (solid ar-
rows) surrounded by bowel (open arrows), a nding
that precluded drainage with a percutaneous approach.
Because the abscess was also located too far cephalad
to allow use of a transrectal approach (compare with
Fig 5), surgery was performed.
738 May-June 2004
RG f Volume 24
Number 3
Other structures through which catheter place-
ment is contraindicated include the large blood
vessels and organs such as the spleen and pan-
creas. Patient cooperation can generally be en-
sured with the assistance of an anesthesiologist,
if need be.
Specific Needs of Children
Physicians, nurses, and technologists in pediatric
hospitals are attuned to the needs of children, but
the interventional radiology team in a general
hospital must remember that children in the in-
terventional radiology suite have specic needs.
These needs include an appropriate level of seda-
tion, dedicated equipment for monitoring and
resuscitation, avoidance of body heat loss, mini-
mization of radiation doses, and greater involve-
ment of parents and family compared with that in
adult practice. Young children require deep seda-
tion or general anesthesia during interventional
procedures. Sedation is a continuum with four
recognized stages: anxiolysis (mild sedation),
moderate sedation (so-called conscious sedation),
deep sedation, and general anesthesia. The induc-
tion of deep sedation requires specic training
and is generally performed either by anesthesiolo-
gists or by nurses or radiologists who have under-
gone that training (57). Competence in the de-
livery of deep sedation includes the ability to re-
store the patient from a condition of general
anesthesia to deep sedation if an unintended tran-
sition to the deeper level takes place. A plan of
sedation is established during the preprocedural
assessment of the patient, and the methods used
for the delivery of sedation must comply with the
hospital policies (6,7). Intraprocedural monitor-
ing and documentation of physiologic parameters
(blood pressure, pulse, and blood oxygen satura-
tion) is necessary, as is intermittent assessment of
airway patency (6,7). The deepest sedation is
needed during the most painful part of the proce-
dure, whereas more moderate sedation may be
used during preparation and while the catheter is
being secured.
Intravenous pentobarbitol (23 mg per kilo-
gram of body weight, titrated to a maximum dose
of 6 mg per kilogram of body weight), midazolam
(0.05 mg per kilogram of body weight, titrated to
a maximum dose of 0.15 mg per kilogram), and
fentanyl citrate (1 mcg, titrated to a maximum
dosage of 3 4 mcg per kilogram of body weight
per 20 minutes) are typically used for deep seda-
tion (57). Recently, intravenous ketamine (2 mg
per kilogram of body weight) has been introduced
as an effective alternative to general anesthesia for
interventional radiologic procedures in selected
pediatric patients, in whom it has been adminis-
tered under the radiologists supervision (8,9).
Atropine sulfate (0.01 mg per kilogram of body
weight) or glycopyrrolate (0.005 mg per kilogram
of body weight) may be administered intrave-
nously as an adjunct to ketamine, to decrease tra-
cheobronchial and salivary secretions that result
from ketamine (9). The use of ketamine may re-
sult in nightmares and hallucinations in adoles-
cent patients and therefore is generally restricted
to younger patients (9). If ketamine is used in
older children, intravenous midazolam may be
added to reduce the frequency of nightmares (8).
If sedation is performed by an anesthesiologist,
intravenous propofol may be used to achieve deep
sedation with rapid onset and rapid recovery.
Certication in either pediatric advanced life sup-
port or a combination of basic life support, airway
education, and sedation education is mandatory
for nurses and physicians who administer deep
sedation in children.
The interventional radiology suite must be
equipped with blood pressure cuffs, oral airways,
endotracheal tubes, face masks, and venous lines
of the various sizes appropriate for use in children
(6). In addition, because childrens bodies have a
higher surface areatovolume ratio and therefore
lose heat more quickly than those of adults, all
body parts that need not be exposed for the pro-
cedure should be covered. The use of heating
lamps, blanket warmers, and warm US gel can
help to limit heat loss. Because children vary in
size, various amounts of radiation will be needed
to obtain images of sufcient quality to guide per-
cutaneous intervention. If computed tomography
(CT) is used to guide abscess drainage, the lowest
possible tube current and scanning time are used.
For uoroscopically guided interventions, the use
of pulsed uoroscopy should be considered if the
means are available. Gonadal shields also should
be used if possible. Standard techniques for de-
creasing the patients overall radiation exposure
for example, minimization of the distance be-
tween the image intensier and the patient, as
well as of the magnication power, collimation,
and number of spot lm images acquiredalso
should be used. The capture of uoroscopic im-
ages with the photograph-and-store option is an
effective strategy for reducing the number of spot
lm images that must be acquired.
RG f Volume 24
Number 3 Gervais et al 739
Catheter Insertion Techniques
There are two methods for introducing a catheter
into an abscess, both of which start with the inser-
tion of a needle into the abscess cavity. Each
method has its proponents, as well as its advan-
tages and disadvantages. Operator preferences are
usually a matter of personal experience.
Trocar Technique
The trocar technique involves a catheter mounted
on a sharp trocar and inserted into the abscess in
tandem with a guiding needle (Fig 2). The accu-
rate placement of the guiding needle is of the ut-
most importance to ensure the safety of this tech-
nique and the accurate positioning and deploy-
ment of the catheter. The needle length should be
chosen so that several centimeters extend outside
the skin while the needle is securely positioned
within the abscess. The external portion of the
needle serves as an accurate guide for catheter
placement. When the guiding needle is in the cor-
rect position, a small incision is made in the skin
alongside the needle, and blunt dissection is per-
formed. The catheter, mounted on the trocar, is
then advanced in perfect parallel with the guiding
needle to a premeasured depth. Even if the shape
of the abscess is affected by respiratory or other
motion, the external portion of the guiding needle
will indicate the appropriate path and angle of
entry into the abscess. Advantages of this tech-
nique include the ability to rapidly deploy the
catheter, which is essential if the temporal win-
dow for sedation is nearing its end. Disadvantages
include the difculty of repositioning a catheter
that has been deployed suboptimally on the rst
Figure 2. Imaging-guided drainage of an appendiceal
abscess with use of the trocar technique in an 11-year-
old male patient. (a c) Axial CT images obtained with
oral and intravenous contrast material show a thick-
walled abscess (arrow in a), a guiding needle placed in
the abscess (arrow in b), and a 10-F drainage catheter
(black arrow in c) deployed parallel to the guiding
needle in the abscess (white arrow in c), which has
been decompressed.
740 May-June 2004 RG f Volume 24
Number 3
Seldinger Technique
The Seldinger technique (Fig 3) involves the in-
sertion of a hollow needle into the abscess cavity
and the placement of a guide wire through the
needle to create a percutaneous path for a drain-
age catheter. After the guide wire is inserted, the
needle is withdrawn and the catheter is placed
over (ie, around) the wire and inserted into the
abscess. The percutaneous deployment of 8 14-F
catheters requires the use of 0.035- or 0.038-inch
wires. The needle puncture can be performed
with a needle system that accommodates these
wires (generally, 18-gauge angiographic needles
or 19-gauge needles sheathed in 5-F catheters) or
with a skinny (21- or 22-gauge) needle that
accommodates a 0.018-inch wire. In the latter
case, a dilator-and-sheath system is used either to
exchange the 0.018-inch wire for a 0.035- or
0.038-inch wire (Fig 3) or to insert a 0.035- or
0.038-inch working wire while the 0.018-inch
wire is left in place as a safety wire. Advantages of
the Seldinger technique include the ability to di-
rect the wire to the precise location desired for
catheter deployment. Precise positioning is espe-
cially necessary in large abscesses, such as those
that occur in the subphrenic region, and in loca-
tions in which access is tightly restricted. Disad-
vantages of the technique include the difculty of
Figure 3. Imaging-guided drainage of an appendiceal abscess
with use of the Seldinger technique in a 12-year-old patient with
Crohn disease. (a) Axial CT image shows a large abscess (solid
arrows) with a thick enhancing wall. At this axial level, the prox-
imity of the bowel (open arrows) precludes an anterior percuta-
neous approach. However, inferior to this level, a small anterior
projection of the abscess was readily accessed with US guidance
(not shown). The bowel directly anterior to the abscess at this
level was inamed, and its appearance is affected by partial-vol-
ume averaging. (b, c) Fluoroscopic spot lm images show the
sheath system (b) used to direct a working wire (arrow) into the
largest and farthest cephalic part of the abscess after placement
of a needle with US guidance, and the dilated catheter (c) de-
ployed over the wire. Part of the catheter is seen in duplex, an
artifact caused by catheter motion during pulsed uoroscopy for
dose reduction.
RG f Volume 24
Number 3 Gervais et al 741
working with wires in conned spaces, and the
multiple steps involved in dilation. In addition,
when dilators and wires are used with CT guid-
ance, any buckling or kinking of the wire can be
problematic. Leakage from small uid collections
around the wire during needle removal and dila-
tions may substantially reduce operating space in
the abscess and make catheter placement more
difcult. Tissue elasticity is typically high in
young children, and the insertion of the dilator or
catheter into the abscess is difcult even in the
best of circumstances; the implement may be de-
ected from the abscess wall and merely displace
the uid collection instead of penetrating it.
Imaging Modalities
The most straightforward imaging guidance mo-
dality for abscess drainage in children is ultra-
sonography (US). US allows real-time observa-
tion of the abscess and the catheter, without ex-
posure of the patient to ionizing radiation. In
large and readily accessible abscesses, deployment
of the catheter by using the trocar technique with
real-time US observation is the simplest and fast-
est way to achieve percutaneous drainage. How-
ever, if US depicts only part of an abscess or if
more precise catheter positioning is required be-
cause of the proximity of adjacent structures, US
must be supplemented with uoroscopy for guid-
ance of catheter deployment. Fluoroscopy is used
to monitor wire manipulations in catheters placed
with the Seldinger technique. Limitations of US
include its inability to depict the entire extent of
an abscess in a deep location such as the pelvis. In
addition, an abscess that is partially obscured by
bowel air can be difcult to localize, and an ab-
scess that contains air may be difcult to see or
impossible to differentiate from bowel at US. CT
is free from these limitations (Fig 4). CT guid-
ance can be performed either with standard incre-
mental acquisition of a few contiguous axial im-
ages in the area of interest or with CT uoroscopy
(10 12).
Catheter Fixa-
tion and Management
Most radiologists use two means of catheter re-
tention: an internal retention mechanism and an
external xation device. For internal retention,
most radiologists use locking pigtail catheters. A
string that courses through the catheter is xed in
place near the hub of the catheter; this pigtail
Figure 4. Imaging-guided drainage of an abscess in a 13-year-old female patient after appendectomy. At US, the
abscess could not be differentiated from the adjacent bowel. (a) Axial CT image shows a large abscess (arrows) that
has a thick enhancing wall and contains air. (b) Axial CT image shows the decompressed abscess after drainage with
the trocar technique and an 8.5-F catheter (arrows).
742 May-June 2004
RG f Volume 24
Number 3
prevents inadvertent catheter withdrawal. The
string is made in such a way that it will break un-
der excessive tension or pressure, thus ensuring
that the catheter will not rupture inside the pa-
tient, although inadvertent catheter removal may
result. Other specially designed external xation
devices have been developed to obviate the need
to suture the catheter to the patients skin. Cath-
eters may be taped or sewn to a device that ad-
heres to skin. This method avoids the skin irrita-
tion caused by sutures, as well as the need for su-
ture removal. For very young children, however,
even the detachment of a simple adhesive device
may be painful, and an adhesive removal solution
may be useful.
The abscess cavity is decompressed at the time
of drainage with direct suction by using a syringe
attached to the catheter. Some operators use a
method analogous to surgical lavage and irrigate
the abscess cavity with 10 15-mL aliquots of
0.9% saline to encourage further drainage of thick
debris. Irrigation of the abscess, however, must be
performed with a lesser volume of uid than that
previously drained from the abscess, to avoid an
increase in intracavitary pressure with resultant
bacteremia and sepsis.
After the catheter is secured in place in the de-
compressed abscess, the catheter should be
ushed every 8 12 hours with 510 mL of saline
solution to clear the tube of any adherent plugs or
encrustations that might cause blockage. The ac-
tive participation of the interventionalist in hospi-
tal rounds will help to ensure that the catheter is
ushed regularly (13). In addition, patient rounds
provide an opportunity to monitor catheter out-
put, assess the clinical course, and observe any
changes in the appearance of the drained uid
(13,14). Active management by the interventional
radiologist can enhance the success of drainage
and minimize catheter-related problems (13).
The catheter position should be assessed to en-
sure that the catheter is not withdrawing from the
abscess, and the access site and dressing should
be carefully examined. Difculty in ushing a
catheter may indicate a clog. If the abscess is in-
completely drained, a clogged catheter will have
to be exchanged for a new catheter. Changes in
the character of the drained uid may be the rst
indication of a stula, and further imaging may
then be indicated. If a stula is suspected and no
sepsis is present, an abscessogram may be ob-
tained via catheter for signs of communication
with structures such as the bowel, pancreatic and
biliary ducts, or genitourinary system. In the pres-
ence of sepsis, this examination is deferred so as
not to exacerbate sepsis. The interventional radi-
ologist also is actively involved in deciding the
time of catheter removal.
Drainage in
Difcult Locations
With an unobstructed percutaneous pathway to
the abscess and clear depiction of the abscess at
US, placement of a catheter is straightforward.
However, abscesses in some locations may pose
special challenges.
It may be difcult to access uid collections
deep in the pelvis, because of anterior bowel,
bladder, and uterus; lateral bones and blood ves-
sels; and posterior bones. In such abscesses, per-
cutaneous access with routine anterior or lateral
approaches is often impossible. If an abscess is
close to the rectum, a transrectal approach may
be used. The transrectal approach (Fig 5) has
proved very successful for draining appendiceal
abscesses located posterior to the bladder (15
17). Dedicated endoluminal US transducers
equipped with specialized hardware may be used
with this approach to guide the needle or catheter
into the appropriate position. In some pediatric
patients, however, the rectal vault may be too
small to allow insertion of the US transducer, or
the patient may not tolerate it. In such patients,
transrectal drainage can still be performed with
US guidance by using an anterior approach, a
routine surface transducer, and bladder disten-
tion to create an acoustic window. The opera-
tor positions the catheter while observing the
real-time US images. Either the trocar or the
Seldinger technique may be used. When consid-
ering use of the transrectal approach, which is not
sterile, the interventionalist should assess the
RG f Volume 24
Number 3 Gervais et al 743
Figure 5. Imaging-guided drainage of an appendiceal abscess with the Seldinger technique and a transrectal ap-
proach in a 12-year-old female patient. (a) US image shows a large pelvic abscess (solid arrows) and the computer-
generated path (open arrows) the needle will follow during its insertion into the abscess with the aid of a guide
mounted on the US transducer. (b) US image shows the sheathed needle (open arrow), which has been inserted into
the abscess (solid arrows). (c) US image shows a guide wire (arrows) positioned in the abscess. (d, e) Fluoroscopic
images (e at a higher magnication than d) show the wire and catheter during placement. (f) Axial CT image ob-
tained 5 days later shows that complete drainage has been achieved.
744 May-June 2004
RG f Volume 24
Number 3
patients overall clinical condition to determine
whether infection is very likely present in the uid
collection; the goal is to avoid inducing infection
in a sterile uid collection. Transrectal catheters,
though their presence may seem awkward at rst,
are well tolerated by most pediatric patients and
permit them to ambulate and use the bathroom as
they normally would.
The transgluteal approach (Fig 6) through the
greater sciatic foramen is an alternative approach
to deep pelvic abscesses (18,19). Initially de-
scribed by Butch et al (18), the transgluteal ap-
proach requires CT guidance and patient posi-
tioning in either the prone or the decubitus posi-
tion. Butch et al cited a higher incidence of pain
(approximately 20% of patients) with this ap-
proach (18), and some therefore recommend that
the approach not be used in children. However,
Gervais et al (19) have shown the transgluteal
approach to be reasonably well tolerated by chil-
dren. The choice of transrectal versus transgluteal
access to a deep pelvic abscess is often deter-
mined by operator preference. The transgluteal
approach has the advantage of allowing percuta-
neous access to abscesses located farther cepha-
lad. In addition, use of the transgluteal approach
is strongly favored in abscesses in which infection
is uncertain, because this approach allows drain-
age while using strict sterile technique.
Figure 6. Imaging-guided drainage of an appendiceal
abscess with use of the tandem trocar technique and a
transgluteal approach in a 6-year-old male patient.
(a) Axial CT image shows an abscess (arrows) deep in
the pelvic cavity, a location in which an anterior percu-
taneous approach is precluded because of proximity to
the bowel. (b) Axial CT image obtained with the pa-
tient prone shows the placement of a guiding needle
(straight arrow) through the greater sciatic foramen and
into the abscess. A medial approach was used to avoid
impingement on the sciatic nerve, which courses
through the lateral aspect of the foramen (curved ar-
row). (c) Axial CT image shows a catheter (arrows)
that has been inserted alongside the needle.
RG f Volume 24
Number 3 Gervais et al 745
Subphrenic Abscesses
Subphrenic abscesses may develop after surgery
or trauma (Fig 7). A left subphrenic abscess, for
example, may occur after splenectomy, and a
right subphrenic abscess may be related to liver
trauma or liver transplantation surgery. When
possible, the abscess is drained with a subcostal
approach. If there is no possible subcostal percu-
taneous path to an abscess, intercostal access may
be necessary (20). Intercostal access is safest with
the most caudal and anterior approach possible,
because the anterior pleural reection is farther
cephalad than the posterior reection. Most pa-
tients who undergo intercostal subphrenic abscess
drainage do not develop pleural complications,
but all patients should be carefully monitored for
such occurrences (20,21). Ideally, subphrenic
abscess drainage should be performed by using
US guidance to position a needle in the most cau-
dal aspect of the uid collection, with the needle
tip pointed cephalad to allow the subsequently
placed wire to migrate cephalad beneath the dia-
phragm. The catheter then should be deployed
with its tip just below the diaphragm.
Epigastric Abscesses
The posterior epigastric region may be difcult to
access with an anterior approach because of the
stomach, with a lateral approach because of the
liver and spleen, and with a posterior approach
because of bone and kidneys. In very young or
small children, a paucity of abdominal fat may
further limit access. In older children with more
abdominal fat, anterior approaches often are used
(Fig 8), but other possible approaches include a
posterior approach lateral or medial to the kid-
neys. CT guidance is extremely valuable for per-
cutaneous drainage of abscesses in this region,
because of the depth of the location and its prox-
imity to vital structures. A transhepatic route may
be used that transgresses the periphery of the liver
(22). More central transgression of the liver should
be avoided because of the large vessels and bile
ducts. The spleen, because of its vascularity, also
is not generally transected to reach another target.
Likewise, the normal pancreas is not typically
transgressed, because of the risk of pancreatitis.
Figure 7. Imaging-guided drainage of an abscess in a 14-year-
old patient with fever after appendectomy at which diffuse peri-
toneal contamination was found. (a) Axial CT image shows a
left subphrenic abscess (arrows) located above the spleen.
(b) Axial CT image at a level inferior to a shows that the abscess
extends lateral to the spleen. The CT ndings did not clearly
indicate whether one or two catheters would be needed for suc-
cessful drainage. A rst catheter was placed and drainage was
performed with an intercostal approach by using US and uoro-
scopic guidance. US images obtained after initial catheter place-
ment showed a persistent uid collection, and a second drainage
procedure therefore was performed at a location slightly inferior
to the rst. (c) Fluoroscopic image shows the two catheters (ar-
rows) used to drain the two loculated abscesses. Drainage was
successful after the placement of the second catheter, and there
were no pleural complications.
746 May-June 2004 RG f Volume 24
Number 3
Postdrainage Imag-
ing: Challenges and Pitfalls
Many pediatric patients need no further imaging
after percutaneous abscess drainage if the clinical
course improves and catheter output declines to
less than 10 to 20 mL daily. This is especially true
in children with appendiceal abscesses. However,
persistent fever, pain, or leukocytosis after percu-
taneous abscess drainage suggests that further
imaging may be needed. CT is most commonly
used to monitor the adequacy of drainage, as well
as the development of new abscesses. If CT im-
ages show that the abscess is completely drained,
a decision to remove the catheter may be made,
depending on the presence or absence of contin-
ued drainage. However, if CT images show in-
complete resolution of the abscess in spite of opti-
mal catheter positioning, then catheter patency
should be reassessed with a 5- to 10-mL saline
ush. If the catheter is patent and well positioned
but the abscess persists, the catheter should be
exchanged for a larger catheter (Fig 9). Locking
Figure 8. Imaging-guided drainage of a pancreatic abscess in a 16-year-old male patient. (a) Axial CT image
shows an abscess (curved arrows) anterior to the pancreas and posterior to the stomach (open arrow), with unopaci-
ed loops of small bowel located laterally (solid straight arrows). (b) Axial CT image shows the placement of a cath-
eter (open arrow) via a percutaneous route (solid arrow).
Figure 9. Imaging-guided drainage of persistent abscess in a 13-year-old female patient after appendectomy (same
patient as in Fig 4). Despite diminished catheter output and initial improvement in the patients condition after initial
percutaneous drainage, a low-grade fever persisted at 10 days. (a) Axial CT image shows a persistent uid collection
(arrows) around the catheter, a nding that indicates an extension of the abscess into the psoas muscle. (b) Fluoro-
scopic image shows a uid collection (arrows) with a complex shape; despite the near-optimal position of the catheter
in the abscess, drainage was incomplete. The 8-F catheter was exchanged for a 12-F catheter, and, after 5 more days
of drainage, the abscess and clinical symptoms resolved.
RG f Volume 24
Number 3 Gervais et al 747
pigtail catheters as large as 14 F are available. In
general, the smallest catheter that should be
placed initially is 8 or 10 F, since pus is viscous
and will not drain effectively otherwise.
Adjuvant thrombolytic therapy may be used to
break down brin and facilitate drainage (23).
Streptokinase in a dose of 120,000 units and tis-
sue plasminogen activator in a dose of 2 to 10 mg
may be administered in normal saline solution.
Although there is little reported experience with
intracavitary tissue plasminogen activator, abun-
dant anecdotal evidence that accumulated when
urokinase was commercially unavailable, from
1998 to 2002, supports its use. Doses of tissue
plasminogen activator have not yet been stan-
dardized and vary among institutions. The vol-
ume of normal saline used may be as much as 50
mL, but it must be adjusted according to the size
of the abscess and the volume of uid drained. A
200- to 300-mL abscess in an older child will ac-
commodate a 50-mL instillation, but a 30-mL
abscess in a younger child will not. The volume
instilled should be less than the volume of abscess
contents already removed, so as not to place the
abscess contents under excessive pressure and
risk sepsis. The thrombolytic agent is left inside
the abscess for 20 to 30 minutes and is then al-
lowed to drain. Treatment twice daily for 3 days
is generally effective. CT after a 3-day course may
be used to evaluate the effectiveness of thrombo-
lytic therapy and to guide further management.
In some patients with persistent or recurrent
symptoms, CT may show that the catheter has
been displaced and is either no longer in the ab-
scess or remains in the abscess but in a position
suboptimal for drainage. In these situations, the
catheter must be repositioned. CT also may de-
pict new and completely separate uid collections
that must be drained before the patients clinical
condition will improve.
In some patients, a stula may be suspected.
The presence of a stula may be indicated by the
underlying disease process or the character of the
drained uid. Conditions such as Crohn disease
or pancreatic duct injuries, which may occur after
surgery in the left upper abdominal quadrant, are
likely to be associated with stulas. In addition,
the presence of a stula may be signaled by a
change in the appearance of the drained uid. In
the initial period of drainage, most abscesses yield
purulent uid. However, after 2 or 3 days, most
of the pus will have drained, and if a stula is
present, the uid that follows it will have entered
the abscess cavity via the stula. The drainage
volume may actually increase at this point, and
the appearance and viscosity of the uid will
change as a result of its different origin. Fistulas
can arise in the gastrointestinal tract, the genito-
urinary tract, the biliary system, or the pancreatic
duct. When a stula is suspected, a sinogram may
be useful for diagnosis and localization. If the sus-
pected stula is in the bowel, CT may be per-
formed with oral contrast material to conrm the
diagnosis (Fig 10). Prolonged drainage may allow
a stula to close, but in some cases surgery may
be necessary. In many situations, adjunctive pro-
cedures short of open surgery may facilitate stula
healing. For example, in patients with infected
bilomas from trauma or iatrogenic causes, sphinc-
terotomy with endoscopic biliary stent placement
may be performed to facilitate internal drainage
of bile and minimize bile leakage into the abscess
cavity. Likewise, in patients with urinomas
formed by posttraumatic urine leaks, a ureteral
stent or a percutaneous nephrostomy catheter
may be placed to divert ow away from the uri-
noma and facilitate closure of the stula. In pa-
tients with a high-output enteral stula, prolonged
parenteral nutrition and exclusion of oral nutri-
tion may be necessary. Abscess recurrence after
748 May-June 2004 RG f Volume 24
Number 3
Figure 10. Unsuccessful drainage of multiple abscesses in a 15-year-old female patient with Crohn disease after
sigmoid colon resection and anastomosis creation. (a, b) Axial CT images obtained to determine the source of post-
operative fever show uid collections (straight arrows in a) just above and posterior to the bladder (curved arrow
in a) and in the paracolic gutters (arrows in b). Because the enhanced peritoneum indicated inammation, the uid
had to be sampled for testing or drained. (ce) Axial CT images show the insertion of a needle (arrows in c), guide
wire (arrows in d), and 10-F catheter (arrows in e) for drainage of the uid near the bladder with the Seldinger tech-
nique. (Fluid in the paracolic gutters was drained with the trocar technique.) Despite triple antibiotic therapy and
drainage of all uid collections, the fever did not resolve. (fh) Axial CT images obtained with instillation of rectal
contrast material show enhancement and distention of the cavities that contain the two most caudal catheters
(straight arrows in f and g), as well as contrast material owing into the peritoneum (curved arrows in g) and extend-
ing cephalad to the subhepatic space (curved arrows in h). Massive anastomotic leak was diagnosed, and the patient
underwent anastomotic revision.
RG f Volume 24
Number 3 Gervais et al 749
successful drainage is rare; it is found in less than
5% of patients (Fig 11). In some patients, re-
peated percutaneous drainage may be successful,
but other patients may eventually require surgery.
In rare cases, drainage failure may result from
misdiagnosis. Many conditions might cause tran-
sient leukocytosis and fever, symptoms that could
lead to the misinterpretation of CT ndings as
abscesses. However, minimal uid drainage and
little change in the appearance of the lesion on
images should prompt consideration of other di-
agnoses, such as low-density tumors (Fig 12).
Tumors, it must be remembered, also may be-
come infected, and percutaneous abscess drain-
age is indicated also for treatment of tumor ab-
scesses. In these abscesses, the catheters may have
to remain in place indenitely unless the underly-
ing tumor resolves.
Organ-Specic Ab-
scesses and Their Causes
Peripancreatic uid is a common CT nding in
patients with pancreatitis and does not require
intervention in most cases (24). Pancreatitis in
children is commonly the result of trauma but is
idiopathic in an estimated 30% (25); medications
are another frequent cause of pancreatitis. A stan-
dardized classication system has been developed
for uid collections associated with pancreatitis,
in part to help guide therapy (26). Acute peripan-
creatic uid collections are small, generally have a
triangular shape, and are associated with acute
Figure 11. Recurrent abscess in a 6-year-old female
patient with appendicolith. (a) Axial CT image ob-
tained 1 week after initial transrectal drainage shows
only the catheter (arrow) and no residual uid, a nding
that, with the patients improved clinical status and low
catheter output, led to the removal of the catheter.
(b) Axial CT image at a level more cephalad than a
shows an appendicolith (arrow). (c) Axial CT image,
obtained when the patient returned with fever and pain
2 weeks after catheter removal, shows a recurrent abscess
(arrows) that may be secondary to the appendicolith.
750 May-June 2004 RG f Volume 24
Number 3
pancreatitis (25). In general, acute collections are
not infected. However, if superinfection of a
peripancreatic uid collection is suspected, per-
cutaneous imaging-guided needle aspiration may
be performed to obtain a specimen for culture
(Fig 13). By denition, a pancreatic abscess is any
peripancreatic uid collection that is infected
Figure 12. Drainage failure due to misdiagnosis of a pelvic lesion in a 6-year-old female patient transferred from an
outside hospital for treatment. (a) Axial CT image from the outside hospital shows an apparent pelvic abscess (ar-
rows), in which transrectal drainage was subsequently performed. (b) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image obtained
because of scant drainage 4 days after the procedure shows irregularly enhanced contents and no change in the size of
the apparent abscess, which was subsequently diagnosed as a dysgerminoma.
Figure 13. Fluid collection in a 6-year-old female patient with pancreatitis. (a) Axial CT image shows a peripan-
creatic uid collection (arrows) that extends caudad in the abdomen and pelvis, in a location in which percutaneous
drainage is indicated only for an infected abscess. Because pancreatitis may cause fever, leukocytosis, and peripancre-
atic uid accumulation even without the presence of infection, needle aspiration was performed and Gram stains were
analyzed to determine whether complete drainage was necessary. (b) CT uoroscopic image shows needle placement (ar-
rows) in a retroperitoneal uid collection in the paranephric space. Three other uid collections (not shown) also
were aspirated. Gram stains showed no white blood cells or organisms, and drainage therefore was unnecessary.
RG f Volume 24
Number 3 Gervais et al 751
(26). In infected uid collections, percutaneous
drainage is indicated (Fig 14). Alternatively, the
abscess may be surgically drained. A pancreatic
pseudocyst requires 4 to 6 weeks to form, and
most resolve spontaneously (27). Many are
asymptomatic. Drainage is indicated only if the
patient is symptomatic or demonstrates signs of
bowel or biliary obstruction. Pancreatic necrosis
also may result in collections of material with the
attenuation of uid at CT. This necrotic material,
however, is very viscous and often does not drain
completely via catheter. If the area of necrosis is
not infected, then the recommended treatment is
supportive care. If the area becomes infected,
then surgery is indicated. In some cases, the ne-
crotic tissue liquees and is then amenable to
catheter drainage.
Pyogenic hepatic abscesses are rare (1% inci-
dence) in children, and their origin is usually he-
matogenous. They are most common in children
who are immunocompromised, but they can oc-
cur also after portoenterostomy or umbilical vein
catheterization. Gallbladder disease also may re-
sult in hepatic abscesses. Small abscesses may
respond to antibiotics without drainage, and
drainage is typically reserved for very large ab-
scesses or those that do not respond to antibiotic
therapy alone (28). Entamoeba histolytica is the
most common cause of hepatic abscesses world-
wide. Diagnosis is based on the results of sero-
logic testing, and amoebic abscesses are generally
treated with metronidazole alone, without percu-
taneous or surgical drainage. Percutaneous drain-
age is performed, however, if pyogenic superin-
fection of an amoebic hepatic abscess is suspected
(29). It also may be performed in an abscess that
is under extreme pressure, to prevent rupture and
discharge of the abscess contents into the chest
cavity or peritoneum (29).
Splenic abscesses (Fig 15) are even rarer than
hepatic abscesses. Most are immunosuppression
associated, are very small, and do not require
catheter drainage. Large splenic abscesses, how-
Figure 14. Imaging-guidance drainage of multiple ab-
scesses in a 10-year-old renal transplant patient with pancre-
atitis and bowel stula. (a) Axial CT image shows two cath-
eters placed in partially drained abscesses (arrows). (b) Axial
CT image at a level caudad to a shows a third abscess that
contains oral contrast material (arrows), a nding that signi-
es a bowel leak. (c) Sinogram helps conrm the communica-
tion of the abscess with the bowel and depicts a stula (arrows)
that is probably secondary to bowel wall digestion by pancre-
atic enzymes. Although pancreatic abscesses often communi-
cate with the pancreatic duct, no contrast enhancement of the
duct is evident in this case. The stula healed after prolonged
drainage (2 months), and surgery was avoided.
752 May-June 2004 RG f Volume 24
Number 3
ever, may be treated with drainage (30). Reports
of successful drainage in infected hematomas sub-
sequent to splenic salvage surgery have been pub-
lished, in parallel with the increasingly conserva-
tive management of splenic trauma (31).
Renal abscesses may develop as a complication
of pyelonephritis or nephrolithiasis, or they may
be hematogenous (3234). Superinfection of an
existing renal cyst, however, is rare in children. As
with hepatic and splenic abscesses, small renal
abscesses may respond to antibiotics alone,
whereas larger abscesses require drainage (32,33).
Outcomes of Percutaneous
Abscess Drainage in Children
The American College of Radiology has reported
an 80% success rate for percutaneous abscess
drainage in adults, with success dened as com-
plete drainage with no further procedures re-
quired (1). Although the literature about percuta-
neous drainage in children is more limited, the
available data suggest similar outcomes (25,16,
17,19). Complications occur in less than 5% of
pediatric patients, and major complications occur
in less than 1%. In the English-language litera-
ture, the largest study of abscess drainage in chil-
dren is that by Jamieson et al (17), who reported
59 drainage procedures (34 percutaneous, 25
transrectal) and ve needle aspirations for treat-
ment of appendiceal abscesses in 46 children.
Only four of the 46 (9%) experienced no im-
provement after abscess drainage and intravenous
administration of antibiotics. In reports of percu-
taneous abscess drainage in children, appendicitis
is the most commonly cited cause of abscess (2
Reported complications of percutaneous drain-
age in children are rare. Jamieson et al (17) re-
ported a single colonic stula that healed after
prolonged drainage. Towbin et al (3) reported
two complications among nine drainage proce-
dures; one patient developed sepsis after drain-
age, and another developed a small pleural stula
that resolved without treatment. Stanley et al (2)
reported no complications in 13 pediatric pa-
tients, and vanSonnenberg et al (4) reported one
episode of pulmonary hemorrhage and one case
of pericatheter oozing.
Imaging-guided percutaneous drainage is a safe
and effective treatment for abscesses in children.
Interventional radiologists may use US, uoros-
copy, and CT for guidance of catheter placement
in numerous locations in the abdomen and pelvis.
Physicians, nurses, and technologists in the inter-
ventional suite should be trained to address the
specic needs of pediatric patients. After catheter
placement, the performance of daily hospital
rounds and the judicious use of follow-up imag-
ing will help to optimize patient outcomes. Ex-
change or repositioning of the catheter, or inser-
tion of an additional catheter, as well as adjuvant
thrombolytic therapy, may be needed to achieve
complete drainage.
Figure 15. Splenic abscesses in a 3-year-old female patient. (a) Axial T1-weighted MR image shows a large uid
collection (straight arrows) with a small satellite abscess (curved arrows) anterior to it. (b) Axial T1-weighted MR
image shows the positions of two catheters during drainage. Drained pus was found at laboratory analysis to contain
Bartonella henselae, the organism associated with catscratch disease.
RG f Volume 24
Number 3 Gervais et al 753
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This article meets the criteria for 1.0 credit hour in category 1 of the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award. To obtain
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754 May-June 2004 RG f Volume 24
Number 3
... Image-guided percutaneous abscess drainage (IPAD) is a minimally invasive technique that helps manage infectious complications by removing symptomatic or infected fluid collections. IPAD is the first-line treatment option for abdominal abscesses in pediatric patients in cases with no other concurrent indication for immediate surgery [1,2]. IPAD was first introduced in the late 1970s for adult patients but has since been adapted for children and is now frequently used in pediatrics [2][3][4]. ...
... IPAD is the first-line treatment option for abdominal abscesses in pediatric patients in cases with no other concurrent indication for immediate surgery [1,2]. IPAD was first introduced in the late 1970s for adult patients but has since been adapted for children and is now frequently used in pediatrics [2][3][4]. The most common IPAD indication in children is an appendicular abscess [5]. ...
... In smaller abscesses, diagnostic aspiration of no more than 5 mL of fluid is recommended to avoid collapsing the abscess cavity, thus rendering catheter insertion and end-loop formation difficult [35]. If no aspirate can be drawn despite an optimal needle tip position and up-sizing the needle to an 18 gauge, then performing a biopsy or placing a test drainage catheter are an option [2]. Especially in younger children, diagnostic drainage or puncture and drainage catheter placement should be performed under general anesthesia to reduce the pain burden, preferably in a single session to minimize anesthesia-related complications. ...
Full-text available
Image-guided percutaneous abscess drainage (IPAD) is an effective, minimally invasive technique to manage infected abdominal fluid collections in children. It is the treatment of choice in cases where surgery is not immediately required due to another coexisting indication. The skills and equipment needed for this procedure are widely available. IPAD is typically guided by ultrasound, fluoroscopy, computed tomography, or a combination thereof. Abscesses in hard-to-reach locations can be drained by intercostal, transhepatic, transgluteal, transrectal, or transvaginal approaches. Pediatric IPAD has a success rate of over 80% and a low complication rate.
... Although initially conceived and designed for adults, PIGD has become the standard of care for many conditions in children and a mainstay of pediatric interventional radiology (IR) practice. [1][2][3] As in adults, fluid collections in nearly every organ system or cavity have been successfully treated with this approach. [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] PIGD markedly reduces morbidity and mortality compared with open surgical drainage by offering a definitive minimally invasive therapeutic approach or promoting a more accessible, cleaner, and technically less challenging subsequent surgical procedure. ...
... [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] PIGD markedly reduces morbidity and mortality compared with open surgical drainage by offering a definitive minimally invasive therapeutic approach or promoting a more accessible, cleaner, and technically less challenging subsequent surgical procedure. 1,2,8,9,12 Additionally, pediatric IR interventions have been shown to improve patient comfort, promote rapid recovery, and decrease hospital stay and costs. [4][5][6]9,[11][12][13] While similar principles and techniques apply to both children and adults, several significant differences should be considered. ...
... Drainage could be definitive or adjunctive therapy to facilitate further management. 1,17 As with all interventions, the potential contraindications, complications, and risks, as well as the potential benefits of alternative surgical or medical therapies, should be considered and discussed with the patient's parents or guardians. 1,3,17,19 For example, open surgery may be a better approach for complex abscesses that include multiple loculations or septations, interloop collections, or those associated with an active enteric fistulous communication. ...
While initially conceived and designed for adults, percutaneous image-guided drainage of abdominal pelvic and fluid collections has revolutionized the management of several pediatric pathologies. Interventional radiology procedures markedly reduce morbidity and mortality by offering a definitive minimally invasive approach or allowing a cleaner and less challenging subsequent open approach. These procedures are associated with improved patient comfort and rapid recovery. While similar techniques apply to children and adults, successful adaptation of image-guided interventional techniques in children requires consideration of several critical differences. This review aims to discuss the indications, contraindications, and technical aspects of percutaneous image-guided drainage of abdominal and pelvic fluid collections in children.
... Thereafter, patients would be treated with a combination of antibiotics. If clinical resolution failed after medical therapy, surgical drainage would be performed using either a percutaneous or laparoscopic approach based on the patient's clinical condition (10,11). ...
... Among the remaining 499 patients, 13 children (2.6%) developed an abdominal, postappendectomy abscess as a postoperative complication. Of these 13, there were 4 girls (30.8%) and 9 boys (69.2%) aged between 2 and 17 years (median age,11 years; IQR, [9][10][11][12][13][14] and weighing between 14.1 and 72.3 kilograms (median weight, 31.2; IQR, 27.1-51.1). ...
Full-text available
Background: Appendectomy is the most common surgical emergency that occurs in childhood and is typically performed to treat appendicitis. Nonetheless, postoperative complications remain common and the development of an intra-abdominal abscess is not an uncommon complication. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, patient records of individuals under 18 years of age treated at our Pediatric Surgery Department for acute appendicitis and developed a post-operative abscess were examined. Examined data included demographic information and outcomes with particular attention to time at diagnosis of abscess after surgery, symptoms progression, biomarkers changes, abscess’ size, hospital length of stay, and treatment. Results: Overall, thirteen children developed an abdominal post-appendectomy abscess as post-operative complication. Most patients had large-sized or multiple abscesses. The treatment was primarily performed with antibiotic therapy in the majority of cases, even though four patients required secondary surgical intervention. The success rate of the antibiotic treatment was about 70%, while that of the secondary surgical interventions was 100%. Median length of stay for patients experiencing post-operative complications was 7 days. Conclusions: To improve the treatment of post-appendectomy abscesses in pediatric patients, implementing recent protocols for small and medium-sized abscesses should be considered. In addition, according to our experience, non-operative management can be initially attempted for large abscesses, followed by surgical drainage if no improvement is noted within 24–48 hours.
... Indeed, generally, transection of the small bowel with a small (19 -22 gauge) needle is safe. Contrarily, transection of the colon should be avoided, because of the colonic flora, that in drainage abscess might cause infection of the fluid collection [36]. ...
Full-text available
The aim of the article is to introduce a new term in post-procedural events related to the procedure itself. All the Societies and Councils report these events as complications and they are divided in mild, moderate and severe or immediate and delayed. On the other hand the term error is known as the application of a wrong plan, or strategy to achieve a goal. For the first time, we are trying to introduce the term “consequence”; assuming that the procedure is the only available and the best fit to clinical indication, a consequence should be seen as an expected and unavoidable occurrence of an “adverse event” despite correct technical execution.
... Contrarily, transection of the colon should be avoided, because of the colonic ora, that in drainage abscess might cause infection of the uid collection. [37] Appropriate pre-procedural planning and real-time imaging (i.e. US) can reduce the incidence of perforation. ...
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The aim of the article is to introduce a new term in post-procedural events related to the procedure itself. All the Societies and Councils report these events as complications and they are divided in mild, moderate and severe or immediate and delayed. On the other hand the term error is known as the application of a wrong plan, or strategy to achieve a goal. For the first time, we are trying to introduce the term “consequence”; assuming that the procedure is the only available and the best fit to clinical indication, a consequence should be seen as an expected and unavoidable occurrence of an "adverse event" despite correct technical execution.
... Despite the variety of imaging modalities available for detecting fluid collections, image-guided drainage placement is mostly performed under sonographic or CT guidance. While sonography is often utilized as guidance for fluid collections that are located superficially [5] and is the modality of choice for pediatric interventions [6], CT guidance is used mostly for accessing fluid collections deeper within the thorax, abdomen or pelvis, especially when using a transgluteal approach [3,7,8]. Even though percutaneous abscess drainage (PAD) is performed routinely nowadays, there is no clear recommendation as to whether or not PAD should be flushed with diluted contrast medium (CM) after CT-guided placement to gain additional information about the origin or possible co-factors of the fluid collection. ...
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The aim was to evaluate the additive clinical value of an additional post-procedural control-scan after CT-guided percutaneous abscess drainage (PAD) placement with contrast medium (CM) via the newly placed drain. All CT-guided PADs during a 33-month period were retrospectively analyzed. We analyzed two subgroups, containing patients with and without surgery before intervention. Additionally, radiological records were reevaluated, concerning severe inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) during the intervention. A total of 499 drainages were placed under CT-guidance in 352 patients. A total of 197 drainages were flushed with CM directly after the intervention, and 51 (26%) showed an additional significant finding. An immediate change of therapy was found in 19 cases (9%). The subgroup that underwent surgery (120 CM-drainages; 32 (27%) additional findings; 13 (11%) immediate changes of therapy) showed no statistically significant difference compared to the subgroup without surgery (77 CM-drainages; 19 (25%) additional findings; 5 (6%) immediate changes of therapy). SIRS occurred in 2 of the 197 flushed drainages (1%) after CM application. An additional scan with CM injection via the newly placed drain revealed clinically significant additional information in almost 26% of the drainages reviewed in this study. In 9% of the cases this information led to an immediate change of therapy. Risks for SIRS are low.
... The absence of a safe percutaneous path is the factor that prohibits percutaneous abscess drainage. The presence of bowel or gastrointestinal organ near the abscess may 13 contraindicate percutaneous abscess drainage. Infection after percutaneous drainage is divided into two, namely the time of insertion of the first drainage catheter and the time of repeated drainage catheter placement. ...
Objective: This case report will discuss the experience of using percutaneous drainage as an alternative of open surgery in pararenal abscess therapy. Case(s) Presentation: 61 years old woman complained of left flank pain 6 months before with septic condition. Physical examination revealed tenderness and mass in the left flank region with leukocytosis. Abdominal Computed Tomography (CT) Scan results showed a left lower pole pararenal abscess, severe hydropyonephrosis and ureteropelvic junction stones. Percutaneous abscess drainage and percutaneous nephrostomy was performed with an 18Fr troicart using ultrasound guidance. Discussion: The pus culture showed Escherichia coli bacteria. After three days of operation and intravenous antibiotics, the patient experienced clinical improvement. Outpatient follow-up showed decreased drain production from percutaneous abscess drainage and clear yellow liquid production from percutaneous. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy was performed for the management of stone evacuation. After going through the whole procedure, there is clinical improvement of patient. Conclusion: Percutaneous drainage is an alternative option in the management of perirenal abscesses. Compared to open surgical drainage, the percutaneous technique provides a minimally invasive process, shorter length of stay and more effective costs. This procedure has also shown good clinical improvement in patients. Keywords: Minimal invasive, pararenal abscess, percutaneous drainage.
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Pediatrik Girişimsel Radyolojiye Genel Bakış Çağrı ERDİM Girişimsel İşlemler Öncesi Hasta Değerlendirme Ezel YALTIRIK BİLGİN Girişimsel İşlem Öncesi Görüntüleme Teknikleri Sıla ÖZGÜRGÜN CANKAYA Pediatrik Girişimsel Radyolojide Anestezi Feryal KORKMAZ AKÇAY Baş ve Boyun Vasküler Anatomisi Mehmet TURMAK Baş-Boyun Vasküler Anomalileri Hüseyin Gökhan YAVAŞ Muhammed ALPASLAN Serebral Anjiyografi Teknik ve Uygulamalar Velihan ÇAYHAN Serebral Endovasküler Tedaviler Bige SAYIN Karotis Ve Vertebral Arter Girişimleri Emre ALP Baş Boyun Vasküler Tümörler Ali DABLAN Spinal Vasküler Anatomi ve Varyasyonlar Hamza ÖZER Pediatrik Spinal Endovasküler Girişimler Bige SAYIN Periferik Arteriyel Anatomi Betül AKDAL DÖLEK Pediatrik Anjıiografiye Genel Bakış Husam VEHBİ Pulmoner Vasküler Malformasyonlar Mehtap OKTAY Pulmoner Arter Girişimleri Mehmet CİNGÖZ Torasik Aorta Girişimsel İşlemleri Gökçe KAŞ İbrahim ECE Abdominal Aorta ve Pelvik Arter Girişimleri Erbil ARIK Gürkan DANIŞAN Renal Arter Girişimleri Muhammet Kürşat ŞİMŞEK İsmail DİLEK Üst Ekstremite Arteriyel Girişimleri Hülya ÇETİN TUNÇEZ Alt Ekstremite Arteriyel Girişimleri Ahmet BAYRAK İntravasküler Yabancı Cisim Çıkarılması İsmail DİLEK Muhammet Kürşat ŞİMŞEK Periferik Venöz Anatomi Seçil GÜNDOĞDU Pediyatrik Venografi’ye Genel Bakış Sevgi DEMİRÖZ TAŞOLAR Periferik Vasküler Malformasyonlar Mehmet TURMAK Muhammed TEKİNHATUN Pediatrik Santral Venöz Girişimler Çağrı DAMAR Boyun ve Üst Ekstremite Venöz Girişimleri Merve HOROZ DÖNMEZ Lenfanjiografi ve Duktus Torasikus Embolizasyonu Samet GENEZ Portal ve Hepatik Venöz Girişimler, Konjenital Portosistemik Şant Tanı ve Tedavisi Ahmet BAYRAK Görüntüleme Eşliğinde Perkütan Biyopsiler Emre ALP Plevral Efüzyon ve Ampiyem Tedavisi Betül AKDAL DÖLEK Perkütan Apse ve Sıvı Drenajları Mustafa REŞORLU Fırathan SARIALTIN Perkütan Kist Hidatik Tedavisi Gülsüm Kübra BAHADIR Perkütan Gastrointestinal Girişimler Gülsüm Kübra BAHADIR Perkütan Biliyer Girişimler Mahmut DEMİRCİ Perkütan Üriner Sistem Girişimleri Mustafa YILDIRIM Hakan ARTAŞ Ahmet Kürşad POYRAZ Çocuklarda Perkütan Basit Renal Kist Tedavisi ve Perkütan Nefrolitotomi Gülşah BAYRAM ILIKAN Görüntüleme Eşliğinde Meme Girişimleri Seçil GÜNDOĞDU Pediatrik Kas İskelet Sistemi Girişimsel İşlemleri Kadir Han ALVER Görüntüleme Eşliğinde Tümör Ablasyonu Temel Prensipleri Uğur KESİMAL Retinoblastomda İntraarteriyel Kemoterapi Bedia KESİMAL Uğur KESİMAL
OBJECTIVE. The transgluteal approach to abscess drainage through the greater sciatic foramen has been described in adults, but this route has not been as extensively studied in children. We performed CT-guided transgluteal percutaneous abscess drainage in seven children and assessed the results of drainage and catheter tolerance.CONCLUSION. Transgluteal catheters are well tolerated by children, and the transgluteal route is an effective approach to selected pelvic abscesses in children.
ANESTHESIOLOGISTS possess specific expertise in the pharmacology, physiology, and clinical management of patients receiving sedation and analgesia. For this reason, they are frequently called on to participate in the development of institutional policies and procedures for sedation and analgesia in nonoperating-room settings. To assist in this process, the American Society of Anesthesiologists developed these Guidelines for Sedation and Analgesia by Non-Anesthesiologists. Practice guidelines are systematically developed recommendations that assist practitioners in making decisions about health care. These recommendations may be adopted, modified, exceeded, or rejected according to clinical needs and constraints, and they are subject to periodic revision as warranted by the evolution of medical knowledge, technology, and practice. Practice guidelines are not intended as standards or absolute requirements, and their use cannot guarantee any specific outcome. The practice guidelines enumerated below have been developed using systematic literature summarization techniques. Results of the literature analyses have been supplemented by the opinions of the Task Force members and a panel of more than 60 consultants, drawn from a variety of medical specialties in which sedation and analgesia are commonly provided. In those instances when the literature does not provide conclusive data, there is an explicit statement that the guidelines are based on the opinion of the consultants or the consensus of the Task Force members. A detailed description of the analytic methods is included in appendix 1.
During the past decade new techniques such as computed tomography (CT) and ultrasonography have been reported to have changed the diagnostic investigation and treatment of renal abscess in adults. To evaluate whether similar changes have taken place in the pediatric age group, a retrospective study of all patients seen between 1979 and 1989 was performed. Seven patients, 0.8 to 14 (mean, 9) years old, with renal abscesses in eight kidneys were identified. Ultrasound and computed tomography proved to be the most valuable diagnostic tools, revealing the diagnosis by showing a hypoechoic or hypodense mass. All patients had an initial trial of intensive antibiotic treatment, which led to resolution of the abscesses in two of the eight kidneys. In all other cases the abscesses were additionally drained, which was done surgically in two and by ultrasonography- or CT-guided percutaneous drainage in four patients. Abscess cultures grew Staphylococcus aureus (three), Escherichia coli (one) and Salmonella Group B (one) and were sterile in one case. Drainage was unsuccessful in only one patient, who subsequently underwent nephrectomy for uncontrolled infection of a diffusely damaged kidney. We conclude that the diagnosis of renal abscesses is greatly facilitated by ultrasonography and CT and that most patients can be cured without operation by antibiotics and, if necessary, by additional percutaneous drainage.
A prospective study was performed to evaluate the clinical utility of daily rounds by the radiologist for patients with indwelling catheters in the chest and abdomen, placed during interventional radiologic procedures. The 7-week evaluation included documentation of the number of patients seen, time spent with each per day, number of problems identified, management of these problems, and consultations for new cases generated by interaction with other staff. During the 268 visits to 37 patients, 59 catheter-related problems were identified; 17 (29%) required further intervention in the radiology department, and 42 (71%) were managed at the patient's bedside. Of the patients who were followed up, 22 (59%) had some catheter-related problem identified during their hospital stay. Daily rounds by the radiologist are an essential component of patient care after catheter-related interventional procedures and should be made by those who perform and understand the procedures.
Eight patients with renal abscess were seen in a 15-year period. The patients' ages ranged from 3 to 15 years with a mean of 6.5 years. Included were 7 female children, five of whom were Aboriginal, and 1 male child. Clinical presentation ranged from localized renal symptoms to a generalized septicaemic illness. Ultrasonography proved to be the most useful diagnostic investigation. Surgical management consisted of open surgical drainage in 5 cases with secondary nephrectomy in one. Two recent cases were managed by percutaneous drainage of the abscess together with appropriate antibiotic therapy. One case was successfully managed by antibiotic therapy without surgical or radiological intervention. In 5 cases the infecting organism was penicillinase-producing Staphylococcus aureus and, in 2 cases, Escherichia coli was isolated. It is concluded that the diagnosis of renal abscess should be considered in patients with a febrile septicaemic illness, particularly in Aboriginal female children. Ultrasonography is recommended as the investigation of choice which can also be used to establish percutaneous drainage, thus avoiding surgery.
Three cases of renal abscesses in children are described to illustrate the variable presenting features. An additional 23 pediatric cases, reported over the past ten years, were reviewed for clinical features and therapy. Fever, loin pain, and leukocytosis were common presenting features, but less than half of all abscesses were associated with either an abnormal urinalysis or a positive urine culture. The presenting features were sometimes confused with appendicitis, peritonitis, or a Wilms tumor. An organism was identified in 17 cases--Escherichia coli in 9 children and Staphylococcus aureus in 8 children. The majority of E. coli infections occurred in girls and the majority of S. aureus infections occurred in boys. Reflux was documented in 5 patients, and 2 children had a possible extrarenal source of infection. Antibiotics alone produced a cure in 10 children (38%), but 16 children (62%) required a surgical procedure.
Sixteen children with pancreatic pseudocysts were treated from 1965-1988. Blunt trauma was the etiology of pseudocyst formation in 69 per cent of children with 50 per cent resulting from the abdomen impacting bicycle handlebars. Chronic pancreatitis is an uncommon cause of pseudocyst formation in children. Medical therapy is directed towards reduction of pancreatic stimulation and nutritional support, which are maintained through pseudocyst resolution or maturation. Pseudocysts spontaneously resolved in 25 per cent of patients. Complications occurred in 25 per cent during nonoperative management. Children may safely undergo internal drainage earlier than adults (3-4 weeks vs 6 weeks). Internal drainage by cystoenterostomy was curative in eight patients. Persistent fistula drainage developed for five weeks in one patient who had surgical external pseudocyst drainage. One patient required distal pancreatectomy for a transected pancreatic duct. Spontaneous resolution of psseudocysts while on medical therapy is more frequent in children than in adults, and major complications (abscess formation, hemorrhage, and fistula formation) are usually not encountered. Pseudocyst rupture is the major complication of conservative management. We had no pseudocyst recurrences and 11 of 12 children treated surgically were discharged home within ten days of operation.
Diagnostic and therapeutic interventional radiologic procedures that provide many treatment options in adults are gaining acceptance in pediatric medicine. Diagnostic (69 patients) and therapeutic (31 patients) interventional experiences in 100 children are summarized, and the procedures of choice for various clinical problems are outlined. Procedures include percutaneous biopsy for benign and malignant diseases, transhepatic cholangiography and biliary drainage, genitourinary procedures (nephrostomy, stent placement, balloon dilation), aspiration of fluid for laboratory analysis, therapeutic drainage of abscesses and noninfected fluid collections, and percutaneous gastrostomy and gastroenterostomy. Diagnoses were accurate in 96% of cases, and therapeutic procedures were successful in 84% of patients, usually obviating operation. Complications occurred in six patients (6%); the most severe was hemoptysis causing respiratory distress. There was no procedure-related mortality. Interventional procedures have wide applications in pediatric patients.