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Pain is intimately linked with action systems that are involved in observational learning and imitation. Motor responses to one's own pain allow freezing or escape reactions and ultimately survival. Here we show that similar motor responses occur as a result of observation of painful events in others. We used transcranial magnetic stimulation to record changes in corticospinal motor representations of hand muscles of individuals observing needles penetrating hands or feet of a human model or noncorporeal objects. We found a reduction in amplitude of motor-evoked potentials that was specific to the muscle that subjects observed being pricked. This inhibition correlated with the observer's subjective rating of the sensory qualities of the pain attributed to the model and with sensory, but not emotional, state or trait empathy measures. The empathic inference about the sensory qualities of others' pain and their automatic embodiment in the observer's motor system may be crucial for the social learning of reactions to pain.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation highlights the
sensorimotor side of empathy for pain
Alessio Avenanti
, Domenica Bueti
, Gaspare Galati
& Salvatore M Aglioti
Pain is intimately linked with action systems that are involved in observational learning and imitation. Motor responses to one’s
own pain allow freezing or escape reactions and ultimately survival. Here we show that similar motor responses occur as a result
of observation of painful events in others. We used transcranial magnetic stimulation to record changes in corticospinal motor
representations of hand muscles of individuals observing needles penetrating hands or feet of a human model or noncorporeal
objects. We found a reduction in amplitude of motor-evoked potentials that was specific to the muscle that subjects observed being
pricked. This inhibition correlated with the observer’s subjective rating of the sensory qualities of the pain attributed to the model
and with sensory, but not emotional, state or trait empathy measures. The empathic inference about the sensory qualities of others’
pain and their automatic embodiment in the observer’s motor system may be crucial for the social learning of reactions to pain.
Empathy helps us to understand feelings and inner states of mind of
others and to share experiences, needs, beliefs and goals
neuroscientific models of empathy postulate that a given motor,
perceptual or emotional state of an individual activates corresponding
representations in another individual observing that state
. Single-cell
recording studies in monkeys show that premotor neurons become
active both during execution of a given action and during observation
of the same action performed by another human or monkey (mirror
. In a similar vein, studies in humans demonstrate that
observation of other individuals acting, being touched or showing
facial emotions induces activity in neural networks that are also
activated when observers act
, are touched
or display the same
. Thus, empathy may be based on ‘mirror-matching
simulation of others’ state
Various painful personal experiences, ranging from being pin-
pricked to feeling an aching phantom limb
or suffering from social
, are represented in a complex neural network referred to as the
pain matrix’. Affectively distressing components (such as unpleasant-
ness) and sensory components (such as localization and intensity) of
the experience of pain are encoded in different nodes of the pain
. Although pain is an essentially private subjective experi-
, the ability to understand and to experience indirectly the pain
of others is fundamental to social ties
. Thus, pain is an interesting
model for testing theories of empathy based on the notion of shared
representations. An empathic matching of others’ pain is suggested by
(i) the observation that a neuron in the human cingulate cortex
increases its firing rate both when pain is inflicted on the observing
subject and when it is inflicted on another person
and (ii) the
anecdotal report of a patient in whom genuine pain was evoked by
observation of potentially hurtful stimuli applied to his wife
. Recent
fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) studies indicate that
only affective components of the pain matrix are crucial for the
empathic matching of others’ pain
, suggesting that only emotional
representations of pain are shared between self and others.
Neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies indicate that pain
systems are tightly linked to action systems that can be considered as
the part of the pain matrix
involved in the implementation of
appropriate reactions to actual or potential noxious stimuli. Trans-
cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies, for example, have
demonstrated that actual painful stimuli delivered to the hand bring
about a massive inhibition of corticospinal excitability that affects
upper limb muscles
Despite this intimate relationship between pain and action systems,
knowledge about the possible motor mapping of others pain is lacking.
Here we explored whether pain and action systems are linked also at a
social level by looking for possible motor correlates of watching and
empathizing with others pain. We used single-pulse TMS in healthy
individuals to assess the functional modulation of the corticospinal
system during the observation of painful or non-noxious events shown
on the body of a model. During each observation condition, motor-
evoked potentials (MEPs) to focal TMS of the left motor cortex were
recorded simultaneously from two muscles of the observers right
hand: namely, the first dorsal interosseus (FDI) and the abductor
digiti minimi (ADM).
Specific motor mapping of others’ pain
In the first experiment, subjects observed different categories of stimuli:
(i) a needle penetrating the FDI muscle at the dorsal surface of the
right hand between the thumb and index finger (‘Needle in FDI’),
Published online 5 June 2005; doi:10.1038/nn1481
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Universita
degli studi di Roma La Sapienza, Via dei Marsi 78, 00185 Rome, Italy.
Centro Ricerche Neuropsicologia, IRCCS Fondazione Santa
Lucia, Via Ardeatina 306, 00179 Rome, Italy.
Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e delle Bioimmagini, Universita
G. D’Annunzio, Via dei Vestini 31, 66010 Chieti, Italy.
Correspondence should be addressed to S.M.A. (
JULY 2005 955
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
(ii) a Q-tip gently moving over and pressing
the same region where the painful stimuli
were delivered (‘Q-tip on FDI’) and (iii) a
needle penetrating a tomato (‘Non-corpor-
eal’; Supplementary Video 1).
We found a significant main effect of
condition for MEPs recorded from the FDI
muscle (F
¼ 5.64, P ¼ 0.01; Fig. 1a,
Supplementary Fig. 1) underlying the region
where painful or touch stimuli were delivered
to the model. MEPs amplitudes recorded
from FDI were significantly lower in the
‘Needle in FDI’ condition than in the ‘Q-tip
on FDI’ (P ¼ 0.01), ‘Non-corporeal’ (P ¼
0.02) and baseline (t
¼3.17, P ¼ 0.009)
conditions, indicating a decrease of motor
excitability during the observation of pain.
By contrast, we found no modulation of
MEPs recorded from the ADM muscle
¼ 0.56, P ¼ 0.58; Fig. 1b, Supplemen-
tary Fig. 1), which was not involved in the
pain or touch stimulation.
Somatotopic motor mapping of others
In the second experiment, we further investi-
gated the issue of muscle selectivity by record-
ing MEPs while participants observed a needle
entering the dorsum of a right foot (‘Needle in
foot’) or a Q-tip touching the same region (‘Q-tip on foot’). There was
no significant modulation of MEP amplitude recorded from FDI (F
¼ 0.04, P ¼ 0.85) or ADM muscles (F
¼ 0.01, P ¼ 0.91) when the
observers viewed foot stimulations (Fig. 2).
In a third experiment, we recorded MEPs during observation of
painful stimuli delivered to the ADM region of a right hand (‘Needle in
ADM’), and to the dorsum of a right foot (‘Needle in foot’). The results
are consistent with the topographic selectivity seen in experiment 1 and
2(Fig. 3). MEPs recorded from the ADM muscle during the observa-
tion of ‘Needle in ADM’ were significantly lower with respect to the
corresponding baseline (t
¼3.50, P ¼ 0.005) and to ‘Needle in foot
¼ 5.09, P ¼ 0.045). We did not find any modulation in MEPs
recorded from FDI (F
¼ 0.02, P ¼ 0.88) (Fig. 3).
Comparisons of subjective ratings in experiments 2 and 3 showed
that painfulness of the observed stimuli did not differ between hand
and foot stimulations. Thus, the selectivity of the motor inhibition
cannot reflect differences in the perceived painfulness of the observed
events (Supplementary Fig. 2).
A fourth experiment suggested that the inhibition of hand repre-
sentations were likely to have a cortical origin: the observation of
painful stimuli delivered to the FDI region did not induce changes in
excitability at the muscle or peripheral nerve levels and spinal cord
segments controlling the same muscle (Supplementary Table 1).
Motor mapping of sensory qualities of others’ pain
To explore whether the observed reduction of corticospinal excitability
was related to an empathic mapping of different components of the
pain experience attributed to the model, we analyzed the subjective
judgments about the sensory and affective qualities of the pain ascribed
to the model during needle penetration. These judgments were
obtained in experiment 1 by means of Sensory and Affective subscales
of the McGill Pain Questionnaire
(MPQ) and two visual analogue
scales (VAS), one for pain intensity and the other for pain unpleasant-
ness. We found that amplitude changes of MEPs recorded from the FDI
muscle were negatively correlated with sensory aspects of the pain
purportedly felt by the model during the ‘Needle in FDI’ condition,
both for the Sensory scale of MPQ (r ¼0.76, P ¼ 0.004) and for pain
intensity VAS (r ¼0.71, P ¼ 0.01; Fig. 4a,c). In contrast, we found no
significant correlation with affective qualities of others’ pain (MPQ
Affective scale: r ¼0.26, P ¼ 0.42; VAS pain unpleasantness: r ¼ 0.22,
MEP amplitude (% of baseline)
MEP amplitude (% of baseline)
Figure 1 MEP amplitude with respect to the baseline during observation of ‘Needle in FDI’, ‘Q-tip on
FDI’ and ‘Non-corporeal conditions of experiment 1. (a) MEPs recorded from the FDI muscle (black
bars). (b) MEPs recorded from ADM (white bars). Error bars indicate s.e.m. Asterisks (*) indicate
significant post-hoc comparisons (P o 0.02).
MEP amplitude (% of baseline)
MEP amplitude (% of baseline)
Figure 2 MEPs amplitude with respect to the baseline during observation
of ‘Needle in foot’ and ‘Q-tip on foot’ conditions of experiment 2. (a)MEPs
recorded from the FDI muscle (black bars). (b) MEPs recorded from the ADM
muscle (white bars). Error bars indicate s.e.m.
956 VOLUME 8
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
P ¼ 0.49; Fig. 4b,d). We did not find any correlations between
amplitude changes of MEPs recorded from the ADM muscle and
qualities of the pain ascribed to the model (Supplementary Table 2).
Seeing painful or unpleasant stimuli may elicit arousal or aversion
(personal distress) reactions
. Subjects used VAS to rate arousal and
aversion induced by the different movies presented in experiment 1. We
found no correlation between these self-oriented emotional reactions
and MEP amplitude changes (Supplementary Fig. 3, Supplementary
Table 2).The selective motor mapping of sensory qualities of others’
pain is further suggested by experiment 3 where amplitude changes of
MEPs recorded from the pricked ADM muscle correlated with intensity
(r ¼0.58, P ¼ 0.046; Fig. 5) but not unpleasantness (r ¼0.07,
P ¼ 0.83) VAS scores of the pain attributed to the model. We did not
find any correlations between amplitude changes of MEPs recorded
from the FDI muscle and qualities of the pain ascribed to the model
(Supplementary Table 2).
State and trait empathy during observation of others’ pain
We carried out a fifth experiment to explore whether MEP inhibition
was related to inter-individual differences in specific aspects of empa-
thy. Subjects were delivered TMS pulses during observation of ‘Needle
in FDI’. After TMS sessions, four measures of state empathy, either
‘sensory’ or emotional, were acquired. In particular, subjects were asked
to evaluate along VAS (i) how much they simulated the pain of the
model in their mind (self-oriented), (ii) how intense the pain of the
model was (other-oriented), (iii) how much aversion they felt (self-
oriented) and (iv) how much compassion for the model they felt
(other-oriented). Moreover, we obtained two measures of trait empa-
thy by asking subjects to complete two subscales of the Interpersonal
Reactivity Index (IRI)
, namely Personal Distress (PD) and
Empathic Concern (EC), each of which corresponds to the notion of
self-oriented and other-oriented empathic emotional reactions.
Results confirmed the specific MEP inhibition (t
¼3.09, P ¼
0.008) contingent upon observation of pain found in experiment 1
(Supplementary Fig. 4). We found it important that scores on the two
measures of ‘sensory’ empathy were correlated with the amplitude
changes of MEPs recorded from the FDI muscle during the observation
of ‘Needle in FDI’ (VAS pain simulation: r ¼0.56, P ¼ 0.02; VAS pain
intensity: r ¼0.50, P ¼ 0.05; Fig. 6a,b; Supplementary Table 2).
We did not find any significant correlation between MEP amplitude
change and emotional state (VAS aversion: r ¼ 0.06, P ¼ 0.84; VAS
compassion: r ¼ 0.15, P ¼ 0.57; Fig. 6c,d) or trait (IRI Empathic
Concern: r ¼0.24, P ¼ 0.37; IRI Personal Distress: r ¼0.11,
P ¼ 0.67) empathy scores (Fig. 6e,f). Nor did we find any correlations
between amplitude changes of MEPs recorded from the ADM
muscle and ‘sensory or emotional empathy measures (Supple-
mentary Table 2).
Only three studies, all using fMRI, have so far explored the neural
underpinnings of empathy for pain in humans
. Despite several
differences in the experimental protocols, all the previous studies
indicate that only affective nodes in the pain network are concerned
with empathy for pain
. Here we highlight the sensorimotor side of
empathy for pain by showing a consistent reduction of excitability of
hand muscles during the mere observation of ‘flesh and bone painful
stimuli delivered to a model. The observational pain-related inhibition
was robust and conspicuous on several fronts. First, it was specific for
the observation of a needle entering the hand and absent during the
observation of a needle entering feet or non-corporeal objects. Second,
it was confined to the observation of pain and absent during the
observation of harmless tactile stimulation. Third, it was selective for
MEPs recorded from the hand muscle underlying the skin region
penetrated by the needle, and absent for MEPs recorded from a nearby
hand muscle. Fourth, the effect was clearly related to the observers
MEP amplitude (% of baseline)
Figure 3 MEP amplitude recorded from the FDI (black bars) and the ADM
(white bars) muscles during the observation conditions of experiment 3.
(a) Observation of ‘Needle in foot’. (b) Observation of ‘Needle in ADM’. Each
painful condition was expressed with respect to the corresponding static
condition (baseline). Error bars indicate s.e.m. Asterisks (*) indicate
significant comparisons (P o 0.05).
r = –0.76
–2 –1 0 1 2
MEP amplitude
change (%)
MPQ sensory scale
r = –0.26
–2 –1 0 1 2
MPQ affective scale
r = –0.71
–2 –1 0 1 2
MEP amplitude
change (%)
ain intensit
r = –0.22
–2 –1 0 1 2
ain un
Figure 4 Amplitude changes of MEPs recorded from the FDI muscle and
subjective ratings (z-scores) of the pain ascribed to the model during the
‘Needle in FDI’ condition in experiment 1. (a,c) MEP amplitude changes were
negatively correlated with sensory ratings. (b,d) No significant correlation
between MEP amplitude change and affective scores was found. Details in
Supplementary Table 2.
r = –0.58
–2 –1 0 1 2
MEP amplitude
change (%)
VAS pain intensit
r = –0.07
–2 –1 0 1 2
VAS pain unpleasantness
Figure 5 Amplitude changes of MEPs recorded from the ADM muscle and
subjective ratings (z-scores) of the pain attributed to the model during the
‘Needle in ADM’ condition in experiment 3. (a) Changes in MEP amplitude
negatively correlated with sensory ratings (b) but not with affective scores.
Details in Supplementary Table 2.
JULY 2005 957
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
subjective empathetic rating of the sensory, but not affective, qualities
of the pain ascribed to the model. Fifth, the inhibition was related to
measures of state ‘sensory’ empathy scores but not to emotional state
empathy or trait empathy scores.
We suggest the effect may be due to activation of a pain resonance
(Supplementary Note) that extracts basic sensory aspects of
the models painful experience (such as source or intensity of a noxious
stimulus) and maps them onto the observers motor system according
to topographic rules. This hypothesis is further strengthened by the
high correlations found in experiments 1, 3 and 5 indicating that the
strongest motor inhibition was found in the observers who rated as
most intense the model’s pain.
The evidence presented here for a direct ‘mirror-matching’ simula-
tion of sensory but not of affective features of others’ pain may seem in
sharp contrast with a previous fMRI study. In that study, empathy for
pain was induced by means of arbitrary visual cues signaling an
impending painful stimulus to a loved one
. Empathy for pain
brought about an increase of the BOLD (blood oxygen level–depen-
dent) signal in anterior insula and anterior cingulate cortices, which are
part of the affective division of the pain matrix. We find it important
that there was a positive correlation between neural activity and
emotional empathy scores
. Neural activity in the affective pain
network was also reported in fMRI studies where subjects observed
or movies
in which potentially painful stimuli were
delivered to hands or other human body parts. Our study does not
indicate the absence of activity in the affective nodes of the pain matrix
during observation of ‘flesh and bone stimuli. Rather, it indicates that
empathy for pain may rely not only on affective-motivational
also on fine-grained somatic representations. Indeed, our results
suggest a link between the visual representation of others’ painful
experiences and the somatomotor representation of feeling the same
. The results also suggest that the functional mechanism
that allows linkage of visual and somatomotor representations may rely
on the inner simulation of specific attributes of the observed stimulus.
Evidence for a somatic resonance system has been provided by a
fMRI study in which an increase of the BOLD signal in the secondary
somatosensory cortex (SII) was found both when the participants were
touched and when they observed someone else being touched
Moreover, additional structures that may be involved in somatic
processing such as the thalamus, brainstem, parietal cortex and
cerebellum are active when seeing or imagining others pain
Notably, affective and sensorimotor nodes of the pain matrix may
not be involved only in processing actual painful stimuli
but also in
anticipation of somatosensory and painful events administered to
the self
. According to shared representation models
entirely possible that the somatomotor contagion that may underlie
the corticospinal inhibition reported in our study implies pain antici-
pation in oneself.
As our subjects were informed that no painful stimulus would
actually be delivered at any time, we suggest that the anticipatory
quality of the sensorimotor mapping may be automatic. Moreover, we
posit that the selective embodiment of others’ pain, sensitively more
than emotionally denoted, may be crucial for the social learning of
reactions to painful stimuli in that it may help the observers corti-
cospinal system to implement escape or freezing reactions before
painful stimuli are actually experienced.
It may thus be possible to think of at least two forms of empathy
linked to one another in an evolutionary and developmental perspec-
tive. A comparatively simple form of empathy, based on somatic
resonance, may be primarily concerned with mapping external stimuli
onto ones own body
. A more complex form of empathy, based
on affective resonance, may deal with emotional sharing
with the evaluation of social bonds and interpersonal relations
in all, our results indicate that the motor system is an important node
in the complex neural network, recruited not only during the personal
experience of pain
but also during empathy for others pain.
We propose that a direct matching of specific sensory aspects of others
pain occurs in sensorimotor structures of the pain matrix, whereas
emotional components of others’ painful experiences are coded in the
affective division of the network
. Hence, empathy for pain may take
different forms in different nodes of the complex neural network that
represent sensations, feelings and emotions linked to the experience of
pain. Philosophers have emphasized that our bodily sensations are
intrinsically private
. However, our findings suggest that, at least in
humans, the social dimension of pain extends even to the very basic,
sensorimotor levels of neural processing.
Subjects. For experiments 1–5 there were 12, 8, 12, 8 and 16 participants,
respectively (6, 4, 6, 4 and 8 men). Ages ranged between 20–28, 21–27, 20–27,
20–29 and 19–30. All subjects were right-handed, according to a standard
handedness inventory
. Subjects gave written informed consent and were paid
for their participation. The protocol was approved by the ethics committee of
the Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome and was carried out in accordance with the
ethical standards of the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki. None of the participants
had neurological, psychiatric or other medical problems or had any contra-
indication to TMS
EMG and TMS recording. In experiments 1, 2, 3 and 5, MEPs were
recorded simultaneously from first right dorsal interosseus (FDI) and abductor
digiti minimi (ADM) by means of a Viking IV (Nicolet Biomedical)
r = –0.56
–2 –1 0 1 2
MEP amplitude
change (%)
VAS pain simulation
r = –0.50
–2 –1 0 1 2
VAS pain intensity
r = –0.15
–2 –1 0 1 2
MEP amplitude
change (%)
VAS aversion
r = –0.06
–2 –1 0 1 2
VAS compassion
r = –0.11
–2 –1 0 1 2
MEP amplitude
change (%)
IRI personal distress
r = –0.24
–2 –1 0 1 2
IRI empathic concern
Figure 6 Amplitude changes of MEPs recorded from the FDI muscle during
‘Needle in FDI’ observation and state (a,b,c,d) and trait (e,f) empathy
measures (z-scores) in experiment 5. (a,b) MEPs amplitude changes were
negatively correlated with VAS pain simulation and VAS pain intensity.
Moreover, both ‘sensory’ state empathy measures independently predict the
inhibition (Supplementary Table 2). (c,d,e,f) No significant correlation
between MEP amplitude change and emotional state or trait empathy
scores was found. Details in Supplementary Table 2.
958 VOLUME 8
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electromyograph. EMG signals were band-pass filtered (20 Hz–2.5 kHz,
sampling rate 10 kHz), digitized and stored on a computer for offline analysis.
Pairs of Ag/AgCl surface electrodes were placed over the muscle belly (active)
and over the associated joint or tendon (reference). A circular ground electrode
with a diameter of 30 mm was placed on the dorsal surface of the right wrist. A
figure-eight coil connected to a Magstim Super Rapid Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulator was placed over the left motor cortex. The intersection of the coil
was placed tangentially to the scalp with the handle pointing backward and
laterally at a 451 angle away from the midline. In this way, the current induced
in the neural tissue was directed approximately perpendicular to the line of the
central sulcus, optimal for trans-synaptic activation of the corticospinal path-
. The coil was moved over the left hemisphere to determine the
optimal position from which maximal amplitude MEPs were elicited in FDI.
The intensity of magnetic pulses was set at 130% of the resting motor
threshold, defined as the minimal intensity of the stimulatory output that
produces MEPs with an amplitude of at least 50 mV with 50% probability
The complete muscle relaxation before TMS was verified by means of visual
and auditory monitoring of the EMG signal. F and M waves were elicited by
supramaximal electric square-wave pulses (duration, 0.3 ms) at 5-s intervals
and were recorded from the FDI muscle. The electric stimuli were delivered
to the right ulnar nerve at the wrist. Whereas the F wave is considered an index
of spinal cord excitability, the M wave is considered an index of nerve and
muscle excitability
Visual stimuli. In each experiment, different blocks of video clips were
presented on a 19-inch screen located 80 cm from the subjects. In experiment
1, the video clips showed (i) the dorsal view of a right hand (‘Static Hand’),
(ii) a needle penetrating the FDI muscle region (‘Needle in FDI’), a Q-tip
touching the same region (‘Q-tip on FDI’) and (iii) a needle penetrating a
tomato (‘Non-corporeal’; Supplementary Video 1). In experiment 2, video
clips of (i) the dorsal view of a right foot (‘Static foot’), (ii) a needle penetrating
a foot (‘Needle in foot’) and (iii) a Q-tip touching the same region (‘Q-tip on
foot’) were shown. In experiment 3, the video clips showed (i) a static view of
the ADM region of a right hand (‘Static ADM’), (ii) a static view of the dorsal
surface of a right foot (‘Static foot’), (iii) a needle penetrating the ADM muscle
of a right hand (‘Needle in ADM’) and (iv) a needle entering the dorsal surface
of a right foot (‘Needle in foot’). In experiments 4 and 5, the video clips showed
the ‘Needle in FDI’ and the ‘Static Hand’ conditions used in experiment 1.
Previous neurophysiological studies report that observation of moving body
parts brings about an increase of corticospinal excitability
and that
observation of a hand using tools elicits an activation of primary motor
. To avoid such effects in the present study, we checked that no
movements of hand, foot or tomato were evoked by pinprick or touch stimuli.
In a similar vein, we checked that in none of the videos was the holder of the
syringe or of the Q-tip visible.
Procedure. The experiments were programmed using Psychophysics Toolbox
( and Matlab (
software to control sequence and duration of video clips and to trigger TMS
and EMG recording. Each type of video clip was presented in separate blocks.
Five (18 trials), four (18 trials), four (15 trials) and two (18 trials) blocks were
performed in experiments 1, 2, 3 and 5, respectively. On each trial, a magnetic
pulse was randomly delivered between 200 and 600 ms before the end of the
movie to avoid any priming effects that could affect MEP size. A blank screen
was shown for 7.2 s in the intertrial intervals. The choice of long intertrial
intervals was based on a study demonstrating that TMS delivered for 1 h at
0.1 Hz frequency did not induce any change of excitability
. In experiments 1
and 2, the first and the last block served as baseline and consisted of video clips
showing ‘Static Hand and ‘Static foot’, respectively. The order of the other
blocks was counterbalanced. In experiment 3, ‘Static ADM’ and ‘Static foot
served as baseline for ‘Needle in ADM’ and ‘Needle in foot’, respectively. In
experiment 4, 20 F and M waves were recorded in two blocks. In experiment 5,
‘Static Hand’ served as baseline for ‘Needle in FDI’. The order of the different
blocks in experiments 3–5 was counterbalanced. In all the experiments, a
central cross (1,000 ms) indicated the begin of a trial and initiated EMG
recording. The duration of each video was 1,800 ms. In all observation
conditions, participants were asked to watch carefully and pay attention to
the events shown in the video clips. Moreover, in the conditions involving
observation of body parts, participants were instructed to focus on what the
stimulated individual may have felt.
Subjective reports. After TMS sessions of experiment 1, subjects were
presented with all movies and asked to judge the arousal and aversion (personal
distress) induced by each movie by marking a vertical, 10-cm visual analogue
scale (VAS) with 0 cm indicating ‘no effect and 10 cm maximal effect
imaginable. In experiments 1, 2, 3 and 5, VAS were used to rate the intensity
and unpleasantness of the pain purportedly experienced by the model when
being injected or touched on the hand or the foot. In experiment 1, qualities of
the pain ascribed to the model were also measured by means of the Italian
of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ)
. Sensory and Affective
subscales of MPQ were used.
Measures of state and trait empathy. After TMS sessions of experiment 5, four
measures of state empathy (sensory or emotional, self-oriented or other-
oriented) were acquired. Subjects were shown the ‘Needle in FDI’ movies
and asked to evaluate along a VAS (i) their inner mental simulation of the
model’s pain (sensory, self-oriented), (ii) the intensity of the pain they
attributed to the model (sensory, other-oriented), (iii) the aversion they felt
(emotional, self-oriented) and (iv) the compassion they felt for the model
(emotional, other-oriented). Two measures of emotional trait empathy were
obtained by asking subjects to complete two subscales of the Italian version
the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)
, namely Empathic Concern and
Personal Distress. The Empathic Concern subscale assesses the tendency to
experience feelings of sympathy and compassion for others in need, and the
Personal Distress subscale assesses the tendency to experience distress and
discomfort in response to extreme distress in others.
Neurophysiological measures analysis. Data were processed offline. Trials with
EMG activity before TMS (less than 5%) were discarded from analysis. In
experiments 1, 2, 3 and 5, mean MEP amplitude in each condition was
measured peak-to-peak (in mV). In experiment 1, MEP amplitude in the first
and last block was comparable for both FDI (t
¼ 0.51, P ¼ 0.62) and ADM
¼0.18, P ¼ 0.86) muscles. The same result was obtained in experiment 2
(FDI: t
¼ 1.02, P ¼ 0.34; ADM: t
¼ 1.40, P ¼ 0.20). Therefore, in both
experiments, the baseline was obtained by averaging MEP values from the first
and the last block. In experiments 1, 2, 3 and 5, mean MEP amplitude in each
dynamic observation condition was expressed as percentage of the correspond-
ing baseline (‘Static Hand’ in experiment 1 and 5, ‘Static foot’ in experiment 2,
and ‘Static ADM’ and ‘Static foot in experiment 3). For each muscle,
normalized MEP values were analyzed by means of repeated-measure one-
way ANOVAs with Condition as the main factor with three levels (‘Needle in
FDI’, ‘Q-tip on FDI’, ‘Non-corporeal’) in experiment 1, two levels (‘Needle in
foot, ‘Q-tip on foot’) in experiment 2 and two levels (‘Needle in foot, ‘Needle
in ADM’) in experiment 3. Post-hoc comparisons were carried out by means of
the Newman-Keuls test. In experiment 4, mean amplitudes of F and M waves
(in mV) were measured peak-to-peak. F and M waves recorded during ‘Needle
in FDI’ condition were normalized using ‘Static Hand’ condition. Normalized
MEP (experiments 1, 2, 3 and 5) and F and M wave (experiment 4) values were
compared against the value of 1 (baseline) by means of one-sample t-tests.
Subjective measures analysis. In experiment 1, mean VAS ratings for arousal
and aversion induced by the different types of video clip were analyzed by
means of two repeated-measure one-way ANOVAs with type of movie as main
factor (‘Needle in FDI’, ‘Q-tip on FDI’, ‘Non-corporeal’; Supplementary
Fig. 3). We compared the VAS ratings of pain qualities ascribed to the model
by means of two one-way ANOVAs with type of movie as main factor (‘Needle
in FDI’, ‘Q-tip on FDI’ in experiment 1; ‘Needle in foot’, ‘Q-tip on foot’, in
experiment 2; ‘Needle in ADM’, ‘Needle in foot’ in experiment 3), one for pain
intensity and one for pain unpleasantness (Supplementary Fig. 2). Post-hoc
comparisons were carried out by means of the Newman-Keuls test.
Correlation analysis. In each experiment, a correlation analysis between
neurophysiological and subjective measures (experiments 1, 2, 3 and 5) and
state and trait empathy scores (experiment 5) was performed for observation
conditions in which MEP amplitude was significantly different from the
JULY 2005 959
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baseline. An index of MEP amplitude change with respect to the baseline was
computed. The only two conditions significantly different from the baseline
were ‘Needle in FDI’ in experiments 1 (t
¼3.17, P ¼ 0.009) and 5 (t
3.09, P ¼ 0.008) and ‘Needle in ADM’ in experiment 3 (t
¼3.50, P ¼
0.005). Indices of MEP amplitude change were computed as follows: amplitude
during observation of the pain condition minus amplitude during observation
of the static hand condition divided by the average of the same two conditions.
Pearson correlation coefficients between indices of amplitude change of MEPs
recorded from each muscle and subjective reports were computed in each
experiment. In experiment 5, we carried out a standard regression analysis to
test whether sensory state empathy scores were independent predictors of
amplitude change of MEPs recorded from FDI during the observation of
‘Needle in FDI’.
Note: Supplementary information is available on the Nature Neuroscience website.
This research was supported by grants from the Ministero Istruzione Universita
Ricerca and Finanziamento Italiano Ricerca di Base, Italy, both awarded to S.M.A.
The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.
Received 12 April; accepted 17 May 2005
Published online at h ttp://
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... From an evolutionary perspective, vicarious brain resonance (i.e., overlapping brain activity in the sensory regions during both perception and observation of a given stimulus) may represent a foundational layer of empathy, which is shared at the phylogenetic level between humans and other animals (De Waal, 2008;Langford et al., 2006), and at the ontogenetic level between adults and infants (Bandstra et al., 2011;Decety et al., 2008). Interestingly, overlapping brain activations between personal experience and observation have been shown not only for emotional expressions (Pfeifer et al., 2008) but also for sensory experiences, such as "flesh and bone" pain (Avenanti et al., 2005(Avenanti et al., , 2006 and touch (Blakemore et al., 2005;Keysers et al., 2004). This vicarious brain activity is thought to fundamentally contribute to the somatic experience of others' sensations, which may range from an automatic and unconscious process through an overt experience of the sensation observed in the other person (Fitzgibbon et al., 2014). ...
... Further studies confirmed the affective network activity during the observation of painful stimulation on others (Lamm et al., 2011;Morrison et al., 2004). Tellingly, however, the somatosensory components of processing another's pain were highlighted in a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study showing that the corticospinal motor representation of hand muscles of individuals observing painful events was specifically inhibited during the direct observation of pain on others (Avenanti et al., 2005). This evidence was further investigated and confirmed in many studies where participants had to observe videos or pictures of others receiving painful stimulation Betti et al., 2009;Bufalari et al., 2007;Fan & Han, 2008;Minio-Paluello et al., 2009). ...
... By recording motor evoked potentials (MEPs), Bucchioni et al. (2016) investigated the role of visual perspective on sensorimotor inhibition occurring during the observation of painful events on hands from a 1PP and a 3PP (hand model rotated by 180°). Results demonstrated that the inhibition (i.e., freezing effect; Avenanti et al., 2005;Beise et al., 1998) that occurs while observing others' pain seems to be specific for the observation of the 1PP model, suggesting a major role sense of visual perspective, and as the authors state in their paper, body ownership (i.e., the hand perceived in 1PP) during the observation of painful events. Moreover, the authors conducted an RHI induction in the same participants separated from the MEPs study, in order to obtain a measure of predisposition to experience embodiment: they observed that the stronger the inhibition of MEPs, the greater the embodiment disposition during RHI, supporting their claim about the major role of ownership. ...
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We conducted a systematic review investigating the influence of visual perspective and body ownership (BO) on vicarious brain resonance and vicarious sensations during the observation of pain and touch. Indeed, the way in which brain reactivity and the phenomenological experience can be modulated by blurring the bodily boundaries of self-other distinction is still unclear. We screened Scopus and WebOfScience, and identified 31 articles, published from 2000 to 2022. Results show that assuming an egocentric perspective enhances vicarious resonance and vicarious sensations. Studies on synaesthetes suggest that vicarious conscious experiences are associated with an increased tendency to embody fake body parts, even in the absence of congruent multisensory stimulation. Moreover, immersive virtual reality studies show that the type of embodied virtual body can affect high-order sensations such as appropriateness, unpleasantness, and erogeneity, associated with the touched body part and the toucher’s social identity. We conclude that perspective plays a key role in the resonance with others' pain and touch, and full-BO over virtual avatars allows investigation of complex aspects of pain and touch perception which would not be possible in reality.
... In addition, classification was informed by areas traditionally associated with the human mirror neuron system (inferior parietal lobe and broca's area BA44). These results agree with prior findings showing that the human mirror neuron system supports observation of others' internal states, and that observed somatomotor experience affects motor cortex excitability (Avenanti et al., 2005, Fadiga et al., 1995. ...
... Thus, the hierarchical position, the level of integration represented putatively by implicated areas and complexity of these patterns is informative for understanding how a given process is served by the brain. While fMRI studies typically do not show such lateralization in "mirroring" responses, such patterns have been observed in TMS studies (Avenanti et al., 2005(Avenanti et al., , 2006. Our dissimilarity-based method may detect lateralization (and actual sensorimotor simulation processes) better than univariate methods, suggesting intriguing conclusions about neural representations of others' states within neuroimaging data. ...
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Empathy seems to rely on our ability to faithfully simulate multiple aspects of others’ inferred experiences, often using brain structures we would use during a similar experience. Much neuroimaging work in this vein has related empathic tendencies to univariate correlates of simulation strength or salience. However, novel evidence suggests that empathy may rely on the multivariate distinctiveness of these simulations. Someone whose representations of painful and non-painful stimulation are more distinct from each other may more accurately simulate that experience upon seeing somebody else experience it. We sought to predict empathic tendencies from the dissimilarity between neural activity patterns evoked by observing other people experience pain and touch and compared those findings to traditional univariate analyses. In support of a simulationist perspective, diverse observed somatosensory experiences were best classified by activation patterns in contralateral somatosensory and insular cortices, the same areas that would be active were the subject experiencing the stimuli themselves. In support of our specific hypothesis, the degree of dissimilarity between patterns for pain and touch in distinct areas was each associated with different aspects of trait empathy. Furthermore, the pattern dissimilarity analysis proved more informative regarding individual differences than analogous univariate analyses. These results suggest that multiple facets of empathy are associated with an ability to robustly distinguish between the simulated states of others at corresponding levels of the processing hierarchy, observable via the distinguishability of neural patterns arising with those states. Activation pattern dissimilarity may be a useful tool for parsing the neuroimaging correlates of complex cognitive functions like empathy.
... Similar to the majority of previous neuroimaging studies 21,63,64 , we invited all patients to a post-iEEG session to measure the empathic strength and other empathy-related subjective ratings to perceived pain in others after the iEEG recording. This setting (post-iEEG rating procedure) could avoid potential influence on the empathic neural responses in the pain judgment task caused by self-report empathic ratings (e.g., avoid evoking intentionally controlled empathic processes 65 ), and enabled us to separately measure different dimensions of empathy-related ratings (see the procedure of post-iEEG session in Supplementary Fig. 15). ...
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Empathy enables understanding and sharing of others’ feelings. Human neuroimaging studies have identified critical brain regions supporting empathy for pain, including the anterior insula (AI), anterior cingulate (ACC), amygdala, and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). However, to date, the precise spatio-temporal profiles of empathic neural responses and inter-regional communications remain elusive. Here, using intracranial electroencephalography, we investigated electrophysiological signatures of vicarious pain perception. Others’ pain perception induced early increases in high-gamma activity in IFG, beta power increases in ACC, but decreased beta power in AI and amygdala. Vicarious pain perception also altered the beta-band-coordinated coupling between ACC, AI, and amygdala, as well as increased modulation of IFG high-gamma amplitudes by beta phases of amygdala/AI/ACC. We identified a necessary combination of neural features for decoding vicarious pain perception. These spatio-temporally specific regional activities and inter-regional interactions within the empathy network suggest a neurodynamic model of human pain empathy.
... Previous studies have found that visual and auditory stimuli trigger individuals' sharing of the emotional state of others (e.g., Jospe et al., 2020). For example, observing the pain of another person provokes the same motor response as one's own pain (Avenanti et al., 2005). Visual stimuli such as videos arouse one's mimicry and emotional contagion (Hess and Blairy, 2001). ...
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A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Voice-based artificial intelligence Voice AI Empathetic response in voice AI Attention to auditory information Auditory information exploration Consumer's narcissism A B S T R A C T Voice-based artificial intelligence, or voice AI, is becoming more prevalent in consumers' daily transactions. Utilizing the perception-action model of empathy, this study aims to understand the holistic nature of empathetic responses in voice AI and how this technology, when rendered empathetic, can affect consumers' attention to auditory information (perceived attention) and auditory information exploration, by reaching expected outcomes of the interactive process, consumer satisfaction, and consumers' willingness to use voice AI. The results of two pretests and two experiments explain the effect of empathetic response in voice AI on consumers' perceived attention and its subsequent effect on consumers' auditory information exploration, satisfaction, and willingness to use voice AI. In addition, the moderating effects of narcissism on relationships were also tested. Consumers' narcissism strengthens the effect of empathetic response on perceived attention to auditory information.
Humanoid robots have been designed to look more and more like humans to meet social demands. How do people empathize humanoid robots who look the same as but are essentially different from humans? We addressed this issue by examining subjective feelings, electrophysiological activities, and functional magnetic resonance imaging signals during perception of pain and neutral expressions of faces that were recognized as patients or humanoid robots. We found that healthy adults reported deceased feelings of understanding and sharing of humanoid robots’ compared to patients’ pain. Moreover, humanoid robot (vs. patient) identities reduced long-latency electrophysiological responses and blood oxygenation level–dependent signals in the left temporoparietal junction in response to pain (vs. neutral) expressions. Furthermore, we showed evidence that humanoid robot identities inhibited a causal input from the right ventral lateral prefrontal cortex to the left temporoparietal junction, contrasting the opposite effect produced by patient identities. These results suggest a neural model of modulations of empathy by humanoid robot identity through interactions between the cognitive and affective empathy networks, which provides a neurocognitive basis for understanding human–robot interactions.
Neuroscientific research on emotion has developed dramatically over the past decade. The cognitive neuroscience of human emotion, which has emerged as the new and thriving area of 'affective neuroscience', is rapidly rendering existing overviews of the field obsolete. This handbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date and authoritative survey of knowledge and topics investigated in this cutting-edge field. It covers a range of topics, from face and voice perception to pain and music, as well as social behaviors and decision making. The book considers and interrogates multiple research methods, among them brain imaging and physiology measurements, as well as methods used to evaluate behavior and genetics. Editors Jorge Armony and Patrik Vuilleumier have enlisted well-known and active researchers from more than twenty institutions across three continents, bringing geographic as well as methodological breadth to the collection. This timely volume will become a key reference work for researchers and students in the growing field of neuroscience.
Neuroscientific research on emotion has developed dramatically over the past decade. The cognitive neuroscience of human emotion, which has emerged as the new and thriving area of 'affective neuroscience', is rapidly rendering existing overviews of the field obsolete. This handbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date and authoritative survey of knowledge and topics investigated in this cutting-edge field. It covers a range of topics, from face and voice perception to pain and music, as well as social behaviors and decision making. The book considers and interrogates multiple research methods, among them brain imaging and physiology measurements, as well as methods used to evaluate behavior and genetics. Editors Jorge Armony and Patrik Vuilleumier have enlisted well-known and active researchers from more than twenty institutions across three continents, bringing geographic as well as methodological breadth to the collection. This timely volume will become a key reference work for researchers and students in the growing field of neuroscience.
Neuroscientific research on emotion has developed dramatically over the past decade. The cognitive neuroscience of human emotion, which has emerged as the new and thriving area of 'affective neuroscience', is rapidly rendering existing overviews of the field obsolete. This handbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date and authoritative survey of knowledge and topics investigated in this cutting-edge field. It covers a range of topics, from face and voice perception to pain and music, as well as social behaviors and decision making. The book considers and interrogates multiple research methods, among them brain imaging and physiology measurements, as well as methods used to evaluate behavior and genetics. Editors Jorge Armony and Patrik Vuilleumier have enlisted well-known and active researchers from more than twenty institutions across three continents, bringing geographic as well as methodological breadth to the collection. This timely volume will become a key reference work for researchers and students in the growing field of neuroscience.
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Біль є однією з найбільш універсальних людських відчуттів, яке викликає як фізіологічну, так і психологічну реакцію організму. Біль являє собою глибокий, багатогранний феномен, що знаходиться на перехресті медичних, психологічних, соціальних та економічних дисциплін. Інтенсивність цієї проблематики активно збільшується у зв’язку зі старінням громадян, збільшенням випадків хронічних хвороб та незбалансованим ритмом життя сучасних людей. Синдром болю негативно впливає на добробут пацієнтів, їхню душевну рівновагу, робочу ефективність та соціальну інтеграцію, при цьому часто виявляється стійким до терапевтичних методик. Отже, це підкреслює глибоку соціальну та медичну актуальність підходів до виявлення та корекції болю. При встановленні діагнозу та методах терапії больового синдрому ключовою є інтегративна стратегія, що має відображати особистісне сприйняття болю хворим, його емоційний контекст, унікальний досвід особистості та історію переживань болю. Такий підхід може оптимізувати терапевтичний вплив, зменшити використання анальгетиків і таким чином підвищити комфортність існування особи. Психофізіологічний підхід до дослідження болю дозволяє вивчати динаміку взаємодії між центральною нервовою системою та периферійними відгуками організму. У світлі сучасних наукових досягнень існує активний інтерес до вивчення молекулярних, клітинних і системних механізмів, які регулюють процеси сприйняття болю. Розуміння психологічних аспектів болю є важливим для розробки комплексних підходів до реабілітації пацієнтів з болючими синдромами. Отже, вивчення психофізіологічних аспектів болю є актуальним не лише з наукової точки зору, але й має важливе практичне значення у контексті клінічної практики, розробки нових фармакологічних препаратів та методів реабілітації.
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Empathy accounts for the naturally occurring subjective experience of similarity between the feelings expressed by self and others without loosing sight of whose feelings belong to whom. Empathy involves not only the affective experience of the other person's actual or inferred emotional state but also some minimal recognition and understanding of another's emotional state. In light of multiple levels of analysis ranging from developmental psychology, social psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and clinical neuropsychology, this article proposes a model of empathy that involves parallel and distributed processing in a number of dissociable computational mechanisms. Shared neural representations, self-awareness, mental flexibility, and emotion regulation constitute the basic macrocomponents of empathy, which are underpinned by specific neural systems. This functional model may be used to make specific predictions about the various empathy deficits that can be encountered in different forms of social and neurological disorders.
We recorded electrical activity from 532 neurons in the rostral part of inferior area 6 (area F5) of two macaque monkeys. Previous data had shown that neurons of this area discharge during goal-directed hand and mouth movements. We describe here the properties of a newly discovered set of F5 neurons ("mirror neurons', n = 92) all of which became active both when the monkey performed a given action and when it observed a similar action performed by the experimenter. Mirror neurons, in order to be visually triggered, required an interaction between the agent of the action and the object of it. The sight of the agent alone or of the object alone (three-dimensional objects, food) were ineffective. Hand and the mouth were by far the most effective agents. The actions most represented among those activating mirror neurons were grasping, manipulating and placing. In most mirror neurons (92%) there was a clear relation between the visual action they responded to and the motor response they coded. In approximately 30% of mirror neurons the congruence was very strict and the effective observed and executed actions corresponded both in terms of general action (e.g. grasping) and in terms of the way in which that action was executed (e.g. precision grip). We conclude by proposing that mirror neurons form a system for matching observation and execution of motor actions. We discuss the possible role of this system in action recognition and, given the proposed homology between F5 and human Brocca's region, we posit that a matching system, similar to that of mirror neurons exists in humans and could be involved in recognition of actions as well as phonetic gestures.
Watching the movie scene in which a tarantula crawls on James Bond's chest can make us literally shiver—as if the spider crawled on our own chest. What neural mechanisms are responsible for this “tactile empathy”? The observation of the actions of others activates the premotor cortex normally involved in the execution of the same actions. If a similar mechanism applies to the sight of touch, movies depicting touch should automatically activate the somatosensory cortex of the observer. Here we found using fMRI that the secondary but not the primary somatosensory cortex is activated both when the participants were touched and when they observed someone or something else getting touched by objects. The neural mechanisms enabling our own sensation of touch may therefore be a window also to our understanding of touch.
The pattern of upper-limb muscle activation following painful stimulation has not been clarified in detail. We investigated the short-term inhibitory and excitatory effects of painful electrical digital stimulation on the motoneuron pools of distal and proximal upper-limb muscles. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used as test stimulus, and painful digital nerve stimulation as conditioning stimulus for motor evoked potential (MEP) recordings over the abductor digiti minimi (ADM), abductor pollicis brevis (APB), biceps brachii (BB), and deltoid muscles. Inhibition of the conditioned MEP response was most prominent in the distal muscles, whereas BB and deltoid muscles were only weakly inhibited. The mean MEP response over APB decreased with painful cutaneous stimuli, showing maximum inhibition (by 82%) at interstimulus intervals (ISIs) of 50 ms. Inhibition in the ADM was maximal (49%) but less pronounced at an ISI of 40 ms. The BB and deltoid muscles showed inhibition by 25% and 29%, respectively. Significant facilitation was present in BB and deltoid muscles by 43% and 41% at an ISI of 100 ms, but not in the smaller hand muscles. The observed pattern of upper-limb muscle activation corresponds to the protective withdrawal reflex and the neuronal basis of the observed short-term modulation of motor activity is compatible with a spinal or brainstem pathway. Muscle Nerve 29: 663–669, 2004
Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the left motor cortex were recorded from the right first dorsal interosseous (FDI), abductor pollicis brevis (APB), abductor digiti minimi (ADM), flexor carpi radialis (FCR), extensor carpi radialis (ECR) in 17 normal subjects, before and after painful application of capsaicin on the skin overlying the right FDI and FCR muscles. The amplitude of MEPs from the FDI and FCR was significantly reduced from 20 to 30 min after the application of capsaicin over the FDI and FCR muscles, respectively, then progressively returned to the basal values. A similar trend of MEPs inhibition was observed for APB and FCR muscles, but this reduction was not significant. Indices of peripheral nerve (M-wave) and spinal cord excitability (F and H waves) did not change throughout the experiments. Motor cortex inhibition induced by tonic cutaneous pain is maximal to muscles adjacent to the painful area. This inhibition may be due to the activation of the C fibres which mediate ‘slow’ nociception and might be important to alert subject to possible phasic nociceptive events that may occur close to the painful area.
How does imitation occur? How can the motor plans necessary for imitating an action derive from the observation of that action? Imitation may be based on a mechanism directly matching the observed action onto an internal motor representation of that action (“direct matching hypothesis”). To test this hypothesis, normal human participants were asked to observe and imitate a finger movement and to perform the same movement after spatial or symbolic cues. Brain activity was measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging. If the direct matching hypothesis is correct, there should be areas that become active during finger movement, regardless of how it is evoked, and their activation should increase when the same movement is elicited by the observation of an identical movement made by another individual. Two areas with these properties were found in the left inferior frontal cortex (opercular region) and the rostral-most region of the right superior parietal lobule.
The McGill Pain Questionnaire consists primarily of 3 major classes of word descriptors--sensory, affective and evaluative--that are used by patients to specify subjective pain experience. It also contains an intensity scale and other items to determine the properties of pain experience. The questionnaire was designed to provide quantitative measures of clinical pain that can be treated statistically. This paper describes the procedures for administration of the questionnaire and the various measures that can be derived from it. The 3 major measures are: (1) the pain rating index, based on two types of numerical values that can be assigned to each word descriptor, (2) the number of words chosen; and (3) the present pain intensity based on a 1-5 intensity scale. Correlation coefficients among these measures, based on data obtained with 297 patients suffering several kinds of pain, are presented. In addition, an experimental study which utilized the questionnaire is analyzed in order to describe the nature of the information that is obtained. The data, taken together, indicate that the McGill Pain Questionnaire provides quantitative information that can be treated statistically, and is sufficiently sensitive to detect differences among different methods to relieve pain.
The human motor cortex can be excited by currents induced by a transient magnetic field generated in a coil over the scalp. A 9 cm mean diameter circular coil centered at the vertex is optimally placed for exciting the hand area. Anticlockwise current flow in the coil preferentially excites the left hemisphere and vice versa. A double coil has been used to investigate the orientation of inducing currents at which activation of cortical neural elements is maximal. The inducing current flowed in the same direction in the central segment of the coil and followed a monophasic wave form. The coil was rotated through 360 degrees over the motor area in increments of 45 degrees and compound muscle action potentials from the first dorsal interosseous muscle were recorded. The largest responses were obtained with the coil at about 50 degrees to the parasagittal plane with a backward flowing inducing current. The optimal angle did not depend on stimulus intensity or background voluntary contraction. This orientation corresponds to an maximal induced current flowing forwards approximately at right angles to the central sulcus. It is postulated that horizontal neural elements are aligned in this direction and are preferentially excited by these monophasic magnetic stimuli. The results have important implications for mapping the motor areas with magnetic stimulators.