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Synergism of atenolol and nitrendipine on hemodynamic amelioration and organ protection in hypertensive rats


Abstract and Figures

This study was designed to investigate the possible synergism of atenolol and nitrendipine on blood pressure (BP) and blood pressure variability (BPV) reductions, baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) amelioration, and organ protection in hypertensive rats. The dose was 20 mg/kg for atenolol, 10 mg/kg for nitrendipine and 20 + 10 mg/kg for the combination of these two drugs. In an acute study, a single dose was given via a catheter previously inserted into the stomach in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). In a subacute study, SHR, deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt rats, and two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C) rats were used. They received the same dose by gavage daily for 10 days. BP was measured 24 h after drug administration. In chronic studies, these drugs at the aforementioned dose were mixed into rat chow. SHR were treated for 4 months. BP was then continuously recorded for 24 h. After the determination of BRS, rats were killed for organ-damage evaluation. In the acute study, it was found that the combination of atenolol and nitrendipine had an obviously greater and longer BP reduction than treatment with each of these two drugs separately. In the subacute study, an effective decrease in BP 24 h after administration was found only in the rats treated with the combination. In chronic studies, it was found that the combination possessed the obvious synergism on BP and BPV reduction, BRS amelioration and organ protection in SHR. Multiple-regression analysis showed that the decrease in left ventricular hypertrophy was most significantly related to the decrease in systolic BPV and BP, the decrease in aortic hypertrophy was most significantly related to the increase in BRS and the decrease in systolic BPV, and amelioration in the renal lesion was most significantly associated with the restoration of BRS. Treatment with a combination of atenolol and nitrendipine exhibited a rapid and persistent antihypertensive effect and possessed an obvious synergism on BP and BPV reduction, BRS restoration and organ protection in hypertensive rats. The decrease in BPV and the restoration of BRS may importantly contribute to organ protection in SHR with chronic treatment.
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Synergism of atenolol and nitrendipine on hemodynamic
amelioration and organ protection in hypertensive rats
He-Hui Xie, Chao-Yu Miao, Yuan-Ying Jiang and Ding-Feng Su
Objective This study was designed to investigate the
possible synergism of atenolol and nitrendipine on blood
pressure (BP) and blood pressure variability (BPV)
reductions, baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) amelioration, and
organ protection in hypertensive rats.
Method The dose was 20 mg/kg for atenolol, 10 mg/kg
for nitrendipine and 20 10 mg/kg for the combination of
these two drugs. In an acute study, a single dose was
given via a catheter previously inserted into the stomach in
spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). In a subacute
study, SHR, deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt rats,
and two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C) rats were used. They
received the same dose by gavage daily for 10 days. BP
was measured 24 h after drug administration. In chronic
studies, these drugs at the aforementioned dose were
mixed into rat chow. SHR were treated for 4 months. BP
was then continuously recorded for 24 h. After the
determination of BRS, rats were killed for organ-damage
Results In the acute study, it was found that the
combination of atenolol and nitrendipine had an obviously
greater and longer BP reduction than treatment with each
of these two drugs separately. In the subacute study, an
effective decrease in BP 24 h after administration was
found only in the rats treated with the combination. In
chronic studies, it was found that the combination
possessed the obvious synergism on BP and BPV
reduction, BRS amelioration and organ protection in SHR.
Multiple-regression analysis showed that the decrease in
left ventricular hypertrophy was most significantly related
to the decrease in systolic BPV and BP, the decrease in
aortic hypertrophy was most significantly related to the
increase in BRS and the decrease in systolic BPV, and
amelioration in the renal lesion was most significantly
associated with the restoration of BRS.
Conclusion Treatment with a combination of atenolol and
nitrendipine exhibited a rapid and persistent
antihypertensive effect and possessed an obvious
synergism on BP and BPV reduction, BRS restoration and
organ protection in hypertensive rats. The decrease in BPV
and the restoration of BRS may importantly contribute to
organ protection in SHR with chronic treatment.
J Hypertens 23:193–201 &2005 Lippincott Williams &
Journal of Hypertension 2005, 23:193– 201
Keywords: atenolol, nitrendipine, hypertension, end organ damage, blood
pressure variability, baroreflex sensitivity
Department of Pharmacology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai,
Sponsorship: This project was supported by the High Tech Research and
Development (863) Program of China (2002 AA2Z346C) and the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (39670831 and 30070871).
Correspondence and requests for reprints to Prof. Ding-Feng Su, Department of
Pharmacology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China.
Tel/fax: +86 21 65493951; e-mail:
Received 7 January 2004 Revised 9 August 2004
Accepted 20 August 2004
Recently, the importance of a combination therapy has
been well recognized in the treatment of hypertension
[1,2]. To better control blood pressure (BP) is the main
objective of the combination therapy. Generally speak-
ing, a combination of two drugs belonging to different
classes may possess a synergism in BP reduction. How-
ever, no study could show whether such a combination
possesses a synergism in organ protection.
Preventing or reversing end-organ damage is an impor-
tant objective in the treatment of hypertension. It is
well known that a high BP level induces organ damage
and a decreasing BP level could prevent end-organ
damage. However, a high BP level is not the unique
factor determining hypertensive end-organ damage.
Recently, it has been proposed that blood pressure
variability (BPV) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) may
be two important factors determining organ damage in
hypertension [36]. Our previous studies demonstrated
that reduction of BPV and restoration of BRS contrib-
uted importantly to the organ protection in spontan-
eously hypertensive rats (SHR) treated with certain
antihypertensive drugs, such as ketanserin [7] and
nitrendipine [8].
Atenolol, a â-adrenoceptor blocker, and nitrendipine, a
calcium antagonist, are two widely used drugs in the
treatment of hypertension. They belong to two differ-
ent classes of antihypertensives and the mechanisms of
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Original article 193
0263-6352 &2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
action are quite different for these two drugs. There-
fore, the present work was designed to investigate the
synergism of atenolol and nitrendipine on BP and BPV
reduction, BRS restoration and organ protection in
hypertensive animals. Considering the sensitivity to a
drug might be different in different animal models, we
used three hypertensive rat models to observe the
synergism of this combination on BP reduction.
Animals and chemicals
Nitrendipine was purchased from Nanjing Pharma-
ceutical Co. Ltd (Nanjing, China) and atenolol was
purchased from Shanghai Second Pharmaceutical Co.
Ltd (Shanghai, China). Male SpragueDawley rats
(used for preparation of hypertensive models) were
purchased from the Sino-British SIPPR/BK Lab Animal
Ltd (Shanghai, China). Male SHR and Wistar Kyoto
(WKY) rats with an age of 18 weeks were provided by
the animal center of our university. The rats were
housed with controlled temperature (23258C) and
lighting (08002000 h light, 20000800 h dark) and
with free access to food and tap water. All the animals
used in this work received humane care in compliance
with institutional animal care guidelines.
Preparation of two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C) hypertensive
Male SpragueDawley rats weighing 160 180 g were
anesthetized with a combination of ketamine (40 mg/
kg) and diazepam (6 mg/kg). The right renal artery of
each animal was isolated through a flank incision, as
described previously [9], and a silver clip (0.2-mm
internal gap) was placed on the renal artery. All animals
were fed standard rat chow and tap water ad libitum.
The experiments were performed 5 weeks after place-
ment of the clip.
Preparation of deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt
hypertensive rats
Deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt rats were
prepared as previously described [10]. Male Sprague
Dawley rats weighing 110130 g were anesthetized
with a combination of ketamine (40 mg/kg) and diaze-
pam (6 mg/kg) and underwent a right nephrectomy via
a flank incision. Rats were given daily subcutaneous
injections of DOCA (50 mg/kg) and 0.9% saline to
drink for 5 weeks.
BP measurement
In subacute studies, the systolic blood pressure (SBP)
of rats was measured by the tail-cuff method (MRS-III;
Shanghai Hypertensive Institute, Shanghai, China).
In acute and chronic studies, the SBP, diastolic blood
pressure (DBP) and heart period (HP) of rats were
continuously recorded using a previously described
technique [11,12]. Briefly, rats were anesthetized with a
combination of ketamine (40 mg/kg) and diazepam
(6 mg/kg). A floating polyethylene catheter was inserted
into the lower abdominal aorta via the left femoral artery
for BP measurement, and another catheter was placed
into the left femoral vein for intravenous injection. The
catheters were exteriorized through the interscapular
skin. After a 2-day recovery period, the animals were
placed for BP recording in individual cylindrical cages
containing food and water. The aortic catheter was
connected to a BP transducer via a rotating swivel that
allowed the animals to move freely in the cage. After
about 14-h habituation, the BP signal was digitized by a
microcomputer. SBP, DBP and HP values from every
heartbeat were determined online. The mean values
and standard deviation of these parameters during a
period of 24 h for each rat were calculated. The standard
deviation of all values obtained during 24 h was denoted
as the quantitative parameter of variability; that is,
systolic blood pressure variability (SBPV), diastolic BPV,
and HP variability for each rat.
BRS measurement
To determine the function of arterial baroreflex in
conscious rats, the methods widely used are derived
from that which Smyth et al. first applied for humans
[13]. The principle of this method is to measure the
prolongation of HP in response to an elevation of BP.
With some modifications, this method was used in
conscious rats [14,15]. A bolus injection of phenylephr-
ine was used to induce an elevation of BP. The dose of
phenylephrine was adjusted to raise the SBP between
20 and 40 mmHg. HP was plotted against SBP for
linear regression analysis and the slope of SBP HP was
expressed as BRS (ms/mmHg) [15]. As there exists a
delay (about 1 s) between the stimulus and response,
the slopes were calculated by computer with 1
10 beats of shift for linear regression analysis and the
slope with the highest correlation coefficient was used
as BRS. A correlation analysis with 5 beats of shift, for
example, means that values of HP6/SBP1,HP
HP8/SBP3... were used.
Morphological examination
The animals were weighed and killed by decapitation.
The thoracic and peritoneal cavities were immediately
opened. The right kidney, aorta and heart were excised
and rinsed in cold physiological saline. The right
kidney was blotted, and weighed. The left ventricle
was isolated, blotted, and weighed. At the same time,
the aorta was cleaned of adhering fat and connective
tissue. Just below the branch of the left subclavicular
artery, a 30-mm-long segment of thoracic aorta was
harvested, blotted, and weighed. Ratios of left ventri-
cular weight to body weight (LVW/BW), right ventricu-
lar weight to body weight (RVW/BW), ventricular
weight to body weight (VW/BW), left ventricular
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
194 Journal of Hypertension 2005, Vol 23 No 1
weight to right ventricular weight (LVW/RVW), and
aortic weight to the length of aorta (AW/length) were
calculated [16,17]. Histopathological observation was
also carried out with our conventional method [18].
Briefly, immediately after gross detection, all samples
of left ventricles, in 23-mm-thick slices, aortae and
kidney were immersed in formalin solution for more
than 1 week, dehydrated in ethanol, cleared in dimethyl-
benzene and embedded in paraffin. Then 5-ìm-thick
sections were prepared and stained with hematoxylin
and eosin for light microscopic evaluation.
Glomerulosclerosis score
For the semi-quantitative evaluation of glomerulular
damage, the glomerulosclerosis score (GSS) was defined
as previously described [19]. On the light microscopic
specimens, approximately 50 glomeruli from the outer
cortex and the same number of glomeruli from the
inner cortex for each kidney were graded according to
the degree of sclerosis: 0, no mesangial expansion; 1,
mild mesangial expansion (,30% of a glomerular area);
2, moderate mesangial expansion (30 60% of a glomer-
ular area); 3, marked mesangial expansion (.60% of a
glomerular area); and 4, sclerosis was global. This was
performed by one observer in a blind fashion using
coded slides. A weighted composite sclerosis score was
then calculated for each kidney according to the follow-
ing formula: glomerulosclerosis score ¼[1 3(number of
grade 1 glomeruli) þ23(number of grade 2 glomeruli)
þ33(number of grade 3 glomeruli) þ43(number of
grade 4 glomeruli)] 3100 / (number of glomeruli ob-
Experimental protocols
Acute studies
SHR were randomly divided into three groups (n¼9
per group) and respectively given atenolol (20 mg/kg),
nitrendipine (10 mg/kg) and the combination of atenolol
and nitrendipine (20 þ10 mg/kg). The drugs were dis-
solved in 0.8% carboxymethylcellulose sodium (CMC)
and given via a catheter inserted into the stomach at
the same time as aortic catheter implantation. The BP
and HP before drug administration and at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2,
4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 22, and 24 h after drug administration
were determined in conscious freely moving rats. Be-
fore this experiment, six SHR were given a dose of
vehicle (0.8% CMC). No significant changes in BP and
HP were observed in these control rats.
Subacute studies
SHR, 2K1C hypertensive rats, or DOCA-salt hyper-
tensive rats were randomly divided into four groups
(n¼8 per group), respectively, receiving daily vehicle
(0.8% CMC), atenolol (20 mg/kg per day), nitrendipine
(10 mg/kg per day) and the combinations of atenolol
and nitrendipine (20 þ10 mg/kg per day) for 10 days.
The drugs were dissolved in 0.8% CMC and given by
gavage. The SBP was determined by the tail-cuff
method before drug administration and on study days 1,
3, 5, 7, 9 and 10. SBP measurement was performed 24 h
after drug administration each time.
Chronic studies
Studies were performed in four groups of SHR and a
group of WKY rats. Nitrendipine and atenolol were
mixed in the rat chow. The consumption of rat chow
containing drugs was determined previously. The con-
tent of drugs in the rat chow was calculated according
to the chow consumption, and the ingested dose of
atenolol, nitrendipine and combination of atenolol and
nitrendipine were about 20, 10 and 20 þ10 mg/kg per
day, respectively. The control SHR group and WKY
rats received the same diet without the drugs. After
4 months of drug administration, the BP was recorded
during 24 h, then the BPV was calculated and the BRS
was determined in conscious freely moving rats. Histo-
pathological examinations were performed after BP
recording and BRS studies. According to the data
accumulated in our department, the SBP of SHR is
about 170 mmHg at the age of 18 weeks (the start of
the 4-month period) and 190 mmHg at the age of
34 weeks (the end of the 4-month period).
Probability sum test
To determine whether the combination was synergistic,
we tried to use the probability sum test. This came
from classic probability analysis and it was proposed for
evaluating the synergism of the combination of two
drugs (qtest) [2022]. In the present work, we used
the following criteria. Compared with the mean values
of control rats, treated rats with a decrease in BP (SBP
or DBP) >20 mmHg were defined as responders ac-
cording to clinical experiences. For other parameters,
treated rats with a decrease or increase >20% of the
mean values of the control group were defined arbitra-
rily as responders. The formula is as follows: q¼
PAþB/(PAþPBPA3PB). Here, A and B indicate
drug A and drug B, P(probability) is the percentage of
responders in each group, PAþBis the real percentage
of the responder, (PAþPBPA3PB) is the expected
response rate, (PAþPB) indicates the sum of the
probabilities when drug A and drug B were used alone,
and (PA3PB) is the probability of rats responding to
both drugs when they were used alone (i.e. assuming
the two drugs act independently). When q,0.85, the
combination is antagonistic; when q.1.15, it is syner-
gistic; and when q¼0.851.15, it is additive.
Statistical analysis
Data are expressed as the mean standard error of the
mean. Comparisons among values obtained in the same
group were made by repeated-measures analysis of
variance (ANOVA) followed by the Fisher test. Com-
parisons among groups were made by ANOVA followed
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Synergism of atenolol and nitrendipine Xie et al. 195
by the Duncan test. The relationships between hemo-
dynamic parameters and organ damage parameters were
analyzed by classic univariate correlation analysis. Step-
wise multiple-regression analysis was performed to
study which of the hemodynamic parameters is most
significantly a predictor of a measure of organ damage.
Fto enter and Fto remove were set to P,0.05 and
P.0.10, respectively. P,0.05 was considered statisti-
cally significant.
Acute studies
As shown in Figure 1, no obvious change in the SBP
and DBP level was found in atenolol-treated SHR.
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Time (h)
SBP (mmHg)
Nit 1 Ate
DBP (mmHg)
** **
HP (ms)
Time (h)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 2622
Time (h)
Fig. 1
Effects of a single dose of atenolol and nitrendipine alone and in combination on (a) systolic blood pressure (SBP), (b) diastolic blood pressure
(DBP) and (c) heart period (HP) in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Ate, atenolol; Nit, nitrendipine; Ate + Nit, combination of atenolol and
nitrendipine. n¼9. *P,0.05, **P,0.01 versus hour 0 (before drug administration).
196 Journal of Hypertension 2005, Vol 23 No 1
Treatment with nitrendipine significantly decreased
SBP and DBP in SHR, with duration up to 2 and 8 h,
respectively, and with a maximal decrease (29 7 and
41 10 mmHg, respectively) at the 15th minute after
administration. An obvious decrease in SBP and DBP
was found in SHR treated with a combination of
atenolol and nitrendipine, with duration up to 10 and
22 h, respectively, and with a maximal decrease
(65 21 and 60 13 mmHg, respectively) at the 15th
min after administration. It was shown that combination
therapy possessed an obviously greater and longer SBP
and DBP reduction than monotherapy. Nitrendipine
significantly decreased HP in SHR, and a lesser in-
crease in HP was found in rats treated with atenolol or
a combination of atenolol and nitrendipine. Treatment
with vehicle (0.8% CMC) did not influence BP and HP
in SHR (data not shown).
Subacute studies
Subacute treatment (10 days) with atenolol and nitren-
dipine alone did not significantly decrease the SBP
24 h after drug administration in SHR, DOCA-salt
hypertensive rats, and 2K1C hypertensive rats. How-
ever, treatment with a combination of these two drugs
obviously decreased the SBP 24 h after drug adminis-
tration in all the three hypertensive models of rats (Fig.
2). No obvious change in HP was found in all treated
rats and CMC treatment did not influence the BP and
HP (data not shown).
Chronic studies
Effects on BP, BPV, and BRS in SHR
Compared with WKY rats, SHR possessed significantly
lower BRS and higher BP and BPV. Long-term treat-
ment with atenolol and nitrendipine alone or in combi-
nation significantly decreased BP and BPV, and
enhanced BRS in SHR. However, in the rats treated
with a combination of atenolol and nitrendipine, the
extents of BP and BPV reduction and BRS amelioration
were significantly greater than those in atenolol or
nitrendipine-treated rats. Compared with control SHR,
HP was significantly increased in atenolol-treated rats
and slightly decreased in nitrendipine-treated rats. An
increase in HP was also found in rats treated with a
combination of atenolol and nitrendipine, but the in-
crease in HP was less important than that in atenolol-
treated rats (Table 1).
Effects on organ damages in SHR
Compared with WKY rats, SHR possessed significantly
AW/length and GSS. Long-term treatment with ateno-
lol and nitrendipine alone or in combination signifi-
cantly decreased the LVW/BW, LVW/RVW, AW/
length and GSS in SHR. However, in the rats treated
with combination of atenolol and nitrendipine, the
extents of decrease in LVW/BW, AW/length and GSS
were greater than those in atenolol or nitrendipine-
treated rats (Table 2).
Synergism of atenolol and nitrendipine in SHR
Table 3 presents the result of the probability sum test
in data from SHR treated with atenolol, nitrendipine
and a combination of atenolol and nitrendipine. All q
values were larger than 1.15. It was found that the
combination of atenolol and nitrendipine possesses a
significant synergism on BP and BPV reduction, BRS
amelioration and organ protection in SHR.
Relationships between BP, BPV, BRS and organ damage in
Relationships between BP, BPV, BRS and organ da-
mage in treated and untreated SHR are presented in
Table 4. It was found that LVW/BW, an index for left
ventricular hypertrophy, AW/length, an index for aortic
hypertrophy, and GSS, an index for renal damage, were
all positively related to BP and BPV, and negatively
related to BRS. Some examples for important correla-
tions are shown in Figure 3.
The relative dependencies of organ damage on hemo-
dynamic parameters were assessed by stepwise multi-
ple-regression analysis. LVW/BW was most significantly
associated with higher SBPV (â¼0.530, P,0.01) and
SBP (â¼0.319, P,0.05). AW/length was most signifi-
cantly associated with lower BRS (â¼0.447, P,
0.01) and higher SBPV (â¼0.369, P,0.01). GSS was
most significantly associated with lower BRS (â¼
0.646, P,0.01).
The present work for the first time systematically
studied and clearly demonstrated the synergism of two
antihypertensive drugs on reducing BP and BPV,
restoring BRS and protecting end organs.
In terms of the synergism of the combination of
atenolol and nitrendipine on BP reduction, the main
findings of the present work are as follows. (1) This
synergism was potent. In an acute study in SHR, it was
found that under the tested dose atenolol did not
decrease the BP and nitrendipine slightly decreased
the BP. However, the combination of atenolol and
nitrendipine decreased markedly the BP (both SBP and
DBP): about 40 mmHg 10 h after administration and
about 30 mmHg 20 h after administration. In the
subacute study, atenolol and nitrendipine did not de-
crease the BP when used alone, but significantly de-
creased the SBP (about 20 mmHg) 24 h after drug
administration when used in combination. In chronic
study, qvalues of 1.43 and 1.75 were reported for SBP
and DBP, respectively. These qvalues are markedly
higher than 1.15. This potent synergism may reduce
the doses of each drug required in the treatment of
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Synergism of atenolol and nitrendipine Xie et al. 197
hypertension and then can minimize the clinical and
metabolic side effects of each individual component in
larger dosage when used alone [23]. (2) This synergism
was persistent. As a result, the effect of this combina-
tion lasted for more than 22 h in the acute study and
for more than 24 h in the subacute study. This feature
would decrease the times of drug administration and in
turn decrease the BP fluctuation produced by multiple
drug administrations. The decrease in BP fluctuation
would offer additional benefit in the treatment of
hypertension [24,25]. Furthermore, once a day would
be helpful in enhancing the patient compliance. (3)
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Time (day)
SBP (mmHg)
Nit Ate
** *
** *
SBP (mmHg)
SBP (mmHg)
Time (day)
Time (day)
Fig. 2
Effects of atenolol and nitrendipine alone and in combination on systolic blood pressure (SBP) in (a) spontaneously hypertensive rats, (b) 2K1C
hypertensive rats, and (c) DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. Ate, atenolol; Nit, nitrendipine; Ate + Nit, combination of atenolol and nitrendipine. n¼8in
each group. *P,0.05, **P,0.01 versus day 0 (before drug administration).
198 Journal of Hypertension 2005, Vol 23 No 1
This synergism was universal. In the present work, a
potent synergism was found existing in all three hyper-
tensive rat models. These different hypertensive mod-
els might possess a different sensitivity to different
classes of antihypertensive drugs. However, no prefer-
ence to a certain model was found for this combination.
This might imply the diminishing requirement of
individualization in the treatment of hypertension when
the combination is used.
Recently, it has been proposed that BPV is an impor-
tant factor determining organ damage in hypertension.
In 1987, Parati et al. found that for nearly any level of
24-h mean BP, patients in whom the BPV was lower
had a lower prevalence and severity of organ damage
than those with higher BPV [24]. Recently, the clinical
prognostic significance of BPV has also been reported
in some clinical studies with ambulatory blood pressure
monitoring [3,4,26]. Our previous study demonstrated
that the severity of organ damage (end-organ damage
score) was positively related to the SBP level (r¼0.32,
n¼50, P,0.05) and to SBPV (r¼0.65, n¼50,
P,0.001) in 60-week-old SHR [27]. A similar result
was obtained in another study [28]. Accordingly, it
seems very important to emphasize the role of BPV in
antihypertensive therapy. However, it is not clear how
to control BPV in the treatment of hypertension. We
have previously proposed two ways to reduce BPV in
antihypertensive therapy [27]: (1) to find antihyperten-
sive drugs with an intrinsic effect on lowering BPV,
such as ketanserin, adenosine analogues, and so on; and
(2) to treat with the long-acting antihypertensive drugs,
such as candesartan, amlodipine, and so on. The
present work might show a third way to control BPV in
the treatment of hypertension: combination therapy. In
the present work, chronic treatment with a combination
of atenolol and nitrendipine markedly decreased BPV
in SHR and an obvious synergism on BPV reduction
was found in combination therapy. These results sug-
gested that combination therapy was more effective in
control of BPV than monotherapy. It is well known that
nitrendipine possesses a rapid and relatively short-
lasting antihypertensive action, and atenolol exhibits a
slow but relatively persistent hypotensive effect. The
hemodynamic features of these two drugs may contri-
bute to the synergism on BPV reduction in combination
therapy. Obviously, this is not the totality of the
possible mechanism underlying the synergism on BPV
Arterial baroreflex dysfunction is another feature of
hypertension. It has been well recognized that BRS is
impaired in hypertensive humans and animals [5,6,29].
Our previous study proposed that BRS was one of the
independent variables related to end-organ damage
score, and BRS predicted the end-organ damage in
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1 Effects of long-term treatment with atenolol and nitrendipine alone and in combination on the hemodynamics in spontaneously
hypertensive rats (SHR)
Wistar– Kyoto rats
Atenolol + nitrendipine
SBP (mmHg) 138 1.8**#192 3.0 170 4.5**## 173 4.3**## 151 3.4**
DBP (mmHg) 94 1.4**#128 5.4 113 3.8*#113 3.5*#101 2.3**
Heart period (ms) 172 5.1 161 3.0 193 3.2**#156 1.8## 179 4.5**
SBPV (mmHg) 9.0 0.4**## 15.0 0.6 12.5 0.8* 12.8 0.7*#11.1 0.4**
DBPV (mmHg) 7.4 0.3**## 11.6 0.6 10.1 0.8 10.7 1.0 9.4 0.3**
HPV (ms) 25.6 1.6## 29.9 2.5 38.8 1.0** 37.8 0.9* 37.8 2.3*
BRS (ms/mmHg) 1.10 0.08** 0.34 0.05 0.54 0.05*## 0.57 0.05**## 0.98 0.07**
Data presented as mean standard error of the mean. SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBPV, systolic blood pressure variability; DBPV,
diastolic blood pressure variability; HPV, heart period variability; BRS, baroreflex sensitivity. *P,0.05 and **P,0.01 versus SHR; #P,0.05 and ## P,0.01 versus
atenolol and nitrendipine in combination.
Table 2 Effects of long-term treatment with atenolol and nitrendipine alone and in combination on pathological changes in ventricles,
kidneys and aortae in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR)
Wistar– Kyoto rats
Atenolol + nitrendipine
LVW/BW (mg/g) 2.35 0.06**## 3.62 0.09 3.35 0.08*## 3.25 0.08**#2.95 0.08**
RVW/BW (mg/g) 0.666 0.015* 0.739 0.023 0.782 0.022 0.808 0.043 0.736 0.032
VW/BW (mg/g) 3.02 0.07**## 4.36 0.10 4.08 0.08#4.06 0.13#3.69 0.10**
LVW/RVW 3.53 0.07**#4.93 0.16 4.24 0.12** 4.08 0.14** 4.07 0.14**
AW/length (mg/mm) 0.98 0.06** 1.50 0.03 1.14 0.05**#1.23 0.03**## 1.02 0.03**
GSS 28.0 1.7**## 59.2 2.6 49.32.0**## 47.6 1.9**## 41.1 1.3**
Data presented as mean standard error of the mean. LVW, left ventricular weight; BW, body weight; RVW, right ventricular weight; VW, ventricular weight; AW, aortic
weight; GSS, glomerulosclerosis score. *P,0.05 and **P,0.01 versus SHR; #P,0.05 and ## P,0.01 versus atenolol and nitrendipine in combination.
Synergism of atenolol and nitrendipine Xie et al. 199
hypertension [28]. In the present work, chronic treat-
ment with a combination of atenolol and nitrendipine
markedly enhanced BRS in SHR, and an obvious
synergism on BRS restoration was found in combination
The present work for the first time clearly demon-
strated that chronic treatment with atenolol, nitrendi-
pine, or a combination of these two drugs possessed
obvious effects on organ protection in SHR, and an
obvious synergism on organ protection was found in
combination therapy. It was found that LVW/BW, AW/
length, and GSS were all positively related to BP and
BPV, and negatively related to BRS. In multiple-
regression analysis, a decrease in left ventricular hyper-
trophy was most significantly related to the decrease in
SBPV and SBP. The decrease in aortic hypertrophy
was most significantly related to the increase in BRS
and decrease in SBPV, and amelioration in the renal
lesion was most significantly associated with the in-
crease in BRS. These results suggest that the decrease
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 4 Linear regression coefficient (r) between blood pressure, blood pressure
variability and baroreflex sensitivity values and organ damage in treated and untreated
spontaneously hypertensive rats (n43).
Left ventricular
Systolic blood pressure 0.555** 0.603** 0.588**
Diastolic blood pressure 0.397** 0.399** 0.450**
Systolic blood pressure variability 0.636** 0.619** 0.505**
Diastolic blood pressure variability 0.421** 0.355* 0.271
Baroreflex sensitivity 0.561** 0.648** 0.646**
*P,0.05, **P,0.01.
Table 3 Results of the probability sum test in spontaneously
hypertensive rats treated with long-term nitrendipine and atenolol
Parameter Pvalue qvalue
Systolic blood pressure
Atenolol PAte ¼50%
Nitrendipine PNit ¼40% 1.43
Atenolol + nitrendipine PAte þNit ¼100%
Systolic blood pressure variability
Atenolol PAte ¼30%
Nitrendipine PNit ¼30% 1.66
Atenolol + nitrendipine PAte þNit ¼85%
Diastolic blood pressure
Atenolol PAte ¼30%
Nitrendipine PNit ¼20% 1.75
Atenolol + nitrendipine PAte þNit ¼77%
Diastolic blood pressure variability
Atenolol PAte ¼30%
Nitrendipine PNit ¼20% 1.40
Atenolol + nitrendipine PAte þNit ¼62%
Baroreflex sensitivity
Atenolol PAte ¼50%
Nitrendipine PNit ¼60% 1.25
Atenolol + nitrendipine PAte þNit ¼100%
Left ventricular weight/body weight
Atenolol PAte ¼0
Nitrendipine PNit ¼20% 1.92
Atenolol + nitrendipine PAte þNit ¼38%
Aortic weight/body weight
Atenolol PAte ¼60%
Nitrendipine PNit ¼20% 1.36
Atenolol + nitrendipine PAte þNit ¼92%
Glomerulosclerosis score
Atenolol PAte ¼30%
Nitrendipine PNit ¼40% 1.59
Atenolol + nitrendipine PAte þNit ¼92%
PAte,PNit,andPAte þNit were the percentages of animals possessing an effective
decrease in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood
pressure variability, baroreflex sensitivity, left ventricular weight/body weight,
aortic weight/body weight, or glomerulosclerosis score produced by atenolol,
nitrendipine, and a combination of atenolol and nitrendipine. q>1.15 means
r 0.636
P 0.01
SBPV (mmHg)
LVW/BW (mg/g)
AW/length (mg/mm)
BRS (ms/mmHg)
SBPV (mmHg)
r 0.619
P 0.01
r 0.646
P 0.01
BRS (ms/mmHg)
r 0.648
P 0.01
Fig. 3
Examples of correlation between hemodynamic parameters and organ-
damage parameters in treated and untreated spontaneously
hypertensive rats in chronic studies. n¼43. LVW, left ventricular
weight; BW, body weight; SBPV, systolic blood pressure variability;
AW, aortic weight; GSS, glomerulosclerosis score; BRS, baroreflex
200 Journal of Hypertension 2005, Vol 23 No 1
in BP and BPV and the restoration of baroreflex func-
tion may co-contribute to the organ protective action of
drugs in SHR.
In conclusion, treatment with the combination of
atenolol and nitrendipine exhibited a rapid and persis-
tent antihypertensive effect and possessed an obvious
synergism on BP and BPV reduction, BRS restoration
and organ protection in hypertensive animals. Chronic
treatment with atenolol, nitrendipine, or a combination
of these two drugs possessed obvious organ protection
in SHR. Besides the BP reduction, the decrease in
BPV and the restoration of BRS may importantly
contribute to this organ protection.
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Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Synergism of atenolol and nitrendipine Xie et al. 201
... 8,9 This test derives from classic probability analysis, and several groups have suggested that it may be useful for evaluating the synergism of combinations of two drugs in vivo. [8][9][10][11][12][13] However, there are some disadvantages. ...
... The probability sum test was used to evaluate the synergism of the combination according to the references. [10][11][12] Compared with the control group, the experimental groups with a decrease in blood pressure >15 mmHg were defined as responders. Similarly, rats with a decrease in blood pressure <12 mmHg (80% of 15 mmHg) were defined as non-responders and blood pressure data ranging from 12 to 15 mmHg were discarded. ...
... The probability sum test also has been widely used to analyze the synergism of the combinations of two antihypertensive drugs. [8][9][10][11][12][13] The synergistic or antagonistic effect is mainly defined by the q value (P A+B /(P A + P B − P A × P B )). However, there are some disadvantages for this method compared with SynergyFinder 3.0. ...
Full-text available
This study was designed to evaluate the synergism of two couples of antihypertensive drugs (amlodipine + telmisartan and amlodipine + candesartan) on blood pressure reduction in vivo by both SynergyFinder 3.0 and probability sum test. Spontaneously hypertensive rats were treated with intragastric administration of amlodipine (0.5, 1, 2, and 4 mg/kg), telmisartan (4, 8, and 16 mg/kg), candesartan (1, 2, and 4 mg/kg), nine combinations for amlodipine and telmisartan, and nine combinations for amlodipine and candesartan. The control rats were treated by 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose sodium. Blood pressure was recorded continuously up to 6 h after administration. Both SynergyFinder 3.0 and the probability sum test were used to evaluate the synergistic action. The synergisms calculated by SynergyFinder 3.0 are consistent with the probability sum test both in two different combinations. There is an obviously synergistic interaction between amlodipine and telmisartan or candesartan. The combinations of amlodipine and telmisartan (2 + 4 and 1 + 4 mg/kg) and amlodipine and candesartan (0.5 + 4 and 2 + 1 mg/kg) might exert an optimum synergism against hypertension. Compared with the probability sum test, SynergyFinder 3.0 is more stable and reliable to analyze the synergism.
... Many two-drug single-pill combinations have been developed and largely comprise an ACEI (or ARB) and a CCB (or diuretic). We have developed a new single-pill combination comprising a CCB (nitrendipine) and a β-blocker (atenolol) [6,7], which has been widely used in China since 2009 [2]. According to our experience, the key for research and development of single-pill combinations is the selection of an optimal ratio of the combined drugs for preferable synergy, which can be determined by using the probability sum test (q test) [6][7][8][9]. ...
... We have developed a new single-pill combination comprising a CCB (nitrendipine) and a β-blocker (atenolol) [6,7], which has been widely used in China since 2009 [2]. According to our experience, the key for research and development of single-pill combinations is the selection of an optimal ratio of the combined drugs for preferable synergy, which can be determined by using the probability sum test (q test) [6][7][8][9]. Pharmacokinetic synchronism must also be considered. Using an optimal ratio of the combined drugs may produce maximal synergism; indeed, even a combination of single drugs at an ineffective dose can achieve effective BP reduction [6,7], and it always protects against hypertensive organ damage [7,8]. ...
... Pharmacokinetic synchronism must also be considered. Using an optimal ratio of the combined drugs may produce maximal synergism; indeed, even a combination of single drugs at an ineffective dose can achieve effective BP reduction [6,7], and it always protects against hypertensive organ damage [7,8]. The reduced dose in a single-pill combination results in a reduction in risk (adverse effects) along with a low cost. ...
Hypertension is a serious public health problem worldwide. MT-1207, chemically named 3-(4-(4-(1H-benzotriazole-1-yl)butyl)piperazine-1-yl) benzisothiazole hydrochloride, is a new chemical entity that has entered into clinical trial as antihypertensive agent in China. In this paper we report the pharmacological profile of MT-1207 regarding its acute, subacute, and long-term effects on hypertensive animal models, and its actions on isolated organs in vitro as well as its molecular targets. Blood pressure (BP) was measured in conscious animals; amlodipine was taken as a positive control drug. We showed that both single dose of MT-1207 (1.25−20 mg/kg, ig) in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and MT-1207 (0.25−6 mg/kg, ig) in two-kidney one-clip (2K1C) dogs dose-dependently decreased BP. MT-1207 quickly decreased BP within 5 min after administration; the hypotensive effect lasted for 8 and 12 h, respectively, in SHR and 2K1C dogs without reflex increase in heart rate. Multiple doses of MT-1207 (5 mg · kg⁻¹ · d⁻¹ in SHR; 2 mg · kg⁻¹ · d⁻¹ in 2K1C dogs, for 7 days) significantly decreased BP, slightly reduced heart rate, and both of them recovered after withdrawal. Long-term administration of MT-1207 (10 mg · kg⁻¹ · d⁻¹ for 4 months or more time) produced a stable BP reduction, improved baroreflex sensitivity, reduced renal and cardiovascular damage in SHR, and delayed stroke occurrence and death in stroke-prone SHR. In isolated rat aortic rings precontracted by adrenaline, KCl, noradrenaline or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), MT-1207 (10⁻⁹–10⁻⁴ M) caused concentration-dependent relaxation. In a panel of enzyme activity or radioligand binding assays of 87 molecular targets, MT-1207 potently inhibited adrenergic α1A, α1B, α1D, and 5-HT2A receptors with Ki < 1 nM. The antagonism of MT-1207 against these receptors was confirmed in isolated rabbit arteries. We conclude that MT-1207 is a novel and promising single-molecule multitarget agent for hypertension treatment to reduce hypertensive organ damage and stroke mortality.
... 19 Moreover, in hypertensive rats, the combination of different antihypertensive drug classes resulted in a greater reduction of short-term BPV compared with a single-drug regimen. 20 On the other hand, limited evidence is available on the occurrence of possible differences in 24-h BPV in humans as a result of treatment with different antihypertensive drug classes, administered either as monotherapy or in combination. 21 The aim of the present study was to compare short-term BPV over 24 h in a cohort of hypertensive patients treated with one of the five antihypertensive classes recommended for hypertension management, that is, calcium channel blockers (CCBs), diuretics, angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) and b-blockers, in monotherapy or by combination among them. ...
... Indeed, until now, the benefits of treatment-induced reduction in BPV have been related to a reduction in end-organ damage only in the setting of experimental animal studies. 20,46 ...
... For example, 24h BP reduction was achieved in a short period of 2-3 days for 2-3 times of drug administration by combination of atenolol and nitrendipine once a day in SHR and 2K1C rats [43]. In addition, our previous studies demonstrated that the duration of systolic BP reduction by a single dose of combination of atenolol and nitrendipine was 10 h in SHR [44], but at least 48 h in 2K1C dogs [45], suggesting that drug metabolism is faster in rats than dogs. Given that ALL has been used clinically once a day for effective antihypertensive effect, it is unquestionable that ALL is a longacting antihypertensive drug, which can maintain a steady BP reduction and a reduced BP variability for organ protection beneficial to prevention of cardiovascular events, especially stroke events [46][47][48][49]. ...
Stroke is a common cause of death and disability. Allisartan isoproxil (ALL) is a new angiotensin II receptor blocker and a new antihypertensive drug discovered and developed in China. In the present study we investigated the therapeutic effects of ALL in stroke-prone renovascular hypertensive rats (RHR-SP) and the underlying mechanisms. The model rats were generated via two-kidney two-clip (2K2C) surgery, which led to 100% of hypertension, 100% of cerebrovascular damage as well as 100% of mortality 1 year after the surgery. Administration of ALL (30 mg · kg⁻¹ · d⁻¹ in diet, for 55 weeks) significantly decreased stroke-related death and prolonged lifespan in RHR-SP, but the survival ALL-treated RHR-SP remained of hypertension and cardiovascular hypertrophy compared with sham-operated normal controls. In addition to cardiac, and aortic protection, ALL treatment for 10 or 12 weeks significantly reduced cerebrovascular damage incidence and scoring, along with a steady reduction of blood pressure (BP) in RHR-SP. Meanwhile, it significantly decreased serum aldosterone and malondialdehyde levels and cerebral NAD(P)H oxidase expressions in RHR-SP. We conducted 24 h continuous BP recording in conscious freely moving RHR-SP, and found that a single intragastric administration of ALL produced a long hypotensive effect lasting for at least 12 h on systolic BP. Taken together, our results in RHR-SP demonstrate that ALL can be used for stroke prevention via BP reduction and organ protection, with the molecular mechanisms related to inhibition of angiotensin–aldosterone system and oxidative stress. This study also provides a valuable scoring for evaluation of cerebrovascular damage and drug efficacy.
... Indeed, the benefits of treatment-induced reduction in BPV have been related to a reduction in TOD in the setting of some experimental animal studies. 28,29 Furthermore, BPV has been reported to impact on negative end-organ outcomes. 30 The present study is one of the studies that reveal the relationship between BPV and TOD. ...
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Background Increased blood pressure variability (BPV) is associated with higher cardiovascular risk. The association between BPV and fluid status in hypertensive patients has not been investigated so far. The aim of the present study was to determine the contribution of fluid balance to BPV and impact on endothelial and cardiac functions among primary hypertensive patients. Methods This is a prospective interventional study conducted in primary hypertensive patients with one-year follow-up. Volume status measurements by a body composition monitor, ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring, echocardiographic and carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) measurements were performed at enrollment and at twelfth. Patients in one of the two groups were kept negative hydrated during trial with diuretic treatment. Patients in other group were positively hydrated (hypervolemic) at enrollment, antihypertensive drugs other than diuretics (vasodilator agents) were added or intensified according to the BP monitoring. Average real variability (ARV) index was used for establishing the prognostic significance of BPV. Results The study population consisted of 50 patients with a mean age of 54.5 ± 8.8 years. At the end of one-year follow-up, patients in negative hydrated group were found to have significantly lower BP, CIMT, left ventricle mass index (LVMI) and systolic and diastolic ARV. More weight gain and higher systolic BP were major risk factors of high systolic ARV. Patients who have improvement in CIMT and LVMI were considered as target organ damage (TOD) recovery present. In negatively hydrated group, TOD significantly reduced during trial. In patients who have TOD recovery, BPV significantly more reduced like systolic and diastolic BP. Significant risk factors associated with the presence of TOD were 24 h systolic BP and daytime and night time diastolic ARV and night time diastolic BP. Conclusion Addition of diuretic to established treatment or intensified diuretic treatment and keeping patients in negative hydration status resulted in reduction in BPV at twelfth month of follow-up. More weight gain and higher systolic BP are major risk factors of high systolic ARV, but not hypervolemia. BPV, especially diastolic ARV, was significantly associated with TOD.
... Indeed, the benefits of treatment-induced reduction in BPV have been related to a reduction in TOD in the setting of some experimental animal studies. 28,29 Furthermore, BPV has been reported to impact on negative end-organ outcomes. 30 The present study is one of the studies that reveal the relationship between BPV and TOD. ...
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Background Increased blood pressure variability (BPV) is associated with higher cardiovascular risk. The association between BPV and fluid status in hypertensive patients has not been investigated so far. The aim of the present study was to determine the contribution of fluid balance to BPV and impact on endothelial and cardiac functions among primary hypertensive patients. Methods This is a prospective interventional study conducted in primary hypertensive patients with one-year follow-up. Volume status measurements by a body composition monitor, ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring, echocardiographic and carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) measurements were performed at enrollment and at twelfth. Patients in one of the two groups were kept negative hydrated during trial with diuretic treatment. Patients in other group were positively hydrated (hypervolemic) at enrollment, antihypertensive drugs other than diuretics (vasodilator agents) were added or intensified according to the BP monitoring. Average real variability (ARV) index was used for establishing the prognostic significance of BPV. Results The study population consisted of 50 patients with a mean age of 54.5 ± 8.8 years. At the end of one-year follow-up, patients in negative hydrated group were found to have significantly lower BP, CIMT, left ventricle mass index (LVMI) and systolic and diastolic ARV. More weight gain and higher systolic BP were major risk factors of high systolic ARV. Patients who have improvement in CIMT and LVMI were considered as target organ damage (TOD) recovery present. In negatively hydrated group, TOD significantly reduced during trial. In patients who have TOD recovery, BPV significantly more reduced like systolic and diastolic BP. Significant risk factors associated with the presence of TOD were 24 h systolic BP and daytime and night time diastolic ARV and night time diastolic BP. Conclusion Addition of diuretic to established treatment or intensified diuretic treatment and keeping patients in negative hydration status resulted in reduction in BPV at twelfth month of follow-up. More weight gain and higher systolic BP are major risk factors of high systolic ARV, but not hypervolemia. BPV, especially diastolic ARV, was significantly associated with TOD.
... Experimental studies in mice assessing short-term BPV from beat-to-beat BP recordings have provided evidence that specific classes of antihypertensive drugs (i.e., calcium antagonists), alone or in combination, independently of their BP lowering effects may confer organ protection mainly through their ability to reduce BPV, and possibly to improve baroreflex sensitivity [67][68][69][70][71]. In humans, several studies of clinical pharmacology implementing intra-arterial or noninvasive 24 h ABPM have shown that antihypertensive drugs decrease ambulatory BP SD, a reduction that is proportional to the decrease in mean BP values [72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79], suggesting that the effects of antihypertensive treatment on short-term BPV may be the result of BP lowering, per se. ...
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A large body of evidence has consistently supported the relationship between blood pressure (BP) levels and the risk of cardiovascular complications. In recent years, several independent studies have also indicated that this risk may not only depend on the magnitude of the blood pressure elevation per se but also on the presence of other associated conditions such as increased blood pressure variability. This concept has been supported by a series of reports, most of which post hoc analyses of clinical trials in hypertension, showing that increasing values of BP variability (BPV) (either in the short term, in the midterm, or in the long term) may predict development, progression, and severity of cardiac, vascular, and renal organ damage, as well as cardiovascular events and mortality. Remarkably, studies conducted in populations at high cardiovascular risk have shown increasing values of BPV in the individual subjects (so-called intra- or within-individual BPV) to be strong predictors of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, even to a larger extent than average BP values. However, in subjects at low to moderate cardiovascular risk, the contribution of BPV to cardiovascular risk prediction over and beyond average BP values has been shown to be only moderate. The aim of this paper is to critically review the evidence addressing the prognostic relevance of different components of BPV addressing a yet open question, i.e., whether routine assessment of BPV in clinical practice should be regarded as an additional target of antihypertensive treatment to improve cardiovascular protection.
... 30,31 Mechanisms for reducing BPV have included the use of medications to restore baroreflex sensitivity and reduce aortic and ventricular hypertrophy, thus retarding the progression of arterial stiffness. 32,33 Although our data did not reveal a BPV-lowering effect in patients using calcium-channel blockers or diuretics, use of beta-blockers was independently associated with increased systolic BPV. There was also a trend that ACEI use was associated with increased systolic BPV. ...
Background: Blood pressure (BP) variability (BPV) is a novel risk factor for the development of atherosclerotic diseases. High BPV has recently been shown to predict all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with lacunar infarct. Whether BPV has prognostic implications in patients with ischemic stroke subtypes, other than those due to small-vessel occlusion, remains uncertain. Methods: We prospectively followed up the clinical outcome of 632 consecutive ischemic stroke patients without atrial fibrillation. The average BP and BPV, as determined by the coefficient of variation of the systolic and diastolic BP, were recorded during a mean 12 ± 6 outpatient clinic visits. Results: The average age of the population was 71 ± 11 years. After a mean of 76 ± 18 months of follow-up, 161 patients died (26%); 35% (n = 56 of 161) of these deaths were due to cardiovascular causes. Sixteen percent and 5% developed recurrent stroke and acute coronary syndrome (ACS), respectively. After adjusting for mean systolic BP and confounding variables, patients with high systolic BPV were at significantly greater risk of cardiovascular mortality (hazards ratio (HR) = 2.36; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.02-5.49; P < 0.05). High systolic BPV also predicted all-cause mortality after adjusting for mean systolic BP (HR = 1.79; 95% CI = 1.16-2.75; P < 0.05). There was no association between systolic BPV and nonfatal recurrent stroke or nonfatal ACS. Raised diastolic BPV did not predict recurrent nonfatal stroke, nonfatal ACS, or mortality. Conclusions: Visit-to-visit systolic BPV predicts long-term all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with ischemic stroke without atrial fibrillation, independent of other conventional risk factors, including average BP control.
Background: Hypertension is a serious global public health issue. Blood pressure (BP) is still not effectively controlled in about 20 - 30% of hypertensive patients. Therefore, it is imperative to develop new treatments for hypertension. Veratrum alkaloids were once used for the clinical treatment of hypertension, the mechanism of which is still unclear. It was gradually phased out due to adverse reactions. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the short-term and long-term hypotensive profiles of different components of Veratrum alkaloids in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) to unveil their mechanisms of action. Results: Total Veratrum alkaloid (V), component A (A), and veratramine (M) quickly decreased BP within 30 min of treatment, reduced renal and cardiovascular damage, and improved relevant biochemical indicators (nitric oxide [NO], endothelin-1 [ET-1], angiotensin II [Ang II)], noradrenaline [NE], etc) in SHRs to delay stroke occurrence. Thereinto, A exhibited excellent protective effects in cardiovascular disease. The metabolomic profiles of SHRs treated with V, A, and M were significantly different from those of SHRs treated with vehicle. Thirteen metabolites were identified as potential pharmacodynamic biomarkers. Through Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis, V, A, and M-induced hypotension was mainly related to alterations in nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism, GABAergic synapses, linoleic acid metabolism, ketone body synthesis and degradation, arginine and proline metabolism, and urea cycle, of which nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism was the key metabolic pathway to relieve hypertension. Conclusion: This work shows that A is an effective and promising antihypertensive agent for hypertension treatment to reduce BP and hypertensive target organ damage, which is mainly mediated through modulating nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism, RAS, and NO-ET homeostasis.
This study was designed to investigate the possible synergism of amlodipine and candesartan on the reduction of blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive rats. The end organ protection was also observed. In acute experiment, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) were treated with intragastric administration of amlodipine (0.5, 1, 2, 3 mg/kg), candesartan (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 mg/kg), and 14 different combinations to find the possible ratio of synergistic interaction. In two kidneys, one-clip (2K1C) rats, the effects of amlodipine (1 mg/kg), canderastan (2 mg/kg) and their combination on BP reduction were also observed. In chronic study, SHRs were treated with amlodipine (1 mg/kg), candesartan (2 mg/kg), and their combination for 5 months. Organ damage evaluation was performed after BP recording. The probability sum test (q test) was used to evaluate the synergistic action. There is a synergistic interaction between amlodipine and candesartan on BP reduction. The optimal dose ratio is 1:2. The synergistic effect was also confirmed by 2K1C hypertensive rats. In chronic study, this combination (1:2) possessed an obvious synergism on the reduction of BP and BP variability (BPV) and protection on end organs. Multiple-regression analysis showed that heart and aortic hypertrophy indexes and glomerular damage parameters were positively related to BP and BPV. In conclusion, combination of amlodipine and candesartan exhibited a potent antihypertensive effect and possessed an obvious synergism on BP reduction and organ protection in hypertension. The optimal proportion was 1:2. BP and BPV reduction may both importantly contribute to end organ protection.
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THE PURPOSE of the "Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure" (JNC VI) is to provide guidance for primary care clinicians. The committee recognizes that the responsible clinician's judgment of the individual patient's needs remains paramount. Therefore, this national guideline should serve as a tool to be adapted and implemented in local and individual situations. Using evidence-based medicine and consensus, the report updates contemporary approaches to hypertension control. Among the issues covered are the important need for prevention of high blood pressure by improving lifestyles, the cost of health care, the use of self-measurement of blood pressure, the role of managed care in the treatment of high blood pressure, the introduction of new combination antihypertensive medications and angiotensin II receptor blockers, and strategies for improving adherence to treatment. The JNC VI report places more emphasis than earlier reports on absolute
To explore roles of endogenous atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in blood pressure and volume regulation, we examined the effects of a newly developed ANP antagonist, HS-142-1 (HS) in deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive rats. We examined 1) the effects of HS on ANP- or brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)-induced reductions in renal vascular resistance (RVR) of rat isolated perfused kidneys, 2) the effects of HS on cyclic GMP (cGMP) production in rat cultured vascular smooth muscle cells pretreated with ANP or BNP, and 3) the renal and systemic effects of HS in DOCA-salt-treated rats and control rats. We found that 1) HS dose-dependently reversed ANP- or BNP-induced decreases in RVR; 2) ANP or BNP at 100 nM caused an eightfold increase in cGMP production. These increases in cGMP were inhibited by HS in a dose-dependent fashion, and 300 micrograms/ml HS decreased cGMP to the control level. HS alone did not influence RVR or cGMP production; and 3) DOCA-salt rats showed higher plasma concentrations of ANP (198 versus 75 pg/ml) and BNP (23.7 versus 2.7 pg/ml, each p < 0.01) than the control rats. Bolus administration of 8 mg/kg HS elevated blood pressure by 8% (p < 0.01). This rise in blood pressure was attributed to an increase in systemic vascular resistance (+14%, p < 0.05). Conversely, urinary excretion of sodium (-41%), glomerular filtration rate (-27%), and plasma (-77%) and urinary cGMP (-69%, each p < 0.01) were decreased by administration of 8 mg/kg HS. These effects were dose dependent in DOCA-salt rats but slight or negligible in the control rats. These results suggest that endogenous ANP and BNP may be involved in the regulation of blood pressure and body fluid volume in DOCA-salt rats in which ANP and BNP secretion is augmented.
Fixed-dose combination antihypertensive therapy has been available for over 25 years. During that time, considerable progress has been made in the development of physiologically appropriate combinations. The inherent advantage of fixed-dose combination therapy resides in its improving compliance because fewer pills are required. Alternatively, fixed-dose combination therapy limits dosage flexibility and dose titration of a single component of the combination to complement ongoing treatment of a concomitant non-hypertensive illness. The most frequently employed fixed-dose combinations include some form of a thiazide diuretic together with either a potassium-sparing diuretic, β-blocker or an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. Newer combinations using a calcium channel blocker and β-blocker, or a calcium channel blocker and an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor are either in development or soon to be available. Such developments, if combined with appropriate cost reductions will ultimately increase the popularity of these combination drug administration strategies.
Casual blood pressure (BP) can predict the development of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, but the correlations between its values and the subsequent occurrence of such complications are low. This may depend on different individual resistance to the damage produced by hypertension. However, it may also depend on the recognized inability of causal BP to reflect accurately the 24-h mean and profile BP. In order to test the latter hypothesis, 24-h BP was recorded intra-arterially (Oxford method) in 108 hospitalized subjects with essential hypertension ranging from mild to severe. The 24-h means and standard deviations (i.e. variabilities) for systolic, mean and diastolic BP obtained by computer analysis of the BP tracing were related to the rate and severity of target-organ damage (TOD) assessed by clinical examination and quantified according to a predetermined score. The results confirmed that 24-h BP may be variably different from cuff BP among subjects. For nearly any value of cuff BP, subjects in whom the 24-h mean BP was low had a lower prevalence and severity of TOD than those in whom the 24-h mean BP was high (P less than 0.01). Furthermore, for nearly any level of 24-h mean BP, subjects in whom the 24-h BP variability was low had a lower prevalence and severity of TOD than those in whom the 24-h BP variability was high (P less than 0.05). These findings demonstrate that the severity of hypertension is more closely related to 24-h mean BP than to cuff BP values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Renal tissue angiotensin I (Ang I) and II (Ang II) content and angiotensin converting enzyme activity were assessed in both kidneys during initial (7 days) and maintenance (25 days) phases of two-kidney, one clip hypertension in rats. At 7 and 25 days, systolic arterial pressure was 146 +/- 2 and 170 +/- 7 mm Hg, respectively. After 7 days, Ang I content of clipped kidneys was 64% and 70% higher (p < 0.001) than in nonclipped and sham-operated kidneys, respectively, when compared with levels in kidneys from sham-operated rats. In kidneys harvested 25 days after clipping one renal artery, Ang I and Ang II contents in clipped kidneys were increased 102% and 24% (p < 0.01), respectively. Ang II content was also 32% higher in nonclipped kidneys. Angiotensin converting enzyme activity in nonclipped kidneys was greater (p < 0.05) than that in either clipped (46% higher) or sham-operated kidneys (57% higher). Plasma Ang I and Ang II levels were elevated at 7 days but were not different at 25 days in clipped rats. These results demonstrate a dissociation between intrarenal and circulating levels of Ang I and Ang II and suggest that qualitatively different mechanisms may be responsible for the elevated intrarenal Ang II levels during the initial and maintenance phases of renal hypertension.
1. The short-term (within 30 min periods) and the long-term (among 30 min periods) variabilities, expressed as variation coefficients, of blood pressure (BP) and heart period (HP) were studied using a computer analysis of BP recordings in freely moving genetically hypertensive (LH), normotensive (LN) and low BP (LL) rats of Lyon strains at ages 5, 9, 21 and 40 weeks. The baroreflex control of HP was estimated with the slope of the linear relationship between systolic BP (SBP) and HP (SBP-HP slope) computed after phenylephrine and nitroglycerin injections. 2. Short-term variability of BP increased between 5 and 9 weeks of age and then remained stable. Hypertension was accompanied by an increase in both short-and long-term variabilities of diastolic BP in adult rats. 3. A sharp increase in SBP-HP slope was observed between 5 and 9 weeks of age in LN rats. SBP-HP slope of LH rats increased slightly up to 21 weeks but remained lower than that of normotensive controls. 4. The weak inverse correlation existing between SBP-HP slope and BP variability appeared to be mediated by the BP level. In addition, atropine which is known to abolish almost completely the SBP-HP slope, did not increase BP variability. It is concluded that SBP-HP slope is not linearly associated with BP variability in conscious rats.
The relation between the arteriolar diameters and hypertensive glomerulosclerosis was studied by using microvascular casts and histological evaluation. Spontaneously hypertensive rats 4 weeks of age were divided into three groups: nontreated, captopril (40 mg/kg/day)-treated, and trichlormethiazide (1 mg/kg/day) with hydralazine (20 mg/kg/day)-treated. Wistar-Kyoto rats served as controls. At 6 weeks old, the captopril-treated rats showed a lower blood pressure and a larger afferent arteriolar diameter compared with the control rats. At 20 weeks old, the nontreated group exhibited hypertension and a lower arteriolar diameter ratio (afferent to efferent, 0.89 versus 1.22 in control group) because of afferent constriction and efferent dilatation, seen equally in the outer and inner cortexes. Glomerulosclerosis was accentuated only in the inner cortex of the nontreated group (score, 63 versus 29 in control group). In the two treated rat groups, the blood pressure was reduced and arteriolar diameter ratios were similar to those in the control group (1.18 and 1.26). The sclerosis score in the trichlormethiazide with hydralazine-treated rats (score, 26) was lower than in the nontreated rats but not the captopril-treated rats (score, 36). These results indicated that 1) in the hypertensive rats, despite a reduced diameter ratio, glomerulosclerosis was more severe in the inner cortex; 2) two therapies reduced blood pressure and reversed the arteriolar changes, but a decrease in glomerulosclerosis was seen only in the trichlormethiazide with hydralazine-treated rats; and 3) for development of glomerulosclerosis, factors other than hemodynamics may be important in addition to intraglomerular pressure.
The control of arterial pressure during sleep was studied in 13 untreated, unsedated subjects aged 20 to 46, including 7 with hypertension. Arterial pressure was measured directly. A transient rise of arterial pressure up to 30 mm Hg was produced by the sudden intravenous injection of 0.25 to 2 µg of angiotensin. Linear plots were obtained in 10 of 13 subjects when the systolic pressures of successive pulses during the pressure rise were plotted against the pulse intervals which began the next beat. The relationship was disturbed by movement or arousal, and was better when pulse intervals falling in inspiration were discarded. The slope of the line (milliseconds of cardiac slowing per millimeter rise in systolic pressure) in the awake subject ranged from 2 to 15.5 msec/mm Hg, and from 4.5 to 28.9 during sleep. Reflex sensitivity was highest in dreaming sleep. In 7 of 10 subjects, baroreflex sensitivity increased significantly during sleep; in 6, the prevailing arterial pressure was inversely correlated with the baroreflex sensitivity. The pressure appeared to be the dependent variable. It is concluded that the baroreceptor reflex are can be rapidly reset, particularly during sleep. The lower arterial pressures during sleep may be actively maintained in some subjects by increased baroreflex sensitivity.
Sudden intravenous injections of small amounts of angiotensin or phenylephrine were given to 30 subjects to produce modest, brief increases in directly measured systemic arterial pressure. A plot of each systolic pressure against the second succeeding cardiac cycle length produced a linear distribution, the slope of which was expressed as the millisecond increase in cycle length per mm Hg rise in systolic pressure. The slope is an index of baroreflex sensitivity and was found to have an average value of 12.8 in 18 subjects without hypertension and 2.8 in 12 others with hypertension. When all results were pooled, there was an inverse relationship between the resting mean arterial pressure and slope of the baroreflex regression lines. The findings demonstrate reduced sensitivity of the baroreflexes in hypertension, with respect to control of heart rate. A distinction is made between this change in sensitivity and simple resetting of the reflex.