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Potent thyrotrophin receptor-blocking antibodies: A cause of transient congenital hypothyroidism and delayed thyroid development


Abstract and Figures

We describe an infant with surprisingly severe neonatal hypothyroidism due to transplacental passage of thyrotrophin receptor (TSH-R)-blocking antibodies (TBAb). TBAb were detected using a cell line which stably expresses the human TSH-R and a cAMP-responsive luciferase reporter by their ability to inhibit TSH-stimulated luciferase expression. Potent TBAb were detected in maternal serum and initially in the infant's serum but, in the latter, TBAb decreased over time to within the reference range by 3-4 months of age, illustrating the transient nature of this condition. The thyroid function of this child did not return to normal on withdrawal of thyroxine therapy at 16 months of age when he developed transient compensated hypothyroidism. We propose that the presence of potent TBAb in utero and in the first weeks of life may have implications for the development of a normally sized thyroid gland. We have demonstrated the presence of TBAb in the mother's milk and, as far as we are aware, this is the first such report. However, the TBAb in the milk probably did not contribute significantly to hypothyroidism in the child, given the reducing antibody titre in his circulation.
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Potent thyrotrophin receptor-blocking antibodies: a cause of
transient congenital hypothyroidism and delayed thyroid
C Evans
, N J Jordan
, G Owens
, D Bradley
, M Ludgate
and R John
Department of Medical Biochemistry, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XN, UK,
Department of Medicine,
University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK and
Department of Paediatrics, Wrexham Maelor Hospital, Wrexham, UK
(Correspondence should be addressed to C Evans; Email:
C Evans and N J Jordan contributed equally to this work
Objective: We describe an infant with surprisingly severe neonatal hypothyroidism due to transplacen-
tal passage of thyrotrophin receptor (TSH-R)-blocking antibodies (TBAb).
Design and methods: TBAb were detected using a cell line which stably expresses the human TSH-R and
a cAMP-responsive luciferase reporter by their ability to inhibit TSH-stimulated luciferase expression.
Potent TBAb were detected in maternal serum and initially in the infant’s serum but, in the latter,
TBAb decreased over time to within the reference range by 3– 4 months of age, illustrating the tran-
sient nature of this condition.
Results: The thyroid function of this child did not return to normal on withdrawal of thyroxine
therapy at 16 months of age when he developed transient compensated hypothyroidism.
Conclusions: We propose that the presence of potent TBAb in utero and in the first weeks of life may
have implications for the development of a normally sized thyroid gland. We have demonstrated the
presence of TBAb in the mother’s milk and, as far as we are aware, this is the first such report. How-
ever, the TBAb in the milk probably did not contribute significantly to hypothyroidism in the child,
given the reducing antibody titre in his circulation.
European Journal of Endocrinology 150 265–268
Autoantibodies to the thyrotrophin receptor (TSH-R)
that block (TBAb) the effects of thyrotrophin (TSH)
(1, 2) have been described in the serum of some
patients with atrophic thyroiditis and Hashimoto’s thy-
roiditis. TBAb have a pathogenic role in the develop-
ment of hypothyroidism. During pregnancy, passage
of maternal TBAb across the placenta can cause tran-
sient hypothyroidism in the neonate (reviewed in 3).
Transient congenital hypothyroidism (CH) due to
TBAb generally occurs in infants of mothers with a
history of autoimmune hypothyroidism who are
taking thyroxine or have undiagnosed hypothyroidism,
and accounts for 1 2% of cases of congenital
hypothyroidism (4, 5). TBAb are found in both
maternal and infant serum at birth but gradually
clear from the infant’s circulation after 3 4 months.
This is usually accompanied by resumption of normal
thyroid function.
Materials and methods
Thyroid function tests
Serum concentrations of TSH, free thyroxine (T4) and
free tri-iodothyronine (T3) were measured on an
ADVIA Centaur automated immunoassay analyser
(Bayer plc, Newbury, Bucks, UK). Thyroid peroxidase
antibodies were measured by competitive immunoassay
on a Roche Diagnostics Elecsys 2010 automated immu-
noassay analyser (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mann-
heim, Germany). Thyroglobulin was measured using
the Pasteur thyroglobulin immunoradiometric assay
(Bio-Rad, Marnes La Coquette, France).
TBAb and TSH-R-stimulating antibodies
Serum concentrations of TBAb and TSH-R-stimulating
antibodies (TSAb) were measured using the previously
described lulu*cell line (Chinese hamster ovary cells
stably transfected with recombinant human TSH-R and
European Journal of Endocrinology (2004) 150 265–268 ISSN 0804-4643
q2004 Society of the European Journal of Endocrinology Online version via
a cAMP-dependent luciferase reporter) (6). Lulu*were
seeded at approximately 2 £10
cells per well in 96-
well plates in Ham’s F12 containing 10% charcoal
stripped calf serum. Thirty-six hours later cells were
switched to assay buffer (see below). To measure TBAb,
serum (10%) was incubated with lulu*in the presence
of bovine TSH (1mU/ml) in Ham’s F12 without 10%
fetal calf serum (FCS). To measure TSAb, serum (10%)
was incubated with lulu*in Hanks balanced salt solution
without sodium chloride (0.185 g/l CaCl
, 0.4 g/l KCl,
0.06 g/l KH
, 0.1 g/l MgCl
, 0.1 g/l MgSO
0.35 g/l NaHCO
, 0.48 g/l Na
) containing
1.0 g/l D-glucose, 20 mM HEPES, 1.5% bovine serum
albumin, 280 mM sucrose and 5% polyethylene glycol).
All incubations were carried out for 5 h at 37 8Cin5%
in air. Where dilutions of sera were assayed, the
total serum concentration was adjusted to a total of
10% by the addition of pooled euthyroid serum.
In each case, cAMP-dependent luciferase production
was determined by measuring light in the presence of
luciferin using a luciferase reporter assay (Promega
UK Ltd, Southampton, UK) on a Perkin Elmer Applied
Biosystems Tropix TR717 microplate luminometer
(Perkin Elmer, Norwalk, CT, USA). Experiments were
performed in duplicate or triplicate and the results
expressed as an average. TBAb activity was expressed
as an inhibition index (InI), calculated as follows: InI ¼
100 £½12lightðpatient sample þ
TSHÞ=lightðeuthyroidpool þTSHÞ:
InI .23 is considered positive (6). TSAb activity was
expressed as a stimulation index (SI): the ratio of light
output from the patient sample to light output from
the euthyroid pool. SI .1.5 is considered positive.
TBAb activity in milk was assessed by incubation of
varying amounts of patient or control unpasteurised
bovine milk with lulu*in the presence of bovine TSH
(1 mU/ml) and Ham’s F12 without 10% FCS. Luciferase
activity was measured as previously described.
All investigations were performed with the informed
consent of the mother.
Case report
A 4.57 kg male infant, the first child of a 31-year-old
mother, was born at 41 weeks of gestation after an
uneventful pregnancy. Neonatal screening revealed a
blood spot TSH of 330 mU/l (normal ,10) and serum
taken at 13 days of age confirmed primary hypothyroid-
ism with a low free T4 (2.7 pmol/l) and a grossly
increased TSH concentration (752 mU/l). He was jaun-
diced (bilirubin 381 mmol/l) and had coarse facial fea-
tures. X-ray of his knee showed neither the distal
femoral nor proximal tibial epiphyses present, consistent
with hypothyroidism in utero. A serum thyroglobulin
concentration of 215 mg/l confirmed the presence of
thyroid tissue. A normally placed, small thyroid gland
was found on ultrasound of the neck: left lobe length
0.7 cm, breadth 0.4 cm, right lobe length 0.7 cm,
breadth 0.6 cm (normative data for term infants (7):
lobe length (mean (S.D.) range) 1.94 (0.24) 0.9 –2.5 cm
and breadth 0.88 (0.16) 0.5 –1.4 cm). No uptake of tech-
netium-99 was observed. Thyroxine therapy was started
on day 13 of life at a dose of 50 mg/day.
The infant’s mother had a 14-year history of
atrophic hypothyroidism for which she was on thyrox-
ine replacement therapy (free T4 24.9 pmol/l, free T3
5.0 pmol/l and TSH 0.5 mU/l at the time of the infant’s
birth). Thyroid peroxidase antibodies were marginally
increased (38.9 kU/l (reference range ,32 kU/l)). She
was clinically well, with no goitre, no evidence of thyr-
oid eye disease or pretibial myxoedema. The maternal
history of atrophic hypothyroidism and the infant’s
negative radioisotope uptake scan raised the possibility
of transient neonatal hypothyroidism due to TBAb and
measurement of TBAb was therefore initiated.
Detection of TBAb in serum
TBAb activity (InI range 70 80%) was detected in
maternal serum throughout the investigation (Fig. 1).
TBAb (InI 76%) were also detected in the infant’s
serum soon after birth, but decreased to within the
reference range by 4 months of age and were not
found in the infant’s serum thereafter (Fig. 1).
Since serum TBAb and TSAb may coexist (8) multiple
dilutions of maternal serum were assayed for both TBAb
and TSAb. Measurement of TSAb was performed in NaCl-
free buffer since detection of TSAb is improved in the
absence of salt. In contrast, TBAb activity was deter-
mined in culture medium containing physiological
NaCl concentrations in which TSH is more effective at sti-
mulating luciferase expression (6). Potent TBAb activity
was confirmed in the maternal serum (Fig. 2) and was
still detectable at a 100-fold dilution (0.1% maternal
serum in the bioassay equivalent to 15 mg/ml IgG).
TSAb activity was not detected at any dilution of the
maternal serum.
Figure 1 Measurement of TBAb in maternal and infant serum
after birth. TBAb activity was assessed by luminescent bioassay.
Serum (10%) was challenged against 1 mU/ml bovine TSH. InI^
S.E.M. was calculated for duplicate experiments (n¼3); maternal
serum (open bars) and infant serum (hatched bars). Euthyroid
patients (n¼31) had InI ,23% (shown by dotted line).
266 C Evans, N J Jordan and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 150
Detection of TBAb in milk
TSAb have been described in the milk of mothers with
Graves’ disease (9). We detected TBAb activity in milk
expressed by the mother (Fig. 3). A dose-dependent
inhibition of TSH stimulation was observed with
increasing amounts of breast milk assayed in contrast
to control milk, in which TSH stimulation was not sig-
nificantly different.
Withdrawal of thyroxine
Thyroxine therapy was required at birth, but the grow-
ing infant did not require an increase in dose to main-
tain TSH within the reference range and subsequent
reductions in the dose of thyroxine were well tolerated.
However, complete withdrawal of thyroxine at 16
months resulted in a transient compensated hypothyr-
oidism (Table 1). At this time, he had a normal
response to a perchlorate discharge test and remained
clinically well. TBAb block the action of TSH and the
uptake of radioactive isotope by the thyroid (references
in 3) and account for lack of technetium-99 uptake in
the earlier scan. By 2 years of age, his thyroid function
had fully recovered and TSH levels returned to within
the reference range.
We have described an infant with profound hypothyr-
oidism at birth and in utero due to transplacental pas-
sage of TBAb. Potent TBAb were detected in maternal
serum and in the infant’s serum at birth using a lucifer-
ase-based bioassay. TBAb activity in the infant’s serum
decreased to within the reference range by 3 4
months of age, illustrating the transient nature of CH
due to maternal TBAb. The thyroid function of this
child did not return to normal on withdrawal of thyrox-
ine therapy when he developed a transient compensated
hypothyroidism. We speculate that this slow recovery of
normal thyroid function was caused by the impairment
of the normal growth and development of the thyroid
gland by the TBAb present before and after birth.
Most cases of hypothyroidism due to TBAb are transient,
but there has been one previous report of an infant with
permanent thyroid damage due to TBAb (10). Hence it
is important to monitor the response to thyroxine with-
drawal in these infants carefully.
Transplacental passage of TBAb resulted in delayed
development of this infant’s thyroid gland, which was
found to be small by ultrasound scan shortly after
Figure 3 TBAb activity in milk. The graph shows the inhibition of
stimulation by 1 mU/ml bovine TSH, due to varying concentrations
of breast milk (shaded bars) and non-pasteurised bovine milk
(open bars). Mean relative light units (RLU) for a duplicate exper-
iment are shown.
Figure 2 TBAb activity determined by luminescent bioassay for
various dilutions of maternal serum. Serum (made up to a total of
10% with euthyroid serum) was challenged against 1mU/ml
bovine TSH. Inl calculated for a duplicate experiment are shown.
Euthyroid patients had InI ,23% (shown by dotted line).
Table 1 Biochemical investigations in the neonate.
Age of
Free T4
Free T3
(pmol/l) Comments
13 days 752 2.7 Thyroxine commenced
(50 mg)
26 days 1.1 35.3 9.0
1 month 0.59 9.1 Thyroxine dose reduced
to 40 mg
2 months 0.35 24.8 6.3
3 months 0.25 6.1
4 months 0.2 16.8 6.6
6 months 1.5 17.4 6.1
9 months 1.2 15.5 5.9
11 months 2.0 14.5 5.8
15 months Thyroxine dose reduced
to 20 mg
16 months 3.0 15.9 5.0 Thyroxine stopped
17 months 10.8 13.9 7.0
18 months 8.6 12.2 8.6
20 months 7.3 16.5 5.7
21 months 7.3 16.1 7.1
24 months 5.1 11.6 5.6
26 months 3.5 14.4 5.6
Thyrotrophin receptor-blocking antibodies in transient congenital hypothyroidism 267EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 150
birth. Hypoplastic thyroid glands have also been
described in some patients with TSH-R loss-of-function
mutations (references in 11). Therefore it seems that
TSH/TSH-R signalling is of importance for the develop-
ment of a normally sized thyroid gland in humans in
utero, although it has recently been demonstrated
that TSH or a functional TSH-R is not required for
the development of a normal sized thyroid gland in
mice in utero (11).
Although functional TSH/TSH-R signalling seems to
be required for production of a normal sized gland, the
gland of the infant described here and those of pre-
viously described patients with inactivating mutations
of the TSH receptor are normally sited and serum
thyroglobulin is increased. These observations support
the hypothesis that migration and development of the
thyroid gland is TSH independent, although functional
TSH-R signalling may be required to achieve a fully dif-
ferentiated thyroid phenotype (12).
We have presented evidence for TBAb activity in
breast milk. Others (9) have previously observed the
presence of TSAb in breast milk but the clinical signifi-
cance is not clear. We speculate that the TBAb in the
milk did not contribute significantly to hypothyroidism
in the child, since clearing of the antibodies from his
circulation was evident over time.
This case has demonstrated that transplacental pas-
sage of TBAb can result in profound neonatal hypothyr-
oidism at birth. It is essential to start thyroxine
replacement without delay. The transient nature of
the hypothyroidism can then be determined by
measurement ideally of TBAb or indirectly through
measurement of TSH-binding inhibitory immunoglobu-
lins in maternal serum. Affected infants require thyrox-
ine therapy until TBAb clears from their circulation, so
allowing normal thyroid function to resume. However,
potent TBAb in the infant’s circulation may damage
or delay development of the thyroid gland, therefore
thyroid function should be carefully monitored when
thyroxine is withdrawn.
We thank Dr C Williams (Wrexham Maelor Hospital)
and Dr M Lewis (UWCM) for their assistance and the
Welsh Office of Research and Development for Health
and Social Care for a studentship for N J J.
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Received 7 August 2003
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268 C Evans, N J Jordan and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2004) 150
... In this study, 15% of females of child bearing age (16-45 years old) were TRAb positive and a large proportion had high TRAb concentrations (>7.5 IU/L). Maternal TRAb may be responsible for foetal and neonatal transient thyroid dysfunction particularly if present at high concentrations [45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55]. Foetal and neonatal thyroid dysfunctions (both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) are often associated with serious clinical symptoms and negative long-term developmental outcomes [44,48,51,[53][54][55][56][57][58][59]. ...
... Maternal TRAb may be responsible for foetal and neonatal transient thyroid dysfunction particularly if present at high concentrations [45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55]. Foetal and neonatal thyroid dysfunctions (both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) are often associated with serious clinical symptoms and negative long-term developmental outcomes [44,48,51,[53][54][55][56][57][58][59]. In view of a potential harm to the developing foetus caused by maternal TRAb we suggest that TRAb should be tested in all females of child-bearing age at the time of first diagnosis of CT and hypothyroidism. ...
Full-text available
Objectives The reported prevalence of TSH-receptor (TSHR) autoantibodies (TRAb) in patients with chronic thyroiditis (CT) range from 0 to 48%. The objective was to study the prevalence of TRAb in patients with CT and hypothyroidism and to correlate it with gender, age, thyroid dimensions, TSH levels, and autoimmune diseases. Methods The study comprised 245 patients with CT and hypothyroidism (median age 42 years, 193 females, 52 males) and 123 Italian healthy subjects matched for sex and age as controls. TRAb were tested with ELISA using a >2.5 IU/L cut off for positivity. TSHR blocking (TBAb) and TSHR stimulating autoantibodies (TSAb) were measured in 12 TRAb-positive patients using bioassays with Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing wild-type or R255D-mutated TSHR. Results TRAb positivity was found in 32/245 (13.1%) patients and significantly correlated (p<0.05) with TSH levels. TRAb positivity was significantly higher in males vs. females (p=0.034), in females 16–45 years of age vs. >45 years of age (p<0.05) and in patients with reduced vs. normal/increased thyroid dimensions (p<0.05). Linear regression analysis showed a correlation between TRAb concentrations with age (p<0.05) and TRAb concentrations with TSH (p<0.01). In bioassay with TSHR-R255D all 12 patients tested were TBAb-positive while 33% were also TSAb-positive suggesting the presence of a mixture of TRAbs with different biological activities in some patients. Conclusions TRAb have been found in patients with CT and hypothyroidism. A mixture of TBAb and TSAb was found in some patients and this may contribute to the pathogenesis of thyroid dysfunction during the course of the disease.
... The prevalence of TBAb in these various conditions is still controversial. Other investigations have focused on the role of TBAb in congenital and neonatal hypothyroidism associated with maternal AITD [31,[35][36][37][38]. The importance of TBAb in congenital hypothyroidism, however, has been questioned. ...
... The levels of TBAb, based on the ability of patient serum to inhibit TSH stimulated 3H-cAMP production following incubation of FRTL-5 or CHO-JPO9 cells with 3H-adenine, decreased to control levels in the child with neonatal hypothyroidism within two months of birth but remained elevated in the mother's serum. Also, an infant with severe neonatal hypothyroidism due to transplacental passage of TBAb was described [36]. TBAb were detected using a cell line, which stably expresses the human TSHR and a cAMP-responsive luciferase reporter by their ability to inhibit TSH-stimulated luciferase expression. ...
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Autoantibodies (Ab) against the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) are frequently found in autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). Autoantibodies to the TSHR (anti-TSHR-Ab) may mimic or block the action of TSH or be functionally neutral. Measurement of anti-TSHR-Ab can be done either via competitive-binding immunoassays or with functional cell-based bioassays. Antibody-binding assays do not assess anti-TSHR-Ab functionality, but rather measure the concentration of total anti-TSHR binding activity. In contrast, functional cell-based bioassays indicate whether anti-TSHR-Ab have stimulatory or blocking activity. Historically bioassays for anti-TSHR-Ab were research tools and were used to study the pathophysiology of Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In the past, bioassays for anti-TSHR-Abs were laborious and time-consuming and varied widely in performance from laboratory to laboratory. Recent advances in the development of cell-based assays, including the application of molecular engineering, have led to significant improvements that have enabled bioassays to be employed routinely in clinical laboratories. The prevalence and functional significance of TSHR blocking autoantibodies (TBAb) in autoimmune hypothyroidism has been less well investigated compared to TSHR stimulating Ab. There is an increasing body of data, however, that demonstrate the clinical utility and relevance of TBAb, and thus the importance of TBAb bioassays, in the diagnosis and management of patients with AITD. In the present review, we summarize the different methods used to measure TBAb, and discuss their prevalence and clinical relevance.
... This is usually accompanied by resumption of normal thyroid function. 23 It is important to differentiate this group from other causes of congenital hypothyroidism as they do not require lifelong therapy. [18][19][20] The results of thyroid imaging may be misleading in these patients, and there is a high recurrence rate in subsequent offspring due to tendency of these antibodies to persist for many years in the maternal circulation. ...
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Objective. We report the thyroid function of 3 neonates born to 2 goitrous mothers with high levels of thyroid binding inhibitory immunoglobulin (TBII) and TSH receptor blocking antibodies (TSBAb). Methodology. A retrospective chart review of 3 neonates born to 2 goitrous mothers managed in a tertiary institution in Singapore. Results. Patient A had a long-standing history of Graves’ disease (GD) but developed spontaneous hypothyroidism during pregnancy. At 32 weeks, she was found to have high levels of TBII and TSBAb. The neonate had mildly elevated TSH levels for 15 weeks but serum thyroxine levels (subclinical hypothyroidism) remained normal without treatment. The patient became pregnant again 3 years later. The second offspring had TBII with strong TSBAb activity during the perinatal period but remained euthyroid. Patient B was diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism at the age of 13. Subsequent tests revealed strong TBII and TSBAb activity. She became pregnant at age 27 and her TBII levels remained > 40IU/L throughout pregnancy. Her offspring was born with an elevated TBII level of 22.6 IU/L (NR 0-1.5) but normal thyroid function. Conclusion. These cases illustrate that high levels of maternal TSBAb need not necessarily result in neonatal hypothyroidism and also suggest that the maternal and fetal thyroidal responses to these antibodies may not be identical.
... For instance, for NAIT, platelet-specific antibodies have been identified in the breast milk of affected mothers, but this breast milk is still considered safe to consume by the infant [32]. Similarly for other maternal autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or Hashimoto's thyroiditis, disease manifestation in the infant is due to maternal alloantibodies transferred in utero rather than via lactation, such that disease exacerbation is not associated with breast feeding [33,34]. This suggests that alloantibodies present in the infant diet are unlikely to result in detrimental health effects. ...
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In 2006, a new haemorrhagic syndrome affecting newborn calves, Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP), was reported in southern Germany. It is characterized by severe bleeding, destruction of the red bone marrow, and a high case fatality rate. The syndrome is caused by alloreactive, maternal antibodies that are ingested by the calf with colostrum and result from a dam vaccination with one particular vaccine against Bovine-Viral-Diarrhoea-Virus. Because bovine colostrum is increasingly gaining interest as a dietary supplement for human consumption, the current study was initiated to elucidate whether BNP alloantibodies from BNP dams (i.e. animals that gave birth to a BNP-affected calf) cross-react with human cells, which could pose a health hazard for human consumers of colostral products. The present study clearly demonstrates that BNP alloantibodies cross-react with human lymphocytes in vitro. In agreement with previous reports on BNP, the cross-reactive antibodies are specific for MHC-I molecules, and sensitize opsonised human cells for in vitro complement lysis. Cross-reactive antibodies are present in serum and colostrum of individual BNP dams. They can be traced in commercial colostrum powder manufactured from cows immunized with the vaccine associated with BNP, but are absent from commercial powder manufactured from colostrum excluding such vaccinated cows. In humans alloreactive, MHC-I specific antibodies are generally not believed to cause severe symptoms. However, to minimize any theoretical risk for human consumers, manufacturers of bovine colostrum for human consumption should consider using only colostrum from animals that have not been exposed to the vaccine associated with BNP.
Hypothyroidism is the clinical state that develops as a result of the lack of action of thyroid hormones on target tissues. Primary hypothyroidism occurs when inherited or acquired pathogenic events affect thyroid function by reducing the amount of functioning thyroid tissue or by inhibiting thyroid hormone production. Central hypothyroidism is caused by pituitary or hypothalamic abnormalities resulting in an insufficient stimulation of an otherwise normal thyroid gland. Autoimmune thyroiditis is the most common cause of spontaneous hypothyroidism in areas with adequate iodine intake. Severe environmental iodine deficiency is still crucial in the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism in some geographical areas. Permanent central hypothyroidism is rare and usually part of a disorder involving the secretion of other pituitary hormones, while transient functional abnormalities of TSH secretion are relatively common. Hormonal evaluation of hypothyroidism is mainly achieved by measurement of TSH and free thyroid hormones but additional testing may be required to achieve the proper diagnosis.
Introduction: Maternal TSH receptor antibodies (TRAbs) can cross the placenta and affect fetal and neonatal thyroid function. Maternal TSH receptor-blocking antibodies (TBAbs) are a rare cause of congenital hypothyroidism. Case report: Following the discovery of a highly elevated TSH on her neonatal screening test, a 10-day-old girl with no familial history of thyroid disorder was referred to the pediatric endocrinology unit. Hypothyroidism was confirmed with a highly elevated TSH (817 mIU/L, reference range 0.4-3.1) and very low levels of FT4 (1.8 pmol/L, reference range 12-22). Anti-TPO antibodies were at 81 IU/mL (reference range <34), TRAbs at 1.7 IU/L (reference range <1.75), and thyroglobulin at 9.4 µg/L (reference range 3.5-77). The thyroid appeared normal on ultrasonography, and no radioiodine uptake was seen on the scintigraphy after the perchlorate discharge test. Concomitantly, a severe maternal hypothyroidism was discovered (TSH 224 mIU/L). The maternal ultrasound appeared normal, anti-TPO antibodies were moderately elevated, and TRAbs were at 3.2 IU/L. TBAbs activity was measured in the mother and her daughter, and a very high and similar blocking activity was observed in both patients (TBAbs 89%, reference range <10%). L-thyroxine treatment was introduced in the newborn and was successfully discontinued at 6.5 months of age, as the TBAbs activity decreased. Conclusion: We report herein a case of transient congenital hypothyroidism with a normal neonatal TRAbs level. In case of maternal TBAbs, similar activity of maternal TBAbs must be expected in the neonate, independently of the neonatal level of TRAbs.
Thyroid hormones are crucial for normal cognition and neurodevelopment in children. The introduction of the screening programs for congenital hypothyroidism has decreased the incidence of untreated congenital hypothyroidism. As maternal thyroid disease is common, and may impact on thyroid gland development and function in the fetus, optimal management is crucial. This review discusses thyroid function and the impact of maternal thyroid disease on the fetus and neonate, as well as the influence of thyroid hormones, thyroid antibodies and the excretion of thyroid medication into breast milk on infant thyroid function.
Background and objective: A cell-based bioassay for the measurement of thyroid blocking autoantibodies (TBAb) has been recently reported. The analytical performance and validation of this bioassay is assessed and described. Methods: CHO cells expressing a chimeric TSH receptor were treated with bovine (b) TSH and different concentrations of an IgG monoclonal human TBAb (K1-70). TBAb was measured as a function of luciferase activity relative to bTSH alone and expressed as percent inhibition. Results obtained in the chimeric cell line were compared with those of a wild type cell line. Analytical performance studies were subsequently performed with the chimeric cell line only. Results: Immunodepletion of K1-70 IgG by using a protein G-Sepharose column showed that positive percent inhibition in the TBAb bioassay was detectable from K1-70 IgG, only. The limit of blank was determined to be 12.2%. The limit of detection was 14% inhibition, equivalent to 0.4 ng/ml K1-70 while the limit of quantitation was 22% (CV 12%) equivalent to 0.625 ng/ml K1-70. The dynamic range was between 14±3.7 (mean % inhibition ± SD) and 101±2.6, equivalents to 0.4-10 ng/ml K1-70. The linear range was between 22±2.6 and 93±0.6 inhibition, equivalents to 0.625-5 ng/ml K1-70. The upper limit of the 99th percent reference range was 34% inhibition. In two laboratories, CV values for the intra- and inter-assay precisions for K1-70 ranged from 2% to 12% and from 1.7% to 14.5%, respectively. For patient sera, the CV values for the intra- and inter-assay precisions ranged from 3% to 9% and from 3% to 11%, respectively. No interference was found when FSH, LH, and hCG were tested in the TBAb bioassay. Median (range) of % inhibition values in 40 TBAb positive sera from patients with autoimmune thyroid disease were 93.5 (25-103) and 92 (64-107) for the wild type and chimeric cell lines, respectively. Further, all 40 samples of patients with various non-thyroidal autoimmune diseases were TBAb negative. Conclusions: This TBAb bioassay exhibits excellent analytical performance and high level of reproducibility.
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Background: Considering the role of maternal TSH receptor blocking Ab (TRAb) in the etioligy of congenital hypothyroidism, the aim of this research was to determine its role among congenital hypothyroidism (CH) in Isfahan. Methods: In this case control study, neonates with CH and their mothers and a group of healthy neonates and their mothers selected as case and control group, respectively. Venous blood samples obtained for the measurement of TRAb. The TSH of mothers was measured also. The prevalence of positive TRAb and the level of TSH were compared between studied groups. Finding: 50 neonates with CH and their mothers and 150 healthy neonates and their mothers studied in case and control groups, respectively. The prevalence of positive TRAb in neonates with CH and their mothers were higher than control group (P < 0.05). There was significant relationship between the TRAb and occurrence of congenital hypothyroidism (P < 0.05). Conclusion: It seems that autoimmunity has an important role in the etiology of congenital hypothyroidism in Isfahan. In order to obtain more conclusive results in these field further studies to determine its role in the etiology of permanent and transient congenital hypothyroidism in accordance with studying other autoantibodies is recommended.
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Thyroid gland agenesis is the most common cause of congenital hypothyroidism and is usually sporadic. We investigated a brother and sister from consanguineous parents, ascertained through systematic newborn screening, and initially diagnosed with thyroid agenesis. Careful cervical ultrasonography in both patients revealed a very hypoplastic thyroid gland. By direct sequencing of the thyrotropin receptor gene, we identified the substitution of threonine in place of a highly conserved alanine at position 553, in the fourth predicted transmembrane domain. The mutation was found homozygous in the affected siblings, and heterozygous in both parents and two unaffected siblings. Functional analysis in transfected COS-7 cells showed that it resulted in extremely low expression at the cell surface as compared with the wild-type receptor, in spite of an apparently normal intracellular synthesis. The small amount of mutated receptor expressed at the surface of transfected cells bound thyrotropin with normal affinity and responded in terms of cAMP production, but the in vivo significance of these data from overexpressed receptor in transfected cells is unclear. Of note, blood thyroglobulin was unexpectedly elevated in the patients at the time of diagnosis, a finding that might prove useful in refining etiologies of congenital hypothyroidism.
Autoimmune thyroid disease is a generic term that includes Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. In the former, there is overactivity of the thyroid due to the action of a thyroid-stimulating antibody (TSAb). Pathogenesis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is largely cell-mediated immune destruction of the thyroid. Nonetheless, there may be either a goiter or an atrophic gland. There is evidence that in some patients the lack of goiter is associated with the presence in the blood of an antibody that inhibits the binding of TSH to its receptor. This TSH-binding inhibiting antibody (TBIAb), therefore, prevents TSH from stimulating the thyroid and constitutes an acceptable explanation for an agoitrous state. Collectively, TSAb and TBIAb, both of which are IgG, are known as TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb).
Transient neonatal thyroid disease is known to occur as a result of transplacental passage of maternal immunoglobulin G (IgG) that contains antibodies to the TSH receptor (TRAb). Thyroid-stimulating antibody (TSAb) produces hyperthyroidism, and antibody that blocks TSH binding (TBIAb) results in hypothyroidism. We have analyzed in detail the IgG from four women who gave birth to children with transient neonatal hypothyroidism and have shown stimulating and inhibiting antibodies to coexist in three. Human and/or rat thyroid (FRTL5) cells were used to show stimulatory effects in vitro. Inhibition was assessed as prevention of stimulation of these cells (by TSH or TSAb) or by the blocking of binding of [125I] TSH to its receptor. The IgG from two mothers was tested to identify whether the inhibitory and stimulating bioactivities resided in molecules characterized by either or both kappa- or lambda-light chains. Evidence for restricted heterogeneity (implying oligoclonality) was obtained, in that with one, purely inhibitory IgG all activity was with IgG kappa. With the other, stimulating and inhibitory activities were predominantly in IgG kappa and IgG lambda, respectively. In addition, the latter IgG contained a second stimulator that was not suppressed by either its own or other inhibitory IgG. Despite the presence of stimulatory antibodies in these IgG, the clinical effect was neonatal hypothyroidism, reflecting the greater potency of the inhibitory IgG in all instances. Based on the histories of these four women and their offspring it is apparent that TRAb, and in particular TBIAb, can develop at any point in the course of autoimmune thyroid disease, i.e. either at the onset or long after the autoimmune process has been established.
An infant with neonatal thyrotoxicosis was born to a mother who had become euthyroid after subtotal thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. Exchange transfusion resulted in a 50% decrease of serum thyroxine levels and thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins. After 10 days mild thyrotoxic signs reappeared with high serum thyroxine levels, which were treated successfully with Lugol's iodine for 4 weeks. TSI was undetectable at 7 weeks of age. TSI was present in breast milk.
Serum from a woman with a history of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, who had given birth to two children with congenital hypothyroidism, contained potent TSH blocking activity. Immunoglobulin preparation from this serum abolished completely TSH-stimulated cAMP production in human thyroid membranes. The blocking activity was associated with the IgG fraction absorbed to and eluted from a Protein A column. The stimulation of adenylate cyclase by a preparation of thyroid-stimulating antibodies from a patient with Graves' disease was also inhibited by the antibodies. In contrast, no effect was observed upon fluoride-stimulated cAMP production. The data indicate that the antibody activity was directed against the TSH receptor. Immunoglobulin preparations from 22 other patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 16 patients with subacute thyroiditis were examined for the existence of TSH receptor blocking antibodies. A blocking activity was found in two of the 22 Hashimoto patients. No such activity was found in the patients with subacute thyroiditis. It appears that thyroid blocking antibodies sometimes contribute to hypothyroidism associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
The revolution in molecular techniques has allowed dissection of the autoimmune response in a way impossible to imagine 10 yr ago. There have been spectacular advances in our understanding of self-tolerance mechanisms and how these may fail, combined with a detailed comprehension of antigen presentation, functional T cell subsets, and TCR utilization in autoimmunity, albeit usually in animal models that resemble, but do not exactly duplicate, human diseases. More gradually, these findings are being translated to thyroid autoimmunity, where the major achievement of the last decade has been the molecular characterization of the three main thyroid autoantigens. This in turn has allowed epitope identification, although again the only clear data so far have come from animal models of EAT. Another advance has been the recognition that the thyrocyte is not a helpless target of autoaggression, being capable of expressing a wide array of immunologically active molecules, which may exacerbate or diminish the autoimmune response. In 1983, there was considerable excitement at the discovery of the first of these phenomena, namely MHC class II expression, but its possible role in autoantigen presentation remains to be defined. By analogy with pancreatic beta-cells, and based on our own data, we believe that class II-expressing thyrocytes have little, if any, such role and suspect that instead this may be a mechanism for inducing peripheral tolerance. Defining the contribution of thyrocytes to the intrathyroidal autoimmune response, whether from released cytokines or surface-bound molecules, will be crucial to our future understanding, as well as holding the promise that these thyroid-derived products might be therapeutic targets. Despite molecular developments in HLA analysis, there have been no really major improvements in our understanding of the immunogenetics of thyroid autoimmunity, equivalent to those made in type 1 diabetes mellitus. The available data suggest strongly that non-MHC genes play an important role in susceptibility, and novel approaches will be required to identify these. On the other hand, we know more about the importance of environmental and endogenous (most probably hormonal) factors in thyroid autoimmunity. Understanding the basic immunological changes in the postpartum period is still poor, however, as most studies to date have concentrated on epidemiology and clinical delineation. As PPTD undergoes spontaneous remission, elucidation of these mechanisms has clear implications for treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
To determine the incidence of transient congenital hypothyroidism due to TSH receptor-blocking antibodies, we screened dried blood specimens obtained from 788 neonates identified as having possible congenital hypothyroidism (from a total population of 1,614,166 babies) and 121 controls. A RRA was used. The potency of blood spot TSH binding inhibitory activity was compared with the severity of congenital hypothyroidism to assess the possible etiological relationship. Maternal serum was studied to confirm the presence of blocking antibodies by both RRA and bioassay. Blood spots obtained from 9 infants contained potent TSH receptor-blocking activity. Samples from 2 additional babies, studied because of clinical suspicion of the disease, were also positive. Long term outcome was known in 8 of the 11 babies, and all had transient disease. Neonates with TSH receptor-blocking activity greater than 132 U/L had a significantly lower T4 level (P < 0.05) and higher TSH (P < 0.005) than those in whom TSH binding-inhibitory activity was less than 132 U/L. All 9 mothers had autoimmune thyroid disease, and 3 had more than 1 affected child. Potent blocking activity was present in 7 maternal serum samples as long as 7 yr after the births of their affected babies. We conclude that measurement of TSH binding-inhibitory activity in dried neonatal blood specimens is a simple and effective method to predict the occurrence of transient congenital hypothyroidism. The incidence of this disorder in North America is 1 in 180,000 normal infants, or approximately 2% of babies with congenital hypothyroidism.
I. Introduction II. TSHR Ectodomain Structure A. Primary amino acid structure B. Subunit structure C. Disulfide bonds in the TSHR ectodomain D. Carbohydrate moieties in the TSHR ectodomain E. TSHR dimerization III. Recombinant TSHR Expression A. Approaches to TSHR expression B. TSHR expression in prokaryotes C. TSHR expression as cell-free translates or as synthetic peptides D. TSHR expression in eukaryotic insect cells E. TSHR expression in mammalian cells IV. TSH and Autoantibody Binding to the TSHR Ectodomain A. Holoreceptor vs. ectodomain B. Conformational nature of binding sites C. TSHR carbohydrate: part of the binding site? D. TSHR amino acid residues in TSH-binding site E. Autoantibody epitopes V. TSHR Autoantibody Assays A. Historical background B. In vivo and in vitro bioassays C. Indirect TBI assays D. Direct assays for TSHR autoantibodies E. Confusion on the terminology and types of TSHR autoantibodies VI. Monoclonal Autoantibodies to the TSHR Ectodomain A. Introduction B. Mouse TSHR mAb C. Hu...