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A malaria risk analysis in an irrigated area in Sri Lanka

  • independent consultant

Abstract and Figures

Malaria in Sri Lanka is unstable and epidemic, with large spatial and temporal differences in transmission dynamics. The disease is of great public health significance and identification of underlying risk factors is important in order to use the limited resources in a cost-effective way. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) recently launched a project of GIS-based malaria risk mapping in Sri Lanka, to investigate whether this tool could be used for epidemic forecasting and for the planning of malaria control activities. This paper presents results for the Uda Walawe region in southern Sri Lanka, an irrigated agricultural area where malaria cases were mapped at the smallest administrative level for each month over a 10-year period. Malaria incidence rates were related to land- and water-use patterns, socio-economic features, and data on malaria control interventions in a multivariate analysis. Areas of high malaria risk were characterized by: (i) higher than average rainfall, (ii) greater forest coverage; (iii) slash and burn cultivation as a predominant agricultural activity; (iv) presence of many abandoned irrigation reservoirs; and (v) poor socio-economic status. Irrigated rice cultivation areas had a lower risk of malaria than non-irrigated areas. This difference could be due to socio-economic factors related to irrigation development and/or transmission dynamics related to vector density or species composition. Our findings call for malaria control strategies that are readily adapted to different ecological and epidemiological settings. Malaria risk maps are a convenient tool for discussing targeted and cost-effective interventions with disease control personnel.
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Acta Tropica 89 (2004) 215–225
A malaria risk analysis in an irrigated area in Sri Lanka
Eveline Klinkenberg, Wim van der Hoek, Felix P. Amerasinghe
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), P.O. Box 2075, Colombo, Sri Lanka
is of great public health significance and identification of underlying risk factors is important in order to use the limited resources
in a cost-effective way. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) recently launched a project of GIS-based malaria
risk mapping in Sri Lanka, to investigate whether this tool could be used for epidemic forecasting and for the planning of malaria
controlactivities.This paper presents results forthe Uda Walaweregioninsouthern Sri Lanka, an irrigatedagricultural area where
malaria cases were mapped at the smallest administrative level for each month over a 10-year period. Malaria incidence rates
were related to land- and water-use patterns, socio-economic features, and data on malaria control interventions in a multivariate
analysis. Areas of high malaria risk were characterized by: (i) higher than average rainfall, (ii) greater forest coverage; (iii)
slash and burn cultivation as a predominant agricultural activity; (iv) presence of many abandoned irrigation reservoirs; and (v)
poor socio-economic status. Irrigated rice cultivation areas had a lower risk of malaria than non-irrigated areas. This difference
could be due to socio-economic factors related to irrigation development and/or transmission dynamics related to vector density
or species composition. Our findings call for malaria control strategies that are readily adapted to different ecological and
epidemiological settings. Malaria risk maps are a convenient tool for discussing targeted and cost-effective interventions with
disease control personnel.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Irrigation; Malaria risk map; Sri Lanka; Spatial analysis; Risk factors; GIS
1. Introduction
Traditionally, malaria has been associated with ir-
rigation development and many have emphasized the
necessity to include health and environmental assess-
ments in irrigation development planning to prevent
adverse health effects (Tiffen, 1991; Birley, 1991;
Oomen et al., 1990; Jobin, 1999). Nevertheless, while
Corresponding author. Present address: International Water
Management Institute (IWMI), PMB CT 112 Cantonments, Accra,
Ghana. Tel.: +233-21-784753; fax: +233-21-784752.
E-mail address: (E. Klinkenberg).
health issues are sometimes addressed in the planning
or assessment phase, they are often ignored during fi-
nal design and implementation, usually for economic
reasons (Service, 1997). Rice irrigation in particular
has been associated with breeding of malaria vec-
tors due to the permanently submerged rice fields.
However, although rice irrigation often leads to in-
creased breeding of vectors, epidemiological studies
have shown that this does not necessarily lead to an
increased malaria incidence. For an overview of this
so-called “paddies paradox” we refer to the review
by Ijumba and Lindsay (2001). They conclude that
irrigation can lead to an increase in malaria in areas
0001-706X/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
216 E. Klinkenberg et al. / Acta Tropica 89 (2004) 215–225
of unstable transmission, but not in areas of stable
transmission. In Sri Lanka, malaria is unstable and
rice is the major crop, especially in irrigated areas.
Several studies were done during the large-scale irri-
gation development under the Mahaweli Project in Sri
Lanka and these have shown an association between
irrigation development and malaria (Amerasinghe
and Indrajith, 1994; Ramasamy et al., 1992;
Amerasinghe and Ariyasena, 1990; Amerasinghe
et al., 1991, 1992). While the main vector Anopheles
culicifacies decreased, potential secondary vectors,
like A. annularis (Ramasamy et al., 1992) and A.
subpictus (Amerasinghe et al., 1992) increased. The
major vector of malaria in Sri Lanka, A. culicifacies,
does not breed in rice fields but breeding sites can
be found in irrigation-associated surface water, other
than rice fields. Many irrigation systems in Sri Lanka
are cascade systems originally built in ancient times,
and consist of a series of connected reservoirs (known
as tanks or wewas). These small irrigation tanks can
be sources of malaria vector breeding in Sri Lanka
(Amerasinghe et al., 2001). The studies cited above
clearly show increases in malaria incidence concomi-
tant with irrigation development but do not clarify
the long term impacts of irrigation development on
malaria. This makes it difficult for the agriculture and
malaria control community to take informed decisions
with respect to land use planning and agricultural
With the unstable and epidemic malaria pattern
prevailing in Sri Lanka, it is important to target
scarce resources at the time and place where it is
needed. Several risk factors have been suggested that
could help in defining high- and low-risk areas and
times. A. culicifacies mainly breeds in clear water
pools that have formed in drying riverbeds. There-
fore, rainfall and river flow velocities have an impact
on breeding habitats. Other malaria risk factors that
have been identified in Sri Lanka are, age and gender
(Mendis, 1990; van der Hoek et al., 1998), human
migration (Klinkenberg, 2001), type and location of
housing (Gamage-Mendis et al., 1991; Gunawardena
et al., 1998; Konradsen et al., 2003), and the type
and extent of personal protection measures (van der
Hoek et al., 1998). Although risk factors for malaria
have been identified at micro (i.e., household/village)
scale, there has been no attempt at spatial and tempo-
ral analysis at macro (i.e., regional) level to identify
high-risk areas and factors underlying the malaria
pattern. Such an approach could be a valuable tool to
assist the national Anti-Malaria Campaign (AMC) in
making better use of resources. Therefore, the Interna-
tional Water Management Institute (IWMI) launched
a risk-mapping project to investigate the malaria pat-
tern over time and space, correlate this with potential
risk factors within land use, socio-economic, and
meteorological parameters, and explore whether an
epidemic forecasting system could be developed. The
project started with a study in the Uda Walawe region
located in southern Sri Lanka. This paper presents the
main findings of the study. A more detailed account
of data and results is provided in Klinkenberg et al.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Study area
The study was carried out within six Divisional
Secretary Divisions (DSDs)1in the Uda Walawe re-
gion in southeastern Sri Lanka (Fig. 1). The land area
covered by the six selected DSDs was 1820km with
a population of about 375,000. Each of these DSDs
is subdivided into so-called Grama Niladhari Divi-
sions (GND), which are the smallest administrative
units in Sri Lanka. The GND sub division is based
on population numbers and a GND typically consists
of two to three villages, with larger towns consist-
ing of several GNDs. The six DSDs together have
196 GNDs.
The region is situated in the dry climatic zone
(Fig. 1), characterized by nearly constant year-round
temperatures (26–28C) and less than 2000 mm of
annual rainfall. There is a north-south rainfall gra-
dient, with annual rainfall around the northern Uda
Walawe reservoir of 1500mm decreasing to 1000 mm
in the southern coastal areas (SL/JICA, 1993). About
70% of the rainfall is received in the Maha agricul-
tural season (October–April), mainly related to the
northeast monsoon, and about 30% in the Yala agri-
cultural season (May–September). A major irrigation
scheme, the Uda Walawe Irrigation and Extension
1A DSD is a subdivision of an administrative District, which
in turn is a subdivision of a Province.
E. Klinkenberg et al. / Acta Tropica 89 (2004) 215–225 217
Fig. 1. Study area and the three climatic zones of Sri Lanka. Note: Int. is intermediate zone.
Project (Fig. 1), was developed in the Walawe River
basin from 1967 onwards (SAPI, 2000). In 1993, the
Right Bank command area was about 12,000ha of
mainly irrigated paddy, but the cultivation of banana
and other field crops such as vegetables and pulses
has expanded within this area over the past decade.
The left bank command area was about 5000ha, di-
vided into 2000ha of sugar cane around Sevenegala
(Fig. 1) and 3000ha of paddy. The Uda Walawe irri-
gation system presently has several reservoirs (tanks
or wewas) that are interconnected. The main reservoir
is the Uda Walawe tank with a capacity of 268 mil-
lion cubic meters. The irrigated area is fed through
two main canals on the left and right banks of the
Walawe Ganga (river). These canals flow through
several smaller tanks that contribute to the project’s
overall water resources (SAPI, 2000). Currently, ir-
rigation development is about to start in the lower
part of the left bank extension area (Fig. 1). Many
small tanks with command areas ranging from 10 to
70ha are located in this extension area; some of them
will be upgraded and the area will be developed as
a small tank cascade system, in contrast to the al-
ready developed area which is based on a few large
In addition to irrigated agriculture, people have
home gardens planted with coconut palms and other
fruit trees. Outside of the Uda Walawe irrigation
scheme, the main activities are chena (slash and burn)
cultivation, mainly in the northeastern part of the area
(Thanamalvilla DSD, see Fig. 1) and in the areas bor-
dering the irrigation scheme. Within Thanamalvilla
division there are also several remote, difficult to ac-
cess areas where illegal Ganja (cannabis) cultivation
takes place. The northern part of the Embilipitiya
division is more mountainous with small tea plan-
tations but also small rice paddies in the valleys.
In the Sooriyawewa and Embilipitya DSDs at some
places gem mining takes place and the gem pits are
abandoned after use.
218 E. Klinkenberg et al. / Acta Tropica 89 (2004) 215–225
2.2. Data collection and processing
The GND level was used for data analysis follow-
ing Abeysekera et al. (1997) who argued that this is
the most appropriate level to use for malaria data anal-
ysis in Sri Lanka, and all data were transformed to
the GND level with the aid of a GIS system. Depend-
ing on the level at which the data were available for a
particular variable, this was done by either aggregat-
ing village-level data to GND level or disaggregating
higher level data by overlaying GND boundaries. For
a detailed description of the GIS procedures, data col-
lection and data processing considerations we refer to
Klinkenberg et al. (2003).
Malaria case data were collected from the records
of all 14 government health facilities located in the
study area. The records contain the place of residence
of patients and, therefore, each new malaria case could
be assigned to a particular GND. The number of new
cases and the population figure was then used to calcu-
late malaria incidence (number of cases per 1000 pop-
ulation) for each GND. All the case data collected refer
to laboratory confirmed cases of malaria. In Sri Lanka,
in contrast to Africa and much of Asia, the hospital
recorded cases are considered a good representation of
the actual malaria incidence as people in general pre-
fer Western-type diagnosis and treatment for malaria
(Konradsen et al., 1997, 2000a,b). Malaria data from
private clinics were not available, as private clinics do
not systematically record the data, and could there-
fore not be included. Data from mobile clinics2were
included when available. Basic geographic features
(e.g. roads and streams) and land and water use pat-
terns for the study area were obtained from 1:50,000
scale maps of the Survey Department of Sri Lanka,
with permission from the Ministry of Defence. As
the main malaria vector in Sri Lanka prefers to breed
in pools in riverbeds and slow moving streams, the
length of natural waterways (hereafter referred to as
streams for convenience) per km2in each GND was in-
cluded as a covariate. Proximity of houses to a river or
stream has been suggested as a risk factor for malaria
(Gunawardena et al., 1998; van der Hoek et al., 2003).
Using GIS techniques a buffer layer was created for
the area within 250m of a stream. The percentage of
2Village-level clinics conducted periodically by the AMC, es-
pecially in the remote areas.
buffer area of the total area of the GND was used as a
covariate representing proximity to streams. A distinc-
tion was made between natural streams and irrigation
canals and these were included as two separate co-
variates. Socio-economic data at GND level consisted
of number of houses, number of families, number of
families receiving food subsidies, number of landless
families, number of families having electricity, and
number of livestock per family, and these were ob-
tained from the Department of Census and Statistics
(1993 data). Data on indoor insecticide spraying ac-
tivities for malaria control in the area were obtained
from the Anti-Malaria Campaign. For the purpose of
our analysis, each GND was categorized as sprayed or
unsprayed because the limited data available did not
allow for a more detailed categorization. Rainfall and
soil moisture data were available on a monthly basis
by GND for the period June 1999 to May 2000 from
a previous IWMI, Meteorological Department of Sri
Lanka project.
Except for the meteorological covariates, all co-
variates were only available on annual basis and
therefore the annual malaria incidence was used as
outcome measure in the data analysis. Annual data
analysis was run for the years 1991–1999. For the
year 2000, data were only available for January till
August, therefore this year was excluded from the
annual analysis. For all covariates except land use,
there were data only for 1 year. We assumed that
the malaria case data were independent between the
years and that the geographic variation in the covari-
ates did not change substantially between the years.
Therefore, the same covariate dataset was related to
each year’s malaria incidence data.
2.3. Statistical analysis
The annual dataset consisted of data for 196 GNDs
during the period 1991–1999. Malaria incidence rates
and incidence rate ratios were calculated for “high”
and “low” values of each covariate. The values of each
covariate measured on a continuous scale were coded
as 1 and 0 with the median value as cut-off point to
represent a high or low value of that covariate. The
median value was used in the absence of a better justi-
fication for placing the cut-off at any other value. The
value 1 was assigned to the category that was expected
to pose the highest risk for malaria. For example,
E. Klinkenberg et al. / Acta Tropica 89 (2004) 215–225 219
GNDs with more than median land area covered by
paddy were assigned the value 1, whereas GNDs with
less than median paddy area were assigned the value
0, based on the expectation that more paddy in a
GND would be associated with a higher malaria risk
in that GND. Confidence intervals for the incidence
rate ratios were calculated after Rothman (1986).On
the same dataset, after categorizing the incidence lev-
els, logistic regression analysis was carried out, with
SPSS software package (version 8.0), to investigate
the association between the outcome variable—the
malaria score—and the categorized covariates at the
GND level. The outcome variable was derived by re-
coding case count data as 1 or 0 based on a cut-off
value of annual parasite incidence (API). Three cut-off
values were investigated to represent low, moderate
and high-risk scenarios. In Sri Lanka, the AMC con-
siders malaria under control if the API is lower than 10
cases per 1000 inhabitants per annum. This value was
adopted for the low-risk scenario. An API of 30 was
utilized as cut-off value for the moderate-risk scenario
and an API of 100 for the high-risk scenario. In the lo-
gistic regression analysis, the malaria score was coded
as 1 for values above the cut-off and 0 for values below.
3. Results
The 10-year (1991–2000) dataset showed that
malaria incidence was consistently higher in the
Thanamalvilla area than in other areas. In Fig. 2,as
an example, the distribution of malaria incidence is
shown for 4 different years. The data showed a slight
overall decrease in malaria incidence over the 10-year
period. In the lower incidence areas the decrease on
average was from 10–50 to <10 cases per 1000 inhab-
itants per year and in the Thanamalvilla area the inci-
dence decreased from more than 500 cases per 1000
inhabitants per year to between 200 and 500 cases per
1000 inhabitants per year. Even at the lower incidence
level, Thanamalvilla would be considered a high-risk
area according to national guidelines of the Anti-
Malaria Campaign, that classify high-risk areas on the
basis of an annual parasite incidence (API) of 100 or
more cases per 1000 population and low risk on the
basis of an API below 10 cases per 1000 population.
Overlaying the malaria data with the land use data
revealed that the high incidence area consisted mainly
of non-irrigated land (compare Figs. 1 and 2), which
was mostly covered by forest and where chena (slash
and burn) cultivation was practiced. Malaria incidence
was much lower in the irrigated rice cultivation areas,
which would largely be classified as low risk (API <
10). Another salient land use feature of the high-risk
area was the presence of so-called “abandoned tanks”.
These are tanks that were formerly part of an ancient
irrigation system but were classified on land use maps
as “abandoned”. However, a field survey in the area
(Klinkenberg, 2001) revealed that these tanks were in
fact often used by local communities for small-scale
agriculture and other water uses.
The visual spatial pattern was confirmed by the
statistical analysis. A higher malaria incidence was
associated with more chena and less paddy cultiva-
tion, higher forest coverage, more families receiving
food subsidies, a larger area covered by abandoned
tanks, and more than median rainfall (Table 1). Fur-
thermore, high incidence was associated with areas
where residual insecticide spraying by the AMC
took place. As pointed out previously only limited
spray data were available (GNDs were categorized as
sprayed or not-sprayed, and details of frequency and
extent of coverage within a GND were not available),
and no conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the
strategy can be drawn from the statistical analysis.
The variables entered in the logistic regression
model explained about 40% of the variation in malaria
incidence at the GND level. Therefore, these vari-
ables were insufficient to build a predictive model, as
a large part of the variation in malaria incidence rates
remained unexplained. Different parameters became
more or less important with the scenario changing
from low to high risk. Average rainfall of >1200mm
and >1% forest coverage were the most important pa-
rameters that were significant at all levels (low, mod-
erate and high) of malaria risk (Table 2). Abandoned
tanks were clearly more important in the high-risk
scenario, as was the percentage of families receiving
food subsidies.
4. Discussion
One of the major concerns in a study of this na-
ture is the quality of the malaria data recorded at
government facilities. There is a high acceptance of
220 E. Klinkenberg et al. / Acta Tropica 89 (2004) 215–225
Fig. 2. Malaria incidence in 4 different years at GN level for the Uda Walawe region, Sri Lanka.
E. Klinkenberg et al. / Acta Tropica 89 (2004) 215–225 221
Fig. 2. (Continued).
222 E. Klinkenberg et al. / Acta Tropica 89 (2004) 215–225
Table 1
Risk factors for malaria in Uda Walawe at the level of the GND with incidence rates (IR), incidence rate ratios (IRRs), and 95% confidence
intervals for the IRR (95% CI)
Risk factors Categories nIR IRR 95% CI
Land use
Area covered by grass, scrubland and barren land <3% 868 16.6 1.00
3% 725 34.6 2.09 (2.07–2.11)
Area covered by forest <1% 1341 14.8 1.00
1% 252 78.1 5.29 (5.23–5.34)
Area covered by paddy 30% 816 36.3 1.00
>30% 777 7.5 0.21 (0.20–0.21)
Area covered by chena <5% 881 9.4 1.00
5% 712 35.9 3.83 (3.80–3.86)
Area covered by abandoned tanks 1% 1332 16.4 1.00
>1% 261 65.0 3.96 (3.92–4.00)
Land area at less than 250m of a natural stream 25% 810 21.3 1.00
>25% 783 27.4 1.29 (1.27–1.30)
Socio-economic status
Average number of livestock per family <1 1035 20.3 1.00
1 558 36.0 1.77 (1.75–1.80)
Families receiving food subsidies 65% 810 15.2 1.00
>65% 783 34.8 2.28 (2.26–2.30)
Families having electricity 5% 774 18.8 1.00
<5% 819 30.6 1.63 (1.61–1.64)
Meteorological data
Annual rainfall 1200mm 783 5.3 1.00
>1200mm 810 36.0 6.76 (6.71–6.81)
Mosquito control
Spraying activities Sprayed 414 52.2 1.00
Not sprayed 1179 10.3 0.20 (0.19–0.20)
n: number of Grama Niladhari Divisions (GNDs) whereby the unit of observation was a GND in a particular year between 1991 and 1999;
IR: malaria incidence per 1000 inhabitants; IRR: incidence rate ratio or relative risk with 1.00 for the reference category.
blood-filming by the population in Sri Lanka and
microscopists are generally available at government
health centers, resulting in about 70% of reported
cases being microscopically confirmed. Diagnosis
and treatment at private health facilities (whose data
are not included in national statistics), and the less
common phenomenon of self-diagnosis and treatment
are sources of underestimation of real incidence. Case
data from health facilities are not corrected for re-
crudescence of P. falciparum or relapse of P. vivax,
and this is a source of overestimation of incidence
(Briet et al., 2003). There are also the limitations of
the data used as covariates, which, apart from land
use (available for more than 1 year) and meteorology
(available monthly for the 10 years), were available
only for 1 year. Thus, statistical analyses had to be
based on assumptions that malaria data were inde-
pendent between years, and that geographic variation
among covariates did not change from year to year.
These limitations could have been contributories to
the overall low reliability of the multivariate analysis
(only 40% of variation explained by the model).
This study showed a consistent pattern of malaria
incidence in the Uda Walawe area over the pe-
riod 1991–2000 with highest risk for malaria in the
non-irrigated areas that had a relatively large propor-
tion of land under forest cover and chena cultivation.
Irrigated rice cultivation areas had a generally low
E. Klinkenberg et al. / Acta Tropica 89 (2004) 215–225 223
Table 2
Results of logistic regression analysis for three different scenarios
Scenario variable Low risk OR (95% CI) Moderate risk OR (95% CI) High risk OR (95% CI)
>1% forest within a GN 1.95 (1.34–2.85) 2.52 (1.62–3.92) 4.15 (2.01–8.54)
<30% paddy in a GN 2.00 (1.26–3.16) 1.64 (0.87–3.13) 2.83 (0.70–11.36)
<30% other crops in a GN 0.65 (0.46–0.90) 0.66 (0.43–1.02) 0.51 (0.24–1.10)
>5% chena in a GN 1.63 (1.12–2.37) 1.91 (1.15–3.21) 1.57 (0.68–3.63)
>1% working tanks in a GN 1.55 (1.16–2.09) 1.97 (1.34–2.89) 2.06 (1.10–3.87)
>1% abandoned tanks in a GN 1.12 (0.74–1.70) 1.90 (1.16–3.12) 4.22 (2.03–8.77)
>25% of a GN within 250m of a natural stream 2.39 (1.76–3.24) 1.76 (1.20–2.58) 1.15 (0.64–2.08)
>15% of a GN within 250m of an irrigation canal 1.34 (0.91–1.98) 1.87 (1.10–3.15) 2.05 (0.74–5.71)
>1 livestock per family 0.66 (0.47–0.92) 0.83 (0.54–1.26) 0.62 (0.32–1.18)
>65% families receiving food subsidies in a GN 0.85 (0.61–1.18) 1.26 (0.83–1.91) 3.46 (1.56–7.66)
Average annual rainfall >1200 mm in a GN 2.08 (1.43–3.02) 5.84 (3.28–10.39) 9.98 (3.09–32.23)
No spraying in a GN 0.19 (0.14–0.27) 0.16 (0.10–0.24) 0.08 (0.03–0.16)
Low-risk scenario API >10 scored 1; moderate-risk scenario API >30 scored 1; high-risk scenario API >100 scored 1; OR: odds ratio:
category coded as 1 relative to category coded as 0. Table after Klinkenberg et al. (2003); only the most important parameters are shown,
for full details we refer to Klinkenberg et al. (2003).
incidence of malaria. Other important risk factors
were the presence of abandoned tanks and a higher
than median rainfall. The population in the areas with
chena cultivation and with many abandoned tanks had
a lower socio-economic status than the population in
the irrigated areas. However, poor socio-economic
status was also an independent risk factor for malaria.
The low malaria risk in irrigated areas is surpris-
ing at first sight. Although the major malaria vector
in Sri Lanka, A. culicifacies, is not a rice field breeder
it could still be expected that conditions within an ir-
rigation system are favorable for vector breeding due
to the presence of an extensive canal network, seep-
age areas of canals, and other permanent water bod-
ies. In contrast with the water rich irrigated areas,
the chena-scrub-forest areas are relatively dry and one
would expect malaria to be confined to the rainy season
but this was clearly not the case (Klinkenberg et al.,
While the data available at present cannot give a
conclusive answer, there are several factors that could
contribute to the low malaria risk in the irrigated ar-
eas and the high malaria risk in the forest/chena cul-
tivation areas. First, it could be that certain land use
types generate different vector species and abundance
in different areas. At the moment, there are no ento-
mological data available that can support this. A land
use feature that showed significant impact in the sta-
tistical analysis of the data was the presence of tanks
that were classified as abandoned by the Survey De-
partment. As stated before, many of these tanks were
used by the local population on an informal basis. A
preliminary larval survey found no breeding of A. culi-
cifacies in these tanks but several possible secondary
vectors, i.e. A. annularis and A. vagus (Klinkenberg,
2001). Further investigations to define the exact role
of these tanks are ongoing.
The practicing of chena cultivation can be a risk
factor because farmers and their families often stay in
temporary huts during the cultivation season. These
are usually in remote areas where no health facili-
ties are present (Gunawardena, 1998). The burning
of chena areas greatly reduces the resting places for
mosquitoes, which pushes them to rest in houses
(Konradsen et al., 2000a). The seasonal migration
of farmers can contribute to transmission if people
get infected in the chena areas and go back to their
hometown (Gunawardena, 1998).
Differences in socio-economic status could also
underlie the observed results. The very high malaria
incidence recorded in Thanamalvilla could partly be
explained by the lower farm income and the high
proportion of people receiving food subsidies in this
area (Klinkenberg et al., 2003). Although we had
no access to data on type of houses in the different
DSDs it can be assumed that in the areas with a lower
socio-economic status the type of housing construc-
tion is poor. Earlier studies in Sri Lanka revealed that
the risk of being infected with malaria was up to 2.5
times greater for people in poorly constructed houses,
224 E. Klinkenberg et al. / Acta Tropica 89 (2004) 215–225
with thatched roofs and mud walls than for people
in better constructed houses (Gamage-Mendis et al.,
1991; Gunawardena et al., 1998; Konradsen et al.,
2000a, 2003). The importance of socio-economic
status in malaria transmission in Sri Lanka was also
stressed by other authors (Pinikahana, 1992; van der
Hoek et al., 1998). The importance of socio-economic
status and housing in determining malaria risk con-
firms, once again, that with the economic develop-
ment of an area the malaria situation and the health
status in general also would improve.
The observed risk factors and differences in malaria
patterns can have important implications for the cur-
rent control strategy. If secondary vectors like A. va-
gus and A. annularis are confirmed to be important
from an epidemiological point of view, then the in-
door residual spraying would not be very effective
because these are outdoor biting and resting species.
At present, there is some circumstantial evidence that
A. vagus may be an epidemiologically important vec-
tor in southern Sri Lanka (Pathinayake, 1997). This
study, therefore, highlights the importance of collect-
ing entomological data on a regular basis to explain
the malaria pattern and thus assist in control.
The analysis of malaria data in the Uda Walawe area
showed a consistent spatial pattern over 10 years of
observation with high risk in non-irrigated areas that
were dominated by forest and slash and burn cultiva-
tion, and a much lower risk in irrigated paddy culti-
vation areas. Additionally, the data showed an over-
all temporal pattern of a small but steady decline in
malaria incidence during the 10 year study period.
Briet et al. (2003) have shown that the island-wide
trend during the 1995–2002 period was an increase in
incidence upto 2000 and a sharp decrease thereafter.
The island-wide increase during 1995–2000 was not
reflected in the Uda Walawe area. At present, it is only
possible to speculate that the decreased incidence at
Uda Walawe may have been due to local vector trans-
mission dynamics, more effective malaria control, or
improved socio-economic condition, or a combination
of all of these.
The authors wish to thank Gayathri Jayasinghe, Lal
Muthuwatta and Dissanayake M. Gunawardena for
their contribution to the study. The assistance in the
field of Ravi Kurunarathne, Indrajith Gamage, Sarath
Lionalratne and Chandini Deepika was indispensable
as through their persistence most villages could be lo-
cated. The maps were digitized by Sarath Gunasinghe
and A.D. Ranjith. Database management and sup-
port services were provided by Mala Ranawake and
Sepali Goonaratne. We appreciate the help with the
different coordinate systems of Mr. Perakum Shanta
of the Survey Department. We further acknowledge
the importance of discussions that were held with Mr.
Jayasinghe, director of the Land Use Policy Planning
Division, Ms. Priyanthi of the Mapping Division,
Ms. Chandra Liyanage, land use officer of Ratnapura
District, Ms. Ruchira Wickremaratne, land use officer
of Hambantota District, and Mr. Dayaratna, land use
officer of Moneragala District.
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... Designing effective control and prevention strategies requires considering human and climate factors, such as rainfall, age, gender, migration, type, and housing location, that may contribute to local malaria transmission (Snow et al., 1997;Thompson et al., 1997). Spatial variability and chronology in malaria transmission require timely identification of significant risk factors to implement targeted control measures (Klinkenberg et al., 2004). In Pakistan, malaria exhibits an unusual distribution. ...
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Background Malaria has been identified as a crucial vector-borne disease around the globe. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of malaria in the district of Bannu and its relationship with climatic conditions such as temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and topography. Methods Secondary data were obtained from the metrological office and government hospitals across the district for 5 years (2013–2017). A Poisson regression model was applied for the statistical analysis. Results and discussion The number of reported cases of malaria was 175,198. The regression analysis showed that temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall had a significant association ( p < 0.05) with malaria incidence. In addition, the topographic variables were significantly associated ( p < 0.05) with malaria incidence in the region. The percent variation in the odds ratio of incidence was 4% for every unit increase in temperature and 2% in humidity. In conclusion, this study indicated that the temperature, humidity, rainfall, and topographic variables were significantly associated with the incidence of malaria. Effective malaria control and interventions integrated with climatic factors must be considered to overcome the disease burden.
... Among those places, the most evident were human settlements nearest to the wetlands, but, additionally, there is a concordance between fragmented landscape pattern, due to an anthropic action, and malaria disease incidence. Previous studies (Keating et al., 2003;Klinkerberg et al., 2004;Delgado 2005;Ramos et al., 2006: Delgado and show that land uses like agriculture and cattle management, in small units with low technical development, favor malaria disease prevalence at most. The image classification done in this study (Fig. 4) allowed discrimination of different habitat types, for mosquito populations in the Paria Peninsula, but field sampling of wet lands indicates that An. aquasalis, the main malaria vector in the region, is present in most water bodies types, such as small and shallow environments, and the delta swamps, as well as in the salty pond near the coastal marine mangrove marshes and in the above mentioned coconut trees plains. ...
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A hybrid classified Landsat 7TM+ image was used to perform a statistical analysis to separate regions with different landscape patterns. Additionally, metrics corresponding to dominance, and contagious and fractal dimensions were calculated and used as indicators to measure the spatial difference of malaria incidence, and furthermore to establish a characteristic spatial pattern of widespread malaria in the Paria Peninsula, Sucre state, Venezuela. Field evidence collected reinforced the hypothesis that recent changes produced on the landscape pattern favors survival rate of mosquitoes (Anopheles aquasalis), the malaria vector in this region. They resulted in an increased probability of effective encounters of an infected mosquito with a human host. Consequently, malaria prevalence increased in the region. Based on this evidence, epidemiological surveillance and control policies should consider these events and take measures to reduce immature population stages of the mosquito vector, thus contributing to maintain the epidemic effect of malaria transmission on human communities at a low level, and reducing the expression of the so called malaria local foci. Similarly, such practices reinforce the idea that a more effective epidemiologic control must result from incorporating the specific ecological features of each locality into the policies design, and hence control effectiveness may be increased in comparison with a generalized control based only on the reduction of adult mosquito populations in a critical malaria focus or by means of a wide indiscriminate use of insecticides. RESUMEN Se utilizó una clasificación híbrida sobre una imagen satelital Landsat 7TM+, para posteriormente realizar un análisis estadístico que separa regiones con diferentes patrones del paisaje, Adicionalmente, se calcularon las métricas de Dominancia, Contagiosidad y Dimensión Fractal que fueron utilizadas como indicadores para medir la diferencia espacial de la malaria y mas allá para establecer un patrón espacial característico, asociado a su dispersión en la Península de Paria, estado Sucre, Venezuela. Las evidencias colectadas en el campo refuerzan la hipótesis de que los cambios recientes, inducidos sobre el patrón del paisaje, favorecen la tasa de sobrevivencia del mosquito (Anopheles aquasalis) vector de la malaria en la región. Tales cambios han producido un aumento en la probabilidad de encuentros efectivos de mosquitos infectados con humanos hospederos. Consecuentemente, la prevalencia de la malaria tiende a aumentar en la región. Basados en estas evidencias, deberían tomarse en cuenta estos eventos para la vigilancia epidemiológica y la elaboración de políticas de control específicas, tomando medidas para reducir la sobrevivencia de las formas inmaduras del mosquito vector, contribuyendo así a mantener la enfermedad a niveles bajos no epidémicos, al controlar hasta un nivel muy bajo, el proceso de transmisión de la malaria a las comunidades de humanos y reduciendo así el efecto conocido como foco malárico. Similarmente, tales prácticas refuerzan la idea de que un control epidemiológico más efectivo deberá incorporar elementos derivados de las características ecológicas de cada localidad en el diseño de sus políticas, aumentándose de esa manera la efectividad, en comparación con los controles generalizados, basados solamente en la reducción temporal de las poblaciones de mosquitos adultos, en los focos críticos de malaria o por un uso amplio e indiscriminado de insecticidas.
... Farms in this area are cultivated both during the Maha season (October to February/ September to March) and Yala season (April to August). About 70% of the rainfall is received during the Maha season (wet season), and the remaining 30% occurs during the Yala season (dry season) (Klinkenberg, van der Hoek, & Amerasinghe, 2004). This entire command area is subject to strict water management during the Yala season due to water scarcity. ...
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An understanding of the social entrepreneurial behavior of key stakeholders in Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) is of vital importance to the socioeconomic growth of a country. The term social entrepreneurship or social enterprise is relatively new to Sri Lanka just as it is with many other developing countries. Social entrepreneurs are those who solve social and environmental problems that hinder social inclusion, economic integration, and sustainable development. Though many entrepreneurs are operating across the different agricultural sectors for many years, the exact nature of social entrepreneurial behavior among them is still unknown. As an agricultural economy-based country, PIM policy encompassing many strategies has been implemented in Sri Lanka to eradicate poverty and hunger in society. Therefore, this chapter aims to focus on the socioentrepreneurship of five key stakeholders in PIM and to provide empirical evidence of their activities in the area of the Bata-atha branch canal in the Walawe irrigation scheme, Sri Lanka, where PIM has been implemented. This chapter finds that the establishment of the Bata-atha farm by the Ministry of Agricultural Development and the irrigation management of Bata-atha tail-end branch canal under the organizational efforts of the Agunukolapelessa block office of Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka presents a good example of an innovative and supportive farm management system that contributes to significant improvements in the socioeconomic situation of the vulnerable farming community. Moreover, this chapter shows that the collective action of active farmer organizations and successful sole proprietors in the area constitute social entrepreneurial behavior that contributes to the social transformation. This chapter concludes with a discussion of the implications this has for the irrigated agricultural sector and the need for further research to identify the potential for continued development by fostering the practices of socioentrepreneurship in the country.
Sri Lanka was certified by WHO for having eliminated malaria on 5 September 2016. The elimination of malaria brings to an end one of Sri Lanka's most devastating health burdens. Malaria epidemics and endemic transmission in Sri Lanka had intensified in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as plantation, irrigation and agricultural projects—undertaken by the British colonial administration and then by the independent government—opened up forested areas. Major epidemics occurred every few years. The 1934–35 epidemic killed over 1·5% of the population. Sri Lanka’s malaria elimination efforts had several key elements, including strengthened surveillance, active case investigation, comprehensive case management and health education. The introduction of long-lasting insecticide nets and the technical strategy of replacing single vector-control methods in the 1980s proved to be a critical turning point. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Sri Lanka’s elimination of malaria is that the foundation for this achievement was laid during a protracted armed conflict between the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Above all, these efforts were made possible and could be sustained as a result of strong and enduring political commitment, which ensured robust funding for malaria control even when resources were scarce. The story of malaria elimination in Sri Lanka has the potential to not only inspire other countries of the Region but to serve as a guide for them on optimal strategic and operational pathways they can adopt to banish malaria.
Leprosy was eliminated as a public health problem (EPHP) globally in 2000. Even after two decades over 200 000 cases are detected annually, clustered in certain populations and locations (India and Indonesia accounted together for 67.4%) and of them 9% were children and several with new disabilities. Human impact is amplified by the stigma caused by disabilities. Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) roadmap is prepared aiming at interruption of transmission of NTDs including leprosy and is grounded on the principles of equity, fairness and a commitment to the most vulnerable. Backed by evidence, multidrug therapy (MDT) was introduced in 1980s; the focus shifted from control to elimination. WHA resolution (1991) encouraged countries to expand MDT to reach EPHP. By 2000, registered prevalence reduced by 86% and EPHP was reached globally and after 10 years in SEA Region. EPHP gave wrong impression of eradication among policy makers and health staff which resulted in scaling back efforts in eliminating leprosy. MDT, a game-changer was inadequate to end transmission. Since 2006, the global leprosy strategies envisioned interruption of transmission through early detection, prevention with chemoprophylaxis and ending discrimination. This calls for concerted efforts in research, diagnostics, therapies, prevention, disability care and social support with equal emphasis on biomedical, social and environmental initiatives. Such an integrated approach alone can help us root out leprosy from the region
On 7 June 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) certified that Thailand had eliminated mother-to-child transmission (EMTCT) of HIV and syphilis, becoming the second non-member country (after Cuba) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development to achieve these goals. The HIV epidemic in pregnant women in Thailand started in the 1990s and the national HIV prevalence among pregnant women attending antenatal care (ANC) clinics peaked at 2.3% in 1995. The Thai government launched a nationwide programme to incorporate the provision of AZT as a routine component of ANC care in 2000 which played a key role in EMTCT of HIV and syphilis. Scale-up of the programme was facilitated by a tripling of the national budget for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) and by local generic manufacture of less costly versions of the drug. Thailand has an excellent public health system and most citizens are covered by one of the health insurance schemes—Universal Health Insurance scheme, Social Security scheme, Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme and Private Health Insurance. These were some other factors that supported Thailand in EMTCT, along with the integration of PMTCT into MCH services in 2000. Thailand’s EMTCT exemplifies key attributes that define a results-driven response to HIV, including strong sustained political commitment, using scientific data to guide responses, adapting systems and policies to drive progress and investing in strategic information systems.
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In November 2019 Sri Lanka become the third country in the WHO South-East Asia Region to be validated for elimination of mother-to-child transmission (EMTCT) of HIV and congenital syphilis. The programme for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV was started in 2002. In 2018, the performance of the EMTCT programme met all and even exceeded 95% of the targets for ante-natal care attendance, early testing and treatment for both HIV and syphilis. Prevalence among infants was well below the required target of 2%, including at the national level as well as the lowest-performing districts. Key factors that helped Sri Lanka to achieve elimination include quick updating of evidence-based guidelines, a comprehensive approach to prevent infections among women, strong multisectoral coordination, and adequate financial support. Ultimately, it is strong political commitment and a strong national programme for provision of high-quality health care to all citizens in the country, coupled with a strong primary health care infrastructure. Integration of HIV care into existing STI services in the country and an all-inclusive approach under universal health care have been a strong factor in reaching out to people living with HIV. Keeping HIV prevalence low has been an important factor in preventing HIV infection among women. Sri Lanka’s achievement once again demonstrates the country’s commitment to public health and builds on the strong foundation of primary health care services that it laid several decades ago.
In 2016, India became the first endemic country in the world to have been verified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as having eliminated yaws. Yaws was first reported in India in 1887, more than 125 years ago, from tea gardens in the state of Assam. It spread in central and central-eastern parts of India. However, by the late 1960s it declined dramatically worldwide including in India, where it was confined to 51 districts across 11 states of the country. The establishment of the anti-yaws campaign in 1952 and the launch of a restructured yaws elimination strategy in 1996 were game-changing moments in India’s successful effort to eliminate yaws. The Government of India’s enduring commitment to eliminate yaws had a determinative impact. Even after the disappointing re-emergence of yaws in the 1970s, a national commitment was sustained. Yaws elimination in India was built on a technically sound approach and on robust surveillance that enabled the programme to target high-priority settings and communities and verify the lack of transmission. Locally tailored strategies were undertaken to raise awareness of yaws in marginalized communities. Extensive training enabled medical officers, health workers and community functionaries from diverse departments to promote yaws identification, treatment and health education. Mobilization of financial resources also played a pivotal role in yaws elimination. India’s successful decades-long push to become yaws-free offers important lessons for other endemic countries in the WHO South-East Asia Region, including Indonesia and Timor-Leste. Simpler treatment regimens should encourage other endemic countries that elimination of yaws is feasible.
The World Health Organization on 22 November 2018 felicitated Nepal for eliminating trachoma as a public health problem. Nepal is the first country in the WHO South-East Asia Region to eliminate trachoma as a public health problem. In Nepal, trachoma was the second leading cause of preventable blindness and was endemic in many areas of the country, where prevalence rates were as high as 23% in several districts. In 2002 the National Trachoma Program (NTP) was launched with the goal of eliminating trachoma from Nepal. Later, the NTD integrated programme of RTI/ENVISION also came on board to support the NTP. The country’s success underscores the wisdom of WHO’s SAFE (Surgery for trichiasis, Antibiotics to clear infection, Facial cleanliness and Environmental improvement to limit transmission) strategy for trachoma elimination. The Programme adopted an integrated approach with Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh at the helm of the surgical component, MoHP overseeing mass drug administration (MDA) of antibiotics, and water, sanitation and education partners delivering the “F” and “E” components of SAFE. Nepal has demonstrated that carefully planned strategies, implemented with the involvement of all technical and social stakeholders, can lead to success in eliminating NTDs such as trachoma. The template of trachoma can be applied to the control and elimination of diseases where the underlying determinants are similar. It also points to the pivotal role a strong rural health system can play in addressing NTDs in remote underdeveloped areas inhabited by poor communities.
Communicable diseases such as HIV, TB, malaria and NTDs are among the leading causes of illness, death and impoverishment in the WHO South-East Asia Region. The SDGs state that the goal of ending these diseases has the potential to have an unprecedented impact on human development. In moving towards UHC, the challenge now is to target several pressing communicable diseases while also building sustainable, people-centered health services for all. Despite the many challenges the Region faces, it has made important progress towards eliminating several communicable diseases. In 2014, the Region was certified polio free and in 2016 it was validated to have eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus. Measles and rubella have been eliminated from several countries, and yaws has been eliminated from India. Thailand, the Maldives and Sri Lanka have eliminated maternal and child transmission of HIV and syphilis, and the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand have eliminated lymphatic filariasis. The Maldives and Sri Lanka have eliminated malaria, and Nepal has eliminated trachoma. To advance progress towards the complementary goals of disease elimination and UHC, several areas should be of focus: linking disease elimination efforts with UHC; prioritizing multisectoral engagement; ensuring strong subnational action; ensuring the rapid transmission of information; prioritizing disease surveillance; involving communities and people; maximizing access to global public goods; and recognizing the rights of affected people and communities. The global community has committed to making communicable diseases a thing of the past. Disease elimination and eradication are powerful ideas that can galvanize health systems, donors and governments, while easing the disease burden of the poor and the disadvantaged and reducing health disparities.
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From Introduction: "This working paper contains the proceedings on the workshop 'Malaria Risk Mapping in Sri Lanka: Results from the Uda Walawe Area' that was held on March 29, 2001 at the Hotel Centauria in Embilipitiya. The objective of the Workshop, organized by IWMI's Water, Health, and Environment theme, was to discuss the results of malaria risk mapping work carried out to date in the Uda Walawe area, with the collaboration of staff involved in malaria control work in the area and from the Divisional Secretaries and Land use planning offices."
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"Malaria in Sri Lanka is unstable and epidemic, with large spatial and temporal differences in transmission dynamics. The disease is of great public-health significance and, hence, identification of underlying risk factors is important to target the limited resources for most cost-effective control of the disease. Health-seeking behavior in Sri Lanka is primarily in government-based facilities, with malaria-incidence rates reported in a systematic manner. Recently, the International Water Management Institute launched a project of malaria risk mapping in Sri Lanka to investigate whether this tool could be utilized for epidemic forecasting. We present the first results of the study for the Uda Walawe region in southern Sri Lanka. Data on aggregate malaria-incidence rates, land-and-water -use patterns, socioeconomic features and malaria-control interventions were collected and put into a geographical information system. Malaria cases were mapped at the smallest administrative level, namely the Grama Niladhari Division. Relative risks for different variables were calculated employing multivariate analyses. Areas of high malaria risk were characterized by a) more than average rainfall, b) a large forest coverage, c) chena (slash-and-burn) cultivation, d) the presence of abandoned tanks, and e) a poor socioeconomic status. The risk of malaria in irrigated rice cultivation areas was lower than in other areas. People performing irrigated agriculture generally have higher socioeconomic, nutritional and health indicators, live in better-constructed houses, and use preventative measures more frequently, and these might explain their lower malaria risk. However, ecological idiosyncrasies in malaria vector density or species composition might also account for this difference. Our findings call for malaria-control strategies that are readily adapted to different ecological and epidemiological settings. Malaria risk maps are a convenient tool for discussion with control personnel and for assisting them in targeted and cost-effective interventions."
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"Malaria causes human mortality, morbidity and economic loss, especially in tropical rural communities. The disease is transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes whose larval stages breed in watery habitats such as those found in irrigation systems. Mosquitoes that transmit other diseases, as well as nuisance mosquitoes, may also breed in such habitats. A previous study in 1994 in the Upper Yan Oya watershed in the north-central dry zone of Sri Lanka indicated the high malariogenic potential of a small irrigation reservoir that forms part of a cascade irrigation system in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. The present work followed up on this finding, and investigated mosquito breeding in nine small irrigation reservoirs (known locally as tanks) in the same watershed during 1995 - 1997. The objectives were to determine a) whether important malaria-vector mosquitoes breed in the tanks, b) tank characteristics that may enhance mosquito breeding, and c)rehabilitation and management measures that help reduce mosquito breeding opportunities in the tanks. "The investigation showed that the major Anopheles vector of malaria in Sri Lanka occurred infrequently in the tanks. However, important secondary vectors and others that are involved in malaria transmission did occur frequently. Thus tanks certainly contribute to the malaria risk in Sri Lanka. Additionally, they also generate Aedes and Culex mosquitoes that constitute a biting nuisance. Tanks varied considerably in characteristics such as the extent of the water margin, the vegetation cover of the margin and free water area, the degree of pooling and the extent of seepage. These characteristics could be expected to have impacts on mosquito breeding depending on the preferences of individual species. Not surprisingly, tanks also varied in their attractiveness as breeding habitats for different mosquito species. "All three major tank-related habitats (tank margins, tank-bed pools and seepage pools) provided breeding opportunities for different mosquitoes. Habitat characteristics such as water and light conditions, vegetation, and potential predators of mosquito larvae were determinants of mosquito occurrence. Based on detailed analyses, we provide a simplified schematic that serves as a guide to the species likely to occur in three major habitat types, under different sets of habitat conditions. "Tanks provide opportunities for mosquito breeding as a result of uneven spatial siltation (which creates shallow water pools), the presence of marginal, emergent and floating vegetation (which provides refuges), and seepage across the bund (which creates new breeding habitats). Selective desiltation to remove depressions, seepage proofing of tanks and the management of vegetation would reduce these opportunities. A further issue is the use of the tank bed for activities such as brick building and livestock wallowing during drier periods: these result in the creation of new tank-bed habitats that are exploited by mosquitoes. Thus, both rehabilitation and continuing management are necessary to maintain tanks in a condition in which they pose the minimum risk of generating disease-causing or nuisance mosquitoes that affect the lives and livelihoods of poor rural communities."
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Malaria transmission was studied in a newly irrigated area of the Mahaweli project in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Observations were performed for a three-month period following the northeast monsoon. Parasitemia in the population varied from 20.2% in February to 7% in May, and infection was due to both Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax. Night catches of mosquitoes collected with human bait included a high proportion of Anopheles annularis. Mosquitoes containing sporozoites in the salivary glands were identified by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Anopheles culicifacies, An. annularis, and An. aconitus were all implicated as vectors in the area. The highest entomologic inoculation rate, 0.12 infected bites/hr, was observed with An. annularis and P. vivax in March. We suggest that a change in the ecosystem from dry zone forest to irrigated cultivated land is the cause of the increased prevalence of An. annularis in this area and its emergence as a major vector of malaria.
Early diagnosis and treatment of malaria cases is one of the basic elements of the current global malaria control strategy. In order to provide this service to people in rural areas there is a need for new cost-effective approaches. To ensure that such new approaches are acceptable to the target communities, it is important to know the rationale for people's malaria treatment-seeking behavior. The present study provides insights into the reasons for people's preferences for different types of healthcare facilities and describes variation of these preferences within a rural community in Sri Lanka. The study reports on the experiences with the establishment of a village health facility and its effect on the treatment-seeking behavior of the population. After the introduction of the village treatment center it quickly took over the role of main provider for diagnosis and treatment of malaria from the government facilities. The treatment center did not improve the response time in seeking treatment for young children, but the delay for adults was reduced by 1-2 days. Mothers with small children often preferred the government facilities since they wanted a more qualified opinion than available from the locally recruited staff of the village treatment center. The treatment center significantly reduced the stress and discomfort experienced by the elderly and handicapped segment of the community. The study indicated that the effective catchment area of a village treatment center will be influenced by the degree of initial support from key individuals in the communities, the selection procedure and training of assistants, and the history of the relationships between different villages to be served by the center. The government health services and communities across the dry zone of Sri Lanka could benefit substantially from the establishment of more village treatment centers. To ensure the long-term sustainability of these type of facilities it is necessary to assess the feasibility of charging a user fee and establishing multi-purpose clinics. Government policies and administrative procedures will need to be adjusted to make the successful operation of village treatment centers possible.
Poverty creates preconditions for malaria and ways for its spread, thereby making it difficult to control malaria. Individual perceptions of illness, in this case malaria, determine people's response to seeking medical care. For example, in Orissa state, India, tribal peoples do not take treatment for malaria or take part in parasite control because they do not consider mosquito bites to be harmful and consider malaria as a mild disease. Untreated people are potential sources of malaria infection. Research from rural areas in other developing countries show the widespread belief that mosquitoes do not transmit malaria. The bad smell emitted by insecticides keep people from various areas in developing countries from spraying their households. The practice forbidding nonkin males from entering houses where only women assemble (purdah) prevents teams from spraying Muslim households in Sri Lanka. Thus, refusal to allow spraying increases the density of mosquitoes, resulting in an increased frequency of mosquito bites, and spread of malaria. Sleeping habits which contribute to the spread of malaria include not using mosquito nets or any protective device, outdoor sleeping, and children sharing a bed. People should protect themselves from mosquito bites by using bed nets, protective repellents, and screening and site selection for dwellings. A study in the Gambia revealed that, among 3 ethnic groups, Mandinkas children had the lowest prevalence rate because almost everyone used bed nets while 1-6% of people in Fula and Wolof villages did. Further, Mandinka children slept on mattresses and the other children slept on the floor. Research needs to examine whether cultural beliefs and values or poverty prevent some people from not using bed nets or any other protective device.
Indoor resting Anopheles subpictus in a new irrigation scheme in Sri Lanka were investigated during 1989-1990 for malaria infection by dissection and ELISA, and human feeding rates by ELISA analysis of blood meals. Indoor resting abundance was 22.3 females per house per 15-min catch in April-June 1989, 2.2 in November-December 1989, and 7.5 in April-June 1990. ELISA-based malaria infection rates (Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum combined) were 1.4% during April-June and 3.2% during November-December 1989, and 12.5% during April-June 1990. Dissection and ELISA confirmed the presence of oocysts and sporozoites of P. falciparum in 1990. Human blood was detected in 4.3, 0.8, and 5.2% of analyzed meals, respectively, during the three sampling periods. Estimates of the entomological inoculation rate (EIR) ranged from 0.00006 to 0.005 in different samples and vectorial capacity (VC) was 0.0005 for the 1990 sample. Thus, An. subpictus is incriminated as a vector of human malaria in Sri Lanka.