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Use of matrix population models to estimate the efficacy of euthanasia versus trap-neuter-return for management of free-roaming cats



To evaluate the efficacy of trap-neuter-return and trap-euthanatize management strategies for controlling urban free-roaming cat populations by use of matrix population models. Prospective study. Estimates of free-roaming cat populations in urban environments. Data from the literature describing the biology of free-roaming cat populations in urban environments were gathered. A matrix population model was developed with a range of high and low survival and fecundity values and all combinations of those values. The response of population growth rate to a range of management actions was assessed with an elasticity analysis. All possible combinations of survival and fecundity values of free-roaming cats led to predictions of rapid, exponential population growth. The model predicted effective cat population control by use of annual euthanasia of > or = 50% of the population or by annual neutering of > 75% of the fertile population. Elasticity analyses revealed that the modeled population was most susceptible to control through euthanasia. Free-roaming cat populations have a high intrinsic growth rate, and euthanasia is estimated to be more effective at reducing cat populations than trap-neuter-return programs.
ree-roaming cats represent challenges to the veteri-
nary profession and society. Free-roaming cats con-
tribute to a public health hazard through the risk of
transmitting rabies and other zoonotic agents.
cats may be infected with a variety of feline pathogens
and function as a reservoir of infection for owned
The welfare of free-roaming cats concerns
society because they are frequent victims of vehicular
collisions and fights between themselves and other ani-
Cats also are efficient predators, and results
of numerous studies
indicate their detrimental
impacts on native wildlife. For example, the British
population of 9 million cats has been estimated to be
responsible for the deaths of 57 million mammals, 27
million birds, and 5 million reptiles and amphibians
per year
; because the US cat population has been esti-
mated at 100 million,
the potential impact of domes-
tic cats on American wildlife is high. There also are
emotional and financial costs to society caused by con-
cern for these cats, their prey, and the attempts to mit-
igate the perceived and real damages caused by unman-
aged populations of free-roaming cats.
recognition of the problems, there is no consensus on
how such populations should be managed.
Two management schemes predominate. Traditional
animal control plans manage free-roaming cats through
capture and removal. Whereas some captured cats are
returned to their owners or adopted as pets, most are
euthanatized as unwanted, excess cats. Traditional ani-
mal control is often constrained by resources and rarely
sustains active cat population management on a broad
scale. A more recently proposed management alternative
is to maintain stable, nonbreeding populations. These
programs are founded on capturing, neutering, and
releasing cats with additional management processes of
disease testing, vaccination, feeding, adoptions, and
monitoring being components of some programs.
Although trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs are pre-
sented as an alternative to euthanasia and an effective
means of population management,
these pro-
grams have not been developed on a large scale, limiting
their assessment as a tool for decreasing cat populations.
Further, TNR programs are often instituted because of
society’s aversion to euthanasia as a method of control.
Thus, much of the debate surrounding the use of
euthanasia or TNR has a substantial emotional compo-
nent. Therefore, an objective evaluation of TNR and
alternative strategies for managing cat populations would
make a valuable contribution toward sound manage-
Matrix population models are a primary tool used
in wildlife management to set annual guidelines on
hunting, trapping, and fishing; explore population
dynamics; and develop management plans for endan-
gered species.
These models use estimates of age- or
stage-specific vital rates (reproduction and survival) to
project future population structure. Analysis of these
models allows objective comparison of the efficacy of
different management actions and permits identification
of key factors influencing population dynamics.
For our study, published data from studies of urban,
free-roaming cat populations were used to parameterize
JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 12, December 15, 2004 Scientific Reports: Original Study 1871
Use of matrix population models
to estimate the efficacy of euthanasia
versus trap-neuter-return for management
of free-roaming cats
Mark C. Andersen, PhD; Brent J. Martin, DVM, DACLAM; Gary W. Roemer, PhD
Objective—To evaluate the efficacy of trap-neuter-
return and trap-euthanatize management strategies
for controlling urban free-roaming cat populations by
use of matrix population models.
Design—Prospective study.
Sample Population—Estimates of free-roaming cat
populations in urban environments.
Procedure—Data from the literature describing the
biology of free-roaming cat populations in urban envi-
ronments were gathered. A matrix population model
was developed with a range of high and low survival
and fecundity values and all combinations of those
values. The response of population growth rate to a
range of management actions was assessed with an
elasticity analysis.
Results—All possible combinations of survival and
fecundity values of free-roaming cats led to predic-
tions of rapid, exponential population growth. The
model predicted effective cat population control by
use of annual euthanasia of 50% of the population
or by annual neutering of > 75% of the fertile popula-
tion. Elasticity analyses revealed that the modeled
population was most susceptible to control through
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Free-roaming
cat populations have a high intrinsic growth rate, and
euthanasia is estimated to be more effective at reduc-
ing cat populations than trap-neuter-return programs.
J Am Vet Med Assoc
From the Department of Fishery and Wildlife Sciences, New Mexico
State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003-0003 (Andersen,
Roemer); and the Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine,
Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, OH 43614-5806 (Martin).
Partially funded by the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment
The authors thank D. Kallakuri for assistance with the matrix popu-
lation projection model.
Address correspondence to Dr. Andersen.
04-01-0021.qxd 11/23/2004 1:23 PM Page 1871
a matrix population model
and explore how cat popu-
lations may respond to various forms of control. The pri-
mary objective was to compare the efficacy of TNR pro-
grams versus euthanasia programs as methods of cat
population management. Because TNR programs affect
reproduction and euthanasia programs affect survival,
these 2 approaches should be fundamentally different
with respect to their impact on the growth rate of cat
populations. To address this hypothesis, an elasticity
analysis of the matrix population models was conducted
to explore how alterations in the estimates of stage-spe-
cific vital rates would influence population growth rate.
Elasticity analysis is a form of perturbation analysis that
allows determination of the rate of change of population
growth rate in response to changes in individual vital
This allows vital rates to be ranked in order of
their influence on population growth.
Materials and Methods
Model description and construction—The matrix popu-
lation model
allows classification of the population either by
age or stage classes (eg, larva, juvenile, adult). The model
advances a given population structure ahead through 1 time
interval to a new projected population structure. Through that
time interval, reproduction and survival occur within each age
or stage class in the population at rates specific to that age or
stage class. For instance, young animals, such as juveniles, have
a probability of surviving (usually < 1) to the reproductive
adult stage, thereby increasing the numbers in the adult stage
and decreasing the numbers in the juvenile stage. Similarly,
reproduction by different stages at time t would contribute to
the number of young present at time t + 1. Thus, the survival
probabilities and reproductive rates of each age or stage class
would contribute to a new population structure at time t + 1.
Under this model, changes in population structure are
denoted by the equation n(t + 1) = An(t), where n represents a
vector of age or stage classes describing the population struc-
ture at times t + 1 and t, respectively, and the population pro-
jection matrix A contains the survival probabilities and repro-
ductive rates acting on the population through each time inter-
val. The dominant eigenvalue of the population projection
matrix, denoted by λ, is the intrinsic or asymptotic growth rate
of the population. If λ = 1 there is no net change in the popu-
lation size. Values > 1 mean that the population is increasing;
values < 1 mean that the population is decreasing.
Model parameter estimation—Vital rate data were gath-
ered from published studies of free-roaming cats in urban envi-
ronments; preference was given to studies of unmanipulated
populations. Given the variability of the vital rate data, low and
high extremes of parameter estimates and all combinations of
those extremes were used in the analysis. The available data
were insufficient for an age-structured classification but
amenable to a stage-structured model with 2 stages: individuals
1 year old, called juveniles, and individuals > 1 year old, called
adults. This classification of the population model conformed to
the level of detail of the management actions that were evaluat-
ed. The model time step was 1 year. The model considered only
the female population; this is appropriate if the population is not
mate-limited or if the vital rates of the 2 sexes are identical.
Reproduction in cats is relatively well documented, and
values from the literature were used to develop the model.
Fetus number has been reported as mean ± SD of 3.6 ± 0.2
kittens/dam in a program to spay free-roaming cats.
This can
be conservatively considered a typical litter size and is com-
parable to values found in other studies.
Mean number of
litters per female per year has been reported to be from 1.1 to
Puberty in female cats varies with time of year of their
birth, but first conception has been reported to be at a mean
of 212 days of age.
Sex ratios are consistently near 50:50.
Based on these values, the fecundity of adult female cats
was estimated as a product of kittens per litter, litters per
year, and sex ratio at birth. Thus, our low estimate of fecun-
dity was 3.6 X 1.1 X 0.5 = 1.98 female offspring/y; our corre-
sponding high estimate was 3.6 X 2.1 X 0.5 = 3.78 female off-
spring/y. Juvenile females have reduced mean fecundity
because most are prepubertal. This reduction is equal to the
factor (365 – 212)/365, which yielded 0.83 female offspring/y
to 1.58 female offspring/y for the low and high estimates of
juvenile fecundity, respectively.
Survival probabilities have not been as thoroughly docu-
mented. In a long-term study,
annual juvenile survival was
reported as approximately 75%. In another report,
it was sug-
gested that annual survival is closer to 50%. Published figures
for survival rates of adults include 33% survival over a 42-month
and 67% survival over an 18-month period.
reports estimate adult life span of feral cats at 2 to 3 years.
Survival rates were computed under the assumption that
the juvenile and adult classes reported in the various studies
were consistent with this model’s juvenile and adult classes.
The low estimate of survival for juveniles was therefore 0.5, and
the high estimate was 0.75. Reported survival rates for adults
were determined over periods longer than 1 year; annual sur-
vival rates were estimated by use of the geometric probability
distribution as an approximate discrete lifetime distribution.
This method assumes that survival probabilities remain con-
stant over the entire period for which they are being estimated.
This assumption may not be true if there are age-dependent
effects on survival. For example, if younger adults learn as they
age, survival may be enhanced with time, whereas senescence
may cause the opposite effect in older adults, reducing survival
over time. It is likely that both processes occur, but the avail-
able data did not allow us to address this issue. The distribution
function for the geometric distribution was P = 1 – S
, where S
is the per-time-unit survival rate, and P is the probability that
an individual will die by time t. Thus, the expression for S given
t and P was S = exp(ln[1 – P]/t).
This expression was used to obtain 4 estimates of annual
survival rates for the adult class based on 3 values of P.
Calculations based on a 2-year and 3-year life span, assuming
that P = 0.50, yielded annual survival rates of 0.707 and 0.794,
respectively. A monthly survival rate of 0.974 was calculated
from a survival probability of 0.33 over 42 months (ie, P = 0.67
and n = 42), and this monthly rate was converted to an annual
rate of 0.729 (ie, 0.974 to the 12th power). Similarly, a month-
ly survival rate of 0.978 results from a survival probability of
0.67 over 18 months (P = 0.33 and n = 18). This monthly rate
converts to an annual survival rate of 0.766 (0.978 to the 12th
power). Thus, by use of 4 reported estimates of adult survival,
the estimated annual rate of adult survival varied from 0.707 to
0.794. Therefore, the low and high values for adult survival
rates used in the model were 0.7 and 0.8, respectively.
Although breeding is skewed towards the first half of
the year and only a few litters are born during the months
of October through December, cats essentially can breed
throughout the year.
Continuously breeding populations
are most easily modeled by assuming that all births take
place at the midpoint of the time interval.
Under this
assumption, parental individuals must survive to that mid-
point and the resultant offspring must survive through the
remaining half of the time interval. Half-year survival rates
are equal to the square root of the annual rate. Thus, the
matrix elements are as follows:
1872 Scientific Reports: Original Study JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 12, December 15, 2004
04-01-0021.qxd 11/23/2004 1:23 PM Page 1872
where S
and S
are annual rates of survival for the juvenile and
adult stage classes, and F
and F
are the estimates of fecundity
for those same stage classes. The composite matrix elements in
the top row of the matrix are equal to the stage-specific repro-
ductive rates (R
and R
) for juveniles and adults, respectively.
Model analyses—Analyses were performed with soft-
ware written in a standard programming language.
rates of increase (λ) were calculated with all combinations of
high and low fecundity and survival rates. Fecundity was
reduced by 10%, 25%, 50%, and 75% to simulate TNR pro-
grams of increasing rigor. Trap-euthanatize programs were
modeled through several combinations of reductions of juve-
nile and adult survival by 10%, 25%, 50%, and 75%.
The geometric mean of λ, computed across all combina-
tions of fecundity and survival rates, was used as a summary
statistic in assessment of population management strategies.
Elasticity analysis was used to provide a broader view of the
demographic basis of the effects of the different management
strategies. All elasticity values were calculated with a com-
puter program.
Uncertainty in vital rate estimates may influence the
outcome of computations of the elasticity values. These pos-
sible effects may be accounted for by computing elasticity
values for a large number of simulated population projection
matrices, in which the vital rate values are randomly chosen
to lie between predetermined limits. The upper and lower
bounds chosen for the vital rates were the high and low esti-
mates, respectively, for each rate.
The high and low vital rate values resulted in 8 pos-
sible matrices that each yielded λ > 1 (Table 1).
Population growth rate ranged from a high of 2.49 for the
highest estimates of fecundity and survival for both juve-
nile and adult classes to a low of 1.34 for the lowest com-
binations. All remaining combinations of parameters led
to intermediate intrinsic rates of population increase. The
geometric mean of these 8 baseline values of λ was 1.84.
The geometric mean intrinsic rates of increase for
the matrices simulating a TNR (ie, with reduced fecun-
dity values), even for quite large reductions in fecundity,
were still > 1 (Table 2). A 75% reduction in fecundity for
all reproductive females (corresponding to ongoing
spaying 75% of the female population) yielded λ = 1.08.
The geometric mean intrinsic rates of increase for
the matrices simulating a euthanasia program (ie, with
reduced survival values) revealed that reductions of
25% were not sufficient to lead to predictions of declin-
ing cat populations (Table 2). However, reductions in
both juvenile and adult survival by 50% yielded a geo-
metric mean intrinsic rate of increase < 1. A 75% reduc-
tion in both adult and juvenile survival led to λ = 0.47,
meaning that a cat population subjected to such a pro-
gram would be approximately halved every year.
In nearly all scenarios, λ was more sensitive to
changes in survival than fecundity (Figure 1). A 25%
JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 12, December 15, 2004 Scientific Reports: Original Study 1873
Juvenile Adult
Scenario Fecundity survival survival Matrix
1 High High High 1.189 2.928 2.49
0.75 0.8
2 High High Low 1.189 2.739 2.40
0.75 0.7
3 High Low High 0.792 2.391 1.89
0.5 0.8
4 High Low Low 0.792 2.236 1.80
0.5 0.7
5 Low High High 0.622 1.534 1.79
0.75 0.8
6 Low High Low 0.622 1.435 1.70
0.75 0.7
7 Low Low High 0.83 1.252 1.61
0.5 0.8
8 Low Low Low 0.415 1.171 1.34
0.5 0.7
For juvenile fecundity, low = 0.83 female offspring/female per
year, high = 1.58 female offspring/female per year; for adult fecundi-
ty, low = 1.98 female offspring/female per year, high = 3.78 female off-
spring/female per year. For juvenile survival, low = 0.5, high = 0.75; for
adult survival, low = 0.7, high = 0.8.
For each matrix, upper left value represents juvenile reproductive
rate, upper right value represents adult reproductive rate, lower left
value represents juvenile survival, and lower right value represents
adult survival.
Table 1—Baseline population projection matrices used in simul-
ations of free-roaming cat populations and their intrinsic rates of
increase (λ). Each scenario corresponds to a different estimate
of fecundity and survival.
Figure 1—Elasticity of the intrinsic rate of population increase in
response to changes in survival and fecundity rates of free-
roaming cats under 8 scenarios corresponding to the matrices in
Table 1. Survival and fecundity rates that yield larger elasticity
values are expected to have a greater influence on the intrinsic
rate of population increase. F
= Juvenile fecundity. F
= Adult
fecundity. S
= Juvenile survival. S
= Adult survival.
Fecundity Juvenile survival (%) Adult survival (%)
Baseline Baseline Baseline 1.84
10 NC NC 1.73
25 NC NC 1.59
50 NC NC 1.35
75 NC NC 1.08
NC 10 10 1.63
NC 10 25 1.53
NC 25 10 1.46
NC 25 25 1.36
NC 50 50 0.91
NC 50 75 0.73
NC 75 50 0.62
NC 75 75 0.47
NC = No change in the vital rate from the baseline values.
Table 2—Geometric mean λ for free-roaming cat populations
with either reduced fecundity, simulating the effects of a trap-
neuter-return program, or reduced survival, simulating the
effects of a euthanasia control program. Geometric means were
calculated over the 8 baseline matrix models in Table 1 with
fecundity or survival reduced by the percentage indicated.
04-01-0021.qxd 11/23/2004 1:23 PM Page 1873
reduction in fecundity of the cat population led to a
growth rate of 1.59, whereas a 25% reduction in sur-
vival reduced growth rate to 1.36 (Table 2). Fifty per-
cent and 75% reductions in survival similarly led to
greater reductions in population growth than did the
50% and 75% reductions in fecundity. Elasticity values
ranged from as high as 0.73 for juvenile survival in 1
scenario to as low as 0.11 for juvenile fecundity in
another scenario. Elasticity for the survival rates
ranged from 0.27 to 0.73, whereas elasticity for the
fecundities remained < 0.30. This result was mirrored
by the stochastic analyses of λ (Table 3). Elasticity val-
ues for the mean vital rates ranged from 0.24 to 0.76,
and the mean elasticity values for the random matrices
ranged from 0.20 to 0.65. The highest elasticity values
were for juvenile survival, suggesting that population
growth is most sensitive to this vital rate, followed by
adult survival. Control strategies that target survival of
free-roaming cats should be more effective at reducing
cat populations than those that target fecundity.
Matrix population models have been used success-
fully in many population management strate-
Such models have been used to assess
the viability of populations of endangered plants
and animals,
to assess the impacts of wildfires
pollutants on natural populations,
and to study
the pathogenicity of an external parasite.
Matrix mod-
els are often preferred in management applications
because of the degree of development of the underly-
ing mathematics, the level of realism of the models,
and the ease of parameter estimation.
The geometric mean growth rate rather than the
arithmetic mean is the appropriate measure of the most
likely growth rate of a stochastic population growth
process. The geometric mean best represents the
expected rate of growth of a population in which one
of the possible population matrices is randomly chosen
at each time step. In other words, if one of the different
possible population projection matrices considered
was randomly selected and a population was to grow
according to that matrix for that time step, and anoth-
er matrix was randomly selected for the following time
step, then over time, the population’s long-term growth
rate would be the geometric mean, not the arithmetic
mean, of the set of possible growth rates.
Thus, the
use of the geometric mean of λ as the summary mea-
sure directly and explicitly recognizes the uncertainty
in the parameter estimates.
Demographic elasticity analysis is a way of calcu-
lating the effect of small changes in the vital rates of a
population on the population’s rate of growth.
Analytically, this can be computed as the partial deriv-
ative of λ with respect to each individual vital rate,
holding the others constant. These partial derivatives
are referred to as sensitivity values; when these values
are multiplied by the ratio of the vital rate in question
to λ (to scale for differences in the vital rates them-
selves), they are referred to as elasticity values.
elasticity of λ can be calculated with respect to partic-
ular vital rates or with respect to the matrix elements
themselves. In this analysis, the elasticity of λ was cal-
culated with respect to each vital rate (ie, stage-specif-
ic fecundity and survival) because the matrix element
for fertility was a composite of several vital rates.
Examination of elasticity values is valuable in
assessing management strategies for free-ranging pop-
ulations. Such strategies nearly always have age-specif-
ic effects, representing a perturbation in a particular
vital rate, and are aimed at either increasing or reduc-
ing the target population’s growth rate. Management
strategies intended to alter vital rates with particularly
high elasticity values are more likely to achieve their
goal than strategies that target vital rates with low elas-
Management programs for free-roaming cat popu-
lations typically focus on either survival (euthanasia
programs) or fecundity (TNR programs). Because
these 2 approaches target different vital rates, they may
have fundamentally different outcomes with respect to
their influence on cat population growth rate. Under
scenarios lacking control, feral cat populations were
predicted to grow rapidly because all values of λ are
substantially > 1. The model results further suggested
that a reduction in survival might have a more pro-
found effect on cat population growth rate than a
reduction in fecundity. A 50% reduction in annual sur-
vival rate was predicted to result in a cat population
that declined by approximately 10% per annum,
whereas a large reduction in annual fecundity (75%) in
both the juvenile and adult stages was predicted to
result in an increasing population. The interpretation
that survival had a greater predicted influence on pop-
ulation growth rate also was supported by results of the
elasticity analyses; cat population growth rate was
more sensitive to survival regardless of the control sce-
Juvenile survival has been identified as a key pop-
ulation management target in matrix-modeling studies
of other species.
Given the uncertainty of the vital
rate estimates, the sensitivity of urban cat populations
to changes in adult and juvenile survival cannot be
confidently distinguished. Nevertheless, changes in
survival are always predicted to have a greater influ-
ence on population growth than changes in fecundity.
Matrix population models have also been applied
to owned populations of pet dogs and cats.
An age-
structured matrix of pet cats yielded a λ of 1.21 for cats
through the first 5 years of life.
This value is lower
than any growth rate calculated for the unmanaged
population structures used here; however, those
authors were modeling pet populations in which
responsible owners had a substantial number of cats
neutered or prevented breeding by fertile cats. A spay
1874 Scientific Reports: Original Study JAVMA, Vol 225, No. 12, December 15, 2004
Table 3—Elasticity of λ in free-roaming cat populations for mean
vital rates and random matrices derived from a range of values
for each vital rate.
Elasticity of random matrices
Elasticity of
Vital rate mean vital rates Minimum Maximum Mean (SD)
Juvenile fecundity 0.34 0.12 0.33 0.20 (0.045)
Adult fecundity 0.28 0.26 0.33 0.30 (0.016)
Juvenile survival 0.76 0.55 0.72 0.65 (0.034)
Adult survival 0.24 0.28 0.45 0.36 (0.035)
04-01-0021.qxd 11/23/2004 1:23 PM Page 1874
rate of 88% would be needed to stabilize population
growth if all fertile cats were free to breed.
In a sepa-
rate study,
a growth rate of 1.02 was calculated for a
citywide pet cat population with a spay rate of 85.7%.
This result is similar to the most intensive fecundity
reduction used in this study, in which a 75% reduction
in fecundity yielded a geometric mean λ of 1.08. These
results suggest that management actions that reduce
fecundity in excess of 75% of the fertile population
would need to be maintained, on an ongoing basis, to
cause a population decrease in a TNR program. Thus,
TNR programs are not likely to convert increasing cat
populations into declining populations or even stable
populations until the neutering rate is quite high.
Nevertheless, population decreases under TNR
programs have been recorded. In 1 study,
a 26% pop-
ulation reduction over an 18-month period with an
approximately 70% neuter rate was reported. This
reduction also included a population reduction of 25%
through a concurrent adoption program. Another
revealed profound population reduction in a
managed cat population with essentially a 100% neuter
rate and adoptions occurring at a high rate (approx
47% of the population). Adoption programs are similar
in effect to euthanasia because these cats are perma-
nently removed from the free-roaming population.
Feral or free-roaming cat populations are subject
to additional population processes that were not con-
sidered here. The survival rates used may account for
extrinsic factors that would be expected to cause death
(eg, intraspecific aggression or disease), but the esti-
mates of fecundity used did not incorporate a measure
of density dependence, which might be expected to
lower reproductive rates at high population densities.
Density dependence was omitted for 2 reasons. First,
there are no reliable estimates of the reduction in
fecundity that would be expected at high population
densities; second, small populations would not be
influenced by density dependence to any great degree.
Emigration also is apt to be a substantial population
factor that was not considered. Emigration between cat
colonies has been reported,
and a substantial num-
ber of owned cats are reported to be adopted strays.
Evaluating the efficacy of euthanasia versus TNR pro-
grams would benefit from additional field studies that
estimate other population processes and from well-
designed monitoring programs run in parallel with
control programs.
MATLAB, The MathWorks Inc, Natrick, Mass.
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... When comparing TNR with lethal cat control programmes, it's crucial to recognize that a lethal control approach would necessitate the elimination of a substantial portion of the cat population and must be sustained over a long period of time [15,24,25]. Implementing trapping and killing programmes is far from straightforward and requires signi cant resource investments to have any chance of success. ...
... To make the investment worthwhile and to achieve a decrease in cat population, a speci c and appropriate area must be targeted and a neutering/spaying rate > 70-75% is recommended. Moreover, the TNR activities must be implemented repeatedly and consistently [12,15]. ...
... By the end of our study, an estimated count of 961 cats roamed free on Flores Island, of which 80.54% (774/961) were neutered/spayed. Previous investigations, including analyses using matrix population models, suggest that effective control of cat populations can be achieved through annual desexing of > 75% of the fertile population [12,15]. Succeeding in this objective requires an initial assessment with an extensive and comprehensive survey, a consistent implementation of coordinated TNR programmes and frequent monitoring and evaluation. ...
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Background The negative impact posed by the uncontrolled growth of free-roaming cat populations, namely spread of diseases, public nuisance, and predation of wildlife, has prompted the development of ethical solutions to control cat populations. Science-based solutions such as Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programmes are the most efficient way to humanely manage free-roaming cats populations. While Portugal has sporadically employed TNR initiatives, no formal evaluations of its effectiveness were performed. We report the implementation of a concerted and targeted TNR initiative to control free-roaming cats population. This large-scale study took place on Flores Island, Azores, where a survey was conducted across its eleven parishes to assess cat colonies location and population density. Free-roaming cats were captured and transported to the official animal collection center of Lajes das Flores, where they were weighted and screened for any potential contraindication surgery. After induction of anaesthesia, the veterinary surgeons assessed cats eligibility through clinical examination. Animal data was collected to record gender, weight, age, body condition score, presence of ectoparasites and endoparasites, respiratory and intestinal signs, skin, mouth and ocular lesions, pregnancy and lactation status and general health status. Results During this study, 751 targeted free-roaming cats were trapped, desexed and then returned to their original colonies. Previous to our intervention, Flores Island housed a population of approximately 981 free-roaming cats, with only 2.34% (23/981) being desexed. Following the extensive targeted TNR activities, the cat population decreased slightly to 961 individuals with 80.54% (774/961) having undergone spaying or neutering procedures. This achievement surpassed the threshold for successful TNR initiatives. Conclusions Our findings underscore the efficacy of targeted TNR programmes as a practical and valuable ethical solution to manage cat population growth. These results provide valuable insights and guidance for the large-scale implementation of similar initiatives on other regions grappling with free-roaming cat populations.
... A summary of these studies and the estimated survival rate for each population is provided in Table S1. Alternatively, studies have examined the effects of management and diseases on feral cat survival (e.g., Andersen et al. 2004;Jones and Downs 2011). Very little is known about feral cat survival in naturally-vegetated landscapes, or how environmental conditions and demographic characteristics such as sex and body mass affect feral cat survival rates. ...
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Feral cats (Felis catus) pose a significant global threat to biodiversity, primarily through predation, disease and competition. A key gap in parameterizing models for improving management decisions for feral cat control relates to factors that drive feral cat survival and movement in the wild. Our study objective was to conduct the first continental-scale analysis of survival rates and displacement distances for feral cats. We collated data on 528 feral cats from telemetry studies in naturally-vegetated landscapes across Australia. Using Cox-proportional hazards models, we investigated the effects of sex, presence of larger predators (dingoes, Canis familiaris and introduced foxes, Vulpes vulpes), presence of introduced prey (rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus), body mass, landscape productivity and feral cat density on feral cat survival. We also analysed the effects of sex, body mass and landscape productivity on feral cat displacement using linear mixed model analysis. Feral cat survival was positively associated with presence of dingoes and increasing body mass, whereas there was no clear association between feral cat survival and sex, presence of rabbits, or cat density. Presence of foxes had a strong negative effect on feral cat survival, but the hazard ratio was associated with considerable uncertainty. Net displacement of male feral cats was nearly two times further than that of females, and the proportion of feral cats making long-distance movements was greater in landscapes with low productivity. Increasing body mass of feral cats was positively related to net displacement, with heavier cats moving further. Analysis of metadata from telemetry studies can provide valuable insights into wildlife survival rates and movement behaviour. Our findings will help inform the development of effective management strategies and improve feral cat management for biodiversity conservation.
... Variations may include placing cats in sanctuaries instead. A well-known variation is trap-euthanize (TE), where some trapped cats are returned to owners or adopted, but most unwanted excess cats are euthanized [15,16]. ...
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Simple Summary Free-roaming and feral cats, along with their impacts on ecosystems and humans, have been debated globally. Cat welfare, overpopulation, and environmental and public health problems have prompted interest in controlling their populations. Several techniques exist to control cat populations, but community engagement may not always be considered. A systematic literature review was conducted to evaluate if community engagement influences the effectiveness of control techniques in managing cat populations, excluding culling. The greatest control occurred with highest community engagement; adoption and education determined the effectiveness. While research on cat control exists, few studies evaluate community engagement and technique effectiveness. This information is particularly relevant in countries that explicitly incorporate certain control techniques into their legislation. Abstract Although free-roaming and feral cat control techniques are often applied in human communities, community engagement is not always considered. A systematic literature review following an update of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA 2020) methodology was conducted to evaluate whether community engagement influences the effectiveness of control techniques, excluding culling, in managing cat populations. The degree of community engagement was estimated based on the number of roles reported during the application of the control technique, which included adoption, trapping, care, and/or education. Education followed by adoption was the determining factor in the decreasing cat populations over time. The limited evaluations of control technique effectiveness, narrow geographical scope, and our simple measure of engagement emphasize the need for more detailed studies. These studies should evaluate the effectiveness of control techniques, while considering community engagement more comprehensively.
... ord et al. 2019). The level of sterilization and adoption effort required to eliminate or meaningfully reduce the size of a cat colony may be unsustainable except under the most controlled conditions. For example, for TNR to successfully control a free-roaming cat population, it has been estimated that at least 75% of the colony must be sterilized (Andersen et. al 2004). Immigration, including cat abandonment, can hinder the success or slow the rate of population decline in TNR colonies (Foley et al. 2005, Robertson 2008, Schmidt et al. 2009, Swarbrick and Rand 2018. ...
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One possible contributor to the unusually high number of conflicts between coyotes (Canis latrans) and people in urban southern California, USA, may be the abundance of free-roaming domestic cats (Felis catus; cats) subsidized by feeding and augmented by trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs. To determine if coyotes regularly prey on and consume cats, we combined visual and molecular-genetic approaches to identify prey items in stomachs of 311 coyotes from Los Angeles County and Orange County, provided to the South Coast Research and Extension Center, in Irvine, California, between June 2015 and December 2018. We detected cat remains in 35% of the stomachs of 245 coyotes with identifiable meals, making cats the most common mammalian prey item consumed and more common than reported previously. Using a geographic information systems approach, we then compared landscape characteristics associated with locations of coyotes that ate cats to public shelter records for TNR cat colonies. Cat-eating coyotes were associated with areas that were more intensively developed, had little natural or altered open space, and had higher building densities than coyotes that did not eat cats. Locations of TNR colonies had similar landscape characteristics. Coyotes associated with TNR colonies, and those that were euthanized (vs. road-killed), were also more likely to have consumed cats. The high frequency of cat remains in coyote diets and landscape characteristics associated with TNR colonies and cat-eating coyotes support the argument that high cat densities and associated supplemental feeding attracted coyotes. Effective mitigation of human-coyote conflicts may require prohibitions on outdoor feeding of free-roaming cats and wildlife and the elimination of TNR colonies.
... In addition, the percentage of neutered or spayed cats in Uruguay is greater than in some countries, such as Italy [11], Ireland [55], United Kingdom [32] or Ethiopia [50], and less than in other countries, such as the USA [52], Australia and New Zealand [33]. According to some authors, between a 75% and 90% sterilization rate should be high enough to control a pet overpopulation problem, based on a model developed by Mosier (1980 and1982) [56] and Andersen et al. [57]. Regarding pet neutering policies in Uruguay, in February 2023, the Uruguayan government decreed the creation of the National Reproductive Control Program (PNCR) and ordered the mandatory sterilization of all dogs and cats of both sexes and throughout the territory, a task that will be carried out by the National Institute of Animal Welfare (Instituto Nacional de Bienestar Animal-INBA). ...
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The objective of this study was to characterize the domestic cat population of Uruguay in relation to breed, coat color, hair length, lifestyle (indoor vs. outdoor), age, sex, and spay/neuter status according to a survey completed by their owners or guardians. An online survey, distributed to residents of Uruguay, was completed in full by 2561 cat guardians. Descriptive statistics and Chi-squared tests were performed. The population of cats with guardians in Uruguay is characterized by the following data: higher frequency of female cats (53%), most of the cats were between two and six years old (49%), most of them were neutered (84%, mainly those older than one year of age), most of them have outdoor access (87%), a very low percentage (6%) are purebred (Siamese being the most frequent: 86%), and within the non-pure breeds, short hair cats were the most frequent (79%). This study, in addition to expanding the information on the characteristics of cats with guardians from other countries and continents, is the first study in Latin America to describe some key demographic aspects such as cat breeds, coat color, hair length, lifestyles, and frequency by age, sex, and spay/neuter status (spayed/neutered or not) at the country level.
... The population control exercised by domestic cats over rat populations in food production areas produces a positive effect on yield (Palacios et al., 2019). Additionally, economic cost of management should be accounted as economic impact, since programs to reduce free-range domestic or feral cat populations through capture-castration-release or removing individuals are expensive (Andersen et al., 2004;Robertson, 2008). ...
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El gato doméstico semiasilvestrado, cuyo origen se encuentra en Medio Oriente, es un depredador ágil y eficiente de gran adaptabilidad a diversos entornos y condiciones climáticas. Es una especie solitaria y de actividad nocturna-crepuscular y presenta un número medio de entre 3 y 6 crías por camada. Si bien no existen estudios específicos para Argentina, analizando las tendencias poblacionales mundiales es muy probable que las poblaciones de este felino se encuentren en franca expansión en ambientes silvestres. Según la descripción global, fueron introducidos deliberadamente probablemente con los primeros colonizadores como mascotas, comensales o control de plagas. La especie ha colonizado con éxito buena parte del territorio argentino y se ha registrado su presencia en numerosas áreas protegidas del país. Su propagación se asocia principalmente a las personas, debido a su papel como mascotas, y a su capacidad de dispersión natural cuando son asilvestrados. Su principal impacto es la depredación sobre especies nativas y pueden desplazar a los carnívoros nativos debido a la competencia por los recursos. El gato doméstico asilvestrado puede ser portador de numerosas enfermedades que pueden transmitirse al ser humano o a otros animales salvajes. Hasta el momento no se ha realizado una gestión nacional y el único caso documentado es el control no letal de gatos domésticos asilvestrados en la Reserva Natural Isla Martín García, Buenos Aires, cuyos primeros resultados lograron reducir el número de felinos circulantes en la isla (alrededor del 20 %) y, con ello, el impacto en algunas especies de la fauna nativa.
... Por todas estas razones, a veces la solución "óptima" desde el punto de vista ecológico no es aceptable en un contexto social determinado; por ejemplo, se ha determinado que la opción más eficiente para limitar las poblaciones de cotorra argentina en las ciudades es el control letal mediante captura o disparo (Conroy y Senar 2009), pero esta solución tiene una gran oposición social en medios urbanos (Marcos 2019). Alternativamente, puede haber un "óptimo social" que sea muy diferente del ecológico: para la gestión de los gatos asilvestrados en zonas urbanas se usa cada vez con más frecuencia el método de captura, esterilización y suelta porque es más aceptable para los convecinos, aunque hay muchas evidencias de que no funciona para reducir las poblaciones si el número de capturas no es muy elevado (Andersen et al. 2004). ...
... There are also concerns for the health, welfare, and safety of free-roaming cats [2]. Unfortunately, existing management approaches for free-roaming cats typically have not achieved any long-term decrease in the number of cat-related complaints, or the number of cats subsequently impounded by authorities [10][11][12][13][14]. Hence, cat management remains an ongoing issue in many municipalities. ...
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In urban and peri-urban areas of the world, free-roaming cats often pose management challenges for authorities. Most are wandering owned or semi-owned cats (fed by people who do not perceive ownership). Some are lost or abandoned, or unowned cats who obtain food from humans unintentionally. Unidentified cats are classified as “stray” in shelter data, and by government agencies as “stray” or “feral” based on their behaviour. However, legally feral cats are usually considered to live and reproduce in the wild with no support from humans. Cats classified as feral in Australia can be managed using lethal methods, including shooting, poisoning, trapping, and blunt trauma. The impact of killing animals on shelter staff is well documented. However, no previous research has investigated psychological impacts of lethal cat management on citizens who care for free-roaming cats. Using semi-structured interviews, this study explored the lived experience of six cat caregivers affected by lethal management of cats by shooting, instigated by the Port of Newcastle in 2020. Results demonstrated strong relationships between the caregivers and cats, and negative impacts on caregiver psychological health and quality of life associated with lethal management. It is recommended that a care-centred approach to cat management be prioritized in future, whereby authorities aid neutering and, if possible, adoption, to improve cat welfare, minimize cat nuisance complaints, and reduce psychological hazards to caregivers. Further, a revision of relevant legislation used to distinguish between domestic and feral cats in Australia should be actioned to prevent unnecessary killing of domestic cats.
... (23) It is known that the growth of the canine and the feline population is not linear, especially in animals that are not under the direct care of humans. (24) So, it is necessary to perform further studies to validate the population growth rate in Mexico since estimations indicate that 30 % of animals are living at homes, and the remaining 70 % are homeless. (11) The canine and feline overpopulation represent a serious problem. ...
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Cats and dogs have a very close relationship with humans. Currently, the overpopulation of these species in various countries worldwide has been identified as a severe public health problem. To establish effective programs for population control, it is necessary to estimate the number of cats and dogs. To our knowledge, there are no studies that assess the number of canine and feline population by state in Mexico. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate the canine and feline population living at homes using official information reported by the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics [Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática] through a constant-share model, a ratio extrapolation method. The estimated dog population living at homes was 42 625 010 dogs and 7 346 925 cats (at least 5.8 times less than the number of dogs). By 2022, the Mexico's estimated human:dog ratio was 2.4:1, and the human:cat ratio 17.6:1. The Estado de México had more than six million dogs and 962 177 cats. Colima had the smallest estimated dog population (245 489), and Baja California Sur the smallest estimated cat population (slightly over 30 000). Health authorities and veterinary practitioners should promote responsible ownership to increase veterinary care and control the birth of dogs and cats. This study provides information on the number of dogs and cats living at homes in Mexico. The estimation reported in this paper suggests that the population of dogs in households will be at least 42 625 010 in Mexico in 2022. The cat population in households of Mexico is 5.8 times lower than the number of dogs, with a total of 7 346 925 expected by 2022. Health authorities and veterinary practitioners should promote responsible ownership to increase veterinary care and population control of dogs and cats.
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The population dynamics of the endangered fragrant prickly apple cactus of southeastern coastal Florida were studied in order to predict future population growth and structure. Plants in two populations were tagged, mapped, and measured each year for 5 yr. Recruitment and mortality were recorded. These small populations declined dramatically with high mortality and low recruitment rates. Transition matrices based on stem length were constructed and analyzed. The dominant eigenvalues indicated declining populations. Projection analysis also indicated population decreases, but it underestimated the actual declines. This result is understandable since the predicted stable length distributions (analogous to stable age distributions) were different from the actual length distributions at the end of the fifth year. In 8 yr, the two populations declined by 55.3% and 59.8%. Elasticity matrices indicated the overwhelming importance of the largest individuals to the survival of the populations, yet changes in reproductive rate had negligible demographic effects. Actual length distributions at the end of the fifth year were projected to the eighth year and compared with actual length distributions in the eighth year. For population 1, there was a significant difference, in which there were actually more small individuals and fewer large individuals than projected, but results were not significantly different for population 2. A population viability analysis indicated that modal time to extinction for both populations was <20 yr.
The winter run of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) on the Sacramento River in California (U.S.A.) was the first Pacific salmon stock to be listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. We describe some of the characteristics of Pacific salmon populations that require special consideration in viability analysis during development of a model specific to the Sacramento River winter run of chinook salmon. Their anadromous, semelparous life history lends to a special definition of quasi-extinction. Random variability occurs primarily in spawning or early life and is reflected in the "cohort replacement rate," the number of future spawners produced by each spawner; a measure consistent with the common practice of characterizing salmon population dynamics in terms of stock-recruitment relationships. We determine the distribution of cohort replacement rates from spawning abundance data and life-history information. We then show through simulations that replacing this distribution with a lognormal distribution with the same mean and variance has a negligible effect on extinction rates, but that approximating an indeterminate semelparous life history using a determinate semelparous life history leads to inaccurate estimates of extinction rate. We derive delisting criteria that directly assess the effects of habitat improvement by explicitly including population growth rate (geometric mean cohort replacement rate greater than or equal to 1.0) in addition to abundance ( greater than or equal to 10,000 female spawners). These delisting criteria allow for the uncertainty due to limited accuracy in measuring spawner abundance and the finite number of samples used to estimate population growth rate (estimates must be based on at least 13 years of data, assuming spawner abundance is measured with less than 25% error). Because the probability of extention will generally be very sensitive to the uncertainty involved in meeting delisting criteria, we recommend that similar uncertainty be accounted for in future recovery criteria for all endangered species.
The domestic cat (Felis catus L.) population in the United States has more than doubled since 1970 and is estimated to exceed 100 million animals. Domestic cats are considered a direct predation threat to native wildlife, and, in a growing number of U.S. cities, conflicts are arising between land managers responsible for conserving native wildlife and members of the public concerned with the welfare of feral and abandoned cats. The removal of cats from natural areas has a strong sociopolitical component, including the support of a well-organized, well-funded special interest citizen group prepared to resist removal of cats. In addition, land managers must address removal within the larger political framework in which their agency is embedded. We describe the increasingly common trap-and-release approach to feral and abandoned cat management employed by cat welfare organizations. We use as examples two colony management organizations operating in south Florida. Land managers should take a proactive approach to the issue of feral and abandoned cats and undertake review of existing ordinances prior to the establishment of a significant cat population. Conservationists must expand their efforts to include support for the long-term effort to educate the public on the importance of responsible pet ownership and the establishment and enforcement of appropriate pet ordinances.
Managers often must evaluate an array of enhancement proposals for endangered species. We present a male-only, stage-based matrix model to assess potential effects of various management techniques used to enhance red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) populations. We analyzed the elasticity of population growth to changes in each matrix parameter and predicted the population-level effects of 5 proposed management techniques that affect stage-specific survival, growth, and fecundity. Maintaining existing habitat and increasing the number of nesting cavities in unoccupied, but suitable, habitat are most likely to help restore declining populations. Management alternatives that increase survival or fecundity only in existing territories will shift the distribution of male woodpeckers in each stage toward a greater proportion of nonbreeding helpers. We do not know what density-dependent effects might occur as existing territories become more crowded.
Bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, in part of the Hyco Reservoir (North Carolina) were decimated by toxicological and developmental effects of selenium leached from coal ash settling ponds during 1970–1980. Bluegill are especially sensitive to elevated concentrations of the heavy metal, and near-complete recruitment failure of zero-year olds was observed. To predict the potential recovery after cessation of heavy metal contamination, a demographic model was created for the bluegill population based on data collected from ongoing biological monitoring at the lake. The model included density dependence and used Monte Carlo methods to analyze the effects of natural environmental variability. The life history of the species suggests that once selenium poisoning stopped, the population could recover to pre-impact abundances within 2 years, although the increased abundance would be unevenly distributed among age groups. However, following this increase in abundance, we predicted a population crash due to the time-delayed effects of selenium on the population resulting from the strong nonlinearity of density dependence in this species. The sharp increase in population size itself precipitates the crash which, if not forecast in advance, could cause considerable concern among managers, regulators and the interested public. This example shows that it can be important to predict ecological consequences to understand the nature and duration of biological recovery of toxicological insults. Without the understanding provided by the ecological analysis, the population decline would probably be completely misinterpreted as the failure of the mitigation program.