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Every provider counts: Effect of a comprehensive public-private mix approach for TB control in a large metropolitan area in India

  • Independent Researcher
  • The Foundation for Medical Research, Mumbai, India

Abstract and Figures

Mumbai, India. To assess impact on case notification and treatment outcome of a public-private mix approach for tuberculosis (TB) control involving private providers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and public providers not previously involved in the Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP). Under the stewardship of the RNTCP, providers were allocated different roles in referral, diagnosis, treatment initiation, directly observed treatment (DOT) provision, training and supervision. Referral forms were introduced and RNTCP registers were adapted to enable monitoring of case notification by different providers and cohort analysis disaggregated by provider type. A fraction of all non-RNTCP providers had become actively involved by the end of 2003. These providers contributed 2145 new smear-positive cases in 2003, an increment of 40% above the 5397 cases detected in RNTCP facilities. The treatment success rate for new smear-positive cohorts for 2002 was 85% in RNTCP facilities, 81% in private clinics, 88% in medical colleges, 91% in NGOs and 73% in the TB hospital (where the death rate was 16%). Active involvement of some key public and private providers can increase case notification substantially while maintaining acceptable treatment outcomes. The impact can be expected to be even larger when all health providers have been involved.
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INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 9(5):562–568
© 2005 The Union
Every provider counts: effect of a comprehensive public-private
mix approach for TB control in a large metropolitan area in India
G. Ambe,* K. Lönnroth,
Y. Dholakia,
J. Copreaux,
M. Zignol,
N. Borremans,
M. Uplekar
* Mumbai Municipal Corporation, Mumbai, India;
Stop TB Department, World Health Organization, Geneva,
Universal Care Initiative for TB Control, Mumbai,
Inter Aide, Mumbai,
Médecins Sans Frontières,
Mumbai, India
SETTING: Mumbai, India.
OBJECTIVES: To assess impact on case notification and
treatment outcome of a public-private mix approach for
tuberculosis (TB) control involving private providers, non-
governmental organisations (NGOs), and public provid-
ers not previously involved in the Revised National TB
Control Programme (RNTCP).
METHODS: Under the stewardship of the RNTCP, pro-
viders were allocated different roles in referral, diagnosis,
treatment initiation, directly observed treatment (DOT)
provision, training and supervision. Referral forms were
introduced and RNTCP registers were adapted to enable
monitoring of case notification by different providers
and cohort analysis disaggregated by provider type.
RESULTS: A fraction of all non-RNTCP providers had
become actively involved by the end of 2003. These pro-
viders contributed 2145 new smear-positive cases in 2003,
an increment of 40% above the 5397 cases detected in
RNTCP facilities. The treatment success rate for new
smear-positive cohorts for 2002 was 85% in RNTCP fa-
cilities, 81% in private clinics, 88% in medical colleges,
91% in NGOs and 73% in the TB hospital (where the
death rate was 16%).
CONCLUSION: Active involvement of some key public
and private providers can increase case notification sub-
stantially while maintaining acceptable treatment out-
comes. The impact can be expected to be even larger
when all health providers have been involved.
KEY WORDS: tuberculosis; public-private mix; metro-
politan TB control; case detection
IN 2002, 69% of the world’s population was covered
by DOTS services, while only 37% of estimated new
smear-positive cases were notified and registered in
DOTS programmes.
This is only half way to the
70% case detection target for 2005.
There is cur-
rently a global quest for innovative approaches to im-
prove case detection of tuberculosis (TB). One way
forward is to actively involve all available health care
providers in DOTS expansion.
In many countries the existing public-private mix
(PPM) of health care providers has not been opti-
mally utilised for DOTS expansion. The for-profit
private sector is often poorly regulated and controlled
by the health authorities, and is therefore perceived as
being out of reach of public health programme plan-
ning and implementation. However, it seems that
many public sector providers are also out of reach of
public health programme implementation, often due
to a lack of coordination and joint central planning
between different Ministry of Health (MoH) depart-
ments as well as between the MoH and other ministries
responsible for health care provision in a variety of
sectors, such as the prison system, the armed forces,
educational systems and employee health insurance
In large cities this situation is particularly compli-
cated due to the multiplicity of private and public
providers and of authorities. TB control coordination
between city, provincial and national administrations
poses complex problems related to the hierarchy of
bureaucracies and degree of autonomy. The problem
of too many authorities and providers is compounded
by a matching multiplicity of user groups with different
TB service needs: daily wage earners, slum dwellers,
day migrants and drug users. As a consequence, there
is often poor access to a wide range of weak services
available in metropolitan areas.
This is the situation also in India, where the Revised
National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) was im-
plemented in 1992 and two thirds of the country was
covered by 2003.
In facilities implementing the
RNTCP, the treatment success rate has been consis-
tently above 80%. However, the case detection rate
was only 31% in 2002.
A contributing factor for low
Correspondence to: Dr Knut Lönnroth, TB Strategy and Operations, Stop TB Department, World Health Organization, 20 Ave-
nue Appia, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Tel: (41) 22 791 16 28. Fax: (41) 22 791 42 68. e-mail:
Article submitted 4 June 2004. Final version accepted 15 September 2004.
PPM DOTS in Mumbai 563
case detection rates under DOTS is that many patients
are treated in health facilities that are not part of the
The for-profit private health care sector treats a
large proportion of TB cases in India.
Several projects
have piloted approaches linking private providers
(PPs) to the RNTCP to improve case detection under
DOTS and to improve TB treatment quality in the
private sector. Based on documented successes in im-
proving case detection and treatment quality through
such approaches,
the RNTCP has developed strate-
gies for broader involvement of both the private
for-profit sector and non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) in TB control.
Many public health care providers also diagnose
and treat TB in an unstandardised manner outside the
RNTCP, without notifying cases. The RNTCP recently
developed strategies to involve all relevant public health
care providers in TB control. Few data are available
on the effectiveness of such approaches in India and
elsewhere. The current study assesses a strategy to in-
volve all relevant public and private health care pro-
viders in a large metropolitan area in India.
Study setting
Mumbai has a population of 12 million, of which half
live in slums.
RNTCP implementation started in 1992
and reached 100% geographical coverage in 1999.
The RNTCP is implemented through the Mumbai
District Tuberculosis Control Society (MDTCS). Mem-
bers are representatives of all stakeholders involved in
TB control, such as medical colleges, the TB Hospital,
Mumbai District AIDS Control Society, private
chest consultants, NGOs and the Maharashtra Anti-
Tuberculosis Association. The city is divided into 6
administrative zones and 24 administrative wards.
The RNTCP is implemented through 22 TB units,
112 microscopy centres and 676 treatment centres. In
2001, the RNTCP facilities in Mumbai had a cure
rate of 83%. The case notification rate was 42 new
smear-positive cases per 100 000 population in 2001,
i.e., 56% of estimated incidence based on the national
annual risk of tuberculosis infection (ARTI).
Public providers controlled by local government
include four medical colleges, 21 secondary care hos-
pitals, one TB hospital, 26 maternity homes, 163 mu-
nicipal dispensaries and 176 urban health posts. Many
other health institutions are run by the State Govern-
ment, Central Government, Railways, Employees State
Insurance Scheme (ESIS), Port Trust and defence
There are about 50 large private hospitals, 2000
nursing homes, and 8000–10 000 individual PPs prac-
ticing allopathic (modern), Ayurvedic, homeopathic
and Unani systems of medicine. The TB case load is
high, and TB management practices have previously
been very poor.
The numerous local NGOs in Mumbai play a role
in providing services for underprivileged TB patients
in the slums and integration into targeted communi-
ties. With the introduction of the RNTCP, many NGOs
have shifted their role towards social activities.
The intervention
The intervention was aimed at involving all relevant
providers in the RNTCP by identifying suitable roles
in DOTS delivery for various providers (Table 1).
MDTCS/RNTCP was responsible for setting standards
of care and for overall coordination, supervision,
quality control, monitoring and evaluation. Develop-
ment of tools for improving the referral and informa-
tion systems, sensitisation of providers, training and
field supervision was carried out in collaboration with
three NGOs: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Univer-
sal Care Initiative for TB Control (UCITC) and Inter
Aide. Funding was from the RNTCP, with support
from the World Health Organization (WHO), while the
NGOs contributed staff time. All providers were in-
structed to follow the RNTCP guidelines. Drugs were
delivered by the RNTCP to facilities acting as directly
observed treatment (DOT) providers (DOT was pro-
vided thrice weekly in health care facilities). No fi-
nancial incentives were used. Non-financial incen-
tives for PPs included access to continuing medical
education free of charge, and access to free sputum
microscopy and quality-assured anti-tuberculosis drugs
for TB patients.
Involving additional public providers
After initial reluctance to implement the RNTCP, the
four medical colleges in Mumbai agreed to open
RNTCP out-patient departments run by chest physi-
cians working in close liaison with all relevant hospi-
tal departments. A core committee was established
under the chairmanship of the Dean in each medical
Table 1 Role division of different provider types in Mumbai
PPM initiative for improved DOTS implementation
hospitals NGOs
drug supply,
surveillance X
monitoring X X
Referral of suspects X X X X
Diagnosis X X X
Treatment initiation X X
DOT provision X X X X
Defaulter retrieval X
PPM public-private mix; RNTCP Revised National Tuberculosis Control
Programme; NGO non-governmental organisation; DOT directly
observed treatment.
564 The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
college for coordination and effective implementation
of RNTCP. The 1000-bed TB hospital was involved
only after purchase of RNTCP drugs was stopped by
the intervention of a higher authority. The patients di-
agnosed at this hospital were given RNTCP drugs for
in-patient treatment and were then referred to the
nearest DOT centre. ESIS hospital involvement started
at the end of 2003 after the intervention of the secre-
tary of State Ministry of Labour, followed by regular
meetings with the ESIS director. Also at the end of
2003, the Railway Ministry issued directives to im-
plement the RNTCP in all its railway hospitals and
Involving the private sector
Involvement of PPs started in zones 1 and 4 of the six
administrative zones in 2002. PPs were trained and
instructed to refer TB suspects to public microscopy
centres and act as DOT providers for patients living
close to the PP clinic. Collaboration with PPs was de-
veloped in line with RNTCP guidelines for PP involve-
which gave PPs free access to TB diagnosis
and drugs provided by the RNTCP.
PPs were mapped using lists produced by govern-
ment health posts and the local branch of the Indian
Medical Association (IMA) in zone 1 and by door-to-
door census in zone 4. In zone 1, PPs were reached
using a group approach. In collaboration with the
IMA, continuing medical education sessions were or-
ganised to inform PPs about the initiative. In zone 4,
project staff used a one-to-one approach to explain
the initiative and invite them to join the project. By
the third quarter of 2003, 785 of 1689 mapped PPs
(46%) had become actively involved in zone 4, com-
pared to 13% of PPs in zone 1. The difference was be-
lieved to be due to differences in sensitisation ap-
proaches. Given the greater participation in zone 4,
from the third quarter of 2003 the one-to-one approach
was also applied throughout zone 1, and the propor-
tion of listed PPs actively participating increased to
24% that quarter.
None of the small private hospitals/nursing homes
are yet linked to the RNTCP. Thus private sector in-
volvement is still limited to a fraction of private facil-
ities in two of the six zones.
Involving NGOs
The RNTCP now has formal collaboration with 45
partner NGOs, some of which have helped to create
an NGO forum, which serves as a platform for dis-
cussion and debate of problems and for identifying
ways of working with the RNTCP. They also help to
support high-risk TB patients such as pavement
dwellers, drug addicts and human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) positive patients by arranging DOT pro-
viders, providing nutritional and financial support
and counselling the patients.
Data collection and analysis of referrals
and case notification
Standard RNTCP recording and reporting forms and
routines were introduced in all participating PPM
DOTS health facilities. The standard laboratory reg-
ister was used to note the source of referral of patients
attending the microscopy centres.
Referral letters
and forms to be used when providing feedback to the
referring facility were designed. The type of DOT pro-
vider was noted in the TB register. These adaptations
allowed enumeration of referrals from different pro-
vider types and disaggregation of treatment outcome
for place of treatment. Historical data on RNTCP
case notification from 1999 onwards were combined
with prospective data from the start of the interven-
tion; a time series of case notification was created to
assess whether the PPM DOTS initiative was associ-
ated with a shift in the case notification trend. This
analysis was done for the whole of Mumbai, as the
catchment population for many of the targeted pro-
viders was not limited to the administrative zones,
and the presence of large institutions in some zones,
such as the medical colleges, the TB hospital and large
NGOs, made the zones non-comparable. It was thus
not possible to establish suitable non-intervention con-
trol zones. Not all patients were treated in the place
from which they had been referred, and the number
of patients evaluated in the cohort analysis is there-
fore considerably smaller than the number of patients
referred for each non-RNTCP provider category.
Besides the medical colleges, the TB hospital and the
NGOs, by the fourth quarter of 2003 a total of 1018
PPs in zones 1 and 4 had become actively involved by
referring suspects, while 187 had acted as DOT pro-
viders. Of the PPs involved, 479 practised allopathic
and 539 other medical systems.
Figure 1 New smear-positive case detection under DOTS by
referring/diagnosing provider type, Mumbai 1999–2003. TB
tuberculosis; DOT directly observed treatment; NGO non-
governmental organisation; Med medical; PP private provider;
RNTCP Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme.
PPM DOTS in Mumbai 565
In 2003, 24 620 TB cases were registered under
DOTS in Mumbai, of which 7542 (31%) were new
smear-positive cases. Of the new smear-positive cases,
5397 (72%) were self referred to the RNTCP, 509
(6.7%) were detected in the TB hospital and 485
(6.4%) in medical colleges, while PPs and NGOs had
referred respectively 614 (8.1%) and 537 (7.1%) cases.
Of the total 1733 cases diagnosed through referral by
PPs in 2003, 614 (35%) were new smear-positive cases.
There was an increase in the case notification trend
after the intervention (Figure 1). While quarterly no-
tified cases recorded as self-referrals to RNTCP facil-
ities remained relatively stable after the intervention,
the number of cases notified by the different PPM
DOTS providers increased gradually, and their total
contribution corresponded roughly to the increase in
case notification in Mumbai.
The number of suspects referred by PPs in zones 1
and 4 increased over time (Figure 2). The proportion
of those referred who were fully investigated and di-
agnosed as TB was stable, at around 60% and 40%,
respectively, throughout the study period. Almost all
of those diagnosed cases were put on DOT. The num-
ber of new smear-positive cases diagnosed through PP
referral was higher in zone 4 than in zone 1 (Figure 3).
Trend of change in case detection for all TB cases was
similar to the trend for new smear-positive cases, and
this was the case both in the whole of Mumbai as well
as in zones 1 and 4 (data not shown).
Standard RNTCP regimens were used for all regis-
tered cases regardless of DOT provider. The treat-
ment outcome for cases receiving DOT by different
provider type is shown in Table 2.
The involvement of a wide range of health care pro-
viders in different DOTS tasks was associated with an
increase in case notification, with maintained treat-
ment success. Already in 2001, the case notification in
Mumbai was 42 new smear-positive cases per 100 000,
considerably higher than the average for India in
2001 (25/100 000). The rate was 56% of national es-
timated incidence of new smear-positive TB cases in
2001 (75/100 000). In 2003, the case notification for
new smear-positive cases under DOTS increased to
61/100 000, or 81% of the national estimated inci-
dence. This indicates that the case detection rate can
be increased beyond the 70% target using the PPM
approach. However, different incidence estimates for
India have been reported in recent years. In 2001,
whereas RNTCP cited 75/100 000, the WHO cited
122/100 000;
in 2002, however, the WHO changed
to 75/100 000.
Recent tuberculin surveys have never-
Figure 2 Trend of PP referrals in zones 1 and 4. PP private
provider; RNTCP Revised National Tuberculosis Control Pro-
gramme; TB tuberculosis; DOT directly observed treatment;
Q quarter.
Figure 3 Trend of case detection of new smear-positive cases
through referral from PPs in zones 1 and 4. PP private provider;
Q quarter.
Table 2 Treatment outcome for new smear-positive cases in 2002 cohorts, by provider type*
n (%)
n (%)
n (%)
n (%)
n (%)
Cured 6067 (85) 181 (61) 43 (88) 249 (91) 131 (73)
Treatment completed 0 (0) 58 (20) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Died 352 (5) 7 (2) 0 (0) 4 (1) 29 (16)
Failure 307 (4) 15 (5) 5 (10) 10 (4) 7 (4)
Defaulter 390 (5) 35 (12) 1 (2) 12 (4) 13 (7)
Transfer out 1 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Total registrations 7117 (100) 296 (100) 49 (100) 275 (100) 180 (100)
* Only cases that received treatment from PPs, NGOs, medical colleges and TB hospital are included in the respective
cohorts. Cases referred by these providers but who received treatment in RNTCP facilities are included in the RNTCP
RNTCP Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme; PP private provider; NGO non-governmental orga-
nisation; TB tuberculosis.
566 The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
theless indicated an ARTI in urban areas in Western
India of about 2.4%,
which roughly corresponds to
an incidence of smear-positive TB of 120/100 000.
Based on this estimate, the current case detection rate
would be only about 50%. To close this gap further,
continued efforts are needed to involve all health care
providers in RNTCP implementation.
In 2003, case notification of new smear-positive
cases due to referral or diagnosis through non-RNTCP
facilities represented an increment of about 40% above
the cases detected through self-referral in RNTCP
facilities. This is no proof that the increase in the gen-
eral trend can be attributed to the intervention, as this
study did not control for trend in areas with no inter-
vention. Nevertheless, the data strongly suggest that a
broad approach to utilising the existing PPM of
health care delivery is an effective way to increase case
notification. This is in agreement with evaluations of
several other PPM initiatives, which have shown sub-
stantial increases in TB case notification after apply-
ing similar strategies to involve for-profit and not-for-
profit PPs.
Although these results are encouraging,
further studies are needed, especially on the impact of
comprehensive approaches to involve all public and
private providers in DOTS delivery. There is also a
need to further improve the use of sputum smear mi-
croscopy for treatment evaluation of sputum-positive
cases and to reduce default rates among patients
treated by PPs.
It should be emphasised that the intervention in
Mumbai has not yet peaked and numerous health
care providers are not yet involved: many large and
small private hospitals are yet to be approached; pub-
lic sector providers under ESIS and the Ministry of
Railways have only just become involved, and their
contribution is yet to be measured; and only a frac-
tion of all PPs in two of six zones have been involved.
Furthermore, about 40% of all TB suspects referred
by PPs were not fully investigated. In a small follow-
up survey with household interviews of 397 such pa-
tients (unpublished data), 138 (35%) could not be
traced; among the 259 traced patients, the most com-
mon primary reasons for not completing the diagnos-
tic process was that the patient felt better or did not
feel a need for the suggested service (178/259, 68.7%),
or that the patient had returned home to a village out-
side Mumbai (53/259, 20.5%). Only 17/259 (6.5%)
said that they preferred non-DOTS treatment with
prescribed drugs in the private sector. None mentioned
financial barrier as a main reason. These findings sug-
gest that improved information for patients at the time
of referral, and improved referral chains with provid-
ers outside Mumbai, could reduce this type of default.
Some lessons on how to initiate collaboration with
private and public providers might be identified in this
study. It seems important to involve all relevant stake-
holders in the planning of TB control. In Mumbai,
this was done through the MDTCS to create an ap-
propriate collaborative environment and a sense of
ownership among public and private health providers
and departments. Previous research has shown that it
is essential to create a good collaborative environ-
ment and invest sufficient time for local stakeholder
However, to obtain clear commitment from
some public sector providers outside the MOH, who
were initially very reluctant to collaborate, clear in-
structions and regulatory interventions were needed
from the central level. For example, involvement of
medical colleges required intervention from the De-
partment of Medical Education and Research; the TB
hospital became fully involved only when procure-
ment of anti-tuberculosis drugs by the TB hospital was
replaced by drug distribution through the RNTCP;
involvement of the ESIS started on order of the Min-
istry of Labour; and the Railway health services be-
came involved after instruction from the Ministry of
Given the common initial distrust between PPs and
NTPs, involvement of PPs needs communication to
build trust.
The public sector must be able to dem-
onstrate high technical and service quality to attract
the interest of both PPs and their patients.
wise, the PPs must demonstrate that they are capable
of managing TB according to DOTS principles to
gain trust among public sector staff. These challenges
were encountered in Mumbai, and considerable time
and resources were invested in building trust between
the RNTCP and PPs, facilitated by NGOs acting as
intermediaries. Other roles of NGOs included providing
specific input in their area of expertise, such as infor-
mation and communication, counselling and motiva-
tion of patients. For PPs, the extent of interaction at
the individual level might be more important than in the
public sector: a one-to-one approach for initial sensi-
tisation was associated with higher participation rate.
These observations indicate a need for strong coor-
dination at central level for the involvement of all rel-
evant public sector providers, while a direct, individ-
ualised approach may be more important for involving
the private sector, which is often heterogeneous, less
organised than the public sector and consists of inde-
pendently operating PPs.
This study was funded by the Stop TB Department, World Health
Organization. The authors would like to thank the staff of the Pub-
lic Health Department of the Municipal Corporation of Greater
Mumbai, all PPM project staff and all participating practitioners
and patients. We gratefully acknowledge support from Dr L S
Chauhan, Dr Leopold Blanc and Dr Mario Raviglione.
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CONTEXTE : Mumbai, Inde.
OBJECTIFS : Evaluer l’impact d’une approche combinée
publique-privée sur la déclaration des cas et les résultats du
traitement lorsque la lutte antituberculeuse implique des
pourvoyeurs de soins privés, des organisations non gover-
nementales (ONG) et des pourvoyeurs publics qui n’avaient
pas été impliqués antérieurement dans le Programme Na-
tional Révisé de Lutte Contre la Tuberculose (RNTCP).
METHODES : Sous la conduite du RNTCP, les pour-
voyeurs se sont vu attribuer des rôles différents dans le
transfert, le diagnostic, la mise en route du traitement,
l’exécution du DOTS, la formation et la supervision. Les
formulaires de référence ont été introduits et les registres
du RNTCP ont été adaptés pour permettre la surveillance
de la déclaration des cas par différents pourvoyeurs
ainsi que l’analyse des cohortes stratifiées selon le type
de pourvoyeur.
RESULTATS : Une fraction de l’ensemble des pourvoyeurs
hors RNTCP a été impliquée activement à la fin de 2003.
Ces pourvoyeurs ont contribué à 2.145 nouveaux cas à
bacilloscopie positive en 2003, une augmentation de 40%
en plus des 5.397 cas détectés dans les services du RNTCP.
Le taux de succès du traitement pour les cohortes de
nouveaux cas à bacilloscopie positive en 2002 a été de
85% dans les services RNTCP, de 81% dans les cli-
niques privées, de 88% dans les écoles de médecine, de
91% dans les ONG et de 73% à l’hôpital TB (où le taux
de mortalité a été de 16%).
CONCLUSION : Une implication active de certains pour-
voyeurs-clé du domaine public et privé peut augmenter
de manière substantielle la déclaration des cas tout en
maintenant des résultats acceptables du traitement. On
peut s’attendre à un impact encore plus grand lorsque la
totalité des pourvoyeurs de santé aura été impliquée.
OBJETIVOS : Evaluar el impacto que tendría sobre la de-
claración de los casos y el desenlace del tratamiento, la
aplicación de un programa mixto de los sectores público
y privado en la lucha contra la tuberculosis (TB), que in-
volucre proveedores privados de servicios, organiza-
ciones no gubernamentales (ONG) y proveedores públi-
cos de servicios sanitarios, no implicados previamente
en el Programa Nacional Revisado de Control de la
Tuberculosis (RNTCP).
MÉTODOS : Bajo la responsabilidad del RNTCP, se asig-
naron diferentes funciones a los proveedores de asistencia
568 The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
sanitaria, en la remisión, el diagnóstico, el comienzo
del tratamiento, el suministro del DOT, el adiestramiento
y la supervisión. Se introdujeron los formularios de re-
misión y se adaptaron los registros del RNTCP para per-
mitir la vigilancia de la notificación de los casos de los
diferentes proveedores y el análisis de cohortes, discrimi-
nadas según el tipo de proveedor.
RESULTADOS : Al final de 2003, una parte de los pro-
veedores externos al RNTCP estaba vinculada activa-
mente con el programa. Estos proveedores contribuye-
ron con 2145 casos nuevos con baciloscopia positiva en
2003, un incremento del 40%, además de los 5397 casos
detectados en los centros del RNTCP. En 2002, la tasa de
éxito del tratamiento en las cohortes de casos nuevos con
baciloscopia positiva fue del 85% en los centros del
RNTCP, del 81% en los consultorios privados, del 88% en
hospitales universitarios, del 91% en las ONG y del 73%
en el hospital de TB (cuya tasa de mortalidad fue del 16%).
CONCLUSIÓN : La vinculación activa de proveedores per-
tinentes del sector público y privado puede aumentar
considerablemente la declaración de casos, conservando
resultados aceptables del tratamiento. El impacto puede
ser aún mayor cuando se vincule la totalidad de los pro-
veedores de atención sanitaria.
... Our search yielded 20 articles and project reports evaluating 15 initiatives involving for-profit providers in eight countries (Table 1). [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38] Information on the technical assessment of quality of care mentioned above was available for all initiatives (Table 2) with the exception of one that did not report treatment results because our evaluation was done before treatment results were available. 30 The studies we reviewed included several initiatives that involved not-forprofit NGOs as intermediaries for the in-volvement of for-profit providers. ...
... These intermediary NGOs operated under an agreement with NTPs to either imple-ment all aspects of the TB programme in the designated geographical area, including interaction with for-profit providers 20,22,25 or manage certain as-pects of the interaction with for-profit private providers, such as sensitization, training, supervision, and/or monitoring of individual private providers. 30,32,35,38 Since the intermediary NGOs played a central role in these initiatives, we also partly describe the collaboration between NTPs and NGOs. ...
... These "drugs-for-performance contracts" were verbal in relation to for-profit provid-ers in most initiatives, though certifi-cates and/or signposts stating that the provider had been "accredited" by the NTP were used by some. 25,35,38 Direct monetary incentive was used in one initiative only. 28,29 In the initiatives we reviewed, none used formal competitive tenders. ...
... A number of strategies to improve case detection have been tested. These include public-private partnerships to involve the private healthcare sectors, 18 screening of high-risk populations such as people living with HIV (PLHIV) 19 and diabetes mellitus, 10 high congregation settings, 11 etc. All these have been individually successful in identifying cases; however, such a comprehensive strategy involving private healthcare providers, door-to-door screening, community awareness programs, and contact screening can be successful only where there is a well-functioning and effective public health program in place. ...
... There have been many pilot studies to involve PPs in the TB program with varying success, scaling up these projects is necessary to improve case detection and management. 18,24 Females, especially in India, usually seek care late due to fear of stigma and financial dependency. They often resort to home remedies for their symptoms. ...
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Background: Passive case finding leaves a number of tuberculosis (TB) cases unidentified which leads to increased transmission, morbidity, and mortality. Different approaches for case detection are needed to meet the End TB Strategy targets. Materials and methods: Between August 2014 and March 2016, a non-governmental organization (NGO) screened the population in two high burden areas of Mumbai through door-to-door survey, involving private practitioners, engaging community and contact surveys to identify cases early and initiate treatment for TB through a comprehensive approach to active case finding (ACF) in a community. A retrospective analysis of the data collected from this intervention was done. Results: Of 6230 symptomatic (3% of population), 3836 (61.5%) undertook tests, 652 (17%) were diagnosed with TB, and 591 (90.6%) were started on treatment. Through door-to-door survey, private practitioners, contact examination, and community engagement, 59%, 26%, 6.4%, and 8.6% cases were identified. Of these, 64% were females and 29% were of extra-pulmonary TB. Of 581 cases, 444 (76.4%) were successfully treated; 14 (2.4%) died; 7 (1.2%) failed treatment; 46 (7.9%) were drug-resistant TB; 33 (5.6%) lost to follow-up; and 37 (6.1%) were transferred out. Numbers needed to screen are 365, 11, and 20 of community, symptomatic, and household contacts, respectively. Conclusion: A comprehensive approach to active case finding identifies cases early, is feasible, and could be an effective complementary TB case detection strategy. Keywords: Active case finding, Comprehensive approach, High burden areas, India, Treatment outcomes.
... Patients also mentioned fear of prolonged treatment. Provider training and supervision contributed to significant increases in case finding in India and Ethiopia [40,42]. ...
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Background Despite the availability of free drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) care in Nigeria since 2011, the country continues to tackle low case notification and treatment rates. In 2018, 11% of an estimated 21,000 cases were diagnosed and 9% placed on treatment. These low rates are nevertheless a marked improvement from 2015 when only 3.4% were diagnosed and 2.3% placed on treatment of an estimated 29,000 cases. This study describes the Nigerian DR-TB care cascade from 2013 to 2017 and considers factors influencing gaps in care. Methods Our study utilized a mixed-method design. For the quantitative component, we utilized the national diagnosis and treatment databases, as well as the World Health Organization’s estimates for prevalence to construct a 5-year care cascade: numbers of patients at each level of DR-TB care, including incident cases, individuals who accessed testing, were diagnosed, initiated treated and completed treatment in Nigeria between 2013 and 2017. Using retrospective data for patients diagnosed in 2015, we performed the Fisher’s exact test to determine the association between patient (age and gender) and provider/patient (region- north or south) variables, permitting a closer look at the gaps in care revealed across the 5 years. Barriers to care were explored using framework thematic analysis of 57 qualitative interviews and focus group discussions with patients, including 5 cases not initiated on treatment from the 2015 cohort, treatment supporters, community members, healthcare workers and program managers in 2017. Results A 5-year analysis of cascade of care data shows significant, but inadequate, increases in overall numbers of cases accessing care. On average, between 2013 and 2017, 80% of estimated cases did not access testing; 75% of those who tested were not diagnosed; 36% of those diagnosed were not initiated on treatment and 23% of these did not finish treatment. In 2015, children and patients in Northern Nigeria had odds of 0.3 [95% CI 0.1–0.7] and 0.4 [0.3–0.5] of completing treatment once diagnosed; while males were shown to have a 1.34 [95% CI 1.0–1.7] times greater chance of completing treatment after diagnosis. The main themes from qualitative data identified barriers to care along the care cascade at individual, family and community, as well as health systems levels. At the individual level, a lack of awareness of the true cause of disease and the availability of ‘free’ care was a recurring theme. Family interference was found to be a particular challenge for children and women. At the health system level, low index of suspicion, lack of rapid diagnostic tools and human resource shortages appeared to limit patients’ access. Conclusions Any gains in diagnostic technology and shorter regimens are lost with inadequate access to DR-TB services. The biggest losses in the Nigerian cascade happen before treatment initiation. There is a need for urgent action on identified gaps in the DR-TB cascade in order to improve care continuity at multiple stages, improve health service delivery and facilitate TB control in Nigeria.
... The perception of the patient about his/her own health status is a determining factor for the patient's treatment adherence and treatment outcome [2]. Additionally, evidence suggests that public-private mix (PPM) interventions have achieved increased case notification, treatment outcomes, and patient satisfaction [3,4]. ...
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Objective: The private healthcare providers (PHCP) are believed to improve access to healthcare services in public-private mix (PPM) projects, as they are considered first point of contact for healthcare. The purpose of this study was to determine the satisfaction level of tuberculosis (TB) patients. Design: A questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study was carried out during November and December 2017 for 572 under-treatment patients registered with PHCPs in the PPM project. Lot quality assurance sampling technique was used to randomly select 19 districts from a sample frame of 75 districts. In each selected district, the data collector retrieved a TB register of 8 months (January-August 2017) and systematically selected patients by fixed periodic interval. SPSS version 24.0 (IBM Corp, Amonk, NY, USA) was used to analyze the data. Results: This study included 53% (n = 301) males and 47% (n = 271) females, with mean age of 38 years (SD, ±18). Almost half of the participants were illiterate (51%, n = 289), and 64% (n = 365) were non-earning members of the family. In practice, most of the participants visit private providers (71%, n = 407), including private hospitals/clinics (44%) and traditional practitioners (27%; n = 153); 55% of participants visited their current doctor because of the clinic's proximity to their residence. Of the participants, 82% (n = 469) were satisfied with TB care services and 85% (n = 488) said that they would recommend this clinic to others. Conclusion: PHCPs are preferred providers for individuals, which is consistent with findings of other studies. Though they are satisfied with TB care and services, interventions should be introduced to reduce the financial burden on the patient. Partnering PHCP is a way forward to ensure universal health coverage and better health outcomes of the population.
... The perception of patient about his/her own health status is a determining factor for patient's treatment adherence and treatment outcome [2]. Additionally, evidence suggests that Public Private Mix (PPM) intervention has achieved increased case notification, treatment outcome and patient satisfaction [3,4]. ...
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Objective: The private healthcare providers (PHCP) are believed to improve access to healthcare services in Public-Private Mix (PPM) projects, as they are considered first point of contact for healthcare. The purpose of this study was to know the satisfaction level of TB patients. Design: A questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study was carried out during November and December 2017 for 572 under-treatment patients registered with PHCPs in the PPM project. Lot quality assurance sampling technique was used to randomly select 19 districts from sample frame of 75 districts. In each selected district, data collector retrieved TB register of 8 months (Jan – Aug 2017) and systematically selected patients by fixed periodic interval. SPSS (version 24.0) was used to analyze the data. Results: Study included 53% (n=301) of males and 47% (n=271) of females, with mean age of 38 years (SD, ±18). Almost half of the participants were illiterate (51%, n=289) and 64% (n=365) were non-earning members of the family. In practice, most of the participants visit private providers (71%, n=407), including private hospital/clinic (44%) and traditional practitioners (27%; n=153). 55% of participants visited the current doctor because of clinic’s proximity to residence. 82% of the participants (n=469) were satisfied with the TB care services and 85% (n=488) said that they would recommend this clinic to others. Conclusion: PHCPs are preferred providers for individuals, which is consistent with findings of other studies. Though they are satisfied with TB care and services, interventions should be introduced to reduce the financial burden on the patient. Partnering PHCP is a way forward to ensure universal health coverage, health system strengthening and better health outcomes of the population.
... The present study has shown nearly 70% success in treatment outcome, whereas the study from Nigeria showed 83.7% treatment success from the private sector [8]. Another study from Mumbai showed a success rate of 81% from the private sector [9].The present study showed an LTFU of 20.98% whereas Gidado and Ejembi [8] showed an LTFU of only 5.8%. LTFU from a study in North India showed 11.5% when involving the private sector [10]. ...
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Introduction Although standardised tuberculosis (TB) treatment in India is delivered by the public sector through the Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), majority of patients in the country are treated with private anti-TB drugs. The objective of the study was to assess the treatment outcome of patients initiated on non-RNTCP regimen from a private tertiary-care centre from January to June 2016. Patients and methods A nonconcurrent cohort study was done which followed up the patients who have been initiated on private anti-TB regimen from a private tertiary-care centre in Kerala, India, during the first and second quarter of 2016. Details of further visits were sought from the hospital health management information system. A phone call interview was done with all patients, 9–12 months after treatment initiation. Results There were 81 patients who were initiated on private anti-TB regimen. Of them, 26 were of pulmonary TB and 55 were of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB). Among pulmonary TB, 17 (65.38%) cases and in EPTB, 41 (74.54%) cases had successful treatment outcome. The overall success of the non-RNTCP regimen was 71.6%. In pulmonary TB, six (23.1%) cases and in EPTB 11 (20%) cases came under lost to follow-up category. Conclusion The results calls for urgent actions to have a system in place for tracking patients initiated on private anti-TB drugs so as to ensure the standards of TB care. The national programme may further strengthen monitoring of treatment adherence in private sector with established ICT-based treatment support models.
... [3] Also, the treatment of tuberculosis by PPs is often based on regimens which are unproven and untested. [4] Various studies have shown that the PPs do not practice internationally recommended TB management practice. [5][6][7] The RNTCP was launched in 1997 and by March 2006, the entire country was covered by the programme. ...
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Background: Tuberculosis [TB] continues to be a major public health problem in India with an estimated 2.7 million new cases and approximately 2.2 million deaths in 2015.The private sector caters to more than 50% of the TB care in India. Various studies done have shown that the awareness and the knowledge of the private practitioners are not adequate. Aim: This study was done to assess the awareness and knowledge of PPs [Private Practitioners] in and around Chennai with regard to TB diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and DOTS [Directly Observed Therapy, Short-course]. Methods: Questionnaire on different aspects of tuberculosis management and DOTS was given to participants who are medical doctors and managing patients of TB and the results were analysed. Results: 41.6% suspect tuberculosis based on cough and expectoration more than 2 weeks. 60.4% preferred CXR [Chest X-ray] for diagnosis and monitoring pulmonary TB patients. There was overreliance on Mantoux and other investigations not recommended by RNTCP [Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program]. 65.3% would not screen contacts of TB patients. 76.2% would treat the patients but don't prefer DOTS. 96% of PPs had not maintained any record for the TB patients and 97% preferred daily therapy. Conclusion: Awareness and knowledge about tuberculosis and DOTS is low among PPs in and around Chennai is low. The PPs need adequate training on RNTCP/DOTS and they need to be properly motivated. The public sector needs to collaborate and coordinate with the private practitioners for better diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis patients so that it not only gives a cure for the patients but also prevents drug resistance.
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Objectives This study aimed to assess the practices of private practitioners regarding tuberculosis (TB), and to ascertain factors related to the low contribution of private healthcare providers to TB prevention and care in Nigeria. Design This is a mixed methods study comprising a quantitative retrospective review and qualitative study. Setting Private health facilities (HF) in Oyo State and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nigeria. Participants We used routinely collected data on patients with tuberculosis (TB) notified between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2018. In-depth interviews were also conducted with the clinical staff of the facilities. Primary and secondary outcome measures The study outcomes are practices of TB case notification and treatment outcome, as well as the barriers and enablers of TB notification. Results A total of 13 (11.0%) out of 118 private HF were designated as ‘engaged’ TB care facilities in Oyo State and none (0%) of the 198 private HF in the FCT held this designation. From the 214 patients with presumptive TB, 75 (35%) were diagnosed with TB, 42 (56%) had a bacteriological test done, 12 (16%) had an X-ray of the chest alone and 21 (28%) had other non-specific investigations. Most patients diagnosed were referred to a public HF, while 19 (25%) patients were managed at the private HF. Among them, 2 (10.5%) patients were treated with unconventional regimens, 4 (21%) were cured, 2 (11%) died, 3 (16%) lost to follow-up and 10 (53%) were not evaluated. The general practitioners did not have up-to-date knowledge of TB with a majority not trained on TB. Most referred patients with presumptive and confirmed TB to the public sector without feedback and were unclear regarding diagnostic algorithm and relevant tests to confirm TB. Conclusion Most private facilities were not engaged to provide TB services although with knowledge and practice gaps. The study has been used to develop plans for strategic engagement of the private sector in Nigeria.
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Rural and urban areas of Maharashtra, a large state in Western India. To understand tuberculosis (TB) management practices among private medical practitioners (PPs) and the treatment behaviour of the patients they manage. Prospective study of help-seeking patterns and treatment behaviour among 173 pulmonary TB patients diagnosed in private clinics, and the TB management practices of 122 PPs treating these patients. The first source of help for 86% of patients was a PP. The diagnostic and treatment practices of PPs were inadequate; 15% did not consider sputum examination to be necessary, and 79 different treatment regimens were prescribed by 105 reporting PPs. Sixty-seven percent of the patients diagnosed in private clinics remained with the private sector, and the rest shifted to public health services within six months of treatment. The treatment adherence rate among the patients in private clinics was 59%. There were discrepancies between the reported management practices of the PPs and what their patients actually followed. The study identifies and highlights the need to educate PPs and their TB patients, and indicates ways in which PPs could be meaningfully involved in efforts to revitalize the national TB control programme.
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Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. To assess the impact on case detection of a public-private mix (PPM) project linking private providers (PPs) to the National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP). Nine-month monitoring of referral and diagnostic data recorded in new referral forms and treatment cards for PPs and upgraded NTP registers. A total of 1549 TB suspects were referred, of whom 1090 (70%) actually went to the NTP for sputum examination. A total of 569 cases were detected through referrals or notification, of whom 45% were new sputum smear-positive cases. The case detection of new sputum smear-positive cases in PPM districts increased by 18% (21/100,000, 95%CI 0-42) compared to the previous year, while a slight decrease occurred in control districts. In HCMC as a whole, case detection increased by 7% (7/100,000, 95%CI 2-11/100,000). Among sputum smear-positive cases detected in NTP through referrals from PPs, 58% defaulted before initiating treatment. The tendency towards increased case detection associated with this PPM indicates a potential for utilising PPs to improve case detection. However, the NTP and PPs should jointly address the problem of initial default before considering expansion of this PPM model.
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Objectives: To implement and evaluate a public-private partnership to deliver the internationally recommended strategy DOTS for the control of tuberculosis (TB) in Lalitpur municipality, Nepal, where it is estimated that 50% of patients with TB are managed in the private sector. Methods: A local working group developed a public-private partnership for control of TB, which included diagnosis by private practitioners, direct observation of treatment and tracing of patients who missed appointments by nongovernmental organizations, and provision of training and drugs by the Nepal National TB Programme (NTP). The public-private partnership was evaluated through baseline and follow-up surveys of private practitioners, private pharmacies, and private laboratories, together with records kept by the Nepal NTP. Findings: In the first 36 months, 1328 patients with TB were registered in the public-private partnership. Treatment success rates were >90%, and <1% of patients defaulted. Case notification of sputum-positive patients in the study area increased from 54 per 100 000 to 102 per 100 000. The numbers of patients with TB started on treatment by private practitioners decreased by more than two-thirds, the number of private pharmacies that stocked anti-TB drugs by one-third, the number of pharmacies selling anti-TB drugs by almost two-thirds, and sales of anti-TB drugs in pharmacies by almost two-thirds. Private practitioners were happy to refer patients to the public-private partnership. Not all private practitioners had to be involved: many patients bypassed private practitioners and went directly to free DOTS centres. Conclusions: A combination of the strengths of private practitioners, nongovernmental organizations, and the public sector in a public-private partnership can be used to provide a service that is liked by patients and gives high rates of treatment success and increased rates of patient notification. Similar public-private partnerships are likely to be replicable elsewhere, as inputs are not large and no special requirements exist.
Early detection and optimal treatment constitute the most important measures in the control of tuberculosis. This study of prescriptions for tuberculosis recommended by 102 private doctors, practising in the slums of Bombay, shows a lack of awareness among doctors who treat tuberculosis patients in their own clinics about the standard drug regimens for treatment of tuberculosis recommended by national and international agencies. While there are a few standard, efficient, recommended regimens, 100 private doctors prescribed 80 different regimens, most of which were both inappropriate and expensive. The study highlights the need for effective communication between those implementing national tuberculosis programmes and the practising private doctors, continuing education of these doctors for updating their knowledge and their active participation in at least those national disease programme for which their curative functions could contribute significantly to control of a disease.
Over three quarters of the 8 million registered doctors in India are engaged in private medical practice. In urban and rural areas alike people prefer private doctors to public health services for their health care needs. A majority of patients and those with suspected tuberculosis also report first to private doctors. Nevertheless private doctors seem to be alienated from national efforts towards control of tuberculosis, there being no well-defined role for them in the National Tuberculosis Programme. This study of private doctors practising in the low income areas of a metropolis of India reports on the knowledge of private doctors about diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis and their awareness and perceptions about the public health services available for tuberculosis control. The study reveals gaps and weaknesses in the private doctors' reported practice of managing lung tuberculosis, the most important and persistent problem of public health concern in India. The need for organized efforts towards involving private doctors in disease control programmes wherein their curative functions could contribute significantly is stressed.
Hyderabad, India. To determine whether private practitioners and the government can collaborate with a nongovernmental intermediary to implement DOTS effectively. A non-profit hospital provided DOTS services to a population of 100000 for 3 years, then expanded coverage to 500000 in October 1998. A hospital physician visited all private practitioners, encouraged them to refer patients, and gave feedback on each patient referred. After diagnosis, patients received directly observed treatment free of charge at the trust hospital or at 30 conveniently located small hospitals operated by local private practitioners. No financial incentives were used to encourage physicians to refer patients or to provide treatment observation. Diagnosis, treatment, and case and outcome definitions were performed as per DOTS policies; medicines and laboratory reagents were provided by the government. All 244 allopathic and 114 non-allopathic physicians practising in the area agreed to participate; 59% referred at least one patient. Of 2244 persons referred, 969 (43%) had tuberculosis. Physicians had obtained chest radiographs on 80% of patients before referral for sputum microscopy. The detection rate increased from 50 to 200/100000 over the first 2-3 years of the project, and has increased gradually since expansion; 90% of new smear-positive patients and 77% of re-treatment patients were successfully treated. Compared with those treated at a neighbouring government DOTS centre, patients in this project paid less for diagnosis ($5 vs. $20) and treatment ($1 vs. $11), largely due to lower transport costs. Collaborative efforts between private practitioners and the government can achieve moderate-high rates of case detection and high rates of treatment success. Public-private services appeared to be more convenient to patients, who paid less for care and were less likely to miss work in order to participate in DOTS. Clearly defined roles and expectations and frequent communication are essential to success. An institution such as a non-profit hospital can serve as an effective intermediary between the government DOTS programme and private practitioners.
In February 1999, the Revised National Tuberculosis (TB) Control Programme (RNTCP) was implemented in the city of Mumbai after a pilot phase of 5 years. The city has a population of more than 12 million people and an estimated annual TB incidence of 21,000 cases, 8000 of these being infectious. This paper describes a partnership between the TB programme and a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), which began with a methodological analysis of the problems faced by the programme to help identify other key organizations, who might usefully be involved. The work focussed on "networking" to ensure the optimum use of existing resources. The problems encountered affected all levels of TB control from access to drug supply and treatment. The major issues related to an inadequate public health infrastructure resulting in poor technical and administrative support to field staff. There was confusion over roles of the health personnel in the TB programme and the public health facility, as well as poor technical performance. Partnerships were found to be useful in addressing the following areas: (1) the implementation of an external quality assurance scheme for sputum microscopy through involvement of microbiologists from large hospitals and research organizations; (2) training and capacity strengthening of programme and public health facility staff through innovative training and team building exercises organized by the programme, NGOs and the private sector; (3) development of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material through partnerships with NGOs, and (4) the involvement of local NGOs and private doctors to increase case finding and to improve access to direct observation of treatment (DOT). The paper discusses the lessons learnt in this process and identifies some of the key issues in urban TB control, for consideration by policy makers.
Rural and urban areas of six selected districts in the western zone of India. To estimate the annual risk of tuberculous infection (ARI). A community-based, cross-sectional tuberculin survey was conducted among children aged 1-9 years residing in a sample of rural and urban areas of six districts in the western zone of India. Stratified two-stage cluster sampling was adopted for selection of rural and urban clusters. A total of 48473 children in 600 clusters underwent tuberculin testing with 1TU PPD RT23 with Tween 80; the induration was measured about 72 h after the test. The BCG scar was observed in 52% of the test-read children. Estimation of the prevalence of infection was based on the frequency distribution of tuberculin reaction size among 22259 children without BCG scar. Reactions > or = 15 mm were considered attributable to infection with tubercle bacilli. The prevalence of infection was estimated to be 9.3%, and the ARI computed from the estimated prevalence was 1.8%. The proportion of infected children was found to be significantly higher in urban than in rural areas. The high rate of ARI in the western zone of India calls for further intensification of tuberculosis control efforts.
New Delhi, India. To assess the feasibility of a public-private mix (PPM) project for improved tuberculosis (TB) control and determine its impact on case detection, case-management quality, treatment outcome and patient convenience. 1) Monitoring of case detection through the review of record data; 2) cohort analysis of patients treated by private providers (PPs); 3) questionnaire-based surveys of patients and private providers. A total of 612 cases were detected, of whom 168 (27%) were new sputum-positive cases. Incremental case notification due to PPs was 47% for new cases and 29% for new sputum-positive cases. Sputum examination for diagnosis and evaluation was performed in 100% and 84%, respectively, of notified patients. The treatment success rate for new sputum-positive cases treated by PPs was 81%, which was not significantly different from the 86% in the public sector. Directly observed treatment (DOT) was confirmed by 95% of patients. This PPM project, carried out with government funding in accordance with the RNTCP recommendations and with the support from several government and private organisations, achieved improved case detection as well as acceptable treatment outcome for patients receiving DOT from PPs.