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Fire-induced erosion and millennial-scale climate change in northern Ponderosa pine forests


Abstract and Figures

Western US ponderosa pine forests have recently suffered extensive stand-replacing fires followed by hillslope erosion and sedimentation. These fires are usually attributed to increased stand density as a result of fire suppression, grazing and other land use, and are often considered uncharacteristic or unprecedented. Tree-ring records from the past 500 years indicate that before Euro-American settlement, frequent, low-severity fires maintained open stands. However, the pre-settlement period between about ad 1500 and ad 1900 was also generally colder than present, raising the possibility that rapid twentieth-century warming promoted recent catastrophic fires. Here we date fire-related sediment deposits in alluvial fans in central Idaho to reconstruct Holocene fire history in xeric ponderosa pine forests and examine links to climate. We find that colder periods experienced frequent low-severity fires, probably fuelled by increased understory growth. Warmer periods experienced severe droughts, stand-replacing fires and large debris-flow events that comprise a large component of long-term erosion and coincide with similar events in sub-alpine forests of Yellowstone National Park. Our results suggest that given the powerful influence of climate, restoration of processes typical of pre-settlement times may be difficult in a warmer future that promotes severe fires.
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Fire-induced erosion and millennial-
ponderosa pine forests
Jennifer L. Pierce
, Grant A. Meyer
& A. J. Timothy Jull
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, USA
NSF-Arizona AMS Facility, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721,
Western US ponderosa pine forests have recently suffered exten-
sive stand-replacing fires followed by hillslope erosion and
. These fires are usually attributed to increased
stand density as a result of fire suppression, grazing and other
land use, and are often considered uncharacteristic or unprece-
. Tree-ring records from the past 500 years indicate that
before Euro-American settlement, frequent, low-severity fires
maintained open stands
. However, the pre-settlement period
between about AD 1500 and AD 1900 was also generally colder
than present
, raising the possibility that rapid twentieth-
century warming promoted recent catastrophic fires. Here we
date fire-related sediment deposits in alluvial fans in central
Idaho to reconstruct Holocene fire history in xeric ponderosa
pine forests and examine links to climate. We find that colder
periods experienced frequent low-severity fires, probably fuelled
by increased understory growth. Warmer periods experienced
severe droughts, stand-replacing fires and large debris-flow
events that comprise a large component of long-term erosion
and coincide with similar events in sub-alpine forests of Yellow-
stone National Park
. Our results suggest that given the powerful
influence of climate, restoration of processes typical of pre-
settlement times may be difficult in a warmer future that
promotes severe fires.
Fire regimes in western US conifer forests vary spatially with
local climate
. Cool, moist, high-elevation spruce-fir forests
experience severe, infrequent stand-replacing crown fires, whereas
frequent light surface fires are considered typical of warm, xeric
ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests
. Over the twentieth
century, fire size and severity have increased in most ponderosa pine
forests, including those in the northern Rocky Mountains. From
1908 to 2000, canopy fires burned 50% of the Boise National Forest
in central Idaho, mostly during severe droughts in 1926–35 and
1986–2000. Recent stand-replacing fires in this area have led to
numerous large debris flows and sediment-charged floods in steep
mountain drainages
. Sediment yields from single large sedimen-
tation events following severe 1989 and 1994 fires
are three orders
of magnitude greater than annual sediment yields measured with-
out large events
To assess the role of longer-term climatic variations on fire and
erosion in northern ponderosa pine forests, we date fire-related
deposits in tributary alluvial fans of the South Fork Payette River
area, central Idaho (SFP; Fig. 1). These fans receive sediment from
small (0.01–6 km
), steep basins in weathered Idaho batholith
granitic rocks, where post-fire erosion is likely. Annual precipitation
is ,600–1,000 mm, with a marked summer drought conducive to
fires. Ponderosa pines are common at lower elevations (,850–
1,300 m) and on dry south-facing slopes. Mixed Douglas-fir
(Pseudotsuga menziesii) and ponderosa pine stands dominate
mid-elevation (,1,500–1,800 m) and north-facing slopes, and
mixed conifers dominated by Douglas-fir and Engelmann spruce
(Picea engelmannii) characterize high elevations around 2,000 m.
Post-fire debris-flow events and sediment-charged floods are
produced via two primary mechanisms in the SFP area
. (1) After
severe burns, reduced infiltration and smooth soil surfaces greatly
increase surface runoff, typically during moderate- to high-intensity
convective storms
. Extreme discharges entrain sediment through
slope wash, rilling and gullying
. In lower-severity burns, discon-
tinuous runoff generation limits sediment yields from post-fire
storm events
. (2) Loss of root strength a few years after tree
mortality promotes shallow landslides
, usually during major
winter storms. Storms that strike severe burns often produce
thick, bouldery, charcoal-rich debris-flow deposits, but large debris
flows may exist as only thin marginal facies at some alluvial fan
. Discrete layers of charred forest litter provide another
stratigraphic indicator of fire. These well-preserved burned soil
surfaces imply rapid burial by post-fire sediments before bioturba-
tion. We define large fire-related events (‘large events’) conserva-
tively as debris-flow units with abundant coarse angular charcoal
(Supplementary Fig. 1) that are coarser grained than other units in a
stratigraphic section, and comprise at least 20% of its thickness;
most overlie burned soil surfaces. Deposits that do not meet these
criteria but that contain abundant charcoal and (or) overlie burned
surfaces are considered small fire-related events (‘small events’).
Multiple events that occurred hours to several years after a single fire
may appear as a single thick deposit that would be recognized as a
‘large event’, and still represent a major geomorphic response to a
severe fire.
Individual charcoal fragments were AMS
C-dated, using seeds,
needles and twigs when available to reduce the probability of dating
a sample much older than the fire in which it burned (yielding a
large ‘inbuilt age’). We obtained 133 dates from 33 stratigraphic
Figure 1 The SFP and northern Yellowstone National Park (YNP) field areas. Right, grey
shading shows distribution of Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine) in the western USA and
Canada (ponderosa pine distribution available at
atlas). Left, red dots on shaded relief map of the SFP study area show locations of alluvial
fan stratigraphic sites. Elevations range from ,850 m in Garden Valley to .2,000 m on
the eastern border of the map.
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NATURE| doi:10.1038/nature03058 | 1
sections(sites)in32differentfans, with 1–15 dates per site
(Supplementary Table 1). Calibrated probability distributions
for 91 fire-related sedimentation events were summed to produce
a probability spectrum (Fig. 2); multiple dates for the same fire-
related event and stratigraphically inverted ages (Supplementary
Table 2) were excluded. Small events dominate the overall record
and are primarily responsible for major peaks except at ,750–1,000
and 1,700 calibrated calendar years before present (cal. yr BP). At-a-
site frequency values were calculated to represent the frequency of
fire-related events in a single fan’s basin. Deposits of single events
usually cover only part of a fan, and low- to moderate-severity fires
often result in little or no deposits, thus at-a-site frequency of fire-
related sedimentation is much lower than fire frequency in the
associated basin. Nonetheless, at-a-site recurrence intervals for
small sedimentation events are as low as 33–80 yr. Maxima in
small events (Fig. 2a) at ,350, 1,200–1,500, 2,800–3,000, ,5,000
and 6,800–7,400 cal. yr BP correspond with peak at-a-site frequency
over the study area, indicating periods of frequent low- to mixed-
severity fires that produce limited sedimentation.
In contrast, about 24–27% of the total dated fan thickness was
emplaced by only 9 large fire-induced debris-flow events ,1,000–
800 cal. yr BP (Fig. 3). The importance of infrequent large events is
supported by Holocene-average sediment flux estimates for Idaho
batholith basins an order of magnitude greater than modern rates
measured without major debris-flow events
. Most fans in the
lower-elevation ponderosa pine environment contain debris-flow
units interbedded with multiple thin sheetflood deposits. Thick
(0.5–2 m) fire-related debris-flow deposits dominate higher-
elevation fans, consistent with a greater importance of severe
stand-replacing fires in mixed-conifer forests.
We compare SFP fire-related sedimentation with a similar record
from high-elevation forests in northern Yellowstone National Park
(Fig. 1), a cooler and wetter environment than the SFP area, where
dense lodgepole-pine-dominated forests burn primarily in large,
severe fires with recurrence intervals of 150–400 yr (refs 12, 14, 19).
Notably, maxima in small-event probability (Fig. 2a) in the SFP area
generally correspond with prominent minima in fire-related sedi-
mentation in Yellowstone (,350–500, 1,200–1,400 and 2,800–
3,000 cal. yr BP), suggesting a regional millennial-scale climatic
control. In Yellowstone, these minima in fire-related sedimentation
are associated with colder, effectively wetter, climates and increased
runoff in streams, including during the Little Ice Age (LIA)
climate was not uniformly cold in either time or space, but glacial
advances occurred at ,650–100 cal. yr BP in the northern Rocky
, with colder than present conditions in many
Northern Hemisphere localities
We infer that over much of the LIA, colder conditions maintained
high canopy moisture, inhibiting stand-replacing fires in both
Yellowstone lodgepole pine forests and SFP ponderosa pine
. Concurrently, effectively wetter conditions increased
understory grass growth and provided fuel for low-severity
in the SFP, where summers are warmer and drier than in
Yellowstone. In ponderosa pine forests, non-lethal surface fires
typically occur when several cool, moist years produce abundant
fine fuels, followed shortly by a mild to moderate drought
. Without prolonged severe droughts, wet–dry cycles on
annual to multiyear timescales promote frequent fires in the SFP,
and an increase in storm frequency during wetter intervals would
also augment the number of small fire-related sedimentation events
recorded in alluvial fans.
In contrast, intervals of stand-replacing fires and large debris-
flow events are largely coincident in SFP ponderosa pine forests and
Yellowstone, most notably during the ‘Medieval Climatic Anomaly’
(MCA), ,1,050–650 cal. yr BP (ref. 23; Fig. 2b). Although often
Figure 2 Summed calibrated probability distributions for radiocarbon ages on fire-related
sedimentation events in the SFP Idaho area (this study) and in Yellowstone National Park
(YNP, grey-filled curves). Probability distributions were smoothed using a 100-yr running
mean to reduce the influence of short-period variations in atmospheric
C, but retain
major probability peaks representing the most probable age ranges. Calibrated years
before present (cal. yr BP) are equal to the number of calendar years before AD 1950. The
general trend of decreasing probability over time, and overall lower probability values
before ,4,000 cal. yr BP reflect lesser exposure and preservation of older deposits.
a, SFP ‘small events’ (blue line) in Idaho are thin deposits probably related to low- or
moderate-severity burns; note correspondence of peaks with minima in YNP fire-related
sedimentation, and major peak during the ‘Little Ice Age’ (LIA), ,650–50 cal. yr BP.
(Fewer near-surface deposits in the 400 cal. yr BP–present range were selected for dating
because of bioturbation and large uncertainties in
C calibration). b, SFP ‘large events’
are major debris-flow deposits probably related to severe fires; note correlation with the
YNP record, and prominent peak in large-event probability during the ‘Medieval Climatic
Anomaly’ (MCA), ,1,050–650 cal. yr BP.
Figure 3 Variations in the thickness of fire-related deposits over time. Relative
stratigraphic thickness of dated fire-related fan deposits in the SFP are expressed as a
percentage of the total thickness for all dated deposits and plotted by calibrated age
interval. Individual deposit thicknesses are shown by stacked bar segments and are
calculated as the average of maximum and minimum possible thickness. This range in
thickness results from measured variations in deposit thickness and from uncertainty in
defining deposit boundaries. Average range of uncertainty in deposit thickness is ^10%.
Red bar segments represent ‘large events’ based on criteria described in the text.
Because of calibration problems for very young radiocarbon samples, deposits
,100 cal. yr BP are not shown, and data older than 4,000 cal. yr BP are too sparse to be
informative. Across the study area, ,50% of the total measured thickness of fan
sediments deposited over the past 2,000 yr is probably or possibly related to fire.
NATURE 3058—14/10/2004—VBICKNELL—123826
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NATURE| doi:10.1038/nature03058 |
called the ‘Medieval Warm Period’, times of anomalous Northern
Hemisphere warmth are confined to shorter intervals within this
. In the western USA, the MCA included widespread,
severe multidecadal droughts
, with increased fire activity
across diverse northwestern conifer forests
. Some unusually
wet decades also occurred, at least locally
. Despite high fire
frequency in the LIA, large SFP debris-flow events during the
MCA account for most of the dated fire-related sediment produced
over the last millennium (Fig. 3).
Although climate-induced changes in forest composition could
drive changes in fire regimes, identification of carbonized macro-
fossils in fan deposits indicates that at least after ,4,500 cal. yr BP,
the same conifer species comprising present forests existed in
tributary basins (Supplementary Table 1; Supplementary Fig. 2).
The inferred changes in fire frequency and severity may have
stemmed in part from changes in relative species abundance
example, infilling of open ponderosa pine stands by Douglas-fir as
in recent decades in central Idaho
but we cannot resolve such
spatial changes in forest composition. At site LO1, now character-
ized by ponderosa pine and minor Douglas-fir, only Douglas-fir was
identified at 7,400–6,800 cal. yr BP. Nonetheless, frequent small
sedimentation events during this interval suggest a low- to mixed-
severity fire regime, similar to ponderosa-dominated stands in the
1600s–1800 s (ref. 3).
Along with previous studies covering shorter timescales, our
results illustrate how superposed centennial- to millennial-scale
climate variations influence fuel conditions, wildfire, and fire-
related erosional events. Within multi-centennial cool-moist
periods such as the LIA, moderate annual to multi-annual droughts
produced frequent fires in xeric SFP ponderosa pine forests, con-
trolled primarily by growth and desiccation of grass and other
fine surface fuels. Concurrently, a cooler and effectively moister
regional climate inhibited most fires in the high-elevation forests of
In contrast, extreme droughts of up to multi-decadal length were
associated with severe stand-replacing fires and large fire-related
erosional events in both the SFP and Yellowstone during the ,400-
yr MCA. Denser stands possibly aided these severe fires; perhaps
prolonged droughts limited grass growth and surface fires, allowing
survival of understory trees as ladder fuels
. Alternatively,
decades of unusually wet summers allowed densities to increase.
In any case, extreme drought promotes critically low canopy
and is associated with MCA stand-replacing fires, despite
the absence of fire suppression or land-use effects. Relatively severe
droughts within the LIA may have resulted in some stand-replacing
fires, as suggested by tree-ring studies in other ponderosa pine
. Peak SFP fire-related sedimentation at ,350 cal. yr BP
(,AD 1600) may partly reflect a prolonged drought in the late AD
. Nonetheless, limited geomorphic response indicates that
fires in the LIA were overall less severe than in either the MCA or
recent decades.
Instrumental and proxy records reveal a rapid rise in Northern
Hemisphere temperatures over the last century
that is probably
in part anthropogenic
, and current warmth is probably greater
than in the MCA
. Warming of 0.6–2 8C has affected much of the
western USA during the last century, and has been accompanied by
a 5–20% decrease in precipitation
in northern ponderosa pine
environments. Fire-season Palmer drought severity index correlates
strongly with burn area in both central Idaho and Yellowstone
and shows a significant (P¼0.01) increase in drought severity
between 1895 and 2002. In addition, twentieth-century fire sup-
pression and to a lesser extent grazing have limited surface fires,
allowing seedling survival and increased densities in SFP ponderosa
pine stands
. Alteration of fuel conditions combined with increased
incidence of extreme drought have probably produced the recent
spate of extensive severe fires in the SFP and other northern
ponderosa pine forests.
Fire management and ecological restoration strategies in ponder-
osa pine forests typically aim to prevent large stand-replacing fires
by reproducing pre-settlement conditions with low tree densities
Climate exerts a powerful control on fire regimes, however, and the
rapidity and magnitude of twentieth-century global climate change
is probably greater than has occurred for millennia
. Efforts to
return to fire regimes typical of a generally colder pre-settlement era
will need to adapt to changing vegetation and fire activity in a
warmer and drought-prone future. A
Received 17 February; accepted 15 September 2004; doi:10.1038/nature03058.
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Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on
Acknowledgements Research funding was provided by the NSF, the University of New Mexico
(UNM) and the UNM Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. We thank L. Huckell for
assistance with macrofossil identification; K. Pierce, B. Huckell and L. McFadden for comments
on the manuscript; and S. Wood, T. Lite, L. Rockwell, S. Caldwell, C. North, K. Grover-Wier,
K. Pierce and W. Andersen for discussions and field assistance.
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.P. (
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... Geomorphically, wildfire can create upland erosion rates and sediment yields orders of magnitude greater than background rates that occur in the absence of fire (Pierce et al., 2004;Warrick et al., 2012). The higher water and sediment yields from burned watersheds can substantially alter channel and floodplain morphology and leave persistent stratigraphic signatures in depositional environments such as alluvial fans and lake sediments (Meyer et al., 1992;Pierce and Meyer, 2008;Pompeani et al., 2020). ...
... The higher water and sediment yields from burned watersheds can substantially alter channel and floodplain morphology and leave persistent stratigraphic signatures in depositional environments such as alluvial fans and lake sediments (Meyer et al., 1992;Pierce and Meyer, 2008;Pompeani et al., 2020). Although wildfires can occur in any environment, they are more frequent in semiarid to arid regions with sufficient vegetation to fuel fires and episodic droughts, as well as convective storms and lightning that can ignite fires (Pierce et al., 2004;Carter et al., 2018). Forests in the relatively dry Intermountain West of the United States are prone to wildfire, and the frequency and extent of forest fires have increased in this region during the past few decades (Westerling et al., 2006;Dennison et al., 2014). ...
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Wildfire biogeomorphology is an integrative science fundamental in understanding the dynamic processes of adjustment that occur after wildfires. This volume draws together interdisciplinary studies that highlight key insights important to support heterogeneity, biodiversity, and resilience in fluvial ecosystems. Post-wildfire sediment pulses that change the physical elements of fluvial habitat may be transitory or long-lasting, for example, depending on variations in post-wildfire climate conditions. How biological processes and feedback alter post-wildfire geomorphic responses is also important to enhance ecosystem resilience. The syntheses point to greater emphasis on integrated approaches to advance strategies for ecosystem management toward conservation, restoration, and sustainable practices, in particular, to accommodate multiple possible postfire disturbance and recovery trajectories.
... In addition, the variable gradient of the 14 C calibration curves can potentially exert an influence on the shape of probability curve. To minimize this effect, the raw probability curves were smoothed using a 100-year running mean (Pierce et al., 2004). We propose that an analysis of current database is timely, despite its limited size, as the application of this approach presents the first overview of flood variation for the middle-lower YR over the Holocene. ...
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El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the most dominant interannual signal of climate variability and profoundly affects river flooding globally, especially in East Asia. However, ENSO also has ∼2,000 and ∼1,000-year cycles, but due to the lack of flood records with sufficient length, little is known about the ENSO's impact on floods at these millennial timescales. Here we test this in the middle-lower Yangtze River by reconstructing the first Holocene flood record with optically stimulated luminescence and 14C ages of flood deposits. We find the periods with high flooding probability generally correspond with intervals of weakened solar activity. Importantly, the flood record displays 2,000 and 1,000-year cycles similar to the ENSO record, and band-pass filter results show the two records are synchronous at these bands. Our results reveal a persistent control of ENSO on millennial-scale hydroclimatic variability in the Yangtze basin and likely other basins.
... tropical forests). An increase in the frequency and intensity of wildfires [48] especially in ecosystems that are not adapted to fire, could lead to lasting changes in vegetation structure and composition [10,35], wildlife populations [5,31], soil erosion [39] soil nutrient status [7], atmospheric chemistry and biogeochemical cycles [27] and the benefits humans derive from these landscapes [47]. Precious forest resources including carbon locked in the biomass are lost due to forest fires every year, which adversely impact the flow of goods and services from forests. ...
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In a view of increasing fire incidences and risk of climate change on the ecosystem, current study has been carried out in Mizoram state of north east India which is one of the fire-prone states in the country. The study is carried out to analyse the effect of climatic variables (precipitation, temperature and humidity) on forest fire occurrence using trend analysis (MK test) and spatial relation between the two. Active fire points (MODIS) from 2003 to 2020 and gridded climate data (ERA 5 & FLDAS) were used for spatial analysis. Significant (at 95% confidence level) trend analysis showed an increase in temperature (1.97–3.03) and humidity (1.98–3.18) in monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Precipitation was observed to decrease in September for Lawngtlai (−2.05) and Mamit (−1.97). Overall forest fire occurrence in the state was found to be decreasing while spatial analysis over the state showed an increasing trend in parts of Mamit, Lunglei and Lawngtlai districts. The same region was found to have negative relation for temperature in winter season while rest of the state had positive relation with fire occurrence. Precipitation and humidity both were having negative relation to forest fire occurrence with exception of areas mentioned earlier, with positive relation in winter, premonsoon (precipitation) and monsoon seasons (humidity). Despite the major role of anthropogenic activities in forest fire in the state, the variability in results suggests that forest fire occurrence may be due to the response of climatic conditions, but it is restricted to certain areas.
... Additionally, angularity in charcoal particles indicates short-distance transportation, as angular charcoal grains are preserved through rapid sedimentation (debris deposits) near mountain fronts (Pierce et al., 2004). The prevalence of angularity in both charcoal fractions supports the possibility of a limited period of transport history and quick deposition of charcoals along with the channel bedforms (Crawford & Belcher, 2014). ...
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Natural or anthropogenic‐induced biomass burning produces large amounts of charcoals, which enter riverine or lacustrine systems mostly via surface runoff processes. Charcoal storage and cycling within large riverine systems can play a crucial role in mediating long‐term carbon sink across transient reservoirs, thereby influencing the global carbon budget. However, natural processes governing the transport and storage of charcoal particles in large terrestrial reservoirs such as the Indo‐Gangetic region still remain unknown. To understand charcoal movement and accumulation across upland and lowland transient reservoirs, we characterized spatial distribution and morphology of different charcoal forms (>125 μm and <125 μm) from bedload and floodplain sediments of the Yamuna sub‐basin (YSB), India. Both >125 μm and <125 μm charcoal forms in bedload and floodplain sediments did not exhibit similar spatial distribution patterns, indicating the segregation of charcoal particles influenced by variable flow regimes. Attrition with sediments breaks down fragile charcoals (leaves) quickly compared to the woody forms, resulting in dominant woody microforms in transient deposits. Higher stream power and limited stable bedform development in upland mountainous regions restrict charcoal storage. During lowland riverine transits, reduced stream power conditions allow increased floodwater inundation and finer clay substrate availability, facilitating an exponential increase in charcoal storage. However, increased discharge from peninsular rivers into the YSB leads to erosion and redistribution of sediment, including charcoal particles, and reduced charcoal storage in lowland transient areas. Such diverse dispersal pathways and fate of charcoal particles across riverine transits highlight the influence of regional hydrogeomorphic processes on the overall carbon cycle within transient reservoirs.
... Wildfires have burned an average of 1.8 × 10 6 ha yr −1 in the United States alone over the past 80 years, dramatically impacting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (Bladon et al., 2014;Shakesby and Doerr, 2006;Randerson et al., 2006;Verma and Jayakumar, 2012). As wildfire activity continues to increase in response to climate change (Pierce et al., 2004;Bowman et al., 2020;Flannigan et al., 2009), its impact on river corridor biogeochemistry is receiving significant attention (Wagner et al., 2018;Abney et al., 2019). ...
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Pyrogenic organic matter (PyOM) from wildfires impacts river corridors globally and is widely regarded as resistant to biological degradation. Though recent work suggests PyOM may be more bioavailable than historically perceived, estimating bioavailability across its chemical spectrum remains elusive. To address this knowledge gap, we assessed potential bioavailability of representative PyOM compounds relative to ubiquitous dissolved organic matter (DOM) with a substrate-explicit model. The range of potential bioavailability of PyOM was greater than natural DOM; however, the predicted thermodynamics, metabolic rates, and carbon use efficiencies (CUEs) overlapped significantly between all OM pools. Compound type (e.g., natural versus PyOM) had approximately 6-fold less impact on predicted respiration rates than simulated carbon and oxygen limitations. Within PyOM, the metabolism of specific chemistries differed strongly between unlimited and oxygen-limited conditions – degradations of anhydrosugars, phenols, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were more favorable under oxygen limitation than other molecules. Notably, amino sugar-like, protein-like, and lignin-like PyOM had lower carbon use efficiencies relative to natural DOM of the same classes, indicating potential impacts in process-based model representations. Overall, our work illustrates how similar PyOM bioavailability may be to that of natural DOM in the river corridor, furthering our understanding of how PyOM may influence riverine biogeochemical cycling.
Debris flows typically originate in mountainous watersheds. At the base of these watersheds and where not truncated by a higher order stream or discharging into a body of still water, repeated debris-flow deposition often forms semi-conical debris-flow fans. To mitigate debris-flow hazards, it is important to identify debris flow-prone watersheds and to understand their dynamics. This chapter reviews the morphology, sedimentology and dynamics of debris-flow watersheds and associated fans. Debris flow-generating watersheds are generally smaller and steeper than those dominated by floods and debris floods, and host less well-developed drainage networks. They can be roughly categorized into transport-limited systems (in which each hydroclimatic event producing high discharge triggers debris flows due to an abundance of sediment and high recharge rates) or supply-limited systems (in which debris-flow activity is limited by sediment availability and corresponding slow recharge rates). Debris-flow fans have typical lengths of 0.5–10 km and slopes of 5–15° and develop through spatio-temporal shifts of the locus of deposition through avulsion. Their surface topography and stratigraphy consist of stacked and amalgamated lobe, levee, and channel deposits, with sediment of mud to boulder grade. They provide archives of past flow processes and sediment supply indicative of past climate and environmental change. However, our ability to interpret debris-flow successions is still limited by relatively poor knowledge of how catchment geology and flow properties and composition affect resulting depositional features, from bed scale to fan scale. Recent field-based, experimental, and numerical advances on these topics are starting to fill this knowledge gap.
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Parameters of fire regimes, including fire frequency, spatial extent of burned areas, fire severity, and season of fire occurrence, influence vegetation patterns over multiple scales. In this study, centuries-long patterns of fire events in a montane ponderosa pine – Douglas-fir forest landscape surrounding Cheesman Lake in central Colorado were reconstructed from fire-scarred trees and inferences from forest stand ages. We crossdated 153 fire-scarred trees from an approximately 4000 ha study area that recorded 77 total fire years from 1197 to the present. Spatial extent of burned areas during fire years varied from the scale of single trees or small clusters of trees to fires that burned across the entire landscape. Intervals between fire years varied from 1 to 29 years across the entire landscape to 3 to 58 years in one stand, to over 100 years in other stands. Large portions of the landscape did not record any fire for a 128 year-long period from 1723 to 1851. Fire severity varied from low-intensity surface fires to large-scale, stand-destroying fires, especially during the 1851 fire year but also possibly during other years. Fires occurred throughout tree growing seasons and both before and after growing seasons. These results suggest that the fire regime has varied considerably across the study area during the past several centuries. Since fires influence plant establishment and mortality on the landscape, these results further suggest that vegetation patterns changed at multiple scales during this period. The fire history from Cheesman Lake documents a greater range in fire behavior in ponderosa pine forests than generally has been found in previous studies.
Decades of quantitative measurement indicate that roots can mechanically reinforce shallow soils in forested landscapes. Forests, however, have variations in vegetation species and age which can dominate the local stability of landslide-initiation sites. To assess the influence of this variability on root cohesion we examined scarps of landslides triggered during large storms in February and November of 1996 in the Oregon Coast Range and hand-dug soil pits on stable ground. At 41 sites we estimated the cohesive reinforcement to soil due to roots by determining the tensile strength, species, depth, orientation, relative health, and the density of roots ≥1 mm in diameter within a measured soil area. We found that median lateral root cohesion ranges from 6.8-23.2 kPa in industrial forests with significant understory and deciduous vegetation to 25.6-94.3 kPa in natural forests dominated by coniferous vegetation. Lateral root cohesion in clearcuts is uniformly ≤10 kPa. Some 100-year-old industrial forests have species compositions, lateral root cohesion, and root diameters that more closely resemble 10-year-old clearcuts than natural forests. As such, the influence of root cohesion variability on landslide susceptibility cannot be determined solely from broad age classifications or extrapolated from the presence of one species of vegetation. Furthermore, the anthropogenic disturbance legacy modifies root cohesion for at least a century and should be considered when comparing contemporary landslide rates from industrial forests with geologic background rates.
A novel processing method has been developed for perovskite-type bulk ceramics with a preferred orientation. Plate-like bismuth titanate (host) particles were uniaxially oriented by tape-casting. A guest material with a perovskite structure, bismuth sodium titanate, was in-situ formed on the surface of the host. Subsequent heat treatment converted the host into the guest and promoted the grain growth of the oriented nuclei. Dense, single phase specimens were prepared with a millimeter-order thickness and an orientation degree (Lotgering factor) of 90% in the pseudocubic {100}. The oriented ceramics exhibited 40% higher Kp and 60% higher d31, values than non-textured ceramics with the same composition.
Fifty 14C ages on fire-related events cluster within the intervals of 3300-2900, 2600-2400, 2200-1800, and 1400-800 yr BP and suggest earlier episodes of large fires and fan aggradation around 7500, 5500, and 4600-4000 yr BP. A major pulse of fire-related debris-flow activity between 950 and 800 yr BP coincided with the height of the widely recognized Medieval Warm Period (ca. AD 1050-1200). Instrumental climate records over the last ~100 yr in Yellowstone imply that the intensity and interannual variability of summer precipitation are greater during warmer periods, enhancing the potential for severe short-term drought, major forest fires, and storm-generated fan deposition. -from Authors
The Age Calibration Program, CALIB, published in 1986 and amended in 1987 is here amended anew. The program is available on a floppy disk in this publication. The new calibration data set covers nearly 22 000 Cal yr (approx 18 400 14C yr) and represents a 6 yr timescale calibration effort by several laboratories. The data are described and the program outlined. -K.Clayton