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Ilium growth study: Applicability in sex and age diagnosis


Abstract and Figures

The use of coxal elements for age and sex diagnosis from the skeleton is the primary and most widespread way of bringing us closer to the identity of dead individuals in archaeological and certain forensic scenarios. Diagnosis in sub-adults, especially in fetus and infant age, is not clear; and further studies are needed. This work presents the analysis of the growth of six variables in the ilium, from birth to 97 years of age, in order to evaluate its significance and its capacity for age and sex determination during and after growth. The materials used were 327 specimens from four documented Western European collections. Growth curves were calculated for the three classical variables of the ilium (width, length and index) and three new variables of the acetabulum area (horizontal and vertical diameter of the ilium acetabular surface and the ilium acetabular index). None of the curves showed a lineal growth, except those of the horizontal diameter of the ilium acetabular surface for the male series. The ilium width has the most complicated growth and it is explained by a four-degree polynomial. All the variables studied can be useful for adult sex discrimination with the exception of the ilium width and ilium acetabular index. Furthermore, the most useful variables for subadult and adult age estimation in archaeological samples, as well as in forensic samples, are the absolute measurements (ilium length and width, horizontal and vertical diameter of the ilium acetabular surface); however, the ilium width is the best variable, as this can be applied to all growth ages using both sexual series together up to 20 years of age.
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Ilium growth study: applicability in sex and age diagnosis
C. Rissech, A. Malgosa*
Unitat d’Antropologia, Department Biologia animal, Biologia vegetal i Ecologia, Universitat Auto
`noma de Barcelona,
Campus de Bellaterra, 08193 Bellaterra-Cerdanyola del Valle
`s, Spain
The use of coxal elements for age and sex diagnosis from the skeleton is the primary and most widespread way of bringing us
closer to the identity of dead individuals in archaeological and certain forensic scenarios. Diagnosis in sub-adults, especially in
fetus and infant age, is not clear; and further studies are needed. This work presents the analysis of the growth of six variables in
the ilium, from birth to 97 years of age, in order to evaluate its significance and its capacity for age and sex determination during
and after growth. The materials used were 327 specimens from four documented Western European collections. Growth curves
were calculated for the three classical variables of the ilium (width, length and index) and three new variables of the acetabulum
area (horizontal and vertical diameter of the ilium acetabular surface and the ilium acetabular index).
None of the curves showed a lineal growth, except those of the horizontal diameter of the ilium acetabular surface for the
male series. The ilium width has the most complicated growth and it is explained by a four-degree polynomial. All thevariables
studied can be useful for adult sex discrimination with the exception of the ilium width and ilium acetabular index. Furthermore,
the most useful variables for subadult and adult age estimation in archaeological samples, as well as in forensic samples, are the
absolute measurements (ilium length and width, horizontal and vertical diameter of the ilium acetabular surface); however, the
ilium width is the best variable, as this can be applied to all growth ages using both sexual series together up to 20 years of age.
#2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Innominate; Acetabular point; Polynomial regression
1. Introduction
Despite the importance of having a register of growth
values for all the different skeletal elements, which are used
as the reference in the study of past population, not much
information is available on the pre- and post-natal growth of
the coxal bone or its elements from osteological material.
There is also a general lack of studies based on documented
skeletal collections and published data drawn mainly from
archaeological series.
An added problem in this situation is that the studies do
not analyze all age ranges. This is due to the difficulty in
conducting morphometric analysis through all the stages of
coxal development, from non-fused to fused bones.
However, the use of the acetabular point as a point of
reference offering anatomical guarantee [1] overcomes this
inconvenience, and allows us with confidence to begin the
study of the coxal bone from birth to old age.
From this perspective, a cross-sectional study of the
elements of the coxal bone has been planned: use of docu-
mented series with bones from all ages and a continuous
analysis over the development of the bone. In a previous
work [2], we considered that the isquium bone is a good
element in helping us to analyze age, and its length is the best
means of doing so. Isquium length and measurements of the
acetabular surface can also be used for adult sex discrimi-
The ilium is an important element for sex diagnostics, as
well as for age estimation in the adult [3,4,5] but it has not
Forensic Science International 147 (2005) 165–174
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 93 5811860;
fax: +34 93 5811321.
E-mail address: (A. Malgosa).
0379-0738/$ – see front matter #2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
been analyzed from this perspective. The main purpose of
this study is to analyze the growth of several variables in the
ilium from a documented sample, from birth to old age.
2. Materials and methods
The material used in this work consists of coxal bones
from 327 individuals taken from four documented skeletal
series: the St. Brides collection, London; Esqueletos iden-
tificados, Coimbra; the Lisbon collection, Lisbon; and the
UAB collection, Barcelona. Details regarding age and sex
appear in Table 1.
The variables selected are those that are classical for the
ilium (width, length and index); additionally, we use three
new variables that describe the ilium acetabular surface of
the immature acetabulum. Measurements used were:
Ilium width (Fig. 1.1): distance between antero-superior
iliac spine and postero-superior iliac spine. [6] The tech-
nique used was that proposed by Genove
´s[7] in adults and
Fazekas and Kosa ([8], ilium length) in sub-adults.
Ilium length (Fig. 1.2): maximum distance between the
acetabular point and the most distant point on the iliac
cresta (crestal point, [6]). The crestal point in adults was
located by Genovess procedure [7] and by Fazekas and
Kosa ([8], ilium breadth) in sub-adults.
Ilium index: percentage ratio between ilium width and
length [6].
Horizontal diameter of the ilium acetabular area
(Fig. 2.1): distance between the two upper angles situated
directly on the acetabular rim [9].
Vertical diameter of the ilium acetabular area (Fig. 2.2):
the perpendicular line to the horizontal diameter from the
acetabular point [9].
Ilium acetabular index: percentage ratio between the
horizontal and vertical diameter of the acetabular area
To locate the acetabular point and the angles of the ilium
acetabular area, descriptions made by Rissech et al. [1] have
been taken into account.
Ilium width, length and index were measured in all
individuals from the four series; however, the measurements
of the juvenile acetabular surface were restricted to the
young non-fused iliums. Nevertheless, these acetabular
measurements have also been taken in the UAB collection,
which consists only of adult individuals, in order to experi-
ence the applicability of these variables to adults. After
analyzing laterality on all measurements, the left bone
was chosen; if it was damaged or pathologic, however,
the right bone was then measured.
2.1. Statistical analysis
Documented series containing juvenile remains are few
and not very large. In addition, they are not homogeneous in
number, age or sex composition. The series used in this study
do not elude this situation; therefore, the intervals of age for
C. Rissech, A. Malgosa/ Forensic Science International 147 (2005) 165–174166
Table 1
Distribution of specimens by sex, age and population
Age Sb Co Lb Gr Total
<, <, <, <, < ,
04 3 1 11 5 14 6
59 5 2444 11 8
1014 1 1 2 11 2 4 5 16
1519 1 2 11 13 6 6 18 21
2025 5 4 11 8 5 12 21 24
2630236456 1313
31352331562 1210
36455796961 2419
46553555973 2017
5665 11 4 5 1 16 5
667535 34 6 9
7697 1 3 5 10 6 13
42 38 49 52 56 56 19 5 166 161
Sb, St Bride collection, London (18th to 19th); Co, collection of
Esqueletos Identificados of Coimbra (19th to 20th Century); Lb,
Lisbon collection (19th to 20th Century); UAB, collection of the
Universitat Auto
`noma de Barcelona.
Fig. 1. Non fused (a) and fused (b) coxal bone: ilium with (1) and
ilium length (2).
Fig. 2. Non-fused coxal bone: vertical diameter (2) and horizontal
diameter (1) of ischium acetabular surface.
each sexual series have to be wider5 years for sub-adults.
Intervals for adults were 20 years, because their growth
should have been nished, but the apposition phenomenon
could occur.
All the series were used as a whole, but the ANOVA test
in the adults and a graphic lowess method in sub-adults were
previously applied to analyze their homogeneity (The lowess
method is an iterative locally weighted least-squares method
by which a curve is t to a set of points).
In order to attain an initial approximation of sexual
dimorphism for any variables, Studentst-test and the
MannWhitney U-test were applied to each age group.
The results from younger groups should be used carefully,
because they are not homogenous, and growth rhythm is not
the same within and among groups. This calculation there-
fore allows us to have a perception about the existence of
dimorphism in these variables at different stages of life.
To analyze the growth of the two sexual series, poly-
nomial regression models were performed, because it can
be supposed that, in general, growth dynamics can be
described by an incremental continuous function. In general
terms, growth may be described by the lowest order poly-
In order to ascribe age at death, the inverse relation of the
variables has been calculated by taking age as the dependent
variable. Polynomial regression was calculated for both
sexual series separately, for forensic use. Moreover, in the
variables with no sexual differences, regression was applied
to the whole data, both female and male, together. The
benet in this latter case is the possibility of its application
on unknown remains, therefore having archaeological and
anthropological use.
To perform the statistical analysis, Windows SPSS/PC
(Release 7.5.2S) and SAS/UNIX system (Release 6.10) were
3. Results
For each variable and sex, all the tted curves on the
graphic representation of the young specimens by lowess
method show a very similar pattern (Fig. 3). Growth may
therefore be considered similar, and the specimens were
analyzed together as a single series.
With regard to the homogeneity test in adult bones, all
series can be analyzed together with the exception of the
ilium length (F= 3.286 p= 0.024
,F= 8.951 p= 0.000
The female Iberian series and the male UAB collection have
higher mean values for ilium length than the Britannic series.
Ilium length analysis in adult samples was therefore inde-
pendently conducted in Iberian and Britannic series.
For the sake of clarity, the variables will be related
3.1. Ilium width
Studentst-test applied to each interval of age (Table 2)
shows no signicant differences in sexual dimorphism. In
fact, the anthropological references for this variable show a
contradiction, some studies show that male iliums were
wider than the corresponding female bone [1012]; others
show the contrary, female iliums were wider than those of
males [5,7,13]. Actually, the dimorphism in this variable is
less marked [5,7,10,13,14].
The best growth model for ilium width was a fourth-
degree polynomial regression (Fig. 4). The coefcients have
signicance in the two sexual series, and the F-values
indicate the signicance of the functions. The explained
variability of the models is 97% in males and almost 96% in
In the tted curves (Fig. 4), a restrained growth is
observed before the growth spurt, from 5 to 10 years of
C. Rissech, A. Malgosa / Forensic Science International 147 (2005) 165174 167
Fig. 3. Male ischium width (IW) by populations (PB), age ED. Collections from UAB (Gr), Lisbon (Lb), Coimbra (Co) and St Bride (Sb).
age; this slowness in growth is characteristic of the hori-
zontal variables [15]. The beginning of the growth spurt for
this coxal dimension is at shortly over 10 years of age in
females and at approximately 14 for males. The maximum
for male and female curves (approximately 20 years)
indicates the end of growth, but this seems to be earlier
in girls, although with our data it is not possible to be more
The conclusion is that ilium width is not useful for
sexual diagnostic, but it is interesting for the estimation
of the age at death for both forensic and archaeological
remains due to the lack of sexual differences. Ilium width
is useful up to the age of 20, for female as well as male
skeletons, before growth has terminated. In order to assess
age at death, the inverse relation between ilium width and
the age was calculated (Table 3). A third-degree polynomial
regression for the unisex (male and female together) and
male series and a rst-degree polynomial in the female
series were selected as the most tted models: the variability
explained is greater than 87%, reaching almost 96% in the
male series.
3.2. Ilium length
From 0 to 4 years of age, girls from our series have a
higher mean value than boys, but from the age of 5 boys
show higher mean values (Table 4). However, these differ-
ences are not signicant until adult age in the two popula-
tional subgroups (the Iberian and Britannic series, Table 4),
though differences in the group of 1519 are close to
statistical signicance. In order to more precisely analyze
the age at which differences begin, a Studentst-test was
applied at different intervals. From 16 to 19 years, differ-
ences between sexes were signicant (124.66 males and
118.32 females, p= 0.031
) indicating that the beginning of
sexual dimorphism in ilium length starts at 1516 years of
age, as a consequence of the growth spurt.
The best growth model for the ilium length was a second-
degree polynomial regression in both sexual series (Fig. 5),
which explains 96% of variability in males and 93% in
females. These models are in agreement with the constant
rhythm of the rate of growth in longitudinal measurements
[15], and because of this the curves do not show the
C. Rissech, A. Malgosa / Forensic Science International 147 (2005) 165174168
Table 2
Mean values of ilium width and sexual differences in each age group
Age Sex n¯
xDS tMean range Up
04<9 63.0000 13.2193 6.56 14.000 0.298
,5 70.4000 17.4299 9.20
59<10 93.9000 4.3830 8.90 34.000 0.633
,8 94.1250 10.8685 10.25
1014 <5 110.8000 9.8082 10.50 32.500 0.823
,14 112.0000 14.5232 9.82
1519 <18 140.5556 12.1084 0.624 0.537
,21 142.6190 7.6386
2025 <17 149.0000 9.8932 0.223 0.825
,22 149.7273 10.2501
2640 <30 153.5000 8.4067 1.439 0.155
,30 150.3333 8.6357
4197 <49 154.7347 9.6280 1.118 0.267
,42 152.7381 7.3818
(Studentst-test or the MannWhitney U-test).
Fig. 4. Polynomial regression lines and equations corresponding to the male (IW1) and female (IW2) ilium width. Coefcient, coefcient of the
function. tand p
, signication of the coefcient. Fand p
, signication of the functions. R
, explained variability.
adolescent upturn. The male curve is less pronounced than
that of the female; therefore, sexual differences in ilium
length are due to the higher growth rate in males. This is also
a characteristic of the horizontal variables [16].
Using our data as a basis, ilium length can be used to
diagnose sex from 16 years of age. Regarding the estimation
of age at death, this variable can be useful for the osteolo-
gical remains of known sex and for individuals between 0
and 16 years of unknown sex. The inverse relation between
ilium length and age at death (Table 3) is a third-degree
polynomial regression for two sexual series. Furthermore,
due to the absence of sexual differences before 16, mixed
C. Rissech, A. Malgosa / Forensic Science International 147 (2005) 165174 169
Table 3
Ilium width (IW), ilium length (IL), horizontal diameter (HDI) and vertical diameter (VDI) of the acetabular area in ilium inverse functions to
the estimation of age at death in archaeological (unisex series) and forensic remains (series by sex)
Variable Coefcient p
Ilium width
<,IW 0.639609 0.0001
432.06380 0.0000
0.008672 0.0000
Constant 14.586156 0.0044
<IW 0.703194 0.0006
337.09526 0.0000
0.009271 0.0000
Constant 16.612568 0.0064
,IW 0.191364 0.0000
354.81014 0.0000
Constant 9.785714 0.0000
Ilium length
<,IL 0.678840 0.0006
245.000 0.0000
0.010835 0.0000
Constant 12.783241 0.0103
<IL 0.889464 0.0001
291.61544 0.0000
0.012834 0.0000
Constant 18.569358 0.0016
,IL 1.216573 0.0080
124.27097 0.0000
0.017736 0.0014
Constant 25.287821 0.0372
Horizontal diameter of the acetabular area of the ilium
<,HDI 0.402291 0.0000
355.39275 0.0000
Constant 7.706326 0.0000
<HDI 0.395501 0.0000
351.48413 0.0000
Constant 7.669898 0.0000
,HDI 0.426182 0.0000
57.26560 0.0000
Constant 8.300057 0.0009
Vertical diameter of the acetabular area of the ilium
<,VDI 0.585407 0.0000
219.25280 0.0000
Constant 9.335846 0.0000
<VDI 0.586540 0.0000
183.10507 0.0000
Constant 9.430888 0.0000
,VDI 0.575968 0.0000
40.23625 0.0000
Constant 8.972333 0.0033
, signication of the coefcient; Fand p
, signication of the function; R
, variability explained by the model.
series can be used to calculate a unisex juvenile model,
which is also a third-degree equation. The variability
expressed in these models is higher than 87%, reaching
almost 95% in male series.
3.3. Ilium index
The mean values of ilium index are always higher in
females than in males (Table 5). Between 5 and 14 years,
incremental values are so slight as to be almost nil in girls;
they completely diminish in boys. This stage coincides with
the growth spurt stage of ilium width, when this variable
slows down growth, and ilium length continues to grow.
Between 1014 and 1519, there is a considerable increment
of the index. This fact indicates the beginning of the growth
spurt for ilium width, which increases the ilium index.
Sexual differences are signicant from 15 years of age.
We can also observe an increment in index values
between the 2025 and 2640 age group that cannot be
attributed to growth. This increase can be related to the
adults of the St. Bride series, which have the greatest mean
values for this variable; it has therefore to be related with the
total series composition, more than with a true growth.
The growth of the ilium index can be expressed by a rst-
degree polynomial regression in both sexual series, but the
variability explained by the equations is low (20 and 27%),
indicating large dispersion of individual values. Dispersion
in index values is normal because it involves various factors
[7]. Due to the low information furnished by the models,
their graphic representation and the calculus of the inverse
relation between ilium and age at death, for age estimation,
has not been considered.
From these results, the ilium index is useful in sexual
discrimination only from 15 years of age until old age, but it
becomes useless for age estimation.
3.4. Horizontal diameter of the ilium acetabular surface
No signicant differences between sexes has been found
in the young series (Table 6). The average for this variable is
higher in girls than in boys from 0 to 4 years, but is higher in
boys from 5 years. After 12, female values become stabilized
C. Rissech, A. Malgosa / Forensic Science International 147 (2005) 165174170
Table 4
Mean values of ilium length and sexual differences in each age group
Age Sex n¯
xDS tMean rang Up
04<12 58.7500 13.9813 8.38 22.500 0.213
,6 63.1667 13.0448 11.75
59<11 85.8182 5.2881 10.68 36.500 0.545
,8 83.7500 9.2852 9.06
1014 <5 102.4000 5.3198 12.90 25.500 0.306
,15 98.7333 12.5725 9.70
1519 <18 122.8333 9.5993 1.800 0.080
,21 117.9324 7.3108
2097 Iberian <80 130.2125 8.2932 7.015 0.000
,74 122.0541 6.0384
Britannic <30 126.6000 11.2483 4.883 0.000
,32 114.9688 7.1909
(Studentst-test or the MannWhitney U-test).
Fig. 5. Polynomial regression lines and equations corresponding to the male (IL1) and female (IL2) ilium length. Coefcient, coefcient of the
function. tand p
, signication of the coefcient. Fand p
, signication of the functions. R
, explained variability.
due to the fusion of the coxal elements, but growth continues
in boys until 16 years of age. Averages obtained for boys and
girls at these ages are very different and suggest that such
differences would be signicant when female growth stops.
To corroborate this hypothesis, adult coxal bones from the
UAB collection were analyzed and signicant differences
between sexes have been found (x<= 45.83, x,= 40,21,
p= 0.001
The growth of the horizontal diameter in the ilium
acetabular area of the male and female series can be
expressed by a rst-degree (R
= 0.92) and second-degree
polynomial, respectively (R
= 0.80) (Fig. 6). The model for
girlsgrowth indicates a slight deceleration from the begin-
ning, while boys maintain a constant growth rate. This could
be related to a smaller size of the female acetabulum.
Despite the fact that the growth of the female horizontal
diameter follows a second-degree polynomial, the age eva-
luation equation for this variable (Table 3) is obtained from
rst-degree formulas for each sexual and unisex series. The
expressed variability in these models is higher than 73% and
exceeded 91% in the male series.
3.5. Vertical diameter of the ilium acetabular area
There are no signicant differences between sexes in our
data (Table 6). However, the mean values for variables in
girls are higher than in boys until 9 years of age. From 13, the
male mean becomes higher and increases in adult age, where
differences are signicant. This fact is veried in the UAB
series (x<= 36.83, x,= 31.00, p= 0.001
The growth of the vertical diameter in the ilium acet-
abular area can be expressed by a third-degree polynomial
for boys (R
= 0.92) and a second-degree polynomial for
girls (R
= 0.79) (Fig. 7). The distance between the tted
curves of the two sexual series is very low until growth
ceases in the female series. The masculine line of the vertical
diameter has an upturn at the end of its growth, which could
be identied with a pubertal growth spurt. However, this
upturn is located at the end of the curve when growth is
nishing and the acetabulum is fusing. More than an indica-
tion of the growth spurt, this upturn could be viewed as an
artifact of the sample.
In relation with age determination, rst-degree form-
ulae for each sexual series and unisex series have been
obtained (Table 3). The expressed variability in these mo-
dels is higher than 64%, reaching almost 86% in the male
3.6. Ilium acetabular index
The main characteristic of this variable is the lack of
sexual differences in both subadult (Table 6) and adult
individuals (UAB series, x<= 80.7, x,= 77.5, p= 0.426).
However, the main values have a tendency to diminish,
indicating that vertical diameter growth is faster than that
of the horizontal diameter.
The graph of individual values shows a great dispersion,
and it is very difcult to approximate the growth of this
variable to a polynomial equation. For the male series, the
third-degree polynomial was the most signicant, but only
explains 39% of variability. In the female series, it was
impossible to establish an equation. In this sense, graphic
representation does not furnish additional information to the
analysis and is not considered. The ilium acetabular index is
C. Rissech, A. Malgosa / Forensic Science International 147 (2005) 165174 171
Table 5
Mean values of ilium index and sexual differences in each age group
Age Sex n¯
xDS tMean range Up
04<8 109.0208 6.0177 6.63 17.000 0.724
,5 111.3330 3.6247 7.60
59<10 110.9052 6.2227 8.40 29.000 0.360
,8 112.3615 3.4682 10.88
1014 <5 108.1181 6.1081 7.60 23.000 0.298
,14 112.7095 4.4448 10.86
1519 <18 114.5058 6.3855 3.102 0.004
,21 121.1635 6.9246
2025 <17 116.3930 7.0317 3.011 0.005
,21 123.7287 7.7969
2640 <29 119.2885 7.0391 3.560 0.001
,30 126.1222 7.6789
4197 <49 119.6481 7.0082 4.192 0.000
,42 125.9653 7.3476
(Studentst-test or the MannWhitney U-test).
therefore not a useful element for sexual discrimination or
for age estimation.
4. Discussion
The growth pattern of the variables of the ilium bone
shows a continuous increase and follows rst- and second-
degree polynomials. However, ilium width is an exception
since it follows a fourth-degree polynomial and displays a
non-growth stage before the growth spurt. The constant in
the growth rhythm is characteristic of vertical variables:
while vertical variables show a regular growth, horizontal
variables show a non-growth stage before the growth spurt
In general, the curves have a good t and there is not a
great deal of scatter, as evidenced by the consistently high
correlation and the signicance of the functions and the
coefcients achieved in the models. The category of the
polynomial obtained for ilium width in this work coincides
with those of Majo
´[17]. However, our results for ilium
length and the horizontal diameter of the acetabular area do
not coincide with the scarce literature available [17,18,19],
in which polynomial functions with a higher degree were
found (data from the other measurements of juvenile acet-
abulum proposed in this study are not available from other
studies, and thus cannot be compared). As in the case of the
ischium bone [2], it is very difcult to t our data for ilium
length and horizontal diameter to a third-, fourth- or fth-
degree polynomial, as has been found in the above-men-
tioned studies. Nor, in this case, can we explain the differ-
ences as deriving from sample size or measurement
denition, because both are similar and comparable. Never-
theless, auxology studies show that longitudinal measure-
ments have a linear or parabolic behavior, and this is in
agreement with the growth pattern of the variables analyzed
in the present work. On the other hand, we must take into
account that the acetabular area grows fast, and measure-
ments cannot display the growth spurt, as the three bone
elements are fused early, before the age at which this growth
spurt occurs.
Ilium width is the only variable having an upturn in its
growth curve as an indication of growth-spurt onset. This
upturn occurs approximately after 14 years of age in males
and at 10 in females, and possibly nearer 15 in males and 11
in females, taking into account data from ilium length. But it
is not possible to determine exactly when the beginning of
the growth spurt takes place.
The ages of growth spurt found for the ilium in the
present study fall into the standard intervals of age for
pubertal growth spurt in the extant population: 10.517.5
years of age in males and 9.514.5 in females [20]. On the
other hand, the mean age of fusion for the acetabular
elements (acetabular maturation) are 16 in males and 12
in females, which also falls into the standard intervals for the
current population: 1417 and 1115 in males and females,
C. Rissech, A. Malgosa / Forensic Science International 147 (2005) 165174172
Tab le 6
Mean values of the horizontal diameter, vertical diameter and index of the acetabular surface of the ilium, with sexual differences in each age group
Horizontal diameter of the ilium Vertical diameter of the ilium Index of the acetabular surface of the ilium
Age n¯
xDS Mean rank Upn
xDS Mean rank Upn
xDS Mean rank Up
<13 25.4615 5.7099 8.65 21.500 0.289 13 20.3846 5.2367 8.46 19.000 0.208 13 79.5157 7.2859 9.35 30.500 0.849
,5 28.8000 7.2250 11.70 5 23.2000 5.9330 12.20 5 80.3923 4.1032 9.90
<10 38.1000 4.0125 10.59 37.500 0.600 10 29.8000 2.0440 9.45 35.500 0.696 10 78.6937 6.7523 10.00 35.000 0.696
,8 37.6250 5.2627 9.19 8 29.2500 4.0620 8.94 8 77.8207 3.3906 8.88
<3 44.6667 5.0332 8.17 11.500 0.573 3 32.0000 2.0000 5.67 11.000 0.573 3 72.4242 10.8458 6.00 12.000 0.692
,10 42.3000 2.6687 6.65 10 32.8000 1.6865 7.40 10 77.7552 5.4231 7.30
<6 55.1667 3.4881 ––6 38.8333 2.5626 ––6 70.5509 5.3593 ––
,1 51.0000 1 31.000 1 60.7843
(Studentst-test or MannWhitneysU-test).
respectively [21]. Both characteristics indicate no delay in
growth in our series. In general, it is possible to say that the
analyzed series do not show evidence for secular change in
the ilium in light of the analysis of their measurements.
There is no evidence of either malnutrition, or delay in
growth; the osseous maturation and adult size is therefore
similar to extant populations.
4.1. Sexual dimorphism
From our results, sexual differences in ilium measure-
ments are caused by the end of growth in females. The only
exception is ilium length, in which differences come from
the high growth rate in males in relation to female growth.
This different behavior in measurements related to the
presence or absence of restrained growth before the growth
spurt distinguishes between vertical and horizontal vari-
ables. Vertical variables have a more constant growth
[15], and sexual differences are due to the ceasing of female
growth [16]. In contrast, horizontal variables show a
restrained growth before the growth spurt [15] and sexual
differences are due to the higher rate of growth during the
growth spurt [16]. In this way, the length and width of the
ilium have a combination of behaviors, both horizontal and
vertical. Ilium length (theoretically a vertical variable) does
not show restrained growth before the growth spurt (char-
acteristic of vertical variables), but its dimorphism is based
on the higher rate of male growth (characteristic of a
horizontal variable); ilium width shows the inverse behavior.
It is possible to explain this mixed behavior in ilium length
and width by alluding to the oblique anatomical position of
the coxal bone and its measurements.
Ilium length, index and the horizontal and vertical dia-
meters of acetabular surface are useful variables for
adult sexual determination. Ilium length and index are
effective from 16 to 15 years of age, respectively, but
acetabular measurements can be used from 12. Our results
agree with those of current anthropological literature on
adult coxal bones [5,7,10,13]. Ilium index is less known,
although it is appreciated for sexual discrimination in
fetuses [4,8], it is not used in adult coxal bones. It is possible
that the coxal index was not used because of the difculty
in nding acetabular point; however, our results agree
with those of Arsuaga [5] and allow us to afrm the utility
of the ilium index in sexual discrimination from 15 to old
There are few works that analyze ilium growth from bone
remains [17,22] and these only analyze growth, but not
sexual differences, without crossing the limits of the coxal
bone fusion. However, some studies on radiographic mate-
rial have stated that female ilium length at birth was larger
than male [11,23]; after birth, discontinuous sexual differ-
ences were found until 8 years of age, where boys have
greater measurements. In our study, no signicant differ-
ences have been found at these ages, but the major/minor
relation is the same.
C. Rissech, A. Malgosa / Forensic Science International 147 (2005) 165174 173
Fig. 6. Polynomial regression lines and equations corresponding to the male (HDI 1) and female (HDI 2) horizontal diameter of ilium acetabular
surface. Coefcient, coefcient of the function. tand p
, signication of the coefcient. Fand p
, signication of the functions. R
, explained
Fig. 7. Polynomial regression lines and equations corresponding to the male (VDI 1) and female (VDI 2) vertical diameter of ilium acetabular
surface. Coefcient, coefcient of the function. tand p
, signication of the coefcient. Fand p
, signication of the functions. R
, explained
Also in radiographic material, [14] did not nd signicant
differences between 9 and 18, but he did nd sexual differ-
ences in the direction of the growth of landmarks in the ilium
crest that form a circumference arc that is longer in females
than males. The distance between acetabular point to crestal
point is, then, shorter in females than males, although the
crestal point in females is located further back than in males
[7] and this agrees with the signicant differences obtained in
the present study from 16 years of age.
On the other hand, in spite of the small number in our
samples and of the caution needed, the degree of discrimi-
nation obtained by the new acetabular measurements pro-
posed in this work is particularly noteworthy.
4.2. Age determination
It is possible to estimate the age at death of subadult
individuals by using absolute measurements of the ilium.
The application of the regression equation for ilium width
and length are of greatest use because they do not become
stable until 20 years in both sexual series. Measurements of
the acetabular area have the most reduced application time,
because the acetabular fusion occurs early in development;
horizontal and vertical diameters are applicable only before
12 in females and before 16 in males.
The formulae of regression calculated from recent Wes-
tern European populations allow us to predict the age of
young human remains with accuracy. In general, calculated
curves t well with our mixed European series and corre-
spond with the behavior deduced from the adult bone and
other skeletal segments. These are the rst formulae
obtained from the ilium to diagnose osseous age and sex
in Western European human remains taking into account that
they cross the limits of coxal fusion.
We are grateful to Canon John Oates, Dr L. Scheuer, Dr.
S. Black, Dr. E. Cunha, M
. Augusta Rocha, Professor
Almanc¸a, Mr Luis Lopes and Dr Grac¸a Ramalinho for
permitting access to the human skeletal collections.
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C. Rissech, A. Malgosa / Forensic Science International 147 (2005) 165174174
... One factor that has been proposed as potentially impacting the ability to reliably estimate the sex of non-adult skeletons includes the fact that most morphological methods developed for non-adult sex estimation focus on areas of the skeleton that are most effective for adult sex estimation, namely the pelvis and skull (Klales and Burns 2017;Rissech and Malgosa 2005;Rogers 2009). Given that sex differences in these areas of the skeleton are secondary sex characteristics, they develop during puberty and the full expression of dimorphism does not manifest until the postpubertal period. ...
... In times when chronological age was not rigorously recorded, these biological changes would mark a child's transition into adulthood, thereby leading to a shift in their social identity (Arthur et al. 2016;Bogin 1999). The pubertal period has also been identified as a critical period in which sexual dimorphism in the human pelvis begins to develop until its full expression in the post-pubertal period (Klales and Burns 2017;Rissech and Malgosa 2005;Rogers 2009). The results of this study, however, provide a nuanced understanding of the relationship that exists between pubertal development and the expression of sexual dimorphism in the pelvis. ...
Reliable morphological sex estimation in non-adult skeletons continues to be problematic in juvenile osteology. Methodological exploration has focused on infants and children (0–12 years of age), but less attention has been given to adolescents (12–19 years of age). A critical challenge to non-adult sex estimation is that the full expression of sexual dimorphism in areas of the skeleton that have garnered the most attention due to their use in adult sex estimation (i.e., pelvis) does not occur until adulthood. Little research has been conducted to determine if a threshold along the pubertal growth curve that may yield high sex estimation accuracy exists. This study examined the relationship between pelvic sexual dimorphism and stages of pubertal growth from four skeletal traits. Eighteen pelvic traits outlined by Schutkowski (1993) and Rogers and Saunders (1994) were examined on 128 non-adults (4 months–20 years of age) from the Hamann-Todd and Terry Collections. Pubertal stage was examined on 98 individuals between 8 and 20 years of age. Sex estimation accuracies for each trait and combined traits were assessed for each stage. Statistical significance of correct sex estimates was tested using chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests. This study demonstrated that reaching the post-pubertal period was not required for the full expression of sexual dimorphism of all 18 traits. Surpassing peak height velocity, the period of fastest growth, was more critical given that high accuracy (i.e., > 80%) was observed for sex estimates using five individual pelvic traits and the combination of all 18 traits by the deceleration stage. La estimación del sexo morfológico en esqueletos de subadultos fiable sigue siendo problemáticas en la osteología juvenil. La exploración metodológicas se han concentrado en los infantes y niños (0–12 años de edad), pero los adolescentes (12–19 años de edad) han recibido menos atención. Un reto crítico para la estimación del sexo de los subadultos es la idea que la expresión completa del dimorfismo sexual en áreas del esqueleto que han atraído mas atención debido a su uso en la estimación del sexo en adultos (como el pelvis) no ocurre hasta la edad adulta. Pocas investigaciones se han realizado para determinar si existe un límite durante la curva de crecimiento puberal que pueda producir una precisión alta en la estimación del sexo. Este estudio examinó la relación entre el dimorfismo sexual de la pelvis y las etapas del crecimiento puberal usando cuatro rasgos esqueléticos. Dieciocho rasgos pélvicos delineados por Schutkowski (1993) y Rogers and Saunders (1994) fueron examinados en 128 subadultos (4 meses–20 años) del las colecciones Hamann-Todd y Terry. Etapas puberal fueron examinados en 98 individuos entre 8 y 20 años de edad. Se evaluaron las precisiones de la estimación del sexo de cada rasgo y los rasgos combinados para cada etapa. La significación estadística de las estimaciones correctas del sexo se probó utilizando las pruebas de chi-square y Fisher’s exact test. Este estudio demostró que alcanzar el periodo pos-puberal no era necesario para la expresión completa del dimorfismo sexual de los 18 rasgos. En cambio, superar la velocidad de altura máxima, el periodo de crecimiento más rápido, fue más critico dado que se observó una alta precisión (es decir, > 80%) para las estimaciones de sexo utilizando cinco rasgos pélvicos individuales y la combinación de los 18 rasgos empezando en la etapa de desaceleración.
... Since then and considering that the levels of sexual dimorphism vary among human populations, many methods have been developed all over the world. The methods generated so far can be divided either into longitudinal (e.g., Pedersen 1982;González 2012) or cross-sectional studies (e.g., Rissech & Malgosa 2005;Rissech et al. 2008;López-Costas et al. 2012;Rissech et al. 2013), focusing on the ontogenetic trajectory or on the estimation of cases correctly assigned, respectively. Studies can be addressed through a qualitative, morphological sexual assessment when depending on visual observation of a given bony, dental or epigenetic trait, or from a quantitative, metric sex estimation when the size of an anatomic element is measured (Spradley & Jantz 2011;Moore 2012;Moreno-Gómez 2015;Klales 2020). ...
... Therefore, the female pelvic outlet is already wider at birth, enhancing these differences during childhood (Tanner 1990;LaVelle 1995). Despite the length/ depth iliac indexes usually offered statistically significant results (Boucher 1955;Fazekas & Kósa 1978;Schutkowski 1993;Holcomb & Konigsberg 1995), the evaluation performed by Rissech & Malgosa (2005) showed no utility until 15 years of age, although this study also did not provide percentages of cases correctly assigned. According to Sánchez (2021), each pelvic trait presents a differential level of expression and stabilization between males and females, simultaneously related to the age of the individuals. ...
Sex estimation is essential in both bioarchaeological and forensic research. Based on bibliographical research, this study aims to systematize and compare the existing methods and glance at the future on this research topic. The survey in Web of Science and Google Scholar revealed 37 papers describing the generation of original procedures, and 25 validation studies. The results show that the pelvis, namely the ilium, is the most analyzed anatomical region, followed by the deciduous teeth, the cranium, the mandible, and the long bones. The morphometric approaches are addressed in greater proportion, both as original methods (n = 19) or validations (n = 24). Only one of the 19 approaches that require expensive equipment (conventional radiology, computer tomography, geometric morphometrics and 3D modelling) was tested. Most of them were generated during the 21st century; however, 24 have not been tested yet. Comparing all the methods tested, the percentages of correctly estimated cases are always lower in validation studies. It is suggested that the most promising ones be tested in documented samples by a group of researchers. Thus, the interobserver error would be evaluated and may also lead to new methodological proposals and refinements.
... González et al., 2007;Işcan & Derrick, 1984;MacLaughlin & Bruce, 1990;Patriquin et al., 2003;Phenice, 1969;Rissech & Malgosa, 2005;Rissech & Malgosa, 2007;Schutkowski, 1993;Sutherland & Suchey, 1991;Vlak et al., 2008;Weaver, 1980;Wilson et al., 2011). The pelvis exhibits dimorphism in nearly all mammals, even those that do not have dimorphic body sizes or shapes, and these differences are generally attributed to female obstetric requirements (Berdnikovs et al., 2007;Leutenegger, 1974;Ridley, 1995). ...
Objectives In humans, the pelvis is the most sexually dimorphic skeletal element and is often utilized in aging and sexing remains. The pelvis has become greatly relied upon in anthropological research (e.g., forensics, demographics, obstetrics, evolutionary history); however, pelvis morphology is highly variable, and very little is known about the nature, sources, patterning, and interpretation of this variation. This study aims to quantify pelvis shape variation, document sexual shape variation, and estimate the plasticity of morphology. This will ultimately give greater ability to interpret modern, archaeological, and evolutionary patterns to gain deeper insight into processes which shape human anatomy. Materials and methods Using a sample of 129 Medieval Danish skeletons, shape variation is documented in the greater sciatic notch (GSN), iliac crest (IC), arcuate line (AL), and sub-pubic angle (SPA) using 3D geometric morphometrics. The landmarking method applied here has the advantage of being applicable to fragmentary remains, rather than requiring whole bones. This allows it to be easily applied to archaeological samples and for the interpretation of separate bone features. Differences in shape were statistically analyzed by principle component analysis, linear discriminate analysis, and morphological disparity. Relationships between maximum femur length, body mass, and shape centroid size were also test by allometric regression. Results Results quantify the sexual dimorphism and shape variation present in these features. The GSN shape is the most variable, while the AL is the least. Similarly, the IC is the only feature which shows almost no dimorphism in shape, and instead best reflects lifestyle/activity patterns. Evidence of dimorphism in the IC is likely a result of cultural labor patterns rather than genetic and hormonal influence. Finally, the shapes of the GSN, AL, and SPA are more related to body mass than to femur length, such that individuals with increased mass exhibit more classically “male” shapes and those with less mass have more “female” shapes. Discussion The results have important implications for the evolution of pelvic anatomy, and sexual dimorphism, but also highlight the plasticity inherent in pelvic morphology. Analyzing pelvis features separately in a clearly defined, relatively genetically homogenous population gives insight into the determinants of bone morphology, which are not readily observable by other means. The relationship between body mass and shape suggests dimorphism in body size and composition may affect bone shape.
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History shows that the high rates of fetal, infant, and juvenile morbidity, just as mortality, are a concerning scourge in societies around the world. The Iberian Peninsula stood out as one of the European regions with the highest number of deaths until the last decades of the 20th century. These deaths were influenced by socioeconomic, political, demographic, ideological, epidemiological, and nutritional changes. They also had a significant repercussion on the epistemology and holistic of childhood. Medicine and Historiography played a preponderant role in emphasizing the child figure as a scientific object individualized from the adult. Such assumptions on child-adult interaction were active and valuable in society yet neglected in other disciplines such a Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology. The increased biological vulnerability in comparison to adults, makes children prone to a whole myriad of pathological conditions, despite their bone manifestations are usually limited, nonspecific, not very conspicuous, or even non-existent. This research aims to contribute to the child figure in a multidisciplinary way, using macro and microscopic osteological approaches to look for structural differences between the subperiosteal new bone formation and the extracortical porosity to distinguish between normal and pathological bone growth. Also, this study presents an introductory chapter describing the fetal, infant, and juvenile historiographical knowledge in Europe and, particularly, in Portugal and Spain. An evaluation of four osteological series in palaeobiological, morphometric, and paleopathological terms is presented, such as, the San José’s identified osteological collection (Granada, 19th-21st centuries) and three archaeological series called the following: 1) Convento das Trinitarias descalzas (city of Madrid, 18th-19th centuries); 2) Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Silos, in Prádena del Rincón (a village in the province of Madrid, 12th-17th centuries); and 3) Santa Maria do Olival(is) in Tomar (Portugal, 13th-17th centuries). The eight centuries of peninsular history covered during this research encompassed 389 non-adult skeletons under six years of age studied in the laboratory (or 515, according to the metric and dental information noted during the excavation of Trinitárias descalzas). Considering the identified collection of San José as an osteological control set, it proceeded to: 1) the evaluation of the precision of the methods used in the estimation of the age at death of non-adults; 2) the comparison of the growth profiles from tooth eruption and its development, as well as the lengths of humerus, femurs, and tibiae; 3) the detailed description of the microstructure of the extracortical bone layer, differentiating both the physiological and pathological growths; and 4) the differential diagnoses of the four analyzed series, based on their lesion characteristics, the skeletal distribution, and the statistical procedures for cases with registered causes of death. The examination involved 1135 bones between the optical stereoscopic and the scanning electron microscope observations. Moreover, it was also possible to add an imageology study regarding the Trinitárias descalzas series. The results show that bone length is a good proxy of the age at death. However, it is impossible to know if perinatal individuals were born premature or late during the pregnancy. Also, birth is controversial in infant and juvenile cohorts, in addition to some confusion with respect to the physiological or pathological natures of the subperiosteal growth and the extracortical porosity occurring within children younger and older than the age of two. During the 18th and 19th centuries, the growth patterns attributed a worse state of health to its urban population. This indicates that capital urbanization was a strong and pernicious factor than the living conditions found in smaller and more rural locations, such as Prádena del Rincón and Tomar. In structural terms, the subperiosteal new bone deposits show microscopic pathophysiological differences induced by inflammatory states that jumble their directionality and increase the density of pores and the inclination of their walls. The presence of pathological manifestations was identified in 49.10% (191/389) of the individuals evaluated, of which 6.28% (12/191) had lesions compatible with consistent differential diagnoses: rickets, otitis, and congenital syphilis. The remaining 93.72% (179/191) of the individuals had nonspecific stress indicators (e.g., subperiosteal bone proliferation, endocranial lesions, cribra femoralis) with undiagnosable etiology. In cases where the causes of death remain, the disease-injury relationship is not significant and more complex than expected. The osteological injuries coincided with the three most representative diseases in Paleopathology: metabolic diseases, infections, and trauma. These, in the infantile demographic sector, can be seen exacerbated by prematurity, but there are still no adequate methodologies to determine the bone changes under this condition. However, the severity and extension of the bone lesions found in the Trinitárias descalzas series are greater than those observed in previous paleopathological studies. At the same time, individuals with visible skeletal lesions tend to have increased survival, as stated by the Osteological Paradox. The non-destructive observation offered by the stereoscopic microscope is necessary for future research that intends to deepen the health/disease binomial in early-age individuals, motivating new lines of investigation focused on childhood. It also implements and improves the pathophysiological differentiation of the extracortical discontinuities observed throughout this dissertation.
Objectives Homo naledi is represented by abundant remains from the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star Cave system in South Africa. While pelvic elements from the Dinaledi Chamber of the cave are fragmentary, a relatively complete ilium (U.W. 102a–138) was recovered from the Lesedi Chamber. We reconstructed and analyzed the Lesedi ilium, providing qualitative descriptions and quantitative assessment of its morphology and developmental state. Materials and Methods We compared the Lesedi ilium to remains from the Dinaledi Chamber, other South African hominin fossils, and an ontogenetic series of human ilia. We used the Dinaledi adults as a guide for reconstructing the Lesedi ilium. To assess development of the Lesedi ilium, we compared immature/mature proportional ilium height for fossils and humans. We used 3D geometric morphometrics (GMs) to examine size and shape variation among this sample. Results The Lesedi ilium showed incipient development of features expressed in adult H. naledi ilia. The proportional height of the Lesedi ilium was within the range of human juveniles between 4–11 years of age. GM analyses showed that the Lesedi ilium had an iliac blade shape similar to those of australopiths and an expanded auricular surface more similar to humans. Conclusions The reconstructed Lesedi specimen represents the best preserved ilium of H. naledi , confirming the australopith‐like iliac blade morphology first hypothesized in adult specimens, and establishing that this anatomy was present early in this species' ontogeny. In contrast to australopiths, the Lesedi ilium displays an enlarged sacroiliac joint, the significance of which requires further investigation.
Previous studies evaluating sexual dimorphism in subadult pelvic features present variable, and at times conflicting, conclusions. As a result, there is yet to be a consensus on whether the subadult pelvis can be used in sex estimation methods. This study aims to assess the forensic utility of ilium shape and greater sciatic notch morphology in sexing subadult pelves prior to acetabular fusion. A sample of 397 modern U.S. individuals with unfused acetabula (i.e., tri‐radiate cartilages) aged birth to 14 years was queried from a larger sample of postmortem computed tomography scans. Elliptical Fourier analyses were performed on ilium and greater sciatic notch outlines and resultant PCs were evaluated for significant effects of sex and age. Greater sciatic notch metrics were also collected. Stepwise linear discriminant function analyses with leave‐one‐out cross‐validation were performed on the PCs and metric variables. Analyses were performed on pooled samples, on age‐specific cohort samples, and on samples that iteratively removed the youngest one‐year cohort. Cross‐validated correct classification rates ranged from 57% to 65% and no patterns were observed to support an appearance and/or consistent expression of sexually diagnostic traits. Based on the results, sex estimation using these features is not recommended in pelvic remains prior to acetabular fusion, although the sample sizes of individuals over 5 years of age were limited in this study. Future studies should focus on the sexually diagnostic ability of pelvic traits in subadult samples post‐fusion of the acetabulum.
Full-text available
We have discovered human bones together with archaeological materials of different periods in a single sedimentary unit during the archaeological excavations carried out in the inner chamber of Cueva Corazón (Mave, Palencia). Here we present the anthropological and spatial study of the remains, as well as five radiocarbon dates. According to the results obtained, we can identify a Middle Bronze Age (i.e., Proto-Cogotas) accumulation of human remains and archaeological materials along the north wall of this chamber. However, Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages human remains and materials are scattered throughout the excavation area. Further research is required for a better understanding of such a complex sepulchral deposit.
Growth curves were prepared for length and various other dimensions, including some innovative ones, of the scapula, clavicle, first rib, ilium, pubis and ischium of ages up to 20 years including several immature and many full-term fetuses. Most curves showed, like the previously reported diaphyses of the limb bones, what appears to be a consistent adolescent growth spurt at about 17 years, but the number of specimens supporting these parts of the curves is too small for the validity of this growth spurt to be beyond doubt. The fetal dimensions were similar to those of Fazekas and Kósa and of other recent populations. For the post-natal stages of growth, no data are available for comparison but there was close correspondence with the growth curves of some ancient peoples, Amerindian, caucasoid and negroid, whose limb-bone growth rates had also been shown previously to be well below those of contemporary caucasoids. Thus it is argued that the shoulder-girdle and hip-bone data provided further evidence that this Scottish island population was affected by stunting factors. Although there is no skeletal evidence of malnutrition, there is plenty of evidence that the way of life was full of hardship in which the children shared. They took a full part in the arduous work involved in farming marginal-quality land; the houses were damp, cold, smoky and dark; they were overcrowded although, mainly because of the high infantmortality rate, families were not large.
Cross-sectional growth data were obtained from the skeletal remains of non-adults from the Raunds Anglo-Saxon site. Standard measurements of the diaphyseal lengths of the long bones of the upper and lower limbs and the maximum breadth of the ilium were recorded in order to construct skeletal growth profiles (SGP). In addition regression equations were used to estimate diaphyseal length from proximal and distal shaft widths, and epiphyseal breadth data for fragmentary remains. The skeletal measurements were then plotted against age estimates determined by the dental formation standards of Moorrees, Fanning and Hunt, and Anderson, Thompson and Popovich. The growth data were compared with sixth to seventh century German, ninth century Slavic and modern Caucasian data. With the exception of the ancient Slavic material, the Anglo-Saxon remains demonstrated the smallest rates of growth. Diaphyseal ageing curves derived from the Anglo-Saxon sample were tested for applicability on the non-adult cohorts of the Berinsfield and Exeter Anglo-Saxon/Early Medieval samples. Differences were observed between diaphyseal age as determined from the skeletal growth profiles for Raunds and calcification age assessed for individuals within the test samples. It is proposed that variation in long bone growth as well as dental age confounds consistent and reliable ageing of skeletal remains based on diaphyseal length. Assessment of changes in health and evaluation of methodological problems inherent to studies of skeletal growth from archaeological populations are discussed. Population comparisons for changes in general health are recommended over individual assessments.
Ilia from a known sex, race, and age sample of fetal and infant skeletons from the collections of the Smithsonian Institution were evaluated for six metric and one nonmetric characters. Three indices calculated from the measurements were analyzed. The nonmetric trait was examined for fit with known sex. The three indices failed to show significant sex differences. The nonmetric trait, Auricular Surface Elevation, proved dependable (91% accurate) for the male Fetal and Six Month age groups.
The study of individual patterns of longitudinal growth of the bony pelvic complex reveals the following findings concerning the sex differences in the growth of the bony pelvis. (1) The patterns of growth show the same individual variability and male-female overlap as the adult configuration of pelves. (2) The sex differences in the adult bony pelvis cannot be attributed to the differential response of one bone to sex hormone. (3) Sex differences develop from complicated variations in rates and direction of growth of local areas of the pelvic complex. (4) The superior functional division of the bony pelvis shows only one notable sex difference — the sexual dimorphism of the directional growth of the anterior one-half of the iliac crest. (5) The inferior functional division of the bony pelvis shows numerous local areas of sexually dimorphic growth, but the major sex differences result from the greater lateral migration of the ischia. (6) Of the regions showing definite sexual dimorphism in growth, the pelvic inlet and sciatic notch are the more variable because of their dependency on two separate anatomical systems for their final adult morphological configuration. The subpubic angle and length of the superior pubic ramus are directly associated with only one anatomical system, the enlargement of the pelvic cavity, thus, they show less variability and more definitive sex difference.