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Action Observation and Acquired Motor Skills: An fMRI Study with Expert Dancers


Abstract and Figures

When we observe someone performing an action, do our brains simulate making that action? Acquired motor skills offer a unique way to test this question, since people differ widely in the actions they have learned to perform. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study differences in brain activity between watching an action that one has learned to do and an action that one has not, in order to assess whether the brain processes of action observation are modulated by the expertise and motor repertoire of the observer. Experts in classical ballet, experts in capoeira and inexpert control subjects viewed videos of ballet or capoeira actions. Comparing the brain activity when dancers watched their own dance style versus the other style therefore reveals the influence of motor expertise on action observation. We found greater bilateral activations in premotor cortex and intraparietal sulcus, right superior parietal lobe and left posterior superior temporal sulcus when expert dancers viewed movements that they had been trained to perform compared to movements they had not. Our results show that this 'mirror system' integrates observed actions of others with an individual's personal motor repertoire, and suggest that the human brain understands actions by motor simulation.
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Action Observation and Acquired Motor
Skills: An fMRI Study with Expert Dancers
B. Calvo-Merino
, D.E. Glaser
, J. Gre` zes
, R.E. Passingham
and P. Haggard
Institute of Movement Neuroscience, University College
London and Department of Basic Psychology, Faculty of
Psychology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain,
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Department of
Psychology, University College London, 17 Queen Square,
London WC1N 3AR, UK,
Laboratoire de Physiologie de la
Perception et de l’Action, Centre National de la Reserche
Scientifique-College de France, Paris, France and
Department of Cognitive Neurology and Functional Imaging
Laboratory, Institute of Neurology, University College London
and Department of Experimental Psychology, University of
Oxford, Oxford, UK
When we observe someone performing an action, do our brains
simulate making that action? Acquired motor skills offer a unique
way to test this question, since people differ widely in the actions
they have learned to perform. We used functional magnetic
resonance imaging to study differences in brain activity between
watching an action that one has learned to do and an action that one
has not, in order to assess whether the brain processes of action
observation are modulated by the expertise and motor repertoire of
the observer. Experts in classical ballet, experts in capoeira and
inexpert control subjects viewed videos of ballet or capoeira actions.
Comparing the brain activity when dancers watched their own dance
style versus the other style therefore reveals the influence of motor
expertise on action observation. We found greater bilateral activa-
tions in premotor cortex and intraparietal sulcus, right superior
parietal lobe and left posterior superior temporal sulcus when expert
dancers viewed movements that they had been trained to perform
compared to movements they had not. Our results show that this
‘mirror system’ integrates observed actions of others with an
individual’s personal motor repertoire, and suggest that the human
brain understands actions by motor simulation.
Keywords: biological motion, expertise, intraparietal, mirror neurons,
motor repertoire, premotor cortex
When we watch someone performing an action, our brains may
simulate performance of the action we observe (Jeannerod,
1994). This simulation process could underpin sophisticated
mental functions such as communication (Rizzolatti and Arbib,
1998), observational learning (Berger et al., 1979) and social-
ization (Gallese and Goldman, 1998). Thus it has a major
evolutionary benefit.
A specific brain mechanism underlying this process has been
suggested. Within the premotor and parietal cortices of the
macaque monkey, ‘mirror’ neurons have been recorded which
discharge both when the monkey performs an action, and also
when observing the experimenter or another monkey perform-
ing the same action (di Pellegrino et al., 1992; Gallese et al.,
1996; Gallese et al., 2002). A similar mirror system may exist in
corresponding areas of the human brain (Decety and Gre` zes,
1999; Gre` zes and Decety, 2001; Rizzolatti et al., 2001). Buccino
et al. (2001) found a somatotopic organization in premotor and
parietal cortex when observing movements of different body
parts. This somatotopy corresponded to that found when the
same body parts are actually moved. The network underlying
human action observation seen in functional magnetic reson-
ance imaging (fMRI) includes premotor cortex, parietal areas
and the superior temporal sulcus (STS) (Grafton et al., 1996;
Rizzolatti et al., 1996; Buccino et al., 2001; Iacoboni et al.,
2001), predominantly in the left hemisphere (Decety et al.,
1997; Iacoboni et al., 1999; Gre` zes et al., 2003). The supple-
mentary motor area and motor cortex are typically not
activated, unless an element of movement preparation is also
involved, for example in cases of action observation for delayed
imitation (Gre` zes and Decety, 2001). This might suggest that
action observation activates only high-level motor representa-
tions, at one remove from actual motor commands. However,
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies suggest that
action observation can directly influence the final cortical stage
of action control in the motor cortex. When people observe
actions involving a particular group of muscles, responses to
transcranial magnetic stimulation (Fadiga et al., 1995; Strafella
and Paus, 2000; Baldissera et al., 2001) in those same muscles
are specifically facilitated. These results suggest a brain process
of motor simulation based on direct correspondence between
the neural codes for action observation and for execution.
Some previous studies have suggested that the mirror system
activity specifically codes motor actions of a biological agent.
First, watching an artificial hand in action evoked much less
mirror system activity than watching real hand actions (Perani
et al., 2001; Tai et al., 2004). Second, biomechanically impos-
sible actions did not activate the mirror system (Stevens et al.,
2000). Finally, Buccino et al. (2004) carried out a study
comparing the actions of nonconspecifics, and found that
actions belonging to the motor repertoire of the observer
were mapped on the observer’s motor system. These results
suggest that the human mirror system might be sensitive to the
degree of correspondence between the observed action and the
motor capability of the observer.
However, it remains unclear whether a person’s action
observation system is precisely tuned to his or her individual
motor repertoire. Previous studies of the human mirror system
have used a very restricted set of simple actions, based on the
primate mirror neurons’ responses during grasping (Grafton
et al., 1996; Rizzolatti et al., 1996; Gre` zes et al., 2003). These
studies have reported mirror system activity during observation
of grasping, but have not directly tested whether the activity
while observing a particular action involves simulating the
corresponding motor programme for that action. However,
humans have a motor repertoire that far exceeds these simple
Ó Oxford University Press 2005; all rights reserved
Cerebral Cortex
Cerebral Cortex Advance Access published December 22, 2004
object-oriented actions, and an apparently unlimited capacity to
acquire and perfect new motor skills. As a result, each person’s
motor repertoire is constrained not only by common musculo-
skeletal anatomy, but also by the acquired skills that person has
learned. A particular action may figure in the motor repertoire
of a trained expert but not in the motor repertoire of someone
who has not been so trained.
We therefore used acquired motor skills as a powerful way to
study the tuning of the brain’s mirror mechanisms. We studied
groups of people with different acquired motor skills to
investigate whether the brain’s system for action observation
is precisely tuned to the individual’s acquired motor repertoire.
If this were so, premotor and parietal cortex activity when
observing a given action should be stronger in individuals who
have learned to perform that action than in those who have not.
We tested this hypothesis using a factorial fMRI design in which
expert ballet and capoeira dancers watched videos of ballet and
capoeira movements. In this way, both groups of expert
subjects saw identical action stimuli, but only had motor
experience of the actions in their own dance style. We studied
these particular expert groups for several reasons. First, both
dance styles involve a well-established, distinctive set of move-
ments. Second, many male ballet and capoeira moves are
kinematically comparable. Third, dance involves arbitrary, in-
transitive movements of the whole body. Unlike the grasping
tasks previously used to investigate the mirror system in both
primate (di Pellegrino et al., 1992; Gallese et al., 1996, 2002) and
humans (Grafton et al., 1996; Rizzolatti et al., 1996; Gre` zes
et al., 2003), dance movements need not involve either external
objects or spatial targets locations. Therefore, any differences
between groups of dancers must reflect effects of expertise on
action observation, and not on the representation of the object
or location to which the action is directed. In other acquired
motor skills, such as ball games, action observation and object
representation might not be easily dissociable. A third group
of additional non-expert control subjects was also tested. If
differences in action observation activity between the two
groups of dancers are truly due to these groups’ expertise levels,
we predicted that non-expert control subjects should show
similar activity when watching either style of dance.
Materials and Methods
Ten professional ballet dancers from the Royal Ballet, London, 9
professional capoeira dancers and 10 non-expert control subjects
participated. These dance styles were selected because of the kinematic
comparability of specific male ballet and capoeira moves. All subjects
were right-handed males aged 18--28 with normal vision and no past
neurological or psychiatric history. The professional dancers were
screened to ensure that they had no training in the other dance style.
All gave written informed consent and were paid for their participation.
The protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Institute of
Neurology, London.
Stimuli and fMRI Task
Colour videos of standard classical ballet and capoeira movements were
recorded using a digital camera. The movements were performed by
ballet and capoeira professionals matched for body shape, appearance
and garments, in front of a neutral chromablue background. The
performers were naı¨ ve regarding the subsequent use of the videos. A
professional choreographer approximately matched the individual
capoeira moves to classical ballet moves, according to criteria of speed,
part of the body employed, body location in space and direction of
body movement. This process produced 12 pairs of 3 s video clips.
The dancers’ faces were blurred to ensure that subjects processed body
kinematics, rather than facial or emotional features (see Fig. 1 and online
Supplementary material for examples of the videos). The videos were
presented on a screen situated outside the scanner which the subject
viewed via a mirror (20
3 9 cm) located inside the scanner. During the
experiment, each video was repeated four times. Four null events (black
screen) were also presented. Stimulus order was randomized. Subjects
were instructed to indicate ‘how tiring’ they thought each movement
was by pressing one of three keys with three fingers of the right hand.
To avoid motor preparation, assignment of buttons to response
categories was randomized across trials. Previous training with this
response schedule was done outside the scanner with a second set of
dance videos.
Scanning and Data Analysis
The fMRI data were acquired on a 1.5 T Magnetom VISION system
(Siemens). Functional images were obtained with a gradient echo-planar
sequence using blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast,
each comprising 36 contiguous axial slices (2.5 mm thickness). Volumes
were acquired continuously with a repetition time (T
) of 3.24 s. A total
of 280 scans were acquired for each participant in a single session
(15 min), with the first five volumes subsequently discarded to allow for
equilibration effects. During fMRI scanning, eye position was
monitored on-line by an infrared eye tracker. The data were analysed
using a general linear model for event-related design in SPM2 (Wellcome
Department of Imaging Neuroscience, London;
spm) implemented in MATLAB 6.5 release 13. Individual scans were
realigned, slice time-corrected, normalized and spatially smoothed by
a 6 mm full width at half maximum Gaussian kernel using standard SPM
methods. The voxel dimensions of each reconstructed scan were 3
3 3 3 mm in the x, y and z dimensions, respectively.
Figure 1. Stimuli: Colour videos of standard classical ballet and capoeira movements
were performed by professional dancers. Twelve different moves of each style (a,
ballet; b, capoeira) were matched by a professional choreographer for kinematic
features (for examples see videos in the supplementary information online).
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Calvo-Merino et al.
Event-related activity for each voxel, condition and subject was
modelled using a canonical haemodynamic response function plus
temporal and dispersion derivatives. Statistical parametric maps of the
t-statistic (SPM{t}) were generated for each subject and the contrast
images were stored.
In a second level random effects analysis, we used a 2
3 3 (stimulus
by group) ANOVA model. We constructed an F contrast to test for the
group by stimulus interaction, which indicates the extent to which the
difference between activity when viewing ballet and when viewing
capoeira may vary between groups. Plots of parameter estimates were
used to characterize whether the pattern of interaction constitutes
an effect of expertise. In order to correct for multiple comparisons in
interpreting these results, we used two strategies. First, for areas in the
action observation system about which we had a prior anatomical
hypothesis, a small volume correction (SVC) with a sphere of 10 mm
radius was used according to the coordinates of previous studies. We
used Buccino et al. (2001) for premotor and parietal and Gre` zes et al.
(2004) for posterior STS. Before using SVC, we transformed coordinates
given by Buccino et al. (2001) from Talairach space to MNI space (www. Second, to reveal unpredicted effects in other areas
outside the action observation system, we performed correction for
multiple comparisons over the whole brain, with a corrected signifi-
cance level of P
0.05. To characterize peak voxels within the activated
clusters of interest, we plot contrasts of parameter estimates for each
combination of the movement style and subject group. The surviving
activated voxels were superimposed on high-resolution magnetic re-
sonance (MR) scans of a standard brain (Montreal Neurological Institute,
MNI). In Table 1, we list clusters where SPM{F} for the interaction
reached P
0.001. We have additionally applied an extent threshold of
10 voxels to the data of Table 1, for the sake of brevity. Anatomical
identification was performed on cross-sections with reference to the
atlas of Duvernoy (1999).
Functional images were analysed by statistical parametric
mapping (SPM2) using a general linear model applied at each
voxel across the whole brain. We localized those brain areas that
modulated their activity with expertise using an F-test. We de-
fined the expertise effect as the interaction between the three
subject groups and the two kinds of dance stimuli. That is, we
focused on voxels for which the difference between the re-
sponses to the two types of stimuli varied across the three
groups of subjects.
We predicted expertise effects in areas previously identified
within the human mirror system, namely the premotor cortex,
parietal cortex (intra-parietal sulcus, IPS), superior parietal lobe
(SPL) and superior temporal sulcus (STS). Accordingly, we
performed small volume corrections for multiple comparisons
using 10 mm spheres centred on these areas, as follows: we used
coordinates from Buccino et al. (2001) for premotor cortex, SPL
and IPS, and from Gre` zes et al. (2004) for STS. The results
showed bilateral activation in premotor cortex corresponding
to the expertise effect. We also found significant bilateral
activations in the intraparietal cortex /sulcus and right superior
parietal lobe (Fig. 2). Posterior parts of the STS were activated in
the left hemisphere. Although we show bilateral activations in
premotor and intraparietal cortex, the clusters for these
activations were larger in the left hemisphere than in the right.
These significant interactions were further investigated by
examining contrasts of parameter estimates (see Fig. 3). Experts
had greater activation when observing the specific movement
style that they could perform. This yielded a crossover pattern
of interaction between group and stimulus type. Moreover, the
same voxels in non-expert control subjects were essentially
insensitive to stimulus type, confirming that the interaction
depends on acquired motor skills, and not on visual properties
of the stimuli. Finally, no significant activations corresponding
to the main effects of expert group or stimulus type were found
in mirror system areas.
Beyond these predicted areas of interest, we also found other
expertise effects which survived correction for multiple com-
parisons over the whole brain (P
0.05). These included the
medial frontopolar gyrus, the cingulate gyrus extending from its
posterior part including the retrosplenial gyrus to its middle
part and the right parahippocampal gyrus (see Fig. 4). Further
activations are not discussed here since they were not specif-
ically predicted, and did not survive correction. These are, how-
ever, listed in Table 1 for information.
Our results show that the brain’s response to seeing an action is
influenced by the acquired motor skills of the observer. Subjects
showed stronger BOLD responses in classical mirror areas
(Gre` zes and Decety, 2001; Rizzolatti et al., 2001), including
the premotor, parietal cortices and STS, when they observed
dance actions that were in their personal motor repertoire than
when they observed kinematically comparable dance actions
that were not in their repertoire. Thus, expert ballet dancers
showed greater activity in these areas when watching ballet
Table 1
Expertise effect s in action observation
Brain regions MNI coordinates Z-score
Predicted areas(SVC)
L superior precentral gyrus ÿ27 ÿ6 72 3.96
R superior precentral gyrus 30 ÿ6 69 3.35
R superior parietal lobe 24 ÿ69 63 4.15
L posterior intraparietal sulcus/superio r parietal lobe ÿ33 ÿ45 54 3.89
R intraparietal sulcus/postcentral sulcus 33 ÿ42 48 3.68
L precentral gyrus ÿ54 0 45 3.66
L Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus ÿ39 ÿ66 36 4.04
Non-predicted areas (corrected P \ 0.05)
Retrosplenial gyrus 0 ÿ33 36 4.98
L posterior cingulate gyrus ÿ3 ÿ57 27 5.11
R Cingulate gyrus 3 15 27 5.08
Medial frontopolar gyrus 0 39 ÿ15 5.75
R parahippocampal gyrus 33 ÿ18 ÿ21 4.88
Non-predicted areas (uncorrected P \ 0.001)
L superior parietal lobe ÿ21 ÿ57 69 3.70
L precuneus ÿ15 ÿ54 51 3.88
R supramarginal gyrus 57 ÿ30 48 4.00
L ventral precentral gyrus ÿ48 3 27 4.17
R parieto-occipital fissure 21 ÿ60 27 3.79
R caudate nucleus 15 ÿ9 18 3.92
R inferior frontal gyrus 54 36 3 3.57
R head of caudate 9 12 ÿ6 3.45
R lateral occipital sulcus 63 ÿ48 ÿ9 3.97
R lateral occipital sulcus ÿ51 ÿ63 ÿ9 3.82
L occipital sulcus/middle temporal gyrus ÿ60 ÿ39 ÿ9 4.14
R lateral orbital frontal gyrus 33 36 ÿ18 3.92
L middle temporal gyrus ÿ60 ÿ12 ÿ 18 3.56
L lateral orbital frontal gyrus ÿ27 24 ÿ27 4.61
R anterior middle temporal gyrus 54 6 ÿ30 4.46
R anterior inferior temporal gyrus 54 --12 --36 3.68
The table shows transformed Z scores from an SPM{F} for the group by stimulus interaction.
The table is divided into three sections. In the first section, we show areas predicted that belong
to the action observation system and survive P \ 0.05 small volume correction using a 10 mm
sphere over coordinates from previous studies [Buccino et al. (2001) for premotor and parietal
cortex and Gre
zes et al. (2004) for pSTS]. In the second section, we present activations in areas
that were not predicted, but that surviv e correction for multiple comparisons across whole brain
at P \ 0.05. In the third section, we show areas for which no prediction was made, which are
significant at P \ 0.001 uncorrected. For the sake of brevity, only activations in excess of
10 voxels are listed in this section of the table. L/R: left and right hemispheres.
Cerebral Cortex Page 3 of 7
moves than when watching capoeira moves, while expert
capoeira dancers showed the opposite effect. Thus, while all
groups saw the same stimuli, the mirror areas of their brains
responded to the stimuli in a way that depended on the ob-
server’s specific motor expertise. This suggests that action
observation may recruit such mirror areas to the extent that the
observed action is represented in the subject’s personal motor
repertoire, i.e. if the subject has acquired the motor skills to
perform such actions. Further evidence linking action observa-
tion to specific motor representations comes from the param-
eter estimates in our normal subjects. For these individuals, who
had no motor experience of either ballet or capoeira, no such
differences were detected. Taken as a whole, our results suggest
that action observation in humans involves an internal motor
simulation of the observed movement.
In addition, these results clarify what kind of motor re-
presentation is engaged by action observation. First, significant
expertise effects suggest the mirror system codes complete
action patterns, not just individual component movements. The
dance styles studied here have quite similar components at the
muscle level (both involve jumping, for example). Even though
both groups of dancers could perform such primitive compon-
ent movements, our stimuli evoked mirror system activity
which varied with expertise. Previous studies emphasized
homology between muscle groups in observation and execu-
tion (Fadiga et al., 1995; Buccino et al. , 2001; Rizzolatti et al.,
2001). Our results suggest that the mirror system is also
sensitive to much more abstract levels of action organization,
such as those that differentiate dance styles. To borrow
a distinction from the motor control literature (Sanes and
Donohue, 2000), our results show that the mirror system is
concerned with observing skilled movements, not muscles.
Second, we find that mirror system representations are linked to
learned motor skills. A recent study of learning precisely timed
patterns of finger movements (Sakai et al., 2002) reported
premotor cortex activation associated with new learning of
such patterns. These activations were over and above the effects
of learning sequential order alone or temporal intervals alone.
Those results suggest that premotor cortex may encode de-
tailed action plans for complex movements. Our results suggest
such action plans may also be activated by action observation.
The experiment’s factorial design also excludes alternative
interpretations of these effects. First, our result cannot be due
to kinematic differences between ballet and capoeira stimuli,
since we defined expertise as the interaction of a factorial
design in which all groups of subjects saw both classes of
stimuli. We also carefully matched kinematics across the dance
two styles. Indeed, we found no main effect of stimulus type
within the mirror system, and parameter estimates of control
subjects showed similar activity in response to both kinds of
stimuli. This suggests that kinematics differences do not
contribute to our result. Second, our results are unlikely to
reflect differences between groups in purely perceptual pro-
cessing of the dance moves, since we found no evidence of
expertise effect in brain areas classically associated with
perceptual learning, such as the inferotemporal and occipital
cortices (Gauthier et al., 2000). Movement expertise did
modulate activity in middle temporal areas, perhaps reflecting
semantic categorization (Vandenberghe et al., 1996) of the
dance moves by experts but not by non-experts. However, this
effect did not survive correction for multiple comparisons.
Moreover, we suggest that any semantic categorization process
would be parallel to and independent of the motor simulation
conducted by the mirror system. Thus, Decety et al. (1997)
showed that meaningful and meaningless actions differed only
in the temporal and frontal activations evoked, while no
differences were seen in the classical action observation system.
We have suggested that the increased BOLD responses in
experts’ mirror systems reflected their motor expertise. How-
ever, dance performers generally see more of their own dance
style than of other dance styles. In particular, both classical ballet
and capoeira involve extensive practice with other dancers.
Could our results therefore reflect visual familiarity rather than
motor expertise? We suggest three arguments against this
Figure 2. Effects of motor expertise on brain responses to action observation defined as the group by condition interaction. Projections of the activation foci on the surface of
standard brain (Montreal Neurological Institute, MNI). Note that this projection renders onto the surface activity which may in fact be located in the sulci. Activations significant at
P \ 0.001 uncorrected are shown in red. For display purposes, an extent threshold of 10 voxels has been used. Arrows indicate predicted areas with activations significant at P \
0.05 after small volume correction using a 10 mm sphere. These are in the left hemisphere system ( A), in (1) ventral premotor, (2) dorsal premotor, (3) IPS and (4) pSTS. In the right
hemisphere (B) we show activations in (1) SPL and (2) IPS.
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Calvo-Merino et al.
possibility. First, the expertise effects we observed within the
mirror system included areas classically considered as motor
areas, such as left premotor cortex. Second, we saw no expertise
effects in areas such as the fusiform gyrus, where effects of visual
familiarity and perceptual learning have been repeatedly re-
ported (Gauthier et al., 1999; Tarr and Gauthier, 2000). Finally,
preliminary evidence from another study suggests that motor
expertise has significant effects after effects of visual familiarity
are controlled for (Glaser et al., 2004). In classical ballet, some
moves are gender-specific, while others are performed by both
women and men. Since dancers train together, all dancers are
visually familiar with all moves. Female ballet dancers showed
lower left parietal BOLD responses when watching male-only
moves than when watching either female-only moves or moves
performed in common by either male or female performers.
The expertise effect showed two distinct activations one
dorsal and one ventral within the premotor cortex. The
dorsal premotor activation was found bilaterally, though with
a larger cluster size in the left hemisphere than in the right.
Ventral premotor activation was seen in the left hemisphere
only. Two distinct activations were also seen in the parietal
cortex, bilateral activity in the intraparietal sulcus and superior
parietal lobule in the right hemisphere only. Interestingly, we
also found SPL activation in the left hemisphere, but this did not
survive SVC using the coordinates of Buccino et al (2001). In
general, this pattern of activations fits well with previous studies
of somatotopic organization in premotor and parietal cortex.
Our dance stimuli obviously involved the whole body, with
large, proximal arm and leg movements. Primate studies suggest
that movements of each body part are coded in independent,
parallel parieto-frontal circuits that subserve somatotopically
organized motor representations of the different effectors
(Jeannerod et al., 1995; Rizzolatti et al., 1998). Thus, electrical
stimulation of the monkey premotor cortex elicited complex
postures (Graziano et al., 2002), with a dorsal-to-ventral
somatotopic organization for leg and foot, arm and hand and
finally face and mouth. A similar somatotopic organization for
Figure 3. Parameter estimates for the influence of motor expertise on action
observation in the central voxels of areas classically identified with the human mirror
system: (A) left precentral gyrus/dorsal premotor cortex (--24 --6 72), (B) left intra-
parietal sulcus (--33 --45 54), (C) left posterior superior temporal sulcus (--39 --66 36).
In all three areas, parameter estimates show that the effect of expertise is driven by
a crossover interaction between the two groups of expert dancers and the two
stimulus types. Stimulus type has minimal effects in control subjects. Black bars reflect
parameter estimates for ballet stimulus and white bars reflect capoeira stimulus.
Figure 4. Influence of motor expertise on brain responses to action observation:
saggital section showing activation after correction for multiple comparisons across
the whole brain at P \ 0.05. (1) ventro-medial frontopolar gyrus, (2) cingulate gyrus,
(3) posterior cingulate gyrus and (4) retrosplenial gyrus.
Cerebral Cortex Page 5 of 7
action observation was found in parietal and premotor cortex
when human subjects watched a moving hand or a moving foot
(Buccino et al., 2001). Our results are consistent this concept of
direct somatotopic matching between visual stimuli of body
parts and corresponding movements.
We also found a clear effect of expertise in a third element of
the human mirror system, the left posterior STS. This region is
functionally and anatomically distinct from other visual motion
areas such as MT (Watson et al., 1993) and the kinetic occipital
region (Van Oostende et al., 1997), because it does not respond
well to coherent, translational motion or kinetic boundaries.
Rather, the STS is involved in the perception of biological
motion (Bonda et al., 1996; Grossman and Blake, 2002) and of
hand, mouth and eye movements (Allison et al., 2000). As for
the premotor and the parietal cortex, the present study shows
an influence of motor expertise in a classically perceptual area
such as the STS.
Finally, we identified a second set of areas influenced by
expertise. This comprised the ventromedial frontal lobe, anterior/
middle and posterior cingulate and parahippocampal gyrus.
These areas did not form part of the initial hypotheses for the
study. However, they survive statistical correction for multiple
comparisons over the whole brain volume and are consistent
with other findings relating these areas to emotional experi-
ence. The activation in the ventromedial frontal cortex recalls
two previous theories of activation in this area. First, this area is
routinely activated in emotion processing (see Steele and
Lawrie, 2004, for a meta-analysis). In particular, it shows strong
responses to pleasurable and rewarding stimuli (O’Doherty et al.,
2003). Second, Decety and Chaminade (2003) have suggested
that this area contributes to social judgement and the regulation
of social behaviour. These two explanations are clearly not
mutually exclusive in the context of expertise effects. Experts
may show increased ventromedial frontal activation when
watching their own movement style because it is particularly
rewarding for them, or because they have a greater social
engagement with the person they observe. Our study cannot
distinguish between the emotional and the social-engagement
aspects of this activation, and indeed was not designed to do so,
though this would be a fruitful topic for future research.
The influence of expertise on cingulate, retrosplenial and
parahippocampal activation is also consistent with these areas’
role in episodic memory. Functional neuroimaging studies of
retrieving items from memory have shown effects of familiarity
on prefrontal activations, and also anterior and posterior
cingulate (Burgess et al., 2001). The posterior activations may
contribute to imagery and episodic recall from long-term storage
of allocentric information maintained in other areas of the brain.
The greater familiarity of experts with their own movement style
may lead to stronger activation of brain mechanisms of episodic
memory, even when watching another person.
The right parahippocampal region is involved in storing and
maintenance of stimulus representations across long delays, and
seems predominantly dedicated to visuospatial aspects of these
processes (Maguire et al., 2003; Small et al., 2003). Moreover, the
parahippocampal gyrus shows greater activity following when
viewing meaningful as compared to meaningless actions (Decety
et al., 1997). Actions that appear meaningless to inexpert sub-
jects may appear more meaningful to experts, and additionally
recruit circuits for semantic representation in the brain. The in-
fluence of expertise suggests that, taken together as a network,
activation of these midline areas reflects a combination of episo-
dic memory processes and the degree of engagement between
the viewer and the stimuli during action observation.
In summary, we have shown a clear effect of acquired motor
skills on brain activity during action observation. The network of
motor areas involved in preparation and execution of action was
also activated by observation of actions. Crucially this activation
was stronger when the subjects had the specific motor
representation for the action they observed. Therefore, the
parietal and premotor cortex mirror system does not respond
simply to visual kinematics of body movement, but transforms
visual inputs into the specific motor capabilities of the observer.
While all the subjects in our study saw the same actions, the
mirror areas of their brains responded quite differently accord-
ing to whether they could do the actions or not. We conclude
that action observation evokes individual, acquired motor repre-
sentations in the human mirror system. Our finding lends support
to ‘simulation’ theories (Gallese and Goldman, 1998), according
to which action perception involves covert motor activity
(Jeannerod, 1994; Gre` zes and Decety, 2001; Rizzolatti et al.,
2001). This activation of motor representations through mere
observation could have important applications in enhancing
skill learning and in motor rehabilitation.
We are grateful to Deborah Bull and Emma Maguire (Royal Ballet), Tom
Sapsford and Giuseppe Vitolo and Rodrigo Peres (Capoeira School,
London), and Opher Donchin for advice and assistance. This work was
supported by a Wellcome Trust Programme Grant and an EU Fifth
Framework Program (R.P., J.G.), EU Marie Curie Research Training
Site (B.C.), Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship (P.H.) and MRC
Co-operative Group Grant to the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
Address correspondence to Patrick Haggard, Institute of Cognitive
Neuroscience and Department of Psychology, University College
London, 17 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AR, UK. Email: p.haggard@
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... Moreover, this co-author was not familiar with the details of the motion generation, providing a more objective eye on the movement; just as has been shown in prior work, familiarity with motion structure changes how it is seen [29]. ...
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This paper presents a method for creating expressive aerial robots through an algorithmic procedure for creating variable motion under given task constraints. This work is informed by the close study of the Laban/Bartenieff movement system, and movement observation from this discipline will provide important analysis of the method, offering descriptive words and fitting contexts—a choreographic frame—for the motion styles produced. User studies that use utilize this qualitative analysis then validate that the method can be used to generate appropriate motion in in-home contexts. The accuracy of an individual descriptive word for the developed motion is up to 77% and context accuracy is up to 83%. A capacity for state discernment from motion profile is essential in the context of projects working toward developing in-home robots.
... For example, what infants perceive when they observe an action (e.g., a hand reaching for an object) depends on whether they themselves have experience performing such an action in the world (Sommerville et al., 2005). In adults, Calvo-Merino et al. (2005) found that ballet and capoeira dancers showed greater activity in mirror neurons when they saw movements of their own genre in a video. ...
Conference Paper
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In this study, we investigate whether effects of performing versus observing actions are moderated by learners’ prior experience in the domain. We investigate this possibility in the context of an embodied learning intervention designed to teach the concept of randomness and the shuffle function in R. Findings reveal a significant main effect of the intervention, with performing hands-on activities producing better learning outcomes than observing hands-on activities or live coding sessions. Notably, self-efficacy emerges as a critical moderator, indicating that learners with low self-efficacy benefited more from performing hands-on activities than did learners with high self-efficacy, who in fact benefited more from observing hands-on activities. The study underscores the importance of considering prior experience in studies of embodied learning and advocates for further exploration of different measures of prior knowledge to guide future research in the embodied learning field.
... Once completed, a second task required observers to anticipate the intended direction in which the actor would move (direction identification task). The results revealed that skilled observers showed significantly greater activation of the motor components of the action observation network than less-skilled observers (see [48,49] for examples). Moreover, activation of the motor components of the action observation network was greater for the first (deception identification) task than for the second (direction identification) task. ...
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Background Deceptive movements occur when an actor seeks to fake, hide or delay kinematic information about their true movement outcomes. The purpose of deceptive movements is to impair the perception of opponents (the ‘observer’) to gain an advantage over them. We argue though that a lack of conceptual clarity has led to confusion about what deception is and in understanding the different approaches by which an actor can deceive their opponent. The aim of this article is to outline a conceptual framework for understanding deceptive movements in sport. Main body Adopting Interpersonal Deception Theory from the field of communication, we define deception as when an actor deliberately alters their actions in an attempt to impair the ability of an observer to anticipate their true action outcomes. Further, deception can be achieved either by what we define as deceit, the act of providing false information, or disguise, the act of concealing the action outcome. Skilled athletes often have actions that are difficult to anticipate, but an action is only classified as containing deception if the actor has explicit intent to deceive an observer. Having outlined the conceptual framework, we then review existing empirical findings on the skilled perception of deceptive movements considering the framework. This approach includes a critical evaluation of the mechanisms known to facilitate the perceptual ability to prevent being deceived, including a consideration of visual search strategies, confidence, the contribution of visual and motor experiences, and the influence of response biases and action capabilities on perceptual performance. Conclusion The distinction between deceit and disguise particularly helps to show that most research has examined deceit, with little known about how an actor can more effectively disguise their action, or about how an observer can improve their ability to anticipate the outcome of disguised actions. The insights help to identify fruitful areas for future research and outline implications for skill acquisition and performance enhancement.
... Embodied cognitive perspectives have the potential to inform and influence research on motor skills in the domains of sports and sports psychology (Beilock, 2008). Research findings have revealed that the embodiment hypothesis operates in numerous ways in sport-related contexts, including actionspecific perception, comprehension, prediction, and decisionmaking (Calvo-Merino et al., 2005;Casile and Giese, 2006;Moreau et al., 2011Moreau et al., , 2012. Action-specific perception, also known as perception-action, is a psychological theory that posits that individuals perceive their environment based on their ability to act (Proffitt, 2006;Witt, 2011). ...
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Background and objectives The experience obtained from motor expertise may contribute to and enhance the development of particular visuo-spatial abilities. This exploratory and preliminary study compares the response times of a mental rotation task with egocentric and object-based transformation instructions between soccer players of varying performance levels and gymnasts. Methods Fifty-six male participants were grouped based on their sports experience. Soccer-specific novices (SS-N: n = 19; age = 15.9 ± 0.87), soccer-specific experts (SS-E: n = 17; age = 16.4 ± 0.70), gymnastic-specific experts (GS-E: n = 10; age = 16.6 ± 1.71), and gymnastic-specific novices (GS-N: n = 10; age = 16.0 ± 1.63) were recruited to perform a perceptual task (recognition of soccer-specific poses) and mental rotation tasks with different stimuli (soccer-specific poses, cubes, line-drawings of hands, letters). Results During the perceptual task with instructions on egocentric transformation and soccer-specific poses, we observed that gymnasts had longer response times than soccer players. Our findings also suggest that experts correctly identified most of the poses in terms of accuracy. In the mental rotation task with object-based transformation, gymnasts processed all stimuli, even the soccer-specific poses, more accurately than both soccer groups. Conclusion Our results suggest that gymnasts’ motor expertise plays a role in their performance on mental rotation tasks involving both egocentric and object-based transformations, regardless of the stimuli presented.
... As such, the quantitative approach used in this study differs from previous research done from the perspective of neuroaesthetics (cf. Burzynska, Finc, Taylor, Knecht, & Kramer, 2017;Calvo-Merino, Glaser, Grezes, Passingham, & Haggard, 2005;Herbec, Kauppi, Jola, Tohka, & Pollick, 2015;Pollick, Vicary, Noble, Kim, Jang, & Stevens, 2018) and somaesthetics (Arnold, 2005;Carter, 2015), as well as from cognitive-oriented research on dance (cf. Glass, 2005;Stevens & McKechnie, 2005). ...
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This study investigates the relationship between the subjective time experience and aesthetic experience , including bodily sensations , as observers view recordings of dance choreographies of contemporary and hip-hop dance. After watching each of the six different video-recorded dance choreographies, the participants (Serbian students N=122, aged between 17 and 27) rated their perception of time (i.e., duration, passage), their aesthetic experience, and bodily sensations. In regard to the duration aspect of time perception, the results indicated that the observers’ estimations of the duration of each choreography do not differ significantly from the objective duration of the observed choreography. In contrast, the results for the passage of time show that the participants perceived time as passing much faster when watching hip-hop choreographies . Specifically for hip-hop choreographies , Dynamism and Focus positively predict subjective time experience. In line with previous studies, these findings suggest that heightened focus on an aesthetic object, as well as immersion in an activity, tends to diminish awareness of the passage of time, leading to the sensation of time passing more quickly.
... Using positron emission tomography (PET), Brown and Lawrence demonstrated that blood flow to the motor areas and cerebellum increases when dance steps are performed [45]. Calvo-Merino et al. [46] and Cross et al. [47] hypothesized selective activation of the brain areas responsible for movement planning in response to dance movements. In line with these hypotheses, Sacco and collaborators demonstrated that tango lessons stimulated the activation of the premotor and supplementary motor areas [48]. ...
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Rolando Toro’s Biodanza (SRT) is a therapeutic strategy that uses movement, music, and emotions to induce integrative living experiences. The present study aims to explore the efficacy of a three-month SRT intervention on motor, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). This study employed a randomized between-group design. Twenty-eight non-demented PD patients were enrolled in this study. Out of these, fourteen patients were assigned to the active treatment group using the Biodanza SRT system and fourteen to the untreated control group. The study group attended 2 h SRT classes once a week, completing twelve lessons in twelve weeks. All patients underwent: (i) a neurological examination to measure the severity of motor symptoms, balance, mobility, and risk of falls, and (ii) a neuropsychological battery to assess cognitive status, apathy, depressive symptomatology, and perceived quality of life (QoL), at study entry (T0) and at twelve weeks (T1, end of dance training). At T1, we observed a significant improvement in motor (i.e., severity of motor symptoms and balance) and cognitive parameters (i.e., working memory and delayed verbal memory) in all treated patients compared with the controls. Furthermore, a significant improvement in the social support dimension was found in all treated patients compared to the controls. A trend toward increased apathy was found in untreated patients at T1. The three-month Biodanza intervention significantly ameliorated the motor parameters of PD patients, with a parallel improvement in cognitive and QoL status. Hence, Biodanza intervention can, in the short term, represent a useful personalized medical intervention for the management of Parkinson’s disease.
... Ez a megközelítés nemcsak a feltárt dimenziók finom különbségeinek megragadását teszi lehetővé, hanem azok további összehasonlítását is a tánccal kapcsolatos konkrét témák (például különböző táncformák, a koreográfus stílusa, az előadóművész jellemzői) között. Mint ilyen, az ebben a vizsgálatban alkalmazott kvantitatív megközelítés eltér a neuroesztétika szemszögéből végzett korábbi kutatásoktól (lásd Burzynska, Finc, Taylor, Knecht, & Kramer, 2017;Calvo-Merino, Glaser, Grezes, Passingham, & Haggard, 2005;Herbec, Kauppi, Jola, Tohka, & Pollick, 2015;Pollick, Vicary, Noble, Kim, Jang, & Stevens, 2018) és a szómaesztétika (Arnold, 2005;Carter, 2015), valamint a tánc kognitív irányultságú kutatásaitól is (lásd Glass, 2005;Stevens & McKechnie, 2005). ...
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Jelen tanulmány a szubjektív időélmény és az esztétikai élmény közötti összefüggést vizsgálja, a testérzeteket is fókuszba helyezve. A vizsgálatban 17 és 27 év közötti szerb hallgatók (N = 122) vettek részt, akik hat különböző tánckoreográfia (kortárs tánc és hiphop) megtekintése után értékelték saját időérzékelésüket, esztétikai élményüket és testérzeteiket. Az eredmények arra mutatnak rá, hogy a nézők szubjektív becslése az egyes koreográfiák időtartamára vonatkozóan nem különbözik jelentősen a koreográfiák objektív időtartamától. Ezzel szemben az idő múlására vonatkozó eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a résztvevők sokkal gyorsabbnak érzékelték az idő múlását, amikor hiphop koreográfiákat néztek. A hiphop koreográfiák esetében a dinamizmus és a fókusz dimenziói jelezték előre pozitívan a szubjektív időélményt. A korábbi vizsgálatokkal összhangban ezek az eredmények azt sugallják, hogy a fokozott összpontosítás az esztétikai tárgyra, valamint az elmélyülés a tevékenységben képes csökkenteni az idő múlásának tudatosságát, amelytől úgy érezhetjük, hogy az idő gyorsabban telik.
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Difficulties in reasoning about others’ mental states (i.e., mentalising/Theory of Mind) are highly prevalent among disorders featuring dopamine dysfunctions (e.g., Parkinson’s disease) and significantly affect individuals’ quality of life. However, due to multiple confounding factors inherent to existing patient studies, currently little is known about whether these sociocognitive symptoms originate from aberrant dopamine signalling or from psychosocial changes unrelated to dopamine. The present study, therefore, investigated the role of dopamine in modulating mentalising in a sample of healthy volunteers. We used a double-blind, placebo-controlled procedure to test the effect of the D2/D3 antagonist haloperidol on mental state attribution, using an adaptation of the Heider and Simmel (1944) animations task. On 2 separate days, once after receiving 2.5 mg haloperidol and once after receiving placebo, 33 healthy adult participants viewed and labelled short videos of 2 triangles depicting mental state (involving mentalistic interaction wherein 1 triangle intends to cause or act upon a particular mental state in the other, e.g., surprising) and non-mental state (involving reciprocal interaction without the intention to cause/act upon the other triangle’s mental state, e.g., following) interactions. Using Bayesian mixed effects models, we observed that haloperidol decreased accuracy in labelling both mental and non-mental state animations. Our secondary analyses suggest that dopamine modulates inference from mental and non-mental state animations via independent mechanisms, pointing towards 2 putative pathways underlying the dopaminergic modulation of mental state attribution: action representation and a shared mechanism supporting mentalising and emotion recognition. We conclude that dopaminergic pathways impact Theory of Mind, at least indirectly. Our results have implications for the neurochemical basis of sociocognitive difficulties in patients with dopamine dysfunctions and generate new hypotheses about the specific dopamine-mediated mechanisms underlying social cognition.
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One of the defining characteristics of Cretan peak sanctuaries are the clay anthropomorphic figurines, which are observable in large quantities on nearly all such sites, and which are seldom associated with other contexts. The exclusivity and omnipresence of these artefacts renders them one of the most suitable areas of research with a view to re-examining the practices and performances taking place on these sites. This study focuses on the clay anthropomorphic figurines, following a neuroarchaeological and cognitive approach, drawing on neurological studies regarding the function and neurological and mental sequalae of mirror neuron activation, as well as concepts of material engagement, and the use of the figurines as a form of shared exographic memory system. The figurines are thereby seen as vital active constituents of the cognitive processes taking place in these sites, facilitating and enhancing the cognitive preparation for –and participation in– the peak sanctuary performances. Through this approach, the role of these objects as part of a larger cognitive network, shared by the participants of the peak sanctuaries throughout Crete, is proposed, and the potential socio-political and economic significance of this role is highlighted.
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From birth onwards, primates' cognitive development depends heavily on being able to observe and interact with other individuals. How can individuals assign a meaning to the actions performed by other conspeci1cs? A possible neural correlate of the mechanism allowing action understanding could be represented by a class of neurons (mirror neurons) that we have discovered in area F5 of the ventral premotor cortex of the macaque monkey. We proposed that mirror neurons could be part of a cortical system that, by matching action observation with action execution, enables individuals to 'understand' the behavior of others. The present study is aimed at better clarification of the nature and the properties of such a cortical matching system. Neurons responding to the observation of complex actions have been described by Perrett and co-workers in the cortex buried within the superior temporal sulcus (STS). These neurons could be a particularly well-suited source of visual input for F5 mirror neurons. However, area F5 does not receive direct projections from the STS region. One of its major inputs comes from the inferior parietal lobule and in particular from area PF (7b). The inferior parietal lobule, in turn, is reciprocally connected with the STS region. We therefore decided to study the functional properties of area PF by means of single neuron recording experiments. About 20% of the recorded neurons responded both during action execution and action observation, and therefore, in analogy with the neurons described in area F5, we de1ned them as 'PF mirror neurons'. Furthermore, a subset of PF mirror neurons matched hand action observation to mouth action execution. A possible hypothesis is that this latter class of PF neurons may represent a 'primitive' matching system. Taken together, these data indicate that an action obser-vation/execution matching system does also exist in the parietal cortex, possibly constituting a building block of a cortical network for action understanding.
The latest volume in the critically acclaimed and highly influential Attention and Performance series focuses on a subject at the heart of psychological research into human performance the interplay between perception and action. What are the mechanisms that translate the information we receive via our senses into physical actions? How do the mechanisms responsible for producing a response from a given stimulus operate? Recently, new perspectives have emerged, drawing on studies from neuroscience and neurophysiology. Within this volume, state of the art and cutting edge research from leading scientists in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience is presented describing the approaches being taken to understanding the mechanisms that allow us to negotiate and respond to the world around us.
Motor sequence learning involves learning of a sequence of effectors with which to execute a series of movements and learning of a sequence of timings at which to execute the movements. In this study, we have segregated the neural correlates of the two learning mechanisms. Moreover, we have found an interaction between the two learning mechanisms in the frontal areas, which we claim as suggesting action-oriented coding in the frontal lobe. We used positron emission tomography and compared three learning conditions with a visuo-motor control condition. In two learning conditions, the subjects learned either a sequence of finger movements with random timing or a sequence of timing with random use of fingers. In the third condition the subjects learned to execute a sequence of specific finger movements at specific timing; we argue that it was only in this condition that the motor sequence was coded as an action-oriented representation. By looking for condition by session interactions (learning vs. control conditions over sessions), we have removed nonspecific time effects and identified areas that showed a learning-related increment of activation during learning. Learning of a finger sequence was associated with an increment of activation in the right intraparietal sulcus region and medial parietal cortex, whereas learning of a timing sequence was associated with an increment of activation in the lateral cerebellum, suggesting separate mechanisms for learning effector and temporal sequences. The left intraparietal sulcus region showed an increment of activation in learning of both finger and timing sequences, suggesting an overlap between the two learning mechanisms. We also found that the mid-dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, together with the medial and lateral premotor areas, became increasingly active when subjects learned a sequence that specified both fingers and timing, that is, when subjects were able to prepare specific motor action. These areas were not active when subjects learned a sequence that specified fingers or timing alone, that is, when subjects were still dependent on external stimuli as to the timing or fingers with which to execute the movements. Frontal areas may integrate the effector and temporal information of a motor sequence and implement an action-oriented representation so as to perform a motor sequence accurately and quickly. We also found that the mid-dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was distinguished from the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior fronto-polar cortex, which showed sustained activity throughout learning sessions and did not show either an increment or decrement of activation.
We recorded electrical activity from 532 neurons in the rostral part of inferior area 6 (area F5) of two macaque monkeys. Previous data had shown that neurons of this area discharge during goal-directed hand and mouth movements. We describe here the properties of a newly discovered set of F5 neurons ("mirror neurons', n = 92) all of which became active both when the monkey performed a given action and when it observed a similar action performed by the experimenter. Mirror neurons, in order to be visually triggered, required an interaction between the agent of the action and the object of it. The sight of the agent alone or of the object alone (three-dimensional objects, food) were ineffective. Hand and the mouth were by far the most effective agents. The actions most represented among those activating mirror neurons were grasping, manipulating and placing. In most mirror neurons (92%) there was a clear relation between the visual action they responded to and the motor response they coded. In approximately 30% of mirror neurons the congruence was very strict and the effective observed and executed actions corresponded both in terms of general action (e.g. grasping) and in terms of the way in which that action was executed (e.g. precision grip). We conclude by proposing that mirror neurons form a system for matching observation and execution of motor actions. We discuss the possible role of this system in action recognition and, given the proposed homology between F5 and human Brocca's region, we posit that a matching system, similar to that of mirror neurons exists in humans and could be involved in recognition of actions as well as phonetic gestures.
The observers' motoric and symbolic representations of a model's behavior are important mediators in observational learning. The observers' spontaneous use of these mediators may be influenced by their familiarity with responses performed by a model and by their intention to learn these responses. Unfamiliar observers do not have symbolic codes available for the model's responses, so they may rely on motor mimicry. Familiar observers have symbolic codes available, so they may employ those codes and, possibly, motor mimicry as mediators. Spontaneous mediation may also depend on whether observers intend to learn these responses. Three experiments with 132 undergraduates revealed that familiar observers used motoric and symbolic mediators, whereas unfamiliar observers primarily used motor mimicry. Symbolic coding facilitated familiar but not unfamiliar observers' learning; unfamiliar observers' learning was related to motor mimicry. Intention to learn increased motor mimicry but not symbolic coding. An interpretation is offered for the observers' pervasive use of motor mimicry. (3 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).