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Inadequate warning system left Asia at the mercy of tsunami


Abstract and Figures

Scientists and governments were caught unprepared.
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Emma Marris,Washington
When two tectonic plates beneath the
Indian Ocean cracked past each other at
GMT on 26 December 2004, the sea
floor was forced upwards by some 10
metres. This displaced in the region of a
trillion tonnes of water, driving it towards
southeast Asias coastline in a long, low-
amplitude wave travelling at up to 900 kilo-
metres per hour.
When the wave reached shallower water
near the coast,it shortened, slowed and gath-
ered into surges that killed at least 150,000
people across a dozen countries. In the after-
math of the disaster, casualties continue to
mount at a ferocious pace.
Seismologists knew about the magnitude
9 earthquake within minutes (see Triple slip
of tectonic plates caused seafloor surge,
below), but the absence of monitoring
equipment in the ocean itself meant that
they didnt know for sure that a tsunami had
occurred. Those who suspected as much
were unsure how to get the word out to the
regions most at risk.
Although the small global community of
tsunami researchers had expressed some
concerns about the risk of such an event,
little had been done to plan for it. “It is
VOL 433
6 JANUARY 2005
| 3
Past events
The history of
tsunamis offers
clear lessons
Under attack
Indian government
faces outcry over
lack of warning
Back to Earth
Balloon touches
down after hunt
for antimatter
Blown out
Bid to grow
marijuana for
research fails
Inadequate warning system left
Asia at the mercy of tsunami
Devastated: the shattered remains of Meulaboh in Indonesia, largely destroyed by the tsunami.
In the aftermath of the tsunami that devastated
coastlines around the Indian Ocean, experts are
piecing together details of the seismic slip that
sparked the waves. The earthquake, the world’s
biggest for more than 40 years and the fourth
largest since 1900, has literally redrawn the map,
moving some islands by up to 20 metres.
The destruction, which claimed as many as
150,000 lives, was unleashed by a ‘megathrust’
— a sudden juddering movement beneath the
sea floor. A build-up of pressure caused the floor
of the Indian Ocean to lurch some 15 metres
towards Indonesia, burrowing under a tectonic
plate and triggering the ferocious swells that
smashed into surrounding shores.
The earthquake followed almost two
centuries of tension during which the India plate
pressed against the Burma microplate, which
carries the tip of Sumatra as well as the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The plates move
against one another at an average rate of about
6 centimetres a year, but this movement does
not occur smoothly. There has not been a very
large quake along this fault since 1833 — a fact
that may have contributed to the huge force of
this one. The India plate’s jarring slide released
the tension on the Burma microplate, causing it
to spring violently upwards.
Quakes of this type, called subduction
earthquakes, are commonplace throughout the
world, but rarely strike with such force, says
Roger Musson of the British Geological Survey
in Edinburgh. “This is the largest earthquake I’ve
seen in my career as a seismologist,” he says.
“The length of the rupture was 1,200 kilometres
— I could hardly believe it.”
The earthquake, measured at magnitude 9.0,
actually consisted of three events that occurred
within seconds of each other, Musson explains.
The initial slip, which happened to the west of
Sumatra’s northern tip, triggered two further slips
to the north. The total force released was enough
to jolt the entire planet.
The seafloor bulge unleashed a wave that
surged through the Indian Ocean. Initially, the
energy of such a wave is distributed throughout
the water column, and surface perturbation is
small. Only when the water grows shallow, near
the coast, does the wave emerge on the surface
as a tsunami — the name is Japanese for
‘harbour wave’. In this case, the wave hit
Indonesia and Thailand within an hour, and
then Sri Lanka and India, ultimately reaching
as far as eastern Africa.
Michael Hopkin
Triple slip of tectonic plates caused seafloor surge
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© 2005
Sri Lanka
3,500 km
4,000 km
4,500 km
5,000 km
5,500 km
6,000 km
1,500 km
1,000 km
500 km
Date: 26/12/2004
Time: 00.58
Magnitude: 9.0
Date: 26/12/2004
Time: 04.21
Magnitude: 7.5
2,000 km
2,500 km
3,000 km
Andaman &
Nicobar Islands
Worst-affected areas
Affected countries
Kan du
The tsunami driven by an oceanic earthquake caused widespread destruction, as shown by these views of Banda Aceh, Indonesia, before and after the disaster.
always on the agenda, says Vasily Titov, a
tsunami researcher at the Pacific Marine
Environmental Laboratory in Seattle, Wash-
ington.But he says that it has been difficult to
raise the money for a monitoring system.
Only two weeks ago it would have sounded
crazy,he says.“But it sounds very reasonable
now. The millions of dollars needed would
have saved thousands and thousands of lives.
The most recent comparable event in the
region took place in 1883 (see ‘Tsunamis: a
long-term threat, right). In contrast, earth-
quakes in Chile in 1960 and Alaska in 1964
led to the creation of a reasonably sophisti-
cated tsunami warning system in the Pacific
Ocean. Two international tsunami warning
bodies exist under UNESCO’s Intergovern-
mental Oceanographic Commission (IOC):
the International Coordination Group for
the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific,
known as ITSU, and the International
Tsunami Information Center based in
Hawaii. They get by on annual budgets from
the IOC of about US$40,000 and $80,000,
respectively, which are supplemented by
grants from nations on the Pacific rim.
Displacement data
To predict a tsunami with any useful time
advantage, researchers say, data on small
changes in sea level and pressure have to be
collected directly from the floor and surface
of the ocean. The strength of the event
depends on the displacement of the ocean
floor, not on the strength of the earthquake.
Some buoys that could provide such data
are already in place in the Indian Ocean.And
only a few weeks before the tsunami struck,
members of ITSU were talking about how
these could be adapted for use in a tsunami-
warning system, says Peter Pissierssens, head
of ocean services at the IOC.
Within 20 minutes of the earthquake, at
least three monitoring stations in the United
States had detected it, initially estimating its
magnitude to be around 8.The United States
Geological Survey (USGS) circulated the
information to about 100 people, mostly its
own researchers and senior officials, within
16 minutes,and sent a more detailed bulletin
to a list of external contacts,including the US
Department of State, after an hour. The
USGS has no responsibility for tsunami
monitoring and its statement did not men-
tion the risk of such an event.
The Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami
Warning Center (PTWC), meanwhile, sent
out a bulletin to its regular circulation list,
noting that the event presented no tsunami
risk in the Pacific. According to Laura Kong,
director of the International Tsunami Infor-
mation Center, “let’s keep an eye on it” was
the prevalent attitude that night. At that
point, none of us expected anything like
what we have seen, says Charles McCreery,
director of the PTWC and deputy chair of
VOL 433
6 JANUARY 2005
Last month’s tsunami tragedy, shocking as it was,
had ample historical precedent. On 1 November
1755, for example, a fire following an earthquake
destroyed two-thirds of Lisbon, Portugal. In panic,
the population sought shelter near the shoreline,
only to be hit by waves said to be as high as
houses. More than 60,000 people died.
Devastating tsunamis are known in historical
times to have affected the populated coasts of
Papua New Guinea, Japan, Hawaii, Crete, Sicily
and the Crimea — to name just a few. In the
Pacific region, where 80% of all tsunamis occur,
a 1947 analysis indicated that seismic sea waves
higher than 7.5 metres occur on average every 15
. Records going back to 684
refer to four
Pacific tsunamis higher than 30 metres.
Outside the Pacific, tsunami frequencies
have been studied in some detail only for the
Aegean and Black Sea regions. Records there
reveal that the coastal and surrounding areas
of Turkey have been affected by more than 90
tsunamis over the past 3,000 years
For most other areas, information concerning
the return periods of tsunamis is scarce. A rough
comparison of tsunami frequencies in different
parts of the globe was done in 2000 by the
London-based Benfield Hazard Research Centre,
as part of its Tsunami Risks Project. The resulting
risk analysis estimates the return periods of
10-metre waves to be about 1,000 years for
the North Atlantic and Indian oceans, southern
Japan and the Caribbean, 500 years for the
Philippines and the Mediterranean Sea, 250
years for Alaska, South America and Kamchatka
in eastern Siberia, and less than 200 years for
Hawaii and the southwest Pacific.
The south Asian disaster will have a “huge
effect” on instigating more thorough risk
assessments, predicts Bill McGuire, a
volcanologist and director of the London
research centre, as well as encouraging
preventive measures in threatened
Quirin Schiermeier
1. Heck,N.H.Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 37, 269–286 (1947).
2. Altinok, Y. & Ersoy, S. Nat. Hazards 21, 185–205 (2000).
Tsunamis: a long-term threat
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ITSU.“We expected a local tsunami at most.
At 2:04
GMT, the PTWC put out another
bulletin revising the quake up to magnitude
8.5. Because there was no information about
sea levels in the area, the existence of a
tsunami was merely hypothetical, but staff
were worried enough to begin looking for
numbers to call in Asia.
Communication breakdown
According to Kong, the team tried and failed
to reach colleagues in Indonesia. Australia
was contacted, although to little avail, as that
country experienced only half-metre waves.
It was not until 3:30 that the team in Hawaii
saw news reports on the Internet of casual-
ties in Sri Lanka. The wave had already
crossed the ocean, to devastating effect.
Kong says that without a predetermined
communication plan, warning efforts were
doomed from the start. But she adds that the
PTWC will in future directly contact the US
state department, which can communicate
risks to any nation,at any time.
Indonesian seismologists initially under-
estimated the strength of the earthquake,
according to local news reports. And
although officials there had very little time in
which to act, an instrument that could have
helped warn them of the approaching
wave was transmitting its information to a
dead phone line, according to a senior Indo-
nesian seismologist (see
doi:10.1038/news041229-4 ; 2004).
Efforts over the years to get an Indian
Ocean warning system in place have made
little progress in the face of national govern-
ments’ reluctance to invest in them. In 2003,
a working group on the Tsunami Warning
System in the Southwest Pacific and Indian
Ocean was established within ITSU. But
Pissierssens says that the first chair of the
group, a representative from Indonesia, left
soon after his appointment and that the
group then split into two according to region.
Phil Cummins a seismologist at Geo-
science Australia in Canberra agreed to write a
position paper for the group on tsunami risk
in the Indian Ocean.“I am still in the process
of writing that paper, he says. “No one else
was 100% convinced that we should worry
and that included me,I’ve got to admit.
According to Pissierssens, UNESCO will
now make an observation system in the
Indian Ocean a priority. The first thing we
will do is send out a survey team in January or
February,he says,“and then we want to set up
India’s government and scientific establishment
have been heavily criticized for failing to provide
warning of a tsunami that drowned at least
12,000 people on the nation’s eastern coast.
Newspapers and opposition spokesmen
have asked why a country with India’s scientific
resources couldn’t better prepare for such an
event. Ministers immediately pledged up to
US$29 million to build a tsunami-monitoring
system, and promised to seek more cooperation
with the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.
“This is not a knee-jerk reaction. We are very
serious,” science and technology secretary
Valangiman Ramamurthi told Nature. “We are
going to have a brain-storming meeting this
month to decide how we should proceed and we
have invited experts from the United States,” he
said. In response to criticism, he added: “We
cannot join a Pacific network as India is not in
that region. And you do not make heavy
investment to warn against something that
happens once in a century.”
The ocean development secretary, Harsh
Gupta, told a press conference in New Delhi
that there was no record of a tsunami ever hitting
the Indian coastline, even as other government
ministers acknowledged such events in 1833
and 1883.
“No government thought of it,” says science
minister Kapil Sibal. “The last recorded tsunami
was in 1883. It was not in the horizon of our
thoughts.” India now plans to install a network of
10 to 12 seafloor pressure sensors to be imported
from the United States, as well as several floating
sensors on ocean buoys, linked to an Indian
geostationary satellite.
Critics say that the tragedy exposed a major
weakness in the current system, which
authorizes only the Indian Meteorological
Department to put out hazard alerts. “Data were
pouring into our lab but we cannot issue alerts
even if we can analyse the data for tsunami
potential,” says one researcher at the National
Geophysical Research Institute in Hyderabad.
They also want to know why the Indian air
force, whose base in Car Nicobar Island was
submerged by tides an hour before the waves hit
the mainland, failed to provide any public warning.
The tsunami spared India’s main rocket
launch site at Sriharikota Island, 80 kilometres
north of Chennai. But it damaged cooling
water pumps at a nuclear power station at
Kalpakkam, leaving staff with very little time
to shut down the plant safely. “The tsunami
factor was not taken into account,” says Anil
Kakodkar, chairman of the Atomic Energy
Commission. “From now on, it will be
factored in.”
K. S. Jayaraman, New Delhi
India pledges to fund alert system in wake of disaster
a conference in the area.Needless to say, there
is little reluctance now to accept the need for
the system.The UN International Strategy for
Disaster Reduction has also said that one
should be built within a year. And the Indian
government, under intense domestic pressure
for its failure to warn people on its eastern
coast, said it would spend up to US$29 million
to build a system itself (see ‘India pledges to
fund alert system in wake of disaster’,above).
Nicole Rencoret, spokeswoman for the
UN’s disaster-reduction branch, notes that
early warning systems could watch for other
natural disaster risks, as well as tsunamis.
“There has been an enormous amount of
focus on tsunamis, but we need to take a
multihazard approach,she says.
Tu r ning tide: the waters of the Indian Ocean tsunami recede after battering the coast of Sri Lanka.
VOL 433
6 JANUARY 2005
| 5
Relief centres in India have been inundated with
people in need of food and aid.
6.1 News 3-5 NR 4/1/05 3:55 pm Page 5
© 2005
... The concept of vulnerability is a function of susceptibility and resilience, and people are more vulnerable when they are not aware of hazards (ISDR, 2002). There are reports that state that people who die during a disaster might have ignored warnings (Lachman et al., 1961;Yale et al., 2003), or that communication networks are inadequate to reach local officials in time (Golden et al., 2003;Marris, 2005). However, where there is unrecognised risk, knowledge of impending events can greatly increase people's coping capacity and improve personal decision-making. ...
This study examines health effects resulting from landslides in Chuuk during Tropical Storm Chata'an in July 2002, and suggests strategies to prevent future mortality. In August 2002, we conducted a cross-sectional survey to identify risk factors for mortality during landslides, which included 52 survivors and 40 surrogates for 43 decedents to identify risk factors for death. Findings suggest that 1) females had a higher mortality rate from this event than males, and 2) children aged 5-14 years had a 10-fold increase in mortality when compared with annual mortality rates from all causes. Awareness of landslides occurring elsewhere and knowledge of natural warning signs were significantly associated with lower risks of death; being outside during landslides was not associated with reduced mortality. In Chuuk, improving communication systems during tropical storms and increasing knowledge of natural warnings can reduce the risk for mortality during landslides.
... The concept of vulnerability is a function of susceptibility and resilience, and people are more vulnerable when they are not aware of hazards (ISDR, 2002). There are reports that state that people who die during a disaster might have ignored warnings (Lachman et al., 1961;Yale et al., 2003), or that communication networks are inadequate to reach local officials in time (Golden et al., 2003;Marris, 2005). However, where there is unrecognised risk, knowledge of impending events can greatly increase people's coping capacity and improve personal decision-making. ...
... Most notable was the identification of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra Mw 9.1 tsunamigenic earthquake in near real time, and due to the lack of communication means and unpreparedness there was no way to alert the circum-Indian Ocean inhabitants. Consequently, a quarter of million people lost their lives [4]. This catastrophe was considered an "eye-opener" [5], showing that, clearly, although tsunamis cannot be prevented, the massive loss of lives was avoidable and the scope of damages was mitigable. ...
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“Tsunami Alert Efficiency” is the rapid, accurate and reliable conduct of tsunami warning messaging, from the detection of potential tsunamigenic earthquakes to dissemination to all people under threat, and the successful survival of every person at risk on the basis of prior awareness and preparedness.
... While the former two, primarily rely on predicting seismic signals based on mathematical and computational analysis, the latter focuses on analyzing societal as well as nature's response towards seismic disturbances. Despite various TWS, there have been instances and observations prevailing in the literature depicting how this deadly event has incurred loss to humanity and nature [10,11,12]. These observations have underscored that TWS has struggled to produce timely warnings in the past. ...
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Tsunami is one of the real feelings of dread among humanity. Designing an early and effective Tsunami Warning System (TWS) is an immediate goal, for which the scientific community is working. Underwater seismic responses sensed by different numerical expository techniques have resulted in various cautionary frameworks proving successful in predicting tsunamis. However, multiple instances in the past where these warning systems have failed to generate alerts in time, has raised concerns to design even more efficient, diverse, and multidisciplinary warning methods or systems. However, there have been many instances in the past where these warning systems have failed to generate alerts in time, raising concerns about designing/implementing more efficient, diverse, and multidisciplinary warning methods or systems. Therefore, we propose a sequenced (EC G F C) approach for designing a TWS, based on Ensemble Clustering (EC G) and Classification for categorizing anomalous behavior in response to seismic perturbations, taking three aquatic animal behavioral datasets: Turtle, Earthworm, and Fish, as the input(s). EC G uses an existing state-of-the-art method bagged with Gaussian mixture model to label the dynamically changing behavioral data. The paper compares the results of the clustering ensemble used with baseline clustering methods on three behavior datasets as well as four benchmark datasets. The proposed sequenced (EC G F C) method is finally compared on three classification error metrics: MSE, MAE, and SMAPE on behavioral and existing ensemble frameworks in the state-of-the-art. INDEX TERMS: Tsunami Warning System, ensemble clustering, FRBCS, behavioral data, tsunami, alert.
... • From the operational standpoint, the failure to provide adequate warning to distant populations was traced to inexistent means of communication and unpreparedness in the coutries at risk, rather than to a systematic deficiency in scientific analysis (Marris 2005); at the time, the existing warning centers, in particular PTWC and ATWC, had no responsibility for the Indian Ocean, and hence no way to transmit a warning following their detection of the earthquake. The 15 years elapsed since the Sumatra disaster have seen a considerable investment into the worldwide development of a number of tsunami warning centers, notably in the Indian Ocean and in particular in Australia, Indonesia, and Oman. ...
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We review a set of 47 tsunamis of geological origin (triggered by earthquakes, landslides or volcanoes) which have occurred over the past 25 years and provided significant new insight into theoretical, experimental, field, or societal aspects of tsunami science. Among the principal developments in our command of various aspects of tsunamis, we earmark the development of the W-phase inversion for the low-frequency moment tensor of the parent earthquake; the abandonment of the concept of a maximum earthquake magnitude for a given subduction zone, controlled by simple plate properties; the development and implementation of computer codes simulating the interaction of tsunamis with initially dry land at beaches, thus introducing a quantitative component to realistic tsunami warning procedures; and the recent in situ investigation of current velocities, in addition to the field of surface displacements, during the interaction of tsunamis with harbors. Continued research remains warranted, notably in the field of the real time identification of “tsunami earthquakes” whose tsunamis are larger than expected from their seismic magnitudes, especially conventional ones. The recent tragedy during the 2018 Krakatau flank collapse, along a scenario which had been quantitatively forecast, also emphasizes the need for a continued effort in the education of the populations at risk.
... Eisenman et al. (2007) concluded that the reception of evacuation messages prior to the arrival of Hurricane Katrina contributed to the failure to evacuate of many in lower-income residents in New Orleans, a finding echoed by Cole and Fellows (2008). Marris (2005) found ineffective emergency warnings to have been a key factor in the tragedy of the Indian Ocean tsunami. Manuel (2014) found faulty communication at the heart of controversy over the Elk River Spill [also see Brown (2014)]. ...
There is growing evidence that the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events may be increasing in conjunction with climate change. This means that many communities will encounter phenomena, such as extreme storm surge events, never before experienced by local residents. The tragic effects of Typhoon Haiyan on the city of Tacloban, Philippines, in November 2013 were attributed, in part, to the inability of routine technical bulletins to communicate the unprecedented nature of the predicted storm surge. In response, the authors construct a relational model of risk communication that suggests that narrative messages that simulate direct face-to-face communication may be more effective in spurring action. Conducting a postevent target audience study in the city of Tacloban, the authors tested the relative effectiveness of narrative-based versus technical message designs on residents who chose not to evacuate during the typhoon. Results show increased effectiveness of the narrative design vis-à-vis intent to evacuate, self-relevance and vividness of the message, and perceived authority of the message source. The study also explored factors behind noncompliance with evacuation advisories. The research supports the relational model, which captures insights from recent research on evacuation and emergency preparedness for extreme hazard events. It supports a broader effort to democratize risk communication and, in so doing, increase people’s sense of agency in preparing for these events.
... The main emphasis of the investigations was to work towards the development of early warning systems for minimizing the loss of human lives. The present development of the tsunami warning system reached a satisfactory level [5]- [10], though there is a scope for further research on warning system. However, such instruments by nature remain as a passive device with not much scope for protecting against the onslaught of surging waves. ...
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We propose an alternative way for managing near shore surging waves, including extreme waves like tsunamis, going beyond the conventional passive measures like the warning system. We study theoretically the possibility of influencing the nonlinear surface waves through a leakage boundary effect at the bottom. It has been found through analytic result, that the controlled leakage at the bottom might regulate the amplitude of the surface solitary waves. This could lead to a possible decay of the surging waves to reduce its hazardous effects near the shore. Our theoretical results are estimated by applying it to a real coastal bathymetry of the Bay of Bengal in India.
... Eisenman et al. (2007) concluded that the reception of evacuation messages prior to the arrival of Hurricane Katrina contributed to the failure to evacuate of many in lower-income residents in New Orleans, a finding echoed by Cole and Fellows (2008). Marris (2005) found ineffective emergency warnings to have been a key factor in the tragedy of the Indian Ocean tsunami. Manuel (2014) found faulty communication at the heart of controversy over the Elk River Spill [also see Brown (2014)]. ...
There are growing accounts of innovative, often collaborative institutional approaches to water management that seem to respond better to new challenges in supply and water quality management. While some describe these new institutional designs as a “third way”, as opposed to traditional state-centered or market-based modes, we find that the most salient features of it to characterize even those effective state or market designs. The fundamental ingredient, which is patterned relationships, is one that arises when social networks are built around the formal (state or market) institutions. The necessary plane of description is not on the dimension of structure (state, market, or otherwise) but in the nature and workings of these relational networks. We describe necessary features of these networks. We illustrate these points with a case study: the Environmental Water Account (EWA), a novel market-based program for negotiating water allocations around the San Francisco Bay-Delta (California, U.S.A.). We point out how this institution worked precisely because it was not merely a market-based program but, rather, built in features of an effective social network. In this way, we found a capacity of the EWA to adapt to the dynamic nature of water resources and needs, along with the uncertainties inherent in a complex social-ecological system.
Deltas are classified into river-, wave-, and tide- dominated deltas according to the dominant forces; or fan deltas and braided deltas according to their geomorphic settings. Large river deltas can also be classified into male deltas and female deltas. Estuary floods are due to 1) subsidence of the land or islands; 2) tsunamis, hurricanes and storm surges; and 3) heavy rainstorms. The flooding risk and flood defense strategies are discussed with the Venice Lagoon, Indian Ocean Tsunami, Hurricane Kartrina and New Orleans, and Hong Kong as examples. Human activities pose a serious threat to the health of estuaries and coastal waters. In particular, semi-enclosed estuaries are often under pressure to serve as wastewater disposal areas, leading to a high risk of eutrophication and algal blooms. Wastewater is flushed through repeated exchange of the intertidal water volume between the embayment and the open water body: clean water entering the embayment during flood tide fills the intertidal volume, mixing with the existing water in the embayment and, as the tide falls, the intertidal volume of water discharges out of the embayment, removing the dissolved substance. Tidal flushing time is taken as the time required for a tracer mass to reduce to a certain level of the initial mass. Wetlands along coastal shorelines serve as natural barriers against flood damage and erosion due to wind, waves and currents. Mangrove plants are capable of transferring oxygen from the atmosphere to the roots and creating an oxygenated zone for nitrification around the roots while the surrounding sediments are reduced thus favoring de-nitrification. Various techniques of wastewater outfalls, protection of wetlands, and prediction of algal blooms are also discussed in this chapter.
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As the world's urban poor increase in numbers, they become acutely vulnerable to hazards from extreme weather events. On 8 November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan struck the province of Leyte, Philippines, with casualties numbering in the thousands, largely because of the ensuing storm surge that swept the coastal communities. This study investigates the role and dynamics of risk communication in these events, specifically examining the organizational processing of text within a complex institutional milieu. The authors show how the risk communication process failed to convey meaningful information about the predicted storm surge, transmitting and retransmitting the same routine text instead of communicating authentic messages in earnest. The key insight is that, rather than focus solely on the verbatim transmission of a scripted text, risk communication needs to employ various modes of translation and feedback signals across organizational and institutional boundaries. Adaptation will require overcoming organizational rigidities in order to craft proportionate responses to extreme weather events that may lie outside personal and institutional memory. Future work should build upon the textual processing approach to risk communication, expanding it into a comprehensive relational model of environmental cognition.
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