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Vaccination of chickens against H5N1 avian influenza in the face of an outbreak interrupts virus transmission


Abstract and Figures

Vaccination of chickens with a commercially available killed H5N2 vaccine was being evaluated as an additional tool to enhanced biosecurity measures and intensive surveillance for control of highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N1 disease in Hong Kong in 2002. In December 2002 to January 2003, there were outbreaks of H5N1 disease in waterfowl in two recreational parks, wild water birds, several poultry markets and five chicken farms. In addition to quarantine, depopulation of the affected sheds and increased biosecurity, vaccination of the unaffected sheds and surrounding unvaccinated farms was undertaken on three farms. In at least two farms, infection spread to the recently vaccinated sheds with low rates of H5N1 mortality in sheds when the chickens were between 9 and 18 days post-vaccination. However, after 18 days post-vaccination no more deaths from H5N1 avian influenza occurred and intensive monitoring by virus culture on these farms showed no evidence of asymptomatic shedding of the virus. This provides evidence that H5 vaccine can interrupt virus transmission in a field setting.
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Avian Pathology (August 2004) 33(4), 405 /412
Vaccination of chickens against H5N1 avian
influenza in the face of an outbreak interrupts virus
Trevor M. Ellis
, Connie Y. H. C. Leung
, Mary K. W. Chow
, Lucy A.
, William Wong
, Yi Guan
and J. S. Malik Peiris
Tai Lung Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture Fisheries and Conservation Department, Lin Tong Mei, Sheung
Shui, Hong Kong SAR, China,
Department of Microbiology, The University of Hong Kong, SAR, China, and
Livestock Farm Division, Agriculture Fisheries and Conservation Department, Lin Tong Mei, Sheung Shui,
Hong Kong SAR, China
Vaccination of chickens with a commercially available killed H5N2 vaccine was being evaluated as an additional
tool to enhanced biosecurity measures and intensive surveillance for control of highly pathogenic avian influenza
subtype H5N1 disease in Hong Kong in 2002. In December 2002 to January 2003, there were outbreaks of
H5N1 disease in waterfowl in two recreational parks, wild water birds, several poultry markets and five chicken
farms. In addition to quarantine, depopulation of the affected sheds and increased biosecurity, vaccination of the
unaffected sheds and surrounding unvaccinated farms was undertaken on three farms. In at least two farms,
infection spread to the recently vaccinated sheds with low rates of H5N1 mortality in sheds when the chickens
were between 9 and 18 days post-vaccination. However, after 18 days post-vaccination no more deaths from
H5N1 avian influenza occurred and intensive monitoring by virus culture on these farms showed no evidence of
asymptomatic shedding of the virus. This provides evidence that H5 vaccine can interrupt virus transmission in a
field setting.
Outbreaks of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influ-
enza (HPAI) have occurred in Hong Kong in
chickens and other gallinaceous poultry in 1997,
2001, 2002 and 2003 (Sims et al ., 2003; Ellis et al .,
2004a). High mortality rates were seen in gallinac-
eous birds on farms (1997, 2002 and 2003) and/or
in poultry markets (1997, 2001, 2002, 2003) in all
outbreaks and in wild or captive waterfowl (geese,
ducks and swans) in outbreaks in two bird parks
during December 2002 to January 2003. Deaths
also occurred in other wild or captive water birds
(Little Egrets, Egretta garzetta ; Greater Flamingo,
Phoenicopterus ruber; Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea ;
Black-headed Gull, Larus ridibundus ) during these
outbreaks (Ellis et al ., 2004a). Outbreaks of H5N1
HPAI were also detected in five chicken farms in
Hong Kong in late December 2002 and January
2003. These were detected after the outbreaks were
detected in water birds in the two bird parks and
the detection of H5N1 HPAI in the two wild Grey
The 1997, 2001 and early 2002 H5N1 outbreaks
had substantial economic impacts in Hong Kong
due to costs of partial or total depopulation of
poultry, closure of live poultry markets, reductions
in tourism and the costs of a comprehensive H5N1
testing and surveillance system for local and
imported poultry. After the outbreak in 2001, the
poultry farm and market biosecurity measures and
monitoring systems in place since 1998 were
enhanced. Following a detailed epidemiological
study of the February to April 2002 H5N1 HPAI
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: /852 2455 2156. Fax: /852 2461 6412. E-mail:
Received 26 February 2004. Accepted 5 April 2004
ISSN 0307-9457 (print)/ISSN 1465-3338 (online)/04/04405-08 # 2004 Houghton Trust Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/03079450410001724012
406 T. M. Ellis et al.
outbreak, further measures were introduced to
improve farm and market biosecurity. However,
due to the large daily movement of poultry into
retail live poultry markets of Hong Kong from
farms in Hong Kong and elsewhere in southern
China, together with the possibility of H5N1 virus
infections occurring in the wider region, the Hong
Kong SAR Government investigated the use of H5
avian influenza vaccination as an additional control
measure for H5N1 avian influenza.
A field evaluation trial using Nobilis
H5, an inactivated avian influenza Type A H5N2
virus (A/Chicken/Mexico/232-CPA/94) water-in-oil
emulsion vaccine (Intervet International, Boxmeer,
The Netherlands), on chicken farms was com
menced in April 2002 in the district where the last
four farm outbreaks of H5N1 had occurred, and
evaluation continued until March 2003. The eva
luation trial showed that acceptable flock H5
antibody responses were generated by the vaccine
and vaccinated chickens were protected from high-
dose laboratory challenge with H5N1 HPAI viruses
from the February to April 2002 outbreaks (Ellis et
al ., 2004b). In December 2002, the H5N1 out
breaks in waterfowl and wild birds and the detec-
tion of viruses in several retail markets, together
with the encouraging vaccine trial results, led to the
decision to broaden the chicken farm vaccination
area to cover those areas most exposed to wild bird
movements. H5N1 outbreaks occurred in five
unvaccinated chicken farms in late December
2002 and January 2003. Strict quarantine and
movement controls were initiated immediately,
followed on two farms by total depopulation with
ring vaccination of surrounding farms. In three
other affected farms only sheds showing high or
rising mortality rates were depopulated together
with vaccination of unaffected sheds and surround
ing farms. The effect of killed H5N2 vaccination in
the face of these outbreaks was monitored in terms
of protection from disease and ability to interrupt
transmission of H5N1 virus.
Materials and Methods
Outbreak history. The three chicken farms referred to in this report rear
chickens in semi-enclosed sheds in A-frame cage banks, as do most of
the 154 chicken farms in Hong Kong. Farm sizes in Hong Kong vary
between approximately 20 000 and 100 000 chickens and they rear slow-
growing yellow
/brown broiler chickens, which are imported as one-
day-old chickens from Mainland China and are usually marketed at
between 80 and 100 days of age.
Vaccinations on the affected farms were given using a single standard
0.5 ml dose of the Nobilis
Influenza H5 vaccine using the subcuta-
neous route at the base of the neck. Separate farm staff members were
used to vaccinate the different sheds and all staff wore their standard
working uniform. Disinfectant footbaths containing Virkon
located at the entrance of each shed and hand washing facilities were
available and were used by staff. Experienced teams of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) staff were involved in
depopulation of chicken sheds and they wore impervious protective
overalls with built-in hoods, boots, gloves and masks and were not
permitted into other sheds on the farms.
Farm 1. A moderate sized farm (51 000 chickens) in Tai Kong Po (see
farm plan in Figure 1) reported increased mortalities (about 35
chickens) on 6 January 2003, and follow-up inspection by AFCD staff
detected further deaths in three sheds (shed 7 had 107 dead/6000 in 98-
day-old birds, shed 8 had 44 dead/1500 in 65-day-old birds and shed 11
had eight dead/2600 in 77-day-old birds) by that afternoon. Rapid
testing (real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction [RRT
PCR] for H5) detected HPAI H5 virus that evening. Movement control
and strict attention to biosecurity was initiated immediately and the
farm was officially quarantined on 7 January 2003. However, un
resolved issues with compensation resulted in culling of chickens in the
affected sheds being delayed. Vaccination with the killed H5N2 vaccine
was started in the six unaffected sheds on the farm on 7 January 2003.
Mortalities commenced in sheds 3, 6 and 10, which were adjacent to the
three initially affected sheds, on 8 January 2003. Subsequently
mortalities started to rise rapidly in sheds 7, 8 and 11, then in sheds
3, 6 and 10 and by 15 January 2003 in sheds 4 and 5 (Table 1). The 8000
remaining chickens in sheds 7, 8 and 11 were killed on 10 January 2003
and the 12 000 remaining chickens in sheds 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 were killed
on 15 January 2003.
On 16 January 2003 (day 9 post-vaccination) deaths, confirmed as
H5N1 HPAI after postmortem examination, H5 RRT-PCR and virus
culture in chicken embryos, were detected in the remaining large shed
on the farm (shed 2 containing 19 000 chickens). This shed was
physically well isolated from the other sheds on the farm and staffed
by a separate group of workers. Mortalities confirmed as H5-positive
continued at a low level until 25 January (day 18 post-vaccination)
(Table 1). Sequential measurements of haemagglutination inhibition
(HI) test antibody levels to H5 avian influenza were conducted for
chickens from this shed (days 15, 22, 28, 34, 38 and 42 post
vaccination). Cloacal swabs were collected from 60 randomly selected
chickens in this shed for virus culture on days 15, 22 and 28 post
vaccination by AFCD. A larger cross-sectional sampling of chickens in
the shed for virus culture (300 throat and 300 cloacal swabs each time)
was conducted by the Department of Microbiology, University of Hong
Kong on days 28, 33 and 38 post-vaccination.
Farm 2 . A second farm (35 000 chickens) in Tai Kong Po reported
increased mortalities (about 150 chickens in two batches of chickens) in
two adjacent sheds (shed 1 with 46-day-old chickens and shed 3 with 39-
day-old chickens) on 20 January 2003. Rapid testing (postmortem
examination and H5 RRT-PCR) diagnosed H5 HPAI. Movement
controls and strict adherence to biosecurity procedures were instigated
immediately. The farm was placed in quarantine and the 5300 chickens
in those sheds were killed on 21 January 2003. This farm was near the
first outbreak farm at Tai Kong Po and had been included in the ring
vaccination programme around that farm. Shed 3 was vaccinated on 8
January 2003 and Shed 1 on the 14 January 2003. Other sheds were
vaccinated on 9 to 15 January 2003.
The remaining chickens on the farm were checked daily for
mortalities that were investigated to determine the cause of death. On
22 to 23 January 2003 AFCD staff collected 180 chicken cloacal swabs
and 120 fresh faecal droppings the trays under the cages from sheds 2, 4
and 5 for virus culture. On 11 February 2003 60 cloacal swabs were
randomly collected from the market-aged chickens (about 100 days old)
and on 20 February 2003 100 swabs of fresh faecal droppings from the
cage trays were also collected and tested by virus culture from the
market aged birds. Subsequently, the seven batches of market-aged
chickens between February and April 2003 all had 60 cloacal swabs
randomly collected and tested by H5 RRT-PCR and virus culture.
Serum antibody levels were measured by H5 HI tests on 14 birds from
shed 4 at 10 days post-vaccination and 14 birds from shed 2 at 13 days
post-vaccination on 22 January 2003, then 30 birds each from shed 2
and 4 (30 to 33 days post-vaccination) on 11 February 2003.
Farm 3 . A third farm (20 700 chickens) in Shek Kong Tsuen reported
increased mortalities (about 100 chickens of 38 days old) in a single shed
on 20 January 2003. Rapid testing (post-mortem examination and H5
RRT-PCR) detected HPAI H5 virus that day. This farm was in a
separate valley 1.5 km away from the Tai Kong Po farms. The farm was
immediately placed in quarantine and the 5600 chickens in the affected
shed were killed on 21 January 2003. All remaining chickens on the
farm between 8 and 55 days old were vaccinated and ring vaccination
Vaccination interrupts H5N1 virus transmission 407
Figure 1. Location plan of chicken sheds on Farm 1.
was conducted on the nine farms nearby (involving 212 000 chickens)
on 23 January 2003.
The remaining chickens on the farm were checked daily for
mortalities, which were investigated immediately to determine the cause
of death. Blood samples were collected from 14 chickens in all batches
of market age chickens to measure H5 antibody responses. From each
batch of market-aged chickens between February and April 2003, 60
cloacal swabs were randomly collected for H5 RRT-PCR testing and
virus culture.
Laboratory test procedures. Dead birds were subjected to postmortem
examination as described for previous H5N1 outbreak investigations
(Ellis et al ., 2004a). Pooled cloacal and tracheal swabs from each dead
bird were suspended in antibiotic containing viral transport media and
subsequently inoculated into the allantoic cavity of 9-day-old to 11-day-
old specific pathogen free chicken embryos following standard proce
dures (Alexander, 2000). Cloacal swabs, throat swabs and swabs of
faecal droppings from clinically healthy chickens that were collected for
avian influenza virus surveillance in the chicken sheds were similarly
tested. Allantoic fluid from eggs with dead embryos and all eggs at 4
days post-inoculation were tested for presence of haemagglutinins (HA)
of chicken red blood cells, and HA-positive allantoic fluid was routinely
subjected to HI tests using reference antisera (Veterinary Laboratory
Agency, Weybridge, UK and USDA, Ames, IA, USA) to avian
influenza subtypes H5 and H9 and Newcastle disease virus by standard
procedures (Alexander, 2000).
Cloacal and faecal dropping swabs for surveillance testing of chicken
sheds were also tested for presence of the H5 HA gene by the RRT-PCR
test described by Spackman et al . (2002). HA-positive allantoic fluids
from the virus cultures were also tested for the H5 gene by the
RRT-PCR. Any isolated H5 virus was further characterized by
sequencing of virus gene segments at the Department of Microbiology,
University of Hong Kong using procedures described previously (Guan
et al ., 2002).
Antibody levels to H5 avian influenza virus in chicken sera were
tested by the standard HI test procedures described by Alexander
(2000) using avian influenza A/chicken/Hong Kong/97 (H5N1) virus
Affected dead chickens from all three farms had
gross and microscopic pathology changes consis
tent with previous H5N1 HPAI cases in chickens in
Hong Kong. The chickens shown as H5N1 positive
in Tables 1 and 2 gave positive results by H5 RRT
PCR tests on cloacal swabs and H5N1 virus
was isolated by chick embryo allantoic cavity
inoculation. Partial gene sequencing of eight gene
408 T. M. Ellis et al.
Table 1. Record of the number of dead chickens in respective sheds on Farm 1 (Tai Kong Po)
Date Sheds 7, 8, 11 Shed 10 Sheds 3, 6 Sheds 4, 5 Shed 2
Number of chickens (age)
1/2/03 to 7/2/03
10 300 (65 to 98 days old)
7 to 8
5 to 6
11 to 12
8000 (26 days old)
3000 (62 days old)
10 300 (28 days old)
19 000 (62 to 74 days old)
7 (negative)
4 (negative)
2 (negative)
10 (H5-positive)
4 (H5-positive)
4 (H5-positive)
3 (H5-positive)
6 (negative)
8 (H5-positive)
10 (H5-positive)
11 (H5-positive)
12 (H5-positive)
6 (H5-positive)
6 (negative)
4 (negative)
5 (negative)
5 (negative)
4 (negative)
6 (negative)
All 0
A total of 8000 chickens were culled from sheds 7, 8 and 11 on 10 January 2003.
(negative), negative for H5 virus isolation.
A total of 12 000 chickens were culled from sheds 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 on 15 January 2003.
(H5-positive), H5N1 avian influenza virus was isolated from dead chickens.
segments from representative viruses from these
farms showed that all viruses were similar and they
were also similar to H5N1 viruses that had been
detected from the outbreak in waterfowl at one
water bird park and in wild Grey Herons in
December 2002.
Farm 1 investigation. H5N1 infection was detected
in shed 2 on 16 January, 9 days post-vaccination,
and dead chicken continued to be detected until 25
January (day 18 post-vaccination). However, sub
sequently no sick or dead birds were diagnosed as
H5 avian influenza in shed 2 (Table 1). No
subclinical infection with H5N1 virus was detected
by virus culture of random samples of cloacal and
throat swabs from 60 clinically normal chickens
from this shed by AFCD on days 15, 22 and 28
post-vaccination or from cloacal and throat swabs
collected from 300 clinically normal chickens on
days 28, 33 and 37 post-vaccination in the cross-
sectional sampling in this shed by University of
Hong Kong.
The sequential antibody responses to H5 avian
influenza in vaccinated chickens in shed 2 are
indicated in Table 3. By day 22 post-vaccination,
81.7% chickens had H5 antibody titre ]
/16 and the
overall GMT for these birds was 33.9. By this time
there had been no mortalities due to H5 avian
influenza or H5 virus isolations for 4 days.
Farm 2 investigation. The dead bird monitoring in
sheds 2, 4 and 5 showed that a small number of
chickens in each of these sheds died of H5N1 HPAI
(diagnosed by postmortem examination, RRT
PCR and virus culture) on 25 to 26 January 2003,
indicating that these sheds had also been exposed
to H5N1 virus. Two other more isolated sheds of
younger chickens on the farm showed no H5N1
HPAI (Table 2).
By the time the affected chickens were detected
in sheds 2, 4 and 5, these batches were already 13 to
17 days post-vaccination and there was only limited
disease in these sheds over a 2-day period.
Prior to marketing of the first batch of chickens
from this farm, virus culture testing of cloacal
swabs collected from 60 randomly sampled chick
ens and swabs of 100 randomly collected fresh
faecal droppings from the cage trays were shown to
be negative for H5N1 viruses. Subsequently, no
H5N1 virus was detected by H5 RRT-PCR or by
virus culture from 60 randomly sampled cloacal
Vaccination interrupts H5N1 virus transmission 409
Table 2. Record of the number of dead chickens in respective sheds on Farm 2 (Tai Kong Po)
Date Shed 1 Shed 3 Shed 2 Shed 4 Shed 5 Sheds A, B
Number of 2800 2 500 5000 5800 10 200 8700
chickens (age) (46 days old) (39 days old) (95 to 102 days old) (52 to 88 days old) (59 to 81 days old) (16 to 32 days old)
Date vaccinated 14/1/03 8/1/03 9/1/03 12-13/1/03 10-11/1/03 15/1/03
20/1/03 150 (14 H5-positive pools)
0 0
21/1/03 Depopulated 0 0
22/1/03 0 0
23/1/03 0 0
24/1/03 0 0
25/1/03 2 (1 H5
/ve pool) 0
26/1/03 8 (2 H5
/ve pools) 2 ( /ve)
27/1/03 0 5 ( /ve) (1 NDV /ve)
28/1/03 /1/2/03 0 0
2/2/03 0 20 (
/ve) (1 H9 /ve)
3/2/03 0 3 ( /ve)
4/2/03 0 3 (
5/2/03 to 6/2/03 0 0
7/2/03 0 2 ( /ve)
(H5-positive pool), H5N1 avian influenza virus was isolated from pooled cloacal and throat swabs from the dead chickens.
(negative), negative for H5 virus isolation.
NDV, Newcastle disease virus.
H9, avian influenza H9N2 virus.
swabs from the next seven batches of market-aged
chickens from this farm.
H5 HI antibody titre ]
/16 was detected in six of
14 (42.9%) of chickens in shed 4 at 10 days post
vaccination, four of 14 (28.6%) of chickens in shed
2 at 13 days post-vaccination and in all chickens
from both shed 2 and 4 at 30 to 33 days post
vaccination (57 of 60 had H5 HI titre ]
/32 and
three chickens had titre
Farm 3 investigation. No H5N1 HPAI occurred in
other sheds on the farm or in the nearby nine farms
subsequent to this outbreak. H5N1 virus was not
detected by H5 RRT-PCR or by virus culture from
60 randomly sampled cloacal swabs from all
batches of market-aged chickens from this farm
between February and April 2003.
The first batch of vaccinated chickens was
marketed on day 37 post-vaccination, and blood
tests on these chickens showed that all (14/14) had
H5 HI antibody titres ]
One of the concerns in the use of vaccine to control
HPAI in poultry farms is the possibility that while
vaccine may protect from disease, asymptomatic
virus circulation may continue, resulting in spread
of infection to other farms. The monitoring and
surveillance conducted on these three chicken
farms showed that use of this killed H5N2 vaccine
in the face of HPAI H5N1 virus challenge was able
to protect chickens from disease and interrupt virus
transmission. The protective effect of vaccine
became apparent after day 18 post-vaccination.
On farms 1 and 2, clear evidence of H5N1 infection
was demonstrated in sheds of vaccinated chickens,
and subsequently extensive surveillance by clinical
inspection and virus detection tests, both H5 RRT
PCR and virus culture, showed that the virus
transmission had been interrupted. For farm 3,
the rapid depopulation of the affected shed and
strict biosecurity measures applied combined to
minimize the level of challenge to other sheds. No
Table 3. Antibody responses to H5 virus
in vaccinated chickens on Farm 1
Number of days Number of Titre 4 Titre 8 Titre 16 Titre 32 Titre 64 Titre Titre % birds Geometric
post-vaccination (date) chickens 128 256 positive mean titre
15 (22/1/03) 60 28 11 15 4 2 53.3 11.7
22 (29/1/03) 60 11 6 16 15 7 5 81.7 33.9
28 (4/2/03) 60 6 5 49
90 n/a
34 (10/2/03) 60 4 56
93.3 n/a
38 (14/2/03) 14 14
100 n/a
42 (18/2/03) 14 14
100 n/a
Antibody responses were detected by HI tests using A/chicken/Hong Kong/97 (H5N1) antigen.
Tested in a three-dilution test (8, 16, 32) only.
n/a indicates geometric mean titre was not calculated because end-point titres were not available.
410 T. M. Ellis et al.
evidence of clinical disease or H5N1 infection was
demonstrated in the sheds of vaccinated chickens
so it is possible that the other sheds on this farm
may not have received significant exposure to the
H5N1 virus from the initial infected shed.
Vaccines have been used in other countries to
assist in the control of avian influenza. Countries
that have used vaccines for avian influenza control
include Italy (Capua et al. , 2002), the US (Halvor
son, 2002), Mexico (Villarreal & Flores, 1998) and
Pakistan (Naeem, 1998). Mostly vaccination has
been directed against low pathogenic strains of
avian influenza virus but Mexico and Pakistan have
successfully used vaccine against highly pathogenic
H5 or H7 avian influenza viruses. Experimental
studies have shown that commercially available H5
avian influenza vaccines could protect poultry from
1997 Hong Kong strains of H5N1 HPAI virus
(Swayne et al ., 2001).
On Farm 2, avian influenza H9N2 virus was
detected in the sheds containing 16-day-old to 32-
day-old chickens. Recent experimental studies have
suggested that infection with H9N2 virus may
stimulate cell-mediated immune responses that
could cross-protect chickens from intranasal
H5N1 virus challenge that was lethal in uninocu
lated controls (Seo & Webster, 2001). This cross-
protectivity was effective at 15 days after intranasal
inoculation with H9N2 virus given in a low
challenge dose (10 50% lethal chicken doses), but
its effectiveness was diminished by 30 days post
inoculation. Infection of chickens with H9N2 avian
influenza viruses is quite common in chickens in
Hong Kong based on monthly serological surveil
lance conducted by our laboratories on local and
imported chickens between 1999 and 2001. The
H9N2 viruses isolated from chickens in Hong
Kong belong to a lineage of viruses related to A/
Duck/Hong Kong/Y280/97 (H9N2) (Guan et al .,
2000), which generally causes mild or inapparent
infections of the upper respiratory tract in chickens.
On local farms where H9N2 infection has been
monitored, it generally occurs in chickens under 30
days that are reared on litter. By the time they are
moved to the A-frame cages infection is less
common and chickens of multiple ages on affected
farms are H9N2 antibody positive. On farm 2 with
H9N2 infection circulating in the 16-day-old to 32-
day-old birds it would be highly probable that the
older birds (39 to 46 days old) in sheds 1 and 3
would have been exposed to this virus, but this did
not prevent the H5N1 outbreak in these sheds.
During the 2002 H5N1 outbreak on chicken farms
in Hong Kong there appeared to be no correlation
between exposure to H9N2 virus, measured by
serology, and the severity of the outbreak. The
H9N2 AI virus exposure and resulting immunity
had no protective effect against the field challenge
by H5N1 AI virus possibly because of either short-
lived cross-protective cellular immunity or a high
environmental challenge dose of H5N1 AI virus.
Avian influenza vaccination has generally been
used in uninfected flocks in control areas around
but not including infected flocks. From this in
vestigation we are definitely not suggesting that the
use of vaccination to assist in the control of an
avian influenza outbreak could be delayed in the
control area until evidence of spread from infected
farm(s) occurs. Nor do we recommend the use of
partial depopulation plus vaccination on an in
fected farm as a normal practice. In the first Tai
Kong Po farm, five sheds with 22 000 chickens had
to be killed before vaccination had a chance to
work in the final shed, and in the meantime
outbreaks occurred on two nearby farms that
were ring vaccinated at the same time as the initial
farm. Generally, when ring vaccination is used for
avian influenza control, the infected farm and high-
risk contact farms within an epidemiologically
sustainable perimeter (usually several kilometres)
are quarantined, monitored and possibly depopu
lated. Ring vaccination is used outside this zone
where there is a good chance for immunity to
develop to the virus before exposure occurs. The
close proximity of farms and limited land avail
ability makes this approach difficult in Hong Kong.
For the three farms involved in this investigation
the individual circumstances at the time, together
with expanding use of preventative vaccination
throughout Hong Kong, led to an unusual control
strategy involving quarantine, partial depopulation
and vaccination of unaffected sheds and surround
ing farms. As part of this strategy very strict
attention had to be paid to movement control of
birds, people and materials onto and from the farm
and strict biosecurity practices had to be main
tained. This was combined with an intensive
monitoring programme on the vaccinated sheds
and the surrounding farms to rapidly detect any
spread of the infection. This strategy was very
resource intensive and would have been very
difficult to sustain in a more widespread outbreak.
Another factor that should be considered with
vaccinating in the face of an outbreak is the
possibility of selection of variant viruses when the
virus is replicating rapidly in the presence of partial
or incomplete flock immunity. The chance of this
occurring will clearly be lower if virus is introduced
to a fully vaccinated flock that has had time to
develop its immunity. However, concerns expressed
about the risk of enhanced H5N1 virus evolution in
the presence of a vaccinated antibody-positive
chicken population needs to be kept in perspective.
If you do not vaccinate, all exposed chickens have
the potential to become infected with H5N1 viruses
that will replicate to high titres and shed large
quantities of virus in faeces and respiratory secre
tions that will infect further chickens. Each replica-
tion cycle increases the number of mutations and
Vaccination interrupts H5N1 virus transmission 411
the potential for antigenic variation. There are also
many examples of emergence of HPAI avian
influenza viruses from low or medium pathogenic
avian influenza viruses without any influence from
vaccination (Alexander et al ., 2000). Inactivated oil
emulsion avian influenza vaccines have given good
protection despite variation of up to 10.9% in
haemagglutinin-deduced amino acid sequence
(Swayne et al ., 1999, 2000). Avian influenza
vaccination has been most widely practiced in
Mexico, beginning in January 1995, and it con
tinues to be used. Over 1.4 billion doses of
inactivated vaccine and 500 million doses of
fowlpox-AI-H5 recombinant vaccine have been
used and the vaccines are still considered protective
(Villarreal-Chavez & Rivera-Cruz, 2003).
The ultimate goal of any control programme for
avian influenza should be to eradicate HPAI. This
was also the goal in Hong Kong during this
outbreak, and this goal was achieved. With the
presence of these viruses in wild water birds in the
region and the large daily cross-border movement
of poultry the risk of H5N1 virus incursions
infection in Hong Kong is very high. A compre
hensive package of measures including enhanced
biosecurity programmes for farms, wholesale and
retail poultry markets, the use of rest days in
markets to break cycles of infection and a compre
hensive monitoring and surveillance programme
for early detection of any H5 avian influenza virus
incursions have been in place since 2001 and were
enhanced after the February to April 2002 out
break. As stressed by international animal health
authorities (Alexander et al ., 2000), avian influenza
vaccination in Hong Kong is used to complement
the strict biosecurity measures and a comprehen
sive monitoring and surveillance programme al-
ready in place. Comprehensive vaccination of all
chicken farms supplying the local retail markets
was introduced as an additional layer of protection
after a one year long vaccination evaluation trial
(Ellis et al ., 2004b). This investigation showed that
the use of killed H5N2 vaccine on three farms
undergoing H5N1 HPAI outbreaks was able to
protect chickens against disease and also to inter
rupt asymptomatic virus shedding. This is particu-
larly relevant when dealing with viruses such as
H5N1 where the virus also poses a significant risk
to human health.
The authors thank the staff of the Avian Influenza
Serology, Avian Virology, Molecular Biology, His
tology and Bacteriology laboratories at Tai Lung
Veterinary Laboratory, the staff of the Department
of Microbiology, University of Hong Kong and the
field staff of Livestock Farm Division for their
excellent technical support. The studies at The
University of Hong Kong were supported by The
Wellcome Trust Grant 067072/D/02/Z and a Public
Health Research Grant AI95357 from the National
Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
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Translations of the abstract in French, German and Spanish are available on the Avian Pathology website.
... Unvaccinated sentinels were left on each farm to monitor for viral infections with serology and reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. After demonstrated success, vaccination was extended throughout the territory and used in conjunction with other controls to contain an outbreak in 2002/3 (79)(80)(81). In June 2003, a universal vaccination program was implemented for all birds entering the HK live bird market system, which remains in place today. ...
The complexity of influenza A virus (IAV) infections in avian hosts leads to equally complex scenarios for the vaccination of poultry. Vaccination against avian influenza strains can be used to prevent infections from sources with a single strain of IAV. It has been used as a part of outbreak control strategies as well as a way to maintain production for both low and high pathogenicity outbreaks. Unlike other viral pathogens of birds, avian influenza vaccination when used against highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, is tied to international trade and thus is not freely available for use without specific permission.
... Several virus vectors have been tried, viz., fowlpox-, Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-and herpesvirusbased AIV vaccines, which have been licensed in at least one country [37]. Fowlpox virus has been utilized as a vector for highly pathogenic AIV vaccines in research laboratories and in poultry farms in worldwide [38,39]. The fowlpox virus was used to express the HA and NA genes from the A/goose/Guangdong/1/1996 (H5N1) virus as a live vaccine, and its efficacy was proven in both laboratory and field tests [40]. ...
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Avian influenza viruses (AIV) are a continuous cause of concern due to their pandemic potential and devasting effects on poultry, birds, and human health. The low pathogenic avian influenza virus has the potential to evolve into a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, resulting in its rapid spread and significant outbreaks in poultry. Over the years, a wide array of traditional and novel strategies has been implemented to prevent the transmission of AIV in poultry. Mass vaccination is still an economical and effective approach to establish immune protection against clinical virus infection. At present, some AIV vaccines have been licensed for large-scale production and use in the poultry industry; however, other new types of AIV vaccines are currently under research and development. In this review, we assess the recent progress surrounding the various types of AIV vaccines, which are based on the classical and next-generation platforms. Additionally, the delivery systems for nucleic acid vaccines are discussed, since these vaccines have attracted significant attention following their significant role in the fight against COVID-19. We also provide a general introduction to the dendritic targeting strategy, which can be used to enhance the immune efficiency of AIV vaccines. This review may be beneficial for the avian influenza research community, providing ideas for the design and development of new AIV vaccines.
... Correlating antibody titer as measured by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay with protection is inconclusive can even be contradictory [32]. In general, however, HI titers of ≥1:32 against the homologous antigen are interpreted to signal robust clinical resistance but a threshold of >1:8 or 1:16 have been proposed as well [33,34]. Yet, correlating thresholds of HA antigen-specific antibody titers with protection has always been difficult since factors related to species, age, vaccine-type, dynamics of individual titers vs population immunity may interfere with judgement, and choosing the most fitting sample size is tricky [35]: Very often sample size aims at detection at a designed prevalence (e.g., 30 samples from a flock can detect a 10% prevalence with 95% confidence). ...
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Incursion pressure of high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) by secondary spread among poultry holdings and/or from infected migratory wild bird populations increases worldwide. Vaccination as an additional layer of protection of poultry holdings using appropriately matched vaccines aims at reducing clinical sequelae of HPAIV infection, disrupting HPAIV transmission, curtailing economic losses and animal welfare problems and cutting exposure risks of zoonotic HPAIV at the avian-human interface. Products derived from HPAIV-vaccinated poultry should not impose any risk of virus spread or exposure. Vaccination can be carried out with zero-tolerance for infection in vaccinated herds and must then be flanked by appropriate surveillance which requires tailoring at several levels: (i) Controlling appropriate vaccination coverage and adequate population immunity in individual flocks and across vaccinated populations; (ii) assessing HPAI-infection trends in unvaccinated and vaccinated parts of the poultry population to provide early detection of new/re-emerged HPAIV outbreaks; and (iii) proving absence of HPAIV circulation in vaccinated flocks ideally by real time-monitoring. Surveillance strategies, i.e. selecting targets, tools and random sample sizes, must be accommodated to the specific epidemiologic and socio-economic background. Methodological approaches and practical examples from three countries or territories applying AI vaccination under different circumstances are reviewed here.
... It was observed that 50 μg dose of rH5HA1 antigen was able to induce anti-H5HA1 IgG and HI responses after two boosters given at 2 weeks interval. A mean HI titre of ≥4log 2 was maintained in the immunized chickens till 154 days after 2nd booster which is reported to be protective against challenge with H5N1 virus [29]. Induction of antibodies to nucleoprotein in birds challenged with live viruses (Fig. 6B) indicate that the rH5HA1 protein can be adopted in implementing differentiation of infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA) strategy. ...
The global spread of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) in poultry has caused great eco�nomic loss to the poultry farmers and industry with significant pandemic threat. The current study involved production of recombinant HA1 protein of clade H5N1 HPAIV (rH5HA1) in E.coli and evaluation of its protective efficacy in chickens. Purification under denaturing conditions and refolding by dialysis against buffers containing decreasing concentrations of urea was found to preserve the biological activity of the expressed re�combinant protein as assessed by hemagglutination assay, Western blot and ELISA. The Montanide ISA 71 VGA adjuvanted rH5HA1 protein was used for immunization of chickens. Humoral response was maintained at a minimum of 4log2 hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titre till 154 days post 2nd booster. We evaluated the protective efficacy of rH5HA1 protein in immunized chickens by challenging them with homologous ( and heterologous ( clades of H5N1 HPAIV. In both the groups, the HI titre significantly increased (P < 0.05) after challenge and the virus shedding significantly (P < 0.05) reduced between 3rd and 14th day post challenge. The virus shedding ratio in oro-pharyngeal swabs did not differ significantly between both the groups except on 7 days post challenge and during the entire experimental period in cloacal swabs. These results indicate that rH5HA1 was able to induce homologous and cross protective immune response in chickens and could be a potential vaccine candidate used for combating the global spread of H5N1 HPAIV threat. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report immunogenicity and protective efficacy of prokaryotic recombinant H5HA1 protein in chicken.
... In this region, the concern is insufficient vaccine coverage. Only 20-50% of all flocks were vaccinated in China, and only 40-60% in Vietnam (22,27). Though no outbreaks were reported in vaccinated flocks, any H5N1 virus found into these flocks may be disseminated further by vaccinated poultry-like virus shed by asymptomatically infected ducks, which is only protected against severe illness (28). ...
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Background and Aims: Avian Influenza (AI), an acute infectious disease of waterfowl, poultry, animals, and wild birds, is transmitted zoonotically to humans. There are some reports on the HPAI incidents in Iran: H5N8 and H5N1. The Iranian Veterinary Organization decided to vaccinate turkey flocks after the outbreak in high-risk provinces in Iran. The present work aimed to evaluate the vaccine's serum response in turkey flocks in the provinces of high risks. Materials and Methods: From Tehran (no:1), Isfahan (no: 3), Zanjan (no: 1), and Mazandaran (no:1) provinces, six broiler turkey farms were chosen and received the H5 vaccine (two times of vaccination for each farm). From each flock, 15 blood samples were taken. The HI test was conducted using 4 HA units of the homologous antigen and a U-bottomed microtiter plate. Results: The antibody mean titers in the turkey farms previously receiving the vaccine were 1.23. However, they were 5.05 for those receiving the immunization twice (significant difference; p<0.05). Moreover, considering protection baseline 4, all flocks produced higher titer by injection of the vaccine twice. Conclusion: Integrating with other control measures like good monitoring and biosecurity programs, vaccination is an appropriate and robust instrument for supporting control programs or AI eradication in endemically infected countries. The regular post-vaccination surveillance was performed by the Iranian Veterinary Organization (IVO), and the flocks were evaluated for silent infections.
... It was observed that 50 μg dose of rH5HA1 antigen was able to induce anti-H5HA1 IgG and HI responses after two boosters given at 2 weeks interval. A mean HI titre of ≥4log 2 was maintained in the immunized chickens till 154 days after 2nd booster which is reported to be protective against challenge with H5N1 virus [29]. Induction of antibodies to nucleoprotein in birds challenged with live viruses (Fig. 6B) indicate that the rH5HA1 protein can be adopted in implementing differentiation of infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA) strategy. ...
The global spread of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) in poultry has caused great economic loss to the poultry farmers and industry with significant pandemic threat. The current study involved production of recombinant HA1 protein of clade H5N1 HPAIV (rH5HA1) in E.coli and evaluation of its protective efficacy in chickens. Purification under denaturing conditions and refolding by dialysis against buffers containing decreasing concentrations of urea was found to preserve the biological activity of the expressed recombinant protein as assessed by hemagglutination assay, Western blot and ELISA. The Montanide ISA 71 VGA adjuvanted rH5HA1 protein was used for immunization of chickens. Humoral response was maintained at a minimum of 4log2 hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titre till 154 days post 2nd booster. We evaluated the protective efficacy of rH5HA1 protein in immunized chickens by challenging them with homologous ( and heterologous ( clades of H5N1 HPAIV. In both the groups, the HI titre significantly increased (P < 0.05) after challenge and the virus shedding significantly (P < 0.05) reduced between 3rd and 14th day post challenge. The virus shedding ratio in oro-pharyngeal swabs did not differ significantly between both the groups except on 7 days post challenge and during the entire experimental period in cloacal swabs. These results indicate that rH5HA1 was able to induce homologous and cross protective immune response in chickens and could be a potential vaccine candidate used for combating the global spread of H5N1 HPAIV threat. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report immunogenicity and protective efficacy of prokaryotic recombinant H5HA1 protein in chicken.
After the severe AIV H5 outbreak in Kazakhstan in 2020 the extensive use of AIV H5 vaccines started in the industrial poultry farms to limit the H5N1 influenza spread. Traditional methods, such as stamping out are no longer a viable option in countries where Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has become endemic. However, available vaccines and vaccination protocols have been widely researched in laboratory conditions, and limited testing has been conducted on commercial layers for the immunity persistence in field conditions. Immunity persistence after AIV vaccination can be quite different between laboratory and field conditions. Our basic goal was to assess the intensity and duration of immunity in commercial layers following 1, 2 and 3 vaccinations. H5N1 hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibodies were observed 370 days after vaccination of chickens using three schemes of vaccination. However, at 370 days post vaccination 1 experimental group obtaining one vaccination had comparatively low HI titers (mean titer 6,5±1,2 log2), the other two groups having two and three vaccinations showed 8,8±2,4 mean log2 and 9,4±2,2 mean log2 respectively. The described results showed that inactivated H5N1 vaccine can produce lengthy, intense and homogenous immunity under field conditions following 2 and 3 vaccinations.
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High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 outbreaks continue to wreak havoc on the global poultry industry and threaten the health of wild bird populations, with sporadic spillover in humans and other mammals, resulting in widespread calls to vaccinate poultry. Bangladesh has been vaccinating poultry since 2012, presenting a prime opportunity to study the effects of vaccination on HPAI H5N1 circulation in both poultry and wild birds. We investigated the efficacy of vaccinating commercial poultry against HPAI H5N1 along with climatic and socio-economic factors considered potential drivers of HPAI H5N1 outbreak risk in Bangladesh. Using a multivariate modeling approach, we estimated that the rate of outbreaks was 18 times higher before compared to after vaccination, with winter months having a three times higher chance of outbreaks than summer months. Variables resulting in small but significant increases in outbreak rate were relatively low ambient temperatures for the time of year, literacy rate, chicken and duck density, crop density, and presence of highways; this may be attributable to low temperatures supporting viral survival outside the host, higher literacy driving reporting rate, density of the host reservoir, and spread of the virus through increased connectivity. Despite the substantial impact of vaccination on outbreaks, we note that HPAI H5N1 is still enzootic in Bangladesh; vaccinated poultry flocks have high rates of H5N1 prevalence, and spillover to wild birds has increased. Vaccination in Bangladesh thus bears the risk of supporting “silent spread,” where the vaccine only provides protection against disease and not also infection. Our findings underscore that poultry vaccination can be part of holistic HPAI mitigation strategies when accompanied by monitoring to avoid silent spread. Keywords: Immunization, bird flu, epidemiology, poultry, chicken, climate drivers, socio-economic factors
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses from the Goose/Guangdong/96-lineage emerged in Southeast Asia and subsequently spread to the Middle East, Africa and Europe, infecting a range of birds and mammals (including humans). This lineage of H5 viruses can efficiently establish itself in wild birds after circulating among gallinaceous poultry, facilitating reassortment with low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) virus strains, enhancing dispersal over long distances and contributing to endemicity. The detection of HPAI H5N8 virus (clade during 2017 in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa marked the beginning of an epidemic that devastated the South African poultry industry. Vaccines were tested assessing protection against the circulating field strain. This article describes the performance of a reverse genetics inactivated H5N1 vaccine from Zoetis (RG-H5N1), with 96.1% identity to the circulating HPAI H5N8 virus. Two locally formulated benchmarks, one containing an H5N8 antigen homologous to the field strain (Benchmark-H5N8), the other containing a heterologous (87.6% identity to field virus) LPAI H5N1 antigen (Benchmark-H5N1), were included for comparison. Efficacy was assessed in specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens using a prime-boost approach (injections at day 21 and 45), followed by challenge with a South African HPAI H5N8 isolate (70 days of age). The Zoetis RG-H5N1 vaccine and Benchmark-H5N8 outperformed the Benchmark-H5N1 in terms of humoral response against the H5N8 antigen and reduction of shedding. The Zoetis RG-H5N1 vaccine protected 100% of the chickens against clinical disease and death. This study confirmed that antigenically-matched inactivated vaccines can induce robust protection and markedly reduce viral shedding.
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In 1997, 2002 and 2003 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) was diagnosed on chicken farms in Hong Kong. Following the February-April 2002 outbreak, vaccination using a killed oil-adjuvanted H5N2 avian influenza vaccine was evaluated as an additional control measure on 22 farms within a 2-km radius of the four farms that were depopulated following infection with HPAI H5N1 virus. Vaccination produced satisfactory flock antibody responses. The serological response was improved following a second dose of vaccine and the response to vaccination was poorer when delivered to older birds compared to birds first vaccinated at 8 days of age. Infection with field virus was not detected in any of these vaccinated flocks so the protective effect of the vaccine was tested under secure laboratory conditions on vaccinated and unvaccinated chickens challenged with HPAI H5N1 virus. Vaccinated birds were protected from disease, virus excretion was not detected in eight of ten vaccinated birds and the two birds that did excrete virus excreted much less virus than unvaccinated controls (> 1000 fold reduction). In December 2002 HPAI H5N1 outbreaks in 2 waterfowl parks and deaths in wild water birds in Hong Kong were followed by outbreaks on five previously unvaccinated chicken farms. Vaccination used in the face of outbreaks on three of these farms, coupled with selective culling, resulted in elimination of H5N1 virus infection from these farms. These investigations showed that the killed H5N2 vaccine, used in conjunction with enhanced biosecurity measures on chicken farms and in poultry markets, reduced the risk of H5N1 avian- influenza outbreaks in Hong Kong and consequently the risk of spread to humans. Keywords: avian influenza H5N1; killed H5N2 vaccine; chickens; Hong Kong; evaluation
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The influence of vaccine strain and antigen mass on the ability of inactivated avian influenza (AI) viruses to protect chicks from a lethal, highly pathogenic (HP) AI virus challenge was studied. Groups of 4-week-old chickens were immunized with inactivated vaccines containing one of 10 haemagglutinin subtype H5 AI viruses, one heterologous H7 AI virus or normal allantoic fluid (sham), and challenged 3 weeks later by intra-nasal inoculation with a HP H5 chicken-origin AI virus. All 10 H5 vaccines provided good protection from clinical signs and death, and produced positive serological reactions on agar gel immunodiffusion and haemagglutination inhibition tests. In experiment 1, challenge virus was recovered from the oropharynx of 80% of chickens in the H5 vaccine group. In five H5 vaccine groups, challenge virus was not recovered from the cloaca of chickens. In the other five H5 vaccine groups, the number of chickens with detection of challenge virus from the cloaca was lower than in the sham group (P < 0.05). Reductions in the quantity of challenge virus shed from the cloaca and oropharynx were also evident in some H5 vaccinate groups when compared to the sham group. However, there was no positive correlation between the sequence identity of the haemagglutinin gene from the vaccine strain and challenge virus, and the ability to reduce the quantity of challenge virus shed from the cloaca or oropharynx. As the quantity of AI antigen in the vaccines increased, all parameters of protection improved and were virus strain dependent. A/turkey/Wisconsin/68 (H5N9) was the best vaccine candidate of the H5 strains tested (PD50= 0.006 μg AI antigen). These data demonstrate that chickens vaccinated with inactivated H5 whole virus AI vaccines were protected from clinical signs and death, but usage of vaccine generally did not prevent infection by the challenge virus, as indicated by recovery of virus from the oropharynx. Vaccine use reduced cloacal detection rates, and quantity of virus shed from the cloaca and oropharynx in some vaccine groups, which would potentially reduce environmental contamination and disease transmission in the field.
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The transmission of H9N2 influenza viruses to humans and the realization that the A/Hong Kong/156/97-like (H5N1) (abbreviated HK/156/97) genome complex may be present in H9N2 viruses in southeastern China necessitated a study of the distribution and characterization of H9N2 viruses in poultry in the Hong Kong SAR in 1999. Serological studies indicated that H9N2 influenza viruses had infected a high proportion of chickens and other land-based birds (pigeon, pheasant, quail, guinea fowl, and chukka) from southeastern China. Two lineages of H9N2 influenza viruses present in the live-poultry markets were represented by A/Quail/Hong Kong/G1/97 (Qa/HK/G1/97)-like and A/Duck/Hong Kong/Y280/97 (Dk/HK/Y280/97)-like viruses. Up to 16% of cages of quail in the poultry markets contained Qa/HK/G1/97-like viruses, while about 5% of cages of other land-based birds were infected with Dk/HK/Y280/97-like viruses. No reassortant between the two H9N2 virus lineages was detected despite their cocirculation in the poultry markets. Reassortant viruses represented by A/Chicken/Hong Kong/G9/97 (H9N2) were the major H9N2 influenza viruses circulating in the Hong Kong markets in 1997 but have not been detected since the chicken slaughter in 1997. The Qa/HK/G1/97-like viruses were frequently isolated from quail, while Dk/HK/Y280/97-like viruses were predominately associated with chickens. The Qa/HK/G1/97-like viruses were evolving relatively rapidly, especially in their PB2, HA, NP, and NA genes, suggesting that they are in the process of adapting to a new host. Experimental studies showed that both H9N2 lineages were primarily spread by the aerosol route and that neither quail nor chickens showed evidence of disease. The high prevalence of quail infected with Qa/HK/G1/97-like virus that contains six gene segments genetically highly related to HK/156/97 (H5N1) virus emphasizes the need for surveillance of mammals including humans.
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In 1997, avian H5N1 influenza virus transmitted from chickens to humans resulted in 18 confirmed infections. Despite harboring lethal H5N1 influenza viruses, most chickens in the Hong Kong poultry markets showed no disease signs. At this time, H9N2 influenza viruses were cocirculating in the markets. We investigated the role of H9N2 influenza viruses in protecting chickens from lethal H5N1 influenza virus infections. Sera from chickens infected with an H9N2 influenza virus did not cross-react with an H5N1 influenza virus in neutralization or hemagglutination inhibition assays. Most chickens primed with an H9N2 influenza virus 3 to 70 days earlier survived the lethal challenge of an H5N1 influenza virus, but infected birds shed H5N1 influenza virus in their feces. Adoptive transfer of T lymphocytes or CD8(+) T cells from inbred chickens (B(2)/B(2)) infected with an H9N2 influenza virus to naive inbred chickens (B(2)/B(2)) protected them from lethal H5N1 influenza virus. In vitro cytotoxicity assays showed that T lymphocytes or CD8(+) T cells from chickens infected with an H9N2 influenza virus recognized target cells infected with either an H5N1 or H9N2 influenza virus in a dose-dependent manner. Our findings indicate that cross-reactive cellular immunity induced by H9N2 influenza viruses protected chickens from lethal infection with H5N1 influenza viruses in the Hong Kong markets in 1997 but permitted virus shedding in the feces. Our findings are the first to suggest that cross-reactive cellular immunity can change the outcome of avian influenza virus infection in birds in live markets and create a situation for the perpetuation of H5N1 influenza viruses.
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A real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RRT-PCR) assay based on the avian influenza virus matrix gene was developed for the rapid detection of type A influenza virus. Additionally, H5 and H7 hemagglutinin subtype-specific probe sets were developed based on North American avian influenza virus sequences. The RRT-PCR assay utilizes a one-step RT-PCR protocol and fluorogenic hydrolysis type probes. The matrix gene RRT-PCR assay has a detection limit of 10 fg or approximately 1,000 copies of target RNA and can detect 0.1 50% egg infective dose of virus. The H5- and H7-specific probe sets each have a detection limit of 100 fg of target RNA or approximately 103 to 104 gene copies. The sensitivity and specificity of the real-time PCR assay were directly compared with those of the current standard for detection of influenza virus: virus isolation (VI) in embryonated chicken eggs and hemagglutinin subtyping by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. The comparison was performed with 1,550 tracheal and cloacal swabs from various avian species and environmental swabs obtained from live-bird markets in New York and New Jersey. Influenza virus-specific RRT-PCR results correlated with VI results for 89% of the samples. The remaining samples were positive with only one detection method. Overall the sensitivity and specificity of the H7- and H5-specific RRT-PCR were similar to those of VI and HI.
A recombinant fowlpox vaccine with an H5 hemagglutinin gene insert protected chickens against clinical signs and death following challenge by nine different highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza viruses. The challenge viruses had 87.3 to 100% deduced hemagglutinin amino acid sequence similarity with the recombinant vaccine, and represented diversely geographic and spatial backgrounds; i.e. isolated from four different continents over a 38 year period. The recombinant vaccine reduced detectable infection rates and shedding titers by some challenge viruses. There was a significant positive correlation in hemagglutinin sequence similarity between challenge viruses and vaccine, and the ability to reduce titers of challenge virus isolated from the oropharynx (rs=0.783, P=0.009), but there was no similar correlation for reducing cloacal virus titers (rs=−0.100, P=0.78). This recombinant fowlpox-H5 avian influenza hemagglutinin vaccine can provide protection against a variety of different highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza viruses and frequent optimizing of the hemagglutinin insert to overcome genetic drift in the vaccine may not be necessary to provide adequate field protection.
The most widely quoted date for the beginning of the recorded history of avian influenza (AI) is 1878, when researchers first differentiated a disease of poultry (initially known as fowl plague but later renamed highly pathogenic avian influenza) from other diseases with high mortality rates. Current evidence indicates that highly pathogenic AI (HPAI) viruses arise through mutation after low pathogenicity AI viruses of H5 or H7 subtype are introduced into poultry. Between 1877 and 1958, a number of epizootics of HPAI occurred in most parts of the world. From 1959 to 1995, the emergence of HPAI viruses was recorded on 15 occasions, but losses were minimal. In contrast, between 1996 and 2008, HPAI viruses emerged at least 11 times and four of these outbreaks involved many millions of birds. Events during this recent period are overshadowed by the current epizootic of HPAI due to an H5N1 virus that has spread throughout Asia and into Europe and Africa, affecting over 60 countries and causing the loss of hundreds of millions of birds. All sectors of the poultry population have been affected, but free-range commercial ducks, village poultry, live bird markets and fighting cocks seem especially significant in the spread of the virus. The role of wild birds has been extensively debated but it is likely that both wild birds and domestic poultry are responsible for its spread. Even without these H5N1 outbreaks, the period 1995 to 2008 will be considered significant in the history of HPAI because of the vast numbers of birds that died or were culled in three of the other ten epizootics during this time.
In 1997, highly pathogenic (HP) H5N1 avian influenza virus (AIV) caused infections in poultry in Hong Kong and crossed into humans, resulting in a limited number of infections including 18 hospitalized cases and six associated deaths. The unique ability of this, AIV to infect both poultry and people raised a concern for the potential of humans to be biological as well as mechanical vectors of this AIV to poultry. The current study was undertaken to determine if existing vaccines and their technologies could be used during an outbreak to protect poultry. Commercial and experimental inactivated whole H5 AIV and baculovirus-expressed AIV H5 hemagglurinin protein vaccines provided protection from clinical signs and death in chickens after lethal challenge by human-origin HP H5N1 Hong Kong strains 156/97 and 483/97. The commercial and experimental inactivated vaccines had mean protective doses ranging from 0.25 to 0.89, which represents the milligrams of viral protein in the vaccines that provided protection from death in half of the birds. Furthermore, the vaccines reduced the ability of the challenge AIV to replicate in chickens and decreased the recovery of challenge AIV from the enteric and respiratory tracts, but the use of a vaccine will nor totally prevent AI virus replication and shedding. Existing vaccines will protect poultry from mortality and reduce virus replication from the new HP AIV strain that can infect both poultry and humans.
The H5N1 viruses (H5N1/97) associated with the "bird-flu" incident in the Hong Kong SAR have not been isolated since the slaughter of poultry in December 1997 brought that outbreak to an end. Recent evidence points to this virus as having arisen through a reassortment of a number of precursor avian viruses and a virus related to Goose/Guangdong/1/96 (H5N1) (Gs/Gd/96) was the likely donor of the H5 hemagglutinin. We characterize the Goose/Guangdong/1/96-like viruses isolated from geese and ducks imported into Hong Kong in the year 2000. Antigenically and genetically, these recent H5N1 viruses fall into two groups, one mainly associated with geese, and the other, recently transmitted to ducks. Further, viruses isolated from a goose and a duck in December 2000 have acquired NS, PA, M, and PB2 genes from the aquatic avian influenza gene pool through reassortment. For pandemic preparedness, it is important to monitor whether these reassortant viruses have the capacity for interspecies transmission to terrestrial poultry or mammals.