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Fear fosters flight: A mechanism for fear contagion when perceiving emotion expressed by a whole body


Abstract and Figures

Darwin regarded emotions as predispositions to act adaptively, thereby suggesting that characteristic body movements are associated with each emotional state. To this date, investigations of emotional cognition have predominantly concentrated on processes associated with viewing facial expressions. However, expressive body movements may be just as important for understanding the neurobiology of emotional behavior. Here, we used functional MRI to clarify how the brain recognizes happiness or fear expressed by a whole body. Our results indicate that observing fearful body expressions produces increased activity in brain areas narrowly associated with emotional processes and that this emotion-related activity occurs together with activation of areas linked with representation of action and movement. The mechanism of fear contagion hereby suggested may automatically prepare the brain for action. • emotion communication • body movement • action • social cognition • amygdala
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Fear fosters flight: A mechanism for fear contagion
when perceiving emotion expressed by a whole body
Beatrice de Gelder*
, Josh Snyder*, Doug Greve*, George Gerard*, and Nouchine Hadjikhani*
*Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, First Street Building 36, Charlestown, MA 02129; and
Cognitive and Affective Neurosciences Laboratory, Tilburg University, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Communicated by Richard M. Held, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, September 27, 2004 (received for review May 16, 2004)
Darwin regarded emotions as predispositions to act adaptively,
thereby suggesting that characteristic body movements are asso-
ciated with each emotional state. To this date, investigations of
emotional cognition have predominantly concentrated on pro-
cesses associated with viewing facial expressions. However, ex-
pressive body movements may be just as important for under-
standing the neurobiology of emotional behavior. Here, we used
functional MRI to clarify how the brain recognizes happiness or
fear expressed by a whole body. Our results indicate that observ-
ing fearful body expressions produces increased activity in brain
areas narrowly associated with emotional processes and that this
emotion-related activity occurs together with activation of areas
linked with representation of action and movement. The mecha-
nism of fear contagion hereby suggested may automatically pre-
pare the brain for action.
emotion communication body movement action social cognition
hen danger lurks, fear spreads through a crowd as body
postures alter in rapid cascade from one individual to the
next. A nimal ethologists have described situations in which
emotions are c ommunicated behav iorally through rapidly chang-
ing behavior as can be observed in the flight of a flock of birds
when a source of danger appears at the horizon (1). The notion
of emotional contagion is sometimes used to refer to similar
automatic posture adjustments in humans (2). From Darwin’s
evolutionary perspective, commun ication of emotion by body
movements occupies a privileged position as emotions embody
action schemes that have evolved in the service of survival (3).
However, at present, little is known about the possible mecha-
n isms in the human brain sustaining bodily communication of
emotion in the service of adaptive action. The present study
begins to explores this issue.
To date, most investigations of the perception of emotion have
c oncentrated on brain activity generated by the recognition of
still images of facial expressions, and virtually all that is known
about perception of emotion in humans is based on such data.
Major insights concern the role of the amygdala in c oncert with
that of the fusiform c ortex, prefontal c ortex, orbitofrontal cortex
(OFC), medial f rontal cortex, superior temporal sulcus, and
somatosensory cortex (4, 5). Interestingly, however, some of
these same areas also seem to play a role in processing biological
movement. For example, viewing biological movement patterns,
which are experienced as pleasant, activates subcortical str uc-
tures, including the amygdala (6), and visual perception of
biological motion activates two areas in the occipit al and fusi-
for m cortex (7). Recent findings in non-human primates have
drawn attention to the brain’s abilit y to represent actions through
canon ical neurons (similarly active when viewing an object and
grasping it) and mirror neurons (similarly active when observing
an action and performing the action) (8, 9). However, to date,
it is not known whether these brain areas play a role when
humans view body movements expressing emotion.
Studies on neutral body postures and movements have already
revealed some intriguing similarities between visual perception
of faces and of bodies. For example, faces and bodies both have
c onfigural properties as indexed by the inversion effect (10), and
the global structure of the whole body is also an important factor
in the perception of biological motion (11). Evidence from
single-cell recordings suggests a degree of specialization for
either face or body images (9). Neurons reacting selectively to
body posture have been found in rec ordings from monkey
superior temporal sulcus. Similarly, a functional MR I study
ex ploring the contrast between objects and neutral body postures
revealed activity in lateral occipitotemporal c ortex (12). On the
other hand, there appear to be similarities between emotional
body expressions and faces. A striking finding (13) is that
observing bodily expressions activates two well k nown face areas
(inferior oc cipital gyr us and middle fusifor m gyrus) predomi-
nantly associated w ith processing faces but also linked with
biological movement (6). These activations in face-related areas
may result from mental imagery (14), or alternatively, and more
probably, from c ontext driven high-level perceptual mechanisms
filling in the face information missing in the input. However, this
is unlikely to be the only explanation for similarities between
facial and bodily expressions of fear. In a direct comparison of
facial expressions and bodily expressions, we obser ved that the
N170 waveform is obtained for faces and bodies alike, but not for
objects (15). The time window of the N170 waveform suggests
that there is similarity in visual encoding bet ween faces and
bodies. A further indication is provided by the fact that fusiform
gyrus activity is specifically related to present ation of fearful
bodily expressions. This finding suggests a mechanism whereby
amygdala modulates activation in visual areas, including fusi-
for m face cortex as previously found for facial expressions
(16, 17).
The present study investigated the perception of fear ful and
happy bodily expressions by using functional MRI. We used a
t wo-condition paradigm, in which images of bodily ex pressions
of fear and happiness alternated with images of meaningful but
emotionally neutral body movements. These whole-body actions
provide an appropriate control condition because, similar to
emotional body movements, they cont ain biological movement,
they have semantic properties (unlike abstract movement pat-
terns), and they are familiar. Selecting meaningful neutral body
movements allowed us to create comparable conditions with
respect to implicit movement perception, which is a process we
ex pected to take place when participants viewed still images of
body actions. To focus specifically on whole-body expressions, in
all images the faces were blanked out. To avoid task interference,
we used a passive viewing situation and participants were not
given instructions that might have prompted imitation or ment al
imagery of the actions shown. Our main hypothesis was that
viewing bodily expressions of emotions (either fear or happiness)
would specifically activate areas known to be involved in pro-
Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.
Abbreviations: OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area; IFG, inferior
frontal gyrus.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
© 2004 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA
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November 23, 2004
vol. 101
no. 47
cessing emotional signals, as well as areas dedicated to action
representation and motor areas.
Participants. Functional magnetic resonance images of brain
activit y of seven participants (four males) were collected in a 3-T
high-speed echoplanar imaging device (Siemens, Erlangen, Ger-
many) by using a quadrature head coil. Infor med written consent
was obtained for each participant before the scanning session,
and the Massachusetts General Hospital Human Studies Com-
mittee approved all procedures under Protocol no. 2002P-
000228. Image volumes consisted of 45 contiguous 3-mm-thick
slices covering the entire brain (repetition time of 3,000 ms,
3.125 3.125 mm in-plane resolution, 128 images per slice; echo
time of 30 ms, flip angle of 90°; 20 20 cm field of view, 64
64 matrix).
Materials. Video recordings of 16 semiprofessional actors (eight
women, 22–35 years of age) were used for stimulus c onstruction.
Actors performed with their whole body meaningful but emo-
tionally neutral actions (pouring water into a glass, c ombing
one’s hair, putting on trousers, or opening a door) or expressive
gestures (happy, fearful, sad, or angry). In each case, before the
rec ordings they were briefed with a set of standardized instruc-
tions. For the neutral body actions, instr uctions specified the
action to be performed. For emotional body actions, instructions
specified a familiar scenario (for example, opening a door and
finding an armed robber in front of you). Still images were
obt ained f rom the videos by selecting manually the most infor-
mative frames from the video file and converting them to
grayscale pictures. Four-choice identification tests were admin-
istered to a group of participants (n 18, nine women, 22–35
years of age), one with 64 pictures of the ex pressive gestures (16
actors 4 emotions) and one with 64 pictures of emotionally
neutral gestures (16 actors 4 t ypes of gestures). Average
identification ac curacy was 75% for emotional and 94% for
neutral gestures. On the basis of these results, the eight best-
rec ognized images of happy and fearful gestures were retained
f rom the emotion category for subsequent testing. For the
neutral gestures, the eight best-recognized picture were equally
ret ained. Mean percent correct four-choice identification for the
ret ained pictures was 85% for the emotional and 95% for the
neutral gestures.
A second pilot experiment was run with a different group of
subjects (n 10, six women, 24–33 years of age) to obtain data
on intensity of evoked movement impression. The 24 images
ret ained for the main experiment were presented one by one in
random order and subjects were instructed to rate the movement
infor mation on a five-point scale (from 1 for the weakest
impression to 5 for the strongest). The mean ratings for the three
categories were nearly identical (neutral, 3.5; fearful 3.5; and
happy, 3.3). The possibility that the obtained differences in
activation level were artifacts of differences in evoked movement
can safely be discarded.
In the scanner, the 24 selected images (8 fearful, 8 happy, and
8 neutral) were used in two separate r uns by using an AB-
blocked design (fearful vs. neutral; happy vs. neutral). Each
block lasted 24 s, during which the pictures were randomly
presented for 300 ms followed for 1,700 ms by a blank interval
during which only a fixation cross was present.
Data Analysis. The techniques used in our analysis are similar to
those described in ref. 18. Each functional run was first motion-
c orrected with
AFN I sof tware (19) and spatially smoothed by
using a three-dimensional Gaussian filter with full width at half
maximum of 6 mm. The mean offset and linear drift were
estimated and removed from each voxel. The spectrum of the
remain ing signal was c omputed by using the fast Fourier trans-
for m at each voxel. The task-related component was estimated
as the spectral component at the task fundament al f requency.
The noise was estimated by summing the remaining spectral
c omponents after removing the task harmonics and those com-
ponents immediately adjacent to the fundament al. The phase at
the fundamental was used to deter mine whether the blood
oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal was increasing in
response to the first stimulus (positive phase) or the second
stimulus (negative phase).
Each participant’s functional MRI scan was registered to a
high-resolution T1. The real and imaginary components of the
Fourier transfor m of each participant’s signal were resampled
f rom locations in the c ortex onto the sur face of a template sphere
to bring them into a standard space. The techniques for mapping
bet ween an individual volume and this spherical space are
det ailed by Fischl et al . (20). The T1 volume was also registered
to the MNI305 Talairach brain (21). Functional data were
registered to the T1 volume. This procedure allowed the results
of the individual per-voxel analysis to be resampled into both
volume-based Talairach space and the sur face-based spherical
space to perform group random effects analysis. Group-average
sign ificance maps for the cortical surface and for the volume
were computed, by using General Linear Model analyses to
perform random-effects averages of the real and imaginary
c omponents of the signal across subjects on a per-vertex and
per-voxel basis. Cross-subject variance was computed as the
variance pooled across the real and imaginary c omponents.
Sign ificance of the average activation was deter mined by using
an F st atistic and mapped from the standard sphere to a target
individual’s cortical surface (20). Maps were visualized on this
individual’s surface geometry, overlaying a group curvature
pattern averaged in spherically morphed space (20, 22).
On the cortical surfaces, clusters of contiguous vertices with a
sign ificance of P 0.05 and covering an area of at least 185 mm
were identified. Talairach coordinates and the c orresponding
str ucture of the center of each cluster, identified by visual
inspection of the target individual’s anatomy, are given in Table
1. To c orrect these clusters for multiple comparisons, 5,000
Monte Carlo simulations of the averaging and clustering proce-
dure were r un, by using as input volumes synthesized white
Gaussian noise, smoothed and resampled into spherical space.
Clusters were found in 187 cases, yielding a significance of P
0.0374 for the clusters. We similarly identified clusters in the
Talairach space average, by using P 0.05 and volume of 135
as constraints.
Observed activities for the fear vs. neutral comparison were
grouped in functionally related clusters: areas related to emo-
tional stimulus detection and orientation, areas related to visual
processing, areas associated with emotional evaluation, areas
associated with action representation, and motor response areas
(Figs. 1–4 and Table 1).
Our major finding is that v iewing fearful whole-body ex pressions
produces higher activ ity in areas specifically known to process
emotional information (amygdala, orbitofront al cortex, poste-
rior cingulate, anterior insula, retrospenial cortex, and nucleus
ac cumbens) than viewing images of meaningful but emotionally
neutral body actions. In contrast, a similar c omparison of happy
bodily expressions with neutral ones only yielded increased
activit y in visual areas. Besides activity in emotion-related areas,
we also observed significant fear-related activation in areas
dedicated to action representation and in motor areas. The
integrated activity of these groups of areas may constitute a
mechan ism for fear contagion and for preparation of action in
response to seeing fear, which presumably operates in a direct,
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automatic, and noninferential fashion, similar to what has so far
been argued for automatic rec ognition of fear in facial expres-
sions (4, 23).
Observing fearful body expressions modulates cortical and
subc ortical visual areas. Previous studies (24) have shown that
the emotional component of a stimulus is reflected in higher
activation in visual cortices as we find here for both the contrast
bet ween fear vs. neutral and happy vs. neutral body represen-
t ations. The activity related to stimulus detectionorientation
and v isual processes in superior colliculus and pulvinar is
c ompatible with models in which a rapid automatic route for fear
detection is envisaged (5, 25, 26). A major function of this route
is to sustain rapid orientation and detection of potentially
dangerous signals based on coarse visual analysis, as can be
performed by the superior colliculus. This subcortical motor
activit y may be part of a broader subcortical pathway for
processing fear signals and involving projection from retina to
superior colliculus and to pulvinar, as previously argued for faces
(26–28). The pathway allows processing within a limited range of
spatial frequencies that is still sufficient for facial expressions as
illustrated by residual visual abilities of patients with striate
c ortex lesions (28). This same nonstriate subcortical-based route
can also sustain recogn ition of bodily ex pression of emotion in
patients with striate cortex damage (B.d.G., L. Weiskrantz, and
N.H., unpublished data).
Our results indicate that viewing bodily expression of emotion
influences activit y in visual cortical areas that have shown
modulation of activity as a function of emotional valence of the
stimuli (striate and extrastriate cortex, fusiform gyrus, inferior
oc cipital gyr us, and middle occipital cortex) (16, 17, 29). In
c ontrast, in the happy vs. neutral condition, the only areas that
were sign ificantly more activated for the happy condition were
located in the left and the right visual cortices (see Table 2).
Emotional modulation of visual processes has so far only been
observed when facial expressions were used as stimuli.
The present finding of amygdala activation for fear expressed
in the whole body contrasts with neuropsychological reports
suggesting that amygdala damage only impairs emotion recog-
Table 1. Areas of activation observed in the comparison of
fearful bodily expressions with neutral ones
Areas of activation Side xy z
Detection and orientation
Superior colliculus L 5 31 2
R431 3
Pulvinar L 7 25 5
R625 7
Visual areas
Striate cortex L 8 82 5
L 20 100 8
R14100 10
Fusiform gyrus L 32 51 14
R3560 12
Inferior occipital gyrus L 9 68 40
Precuneus R 43 78 7
Emotional evaluation
OFC R 38 30 12
Posterior cingulate cortex L 8 49 27
Anterior insula L 31 10 10
Retrosplenial cortex R 13 45 0
Nucleus accumbens L 5106
Amygdala R 24 0 16
Action representationpremotor areas
IFG, BA 44 L 43 14 10
IFG, BA 45 L 51 25 1
IFG, BA 47 L 42 22 9
Precentral gyrus, BA 6 L 44 12 36
R50 30
R45 238
SMA L 5 159
R 8 10 45
Inferior parietal lobule L 39 55 50
Intraparietal sulcus, posterior part R 27 83 21
Motor areas
Precentral gyrus, BA 4 L 33 654
L 44 344
Caudate nucleus R 15 6 15
L 10 3 13
Putamen R 24 1 9
L 25 15
Other areas
Parahippocampal gyrus L 13 41 3
R2431 8
Subheadings represent presumptive functional groupings. All clusters re-
ported here are 0.05 corrected and have a minimal size of 128 mm
Methods). L, left; R, right; BA, Brodmann’s area.
Fig. 1. Areas of activation corresponding to viewing body expression of fear
vs. neutrality are represented on the cortical surface. Data were obtained by
random-groups average of the subjects and are corrected for multiple com-
parisons (see Table 1). L, left; R, right.
Fig. 2. Activity in subcortical structures. Random-group average of fearful
vs. neutral body images. Data are rendered on one template brain, in a
common Talaraich space (radiological conventions). Data presented are at a
threshold of P 0.01 uncorrected. Areas are color-coded according to the Fig.
3 legend.
de Gelder et al. PNAS
November 23, 2004
vol. 101
no. 47
n ition for faces, but not for scenes in which facial ex pressions
were erased and has led to the notion that amygdala might be
specialized only for facial expression of fear (30). The present
results clearly indicate otherwise. As our design maximized
similarit y bet ween conditions for all stimulus aspects, except
those related to emotion, we did not predict condition-specific
activit y in visual areas associated with viewing human bodies in
lateral occipitotemporal cortex (12). Our results raise the pos-
sibilit y that the similarity in neural activity for the perception of
bodily expressions and facial expressions may be due to synergies
bet ween the mechanisms underlying recognition of facial ex-
pressions and body expressions, and to common str uctures
involved on the one hand in action representation, and on the
other in rapid detection of salient information like a fearful
bodily expressions.
Of special interest, given the use of body images, is the activity
in OFC, which influences response to stimuli at multiple levels
of processing (31). Signals arising in OFC control regulatory
processes in emotions and feelings in the body but also in the
brain’s representation of the body (32). OFC acts in concert with
the amygdala and somatosensoryinsular cortices, both activated
here. Observed activ ity in anterior insula is consistent with the
role of this structure in connecting prefrontal cortex and the
limbic system and w ith the role of insula in interoception (33).
Activit y in posterior cingulate cortex is consistent with earlier
findings of a role for this structure in studies of emotional
salience (34). Interestingly, besides their role in emotional
processes, posterior cingulate and retrosplenial cortex are asso-
ciated w ith spatial coding (35). Also of interest is the finding that
nucleus acccumbens figures among the emotion-specific activa-
tions, indicating that this structure plays a role not only in reward
(36) but also, more generally, in processing affective stimuli,
including negative ones.
A n important area of research in the last decade concerns the
way in which the brain recogn izes actions. In studies of non-
human primates, both canonical and mirror neurons have been
observed (8, 9, 37). Findings f rom cell recordings in monkeys, as
well as from neuroimaging studies in humans (9, 3840), provide
increasing insight for a network of structures dedicated to action
representation. The superior temporal sulcus, the parietal cor-
tex, and the premotor cortex are activated during the perception
of simple finger movements (41), pantomimes (42–44), and
object-directed actions (9, 43–45). Areas that are reported to be
active under conditions of imit ation and imagined action or
motor imagery are the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, precentral
gyrus, supplementary motor area (SMA), inferior pariet al lobe,
cingulate, subcortical nuclei, and cerebellum (44). Now, our
results indicate that viewing images of bodily expressions of fear
activates central str uctures in the net work of areas previously
associated w ith the observation of action (44): the premotor
c ortex, SMA, inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), middle f rontal gyrus,
and parietal cortex. In the present case, the activations are not
ex plained by the presence of object-directed movements or even
of movement per se. Passive viewing of still images of bodily
ex pressions activates areas in the occipitoparietal pathway reach-
ing the SMA, cingulate gyrus, and middle frontal gyrus, which
has been detected during the observation of actions with the
intent to imitate later and voluntary action (42, 44), and suggests
that passive viewing can initiate motor preparation. Activit y in
caudate nucleus was also observed for motion stimuli (46).
Interestingly, the present activations may follow from a process
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of areas activated in the processing of
bodily expression of fear. Areas of activation selective for viewing fearful
expressive bodies are represented in presumptive functional groupings. Five
different functional functionally grouped areas are activated: areas involved
in stimulus detection and orientation (yellow), visual processing (purple),
emotional processing (red), action representation (orange), and motor re-
sponse (green). Arrows indicate interactions between these different groups
of areas.
Fig. 4. Examples of stimuli used in this experiment. (a) Fearful. (b) Neutral.
(c) Happy.
Table 2. Areas of activation observed in the comparison of
happy bodily expressions with neutral ones
Area of activation Side xyz
Visual areas
Striate cortex Left 10 95 20
Left 13 84 2
Right 13 98 18
Right 11 86 3
All clusters reported here are 0.05 corrected and have a minimal size of
128 mm
(see Methods).
www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0407042101 de Gelder et al.
whereby the brain fills in the missing dynamic information (47).
Yet, the important point here is that this process is specific for
fear, as indicated by the fact that the fear images produce
increased activation in well known emotional areas. It is also
unlikely that the activity in these emotion-related areas would be
produced by the presence of more implicit motion cues in the
fear than in the neutral body images. As indicated by the results
of the sec ond pilot experiment, there is no difference between
the images in this respect. So far, activation of emotion-related
brain areas for movement per se has not been reported in the
literature. In the happy-neutral blocks, the only activity related
to the emotion as compared with the neutral condition c oncerns
visual areas. This finding suggests that seeing happy bodily
ex pressions evokes considerably less condition-specific activity
in areas related to action representation and in motor areas.
Presumably, action representation and motor imagery are also
present in the happy-neutral condition without being specific for
perceiving either happy or neutral bodily expressions.
Of particular interest is the activity in SMA. Our central
prediction was that v iewing bodily expressions would activate
areas related to processing emotion and generate activity in
motor areas through cingulate and prefrontal areas with a cr ucial
role to be played by SM A, given the connections of SMA to M1.
Activit y in the pre-SMA face area is consistent with previous
reports (43, 48) on its role in preparation to act more than in
action observation. In this case, pre-SMA activity may reflect
preparation to act upon perceiv ing fear in others. SMA itself may
also play a role in movement control in case of emotion-inducing
stimuli. The present results are consistent with findings on
reciprocal interactions bet ween the amygdala and subcortical
and c ortical str uctures involving the striatum and OFC (49). The
present finding of the role of body represent ations in emotional
st ates evokes the findings on spontaneous and automatic imita-
tion of facial expression observed earlier (50). As been argued
in the latter case, such imitative reflexes are nonintentional and
cannot be observed with the eye but they stand out clearly in
electromyography measurements. At the conceptual level, such
emotional resonance or cont agion effects may correspond to
minor functional changes in the threshold of bodily st ates in the
service of automatic action preparation. Processes responsible
for contextual integration with real-world knowledge presum-
ably regulate and suppress these emotional body reflexes when
they are not adaptive.
Whole-body expressions of emotion have not been used
previously to study emotional processes in the brain. Our
findings are consistent with the notion that the amygdala is a
critical substrate in the neural system necessary for triggering
somatic states from primary inducers (51), among which the
sight of a fearful body expression figures. The observed coupling
of the strong emotion-related activity with structures involved in
canon ical action represent ation (predominantly the parietomo-
tor circuit) and the mirror neurons circuit (predominantly the
intrapariet al sulcus, dorsal premotor cortex, superior temporal
sulcus, and right parietal operculum) suggests that the two
str uctures play a role in social communication (52). Further
research is needed to clarify these issues. Finally, the present
results indicate a role of the putamen and caudate nucleus in
viewing bodily expressions of fear. Interestingly, the caudate
nucleus and putamen are predominantly known for their in-
volvement in motor tasks but have also been associated with
motivational-emotional task components. The caudate nucleus
and putamen are damaged in Parkinson’s disease (53) and
Huntington’s disease (54), which are both characterized by
motor disorders as well as by emotion deficits.
Our study shows that present ation of stimuli expressing fear
produces, besides activation of centers associated with emotion,
activations of circuits mediating actions. This finding clearly
suggests an intrinsic link between emotion and action. Yet, it
does not imply that neutral stimuli or stimuli expressing happi-
ness do not activate these circuits, which we know they do (55).
As a matter of fact, we capitalized on the findings that still images
of neutral actions elicit action representation and are thus
appropriate to use as controls for investigating emotional body
ex pressions, which, as we predicted, also elicit action represen-
t ation.
A central issue to consider in future research c oncerns the
relation between emotion and movement. However, at present,
we do not know whether the dynamics and kinematics of fearful
body movements are quantitatively and qualitatively different
f rom those of neutral actions and from movements expressing
emotions other than fear. For example, it is not yet k nown
whether actions and body expressions of emotions are all built
f rom the same basic set of motor primitives. In that perspective,
the movement properties of emotional body expressions are best
seen as modulations of a basic set of all-purpose motor primi-
tives, or a general motor syntax. Alternatively, emotional body
ex pressions represent a domain of sui generis motor compe-
We thank M. Balsters for assist ance with preparation of the materials.
This work was supported by a grant from Tilburg Universit y and National
Institutes of Health Grant RO1 NS44824-01 (to N.H.).
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www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0407042101 de Gelder et al.
... Studies using point-light displays should recognize that the process of structure-from-motion interpretation required by pointlight stimuli is not a part of real-life processing. In this regard, recent technological developments have made possible the use of, for example, naturalistic videos for the investigation of reallife action understanding using brain-imaging methods (de Gelder et al., 2004;Grèzes et al., 2004). More naturalistic, full-body stimuli not only reflect real-life processing more accurately, but they also contain more information than point-light displays. ...
... However, with full-body stimuli, there is additional form information, and thus it may not be the case that motion and temporal information are necessary for action perception. Indeed, Atkinson et al. (2004) and de Gelder et al. (2004) showed that emotional actions could be accurately distinguished from static full-body stimuli. ...
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Introduction We investigated the factors underlying naturalistic action recognition and understanding, as well as the errors occurring during recognition failures. Methods Participants saw full-light stimuli of ten different whole-body actions presented in three different conditions: as normal videos, as videos with the temporal order of the frames scrambled, and as single static representative frames. After each stimulus presentation participants completed one of two tasks—a forced choice task where they were given the ten potential action labels as options, or a free description task, where they could describe the action performed in each stimulus in their own words. Results While generally, a combination of form, motion, and temporal information led to the highest action understanding, for some actions form information was sufficient and adding motion and temporal information did not increase recognition accuracy. We also analyzed errors in action recognition and found primarily two different types. Discussion One type of error was on the semantic level, while the other consisted of reverting to the kinematic level of body part processing without any attribution of semantics. We elaborate on these results in the context of naturalistic action perception.
... In contrast, the pre-SMA may play a role in preparing and selecting suitable actions, as well as suppressing unsuitable actions, as suggested by previous research.120,121 Indeed, the involvement of the pre-SMA in emotional stimuli elaboration has been widely demonstrated.[65][66][67][69][70][71][72]74 As an example, Rodigari and Oliveri65 showed that the administration of inhibitory rTMS over the pre-SMA increased the perceived valence of threatening visual stimuli, while no changes were observed for neutral visual stimuli. ...
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Swiftly halting ongoing motor actions is essential to react to unforeseen and potentially perilous circumstances. However, the neural bases subtending the complex interplay between emotions and motor control have been scarcely investigated. Here, we used an emotional stop signal task (SST) to investigate whether specific neural circuits engaged by action suppression are differently modulated by emotional signals with respect to neutral ones. Participants performed an SST before and after the administration of one session of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the pre‐supplementary motor cortex (pre‐SMA), the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), and the left primary motor cortex (lM1). Results show that rTMS over the pre‐SMA improved the ability to inhibit prepotent action (i.e., better action control) when emotional stimuli were presented. In contrast, action control in a neutral context was fostered by rTMS over the rIFG. No changes were observed after lM1 stimulation. Intriguingly, individuals with higher impulsivity traits exhibited enhanced motor control when facing neutral stimuli following rIFG stimulation. These results further our understanding of the interplay between emotions and motor functions, shedding light on the selective modulation of neural pathways underpinning these processes.
... Similarly, neglected children (Pears and Fisher, 2005;Sullivan et al., 2010;Fries and Pollak, 2004) struggle to discriminate emotional expressions, particularly negative ones , and exhibit atypical neural responses during emotion processing (Tottenham et al., 2011;Maheu et al., 2010). Context has been recognized as a critical factor in emotion recognition (Barrett et al., 2011;Hassin et al., 2013), emphasizing the importance of integrating contextual cues such as body language (Aviezer et al., 2012;De Gelder et al., 2004), voice and visual signals (Davies-Thompson et al., 2019;de Gelder et al., 1999), and other contextual features into the experimental settings (Aviezer et al., 2011;Righart and De Gelder, 2008). However, most studies on neglected youths have relied on decontextualized assessments using isolated stimuli, which fail to capture the complexities of real-world emotional displays (Aviezer et al., 2012;Gonzalez-Gadea et al., 2014). ...
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Growing up in neglectful households can impact multiple aspects of social cognition. However, research on neglect's effects on social cognition processes and their neuroanatomical correlates during adolescence is scarce. Here, we aimed to comprehensively assess social cognition processes (recognition of basic and contextual emotions, theory of mind, the experience of envy and Schadenfreude and empathy for pain) and their structural brain correlates in adolescents with legal neglect records within family-based care. First, we compared neglected adolescents (n = 27) with control participants (n = 25) on context-sensitive social cognition tasks while controlling for physical and emotional abuse and executive and intellectual functioning. Additionally, we explored the grey matter correlates of these domains through voxel-based morphometry. Compared to controls, neglected adolescents exhibited lower performance in contextual emotional recognition and theory of mind, higher levels of envy and Schadenfreude and diminished empathy. Physical and emotional abuse and executive or intellectual functioning did not explain these effects. Moreover, social cognition scores correlated with brain volumes in regions subserving social cognition and emotional processing. Our results underscore the potential impact of neglect on different aspects of social cognition during adolescence, emphasizing the necessity for preventive and intervention strategies to address these deficits in this population.
... In humans, a growing body of literature concurs with evolutionary accounts by highlighting a functional and anatomical link between neural systems that sustain emotional appraisal and those that underlie action preparation. 21,[80][81][82] Moreover, and in agreement with the present results, the influence of threat displays on motor-related areas was observed from 150 ms to 300 ms after stimulus onset. 16,17,20,41,57 We therefore propose that the earlier choice predictive activity during emotion decisions is related to the behavioral relevance of the perceived threat to the observer, rather than to its sensory properties. ...
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Emotional signals, notably those signaling threat, benefit from prioritized processing in the human brain. Yet, it remains unclear whether perceptual decisions about the emotional, threat-related aspects of stimuli involve specific or similar neural computations compared to decisions about their non-threatening/non-emotional components. We developed a novel behavioral paradigm in which participants performed two different detection tasks (emotion vs. color) on the same, two-dimensional visual stimuli. First, electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in a cluster of central electrodes reflected the amount of perceptual evidence around 100 ms following stimulus onset, when the decision concerned emotion, not color. Second, participants’ choice could be predicted earlier for emotion (240 ms) than for color (380 ms) by the mu (10 Hz) rhythm, which reflects motor preparation. Taken together, these findings indicate that perceptual decisions about threat-signaling dimensions of facial displays are associated with prioritized neural coding in action-related brain regions, supporting the motivational value of socially relevant signals.
Among the philosophers, Derrida is the only one to clearly analyze and explore the link between violence and writing, offering reflections of great value on the subject.
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Although patient-preferred live music (PPLM) is a frequently utilised receptive music therapy intervention, a neurological rationale for this treatment does not yet exist. The current paper reviews existing literature and proposes several potential neurologic rationales for PPLM as a receptive music therapy intervention for neurotypical adult patient populations. Additionally, the authors discuss gaps in the current research and make suggestions for further inquiries. The term ‘patient-preferred live music’ is parsed into four separate components: music, familiarity/preference, choice/autonomy, and live performance. The authors searched relevant neuroscience and music therapy literature to find research concerning each of these components. Results indicated extensive neuroscience research regarding the brain’s neurologic response to music, mostly pertaining to the reward system and the process of dopamine release. Additionally, the authors found evidence to suggest that exposure to familiar stimuli and the act of making a choice may both be neurologically reinforcing. Research regarding the mirror neuron system may be a vital entry point from which to begin investigating the live and social aspects of PPLM. Further music-specific and neuroscience research is required to confirm these hypotheses. While various researchers have investigated individual components of PPLM, there is a lack of basic music therapy and neuroscience research regarding the paradigm as a whole. Further investigation is warranted.
Neuroscientific research on emotion has developed dramatically over the past decade. The cognitive neuroscience of human emotion, which has emerged as the new and thriving area of 'affective neuroscience', is rapidly rendering existing overviews of the field obsolete. This handbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date and authoritative survey of knowledge and topics investigated in this cutting-edge field. It covers a range of topics, from face and voice perception to pain and music, as well as social behaviors and decision making. The book considers and interrogates multiple research methods, among them brain imaging and physiology measurements, as well as methods used to evaluate behavior and genetics. Editors Jorge Armony and Patrik Vuilleumier have enlisted well-known and active researchers from more than twenty institutions across three continents, bringing geographic as well as methodological breadth to the collection. This timely volume will become a key reference work for researchers and students in the growing field of neuroscience.
Neuroscientific research on emotion has developed dramatically over the past decade. The cognitive neuroscience of human emotion, which has emerged as the new and thriving area of 'affective neuroscience', is rapidly rendering existing overviews of the field obsolete. This handbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date and authoritative survey of knowledge and topics investigated in this cutting-edge field. It covers a range of topics, from face and voice perception to pain and music, as well as social behaviors and decision making. The book considers and interrogates multiple research methods, among them brain imaging and physiology measurements, as well as methods used to evaluate behavior and genetics. Editors Jorge Armony and Patrik Vuilleumier have enlisted well-known and active researchers from more than twenty institutions across three continents, bringing geographic as well as methodological breadth to the collection. This timely volume will become a key reference work for researchers and students in the growing field of neuroscience.
Neuroscientific research on emotion has developed dramatically over the past decade. The cognitive neuroscience of human emotion, which has emerged as the new and thriving area of 'affective neuroscience', is rapidly rendering existing overviews of the field obsolete. This handbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date and authoritative survey of knowledge and topics investigated in this cutting-edge field. It covers a range of topics, from face and voice perception to pain and music, as well as social behaviors and decision making. The book considers and interrogates multiple research methods, among them brain imaging and physiology measurements, as well as methods used to evaluate behavior and genetics. Editors Jorge Armony and Patrik Vuilleumier have enlisted well-known and active researchers from more than twenty institutions across three continents, bringing geographic as well as methodological breadth to the collection. This timely volume will become a key reference work for researchers and students in the growing field of neuroscience.
Mass panics can arise in response to a variety of situations, such as the spread of pathogens, bank failures, or insecurities about economic supplies. Such panics can produce contagious behaviors such as fleeing social contacts, bank withdrawals, and panic buying. In such situations, the processing of external stimuli, mediated by the perceptions and biases of the individual, can reach a threshold point at which panic behaviors are triggered. Due to the human propensity to imitate the behavior of others in uncertain crisis situations, one individual’s panic behavior can spread contagiously. This paper looks at the similarities among case studies of mass panic around the world and from these cases synthesizes a conceptual model to aid our understanding. Decision-makers can use this model to strengthen national resilience against panic-generated behaviors and ensure an orderly and successful public response to future biological, financial, or economic crises.
The amygdala appears to play an essential role in many aspects of emotional information processing and behavior. Studies over the past year have begun to clarify the anatomical organization of the amygdala and the contribution of its individual subregions to emotional functions, especially emotional learning and memory. Researchers can now point to plausible circuits involved in the transmission of sensory inputs into the amygdala, between amygdaloid subregions, and to efferent targets in cortical and subcortical regions, for specific emotional learning and memory processes.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a critical role in emotion, providing metabolic support for adaptive action, generating appearance changes with high signal value for conspecifics, and producing visceral sensations that shape subjective emotional experience. In this chapter, I consider several of the most important ways that the ANS is involved in emotion, including: (a) peripheral activation of emotion; (b) autonomic influences on emotional language and the labeling of subjective emotional experience; (c) positive emotion and autonomic soothing; (d) expressive signs of autonomic origin; (e) autonomic substrates of emotional contagion and empathy; and (f) autonomic consequences of emotion regulation. For each, I describe relevant research from our laboratory and discuss implications for an evolutionary account of emotion. In these and many other ways the autonomic architecture of human emotion has evolved not only to move blood and tears in the service of fears, but also to provide us with a rich set of tools that help us communicate and signal the nature of our internal emotional experiences, understand the emotions of others, calm ourselves and others, and give us some modicum of control over harmful and unproductive emotions.
Localized amygdalar lesions in humans produce deficits in the recognition of fearful facial expressions. We used functional neuroimaging to test two hypotheses: (i) that the amygdala and some of its functionally connected structures mediate specific neural responses to fearful expressions; (ii) that the early visual processing of emotional faces can be influenced by amygdalar activity. Normal subjects were scanned using PET while they performed a gender discrimination task involving static grey-scale images of faces expressing varying degrees of fear or happiness. In support of the first hypothesis, enhanced activity in the left amygdala, left pulvinar, left anterior insula and bilateral anterior cingulate gyri was observed during the processing of fearful faces. Evidence consistent with the second hypothesis was obtained by a demonstration that amygdalar responses predict expression-specific neural activity in extrastriate cortex.
resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to localize brain areas that were active during the observation of actions made by another individual. Object- and non-object-relat ed actions made with different effectors (mouth, hand and foot) were presented. Observation of both object- and non-object-relat ed actions determined a somatotopically organized activation of premotor cortex. The somatotopic pattern was similar to that of the classical motor cortex homunculus. During the observation of object-related actions, an activation, also somatotopically organized,
The neurons of the human cerebral cortex are arranged in a highly folded sheet, with the majority of the cortical surface area buried in folds. Cortical maps are typically arranged with a topography oriented parallel to the cortical surface. Despite this unambiguous sheetlike geometry, the most commonly used coordinate systems for localizing cortical features are based on 3-D stereotaxic coordinates rather than on position relative to the 2-D cortical sheet. In order to address the need for a more natural surface-based coordinate system for the cortex, we have developed a means for generating an average folding pattern across a large number of individual subjects as a function on the unit sphere and of nonrigidly aligning each individual with the average. This establishes a spherical surface-based coordinate system that is adapted to the folding pattern of each individual subject, allowing for much higher localization accuracy of structural and functional features of the human brain.
Zusammenfassung Ich habe in diesem Aufsatz kurz anzudeuten versucht, was meiner Ansicht nach das Wesentliche in Fragestellung und Methode der Ethologie ist und weshalb wir in Konrad Lorenz den Begründer moderner Ethologie erblicken. Hierbei habe ich vielleicht das Arbeitsgebiet der Ethologie weiter gefaßt, als unter Ethologen gebräuchlich ist. Wenn man aber die vielartige Arbeit jener Forscher übersieht, die sich Ethologen nennen, ist man zu dieser weiten Fassung geradezu gezwungen. Ich habe in meiner Darstellung weder Vollständigkeit noch Gleichgewicht angestrebt und, um zur Fortführung des Gesprächs anzuregen, ruhig meine Steckenpferde geritten, vor allem das Verhältnis zwischen Ethologie und Physiologie, die Gefahr der Vernachlässigung der Frage der Arterhaltung, Fragen der Methodik der ontogenetischen Forschung, und Aufgaben und Methoden der Evolutionsforschung. Bei der Einschätzung des Anteils, den Lorenz an der Entwicklung der Ethologie genommen hat und noch nimmt, habe ich als seinen Hauptbeitrag den bezeichnet, daß er uns gezeigt hat, wie man bewährtes “biologisches Denken” folgerichtig auf Verhalten anwenden kann. Daß er dabei an die Arbeit seiner Vorgänger angeknüpft hat, ist nicht mehr verwunderlich, als daß jeder Vater selbst einen Vater hat. Insbesondere scheint mir das Wesentliche an Lorenz‘ Arbeit zu sein, daß er klar gesehen hat, daß Verhaltensweisen Teile von “Organen”, von Systemen der Arterhaltung sind; daß ihre Verursachung genau so exakt untersucht werden kann wie die gleich welcher anderer Lebensvorgänge, daß ihr arterhaltender Wert ebenso systematisch und exakt aufweisbar ist wie ihre Verursachung, daß Verhaltensontogenie in grundsätzlich gleicher Weise erforscht werden kann wie die Ontogenie der Form und daß die Erforschung der Verhaltensevolution der Untersuchung der Strukturevolution parallel geht. Und obwohl Lorenz ein riesiges Tatsachenmaterial gesammelt hat, ist die Ethologie doch noch mehr durch seine Fragestellung und durch kühne Hypothesen gefördert als durch eigene Nachprüfung dieser Hypothesen. Ohne den Wert solcher Nachprüfung zu unterschätzen — ohne die es natürlich keine Weiterentwicklung gäbe — möchte ich doch behaupten, daß die durch Nachprüfung notwendig gewordenen Modifikationen neben der Leistung des ursprünglichen Ansatzes vergleichsweise unbedeutend sind. Nebenbei sei auch daran erinnert, daß eine der vielen heilsamen Nachwirkungen der Lorenzschen Arbeit das wachsende Interesse ist, das die Humanpsychologie der Ethologie entgegenbringt ‐ ein erster Ansatz einer Entwicklung, deren Tragweite wir noch kaum übersehen können. Am Schluß noch eine Bemerkung zur Terminologie. Ich habe hier das Wort “Ethologie” auf einen Riesenkomplex von Wissenschaften angewandt, von denen manche, wie Psychologie und Physiologie, schon längst anerkannte Namen tragen. Das heißt natürlich nicht, daß ich den Namen Ethologie für dieses ganze Gebiet vorschlagen will; das wäre geschichtlich einfach falsch, weil das Wort historisch nur die Arbeit einer kleinen Gruppe von Zoologen kennzeichnet. Der Name ist natürlich gleichgültig; worauf es mir vor allem ankommt, ist darzutun, daß wir das Zusammenwachsen vieler Einzeldisziplinen zu einer vielumfassenden Wissenschaft erleben, für die es nur einen richtigen Namen gibt: “ Verhaltensbiologie”. Selbstverständlich ist diese synthetische Entwicklung nicht die Arbeit eines Mannes oder gar die der Ethologen. Sie ist die Folge einer allgemeinen Neigung, Brücken zwischen verwandten Wissenschaften zu schlagen, einer Neigung, die sich in vielen Disziplinen entwickelt hat. Unter den Zoologen ist es Lorenz, der hierzu am meisten beigetragen und zudem manche Nachbardisziplinen stärker beeinflußt hat als irgendein anderer. Ich bin sogar davon überzeugt, daß diese Einwirkungen auf Nachbarwissenschaften noch lange anhalten werden und daß die Verhaltensbiologie erst am Anfang ihrer Ontogenie steht.