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Osmolality revisited - Deriving and validating the best formula for calculated osmolality

  • Tunnell Government Services Inc.

Abstract and Figures

To derive a formula that can be used (i) to calculate osmolality in normal patients as well as those that are hyperglycemic and intoxicated, and (ii) to predict the presence of unexplained compounds with the osmol gap calculation in the presence and absence of ethanol. DESIGN AND EXPERIMENTS: We performed in vitro experiments to determine the relationship of serum osmolality with sodium, potassium, urea, glucose, ethanol, methanol, and ethylene glycol. Several formulas were then tested for their validity in predicting osmolality in normal individuals. Finally, we assessed whether these formulas would allow us to calculate the osmolality gap (OG) that may be indicative of the presence of other osmotically active compounds. The OG calculation was done both in the presence and absence of ethanol. In this way, the OG should be able to detect compounds like methanol and ethylene glycol even in the presence of ethanol which is easily measured and is very often present in the above-named poisonings. Experimental results show that glucose, ethanol, methanol, and ethylene glycol need factors of 1.15, 1.20, 1.07, and 1.00, respectively, to accurately predict osmolality. The factors for glucose and ethanol were then validated in normal subjects as well as in a large patient database. The formulas below predicted osmolality very well in patients whether ethanol was present or not. All concentrations are expressed in mmol/L. The mean osmol gap for healthy subjects without ethanol present was 0.77 +/- 3.80 mosM/kg with the reference interval being -6.68 to 8.23 mosM/kg for formula 1 and -8.04 to 6.50 mosM/kg for formula 2. The mean osmol gap (OG) in patients who had ethanol present was 1.22 +/- 5.32 for formula 1 and -0.2 +/- 5.0 for formula 2. This study shows that factors of 1.20 and 1.15 have to be applied to ethanol and glucose to allow for accurate calculation of osmolality and osmolality gap. There were insufficient patient data to verify the factors for methanol and ethylene glycol.
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Osmolality revisited—Deriving and validating the best formula for
calculated osmolality
A. Khajuria, J. KrahnT
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, St. Boniface General Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2H 2A6
University of Manitoba Medical School, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Received 1 December 2004; received in revised form 2 February 2005; accepted 1 March 2005
Available online 1 April 2005
Objective: To derive a formula that can be used (i) to calculate osmolality in normal patients as well as those that are hyperglycemic and
intoxicated, and (ii) to predict the presence of unexplained compounds with the osmol gap calculation in the presence and absence of ethanol.
Design and experiments: We performed in vitro experiments to determine the relationship of serum osmolality with sodium, potassium,
urea, glucose, ethanol, methanol, and ethylene glycol. Several formulas were then tested for their validity in predicting osmolality in normal
individuals. Finally, we assessed whether these formulas would allow us to calculate the osmolality gap (OG) that may be indicative of the
presence of other osmotically active compounds. The OG calculation was done both in the presence and absence of ethanol. In this way, the
OG should be able to detect compounds like methanol and ethylene glycol even in the presence of ethanol which is easily measured and is
very often present in the above-named poisonings.
Results: Experimental results show that glucose, ethanol, methanol, and ethylene glycol need factors of 1.15, 1.20, 1.07, and 1.00,
respectively, to accurately predict osmolality. The factors for glucose and ethanol were then validated in normal subjects as well as in a large
patient database. The formulas below predicted osmolality very well in patients whether ethanol was present or not. All concentrations are
expressed in mmol/L.
1. OSMc = 2*Na + 1.15*Glucose + Urea + 1.2*Ethanol
2. OSMc = 1.86*(Na + K) + 1.15*Glucose + Urea + 1.2*Ethanol + 14
The mean osmol gap for healthy subjects without ethanol present was 0.77 T3.80 mosM/kg with the reference interval being 6.68 to
8.23 mosM/kg for formula 1 and 8.04 to 6.50 mosM/kg for formula 2. The mean osmol gap (OG) in patients who had ethanol present was
1.22 T5.32 for formula 1 and 0.2 T5.0 for formula 2.
Conclusions: This study shows that factors of 1.20 and 1.15 have to be applied to ethanol and glucose to allow for accurate calculation of
osmolality and osmolality gap. There were insufficient patient data to verify the factors for methanol and ethylene glycol.
D2005 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Osmolality; Calculated osmolality; Osmol gap; Methanol; Ethanol; Ethylene glycol
Osmolality (OSM) represents a measure of number of
particles in a kilogram of water (osmoles per kilogram). In
human serum or plasma, osmolality can be measured
experimentally by freezing point depression or it can be
calculated by using different formulas that account for the
contribution of the common osmotically active constituents
(sodium, potassium, glucose, and urea) of serum. The
difference between measured osmolality (OSMm) and
calculated osmolality (OSMc) is referred to as osmol gap
(OG). When ethanol is present, it can be included in the
0009-9120/$ - see front matter D2005 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. All rights reserved.
TCorresponding author. Fax: +1 204 231 2656.
E-mail address: (J. Krahn).
Clinical Biochemistry 38 (2005) 514 – 519
OSMc so the OG now becomes indicative of other osmoti-
cally active compounds, i.e., methanol, ethylene glycol,
isopropyl alcohol, propylene glycol, etc.
The calculation of OG is commonly used as a screen for
toxic alcohol ingestion (ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol,
and propylene glycol). Elevated OG implies the presence of
unmeasured osmotically active substances. Currently, the
determination of OG for ethanol poisoning has lost its
usefulness because ethanol can be measured quickly on
most chemistry analyzers. Since other toxic alcohols can
only be measured by gas liquid chromatography, OSMm
should still be ordered for other toxic alcohol poisoning and
in such cases ethanol should also be ordered, since it is often
consumed in these poisoning. In these cases, the laboratory
should calculate the OG incorporating ethanol in that
calculation. This should theoretically predict the presence
of other osmotically active compounds like methanol,
ethylene glycol, and propylene glycol, etc.
It has been observed that ethanol does not follow a 1:1
relationship with OG. In ethanol intoxication, where OG is
calculated by including ethanol on a molar basis, OG
increases with increasing ethanol, making it appear that
there is something else present beside ethanol [1 4]. This
results in frequent requests for the clinical laboratory to rule
out methanol and ethylene glycol in simple ethanol
intoxication, i.e., the clinician calculates the OG and
compares it to the ethanol concentration, finds there is still
a large gap, and initiates a search for the missing osmoles.
Significant elevation in OG has also been found in diabetic
ketoacidosis due to the presence of acetone [5,6]. It has also
been observed in several instances that high glucose
concentration increases osmolality significantly without
the presence of acetone.
The formulas commonly in use do not adequately reflect
the contribution of ethanol and glucose to serum osmolality.
For this reason, OG increases with increasing ethanol and
glucose levels. The common formulas that are in use were
created to allow for the simple calculation of osmolality at
the bedside. This allowed the clinician to rapidly rule a toxic
ingestion in or out. Since computerization of our laboratory,
we offered an automated calculated OG (Dorwart et al.)
along with other laboratory data. It has long been apparent
that in cases of simple intoxication, our automated OG
calculation does not accurately predict the ethanol concen-
tration and furthermore that the error is proportional, i.e., it
increases with increasing ethanol concentration. This in fact
created unnecessary work for us, since physicians were
reluctant to discharge patients that were very inebriated but
appeared to have some other toxic compound present on the
basis of a raised OG. It is now possible to do sophisticated
calculation automatically so that the result is available at the
same time that the other results are available. For this reason,
we set out to develop a calculation that would accurately
predict the osmolality both in the presence and absence of
ethanol. This would then also accurately predict the presence
of toxic compounds other than ethanol using the OG.
The objectives of the study were to:
1. Evaluate the contribution of glucose, ethanol, methanol,
and ethylene glycol on the osmolality.
2. Determine if we could experimentally determine factors
that can be applied to these compounds to create a more
accurate determination of calculated osmolality (OSMc)
and also of the osmolal gap (OG).
3. Select an OG calculation that would be predictive of the
presence of other compounds like methanol and ethylene
glycol even when ethanol was present in the sample.
4. To validate the formula against data extracted from our
patient data base.
Materials and methods
The study was divided into two parts. In the first part, we
experimentally determined the relationship between increa-
sing analyte concentration to osmolality. This allowed us to
calculate factors, which we could then verify in our clinical
data. In the experimental part, in vitro experiments were
done to determine the contribution of glucose, ethanol,
methanol, and ethylene glycol on osmolality in pooled
plasma samples which were spiked with varied concen-
trations of glucose, 5 50 mmol/L (n= 100); ethanol, 10
100 mmol/L (n= 40); methanol, 12 125 mmol/L (n= 40);
and ethylene glycol, 9 90 mmol/L (n= 34), respectively.
Osmolality was measured by freezing-point depression with
a Fiske 2400 osmometer (Fiske Associates, Norwood MA,
USA). Electrolytes, glucose, urea, and ethanol (enzymatic
method) were determined on a high volume analyzer
(Roche Modular System, Roche Diagnostics, and Montreal,
Quebec, Canada).
The calculated osmolality was obtained using common
formulas from the literature [7,8]. The calculations were all
done in SI units.
By definition, osmolality represents the number of par-
ticles (in molar amount) per kilogram of solvent. The
analytes that are the biggest contributors to osmolality are
measured in volume of plasma. However, plasma is only
93% water and hence each liter of plasma does not contain a
kilogram of water. For the calculation of osmolality, the
concentration (mmol/L) of solutes must be converted into
molality (amount of substance divided by mass of solvent,
mmol/kg) by dividing by the mass of water in plasma. A
good approximation of total cations and anions has been to
multiply sodium times two and adding to this the major non-
ionic solutes which are glucose and urea. The average value
for mass concentration of water in normal plasma is 0.933
kg/L [9]. The sodium concentration in mmol/L multiplied
by 2 accounts for all cations and anions, but since only 93%
of plasma consists of water in normal plasma, 1.86 might be
a better coefficient than 2 [10]. Dorwart et al. used a
constant factor of 9 mmol/L to account for other cations like
potassium, magnesium, and calcium as well as their
A. Khajuria, J. Krahn / Clinical Biochemistry 38 (2005) 514 519 515
unmeasured anions and other unmeasured solutes with the
assumption that they are approximately constant. Other
authors used a factor of 2 instead of 1.86 to achieve the
same end, i.e., to account for unmeasured anion and cations
We modified the Dorwarts and Smithline formulas by
including potassium and ethanol when it is present. The OG
was then calculated as the difference between the measured
and the calculated osmolality (OG = OSMm OSMc). The
relationship between OG and ethanol was determined by
linear regression and a factor was derived from it. To
determine a factor for glucose or ethanol, it was necessary to
omit these compounds from the osmolality calculation so
that it would appear in the OG. In this way, we could
determine a linear relationship of the OG and both ethanol
and glucose. We applied these formulas to a healthy
population as well as patient data from our emergency
department where ethanol as well as the other necessary
analytes had been ordered. In order to determine the
reference intervals without the presence of ethanol, samples
were collected from 37 healthy subjects. Sodium, potas-
sium, glucose, urea, and osmolality were performed on the
Roche Modular and the Fiske osmometer. The samples were
run as 5 samples per day for 8 days to compensate for intra-
day variation. Data were extracted from our electronic
database on patients admitted to the emergency room on
which osmolality, electrolytes, glucose, urea, and ethanol
were ordered for the period from July to September 2003.
The factors obtained for glucose and ethanol in the
experimental study were then applied to the data from 37
healthy volunteers as well the patient data. OSMc was
calculated in all these patients using the osmolality formulas
as described in Materials and methods including and
excluding factors for ethanol and glucose. Linear regression
analysis was then used to evaluate the relationship between
OG and ethanol (with and without the factor) to generate the
best equation. All statistical analysis was done with the
Analyse-It\add-in program for the Microsoft Excel\
spreadsheet program. For all pertinent statistics, the 95%
confidence levels were always chosen.
Results and discussion
In the first part of our study, the objective was to
determine the relationship between OG and plasma
glucose, ethanol, methanol, and ethylene glycol levels.
OG was shown to increase with increasing glucose
concentration. The slope of the line that describes the
relationship between glucose and OG would provide us
with a factor. The slope obtained was 1.15 (Fig. 1),
indicating that for calculated osmolality a factor of 1.15
must be applied to glucose to account completely for its
contribution to osmolality. Similarly for ethanol, the slope
determined was 1.20 (Fig. 2). Again, this implies that for
the calculation of OG, a factor of 1.20 must be applied to
ethanol to completely account for its contribution to the
calculated osmolality. The slope obtained for methanol and
ethylene glycol was 1.07 and 1.00, respectively. In the
second part of our study, we first calculated the mean and
reference intervals for OSMm and OSMc from 37 normal
healthy subjects. The mean OSMm was 292.2 T5.0 mosM/
Fig. 1. Passing Bablok regression analysis of plasma glucose and various
OGs from in vitro experimental data. N= 100.
Fig. 2. Passing Bablok regression analysis of plasma ethanol levels and
various OGs from in vitro experimental data. N= 40.
Table 1
The comparison of mean levels of OSMm and OSMc in healthy subjects
Parameters NMean
SE SD Reference
OSMm 37 292.2 0.82 4.99 282.4 – 302.0
OSMc = 2*Na + 1.15*G + U 37 291.4 0.68 4.12 283.4 – 299.5
OSMc = 1.86*(Na + K) +
1.15*G + U + 14
37 293.0 0.64 3.91 285.3 – 300.6
A. Khajuria, J. Krahn / Clinical Biochemistry 38 (2005) 514 519516
kg. The reference interval was 282.4 302.0 mosM/kg. The
two formulas of OSMc’s were calculated and compared to
OSMm (Table 1). The results show that the equation:
OSMc ¼2*Na þ1:15*Glucose þUrea
compared very well with OSMm with a mean of 291.4 T
4.1 mosM/kg. The reference interval was 283.4 299.5
mosM/kg. The OG was 0.8 T3.8 mosM/kg (Table 2) and
the reference interval was 6.7 to 8.2 mosM/kg. To
produce a calculated osmolality that worked in the normal
population, the Dorwart formula was amended as follows:
OSMc ¼1:86*Na þKðÞþ1:15*Glucose þUrea þ14:
The constant value of 14 plus the inclusion of potassium
makes it different from Dorwarts’ formula but makes it very
similar to the formula done in a pediatric population [11].
This calculation gave a mean of 293.0 T4.0 mosM/kg. The
reference interval was 285.3 300.6 mosM/kg. The mean
OG was 0.8 T3.8 mosM/kg with the reference interval
being 8.1 to 6.5 mosM/kg (Tables 1 and 2). The above
formulas were then validated in the patient population that
we had seen in our emergency department on which ethanol
was ordered. The mean ethanol levels were 41.5 T27.0
mmol/L and ranged from 0.0 to124.2 mmol/L. The formulas
we used were:
OSMc ¼1:86*Na þKðÞþ1:15*Glucose þUrea
þ1:2*Ethanol þ14 ð1Þ
OSMc ¼2*Na þ1:15*Glucose þUrea
To demonstrate the effect of the ethanol factor on data
derived from the patient population who had ethanol present
in their blood, we analyzed our patient data using two
formulas first omitting the factor of 1.20. Fig. 3 shows what
happens when formula 1 is used without the factor of 1.2 for
ethanol, whereas Fig. 4 shows the results when the factor is
included. Without the factor, the slope is 0.84 and the
intercept is 45.4, with the factor it changes the slope to 0.99
and the intercept to 3.8. For formula 2, the slope and
intercept were 0.84 and 34, respectively, when the factor of
1.2 was omitted, and became 1.03 and 1 when the factor
was included.
Table 2
Osmol gap in healthy subjects
OG where OSMc is NMean
SE SD Reference
2*Na + 1.15*G + U 37 0.77 0.63 3.80 6.68 to 8.23
1.86*(Na + K) +
1.15*G + U + 14
37 0.75 0.61 3.72 8.04 to 6.54
The formula indicates what was used for OSMc in the respective OG
Fig. 3. Passing Bablok regression analysis of OSMm and OSMc from
patient data from July to September 2003 (N= 129). OSMc was calculated
without using a factor of 1.2 for ethanol.
Fig. 4. Passing Bablok regression analysis of OSMm and OSMc from
patient data from July to September 2003 (N= 129). OSMc was calculated
including a factor of 1.2 for ethanol.
Table 3
Comparison of osmolality in patient data using two different formulas
Parameters NMean (mosM/kg) SE SD
OSMm 129 342.6 3.16 35.94
OSMc – 2* 129 341.4 3.16 35.91
OSMc – 1.86* 129 342.8 3.12 35.44
OSMc 2* = 2*Na + 1.15*G + U + 1.20* EtOH and OSMc 1.86* =
1.86*(Na + K) + 1.15*G + U + 1.20*EtOH + 14.
A. Khajuria, J. Krahn / Clinical Biochemistry 38 (2005) 514 519 517
To finally validate the formulas, we calculated OGs on
this same patient population by subtracting the OSMc
(which included the factors for glucose and ethanol) from
OSMm. The mean of OSMc (calculation included ethanol)
compared very well with OSMm. The mean of OSMm
was 342.6 T35.9 mosM/kg and of OSMc were 341.4 T
35.9 and 342.8T35.4 mosM/kg, respectively (Table 3).
The mean OG was 1.2 T5.3 and 0.2 T5.0 mosM/kg,
respectively (Table 4). It is noteworthy our patient data had
mean OGs that were essentially zero and reference
intervals close to the classical 10 to +10 mosM/kg.
Cursory examination of patient data from periods prior to
the study leads us to believe that these relationships are not
stable over time. We are now studying this variability in
more detail.
The OG is a surrogate marker that helps in the diagnosis
and treatment of methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning,
till the quantitative test results become available. In small
centers, however, quantitative tests are not available, thus
OG may be a useful marker in diagnostic evaluation and
initial therapy.
Problems associated using OG as a screening test to
evaluate the presence of methanol and ethylene glycol are
well known [12]. OSMc varies greatly depending on the
formula used to estimate it, and there are no systematic
studies done to evaluate the validation of OSMc with
OSMm. Hoffman et al. calculated OG using a variety of
formulas, and the results of this study demonstrated a wide
variability in OG using different equations and with a large
standard deviation, thus preventing accurate application to
individual data [13].
In the present study, we first evaluated the commonly
used formulas for OSMc by in vitro experiments from
pooled normal plasma. It was observed that glucose and
ethanol need a factor of 1.15 and 1.20 to accurately predict
OSM and OG. Our finding of a factor for ethanol is
consistent with the result of other studies [4,14,15]. Geler et
al.’s findings showed that an increase in OSM produced by
ethanol is greater than usually calculated. A factor of 0.83
indicated that the behavior of ethanol in serum did not
conform to ideal solutions [13]. It indicates that the standard
formulas used in the calculation of OSM will overestimate
the OG in patients with high ethanol levels.
In this study, OSMm in healthy subjects agreed well with
the reference population (285 305 mosM/kg) interval and
the OSMc agreed well with OSMm at normal levels of
sodium, potassium, glucose, and urea. It was, however,
interesting to note that the standard deviation of OSMc was
better than OSMm, contrary to common belief. This clearly
suggests a high precision and accuracy of high volume
analyzers. The OG was 10 to 9.6 mosM/kg and does not
change with the presence of ethanol.
It is abundantly clear that a factor of 1.2 needs to be
applied to ethanol to get agreement of the OSMc with
OSMm so that it will not appear that there is another
substance present. Our data are not nearly as clear that
OSMc can be used to predict the presence of toxins
present when little or no ethanol is present. The fact that
both our formulas worked reasonably well in a small
dataset of patients but appeared to perform poorly over a
much longer time is of great concern. All papers we
reviewed have neglected the aspect of quality control on
OSMc and OG. This is a serious oversight. Different
studies using different instruments with slightly different
standards can result in a variety of formulas that can be
validated. No one to our knowledge has examined how
useful these formulas are over time. This is a deficiency
that must be addressed if these calculations are to be
useful. In our opinion, the calculation of OSMc and OG at
the bedside without knowledge of how the calculation
works in that environment is poor practice and subject to
serious error. Any laboratory that calculates OSMc and OG
has the responsibility to verify their calculations in a
population of normal patients and on data from their own
patient population. Furthermore, these calculated parame-
ters should be subject to quality control procedures so the
laboratory staff has the ability to verify that the calcu-
lations are valid.
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Table 4
Comparison of osmol gaps in patient data using two different formulas
Parameters NMean (mosM/kg) SE SD Reference interval
OG-2* 129 1.22 0.47 5.32 9.2 to 11.7
OG-1.86* 129 0.20 0.44 5.02 10.0 to 9.6
OG-2* = OSMm [2*Na + 1.15*G + U + 1.20*EtOH].
OG-1.86* = OSMm 1.86*(Na + K) + 1.15*G + U + 1.20*EtOH + 14.
A. Khajuria, J. Krahn / Clinical Biochemistry 38 (2005) 514 519518
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A. Khajuria, J. Krahn / Clinical Biochemistry 38 (2005) 514 519 519
... While several studies used directly measured serum osmolality as the standard method to diagnose hyperosmolal dehydration or dehydration due to lack of water, it was shown that the diagnostic quality of calculated serum osmolarity was also sufficient to detect hypertonic dehydration (7,8). Preferably, an age-validated equation by Khajuria and Krahn (2005) should be used for the calculation (31). ...
... While several studies used directly measured serum osmolality as the standard method to diagnose hyperosmolal dehydration or dehydration due to lack of water, it was shown that the diagnostic quality of calculated serum osmolarity was also sufficient to detect hypertonic dehydration (7,8). Preferably, an age-validated equation by Khajuria and Krahn (2005) should be used for the calculation (31). ...
... Age-validated formula* 2 according to Khajuria & Krahn (2005) ...
Background: Hydration disturbances are common in old age: the reported prevalence of dehydration in elderly patients ranges from 19% to 89%, depending on the definition and the population in question. However, the clinical assessment of patients' hydration status is difficult. In this review, we discuss the diagnostic value of currently used methods that may or may not be suitable for assessing older patients' hydration status. Methods: We conducted a selective literature search for relevant studies concerning pat ients aged 65 and above. Of the 355 articles retrieved by the initial search, a multistep selection process yielded 30 that were suitable for inclusion in this review. Results: 107 different methods for the diagnostic assessment of dehydration in older persons were evaluated on the basis of the reviewed publications. High diagnostic value, especially for the determination of hyperosmolar dehydration, was found for serum osmolality, serum sodium concentration, inferior vena cava ultrasonography, a history (from the patient or another informant) of not drinking between meals, and axillary dryness. On the other hand, a variety of clinical signs such as a positive skin turgor test, sunken eyes, dry mouth, tachycardia, orthostatic dysregulation, and dark urine were found to be of inadequate diagnostic value. Conclusion: Only five of the 107 methods considered appear to be suitable for determining that a patient is dehydrated. Thus, the available scientific evidence indicates that all clinicians should critically reconsider their own techniques for assessing hydration status in elderly patients. To optimize the clinical assessment of patients' hydration status, there seems to be a need for the rejection of unsuitable methods in favor of either newly developed criteria or of a combination of the best criteria already in use.
... As direct laboratory measurement of plasma osmolality requires advanced equipment and competent technicians, the consensus on dehydration recommend the use of the Khajuria-Krahn equation as a surrogate [92]. The calculated plasma osmolarity (pOsm c ) can be determined by using the formula from Figure 3 [92,98]. It is recommended to use this equation as a screening test for hypertonic dehydration. ...
... the consensus on dehydration recommend the use of the Khajuria-Krahn equation as a surrogate [92]. The calculated plasma osmolarity (pOsmc) can be determined by using the formula from Figure 3 [92,98]. It is recommended to use this equation as a screening test for hypertonic dehydration. ...
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Heart failure (HF) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality and a major public health problem. Both overhydration and dehydration are non-physiological states of the body that can adversely affect human health. Congestion and residual congestion are common in patients hospitalized for HF and are associated with poor prognosis and high rates of rehospitalization. However, the clinical problem of dehydration is also prevalent in healthcare and community settings and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. This article provides a comprehensive review of the issue of congestion and dehydration in HF, including HF guidelines, possible causes of dehydration in HF, confirmed and potential new diagnostic methods. In particular, a full database search on the relationship between dehydration and HF was performed and all available evidence in the literature was reviewed. The novel hypothesis of chronic subclinical hypohydration as a modifiable risk factor for HF is also discussed. It is concluded that maintaining euvolemia is the cornerstone of HF management. Physicians have to find a balance between decongestion therapy and the risk of dehydration.
... We planned sensitivity analyses removing studies at high risk of bias, as well as limiting to the most robust measures of low-intake dehydration: directly-measured serum or plasma osmolality and calculated serum or plasma osmolarity using the Khajuria and Krahn equation [40]. ...
... The prevalence of low-intake dehydration (assessed using any dehydration measure) was stable to sensitivity analyses of studies only at low risk of bias (27%, 95% CI: 0.06,0.53, I 2 99%, 23 studies), as well as osmolality studies combined with calculated osmolarity studies using the Khajuria and Krahn [40] equation (23%, 95% CI: 0.10,0.41, I 2 97%, 22 studies) (Appendix 8). ...
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Background & aims: Low-intake dehydration amongst older people, caused by insufficient fluid intake, is associated with mortality, multiple long-term health conditions and hospitalisation. The prevalence of low-intake dehydration in older adults, and which groups are most at-risk, is unclear. We conducted a high-quality systematic review and meta-analysis, implementing an innovative methodology, to establish the prevalence of low-intake dehydration in older people (PROSPERO registration: CRD42021241252). Method: We systematically searched Medline (Ovid), Cochrane CENTRAL, Embase (Ovid), CINAHL and Proquest from inception until April 2023 and Nutrition and Food Sciences until March 2021. We included studies that assessed hydration status for non-hospitalised participants aged ≥65 years, by directly-measured serum/plasma osmolality, calculated serum/plasma osmolarity and/or 24-h oral fluid intake. Inclusion, data extraction and risk of bias assessment was carried out independently in duplicate. Results: From 11,077 titles and abstracts, we included 61 (22,398 participants), including 44 in quality-effects meta-analysis. Meta-analysis suggested that 24% (95% CI: 0.07, 0.46) of older people were dehydrated (assessed using directly-measured osmolality >300 mOsm/kg, the most reliable measure). Subgroup analyses indicated that both long-term care residents (34%, 95% CI: 0.09, 0.61) and community-dwelling older adults (19%, 95% CI: 0.00, 0.48) were highly likely to be dehydrated. Those with more pre-existing illnesses (37%, 95% CI: 0.14, 0.62) had higher low-intake dehydration prevalence than others (15%, 95% CI: 0.00, 0.43), and there was a non-significant suggestion that those with renal impairment (42%, 95% CI: 0.23, 0.61) were more likely to be dehydrated than others (23%, 95% CI: 0.03, 0.47), but there were no clear differences in prevalence by age, sex, functional, cognitive or diabetic status. GRADE quality of evidence was low as to the exact prevalence due to high levels of heterogeneity between studies. Conclusion: Quality-effects meta-analysis estimated that a quarter of non-hospitalised older people were dehydrated. Widely varying prevalence rates in individual studies, from both long-term care and community groups, highlight that dehydration is preventable amongst older people. Implications: One in every 4 older adults has low-intake dehydration. As dehydration is serious and prevalent, research is needed to better understand drinking behaviour and assess effectiveness of drinking interventions for older people.
... Blood urea nitrogen was determined from urea values using the conversion factor of 0.357 and reported in mmol/L. With all relevant serum analyte measures presented in mmol/L, SOSM was estimated using the following equation [45]: ...
... Furthermore, SOSM determination may not necessarily detect acute dehydration or rehydration immediately prior to the cognitive testing, and it is unknown whether observed elevated SOSMs were due to inadequate water intake, ADH abnormality, or other factors. While it is possible that the hydration status of some individuals was misclassified because serum osmolarity was estimated as opposed to being directly measured, the equation has been shown to predict directly measured serum osmolarity well in older adult men and women with and without diabetes or renal issues with a good diagnostic accuracy of dehydration and has been considered a gold standard for the identification of impending and current water-loss dehydration in older adults [44,45,[89][90][91]. Lastly, a discrepancy was observed between the percentage of individuals that were considered to have met EFSA fluid intake recommendations and those considered to be dehydrated based on calculated osmolarity. ...
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Background Water intake and hydration status have been suggested to impact cognition; however, longitudinal evidence is limited and often inconsistent. This study aimed to longitudinally assess the association between hydration status and water intake based on current recommendations, with changes in cognition in an older Spanish population at high cardiovascular disease risk. Methods A prospective analysis was conducted of a cohort of 1957 adults (aged 55–75) with overweight/obesity (BMI between ≥ 27 and < 40 kg/m ² ) and metabolic syndrome from the PREDIMED-Plus study. Participants had completed bloodwork and validated, semiquantitative beverage and food frequency questionnaires at baseline, as well as an extensive neuropsychological battery of 8 validated tests at baseline and 2 years of follow-up. Hydration status was determined by serum osmolarity calculation and categorized as < 295 mmol/L (hydrated), 295–299.9 mmol/L (impending dehydration), and ≥ 300 mmol/L (dehydrated). Water intake was assessed as total drinking water intake and total water intake from food and beverages and according to EFSA recommendations. Global cognitive function was determined as a composite z -score summarizing individual participant results from all neuropsychological tests. Multivariable linear regression models were fitted to assess the associations between baseline hydration status and fluid intake, continuously and categorically, with 2-year changes in cognitive performance. Results The mean baseline daily total water intake was 2871 ± 676 mL/day (2889 ± 677 mL/day in men; 2854 ± 674 mL/day in women), and 80.2% of participants met the ESFA reference values for an adequate intake. Serum osmolarity (mean 298 ± 24 mmol/L, range 263 to 347 mmol/L) indicated that 56% of participants were physiologically dehydrated. Lower physiological hydration status (i.e., greater serum osmolarity) was associated with a greater decline in global cognitive function z -score over a 2-year period ( β : − 0.010; 95% CI − 0.017 to − 0.004, p -value = 0.002). No significant associations were observed between water intake from beverages and/or foods with 2-year changes in global cognitive function. Conclusions Reduced physiological hydration status was associated with greater reductions in global cognitive function over a 2-year period in older adults with metabolic syndrome and overweight or obesity. Future research assessing the impact of hydration on cognitive performance over a longer duration is needed. Trial registration International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Registry, ISRCTN89898870. Retrospectively registered on 24 July 2014
... MODS was defined as sequential organ failure score > 6 at least 48 hours after admission (2 consecutive days or more). 20 ...
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Background The hydration state of the body is getting more and more attention from researchers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between impaired hydration status and postoperative hospitalization death in patients with A AAD. Methods From January 2019 to October 2021, the clinical data of 299 patients undergoing A AAD surgery were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were divided into normal hydration group, imminent dehydration group and current dehydration group according to the dehydration standard at admission. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to determine the independent risk factors for in-hospital death of patients with A AAD. Results Postoperative in-hospital death in A AAD patients was significantly more common in the imminent and current dehydration groups (>295mmol/L) (26.7% vs 11.9%; P=0.001). The length of ICU stay was significantly longer in the impending and current dehydration groups (P<0.05). After controlling for other factors by multivariate logistic regression analysis, the results showed that the group of impending and current dehydration (>295) (OR=3.61, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.61–8.06; P=0.002), CRRT (OR=10.55, 95%[CI]: 3.59–31.01; P<0.001), lactic acid (OR=1.25, 95%[CI]: 1.13–1.38; P<0.001), CAD (OR=5.27, 95%[CI]: 1.12–24.80; P=0.035) was an independent risk factor for in-hospital death in A AAD patients. Albumin (OR=0.92, 95%[CI]: 0.85–0.99; P=0.040) is a protective factor. Conclusion The presence of high serum osmotic pressure on admission of A AAD patients can independently predict postoperative death, and the impaired body hydration status should be paid attention to.
... Urine and plasma concentrations were measured according to standard laboratory procedures at the central laboratories of Lausanne, Geneva, and Bern University hospitals. Plasma and 24h urine osmolarity was computed according to Khajuria's equation [15,16], respectively. Plasma copeptin was assessed using a commercially available automated fluorescent sandwich immunoassay (BRAHMS Copeptin proAVP KRYPTORTM, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Breman, Germany) with a detection limit of 0.9 pmol/l. ...
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Background: Evaluation of renal function and of factors associated with its decline are important public health issues. Besides markers of glomerular function (e.g., GFR), those of tubular functions are rarely evaluated. Urea, the most abundant urinary solute, is markedly concentrated in urine when compared to plasma. We explored the urine-to-plasma ratio of urea concentrateions (U/P-urea-ratio) as a marker of tubular functions. Methods: We evaluated the relationship of the U/P-urea-ratio with eGFR at baseline in 1043 participants (48±17y) from the SKIPOGH population-based cohort, using mixed regression. In 898 participants, we assessed the relation between U/P-urea-ratio and renal function decline between two study waves 3 years apart. We studied U/P ratios for osmolarity, Na, K, uric acid for comparison. Results: In a transversal study at baseline, eGFR was positively associated with U/P-urea-ratio (βscaled = 0.08, 95%CI[0.04;0.13]) but not with the U/P ratio of osmolarity. Considering separately participants with renal function > or ≤ 90 ml/minx1.73m2, this association was observed only in those with reduced renal function. In the longitudinal study, eGFR declined at a mean rate of 1.2 ml/min per year. A significant association was observed between baseline U/P-urea-ratio and eGFR decline (βscaled = 0.08, 95%CI[0.01;0.15]). A lower baseline U/P-urea-ratio was associated with a greater eGFR decline. Conclusion: This study provides evidence that the U/P-urea-ratio is an early marker of kidney function decline in the general adult population. Urea is easy to measure with well-standardized techniques and at low cost. Thus, the U/P-urea-ratio could become an easily available tubular marker for evaluating renal function decline.
Introduction: urine osmolality, a crucial test for differential diagnosis of hydro-electrolytic disorders, is mainly assessed by measuring the colligative properties of solutes. Many approaches were attempted to assess urine osmolality without this reference technique, mainly based on the use of formulas. In this study the performance of the Sysmex UF-4000/5000 system, which provides an alternative approach for estimating urine osmolality by means of conductivity, has been evaluated. Methods: the Passing-Bablok regression and Bland-Altman plots have been used to compare the results obtained by the reference method and calculated with seven different forlmulas from 122 routine urine samples. Results: none of the formulas demonstrated acceptable performances. Sysmex-calculated osmolality showed no systematic error and a bias to the reference method lower than the minimum acceptable as calculated according to biological variation data. To evaluate a possible effect of glucose on colligative properties, we also used a subset of samples with glucose ≤5.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dL); in these samples, the Sysmex-calculated osmolality and one of the formulas – 1.09 [1.86 Na (mmol/L) + glucose (mmol/L) + urea (mmol/L)] – showed a variation lower than desirable bias. Discussion: the Sysmex UF-4000 analyzer demonstrated a good agreement with the reference technique, but a significant bias was still present. The seven different formulas tested in our investigation showed even lower analytical performances, so that the use of Sysmex analyzer may be preferable in facilities where osmometers are unavailable.
Background. Acute kidney injury often complicates the course of COVID-19; in many patients it develops even before hospitalization, and the reasons for its development are not sufficiently clear. Aim. To study the role of dehydration in the development of community-onset acute kidney injury in COVID-19. Material and methods. 329 patients with COVID-19 were examined (age 58.014.3 years, 172 men, 157 women). Acute kidney injury was diagnosed according to the Russian recommendations of 2020. To determine prerenal acute kidney injury, the ratio of blood urea nitrogen to blood creatinine was calculated, and to diagnose dehydration the calculated osmolarity of blood serum. Data are presented for a normal distribution as the arithmetic mean and standard deviation (MSD), for a non-normal distribution as a median (Me) and interquartile range (IQR). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyzes were used. To assess the diagnostic significance of quantitative characteristics in predicting a certain outcome, the ROC curve analysis method was used. Differences were considered statistically significant at p 0.05. Results. Acute kidney injury was diagnosed in 70 (21.3%) patients, of which 58 (82.9%) were community-acquired. In 16 (27.6%) patients with community-onset acute kidney injury, it was of a prerenal nature, of which in 13 (81.3%) the calculated serum osmolarity exceeded 295 mOsm/L. Independent factors directly associated with prerenal prehospital acute kidney injury were estimated serum osmolarity (p 0.001), C-reactive protein level (p 0.001) and age (p=0.003) (R2=0.23, F=33,34). Conclusion. Acute kidney injury complicates the course of COVID-19, and in most patients, it develops even at the prehospital stage. Estimated serum osmolarity is directly and independently associated with prerenal community-onset acute kidney injury, suggesting the important role of dehydration in its development.
Purpose: Osmolar gap (OG) has been used for decades to screen for toxic alcohol levels. However, its reliability may vary due to several reasons. We validated the estimated ethanol concentration formula for patients with suspected poisoning and who visited the emergency department. We examined discrepancies in the ethanol level and patient characteristics by applying this formula when it was used to screen for intoxication due to toxic levels of alcohol. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 153 emergency department cases to determine the measured levels of toxic ethanol ingestion and we calculated alcohol ingestion using a formula based on serum osmolality. Those patients who were subjected to simultaneous measurements of osmolality, sodium, urea, glucose, and ethanol were included in this study. Patients with exposure to other toxic alcohols (methanol, ethylene glycol, or isopropanol) or poisons that affect osmolality were excluded. OG (the measured-calculated serum osmolality) was used to determine the calculated ethanol concentration. Results: Among the 153 included cases, 114 had normal OGs (OG≤14 mOsm/kg), and 39 cases had elevated OGs (OG>14). The mean difference between the measured and estimated (calculated ethanol using OG) ethanol concentration was -9.8 mg/dL. The 95% limits of agreement were -121.1 and 101.5 mg/dL, and the correlation coefficient R was 0.7037. For the four subgroups stratified by comorbidities and poisoning, the correlation coefficients R were 0.692, 0.588, 0.835, and 0.412, respectively, and the mean differences in measurement between the measured and calculated ethanol levels were -2.4 mg/dL, -48.8 mg/dL, 9.4 mg/dL, and -4.7 mg/dL, respectively. The equation plots had wide limits of agreement. Conclusion: We found that there were some discrepancies between OGs and the calculated ethanol concentrations. Addition of a correction factor for unmeasured osmoles to the equation of the calculated serum osmolality would help mitigate these discrepancies.
Gaps is a bedside diagnostic game. It is played in two versions by nephrologists. It deserves wider application by the practicing physician. The more popular version, Anion Gaps, shows the presence of undetermined anions and alerts the physician to the possibilities of laboratory error, severe derangements in serum protein metabolism, or the ingestion of certain ionic compounds that directly or indirectly alter the concentration of routinely undetermined anions. A second version, Osmolal Gaps, shows the presence of unmeasured osmoles or of increased plasma solids and can be used in a variety of clinical situations to direct attention to laboratory error, hyperproteinemia, hyperlipidemia, or the presence of unmeasured osmoles in the serum. (JAMA 236:1594-1597, 1976)
Gaps is a bedside diagnostic game. It is played in two versions by nephrologists. It deserves wider application by the practicing physician. The more popular version, Anion Gaps, shows the presence of undetermined anions and alerts the physician to the possibilities of laboratory error, severe derangements in serum protein metabolism, or the ingestion of certain ionic compounds that directly or indirectly alter the concentration of routinely undetermined anions. A second version, Osmolal Gaps, shows the presence of unmeasured osmoles or of increased plasma solids and can be used in a variety of clinical situations to direct attention to laboratory, error, hyperproteinemia, hyperlipidemia, or the presence of unmeasured osmoles in the serum.
Sodium, potassium, glucose, blood urea nitrogen, and osmolality were determined for 715 hospital-patient sera. The chemical concentrations were used to calculate osmolalities according to 13 different methods taken from the literature. The goodness of the comparison between calculated and measured osmolality was quite similar for several of the better methods. The aggreement was unimproved when molal chemical concentrations were used instead of molar values. The difference between measured and calculated osmolality was unrelated to whether a patient was discharged from the hospital after a short or long period or ultimately died. The equation we found to yield the most accurately calculated osmolalities is Osmolality = 1.86 Na + (Glu/18) + - (BUN/2.8) + 9.
Even in the absence of detectable ethanol or visible lipemia, a large plasma osmolal gap is the usual finding in cases of diabetic ketoacidosis. This gap decreases to an insignificant value within 20 h of treatment. Detailed biochemical analysis of six cases showed that, on average, the gap could be almost wholly accounted for by an increase in acetone, a decrease in the plasma water fraction, and smaller increments in amino acids and glycerol. Calculated plasma osmolality can seriously underestimate the true value in diabetic ketoacidosis, and so some previously observed anomalies may be explained.
Two cases of methanol ingestion and one case of combined methanol and ethylene glycol ingestion are presented to illustrate the large differences that exist between the serum osmolality gap and the measured methanol (plus ethylene glycol) concentration(s) before treatment of these poisonings. After treatment with intravenous ethanol and hemodialysis was initiated, the differences disappeared in all three cases. We speculate that one or more metabolites with osmotic activity are formed in cases of methanol intoxication where no ethanol has also been consumed. The possible identity of these compounds is discussed.
The estimation of serum ethanol concentration by measurement of serum osmolality has been re-evaluated. A formula for calculation of serum osmolality was first validated in 193 patients who had not ingested ethanol. The mean difference between measured and calculated osmolality ("osmolal gap") was 1.5 mOsm/Kg +/- 5.3 mOsm/Kg (1 S.D.). In 37 sera from 35 patients who had ingested ethanol, the osmolal gap was highly correlated with measured serum ethanol (r = 0.994). The serum ethanol (mmol/L) was related to osmolal gap (mOsm/Kg) by the formula: Ethanol = 0.83 X osmolal gap. The factor 0.83 indicated that the behavior of ethanol in serum did not conform to that expected from ideal solutions. This equation accurately predicted serum ethanol in 32 additional samples (r = 0.988). We propose that the formula above be used in place of those that have been previously proposed. The previous formulas involved unwarranted assumptions of ideality and had not been experimentally derived from studies of ethanol in serum.
The authors prospectively performed simultaneous determinations of serum delta osmolality (delta-Osm), enzymic (alcohol dehydrogenase [ADH]) quantitation of serum ethanol (EtOH), and urine drug screens on 339 acutely intoxicated patients. In addition, the authors established reference ranges for measured and calculated serum osmolalities in a group of 55 healthy volunteers. The authors determined the clinical utility of the combined delta-Osm/ADH procedure for detecting the presence of EtOH or other low molecular weight (Mr) volatiles. In the reference population, the measured osmolality (M-Osm) and calculated osmolality (C-Osm) was 285.1 +/- 4.3 (SD) mOsm/kg and 287.4 +/- 5.1 (SD) mOsm/kg, respectively. The correlation between delta-OsM and serum EtOH was 0.968 in 151 patients in whom EtOH was detected. The presence of drugs in 67 (44%) patients or absence of drugs in 84 (55.6%) patients was shown to have no significant effect on the delta-Osm. The delta-Osm/ADH method failed to detect a volatile other than EtOH in only two cases (0.6%) or in addition to EtOH in three cases (0.9%). The concentrations of these volatiles were not clinically significant. The sensitivity for detecting EtOH by means of the delta-Osm calculation was 98.1% with a specificity of 98.2%. A disparity (delta-Osm greater than 10 mOsm/kg) between delta-Osm and the EtOH determination suggested a volatile other than EtOH in five cases (1.5%), which was confirmed by head-space gas chromatographic (GC-HS) analysis. A volatile in addition to EtOH in seven cases (2.1%) was suggested but not confirmed by GC-HS analysis. The delta-Osm/ADH procedure provides an efficient, rapid, and readily available method to evaluate the acutely intoxicated patient for the presence of EtOH and/or other low Mr volatiles.
Strikingly elevated levels of free acetone have been demonstrated in the blood of twenty-seven diabetics admitted in ketoacidosis. The plasma-acetone on admission ranged from 2·5 to 12·9 mmole per litre, levels considerably greater than those for blood-acetoacetate measured at the same time. After the start of treatment, plasma-acetone remained elevated for periods of up to 42 hours, long after blood-glucose, acetoacetate, and 3-hydroxybutyrate levels had returned to normal. Breath acetone was linearly related to plasma-acetone, and both would seem to be poor guides to the success of treatment of ketoacidosis. Acetone is a narcotic but its precise contribution to the symptomatology of ketosis remains conjectural.
The serum osmolality measurement has a clearly circumscribed use in clinical medicine. Comparison of the measured osmolality with the osmolality calculated from the concentrations of the major solutes in serum gives information about large deviations in the serum water content. In addition, comparison of the measured and calculated values of osmolality provides rapid screening information about the presence of foreign low-molecular-weight solutes in the blood. Taken at face value, the test cannot be used to determine whether abnormalities in tonicity homeostasis are present. A simple and direct way to assess whether tonicity is normal is to calculate the effective osmolality from the concentrations of sodium and glucose in serum. With rare exceptions, this calculation provides the information needed to make decisions about therapy.
A study was designed to define the osmol gap in patients whose serum ethanol concentrations are known, to reevaluate several accepted equations for calculating osmolarity, and to apply the results to the theoretical clinical scenario of a toxic alcohol ingestion. The design for the study used consecutive, prospective enrollment of all patients presenting to a large inner city hospital who clinically required determination of their serum ethanol and electrolytes. Three hundred and twenty one consecutive adult patients were enrolled in the study, sixteen were excluded from the final analysis. A stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was performed to determine the best coefficients for sodium, blood urea nitrogen, and ethanol from the data set. Osmolarity was then calculated using these coefficients and traditional models. The osmol gap (measured osmolality minus calculated osmolarity [2*Na + BUN/2.8 + Glu/18 + Etoh/4.6]) was -2 +/- 6 mOsm. Although different equations produced different osmol gaps (ranging from -5 to + 15 mOsm) the standard deviations and correlation coefficients were similar. Large variations exist in the range of osmol gaps. Absolute values are very dependent on the equations used to calculate osmolarity. Because of the larger range of values, small osmol gaps should not be used to eliminate the possibility of toxic alcohol ingestion.