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A locus on chromosome 9p predisposes to a specific disease manifestation, acute anterior uveitis, in ankylosing spondylitis, a genetically complex, multisystem, inflammatory disease


Abstract and Figures

Uveitis or intraocular inflammation is a major cause of visual loss. Acute anterior uveitis (AAU) affects approximately 40% of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) but also affects patients with no evidence of spondylarthritis. We sought to determine whether a unique genetic region could be implicated in a specific manifestation-AAU-of a multisystem, inflammatory, genetically complex disease, AS. Individuals from families multiplex for AAU were genotyped at 400 markers representing the ABI PRISM linkage map MD-10, and at the HLA-B, DRB1, DQA1, DQB1, and DPB1 alleles. Among the family members with AAU, 76 affected sibpairs were analyzed (6 without concomitant AS, 12 discordant for AS, and 58 concordant for AS). Two-point and multipoint nonparametric linkage analyses were performed, and 1-parameter allele-sharing model logarithm of odds (LOD) scores were determined. As previously reported for AS, linkage at the major histocompatibility complex region (chromosome 6p21) was evident, exhibiting the highest multipoint LOD score (4.96 at marker HLA-B). Strong linkage was seen at a region on chromosome 9p21-9p24, with a LOD score of 3.72 at marker D9S157. When compared with a companion cohort of AS families, the linkage at this region was found in association with AAU but not with AS. A third region on chromosome 1q23-1q31 was observed to have suggestive linkage (LOD 2.05 at marker D1S238), which overlaps with a region associated with AS. This is the first study in which a genetic region for AAU has been identified by genome-wide scan. Even though AS was highly prevalent in this cohort of families, a locus at chromosome 9p21-9p24 was identified that uniquely associates with AAU. Identifying the genetic perturbation at this region may advance our understanding of the mechanisms involved in tissue-specific pathology of complex inflammatory diseases.
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Vol. 52, No. 1, January 2005, pp 269–274
DOI 10.1002/art.20777
© 2005, American College of Rheumatology
A Locus on Chromosome 9p Predisposes to a
Specific Disease Manifestation, Acute Anterior Uveitis, in
Ankylosing Spondylitis, a Genetically Complex,
Multisystem, Inflammatory Disease
Tammy M. Martin,
Ge Zhang,
Jingchun Luo,
Li Jin,
Trudy M. Doyle,
Barbara M. Rajska,
Jessica E. Coffman,
Justine R. Smith,
Matthias D. Becker,
Friederike Mackensen,
Muhammad A. Khan,
Ralph D. Levinson,
H. Ralph Schumacher,
N. Kevin Wade,
James T. Rosenbaum,
and John D. Reveille
Objective. Uveitis or intraocular inflammation is
a major cause of visual loss. Acute anterior uveitis
(AAU) affects 40% of patients with ankylosing spon-
dylitis (AS) but also affects patients with no evidence of
spondylarthritis. We sought to determine whether a
unique genetic region could be implicated in a specific
manifestation—AAU—of a multisystem, inflammatory,
genetically complex disease, AS.
Methods. Individuals from families multiplex for
AAU were genotyped at 400 markers representing the
ABI PRISM linkage map MD-10, and at the HLA–B,
DRB1, DQA1, DQB1, and DPB1 alleles. Among the
family members with AAU, 76 affected sibpairs were
analyzed (6 without concomitant AS, 12 discordant for
AS, and 58 concordant for AS). Two-point and multi-
point nonparametric linkage analyses were performed,
and 1-parameter allele-sharing model logarithm of odds
(LOD) scores were determined.
Results. As previously reported for AS, linkage at
the major histocompatibility complex region (chromo-
some 6p21) was evident, exhibiting the highest multi-
point LOD score (4.96 at marker HLA–B). Strong
linkage was seen at a region on chromosome 9p21–9p24,
with a LOD score of 3.72 at marker D9S157. When
compared with a companion cohort of AS families, the
linkage at this region was found in association with AAU
but not with AS. A third region on chromosome 1q23–
1q31 was observed to have suggestive linkage (LOD 2.05
at marker D1S238), which overlaps with a region asso-
ciated with AS.
Conclusion. This is the first study in which a
genetic region for AAU has been identified by genome-
wide scan. Even though AS was highly prevalent in this
cohort of families, a locus at chromosome 9p21–9p24
was identified that uniquely associates with AAU. Iden-
tifying the genetic perturbation at this region may
advance our understanding of the mechanisms involved
in tissue-specific pathology of complex inflammatory
Supported by unrestricted funds from Research to Prevent
Blindness to the Casey Eye Institute. Dr. Martin’s work was supported
by the Research to Prevent Blindness Career Development Award and
National Eye Institute grant EY-13139. Dr. Smith’s work was sup-
ported by the Research to Prevent Blindness Career Development
Award. Dr. Rosenbaum’s work was supported by a Research to
Prevent Blindness Senior Scholar Award. Dr. Reveille’s work was
supported by NIH grant R01-AR-46208 from the National Institute of
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.
Tammy M. Martin, PhD, Trudy M. Doyle, BS, Barbara M.
Rajska, BS, Jessica E. Coffman, BS, Justine R. Smith, MD, James T.
Rosenbaum, MD: Oregon Health & Science University, Portland;
Zhang, MCM, Jingchun Luo, MCM, Li Jin, MD: Center for Genome
Information, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio;
Matthias D.
Becker, MD, Friederike Mackensen, MD: Interdisciplinary Uveitis
Center, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany;
A. Khan, MD: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio;
Ralph D. Levinson, MD: Jules Stein Eye Institute, University of
California, Los Angeles;
H. Ralph Schumacher, MD, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia;
N. Kevin Wade, MD: Kerrisdale Profes-
sional Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada;
John D. Rev-
eille, MD (representing the North American Spondylitis Consortium):
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
Drs. Rosenbaum and Reveille contributed equally to this
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Tammy M.
Martin, PhD, Casey Eye Institute, CE-RES, Oregon Health & Science
University, 3375 SW Terwilliger Boulevard, Portland, OR 97239.
Submitted for publication March 3, 2004; accepted in revised
form October 8, 2004.
Susceptibility loci for complex, immunologically
mediated diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
lupus erythematosus, and Crohn’s disease are being
increasingly identified. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a
complex disease characterized by chronic inflammation
of the spine and sacroiliac joints. Disease progresses
from bone and joint erosions to ankylosis, which can
result in a characteristic bent-over posture in some
patients with advanced disease. In addition to sacroiliitis,
inflammation may also be present in peripheral joints
and in extraarticular sites such as the uvea, aorta, or
bowel. AS has a strong genetic component and is
associated with HLA–B27 in 90% of patients of Eu-
ropean descent (1–3). However, the relative genetic
contribution from the major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) has been estimated at 31–45% (4,5). Genome-
wide screens for AS susceptibility loci have been con-
ducted, and several candidate regions in addition to the
MHC have been identified (4,6). These include genomic
regions at 1p, 2p, 2q, 3p, 9q, 10q, 11p, 16q, and 19q.
These studies have not presented genetic data stratified
for any extraarticular manifestations of AS.
Uveitis, or inflammation of the uvea, is a signif-
icant cause of visual loss (7). Clinically, uveitis can be
categorized into distinct phenotypes. Acute anterior
uveitis (AAU; also referred to as acute iritis or acute
iridocyclitis), which presents unilaterally with sudden
onset, is self-limiting and recurrent and represents the
specific uveitis phenotype associated with AS (8). An
episode of AAU will affect 20–44% of patients with AS,
but AAU also may occur in the absence of systemic
inflammatory disease (5,6,9,10). Although the frequency
of patients with AAU who are positive for HLA–B27
varies among different published surveys (11,12), it is
generally estimated that among Caucasian patients with
AAU, 50% are positive for HLA–B27.
Because AAU does show familial aggregation
(13), we hypothesized that specific genetic factors may
predispose individuals to the development of AAU. To
test this hypothesis, a genome-wide scan was conducted
on families in which multiple members have AAU.
Here, we describe that analysis, which identified a
uveitis-specific genomic region on chromosome 9p.
Therefore, chromosome 9p is likely to harbor a gene
involved in AS, and this gene particularly influences the
risk of uveitis.
Family recruitment. Families having 2 or more mem-
bers with either AAU or AS were recruited by investigators at
the Casey Eye Institute (Portland, OR) or by investigators
representing the North American Spondylitis Consortium
(NASC) (under the direction of JDR). Both studies were
approved by their respective institutional review boards, and
all participants provided informed consent.
The clinical criteria for the diagnosis of AAU include
documented evidence of anterior chamber inflammation, as-
sessed by slit lamp biomicroscopic examination, that is sudden
in onset, unilateral, and resolves within 12 weeks. This form of
uveitis is typically episodic, and although it presents unilater-
ally, it may flip-flop, involving the companion eye in recur-
rence. Individuals were considered to be affected with uveitis if
1) they met the AAU criteria after careful review of ophthal-
mology chart notes (as assessed by JRS) or 2) affirmation of
the diagnosis of uveitis was present in a medical chart (usually
a rheumatologist’s record) and the diagnosis was self-reported
by the patient. For the NASC study, family members were
considered to have AS only if they met the modified 1984 New
York criteria for AS (14) and had radiographs available for
review. The radiographs were reevaluated according to the
protocol established by the NASC to verify the diagnosis of AS,
which entailed the radiographs being read by 3 different
reviewers: a radiologist, a rheumatologist (JDR), and the
referring NASC study rheumatologist; discrepancies were re-
solved by a fourth rheumatologist reviewer, who read the
radiographs in a blinded manner. In the few instances in which
radiographs were not available (10% of patients), the diag-
nosis was made by either magnetic resonance imaging or
computed tomography scans or by radiologist reports using
wording consistent with grade II, III, or IV sacroiliitis as
required by the modified New York criteria (14).
Genotyping. Genomic DNA was extracted from peri-
pheral blood samples, which were obtained from each partic-
ipating family member by standard techniques. HLA–B typing
was performed by single-stranded conformational polymor-
phism analysis using commercially available kits (Dynal, Lake
Success, NY). Identification of HLA–DRB1, DQA1, DQB1,
and DPB1 alleles was carried out with high-resolution typing
performed by standard oligotyping techniques using primers
and probes recommended at the Thirteenth International
Histocompatibility Workshop (Victoria, British Columbia,
Canada; May 2002). All 400 markers in ABI PRISM linkage
map MD-10 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) were
amplified and typed using multiplex polymerase chain reaction
in 5-
l reaction volumes. The reaction products were analyzed
on ABI 3100 automated sequencers, and allele-calling was
conducted using GeneMap software, version 3.0 (Applied
Biosystems). Eighteen markers on chromosome X were ana-
lyzed by pedigree data file xghp (part of GeneHunter Plus).
The observations for chromosome X were neither significant
nor interesting and therefore were not included in the results
presented. The efficiency of typing was 93.8%. Specified
relationships were checked using the Relative program (15).
Genotyping errors and Mendelian inconsistencies were iden-
tified using PedCheck software (16). Pedigrees with apparent
nonpaternity and inconsistent genotypes were not analyzed
further. The genotyping error rate for the combined AAU and
NASC cohort was 1%.
Linkage and linkage disequilibrium analyses. Two-
point and multipoint nonparametric linkage (NPL) analyses
were conducted using the NPL-all (nonparametric linkage
score using all affected relatives) statistic implemented in
GeneHunter Plus (17). One-parameter allele-sharing model
logarithm of odds (ASM LOD) scores were calculated based
on the distribution of test statistics under the null hypothesis
and conditional on the data, using the ASM computer program
(17). The transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) (18) and
pedigree disequilibrium test (PDT) (19) were performed and
implemented using UNPHASED software (20).
Fifty-seven families representing 76 affected sib-
pairs were included in this analysis (Table 1). Among the
76 affected sibpairs analyzed, 6 had no history of AS in
either sibling, 12 sibpairs were discordant for AS (al-
though concordant for uveitis), and in the majority (58
sibpairs), both siblings were also diagnosed as having AS.
The 2-point linkage analysis revealed several
markers with a Pvalue less than 0.05 for susceptibility to
AAU (Table 2). For most of these markers, there was
agreement with the TDT, which was performed on those
families for which DNA from both parents of individuals
with AAU was available (Table 2). Even though the
TDT is not a valid test for association when analyzing
multicase families (21), it is still a valid test for linkage.
However, in order to confirm the implicated association,
we also included the PDT results in Table 2 (the PDT is
a valid test for both linkage and association in general
Results of the multipoint analysis are shown in
Figure 1, which compares genome-wide scans for AAU
and AS (5). Candidate region selections were based on
multipoint linkage analysis in which the Pvalue was 0.05
(data not shown) and are represented graphically in Figure
1 as ASM LOD scores. As can be seen in Figure 1, the
highest LOD scores were achieved on chromosome 6. This
represents a large 46.6-cM region encompassing the MHC
at position 6p21 (peak multipoint ASM LOD 4.96 at
HLA–B). This finding was similar to that observed for AS
and most likely reflects the strong association of AAU and
AS with HLA–B27. Interestingly, the genome-wide scan
for AS revealed a second region on chromosome 6 with
a suggestive LOD score that was not observed in the
AAU analysis (Figure 1).
Table 1. Composition of families studied*
No. of
No. of
Family with 1 affected sibpair (2 affected siblings) 51 51
Family with 3 affected sibpairs (3 affected siblings) 5 15
Family with 10 affected sibpairs (5 affected siblings) 1 10
Total 57 76
* ASP affected sibling pair.
Table 2. Two-point linkage and TDT and PDT analyses of chromosomal markers and acute anterior uveitis susceptibility*
Chromosome Marker
P, 2-point
1q23 D1S2878 177.86 0.9422 1.6473 0.0268 0.0896 0.0833
1q25 D1S238 202.73 0.9132 2.5418 0.0307 0.0143 0.0142
1q25 D1S2877 205.40 0.9638 2.6669 0.0242 0.0956 0.2676
3p24 D3S1266 52.60 0.9249 1.3209 0.0291 0.0077 0.0317
3q24 D3S1569 158.38 0.8050 1.0014 0.0495 0.0090 0.0109
3q28 D3S1262 201.14 0.8480 1.1832 0.0411 0.0455 0.0053
5q14 D5S428 95.40 0.8659 1.2343 0.0380 0.0009 0.0833
5q15 D5S644 104.76 0.8371 1.0699 0.0431 0.0008 0.0229
6p22 D6S422 35.66 1.1337 3.1658 0.0110 0.0593 0.1164
6p22 (MHC) D6S276 40.69 0.8915 2.0775 0.0356 0.0522 0.0445
6p21 (MHC) HLA-B 44.80 1.1775 3.4957 0.0087 0.0001 0.0001
6p21 (MHC) DRB 45.90 1.6999 5.0109 0.0003 0.0143 0.0143
6p21 (MHC) DQA 45.98 1.2217 2.5920 0.0068 0.0348 0.0116
6p21 (MHC) DQB 46.05 1.5404 5.1134 0.0009 0.0143 0.0038
6p21 (MHC) DPB 46.65 0.9717 2.3482 0.0247 0.0455 0.1140
6p21 (MHC) D6S1610 53.81 1.0478 1.5986 0.0171 0.0833 0.1503
9p24 D9S288 9.83 1.0774 1.2693 0.0137 0.0027 0.0234
9p23 D9S286 18.06 0.8745 0.9470 0.0366 0.0956 0.0254
9p22 D9S285 29.52 0.8732 1.1063 0.0368 0.3173 0.2596
9p22 D9S157 32.24 0.8849 1.6027 0.0349 0.0253 0.0455
9q22 D9S283 94.85 0.8462 1.5798 0.0415 0.0290 0.0833
10q23 D10S1686 105.04 0.9148 1.2194 0.0308 0.0047 0.0176
16p13 D16S3103 32.07 0.8371 1.3622 0.0431 0.2207 0.1025
* Only those chromosomal markers with a 2-point analysis Pvalue 0.05 are shown. TDT transmission disequilibrium test; PDT pedigree
disequilibrium test; NPL nonparametric linkage; ASM LOD allele-sharing model logarithm of odds; MHC major histocompatibility complex.
Another region showing evidence for AAU was
found on chromosome 9p. This region did not show any
linkage to AS (Figure 1). Using multipoint linkage
analysis, the strongest ASM LOD score was 3.72 at
marker D9S157 for a region spanning 43.5 cM (9p21–
9p24). Significance within this region was observed by
TDT and PDT as well as by linkage analysis (Table 2).
A third region on chromosome 1q exhibited
suggestive linkage with AAU by linkage analysis and
TDT (Figure 1 and Table 2). This large 45.5-cM area at
1q23–1q31 (from 166.9 to 212.4 cM, maximum ASM
LOD 2.05 at marker D1S238) overlaps with a region
identified by the NASC for AS (5).
In this analysis, several other regions showed
putative linkage to AAU, including regions at 3p24,
3q24, 3q28, 5q14, 5q34, 9q22, 10q23, 13q14, 15q11–
15q13, and 16p12. Some of these areas showed overlap
with the AS companion scan (3q28, 10q23, and 16p12).
However, several regions that were identified for AAU
were not identified by the AS scan (3p24, 3q24, 5q14,
5q34, 9q22, 13q14, and 15q11–15q13).
According to the criteria described by Lander
and Kruglyak, significant and suggestive linkage are
represented by LOD scores 3.3 and 1.9, respectively
(22). Therefore, based on our data, we have evidence
that the MHC is significantly linked with AAU in both
2-point and multipoint analyses. In addition, the 9p21–
9p24 linkage with AAU was significant by multipoint
analysis (ASM LOD 3.72), and the signal at 1q23–1q31
was suggestive (ASM LOD 2.05).
This report is the first to describe results of a
genome-wide scan of AAU, a disease that represents an
extraarticular manifestation of AS. Several chromo-
somal regions linked with AS were found to also be in
linkage with AAU, most significantly the MHC (on
chromosome 6p21) and a region on chromosome 1q23–
1q31. Importantly, several regions that were linked only
with AAU and not AS were identified, and one such
region was found to be highly significantly linked. This
area at 9p21–9p24 had a maximum LOD score of 3.72
(by multipoint analysis) and was also evident by TDT
analysis (P0.025).
The candidate regions reported here overlap with
those observed in previous studies of AS susceptibility
(6). Because our cohort of families with uveitis is largely
a subset of families with AS, it is difficult (if not
impossible) to distinguish an “AS” locus from an
“AAU” locus. Laval et al (6) did detect “suggestive”
linkage at marker D9S288, which was also found in
region 9p in our study. However, the linkage of chromo-
some 9p was not observed in the companion NASC scan
(5). Therefore, it is highly suggestive that this region is
linked with uveitis.
The region of chromosome 9p identified here is
relatively large and contains at least 100 genes. However,
several potential candidate genes reside in this area,
including transcription factors/regulators known to influ-
ence immune responses, signaling molecules with kinase
Figure 1. Comparison of genome-wide scans for acute anterior uveitis (AAU) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS), showing unique regions related to
uveitis. Results shown are allele-sharing model (ASM)–derived multipoint logarithm of odds (LOD) scores against genome position (cM). Solid dark
blue line represents data for AAU, and dashed brown line represents data for AS. Vertical pink lines represent boundaries for each chromosome,
and the chromosome numbers are shown across the top of the graph. For AAU, 76 affected sibpairs were analyzed. The AS data represent 244
affected sibpairs (5).
activity, and the genes encoding the type I interferon
(IFN) family. The type I IFN molecules are potent
cytokines that mediate host defense and immune system
homeostasis. Another interesting gene that resides
within this locus is RFX3, a transcription regulator that
belongs to a family referred to as regulatory for X box
(RFX). Other members of this family participate in
activation of class II MHC genes (RFX5) and in modu-
lation of interleukin-5 receptor
(RFX1), which is
important for B cell activation (23,24). Fine-mapping
studies are under way to further refine this broad region.
Many rheumatic diseases such as systemic lupus
erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjo¨gren’s syn-
drome, Wegener’s granulomatosis, and Behc¸et’s disease
involve multiple organ systems. It is critical to ask why
renal disease develops in one patient with lupus, while
another patient will have primarily joint involvement.
Why does vasculitis complicate the course in a minority
of patients with rheumatoid arthritis? Regarding spon-
dylarthritis, extraarticular manifestations such as pso-
riasis and inflammatory bowel disease also occur in ad-
dition to AAU. All of these distinct sites of local
inflammation presumably are associated with specific ge-
netic risks, and certain genetic factors that contribute to a
subset of these disease manifestations will likely be deter-
mined. The CARD15 gene shows strong linkage to Crohn’s
disease but not to ulcerative colitis (25,26). Given that
inflammatory bowel disease is part of the spectrum of
spondylarthritis, the role of CARD15 mutations in AS has
been examined. With the exception of a possible associa-
tion with disease severity, no evidence that CARD15 has a
genetic influence on AS has been found (27–32).
The results of our study suggest that a genetic
factor contributes to a specific manifestation, acute
anterior uveitis, that is strongly associated with spondyl-
arthritis. In this preliminary study, the relatively small
sample size (i.e., 76 affected sibpairs) limits the power of
our analysis. Even though the result on chromosome 9p
was striking, a larger cohort will be necessary to confirm
our findings. Identification of the specific gene and
elucidation of the function of the gene product respon-
sible for this susceptibility should contribute greatly to
understanding the pathogenesis of uveitis.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Spondylitis
Association of America (Sherman Oaks, CA), and are espe-
cially grateful for the efforts of Michael H. Weisman, MD, and
David T. Y. Yu, MD, who contributed so much to the family
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... D9S1684 и D9S162. Авторы считают, что пациентам с семейным анамнезом увеита следует избегать назначения этанерцепта [30,31]. Таким образом, несмотря на то что 3 анти-Ф-НО-препарата (инфликсимаб, адалимумаб и этанерцепт) примерно одинаково эффективны для лечения больных с артритом и спондилитом, их воздействие на увеит различно. ...
... Антитела к ФНОα (инфликсимаб, адалимумаб) более эффективны, чем растворимые рецепторы, в отношении снижения частоты увеита и, по-видимому, реже ассоциированы с развитием увеита de novo. Тем не менее частота атак увеита у больных с АС при лечении этанерцептом оказалась достоверно ниже, чем при приеме плацебо, поэтому все анти-ФНО-препараты могут успешно использоваться для лечения ревматических заболеваний, протекающих с поражением глаз, так как они достоверно снижают частоту обострений увеита у больных с АС, но антитела к ФНОα (инфликсимаб и адалимумаб) более эффективны, чем растворимые рецепторы (этанерцепт) [11,[17][18][19][20][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. По мнению L. Lim и соавт., при развитии обострений увеита на фоне анти-ФНО-терапии целесообразна замена препарата [27]. ...
Uveitis is one of the most frequent extraskeletal manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Despite iridocyclitis being the most prevalent form of uveitis in patients with AS, and the rareness of the involvement of posterior eye segments in the inflammatory process, the frequent exacerbation of the disease, a significant number of patients develop complications that lead to decrease of visual acuity. The review features theoretical prerequisites for application of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) inhibitors: infliximab, adalimumab and etanercept. Literature data speaks for high efficacy of TNF-alpha inhibitors in prevention and arrest of uveitis onset in patients with AS.
... The examples of significant genes linked to AAU and non-infectious uveitis include Killer Immunoglobulin Receptor (KIR) genes, genes of cytokines such as IL-1 cluster, IL-10, TNF, TNFR1 and IL23R, ANTXR2, CARD9, ERAP1, TRADD, STAT3, two intergenic regions on chromosome 2p15 and 21q22 and a region on chromosome 9p. 48,49 However, very few genetic studies in this field have been performed in Thailand. ...
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Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) has been associated with several immune-mediated diseases, malignancies and infectious diseases. Due to the HLA complexity and polymorphisms, several types of HLA have been used as the molecular markers in diagnosis. Among different ethnic groups, HLA is genetically diverse resulting in the differences of disease susceptibility. The study of HLA in Thai population will help an understanding of diseases pathogenesis and the genetic linkage leading to the development of genetic markers that are specific to Thai population. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome, HLA-B27-associated acute anterior uveitis (AAU) and Behçet's disease (BD) were found to be the major causes of non-infectious and autoimmune-related uveitis in Thai patients. Several etiologic studies in Western, European and other Asian populations reported the strong association between HLA-DR4 and VKH, HLA-B27 and AAU as well as HLA-B51 and BD. However, few in HLA-B27 and none in HLA-B51 and HLA-DR4 related uveitis study have been reported in Thailand. This briefly review discusses the association of HLA and non-infectious uveitis among populations and future research aspects for Thai populations.
... Since uveitis has a very strong effect of the quality of life [9], the affected patients present themselves to the ophthalmologist, even those with unattended chronic back pain self-treated with over-the counter NSAIDs. When confronted with a case of acute uveitis, the ophthalmologist should initiate the process of differential diagnosis. ...
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Objective. The aim of the study was to identify a clinical pattern of spondyloarthritis (SpA)-associated uveitis in order to facilitate proper rheumatologic referral by ophthalmologists. Methods. Demographic data were recorded and acute phase reactants were measured using standard methods between May and August 2017, for all adult patients (age > 18 years) presenting with acute uveitis (standardization of uveitis nomenclature). Afterwards, they were referred to a rheumatology clinic to be screened for the 2009 Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) classification criteria of SpA. SpA and non-SpA patients were then compared using appropriate statistical tests (significant if p < 0.05). All the patients offered a written informed consent and the study was approved by the local ethics committee. Results. The sample included 67 subjects, of whom 32 (47.8%) were classified with SpA, of whom 21 were known with this diagnosis (median disease duration of 13.6 years), while 11 (34.4% of the SpA subgroup) fulfilled the ASAS classification criteria for SpA without a prior diagnosis. Compared to non-SpA patients, SpA patients were more frequently male urban dwellers, they were significantly younger, they had a higher prevalence of HLA-B27 and recurrent uveitis, and they had higher median of C-reactive protein and lower median of white blood counts. Conclusions. Uveitis is an important revelatory manifestation of SpA. Young men presenting in an ophthalmology department with acute anterior uveitis and inflammatory back pain should be referred to a rheumatology unit. Abbreviations: AAU = Acute Anterior Uveitis, AS = Ankylosing Spondylitis, ASAS = Assessment Of Spondyloarthritis International Society, CRP = C-Reactive Protein, ESR = Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, HLA = Human Leukocyte Antigen, IBP = Inflammatory Back Pain, IBD = Inflammatory Bowel Disease, IL = Interleukin, MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nsaids = Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, SD = Standard Deviation, Spa = Spondyloarthritis, Tnfα = Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha, WBC = White Blood Count.
Anterior uveitis is the most common presentation of uveitis. The ocular morbidity ranges from minimal clinical signs, such as keratic precipitates, iris heterochromia, or nodules, to extensive synechiae, severe forms of glaucoma, and cataract formation, rendering a variable prognosis which is usually benign. The diagnosis of anterior uveitis can be challenging since it can be caused by a variety of etiologies, but the main diagnosis still remains idiopathic, even after extensively studying the patient with lab work or even anterior chamber fluids. Many times, the clinicians pretest suspicion that defines the presumed etiology. The treatment is discussed with an evidence-based insight. The mainstay of therapy is topical steroids, which can cause glaucoma and cataracts, so its use should be cautious. Systemic therapy can be helpful in acute attack and to prevent flares of the disease. Advances are promising in biologic agents.
Objectives: Uveitis is considered the most frequent extra-articular manifestation of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). Genetic factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of AS with uveitis. In this study, we investigated susceptibility genes of AS concomitant with uveitis. Methods: First, 9p21-24 was selected as the region of susceptibility genes. Second, several candidate genes were selected from this region by bioinformatics analysis. Thirdly, a two-stage case control study was used to verify these candidate genes. The first stage included 50 AS with uveitis, 50 AS without uveitis, and 145 healthy controls. The qPCR+direct sequencing and cloning sequencing were used to identify SNPs in this stage. The second stage included 245 AS with uveitis, 360 AS without uveitis, and 530 healthy controls. Results: IFNA1, IFNB1, IFNA8, and IFNA13 were selected as candidate genes. In the first stage, it was found that the frequency of IFNA1 rs28383797 (G allele) and IFNA13 rs653778 (T allele) in AS with uveitis was higher than that in AS without uveitis and healthy controls. In the second stage, more samples were used to verify the two SNPs. After comprehensive data analysis in the two stages, the frequency of rs28383797 G allele and rs653778 T allele in AS with uveitis was significantly higher than that in AS without uveitis (P = 1.9 × 10-7, OR = 2.161, 95%CI = 1.609-2.902 and P = 1.5 × 10-9, OR = 2.028, 95%CI = 1.610-2.554) and healthy controls. Conclusions: Rs653778 (T allele) of IFNA13 and rs28383797 (G allele) of IFNA1 were associated with AS concomitant uveitis, and may act as the susceptibility genes of AS with uveitis in the Chinese population.
Objective. To investigate the interrelationships among different phenotypes, and their relationship to theHLA-Blocus,inmultiplexfamilieswithspondylarthropathy (SpA). Methods. We recruited 115 white French families, each of which had at least 2 members with SpA. Pedigrees were established. Clinical data and pelvic radiographs were collected, The HLA-B27 status of all patients was determined. Analysis was performed to determine the prevalence of SpA. manifestations according to sea, disease duration, and HLA-B status, and to examine clustering of specific manifestations in subsets of families. Results. We identified 329 SpA patients. Mean +/- SD age at onset was 24 +/- 9.4 years. The male:female ratio nas 186:143, or 1.3, with few sex differences in disease expression. Axial manifestations and HLA-B27 were each present in 97% of the patients, Inflammatory bowel disease and HLA-B35 were overrepresented in the 7 families containing HLA-B27-negative patients. The frequency of radiographic sacroiliitis increased in parallel with disease duration. Peripheral enthesitis, radiographic sacroiliitis, and psoriasis were evenly distributed in the families. Clustering independent of age was only observed for peripheral arthritis, suggesting that specific factors may predispose individuals to this manifestation. Conclusion. Familial SpA appears to be homogeneous, based on the high frequencies of axial skeletal involvement and HLA-B27. The lack of clustering of most manifestations in families suggests that a predominant shared component, including HLA-B27, predisposes individuals to all forms of familial SpA, and that ubiquitous genetic or environmental factors contribute to phenotype diversity.
The New York and the Rome diagnostic criteria for ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and the clinical history screening test for AS were evaluated in relatives of AS patients and in population control subjects. The New York criterion of pain in the (dorso) lumbar spine lacks specificity, and the chest expansion criterion is too insensitive. The Rome criterion of low back pain for more than 3 months is very useful. Our study showed the clinical history screening test for AS to be moderately sensitive, but it might be better in clinical practice. As a modification of the New York criteria, substitution of the Rome pain criterion for the New York pain criterion is proposed.
Objective To localize the regions containing genes that determine susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis (AS).Methods One hundred five white British families with 121 affected sibling pairs with AS were recruited, largely from the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases AS database. A genome-wide linkage screen was undertaken using 254 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers from the Medical Research Council (UK) (MRC) set. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region was studied more intensively using 5 microsatellites lying within the HLA class III region and HLA-DRB1 typing. The Analyze package was used for 2-point analysis, and GeneHunter for multipoint analysis.ResultsWhen only the MRC set was considered, 11 markers in 7 regions achieved a P value of ≤0.01. The maximum logarithm of odds score obtained was 3.8 (P = 1.4 × 10-5) using marker D6S273, which lies in the HLA class III region. A further marker used in mapping of the MHC class III region achieved a LOD score of 8.1 (P = 1 × 10-9). Nine of 118 affected sibling pairs (7.6%) did not share parental haplotypes identical by descent across the MHC, suggesting that only 31% of the susceptibility to AS is coded by genes linked to the MHC. The maximum non-MHC LOD score obtained was 2.6 (P = 0.0003) for marker D16S422.Conclusion The results of this study confirm the strong linkage of the MHC with AS, and provide suggestive evidence regarding the presence and location of non-MHC genes influencing susceptibility to the disease.
Family-based tests of linkage disequilibrium typically are based on nuclear-family data including affected individuals and their parents or their unaffected siblings. A limitation of such tests is that they generally are not valid tests of association when data from related nuclear families from larger pedigrees are used. Standard methods require selection of a single nuclear family from any extended pedigrees when testing for linkage disequilibrium. Often data are available for larger pedigrees, and it would be desirable to have a valid test of linkage disequilibrium that can use all potentially informative data. In this study, we present the pedigree disequilibrium test (PDT) for analysis of linkage disequilibrium in general pedigrees. The PDT can use data from related nuclear families from extended pedigrees and is valid even when there is population substructure. Using computer simulations, we demonstrated validity of the test when the asymptotic distribution is used to assess the significance, and examined statistical power. Power simulations demonstrate that, when extended pedigree data are available, substantial gains in power can be attained by use of the PDT rather than existing methods that use only a subset of the data. Furthermore, the PDT remains more powerful even when there is misclassification of unaffected individuals. Our simulations suggest that there may be advantages to using the PDT even if the data consist of independent families without extended family information. Thus, the PDT provides a general test of linkage disequilibrium that can be widely applied to different data structures
An acute onset, unilateral anterior uveitis occurs during the course of either Reiter's syndrome or ankylosing spondylitis. Conversely, many patients who suffer from an acute anterior uveitis are HLA-B27-positive and have associated joint disease. The consistent presentation of the uveitis can aid in the process of differential diagnosis. This article includes a discussion of the recognition of the characteristic presentation, the complications, the role of B27 testing, the relevance of animal models, the pathogenesis, and treatment.
Acute anterior uveitis is a common ocular disease characterized by inflammation of the iris and ciliary body. In the majority of patients presenting with an acute attack of anterior uveitis, the only clues to the pathogenesis of this disease are its close association with the genetic marker HLA-B27 and the likely triggering role of a variety of gram negative bacteria. HLA-B27 acute anterior uveitis appears to be a distinct clinical entity frequently associated with the seronegative arthropathies, such as ankylosing spondylitis and Reiter's syndrome. Recent advances in our understanding of the structure and function of class I HLA molecules have revealed their fundamental function in antigen presentation and this has led to a reevaluation of their role in disease predisposition.
Inflammatory diseases of the eye were known to the ancients, but only recently have the underlying mechanisms to this problem become better defined. During the middle portion of this century, most cases of uveitis thought to be caused by infectious agents, such as those responsible for syphilis and tuberculosis. Since then, it has become clear that endogenous mechanisms of immunomodulation play an important role in these disorders, which along with environmental and genetic factors make up an important triad. Animals studies have indicated the pivotal role of the T-cell in many of these disorders. The development of T-cell lines has helped to further delineate cell to cell interactions that occur during an ocular inflammatory event. The presence in the eye of uveitogenic antigens raises the strong possibility of autoimmune driven processes as well, similar to what is seen in the animal models. The better understanding of ocular inflammatory mechanisms has led to improved therapeutic strategies, including Sandimmune, and more recently Cyclosporine G, a related compound that may be less nephrotoxic. Newer therapeutic strategies will focus on even more novel modes of immunomodulation, probably without the use of medications.