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Behavioral Deficits and Cortical Damage Loci in Cerebral Achromatopsia

Behavioral Deficits and Cortical Damage
Loci in Cerebral Achromatopsia
Seth E. Bouvier
and Stephen A. Engel
Interdepartmental Program in Neuroscience, University of
California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA and
Department of Psychology, 1285 Franz Hall Box 951563,
University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
CA 90095, USA
Lesions to ventral occipital cortex can produce severe deficits in
color vision, a syndrome known as cerebral achromatopsia.
Because most studies examine relatively few cases, however,
uncertainty remains about precisely which cortical loci, when
damaged, produce the syndrome. In addition, the extents of the
associated perceptual deficits remain unclear. To address these
issues, we performed a meta-analysis of 92 case reports from the
literature. The severity of color vision deficits of the cases varied
greatly, although nearly all showed some deficit in color discrim-
ination. Almost all cases tested also showed some loss of spatial
vision. Lesion overlap analyses revealed a relatively small region of
high overlap in ventral occipital cortex. The region of high overlap
was located near areas identified by neuroimaging studies as
important for color perception. For comparison, we performed
a similar analysis of prosopagnosia, a disorder of face perception,
and found several regions of high lesion overlap adjacent to the
region associated with achromatopsia. Because the behavioral
deficits in achromatopsia are often incomplete and never restricted
to color vision, the region of high lesion overlap may be one critical
stage within a stream of many visual areas that participate
nonexclusively in color perception.
Keywords: color, dyschromatopsia, lesions, prosopagnosia, vision
Whether the primate brain contains a small region of extras-
triate cortex specialized for color processing has remained
controversial (Lueck et al., 1989; Schiller and Lee, 1991; Zeki
et al., 1991; Heywood et al., 1992; Walsh et al., 1993; Tootell and
Hadjikhani, 2001). Studies of human patients have provided
perhaps the strongest evidence for such a color center. After an
historical controversy (for a review, see Zeki, 1990), cases in
which cortical damage can lead to disturbed color vision,
a disorder termed achromatopsia, have come to be widely
accepted. To date, however, analysis of achromatopsia rests
mostly on single case reports, often with extensive cortical
damage. The few reviews of more than a handful of cases have
not conducted any quantitative analyses (Meadows, 1974; Zeki,
1990). Because of these limitations, the achromatopsia litera-
ture remains difficult to interpret. To examine more thoroughly
the nature of achromatopsia, we cataloged the behavioral
deficits and lesion anatomies of a large number of cases. For
comparison, we collected cases with damage leading to
a different disorder, prosopagnosia.
Materials and Methods
Identification and Selection of Cases
To identify cases of achromatopsia, we first performed literature
searches in the PubMed database using as keywords all combinations
of one term from the group {‘central’, ‘cerebral’, ‘cortical’} and one
from the group {‘achromatopsia’, ‘dyschromatopsia’, ‘color blindness’}.
The search term used to collect prosopagnosia cases was ‘prosopag-
nosia’. The case reports were then screened to remove cases with
developmental or pre-cortical defects. The reference lists of relevant
reviews and case reports were thoroughly examined to identify further
articles. Abstracts from conference proceedings were not collected, as
they were not likely to contain detailed case descriptions. Reports
prior to 1970 and some unobtainable non-English reports were also
Tabulation of Behavioral Measurements
Results of behavioral tests were tabulated and categorized by hand.
Behavioral abilities were never categorized as either present or absent
unless a test was explicitly mentioned. For example, some reports of
achromatopsia made no mention of face recognition. Such cases may
have had intact face recognition, but for lack of certainty their abilities
were categorized as ‘unknown’. The full tabulation of test results used in
our analyses is provided as Supplementary Table 1.
Lesion Overlap Analysis
Cases were included in the lesion overlap analysis that had: (i) CT,
MRI or hand-drawn images in horizontal sections; (ii) clearly visible
lesions; and (iii) identifiable brain landmarks. These criteria ex-
cluded some early cases whose CT or MRI images were noisy or
showed only coronal slices. Note that the behavioral results of the
excluded cases were nevertheless included in the tabulation de-
scribed above.
We collected images of cases satisfying these criteria from published
reports, and scanned them into a computer at high resolution. Lesions
were then hand-traced onto a digital brain atlas (Woods et al., 1999) that
was rendered at multiple orientations allowing tracing to occur at the
orientation shown in the case report. The traced slices were rotated to
a common orientation using the AIR software (Woods et al., 1998) and
were projected to a single horizontal plane. We then calculated the
number of cases with a lesion directly above or below each location in
the projection plane. These numbers were rendered as an image
superimposed on the atlas image at the average horizontal location of
all lesions included in the analysis.
To compare lesion overlap results with the results of functional
imaging studies, the coordinates of reported functional activation peaks
were linearly transformed from Talaraich space to the digital brain atlas
space. The locations of the functional activations were then plotted on
the overlap image.
We measured the focality of the lesion overlap by calculating the
size of the overlap regions that were covered by a given percentage
of the total number of lesions (e.g., the number of pixels that were
in at least 50% of the lesions that produced achromatopsia). We
then graphed the size of these overlap regions as a function of the
number of lesions in the overlap. To generate error bars on these
plots, subsets of the achromatopsia patient population were
randomly resampled. Subsets of eight subjects were randomly
selected without replacement, and the size of the overlap region
was computed for each subset. The error bars represent the 5th and
95th percentiles of the distribution of overlap region sizes for each
overlap percentage.
!The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
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Cerebral Cortex February 2006;16:183--191
Advance Access publication April 27, 2005
Identification of Cases
The searches of achromatopsia terms yielded 722 hits. After
screening for developmental and pre-cortical deficits, 42
articles remained. Of these, two were excluded because the
disorder was of color constancy (Clarke et al., 1998; Ruttiger
et al., 1999). Three were excluded as unobtainable foreign
language papers; two were excluded as unobtainable papers
more than 25 years old. The remaining 35 papers contained
reports of 38 unique cases of achromatopsia. Of the 38 cases, 17
were diagnosed with prosopagnosia.
The PubMed search of keyword ‘prosopagnosia’ returned 347
articles. After screening for developmental and pre-cortical
deficits, 136 articles remained. Of these, 44 were excluded as
unobtainable foreign language papers; 46 were excluded as
unobtainable papers more than 25 years old. The remaining 46
papers contained reports of 73 cases of prosopagnosia. Of the
73 cases, 38 were diagnosed with achromatopsia.
Taken together, the searches produced 76 cases of achroma-
topsia and 90 cases of prosopagnosia. We next reviewed all
papers in the reference lists of the included papers. This review
identified an additional 15 papers containing 16 cases of
achromatopsia and 10 cases of prosopagnosia. This increase
was likely due to the choice of keywords of some papers not
including diagnostic descriptions (e.g. Clarke et al., 1997). In
total, we identified 92 cases of achromatopsia and 100 cases of
prosopagnosia, which are listed in Appendix I and tallied in
Supplementary Table 1. Note that these are not, 192 separate
cases, as many patients have both disorders.
Color Vision Deficits
Most of our collected cases of achromatopsia were given one or
more of three types of color vision tests: color naming, the
Ishihara isochromatic plates, or the Farnsworth--Munsell 15- or
100-hue test. Overall, achromatopsics’ deficits in color vision
span a broad range of severity.
Color naming is the most commonly reported test of color
vision, with 51% of cases tested (47 of 92 cases tested, hereafter
denoted n
=47 and n
=92). Typically, subjects are asked
to name the color of paper patches or pieces of string.
Remarkably, 49% of cases tested for color naming were able
to perform normally (n
=47). This percentage should be
treated cautiously, however, because in some reports, naming
tests were conducted informally, were not described or in-
volved naming the colors of common objects which could be
performed from memory rather than perception (e.g. Green and
Lessell, 1977; Adachi-Usami et al., 1995).
The Ishihara plates were also commonly used to test
achromatopsics (48% of achromatopsics, n
=92). The
test is most often used to screen for red--green colorblindness
of peripheral origin in non-injured subjects. To pass the test,
subjects must segregate isoluminant colored circles to iden-
tify the letter they form. Of the cases tested with Ishihara
plates, 29% read them normally [three or fewer errors (Birch,
1997), n
teste d
The Farnsworth--Munsell 100-hue test, and its 15-hue variant,
have been administered to achromatopsics about as often as the
other tests (50%, n
=92). Subjects arrange colored disks to
continuously vary in hue. The tests detect deficits in color
discrimination generally, and also identify common peripheral
defects. The worst performing 5% of the normal population
scores between 80 and 195 depending upon age (Kinnear et al.,
2002). Achromatopsics’ scores ranged from 106 to 1245, with
a mean of 582, and none showed patterns typical of dichromatic
or color anomalous observers. Very few of the achromatopsic
patients performed at chance, however, which corresponds to
a score of ~1200 (Victor, 1988). Thus, achromatopsics show
a wide variety of performance in color discrimination, from near
normal to total impairment.
The Nagel anomaloscope, which provides another method
for evaluating color deficits, has been used to evaluate only
a handful of cases (n
=8). In this test, subjects manipulate
the red--green content of a test field to match a given yellow
field. Normal subjects select a unique red--green combination,
while subjects with impaired red--green color vision accept
many different red--green combinations as providing an ade-
quate match. Of the tested cases, three performed normally and
five performed abnormally. Two of the cases with abnormal
performance were consistent with the performance of individ-
uals with peripheral defects in color vision (Young and Fishman,
1980; Rizzo et al., 1993).
Spatial Vision Deficits
The spatial vision of achromatopsic patients has only rarely been
subject to thorough testing. Only 32% (n
=92) of cases
report any test of spatial vision at all, and in most of these (67%,
=29) acuity is the only measure reported. The mean
acuity of the cases tested was 0.85, roughly equivalent to 20/24
vision. Some isolated tests of spatial vision were also given, such
as figure--ground segregation (Whiteley and Warrington, 1977),
stereo fusion (Pearlman et al., 1978), visual evoked potentials
while viewing gratings (Bartolomeo et al., 1997), dot counting
(Orrell et al., 1995) or reading (Pearlman et al., 1978).
Performance in all of these cases was described as normal.
Also, many cases were given object recognition tests, likely to
rule out object agnosia, and this type of test can also be a crude
measure of spatial vision. Most subjects showed little deficit in
object recognition (see Other Visual Disorders, below).
Of the few pap ers reporting thorough psychoph ysical testing
of spatial vision, most found spatial deficits. One case was
impaired at discrimin ation of illusory bor ders and Glass patter ns
(Gallant et al., 2000). Another case was impaired at object
naming and luminance contrast sensitivity (Merigan et al.,
1997), and another was impaired at texture discrimination
(Mendola and Corkin, 1999). One well-studied case that
showed normal acuity (Mollon et al., 1980) nevertheless
showed abnormal luminance contrast sensitivity (Heywood
et al., 1991; Kentridge et al., 2004). However, one case
exhibited normal contrast sensitivity, at least when tested at
mid- to low-spatial frequencies (Rizzo et al., 1992).
Other Visual Disorders
Several other visual disorders frequently co-occur with achro-
matopsia. Prosopagnosia co-occurs very often; fully 72% of
cases with achromatopsia also have prosopagnosia (n
Co-occurrence with other visual disorders, while less frequent,
is still common: alexia co-occurs at a rate of 13%, spatial or
topographical agnosia at 12%, and object agnosia at 8%.
Topography of Color Loss
Partial field color loss is relatively common; in our sample of
cases, seven had a hemifield color loss (Albert et al., 1975;
184 Achromatopsia Meta-analysis dBouvier and Engel
Damasio et al., 1980; Freedman and Costa, 1992; Paulson et al.,
1994; Silverman and Galetta, 1995; Short and Graff-Radford,
2001) and six had a quarter-field color loss (Kolmel, 1988;
Merigan et al., 1997; Gallant et al., 2000; Uttner et al., 2002;
Mesad et al., 2003). Three cases of quarter-field color loss had
the extent of their color vision rigorously mapped, and each had
clear perceptual boundaries at the vertical and horizontal
midlines (Kolmel, 1988; Merigan et al., 1997). Of the six total
cases of quarter-field color loss, four were localized to the
superior left quadrant, one to the superior right quadrant and
one to the inferior left quadrant (although the presence of an
upper left visual field scotoma in this one case of left inferior
quadrant color loss is also consistent with hemifield color loss).
All of the partial-field color losses with known lesion locations
arose from unilateral lesions (n
=12). In one case of
hemifield color loss, whether the lesion was lateralized was
unknown (Freedman and Costa, 1992). In only one case did
a unilateral lesion lead to a full-field color impairment (Setala
and Vesti, 1994). Of the remaining cases, 10 had unilateral
lesions and unknown extents of color loss, and 51 had bilateral
lesions, and most likely full-field color losses, though the spatial
extent of the loss is seldom mentioned (Bartolomeo et al., 1997;
Beauchamp et al., 2000). There were 17 cases with unknown
lesion laterality and unknown extents of color loss.
Scotomas and Lesion Location
Cases of achromatopsia are commonly accompanied by scoto-
mas—severe vision loss in part of the visual field. Figure 1
summarizes the locations of the scotomas reported in our
sample of patients. For comparison, the figure also shows the
scotomas of our identified cases of prosopagnosia (identified in
a separate literature search—see Materials and Methods). The
vast majority of the entire set of cases with either disorder
(72%; n
=98) had an upper visual field loss. The visual field
losses of the achromatopsic and prosopagnosic populations
were similar in most respects, except the scotomas in proso-
pagnosia were more likely to be located in the left visual field.
Most of the cases with either disorder had bilateral lesions,
but of those with unilateral lesions the majority were in the
right hemisphere. Of achromatopsia cases with reported lesion
laterality, 70% were caused by bilateral lesions, 20% were
caused by a unilateral right lesion and 10% were caused by
a unilateral left lesion (n
=70). The distribution of lesions
leading to prosopagnosia was similar, but perhaps more
lateralized, with 65% bilateral, 32% unilateral right and 3%
unilateral left lesions (n
Lesion Overlap Analyses
Figure 2A shows the anatomical overlap of all patients with
achromatopsia (n
=46) and of all patients with prosopag-
nosia (n
=52). Both images contain a well-defined,
common region of high overlap in occipitotemporal cortex.
This result was expected, since the most patients in our sample
have both disorders. The common region of high overlap may
very well contain separable sub-regions when damaged lead to
each syndrome alone. Alternatively, since some vascular loca-
tions are more likely to be damaged (Osborne, 1991), the
common region may simply represent a cortical location near
a susceptible vascular location.
To test for the existence of sub-regions associated solely with
achromatopsia, we analyzed the much smaller population of
Figure 1. Scotoma locations. Scotomas are common in cases of achromatopsia and
prosopagnosia. Shown are the percent of cases of achromatopsia and prosopagnosia
with scotomas in the shaded location. The empty circle indicates cases with no
scotomas, and the circle with the question mark indicates cases with scotomas that
did not fit this categorization.
Figure 2. (A) Lesion overlap of all achromatopsia and prosopagnosia cases. The
achromatopsia lesion overlap (left) contains lesions from all cases with achromatopsia
regardless of prosopagnosia diagnosis (n546). The prosopagnosia lesion overlap
(right) contains lesions from all cases with prosopagnosia regardless of achromatopsia
diagnosis (n552). The inserts show the atlas anatomy (see Materials and Methods)
and Talairach Z-coordinate at the average axial slice location for each group of cases.
The lesion overlaps in Figure 4 are on the same anatomical slices. (B) Lesion overlap of
achromatopsia and prosopagnosia cases with single disorder. The achromatopsia
lesion overlap (left) contains lesions from only cases of achromatopsia and intact face
processing (n511). The prosopagnosia lesion overlap (right) contains lesions from
cases of prosopagnosia and intact color processing (n58). The scale bar indicates
1 cm.
Cerebral Cortex February 2006, V 16 N 2 185
patients who were clearly identified as having a deficit in color
vision but intact face recognition. The overlap of cases with
achromatopsia but not prosopagnosia is shown in Figure 2B
(left). The large region of maximum overlap is in the right
hemisphere, where 7 of 11 achromatopsia cases had lesions,
with a center of mass at [30 --73 --2]. Within this region, there are
two small locations where 8 of the 11 achromatopsia cases had
lesions (Talairach coordinates [22 --74 36] and [28 --68 36]).
Only 3 of 8 cases with prosopagnosia and intact color
perception had lesions at the first location and 4 of 8 cases at
the second location.
The three cases that fail to overlap with the rest of the
achromatopsics are all cases with unilateral left hemisphere
lesions. Mirroring the unilateral left hemisphere lesions to the
right hemisphere increased the amount of overlap; one of the
three lesions fell partially within the region of maximum
overlap. Of the two cases that failed to overlap after mirroring
their unilateral left hemisphere lesion into the right hemi-
sphere, both were relatively close to the maximal region: one
lesion was 2 mm and the other was 34 mm from its boundary.
The overlap analysis of cases with prosopagnosia but not
achromatopsia is shown in Figure 2B(right). There are two
regions of maximum overlap in the right hemisphere, where 6 of
8 prosopagnosia cases have lesions. The larger of the two is
located slightly lateral and posterior to the area of maxi-
mum achromatopsia lesion overlap, with a center of mass at
[33 --84 2]. The smaller of the two is located slightly medial and
posterior to the area of maximum achromatopsia overlap, with
a center of mass at [18 --81 2]. Achromatopsia cases had lesions
at the center of mass of the lateral site in 3 of 11 cases and of the
medial site in 4 of 11 cases. As in the achromatopsia analysis, one
of the cases that failed to overlap was the result of a unilateral
left hemisphere lesion. Mirroring the one unilateral left hemi-
sphere lesion to the right hemisphere increased the amount of
overlap; all of the eight subjects’ lesions overlap with either the
medial region or the lateral region.
Overlap of Achromatopsia Lesions is More Focused
Figure 3 shows a comparison of the size of overlap regions for
prosopagnosia and achromatopsia as a function of the number of
cases overlapping. The y-axis indicates the size of the overlap
region, given a criterion amount of overlap. The x-axis indicates
this criterion amount of overlap, measured as a percentage of the
total cases included in the analysis. For example, the size of the
region of overlap that contains 50% of the cases of achromatopsia
is 634 mm
. At overlap percentages of 50 and 62.5%, the overlap
of lesions that cause achromatopsia is reliably smaller than the
overlap of lesions causing prosopagnosia. We computed error
bars for the sizes of the achromatopsia overlap regions using
a resampling procedure (see Materials and Methods).
Comparison to Imaging Results
Figure 4 superimposes on the lesion analyses peak activations
from imaging experiments that have attempted to isolate color-
or face-related activity. The left panel shows the peak activations
from studies of color vision superimposed on the achro-
matopsia lesion overlap (McKeefry and Zeki, 1997; Hadjikhani
et al., 1998; Beauchamp et al., 1999; Bartels and Zeki, 2000).
In cases where multiple activations are reported, the anterior
location of the activation is plotted in red, and the posterior
location is plotted in black. In all cases, the peak activations
fall reasonably close [within 64 mm (mean =18.4 mm)] to
the region of maximum lesion overlap.
Figure 4 also plots locations of peak activations from neuro-
imaging studies of face processing superimposed on the
prosopagnosia lesion overlap. Activations are plotted for three
important face-processing areas: the fusiform face area (FFA) in
black; the occipital face area (OFA) in red; and the superior
temporal sulcus (STS) in purple (Haxby et al., 1994; Kanwisher
et al., 1997; Halgren et al., 1999; Puce et al., 1999; Rossion et al.,
2003a,b). Peaks reported in the OFA fall closer to regions of
maximum lesion overlap than peaks in the FFA or the STS.
Figure 3. Achromatopsia and prosopagnosia lesion overlap sizes. Lesion overlaps
from cases with achromatopsia and intact face processing were compared to lesion
overlaps from cases of prosopagnosia and intact color processing at several different
criterion levels. Error bars on achromatopsia lesion sizes were estimated by resampling
the achromatopsia cases in groups of eight, to match the number of prosopagnosia
cases. At criteria of 50 and 62.5% overlap, the overlap of lesions causing
achromatopsia is smaller than the overlap of lesions causing prosopagnosia.
Figure 4. Lesion overlaps with neuroimaging results. Achromatopsia and prosopag-
nosia lesion overlaps are shown with representative neuroimaging peak activations
superimposed. On achromatopsia lesion overlap (left), black symbols indicate posterior
color-sensitive findings and red symbols indicate anterior color-sensitive findings in
studies reporting multiple responses. On prosopagnosia overlap (right), black symbols
indicate responses near the face-sensitive area FFA, red symbols indicate responses
near the face-sensitive area OFA, and the purple symbol indicates a response near the
face-sensitive area STS. Achromatopsia references: circle, Beauchamp et al. (1999);
3, Hadjikhani et al. (1988); triangle, Bartels and Zeki (2000); square, McKeefry and
Zeki (1997). Prosopagnosia references: þ, Haxby et al. (1994); circle, Halgren et al.
(1999); diamond, Kanwisher et al. (1997); 3, Rossion et al. (2003b); square, Rossion
et al. (2003a); star, Puce et al. (1999).
186 Achromatopsia Meta-analysis dBouvier and Engel
A Region of High Lesion Overlap in Achromatopsia
Our analysis shows that a relatively small, critical region in
cortex is damaged in almost every known case of achromatop-
sia. The size of this region is reliably smaller than a comparable
region associated with prosopagnosia. The simplest explanation
of our results is that color perception depends upon the intact
function of a small region of cortex. Our lesion data are not
precise enough, and the functional imaging results not well
enough agreed upon, to determine whether the critical region
intersects only a single visual area; it appears close to the
reported locations of putative areas V4v, V8 and V4a(see
below). Our results agree with those from previous studies that
have compared the locations of multiple cases of achromatopsia
(Short and Graff-Radford, 2001; Tanaka et al., 2002), though no
other studies have included formal analysis of lesion overlap
with large numbers of cases.
The localization of the scotomas associated with the cases of
achromatopsia is consistent with the ventral location of the
critical region. Upper field scotomas are by far the most
common type, as has been noted here and by others (e.g.
Meadows, 1974). These scotomas are most likely the result of
injury that extends into V1 or the optic radiations, as both
of these structures represent the upper visual field on their
ventral surface.
Correspondence with Visual Areas
The location of the critical region of lesion overlap aligns well
with areas identified in functional imaging studies. Initial studies
(Lueck et al., 1989; Zeki et al., 1991) reported an area located
on the ventral surface of the occipital cortex specialized for
color vision. Many other neuroimaging experiments that
attempted to localize color-selective responses report peak
activations in this same general region (McKeefry and Zeki,
1997; Zeki and Marini, 1998; Beauchamp et al., 1999; Bartels and
Zeki, 2000). One experiment that simultaneously localized
color- and face-selective responses (Clark et al., 1997) reported
activations consistent with the critical regions identified here:
performance on a color task was associated with a location near
the critical region of lesion overlap in achromatopsia, and
performance on the face task was associated with a more
variable region lateral to the color responsive region.
Measurements of retinotopic organization showed that the
color selective area represents a visual hemifield (McKeefry and
Zeki, 1997; Hadjikhani et al., 1998; Wade et al., 2002). Recently,
a debate has developed regarding whether an additional
quarter-field representation exists between it and ventral area
V3 (also called VP) (Hadjikhani et al., 1998; Bartels and Zeki,
2000; Wade et al., 2002). Our region of maximum overlap in
achromatopsia falls close to the reported locations of both the
original color area and the proposed quarter-field area.
The visual field topography of color vision deficits also
constrains the identity of the damaged visual areas. The part
of space represented is almost certainly restricted to one half of
the visual field, since almost all cases of achromatopsia from
unilateral lesions had spared color vision in at least the
contralateral hemifield [there is one reported case of full-field
color loss from a unilateral lesion (Setala and Vesti, 1994)]. The
presence of crisp quarter-field color impairments further
suggests that in some cases the damaged area or areas may
represent only that portion of visual space. While partial damage
to a hemifield representation could in principle produce
something like a quarter-field deficit, the likelihood of it
producing color loss that completely and exclusively fills
a quarter of the visual field is vanishingly small. Thus, there
are likely to be visual areas with both quarter- and hemifield
representations within the regions of maximum overlap.
Specialization for Color Vision
Overall, there is little doubt that the region that is damaged in
cases of achromatopsia is important for color vision. Many of the
cases in our sample were impaired at color naming and at
recognizing the Ishihara plates. Nearly all of the cases showed
some degree of deficit when tested with the Farnsworth--
Munsell 100-hue test or its 15-hue variant. Of the two cases
approaching normal scores on this test, one recovered within
one month (Nakadomari et al., 1999) and the other recovered
within two years (Beauchamp et al., 1999). In all, the mean error
score for this group was 582, well outside the range of normal
performance (Kinnear and Sahraie, 2002).
Frequently, the loss of color vision is far from complete. Many
of the cases can perform at normal levels on some tasks: 49% can
adequately name or match colors, while 29% have enough
residual chromatic vision to read the Ishihara plates within the
normal limits. One case was able to read the plates when they
are displayed at a greater distance (2 m), but not at reading
distance (Mollon et al., 1980). This may be an example of
residual chromatic processing when the task takes on a figure--
ground aspect at greater viewing distances. Performance on the
Farnsworth--Munsell 100-hue test is also better than chance
(Victor, 1988) for most cases tested. Partially spared color vision
in many of these cases is in agreement with reports of lesion
studies in monkeys, where ablations in the inferior occipito-
temporal lobe, near the visual areas collectively known as IT,
cause deficits similar to human achromatopsia (Heywood et al.,
1988, 1995; Huxlin et al., 2000). Damage to macaque IT cortex
can result in chromatic deficiencies that are either mild (Huxlin
et al., 2000) or profound (Heywood et al., 1995).
There is little evidence, apart from broad measures of acuity,
that the region damaged in achromatopsia is exclusively de-
voted to color vision. When spatial vision was tested in more
detail, substantial deficits were consistently found. Lesions in
non-human primates have produced similar deficits; monkeys
with bilateral IT lesions are at least mildly impaired at spatial
tasks, including, for example, illusory contour detection (Huxlin
et al., 2000), shape matching (Merigan and Saunders, 2004) and
achromatic discrimination (Heywood et al., 1995). For reasons
that remain unclear, however, spatial deficits are smaller or non-
existent in animals with unilateral IT lesions (Merigan and
Saunders, 2004).
Some caution is warranted in interpreting our results. First,
interpretation of the behavioral data is difficult because negative
results of tests are likely underreported, hindering inferences
about general rates of behavioral deficits. Even when tests are
reported, they are often not well described, making detailed
evaluation of behavioral deficits impossible except in a handful
of cases. Second, the lesion overlap analysis was very limited in
its scope. We used only axial images of brain anatomy, which
narrowed the sample size and caused a loss of information about
overlap in the z-dimension. The analysis also used only the
anatomical slices shown in the case reports. These probably
Cerebral Cortex February 2006, V 16 N 2 187
gave a biased sense of lesion location; for example, few cases
show axial images lesions along the ventral surface of occipito-
temporal cortex, for the understandable reason that such
images have few identifiable landmarks and are difficult to
interpret. Finally, and probably most critically, our sample of
cases was biased in that it only included patients diagnosed with
prosopagnosia or achromatopsia. Our review points to the need
for a large prospective study of patients with occiptio-temporal
lesions, where cases are selected based upon lesion location
alone, and the accompanying behavioral deficits are tabulated.
Unlike the results from the analysis of the achromatopsia cases,
the anatomical analysis of prosopagnosia cases did not yield
a single, contiguous region of maximum overlap. Instead, there
were several non-contiguous regions that were lesioned in
many cases. This result agrees well with other evidence for
distributed face processing in cortex (Farah and Aguirre, 1999;
Haxby et al., 2001). There are several candidate face processing
areas: the fusiform face area (FFA) (Kanwisher et al., 1997), the
superior temporal sulcus (STS) (Puce et al., 1998) and the
occipital face area (OFA) (Rossion et al., 2003a). The cases
reported here have lesions most often in the vicinity of the OFA.
The relative infrequency of STS lesions producing prosopagno-
sia is not surprising, since this area responds to changes in facial
expression or viewing angle (Haxby et al., 2000). Deficits in
processing such information might not be diagnosed as proso-
pagnosia. The lack of lesions near the FFA is more surprising,
since other evidence indicates this area is important for face
recognition (Haxby et al., 1994; Kanwisher et al., 1997; Halgren
et al., 1999; Rossion et al., 2003a,b). However, there was
a region of high lesion overlap located relatively close, though
medial to the site of FFA activations (Fig. 4). The misregistration
between the anterior overlap regions and the FFA might result
from a bias in our sample of images. As mentioned above, the
slices chosen for lesion illustration tend to avoid the ventral
surface of the brain, where the FFA is located. The images used
in our study were superior to the FFA, where cortex has curved
around medially and the FFA’s location contains white matter.
Thus, lesions that contained the FFA as well as other more
superior cortex would likely appear more medial in our analysis.
Conclusions: A Color Center?
Our results provide good evidence for a common region
damaged in achromatopsia that is important for color vision.
For there to be a single true color ‘center’, the damaged
region should show three additional properties, however: (i)
It should contain a single visual area; (ii) color vision should
be the only perceptual ability it supports and (iii) color vision
should not be critically dependent upon other late visual
areas. Our results provide at least some reason to doubt
whether each of these properties hold in cases of achroma-
topsia. First, the region of common overlap likely contains
two retinotopically defined visual areas, one containing
a quarter-field representation and one containing a hemifield
representation. Second, the common region is also likely also
important for spatial vision, since spatial deficits almost always
co-occur with achromatopsia. Third, other late visual areas
may play a significant role in color perception, since there is
frequently substantial residual color vision even when the
common region is damaged.
Our results agree with a less centralized view, in which color
perception arises from a stream of processing that flows
through multiple multipurpose visual areas. The many cases of
partially spared color vision suggest that some visual areas
outside the ones commonly damaged in achromatopsia partic-
ipate in the color-processing stream. The frequency of deficits
in spatial vision in cases of achromatopsia likely indicates that
more than one type of information is processed in the damaged
areas. Achromatopsia likely results from the lesion of one
critical step in the many stages of processing that support color
Address correspondence to Stephen A. Engel, Department of Psychol-
ogy, 1285 Franz Hall Box 951563, University of California at Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. Email:
Appendix 1
Case Achromatopsia
Case 1 Present Present Yes Adachi-Usami et al. (1995)
Case 1 Present Unknown No Albert et al. (1975)
Case 1 Unknown Present No Aptman et al. (1977)
Madame D Present Present Yes Bartolomeo et al. (1997)
KG Present Absent Yes Beauchamp et al. (2000)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Brazis et al. (1981)
Mr W Present Present Yes Bruyer et al. (1983)
WM Present Present Yes Cavanagh et al. (1998)
JPC Present Present No Cavanagh et al. (1998)
JPN Present Present No Cavanagh et al. (1998)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Clarke et al. (1997)
Case 2 Absent Present No Clarke et al. (1997)
LM Present Present No Cowey and Vaina (2000)
CM Present Absent Yes Damasio et al. (1980)
EH Present Absent Yes Damasio et al. (1980)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Damasio et al. (1 982)
Case 2 Present Present Yes Damasio et al. (1 982)
Case 3 Unknown Present Yes Damasio et al. (1982)
Case 1 Unknown Present Yes De Renzi (1986)
Case 2 Unknown Present Yes De Renzi (1986)
PA Unknown Present Yes De Renzi et al. (1994)
OR Absent Present Yes De Renzi et al. (1994)
LM Unknown Present Yes De Renzi et al. (1994)
Anna Unknown Present Yes De Renzi and di Pellegrino (1998)
CF Present Present Yes Dumont et al. (1981)
Case 1 Present Absent Yes Duvelleroy-Hommet et al. (1997)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Ettlin et al. (1992)
VH Unknown Present No Evans et al. (1995)
Case 1 Present Present No Freedman and Costa (1992)
CO Absent Present No Gainotti et al. (2003)
AR Present Absent Yes Gallant et al. (2000)
Case 1 Present Present No Goldenberg et al. (1985)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Gomori and Hawryluk (1984)
Case 1 Present Unknown Yes Green and Lessell (1977)
Case 2 Present Present No Green and Lessell (1977)
Case 3 Present Present No Green and Lessell (1977)
Case 4 Present Present No Green and Lessell (1977)
Case 5 Present Absent No Green and Lessell (1977)
Case 1 Absent Present Yes Habib (1986)
Case 1 Present Present No Hoksbergen et al. (1996)
Case 1 Present Unknown No Jaeger et al. (1989)
Case 1 Absent Present Yes Kawahata and Nagata (1989)
Case 1 Present Present No Kay and Levin (1982)
Case 2 Present Present No Kay and Levin (1982)
Case 3 Present Present No Kay and Levin (1982)
BL Present Present No Kennard et al. (1995)
Case 1 Present Absent Yes Kolmel (1988)
Case 2 Present Absent Yes Kolmel (1988)
Case 1 Unknown Present No Kubo et al. (1978)
Case 1 Unknown Present Yes Landis et al. (1986)
Case 2 Unknown Present Yes Landis et al. (1986)
Case 3 Present Present Yes Landis et al. (1986)
Case 4 Absent Present No Landis et al. (1986)
188 Achromatopsia Meta-analysis dBouvier and Engel
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Appendix 1
Case Achromatopsia
Case 5 Absent Present No Landis et al. (1986)
Case 6 Unknown Present No Landis et al. (1986)
Case 1 Unknown Present No Landis et al. (1988)
Case 1 Present Present No Levine et al. (1985)
Case 1 Absent Present Yes Lin and Pai (2000)
Case 1 Present Present No Malone et al. (1982)
Case 2 Present Present No Malone et al. (1982)
LM Absent Present Yes Marciani et al. (1991)
DN Absent Present Yes Mattson et al. (2000)
Case 1 Present Absent No Meadows (1974)
Case 2 Unknown Present No Meadows (1974)
Cases 3--14 Present Present No Meadows (1974)
Case 1 Unknown Present No Mendez and Ghajarnia (2001)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Mendola and Corkin (1999)
RP Present Unknown Yes Merigan et al. (1997)
Case 1 Present Present No Mesad et al. (2003)
84.00.503 Absent Present Yes Michel et al. (1986)
MS Present Present Yes Mollon et al. (1980;
Heywood et al. (1991)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Nakadomari (1997)
Case 2 Present Unknown Yes Nakadomari (1997)
Case 3 Present Unknown Yes Nakadomari (1997)
Case 2 Present Absent Yes Nakadomari et al. (1999);
Tanaka et al. (2002)
Case 1 Present Absent Yes Nakadomari et al. (1999)
AA Present Present No Nardelli et al. (1982)
OO Present Present No Nardelli et al. (1982)
GB Present Present No Nardelli et al. (1982)
FS Unknown Pres ent No Nardelli et al. (1982)
MH Present Present Yes Ogden (1993)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Orrell et al. (1995)
Case 1 Present Absent Yes Paulson et al. (1994)
Case 2 Present Absent Yes Paulson et al. (1994)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Pearlman et al. (1978)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Poppel et al. (1978)
89526 Pres ent Present Yes Pradat-Diehl et al. (1999)
PP Present Present No Rizzo et al. (1992, 1993)
Case 1 Present Present No Rizzo et al. (1993)
Case 1 Present Present No Ross (1980)
Case 1 Present Unknown Yes Sakurai et al. (2001)
Case 1 Present Present No Scarpatetti et al. (1983)
MT Unknown Present Yes Schweinberger et al. (1995)
Case 1 Present Absent Yes Setala and Vesti (1994)
Case 1 Present Unknown No Short and Graff-Radford (2001)
EH Present Absent Yes Shuren et al. (1996)
Case 1 Present Absent Yes Silverman and Galetta (1995)
WL Present Present Yes Spillmann et al. (2000)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Tagawa et al. (1990)
Case 1 Unknown Present Yes Takahashi et al. (1989)
Case 1 Present Present Yes Takahashi et al. (1995)
Case 2 Unknown Present No Takahashi et al. (1995)
Case 3 Unknown Present Yes Takahashi et al. (1995)
Case 4 Unknown Present Yes Takahashi et al. (1995)
Case 1 Present Unknown Yes Tanaka et al. (2002)
Case 3 Present Present Yes Tanaka et al. (2002)
Case 4 Present Present Yes Tanaka et al. (2002)
Case 1 Absent Present Yes Tohgi et al. (1994)
Case 1 Unknown Present Yes Uttner et al. (2002)
Case 2 Present Absent Yes Uttner et al. (2002)
MS Present Present Yes Victor et al. (1989)
FW Present Present No Whiteley and Warrington (1977)
QL Absent Present No Whiteley and Warrington (1977)
WA Present Present No Whiteley and Warrington (1977)
Case 1 Present Absent No Young et al. (1980)
PM Present Present Yes Young and Fishman (1980)
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Cerebral Cortex February 2006, V 16 N 2 191
... Studies have reported that damage to localized regions of the cerebral cortex can lead to cerebral achromatopsia, without significant impairment to other visual aspects (25,26). Total or partial achromatopsia have been reported following ventral visual system disturbances (27). Patients with TBI experience direct damage to several brain areas and are potentially at risk for developing some degree of cerebral achromatopsia. ...
... Many visual tests have been used to identify cerebral dyschromatopsia (27) such as color naming test, Ishihara plates, and Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test (26,(28)(29)(30). Shin et al. (31) and Igarashi et al. (32) reported how the use of chromatic discrimination in fixed saturation stimuli can be an alternative for rapid screening of chromatic perceptual losses. ...
... In the second stage of the test, we used a less saturated chromaticity (0.03 u'v' units in the CIE 1976), which was approximately two times higher than the color discrimination thresholds for adults (34,35). In this stage, we found that the patients demonstrated errors in different chromatic axes, similar to those observed in other investigations (27). ...
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Introduction Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important public health concern and that may lead to severe neural sequels, such as color vision deficits. Methods We evaluated the color vision of 10 TBI patients with normal cognitive function using a color discrimination test in a fixed saturation level. We also analyzed computerized tomography scans to identify the local of the brain damages. Results Four TBI patients that had lesions in brain areas of the ventral visual streams, five TBI patients had lesions inferred in brain areas of the dorsal visual stream, and one TBI patient had lesion in the occipital area. All the patients had cognitive and color vision screened and they had characterized the chromatic discrimination at high and low saturation. All participants had no significant cognitive impairment in the moment of the color vision test. Additionally, they had perfect performance for discrimination of chromatic stimulus at high saturation and similar to controls (n = 37 age-matched participants). Three of four TBI patients with lesions in the ventral brain and one patient with lesion in the occipital area had impairment of the chromatic discrimination at low saturation. All TBI patients with lesions in the dorsal brain had performance similar or slightly worse than the controls. Conclusion Chromatic discrimination at low saturation was associated to visual damage in the ventral region of the brain and is a potential tool for functional evaluation of brain damage in TBI patients.
Purpose To evaluate whether colour vision normal (CVN) adults pass two Fletcher–Evans (CAM) lantern tests and to investigate the impact of imposed blur on Ishihara, CAM lantern and computerised colour discrimination test (colour assessment and diagnosis test [CAD] and Cambridge colour test [CCT]) results. Methods In a pilot experiment, 20 (16 CVN and 4 colour vision deficient [CVD]) participants with normal VA were tested with the CAM lantern. In the main experiment, the impact of imposed dioptric blur (up to +8.00 D) on visual acuity and the Ishihara test, CAM lantern, CAD and CCT was assessed for 15 CVN participants. Results CVN participants can fail the CAM lantern, with specificity of 81.25% (aviation mode) and 75% (clinical mode), despite following the test requirements of participants having at least 0.18 logMAR (6/9) in the better eye. With blur, test accuracy was affected. As expected, significant detrimental effects of blur on test results were found for logMAR VA and CAM lantern (aviation) with +1.00 D or higher. Ishihara, CAD and CCT results were not detrimentally affected until +8.00 D. Yellow‐blue discrimination was more affected by blur for the CAD than the CCT, which was not explained by the different colour spaces used or vectors tested. Conclusion False‐positive findings on lantern colour vision tests with small apertures are likely to be increased in patients with blur due to uncorrected refractive error or ocular and visual pathway disease. Other colour vision tests with larger stimuli are more robust to blur.
We perceive color everywhere and on everything that we encounter in daily life. Color science has progressed to the point where a great deal is known about the mechanics, evolution, and development of color vision, but less is known about the relation between color vision and psychology. However, color psychology is now a burgeoning, exciting area and this Handbook provides comprehensive coverage of emerging theory and research. Top scholars in the field provide rigorous overviews of work on color categorization, color symbolism and association, color preference, reciprocal relations between color perception and psychological functioning, and variations and deficiencies in color perception. The Handbook of Color Psychology seeks to facilitate cross-fertilization among researchers, both within and across disciplines and areas of research, and is an essential resource for anyone interested in color psychology in both theoretical and applied areas of study.
Recent neuroscientific research has advanced our understanding of consciousness, yet the connection between specific qualitative aspects of consciousness, known as “qualia,” and particular brain regions or networks remains elusive. Traditional methods that rely on verbal descriptions from participants pose challenges in neuroimaging studies. To address this, our group has introduced a novel “qualia structure” paradigm that leverages exhaustive, structural, and relational comparisons among qualia instead of verbal reports. In this study, we present the first fMRI dataset that captures relational similarity judgments among two out of nine color qualia per trial from 35 participants. This dataset also includes a “no-report” condition in half of the trials to assess the impact of overt reporting. Additionally, each participant’s color discriminability was evaluated with a hue test conducted outside the scanner. Our data offer valuable insights into the brain functions associated with color qualia and contribute to a deeper understanding of the neural foundations of consciousness.
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How rigidly does innate architecture constrain function of developing cortex? What is the contribution of early experience? We review insights into these questions from visual cortex function in people born blind. In blindness, occipital cortices are active during auditory and tactile tasks. What ‘cross-modal’ plasticity tells us about cortical flexibility is debated. On the one hand, visual networks of blind people respond to higher cognitive information, such as sentence grammar, suggesting drastic repurposing. On the other, in line with ‘metamodal’ accounts, sighted and blind populations show shared domain preferences in ventral occipito-temporal cortex (vOTC), suggesting visual areas switch input modality but perform the same or similar perceptual functions (e.g., face recognition) in blindness. Here we bring these disparate literatures together, reviewing and synthesizing evidence that speaks to whether visual cortices have similar or different functions in blind and sighted people. Together, the evidence suggests that in blindness, visual cortices are incorporated into higher-cognitive (e.g., fronto-parietal) networks, which are a major source long-range input to the visual system. We propose the connectivity-constrained experience-dependent account. Functional development is constrained by innate anatomical connectivity, experience and behavioral needs. Infant cortex is pluripotent, the same anatomical constraints develop into different functional outcomes.
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We report the case of a patient (C.O.) who showed a selective defect in the recognition of familiar people, with very mild disease progression during a period of 30 months resulting from focal atrophy of the right temporal lobe. On formal neuropsychological testing, C.O. obtained high scores on tests of general intelligence, episodic memory, language, executive functions, selective attention, visual recognition and visual-spatial abilities. On more specific tasks of familiar and unfamiliar face recognition, C.O. scored above the controls' means on perceptual tests, but obtained highly pathological results on mnesic-associative tests. His disorder of recognition of familiar people was not due to loss of person-specific information, since he obtained highly abnormal naming scores when presented with photographs of famous people but borderline or mildly abnormal scores in a tasks in which he had to name celebrities from verbal definitions. On the other hand, C.O.'s recognition disorder could not be considered to be a form of 'associative prosopagnosia' since a similar defect was observed when he was requested to access information about famous persons through their voice rather than their face. Two alternative interpretations are advanced to explain C.O.'s inability to access his relatively spared person-specific knowledge not only through the person's face but also through the person's voice. The first hypothesis is that, before accessing the person-specific information, unimodal recognition channels must converge into a multimodal, non-verbal person-recognition system and that the right anterior temporal cortices play a crucial role in this integrative activity. The second hypothesis is that the face-recognition units have privileged access to person-specific semantic knowledge and that other recognition subsystems require coactivation of the face-recognition units in order to access person-specific semantic information.
V.H., a 68-year-old right-handed woman, presented with a progressive deterioration in her ability to recognize faces of familiar people, including friends and relatives. Neuro-psychological testing on two occasions separated by 9 months indicated no deterioration in general intellectual ability from estimates of her pre-morbid IQ (in the high average range), and little or no change in memory, language, perceptual or executive functioning. She is severely impaired on tests of face recognition and has shown some deterioration between testing occasions. In contrast, face perception skills, including emotional expression analysis, appear to be intact. Her knowledge of people from names was originally much better than from faces, but clearly declined on follow-up. This progression is discussed in the context of contemporary models of face processing: we suggest that her prosopagnosic deficit began as a modality-specific disorder which has progressed to a cross-modality loss of person-based semantic knowledge. In addition, she shows a striking dissociation between her ability to recognize faces and unique exemplars from other categories, such as buildings and flowers, which confirms the hypothesis that face processing is indeed special. Scanning by SPECT and MRl revealed selective hypo-perfusion and atrophy, respectively, of the anterior part of the right temporal lobe. In recent years there have been a number of descriptions of progressive fluent aphasia resulting from atrophy of the left temporal lobe. This case appears to represent a corresponding degenerative process affecting the right temporal lobe.
Clinical evidence is presented which links the anterior inferior part of the occipital lobe with colour perception in man. A review of the literature suggests that bilateral lesions at this site may cause persisting impairment of colour perception (achromatopsia) with preservation of primary visual function. This is discussed in relation to relevant experiments in animals. Achromatopsia is commonly associated with prosopagnosia (inability to recognize familiar faces) and impaired topographical memory, but published reports suggest that these three disorders may be dissociated from one another and they therefore appear to be functionally distinct.
It is well-known that a focal cerebral lesion may, on rare occasions, cause a selective disturbance of color vision (Critchley, 1965; Meadows, 1974). However, the roles of striate and extrastriate lesions in central abnormalities of color vision may be difficult to separate. A patient is described who had a right homonymous hemianopsia and marked dyschromatopsia in the otherwise-spared left visual field. The patient could not identify saturated colors reliably and had grossly-abnormal performance on the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue test. However, chromatic contrast-sensitivity was normal and VEPs to isoluminant gratings were present. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study demonstrated extensive infarction of the left occipital lobe and a small infarction of the ventromedial portion of the right occipital lobe. This case demonstrates that even with marked dyschromatopsia, sensitivity to color differences may be preserved. On the basis of this case and a review of previous cases of central disturbances of color vision, it is proposed that preservation of chromatic contrast-sensitivity reflects residual function of primary visual cortex.
In cerebral achromatopsia, the patient loses the ability to see colours after cortical damage. As an only sequel to a stroke, cerebral achromatopsia is rare. Although the existence of a separate colour centre in the brain was postulated in the late 19th century, confirmatory data are quite recent. The authors describe a photographer who has lost the ability to differentiate colours, especially green, after right-sided cerebral infarction in the temporo-occipital region. © 1994 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.
We have used positron emission tomography (PET), which measures regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), to demonstrate directly the specialization of function in the normal human visual cortex. A novel technique, statistical parametric mapping, was used to detect foci of significant change in cerebral blood flow within the prestriate cortex, in order to localize those parts involved in the perception of color and visual motion. For color, we stimulated the subjects with a multicolored abstract display containing no recognizable objects (Land color Mondrian) and contrasted the resulting blood flow maps with those obtained when subjects viewed an identical display consisting of equiluminous shades of gray. The comparison identified a unique area (area V4) located in the lingual and fusiform gyri of the prestriate cortex. For motion, blood flow maps when subjects viewed moving or stationary black and white random-square patterns were contrasted. The comparison identified a unique area located in the region of the temporo-parieto-occipital junction (area V5). We thus provide direct evidence to show that, just as in the macaque monkey, different areas of the human prestriate visual cortex are specialized for different attributes of vision. The striate cortex (V1) and the contiguous visual area (V2), which in the monkey brain feed both the homologous areas, were active in all 4 conditions. This pattern of activity allowed us to use an extension of the approach to assess the functional relationship between the 3 areas during color and motion stimulation. This is based on an hypothesis-led analysis of the covariance structure of the blood flow maps and promises to be a powerful tool for inferring anatomical pathways in the normal human brain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Die cerebrale Achromatopsie tritt plotzlich auf „wie wenn beim Farbfernsehen die Farbe weg Cerebral genommen wird”. Die Störung ist meist vaskulär bedingt, durch doppelseitige Infarkte in der unteren occipitotemporalen Region, und daher in der Regel verbunden mit homonymen Gesichtsfeldausfällen in den beiden oberen Quadranten, bei weitgehend erhaltener Sehschärfe. Häufig ist sie mit einer Prosopagnosie und einer Topographagnosie kombiniert. Die Strategie der Untersuchung des Farbensinnes darf sich nicht auf die allgemein Ublichen Methoden beschranken, sondern muß zusätzliche Tests verwenden, bei denen die Namen der Farben benannt werden. Nur auf diese Weise ist die Differentialdiagnose der cerebralen Achromatopsie und ihre Abgrenzung von der Farbennamenaphasie und der sog. „Colour Anomia” möglich. Unsere Anweisungen zur Strategie der Farbensinnuntersuchung beruhen auf Erfahrungen an einem Patienten mit cerebraler Achromatopsie, der 6 Monate sowie 2 Jahre nach Auftreten der Symptome untersucht werden konnte. Dabei kamen zusätzlich zu den üblichen Farbensinntests noch Bestimmungen der Zuwachsschwellen auf farbigem und weißem Grund zur Anwendung. Erstmalig bei cerebraler Achromatopsie wurden Untersuchungen mit spektralen Farben im großen Feld mit dem Projektionsanomaloskop durchgeführt. Für die Beurteilung der Restitution sind große Reizflachen unentbehrlich. Bei unserem Patienten ist die Restitution des Unterscheidungsvermögens fßr Blau und Grün wesentlich vollstandiger eingetreten als für Rot, Gelb und Grün, in beiden Fällen auf großem Testfeld sehr viel deutlicher als auf kleinem. Summary To the patient, the sudden onset of cerebral achromatopsia is like switching to black and white on a color TV. As a rule, the defect arises due to bilateral ischemic infarction in the inferior occipitotemporal region. Bilateral upper homonymous quadrantanopsias usually leave the macula more or less unimpaired, so that visual acuity is largely preserved. Prosopagnosia and loss of topographic memory are often associated with central achromatopsia. Investigations of color vision must include color-naming procedures and large- field tests in addition to the conventional methods. Color-naming tasks are indispensable in differentiating cerebral achromatopsia from the aphasic and disconnective types of color anomia. The authors' recommended strategy for investigating color vision relies on records of a case of cerebral achromatopsia obtained six months and two years, respectively, after the onset of symptoms. In addition to the above-mentioned procedures, spectral increment thresholds on white and colored backgrounds were determined. For the first time in cerebral achromatopsia, examinations with large-field spectral matches were performed using the projection anomaloscope. Large-field tests are indispensable for monitoring recovery in cases of central achromatopsia. In the author's patient, recovery of blue-green discrimination was far more complete than that of red-yellow-green discrimination, and for both conditions large-field color vision was far superior to small-field.