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Increases in glycogenin and glycogenin mRNA accompany glycogen resynthesis in human skeletal muscle



Glycogenin is the self-glycosylating protein primer that initiates glycogen granule formation. To examine the role of this protein during glycogen resynthesis, eight male subjects exercised to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer at 75% Vo2 max followed by five 30-s sprints at maximal capacity to further deplete glycogen stores. During recovery, carbohydrate (75 g/h) was supplied to promote rapid glycogen repletion, and muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis at 0, 30, 120, and 300 min postexercise. At time 0, no free (deglycosylated) glycogenin was detected in muscle, indicating that all glycogenin was complexed to carbohydrate. Glycogenin activity, a measure of the glycosylating ability of the protein, increased at 30 min and remained elevated for the remainder of the study. Quantitative RT-PCR showed elevated glycogenin mRNA at 120 min followed by increases in protein levels at 300 min. Glycogenin specific activity (glycogenin activity/relative protein content) was also elevated at 120 min. Proglycogen increased at all time points, with the highest rate of resynthesis occurring between 0 and 30 min. In comparison, macroglycogen levels did not significantly increase until 300 min postexercise. Together, these results show that, during recovery from prolonged exhaustive exercise, glycogenin mRNA and protein content and activity increase in muscle. This may facilitate rapid glycogen resynthesis by providing the glycogenin backbone of proglycogen, the major component of glycogen synthesized in early recovery.
Increases in Glycogenin and Glycogenin mRNA Accompany Glycogen Resynthesis
in Human Skeletal Muscle
Jane Shearer
, Rhonda J. Wilson
, Danielle S. Battram
, Erik A. Richter
Deborah L. Robinson
, Marica Bakovic
and Terry E. Graham
Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences. University of Guelph. Guelph,
Ontario. CANADA.
Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre, Institute of Exercise and Sport
Sciences, University of Copenhagen, DENMARK.
Running title: Glycogenin during Glycogen Resynthesis
Correspondence: Jane Shearer, PhD
Director, Centre for Mouse Genomics
Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary
Rm 2502, 3330 Hospital Drive NW.
T: 403.210.3992
F: 403.270.0737
Articles in PresS. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (May 3, 2005). doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00100.2005
Copyright © 2005 by the American Physiological Society.
Glycogenin is the self-glycosylating protein primer that initiates glycogen granule formation. To
examine the role of this protein during glycogen resynthesis, eight, male subjects exercised to
exhaustion on a cycle ergometer at 75% VO
2 max
followed by 5 x 30s sprints at maximal capacity
to further deplete glycogen stores. During recovery, carbohydrate (75g/h) was supplied to
promote rapid glycogen repletion and muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis at
0, 30, 120 and 300min post-exercise. At time 0, no free (deglycosylated) glycogenin was
detected in muscle indicating all glycogenin was complexed to carbohydrate. Glycogenin
activity, a measure of the glycosylating ability of the protein increased at 30min and remained
elevated for the remainder of the study. Quantitative RT-PCR showed elevated glycogenin
mRNA at 120min followed by increases in protein levels at 300min. Glycogenin specific
activity (glycogenin activity/relative protein content) was also elevated at 120 min. Proglycogen
increased at all time points with the highest rate of resynthesis occurring between 0-30min. In
comparison, macroglycogen levels did not significantly increase until 300min post-exercise.
Together, these results show that during recovery from prolonged exhaustive exercise,
glycogenin mRNA, protein content and activity increase in muscle. This may facilitate rapid
glycogen resynthesis by providing the glycogenin backbone of proglycogen, the major
component of glycogen synthesized in early recovery.
Keywords : granule, proglycogen, macroglycogen, recovery, carbohydrate.
Glycogenin (GN-1) is the self-glycosylating protein primer that catalyzes glycogen
granule formation in skeletal muscle. It is a substrate, catalyst and enzyme of granule formation
as it adds 7-11 glucose residues to a single tyrosine residue on the protein (3). Following
glycosylation, GN-1 acts as a substrate for glycogen synthase that along with branching enzyme
forms a glycogen granule. In the initial stages of glycogen formation, the granule is small, has
low carbohydrate content and is termed proglycogen (PG). When PG granules grow by the
addition of glucose residues, larger mature glycogen granules are formed and are termed
macroglycogen (MG). These granules contain the same amount of protein but a larger proportion
of carbohydrate, up to 5 times more carbohydrate than the largest PG molecule (2,4,22,23).
Studies have shown PG to be the more dynamic pool of glycogen as it is often more readily
degraded during exercise and is the form that is predominantly synthesized during the early
phases of recovery (2,6,15).
Under resting conditions, no free de-glycosylated GN-1 is present in skeletal muscle, it is
all complexed to glycogen granules (30). Upon glycogenolysis, induced by exercise or treatment
with pharmacological concentrations of epinephrine, there is a decline in the activity of the
protein (29) and translocation from the glycogen/sarcovesicular fraction to the supernatant (30).
These results suggest that GN-1 may be inactivated once glycogen granules are degraded. Given
this, glycogen resynthesis likely involves: i) the synthesis of new GN-1 protein, or ii) the
addition of glucose residues to existing glycogen structures. Biochemical and electron
microscopic data show both mechanisms to be involved as there is an increase in granule size
and number with glycogen resynthesis (11,21). New glycogen granule formation would
theoretically require the synthesis of new GN-1 protein. Indeed, there are several reports of
increases in GN-1 mRNA in response to dietary and exercise regimes that deplete glycogen
stores (5,17). Kraniou and colleagues (17) demonstrated skeletal muscle GN-1 mRNA to
increase 2.8 fold at 3h post-exercise in humans following moderate intensity exercise. This
increase in mRNA occurred in spite of only marginally lowered levels of glycogen and indicates
a rapid increase in gene expression, but not necessarily levels of the protein. While these results
show GN-1 mRNA to be increased with exercise, they do not clearly define the role of GN-1 in
glycogen granule synthesis.
The aim of the present study was to examine GN-1 and its role in glycogen resynthesis
following an exhaustive exercise bout. By examining the timing and extent of GN-1 gene
expression (mRNA), and GN-1 protein in relation to PG and MG, the role of this protein in
glycogen synthesis can be elucidated. It is hypothesized that GN-1 gene transcription (mRNA)
would occur following glycogen depleting exercise and that this signal would be associated with
increases in GN-1 protein. These changes are expected to predominately occur in the most rapid
phase of PG synthesis and to be associated with new glycogen granule formation.
Materials and Methods
Eight, male subjects volunteered for the study, age 24 ± 2yr, height 177 ± 6cm, weight 73
± 4kg , VO
62 ± 7 ml·kg
(means ± SEM). The study received approval from the
Human Ethics Committee of the University of Guelph. Subjects were informed of potential risks
involved with the procedure, and consent was obtained. Participants were habitually active,
exercising two to thee times per week but they refrained from exercise three days prior to the
experimental protocol.
Pre- trial Procedures
At least 1 wk after performing an incremental VO
2 max
test, subjects returned to the
laboratory to be familiarized to the experiment and perform a 45-min practice ride at 75% of
their VO
2 max
and 3, 30 s sprints at 130% VO
2 max.
This also served to ensure calculated exercise
intensities were correct.
Experimental Protocol
On the day of the experiment, subjects consumed a high carbohydrate breakfast at least
2h prior to the exercise trial (524±74.9 kcal, 76±6% kcal derived from carbohydrates). Subjects
exercised to voluntary exhaustion at 75% VO
2 max
on a cycle ergometer. Once exhaustion was
reached (107 ± 7.5 min), subjects had a 10 min rest break during which one leg was prepared for
muscle biopsy. In an attempt to further lower the muscle glycogen concentration subjects then
returned to the bike and performed 5, 30 s sprints at 130% VO
2 max
separated by 1 min rest
intervals. Not all subjects could complete the sprints, although all were attempted. Immediately
after the last sprint, a muscle biopsy and blood sample was obtained (Time 0). Muscle biopsies
were obtained from the vastus lateralis of each leg by using a percutaneous needle biopsy
technique under local anesthesia. Every hour, starting at time 0, subjects were given 75 g of
carbohydrate (Gatorlode ®) to facilitate repletion of glycogen stores. Additional muscle biopsies
and blood samples were obtained at 30, 120, and 300 min post-exercise.
Muscle biopsies were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C until further
analysis. GN-1 protein was detected by two methods. In the first method, the ability of the
protein to glycosylate or its ‘activity’ was determined. This is an indirect measure of active GN-
1 protein and is proportional to its concentration (29). Secondly, glycogenin was detected by
immunohistochemistry, a method that allows quantification of protein content regardless of
activity. Throughout the remainder of the manuscript, these two types of glycogenin
quantification will be referred to at ‘activity’ and ‘protein content’ respectively.
The priority of analysis was as follows; PG, MG, GN-1 activity, GN-1 mRNA, and GN-1
protein concentration. Out of 32 muscle biopsies (n=8 samples per time point), all were
analyzed for PG and MG while 30 samples (n=7-8 samples per time point) were analyzed for
GN-1 activity and GN-1 mRNA. GN-1 protein concentration was determined on 20 muscle
samples (n=7,5,5,3 for 0, 30, 120 and 300min respectively).
PG and MG
Samples (~10 mg ww) were freeze dried, dissected free of visible non-muscular
components, connective tissue and blood. PG and MG in a 2-3 mg (dw) portion were analyzed
enzymatically as previously described and are reported in mmol glucosyl units kg
dw (1,2).
Breifly, ice-cooled
1.5 M PCA (200 ul) was added to 1.5-3 mg of freeze-dried muscle
samples in
5-ml Pyrex tubes. The muscle was pressed against the
glass tubes with a plastic rod to ensure that
all the muscle was
exposed to acid. The extraction continued on ice for 20 min. The
were centrifuged at 3,000 revolutions/min for 15 min,
after which 100 µl of the PCA supernatant
were removed, placed
in Pyrex tubes, and used for the determination of MG. The remaining
was discarded, and the pellet was kept for the determination
of PG. One milliliter of 1 M HCl
was added to the MG and to the
PG sample; the former was vortexed, whereas the pellet of the
latter was pressed against the glass with a plastic rod. The tube
weights were then recorded. The
tubes were sealed with fitted
glass stoppers, and all of the samples were placed in the water
(100°C) for 2 h, after which the tubes were reweighed and
any change of >50 µl was rectified
with the addition of deionized
water. The samples were then neutralized with 2 M Trizma base,
vortexed, centrifuged at 3,000 revolutions/min for 5 min, and
transferred to Eppendorf tubes for
analysis of glucosyl units
by using the method of Bergmeyer (7) or stored at 80°C. Total
glycogen (G
) is the sum of the PG and MG values. Net rates of glycogen synthesis are
calculated as the difference in glycogen concentration between two time points divided by time
and are expressed in mmol glucosyl units/kg dw/min.
RNA Isolation
Total RNA was extracted from 30 mg ww of muscle by a modified Chomczynski and
Sacchi (8) method using TRIZOL reagent (GIBCO-BRL). Briefly, 1 ml of TRIZOL reagent was
added and tissues were homogenized for 30 s (Powergen 125, Fischer). Homogenized samples
were incubated for 3 min at room temperature before the addition of 0.2 ml of chloroform.
Samples were shaken by hand and allowed to sit for 5 min at room temperature before being
centrifuged for 15 min at 12 000 x g. The higher RNA water layer was removed and 0.5 ml
isopropyl alcohol was added to precipitate RNA. Samples were precipitated at 4°C for 30 min
and then centrifuged at 12 000 x g for 30 min. Pellets containing total RNA were washed with 2
x 0.5 ml ethanol, air-dried and then resuspended in 20µl of RNAase free water. Concentration
and purity of the RNA isolation was determined on 1 µl of the extract by spectroscopy.
Reverse Transcription (RT)
RT of samples was performed using the Thermoscript
BRL). Oligo(dT)
primers (1 µl) were combined with 1 µg of total RNA and DEPC treated
water (to 10µl). RNA was denatured by heating for 5 min at 65°C before adding 10 µl of a
reaction mixture containing 100mM Tris acetate (pH 8.4), 150 mM potassium acetate, 16 mM
magnesium acetate, 10 mM DTT, 4 U RnaseOUT
(GIBCO-BRL), 1 mM dNTP mix, 1.5 U
Reverse Transcriptase (Thermoscript
, GICBO-BRL), and 1 µl if DEPC water. Samples were
gently mixed and then transferred to a thermocycler (Techgene, Cambridge) where samples were
heated to 55°C for 45 min, and then 85°C for 5 min to terminate the RT reaction. Rnase H
(GICBO-BRL) was added (1 µl) was added and samples were incubated at 37°C for 20 min
before being stored at -20°C until further analysis.
Prior to PCR of experimental samples, optimal, non-saturating conditions for PCR were
established (annealing temperature, number of cycles, MgCl
concentration). All samples from a
given subject were run simultaneously. mRNA content of genes were determined in duplicate by
PCR. The PCR reaction mixture was 50 µl (RT reaction, 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.4), 50 mM
KCl, 0.2 mM each of dCTP, dATP, dGTP, dTTP, 1.5 mM MgCl
, 0.5mM each of forward and
reverse primers, and 1.25U Taq DNA Polymerase (GIBCO-BRL)). PCR products were separated
on 2.5% agarose gel containing ethidium bromide by electrophoresis. Gels were visualized by
exposure to UV light and documented by an integrating camera and a gel analysis program
(Northern Exposure). Software (Image J, NIH) was then used to quantify the PCR products. To
correct for differences in mRNA qualities ß-Actin mRNA was also amplified and used as a
control in each PCR reaction. Forward and reverse ß–Actin primers were
resulted in a 219 bp product. The PCR cycle profile for ß-Actin was as follows; 94°C for 2 min,
[94°C for 30 s, 62°C for 50 s, 72 for 50 s] x 15 cycles, [94°C for 30 s, 62°C for 50 s, 72°C for
90s] x 5 cycles,72°C for 5 min. GN-1 mRNA was quantified by using
and reverse primers respectively. With an annealing temperature of 58°C and 1.5 mM MgCl
the PCR product was 386 bp. The PCR cycle profile for GN-1 was as follows; 94°C for 2 min,
[94°C for 30 s, 58°C for 50 s, 72 for 50 s] x 20 cycles, [94°C for 30 s, 58°C for 50 s, 72°C for
90s] x 5 cycles,72°C for 5 min.
To confirm that the expected genes were amplified, the gel-purified (GIBCO-BRL Concert
Nucleic Acid Purification System) the PCR products for both ß–Actin and GN-1 (GIBCO-BRL
Concert Nucleic Acid Purification System) were sequenced by an automated sequencer at the
University of Guelph Molecular Supercenter (ABI Prism 377).
GN-1 Activity
GN-1 activity was measured as previously described (13,29). The term GN-1 activity
refers to the ability of GN-1 to transglucosylate a maltose derivative. Wet muscle was ground
with a mortar and pestle under liquid nitrogen and weighed into 30-40 mg portions. Samples
were homogenized in five volumes of buffer (4 mM EDTA pH 7, 0.1 mM
phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride, 0.1% 2-mercaptoethanol and 1 mM benzamide at 4 ºC) and
centrifuged at 4 ºC at 4200 g for 35 min. The supernatant (containing the
glycogen/sarcovesicular fraction (29)) was retained and the myofibrillar pellet discarded. Protein
concentrations were measured (Pierce, Coomassie Plus Protein Reagent Kit). Equal amounts of
protein (150 µg) were amylolysed with 10 µg/mL of α-amylase (Sigma) for 1 h at 37 ºC. The
amylolysed sample was incubated in a mixture containing 8 µM UDP [C
] glucose (ARC, 300
mCi/mmol), 17 mM Mes (pH 7), 5 mM MnSO
, 0.2 mM n-dodecyl-ß-D-maltoside (Sigma), and
50 µl of homogenate. The final volume of the incubation was 60 µL. Glucosylation proceeded
for exactly 10 min at 37 ºC before the reaction was stopped by the addition of 16 µl of 0.1 M
EDTA (pH 7). Glucose (20 µl, 10 mM), UDPG (20 µl, 20 mM), and de-ionized water (Milli-Q,
84 µl) were added to the 76 µl of sample to avoid non-specific binding (200 µl final volume).
Total radioactivity was measured in 10 µl of the sample while the remaining sample was passed
though pre-washed C
Sep-Pak cartridges (Waters). The cartridges were washed with 16 ml
water and the [C
] glycosylated DBM eluted with 3 x 1 ml volumes of methanol. Scintillation
fluid was added (10 ml) and the three fractions were counted (Beckman LS5000). The majority
of the radioactivity was eluted in the first two fractions. One unit of activity is defined as 1 nmol
of [C
] glucose incorporated into DBM per minute per mg of protein (mU/mg protein/min) (3).
Assay co-efficient of variation is 14.6% when performed on independent samples of the same
biopsy. This value is compatible with reports that the coefficient of variation in the measurement
of glycogen ranges from 7-10% (1). GN-1 specific activity was calculated as the ratio of GN-1
activity (mU/mg protein/min) divided by the amount of relative protein (arbitrary units) for each
individual sample.
GN-1 Protein Level
Frozen muscle biopsies were homogenized and treated as previously described by Hansen
and colleagues (13) and as described above in methods for measuring GN-1 activity level.
Protein concentrations were measured (Pierce Coomassie® Plus Protein Reagent Kit). Equal
amounts of protein (150 µg) were amylolysed with 10 µg/mL of α-amylase (Sigma) for 1 h at
37ºC. To test for non-glycosylated GN-1, samples were also incubated without amylase. GN-1
protein levels were measured by immunoblotting essentially as described (13). Briefly, proteins
were transferred to polyvinylidene fluoride membranes following SDS-PAGE electrophoresis
(1mm, 10% gels) (18). Membranes were blocked overnight in 1% Tris-buffered saline-Tween
solution (TBS-T) with 5% BSA (Sigma) and 2% skim milk (Nestle) at 4ºC with gentle agitation.
Blocked membranes were incubated with guinea pig anti-human GN-1 antibody (kindly donated
by Dr. Roach, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN) diluted 1:2000 (1% TBS-T) for 1 h at room
temperature. The membranes were washed with 1% TBS-T for 1 h (6-10 min intervals) and
were subsequently incubated 1 h at room temperature with goat anti-guinea pig IgG HP-
conjugated antibody (Chemicon) diluted 1: 10,000 with blocking solution. GN-1 protein was
visualized by enhanced chemiluminescence (Amersham) according to the manufacturer’s
protocol. Protein samples that were not treated with amylase served as a negative control while
His-tagged recombinant human GN-1 (kindly donated by Dr. Roach, Indiana University) was
used as a positive control. GN-1 was quantified using Scion Image Beta 4.02 (Scion
Corporation, Frederick, Maryland) and results were expressed relative to the first biopsy (0 min).
Results were normalized by blotting for α-actin.
Blood Glucose and Insulin
Blood samples were separated into two aliquots, one 3 ml sample was transferred to a
non-heparinized tube where it was allowed to clot. Serum was then extracted and stored for the
measurement of serum insulin. Insulin measurements were determined using the
radioimmunoassay method (Coat-a-Count, DPC). The second aliquot (100 ul) of whole blood
was added to
500 µl of 0.6 M perchloric acid and centrifuged, and the supernatant
was stored at -
20°C for glucose analysis.
Statistical Analysis
Data are presented as means ± SEM. A one-way repeated measures ANOVA test was
used to establish differences in GN-1 activity, GN-1 mRNA expression and PG, MG, G
, plasma
glucose and insulin between time points. Significant differences were located by a Tukey post-
hoc test for these measurements. Data for GN-1 protein content and specific activity was
analyzed by a one-way ANOVA. Significant differences for this test were determined by Dunn’s
post-hoc analysis. Differences were considered significant at p<0.05.
Muscle Glycogen Concentration and Resynthesis.
Concentrations of G
t, PG and MG for all time points are shown in Figure 1. At time 0,
total glycogen level was 59 ± 12 mmol glucosyl units/kg dw. PG was the only form to have a
significant increase over the first 2 h with the most rapid resynthesis occurring in the first 30 min
of recovery when it had a net synthesis rate that was approximately four times that of MG
(Figure 2). PG accounted for 77% of G
at time 0 and this declined to 68% of G
at 300 min of
recovery. At all time points PG concentration showed a significant increase (p<0.05) from time 0
while MG did not increase until 300 min. PG and MG concentrations were significantly different
from each other at all time points (Figure 1) (p<0.05). Net rates of PG, MG and Gt resynthesis
(mmol glucosyl units/kg dw/min) are depicted in Figure 2. As expected from previous studies
(2,6), the rate of PG resynthesis exceeded that of MG. The rate of PG synthesis declined
between the first period (0-30 min) and subsequent time periods (30-120 and 120-300 min)
(p<0.05), while the rate of MG synthesis remained unchanged. Gt resynthesis decreased
significantly (p<0.05) between the 0-30 min and 30-120min with resynthesis declining from
2.0±0.5 to 0.6±0.1 mmol glucosyl units/kg dw/min (p<0.05).
GN-1 Activity.
Results of GN-1 activity measurements are summarized in Figure 3. GN-1 activity
ranged from 23 to 137 mU/mg protein/min with the lowest activity occurring at time 0. GN-1
activity more than doubled from 0 to 30 min (p<0.05) when the PG rate was maximal and
remained elevated from 30 to 300 min. Muscle glycogen synthase has been shown to translocate
to the cytoskeleton when glycogen concentrations decrease (24). To exclude that the low GN-1
activity at 0 min was due to loss of GN-1 in the discarded myofibrillar pellet when preparing
muscle lysates, the pellet and supernatant from 12 independent biopsy samples from a similar
study were analyzed for GN-1 protein and activity (unpublished observations, R. Wilson). These
preliminary data indicate that there is no translocation of GN-1 from the supernatant to the
myofibrillar pellet when glycogen concentration was low. The relation between GN-1 activity
and PG and MG concentration are depicted in Figure 4.
GN-1 mRNA and Protein.
To test for the presence of deglycosylated GN-1 at time 0, all samples were treated with
and without α-amlyase. GN-1 mRNA for the 30, 120 and 300 min biopsies are expressed
relative to the first biopsy (0 min) that was set at an arbitrary value of 1 (Figure 5). Significant
increases in GN-1 mRNA occurred at 120 min post-exercise while increases in protein were
detectable at 300 min (p<0.05). No GN-1 protein was detected on untreated samples despite
ample protein present upon amylase treatment (Figure 5). GN-1 specific activity, a measure of
the enzyme’s activity per unit of protein increased at 120 min compared to 0 (p<0.05)(Figure 6).
Sequencing of GN-1 and α-Actin bands obtained from gels confirmed that they were
expected products (Data not shown).
Blood Glucose and Insulin.
Blood glucose was 3.42 ± 0.18 mM following exercise (0 min) and only increased to 5.15
± 0.33 mM at 30 min despite repeated ingestion of carbohydrate every h. At 120 and 300 min
post-exercise, blood glucose levels were 4.92 ± 0.25 and 3.59 ± 0.20 mM respectively (p<0.05).
Insulin levels were low at exhaustion (1.9 ± 0.37 µU/ml), and peaked at 120 min where mean
insulin values were 31.6 ± 6.4 µU/ml (p<0.05).
During glycogen resynthesis, there are two ways to augment glycogen stores: increase the
size of existing glycogen granules or initiate the formation of new glycogen granules. In the first
scenario, the number of granules in skeletal muscle remains constant as existing granules grow
larger, requiring no new GN-1 protein. Such a change would ultimately be accompanied by
declines in PG and an increase in MG. Conversely, when new glycogen granules are formed it
would result in an increase in PG, a slow increase or no change in MG and would require
additional, functional GN-1 protein. Here we present data to support the second hypothesis, that
during the early phases of glycogen repletion, new (PG) granules are formed. This process is
likely initiated during exercise itself and is facilitated by the upregulation of both GN-1 mRNA
and protein. Only once glycogen granule numbers reach a critical threshold mass do glycogen
granules appear to get larger, or make the transition from PG to MG. These results provide new
insight into the mechanism of glycogen granule formation and repletion in skeletal muscle in the
post-exercise period.
In the present study, GN-1 mRNA levels more than doubled within 2 h post-exercise.
While we can not distinguish whether these changes resulted from increases in the rate of gene
transcription or mRNA stability, the 70% increase in GN-1 protein levels at 300 min post-
exercise suggests the a portion of the GN-1 mRNA was translated into functional protein.
Further evidence of new GN-1 protein synthesis lies in the measurement of GN-1 activity, a
measure of the protein’s self-glycosylating ability. Results show GN-1 activity to double at 30
min compared to levels seen at exhaustion and to remain elevated for the duration of the study.
GN-1 mRNA levels likely increase to replenish GN-1 stores as the protein appears to be
inactivated or degraded upon glycogen granule catabolism (29,30). This observation was
substantiated by the absence of deglycosylated GN-1 at exhaustion. If deglycosylated GN-1 were
present, then it would most likely appear at this time point when glycogen concentration and
granule numbers were at their lowest. While it may appear to be a wasteful biological strategy
to destroy GN-1 and shortly afterwards resynthesize it, it could be problematic to have a free,
self-glycosylating protein present in skeletal muscle during exercise, competing with glycolysis
for glucose residues.
While changes in GN-1 mRNA seen in this study are not as large as some other
metabolic genes in the post-exercise period (26), increases in GN-1 protein would not have to be
large to facilitate large gains in glycogen concentration. A small number of GN-1 molecules
could store a large amount of glycogen, especially if the granules increase to MG that can
contain up to 55 000 glucosyl residues per granule (22,23). To date, little is known about the
regulation of GN-1 gene transcription although examination of the GN-1 gene shows that it
contains several binding sites for developmental, cell-type-specific and muscle-specific
transcription factors in its promoter region (31). However, it is clear that there is coordinate
regulation of genes involved in metabolism in response to exercise induced glycogen depletion.
Increases in the mRNA of GLUT-4, hexokinase II, interleukin-6, citrate synthase, pyruvate
dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4), uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3), FAT/CD36 and FABPpm all
occur during or within 4 hours post-exercise (16,17,25,27). In addition, levels of mRNA for
some of these proteins appear to vary with glycogen concentration suggesting that glycogen
itself or some related protein may promote metabolic gene transcription (25). These findings
suggest that there may be a factor released/activated upon glycogen granule degradation that
coordinately regulates genes involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The nature of this
factor or signal has yet to be elucidated, however, one such factor may be the AMP-activated
protein kinase (AMPK), the activity of which has been shown to be glycogen dependent
(9,12,32) and able to activate gene transcription (10,14,33).
The sequential creation of new glycogen granules is supported by the analysis of PG and
MG in the present study. PG and MG resynthesis during the first 30 min of recovery
demonstrated the net rate of PG resynthesis to be 4 times that of MG. From 30 - 120 min PG was
synthesized 1.7 times faster than MG, while in the last time period (120-300 min), PG and MG
synthesis were much more modest and very comparable (0.33 for PG and 0.32 mmol glucosyl
units/kg dw/min for MG). Therefore, it appears that the early and rapid increase in PG reflects
new glycogen granule formation while the latter increase in MG may represent a slower
replenishment of the outer tiers of existing molecules, or the transition of PG to MG. These
results are consistent with previous reports showing that PG is the predominant form of
glycogen synthesized early in recovery (2,6,15). Using biochemical measurements of PG and
MG in human skeletal muscle, we have shown that PG accumulation is the initial event during
glycogen resynthesis (0-4 h) followed by increases in MG (4-24 h)(2). This data is consistent
with the findings of Elsner and colleagues (11) who have demonstrated a doubling of glycogen
concentration in the early phases of glycogen resynthesis yet no increase in glycogen granule
size in cultured rat myotubes using radiolabeled glucose. These findings have also been
confirmed visually using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), a technique that allows the
quantification of granule size, number and subcellular distribution (20). Specifically, results
show a 90 and 186% increase in glycogen granule number (0-4 h) in the subsarcolemmal and
myofibrillar areas, yet a nonsignificant increase in granule size. In the subsequent time period
(4-24 h), the opposite trend was observed with no increase in granule number, yet a large
augmentation (160%) of glycogen granule size. Taken together, the results of this and previous
studies clearly demonstrate glycogen resynthesis is a highly ordered, sequential process that
involves new glycogen granule formation followed by a transition to making existing granules
The finding that GN-1 activity was elevated from 0 to 30 min of recovery while GN-1
mRNA and protein content had not yet increased suggests that GN-1 activity may be regulated
by covalent or other modifications. Recent work suggests that both protein-protein dimerization
and accessory proteins may be involved. Work in cell culture by Lin et al. (19) has shown that
GN-1 catalyzes glycosylation by an inter-subunit reaction between two GN-1 molecules as well
as an independent, singular protein. This interaction may be a point of regulation as there is a
significant decrease in the self-glycosylating ability of GN-1 when concentrations are low (19).
At the lowest GN-1 levels seen in the present study (time 0), glycogen resynthesis occurred
rapidly suggesting that there was enough protein available for inter-subunit interactions.
Additional regulation of GN-1 may be imparted by the recently discovered GN-1 interacting
proteins (GNIP). These small proteins are expressed in skeletal muscle and stimulate GN-1
glycoslyation. Although the roles of GNIP are unclear, they may be involved in the regulation of
glycogen granule initiation (28). Specifically, they may influence the ability of GN-1 to
glycosylate by imparting conformational changes in the protein, thus imposing an additional
site(s) of regulation.
By examining GN-1 mRNA, protein, and activity in conjunction with PG and MG
concentrations, this study provides novel data regarding glycogen granule formation in skeletal
muscle. The results show that during recovery from prolonged exhaustive exercise , GN-1
mRNA, protein content and activity increase in skeletal muscle in a similar time frame to other
metabolic genes. Together, these events may facilitate rapid glycogen resynthesis by providing
the GN-1 backbone of PG, the major component of glycogen synthesized in early recovery.
This study was supported by The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC), Gatorade Sport Science Institute, the Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre, the
Danish Science and Medical Research Council, the Novo-Nordisk Foundation and the Danish
Diabetes Foundation. Jane Shearer was supported by an Industrial NSERC scholarship sponsored
by Gatorade Sport Science Institute. The technical assistance Lori Knoll and Premila Sathasivam
was much appreciated. The authors also wish to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Mark
Tarnopolsky (McMaster University) whose laboratory was instrumental in establishing
techniques for the quantification of the glycogenin mRNA. Antibodies for the detection of
glycogenin were kindly donated by Dr. Peter Roach from Indiana University.
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Figure Legends
Figure 1 – Resynthesis of human skeletal muscle glycogen during recovery from exhaustive
exercise. Bars represent proglycogen, macroglycogen and total glycogen concentration. At
300min, there were significant increases in all types of glycogen. Data is presented as means
±SEM, n=8 muscle biopsies per time point or 32 samples in total. Within a type of glycogen,
bars with different letters indicate significant differences between time intervals (p<0.05). Pro-
and macroglycogen were significantly different (p<0.05) at all time points measured.
Figure 2 – Net rates of proglycogen, macroglycogen and total glycogen synthesis during the time
intervals 0-30, 30-120, and 120-300 min in human muscle biopsy samples following exhaustive
exercise. Rates of total glycogen synthesis were greatest in the initial period (0-30min). Values
represent means ±SEM, n=8 muscle biopsies per time point or 32 samples in total. *Indicates a
significant difference (p<0.05) between PG and MG within a time point.
Figure 3 – Glycogenin activity (mU/mg protein/min) during recovery from exhaustive exercise
in human skeletal muscle biopsy samples. Following exhaustive exercise, glycogenin activity, a
measure of the ability of the protein to glycosylate was determined. Results show an increase in
glycogenin activity as time and glycogenin concentration increase. Data represent means ±SEM,
n=7-8 samples per time point, 30 samples in total. *Indicates a significant difference (p<0.05)
between time points.
Figure 4 – Glycogenin activity in relation to proglycogen and macroglycogen concentration in
human muscle biopsy samples obtained following exhaustive exercise. The y-axis shows
glycogenin concentration while the x-axis depicts glycogenin activity, a measure of the ability of
the protein to glycosylate. Results show a positive correlation between activity and both PG and
MG. Data represent means ±SEM, n=7-8 samples per time point, 30 samples in total as
represented by each point on the graph.
Figure 5 - Top Panel (A) - Relative glycogenin mRNA and protein levels following exhaustive
exercise in human skeletal muscle. Closed bars represent mRNA levels while open bars
represent protein content as measured by Western blotting. Data represent means ±SEM. For
mRNA, graphs represent 7-8 samples per time point or 30 muscle samples in total. For
glycogenin protein, graphs represent n=7,5,3,3 samples per time point for 0, 30, 120, 300 min
respectively or 20 biopsies in total. *Indicates a significant difference from time 0 within a
measurement (p<0.05). Below the graph in panel A are representative blots of glycogenin
mRNA, β-actin mRNA (control), and glycogenin protein content. Bottom Panel (B) -
Representative western blot of glycogenin protein treated with and without α-amylase. Lane 1:
Untreated sample (time 0), Lane 2: glycogenin protein from Lane 1 treated with α-amylase (time
0). Lane 3: Positive His-tagged recombinant human glycognein protein (+ control). Results
show glycogenin protein is undetectable when untreated.
Figure 6 – Specific glycogenin activity (glycosylating ability) normalized to glycogenin protein
content (Western blotting) in human muscle biopsy samples during recovery. Data represent
glycogenin activity (mU/mg protein/min) divided by relative protein from Western blotting and
are presented as means ±SEM, n=7,5,3,3 samples per time point for 0, 30, 120, 300 min
respectively or 20 biopsies in total. *Indicates a significant difference from Time =0 (p<0.05).
Figure 1
Time (min)
mmol glucosyl units/kg dw
Total Glycogen
Figure 2
Time (min)
0-30 30-120 120-300
Total Glycogen
mmol glucosyl units/kg dw/min
0 30 120 300
Glycogenin Activity (mU/mg protein/min)
Post-Exericse Time (min)
Figure 3
Post-Exercise Time (min)
Figure 4
Glycogenin Activity (mU/mg protein/min)
0 20406080100120140
mmol glucosyl units/kg dw
Plot 1 Regr
Alpha amylase (+) Control
- +
GN-1 Protein
36 kDa
1 2 3
0 30 120 300
Glycogenin mRNA and Protein (Arbitrary Units)
Figure 5
0 30 120 300
Time (min)
Specific Activity (Arbitrary Units)
Figure 6
... 13,42 The regulation of glycogenin formation is not well understood, but the cellular content of glycogenin influences the rate and extent of glycogen storage. 43,44 Glycogen particles have been categorized into 2 forms based upon their size: 1) proglycogen and 2) macroglycogen. [43][44][45][46][47] Proglycogen particles comprise roughly 15% of total glycogen content, are sensitive to dietary carbohydrates, and are first to add glucose units after glycogen depletion; additional glucose units are then more slowly added to create the larger macroglycogen particles. ...
... 43,44 Glycogen particles have been categorized into 2 forms based upon their size: 1) proglycogen and 2) macroglycogen. [43][44][45][46][47] Proglycogen particles comprise roughly 15% of total glycogen content, are sensitive to dietary carbohydrates, and are first to add glucose units after glycogen depletion; additional glucose units are then more slowly added to create the larger macroglycogen particles. This observation may explain the biphasic nature of glycogen repletion: rapid for the first few hours and more slowly thereafter. ...
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The ability of athletes to train day after day depends in large part on adequate restoration of muscle glycogen stores, a process that requires the consumption of sufficient dietary carbohydrates and ample time. Providing effective guidance to athletes and others wishing to enhance training adaptations and improve performance requires an understanding of the normal variations in muscle glycogen content in response to training and diet; the time required for adequate restoration of glycogen stores; the influence of the amount, type, and timing of carbohydrate intake on glycogen resynthesis; and the impact of other nutrients on glycogenesis. This review highlights the practical implications of the latest research related to glycogen metabolism in physically active individuals to help sports dietitians, coaches, personal trainers, and other sports health professionals gain a fundamental understanding of glycogen metabolism, as well as related practical applications for enhancing training adaptations and preparing for competition.
... When increasing the amount of carbohydrate to 0.70 g·kg BM −1 ·h −1 , the authors reported no further increase in the glycogen resynthesis rate [82]. While these observations may suggest that the former rate of ingestion would maximise glycogen synthesis, a number of following studies demonstrated that increasing the rate of carbohydrate ingestion from 0.75 to 1 g·kg BM −1 ·h −1 elicits a greater glycogen synthetic response than reported previously [83][84][85][86]. Indeed, data from our laboratory indicate that the ingestion of 1.2 g·kg BM −1 ·h −1 of carbohydrate during recovery from exhaustive running increases muscle glycogen content when compared to 0.3 g·kg BM −1 ·h −1 [21]. ...
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The importance of post-exercise recovery nutrition has been well described in recent years, leading to its incorporation as an integral part of training regimes in both athletes and active individuals. Muscle glycogen depletion during an initial prolonged exercise bout is a main factor in the onset of fatigue and so the replenishment of glycogen stores may be important for recovery of functional capacity. Nevertheless, nutritional considerations for optimal short-term (3–6 h) recovery remain incompletely elucidated, particularly surrounding the precise amount of specific types of nutrients required. Current nutritional guidelines to maximise muscle glycogen availability within limited recovery are provided under the assumption that similar fatigue mechanisms (i.e., muscle glycogen depletion) are involved during a repeated exercise bout. Indeed, recent data support the notion that muscle glycogen availability is a determinant of subsequent endurance capacity following limited recovery. Thus, carbohydrate ingestion can be utilised to influence the restoration of endurance capacity following exhaustive exercise. One strategy with the potential to accelerate muscle glycogen resynthesis and/or functional capacity beyond merely ingesting adequate carbohydrate is the co-ingestion of added protein. While numerous studies have been instigated, a consensus that is related to the influence of carbohydrate-protein ingestion in maximising muscle glycogen during short-term recovery and repeated exercise capacity has not been established. When considered collectively, carbohydrate intake during limited recovery appears to primarily determine muscle glycogen resynthesis and repeated exercise capacity. Thus, when the goal is to optimise repeated exercise capacity following short-term recovery, ingesting carbohydrate at an amount of ≥1.2 g kg body mass−1·h−1 can maximise muscle glycogen repletion. The addition of protein to carbohydrate during post-exercise recovery may be beneficial under circumstances when carbohydrate ingestion is sub-optimal (≤0.8 g kg body mass−1·h−1) for effective restoration of muscle glycogen and repeated exercise capacity.
... In skeletal muscle, Glgn mRNA and protein increase together to facilitate glycogen resynthesis following prolonged intense exercise. 30 Indeed, Glgn is required to form new glycogen particles named proglycogen (Mr 400kDa), in astrocytes. 31 Thus, the induction of Glgn mRNA levels could result in an increase in number of glycogen particles in cortical astrocytes during GSD. ...
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Study Objectives The main energy reserve of the brain is glycogen, which is almost exclusively localized in astrocytes. We previously reported that cerebral expression of certain genes related to glycogen metabolism changed following instrumental sleep deprivation in mice. Here, we extended our investigations to another set of genes related to glycogen and glucose metabolism. We also compared the effect of instrumentally and pharmacologically induced prolonged wakefulness, followed (or not) by 3 hours of sleep recovery, on the expression of genes related to brain energy metabolism. Design Sleep deprivation for 6–7 hours. Setting Animal sleep research laboratory. Participants Adults OF1 mice. Interventions Wakefulness was maintained by “gentle sleep deprivation” method (GSD) or by administration of the wakefulness-promoting drug modafinil (MOD) (200 mg/kg i.p.). Measurements and Results Levels of mRNAs encoding proteins related to energy metabolism were measured by quantitative real-time PCR in the cerebral cortex. The mRNAs encoding protein targeting to glycogen (PTG) and the glial glucose transporter were significantly increased following both procedures used to prolong wakefulness. Glycogenin mRNA levels were increased only after GSD, while neuronal glucose transporter mRNA only after MOD. These effects were reversed after sleep recovery. A significant enhancement of glycogen synthase activity without any changes in glycogen levels was observed in both conditions. Conclusions These results indicate the existence of a metabolic adaptation of astrocytes aimed at maintaining brain energy homeostasis during the sleep-wake cycle.
... Early laboratory-based work from Costill and colleagues reported that isolated eccentric exercise (29) or exhaustive running (14) was associated with reduced rates of muscle glycogen restoration during 24 and 72 h of postexercise (97). A "modified" protocol of high-CHO intake and exercise taper, deleting the depletion phase, was found to be similarly successful in athletes in the latter study (96). More recent work suggests that the supercompensation occurs in 24 -48 h of taper and high-CHO intake in well-trained individuals (25). ...
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Since the pioneering studies conducted in the 1960s in which glycogen status was investigated utilizing the muscle biopsy technique, sports scientists have developed a sophisticated appreciation of the role of glycogen in cellular adaptation and exercise performance, as well as sites of storage of this important metabolic fuel. While sports nutrition guidelines have evolved during the past decade to incorporate sport-specific and periodized manipulation of carbohydrate (CHO) availability, athletes attempt to maximise muscle glycogen synthesis between important workouts or competitive events so that fuel stores closely match to the demands of the prescribed exercise. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors that enhance or impair this biphasic process. In the early post-exercise period (0-4 h), glycogen depletion provides a strong drive for its own resynthesis, with the provision of carbohydrate (CHO; ~ 1 g/kg body mass [BM]) optimizing this process. During the later phase of recovery (4-24 h), CHO intake should meet the anticipated fuel needs of the training/competition, with the type, form and pattern of intake being less important than total intake. Dietary strategies that can enhance glycogen synthesis from sub-optimal amounts of CHO or energy intake are of practical interest to many athletes; in this scenario, the co-ingestion of protein with CHO can assist glycogen storage. Future research should identify other factors that enhance the rate of synthesis of glycogen storage in a limited time-frame, improve glycogen storage from a limited CHO intake or increase muscle glycogen supercompensation.
... Uptake of fatty acids (FA), similar as in case of glucose, depends on a transmembrane transporter (FAT/CD36) that is stored in cytosolic vesicles and translocated to the plasma membrane after AMPK activation (van Oort et al., 2009;, thus increasing FA uptake (Shearer et al., 2004(Shearer et al., , 2005. It is unknown whether AMPK acts directly on CD36 or indirectly as is the case of regulation of glucose uptake. ...
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a central energy sensor and regulator of cellular energy state, but the AMPK signaling network is still incompletely understood. Two earlier non-biased screens for AMPK interaction partners and substrates performed in the laboratory identified several candidate proteins, but functional and physiological roles remained unclear. Here we characterized the functional relationship of AMPK with four different protein interaction partners: gluthatione S-transferases (GSTP1 and GSTM1), fumarate hydratase (FH), an E3 ubiquitin-ligase (NRDP1), and vesicle-associated membrane proteins (VAMP2 and VAMP3). Each of these interaction partners seems to have a different function in AMPK signaling, either acting up- or down-stream of AMPK. GSTP1 and GSTM1 can contribute to AMPK activation by facilitating S-glutathionylation of AMPK under mildly oxidative conditions. This non-canonical regulation suggests AMPK as a sensor of cellular redox state. Mitochondrial FH was identified as the only clear AMPK downstream substrate, but surprisingly the phosphorylation site is present in the mitochondrial targeting prepeptide, possibly affecting mitochondrial import. NRDP1, whose expression as a full-length soluble protein was achieved here for the first time, is phosphorylated by AMPK only at low levels. The interaction does neither serve for AMPK ubiquitinylation, but rather affects NRDP1 turnover. Finally, interaction of VAMP2/3 with AMPK does not involve phosphorylation or activation events of one of the partners. Instead, we propose VAMP2/3 as scaffolding proteins that recruit AMPK to exocytotic vesicles which could favor phosphorylation of vesicular AMPK substrates for exocytosis. Collectively, our results add some new elements to the AMPK signaling network, suggesting that it is much more complex than anticipated. In addition to upstream kinases and downstream substrates, regulation of AMPK signaling occurs by secondary protein modifications other than phosphorylation, by effects on protein turnover, and probably also by specific subcellular recruitment of AMPK.
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Aim: This research examines the role of nutrition, particularly carbohydrate consumption, in optimizing athletic performance and post-exercise recovery. Method: A systematic review of relevant literature was conducted, encompassing various study types such as meta-analyses, systematic reviews, case reports, editorials, original research articles, and abstracts. Databases including PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, Taylor & Francis, and Google Scholar were comprehensively searched. The review adhered to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, utilizing a narrative synthesis approach due to the heterogeneity of collected data. Results: Carbohydrates emerged as a vital energy source for athletic performance. Adequate carbohydrate intake, appropriate timing, and nutrient composition were found to be critical for maintaining muscle glycogen levels during intense physical activity. Sports nutrition practices, such as high-carbohydrate diets and carbohydrate intake during exercise, have implications for athletes’ immune system status. Low glycemic-index carbohydrates exhibited benefits in endurance sports by promoting fat oxidation and reducing glucose oxidation. Gender-specific dietary guidelines were recommended to address substrate utilization differences during exercise. Conclusion: Nutrition, particularly carbohydrate consumption, significantly influences athletic performance and post-exercise recovery. The study underscores the importance of individualized nutrition plans, considering nutrient timing and composition, to optimize performance and overall well-being. Further research is needed to address limitations and establish conclusive evidence on the relationship between carbohydrate intake, recovery, and athletic performance. Overall, the research provides valuable insights for athletes, coaches, and practitioners aiming to enhance performance through effective nutritional strategies.
New findings: What is the central question of this study? Glycogen supercompensation following glycogen-depleting exercise can be achieved by consuming a carbohydrate-enriched diet, but the associated effects on the size, number and localization of intramuscular glycogen particles is unknown. What is the main finding and its importance? Using transmission electron microscopy to visually inspect individual glycogen particles, we show that glycogen supercompensation is achieved by increasing the number of particles while keeping them at submaximal sizes. This may be a strategy to ensure that glycogen particles can be utilised fast as too large particles may impair utilisation rate. Abstract: Glycogen supercompensation following glycogen-depleting exercise can be achieved by consuming a carbohydrate-enriched diet, but the associated effects on the size, number and localization of intramuscular glycogen particles is unknown. We investigated how a glycogen loading protocol affects fibre type-specific glycogen volume density, particle diameter and numerical density in three subcellular pools: between (intermyofibrillar) or within (intramyofibrillar) the myofibrils or beneath the sarcolemma (subsarcolemmal). Resting muscle biopsies from 11 physically active men were analysed using transmission electron microscopy after mixed (MIX), LOW, or HIGH carbohydrate consumption separated by glycogen lowering cycling at 75% of V̇O2 max until exhaustion. After HIGH, the total volumetric glycogen content was 40% [95% CI 16;68] higher than after MIX in type 1 fibres (P<0.001) with little to no difference in type 2 fibres (9% [-9;27]). Median particle diameter was 22.5 (IQR 20.8;24.7) nm across glycogen pools and fibre types, while the numerical density was 61% [25;107] and 40% [9;80] higher in the subsarcolemmal (P<0.001) and intermyofibrillar (P<0.01) pools of type 1 fibres, respectively, with little to no difference in the intramyofibrillar pool (3% [-20;32]). In LOW, total glycogen was in the range of 21-23% lower, relative to MIX, in both fibre types reflected in a 21-46% lower numerical density across pools. Compared to MIX, particle diameter was unaffected by other diets ([-1.4;1.3] nm). In conclusion, glycogen supercompensation after prolonged cycling is exclusive to type 1 fibres, predominantly in the subsarcolemmal pool, and involves an increase in the numerical density rather than the size of existing glycogen particles. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Key points: While several studies have investigated the effects of exercise training in human skeletal muscle and the chronic effect of β2 -agonist treatment in rodent muscle, their effects on muscle proteome signature with related functional measures in humans are still incompletely understood. Herein we show that daily β2 -agonist treatment attenuates training-induced enhancements in exercise performance and maximal oxygen consumption, and alters muscle proteome signature and phenotype in trained young men. Daily β2 -agonist treatment abolished several of the training-induced enhancements in muscle oxidative capacity and caused a repression of muscle metabolic pathways; furthermore, β2 -agonist treatment induced a slow-to-fast twitch muscle phenotype transition. The present study indicates that chronic β2 -agonist treatment confounds the positive effect of high intensity training on exercise performance and oxidative capacity, which is of interest for the large proportion of persons using inhaled β2 -agonists on a daily basis, including athletes. Abstract: Although the effects of training have been studied for decades, data on muscle proteome signature remodelling induced by high intensity training in relation to functional changes in humans remains incomplete. Likewise, β2 -agonists are frequently used to counteract exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, but the effects β2 -agonist treatment on muscle remodelling and adaptations to training are unknown. In a placebo-controlled parallel study, we randomly assigned 21 trained men to 4 weeks of high intensity training with (HIT+β2 A) or without (HIT) daily inhalation of β2 -agonist (terbutaline, 4 mg dose-1 ). Of 486 proteins identified by mass-spectrometry proteomics of muscle biopsies sampled before and after the intervention, 32 and 85 were changing (false discovery rate (FDR) ≤5%) with the intervention in HIT and HIT+β2 A, respectively. Proteome signature changes were different in HIT and HIT+β2 A (P = 0.005), wherein β2 -agonist caused a repression of 25 proteins in HIT+β2 A compared to HIT, and an upregulation of 7 proteins compared to HIT. β2 -Agonist repressed or even downregulated training-induced enrichment of pathways related to oxidative phosphorylation and glycogen metabolism, but upregulated pathways related to histone trimethylation and the nucleosome. Muscle contractile phenotype changed differently in HIT and HIT+β2 A (P ≤ 0.001), with a fast-to-slow twitch transition in HIT and a slow-to-fast twitch transition in HIT+β2 A. β2 -Agonist attenuated training-induced enhancements in maximal oxygen consumption (P ≤ 0.01) and exercise performance (6.1 vs. 11.6%, P ≤ 0.05) in HIT+β2 A compared to HIT. These findings indicate that daily β2 -agonist treatment attenuates the beneficial effects of high intensity training on exercise performance and oxidative capacity, and causes remodelling of muscle proteome signature towards a fast-twitch phenotype.
This review considers aspects of the optimal nutritional strategy for recovery from prolonged moderate to high intensity exercise Dietary carbohydrate represents a central component of post-exercise nutrition Therefore carbohydrate should be Ingested as early as possible in the post-exercise period and at frequent (i e 15- to 30-minute) intervals throughout recovery to maximize the rate of muscle glycogen resynthesis Solid and liquid carbohydrate supplements or whole foods can achieve this aim with equal effect but should be of high glycaemic index and Ingested following the feeding schedule described above at a rate of at least 1 g/kg/h in order to rapidly and sufficiently increase both blood glucose and insulin concentrations throughout recovery Adding >= 0 3 g/kg/h of protein to a carbohydrate supplement results in a synergistic increase in insulin secretion that can, in some circumstances, accelerate muscle glycogen resynthesis Specifically, if carbohydrate has not been ingested in quantities sufficient to maximize the rate of muscle glycogen resynthesis, the inclusion of protein may at least partially compensate for the limited availability of ingested carbohydrate Some studies have reported improved physical performance with ingestion of carbohydrate protein mixtures, both during exercise and during recovery prior to a subsequent exercise test While not all of the evidence supports these ergogenic benefits, there is clearly the potential for improved performance under certain conditions, e g if the additional protein increases the energy content of a supplement and/or the carbohydrate fraction is ingested at below the recommended rate The underlying mechanism for such effects may be partly due to increased muscle glycogen resynthesis during recovery, although there is varied support for other factors such as an increased central drive to exercise, a blunting of exercise-induced muscle damage, altered metabolism during exercise subsequent to recovery or a combination of these mechanisms
The content and structure of glycogen in hepatocytes of normal and cirrhotic rat liver were examined at different time intervals after glucose administration to starving animals. We used an original cytofluorimetric method for detection and quantification of proglycogen (PG) and macroglycogen (MG) of isolated hepatocytes. The method is based on the use of reagents of the Schiff type with different spectral characteristics. The content of MG in hepatocytes of control rats was increased by 52% (p < 0.01) as early as after 10 min. The MG content in the cirrhotic liver cells was increased by 43% (p < 0.05) only 20 min after glucose administration to the starving animals. The correlation coefficient between MG content and the total glycogen content at various stages of glycogenesis in rats of both groups was from 0.90 to 0.99 (p < 0.001). Increase in the PG content in hepatocytes of control rats was observed in intervals of 10-30 and 45-75 min. The PG content in cirrhosis was increased only in 60 min after the beginning of glycogenesis, but in 120 min it was 1.5 times higher than the control values (p < 0.001). The correlation coefficients between PG and the total glycogen content in the cells were on average 0.86 (p < 0.001) and 0.77 (p < 0.001) in the control and experimental groups, respectively. Thus, the change in the total glycogen content in hepatocytes of normal and cirrhotic liver are associated mainly with changes in the MG level. The contribution of PG was most significant in normal liver at the beginning of glycogenesis (10-30 min); in cirrhotic liver, at later stages (75-120 min).
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A new method of total RNA isolation by a single extraction with an acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform mixture is described. The method provides a pure preparation of undegraded RNA in high yield and can be completed within 4 h. It is particularly useful for processing large numbers of samples and for isolation of RNA from minute quantities of cells or tissue samples.
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A new method of total RNA isolation by a single extraction with an acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform mixture is described. The method provides a pure preparation of undegraded RNA in high yield and can be completed within 4 h. It is particularly useful for processing large numbers of samples and for isolation of RNA from minute quantities of cells or tissue samples.
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Glycogenin is the autocatalytic, self-glucosylating protein that initiates glycogen synthesis in muscle and other tissues. We have sequenced the cDNA for rabbit muscle glycogenin and expressed and purified the protein in high yield as well as two mutant proteins in which Phe or Thr replaces Tyr-194, the site of glucosylation. While the wild-type protein can self-glucosylate, the mutants cannot, but all three utilize alternative acceptors by intermolecular glucose transfer for which the mutants have altered specificity. Tyr-194 is therefore not essential for the catalytic activity of glycogenin. All three proteins also hydrolyze UDP-glucose to glucose at rates comparable with the rate of self-glucosylation. The hydrolysis is competitive with glucose transfer to p-nitrophenyl alpha-maltoside. Self-glucosylation, glucosylation of other acceptors, and hydrolysis all appear to be catalyzed by the same active center. In the absence of peptidase inhibitors, the homogenous recombinant proteins of M(r) 37,000 break down to equally active species having M(r) 32,000. The kinetics of self-glucosylation catalyzed by the wild-type enzyme suggest that the reaction could be intermolecular rather than, as previously reported, intramolecular. The wild-type recombinant enzyme and native muscle glycogenin, which is phosphorylated, are inhibited quite differently by ATP at physiological concentration.
• The influence of muscle glycogen content on glycogen synthase (GS) localization and GS activity was investigated in skeletal muscle from male Wistar rats. • Two groups of rats were obtained, preconditioned with a combination of exercise and diet to obtain either high (HG) or low (LG) muscle glycogen content. The cellular distribution of GS was studied using subcellular fractionation and confocal microscopy of immunostained single muscle fibres. Stimulation of GS activity in HG and LG muscle was obtained with insulin or contractions in the perfused rat hindlimb model. • We demonstrate that GS translocates from a glycogen-enriched membrane fraction to a cytoskeleton fraction when glycogen levels are decreased. Confocal microscopy supports the biochemical observations that the subcellular localization of GS is influenced by muscle glycogen content. GS was not found in the nucleus. • Investigation of the effect of glycogen content on GS activity in basal and insulin- and contraction-stimulated muscle shows that glycogen has a strong inhibitory effect on GS activity. Our data demonstrate that glycogen is a more potent regulator of glycogen synthase activity than insulin. Furthermore we show that the contraction-induced increase in GS activity is merely a result of a decrease in muscle glycogen content. • In conclusion, the present study shows that GS localization is influenced by muscle glycogen content and that not only basal but also insulin- and contraction-stimulated GS activity is strongly regulated by glycogen content in skeletal muscle.
About 90% of the glycogenin in skeleta muscle extracts prepared from fed, 24‐h starved or alloxan‐diabetic rabbits sedimented at 140 000xg with the glycogen/sarcovesicular fraction, from which it was released by glycogenolysis, but not by 1% SDS. Glycogenin in the glycogen/sarcovesicular fraction is therefore bound covalently to glycogen, and not associated (covalently or non‐covalently) with the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The same proportion of glycogen synthase was also recovered in the glycogen/sarcovesicle fraction, was solubilised by glycogenolysis, and copurified with glycogenin to yield a heterodimer composed of a 1:1 complex between these proteins. Glycogen synthase and glycogenin are therefore present in equimolar amounts in skeletal muscle and there is an average of one glycogen synthase catalytic subunit associated with each molecule of glycogen in vivo . Glycogenin and glycogen synthase released into the muscle cytosol by degradation of glycogen did not form a complex initially, and only 50% reassociation took place after storage for several hours or overnight dialysis. This suggests that the muscle cytosol may contain a factor(s) which regulates glycogen biogenesis by modulating the association of glycogenin and glycogen synthase. Only glycogen synthase that was complexed to glycogenin was capable of elongating the primer formed by incubation of glycogenin with Mn ²⁺ and micromolar concentration of UDP‐glucose, demonstrating the critical importance of this complex for glycogen biogenesis.
Using an improved method of gel electrophoresis, many hitherto unknown proteins have been found in bacteriophage T4 and some of these have been identified with specific gene products. Four major components of the head are cleaved during the process of assembly, apparently after the precursor proteins have assembled into some large intermediate structure.
Quantitative biochemical analysis of glycogen was performed with and without perchloric acid pretreatment on biopsy specimens of varying glycogen content, obtained at rest and immediately after exercise after different diets. If analysis was carried out after perchloric acid pretreatment, as is commonly done, lower values were obtained than without such pretreatment. This could be explained by the existence of glycogen in forms of greater and lesser solubility. Evidence for this was obtained by quantitative analysis of glycogen in the perchloric acid extract. The acid soluble form in the extract constituted a greater fraction of total glycogen at supra-normal than at low concentrations. This might also explain why supra-normal levels of glycogen cannot be detected by histochemical methods. The existence of soluble and insoluble glycogen may also be of physiological importance, e.g. by interacting differently with enzymes of glycogen metabolism.
The discovery of glycogenin as a self-glucosylating protein that primes glycogen synthesis has significantly increased our understanding of the structure and metabolism of this storage polysaccharide. The amount of glycogenin will influence how much glycogen the cell can store. Therefore, the production of active glycogenin primer in the cell has the potential to be the overall rate-limiting process in glycogen formation, capable of overriding the better understood hormonally controlled mechanisms of protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation that regulate the activities of glycogen synthase and phosphorylase. There are indications that a similar covalent modification control is also being exerted on glycogenin. Glycogenin has the ability to glucosylate molecules other than itself and to hydrolyze UDPglucose. These are independent of self-glucosylation, so that glycogenin, even when it has completed its priming role and become part of the glycogen molecule, retains its catalytic potential. Another new component of glycogen metabolism has been discovered that may have even greater influence on total glycogen stores than does glycogenin. This is proglycogen, a low molecular mass (approximately 400 kDa) form of glycogen that serves as a stable intermediate on the pathways to and from depot glycogen (macroglycogen, mass 10(7) Da, in muscle). It is suggested that glycogen oscillates, according to glucose supply and energy demand, between the macroglycogen and proglycogen, but not usually the glycogenin, forms. The proportion of proglycogen to macroglycogen varies widely between liver, skeletal muscle, and heart, from 3 to 15% to 50% by weight, respectively. On a molar basis, proglycogen is greatly in excess over macroglycogen in muscle and heart, meaning that if the proglycogen in these tissues could be converted into macroglycogen, they could store much more total glycogen. Discovering the factors that regulate the balance between glycogenin, proglycogen, and macroglycogen may have important implications for the understanding and management of noninsulin-dependent diabetes and for exercise physiology.