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Immunological processes in malaria pathogenesis



Malaria is possibly the most serious infectious disease of humans, infecting 5-10% of the world's population, with 300-600 million clinical cases and more than 2 million deaths annually. Adaptive immune responses in the host limit the clinical impact of infection and provide partial, but incomplete, protection against pathogen replication; however, these complex immunological reactions can contribute to disease and fatalities. So, appropriate regulation of immune responses to malaria lies at the heart of the host-parasite balance and has consequences for global public health. This Review article addresses the innate and adaptive immune mechanisms elicited during malaria that either cause or prevent disease and fatalities, and it considers the implications for vaccine design.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
*The Walter and Eliza Hall
Institute of Medical
Research, 1G Royal Parade,
Parkville, Victoria 3050,
Université de la
Méditerranée, Centre
National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Unité Mixte
de Recherche 6020,
Immunopathology Group,
Faculty of Medicine,
Institut Fédératif de
Recherche 48, 27 boulevard
Jean Moulin, F-13385
Marseille, France.
Correspondence to L.S.
Malaria is transmitted to vertebrate hosts, such as mice,
monkeys and humans, by the bite of female Anopheles
mosquitoes that are infected with protozoan parasites
of the genus Plasmodium. The inoculated sporozoite
stage is transient and causes no pathology. Within
a few minutes, it infects liver cells and undergoes a
period of intracellular replication, which is also clini-
cally silent. After liver-stage replication is complete,
the parasite initiates blood-stage infection, which
is the main cause of disease
(FIG. 1). There are four
Plasmodium species that infect humans. Plasmodium
ovale typically causes a relatively benign infection.
Plasmodium malariae is also frequently clinically
silent, although an immune-complex-associated
glomerulonephropathy can develop following chronic
infection. Although it is rarely fatal, Plasmodium vivax
is a common cause of acute febrile illness, especially
in Asia, South America and Oceania, and it might
contribute to anaemia. However, most cases of severe
disease and most deaths are caused by the blood-stage
cycle of Plasmodium falciparum, which is endemic in
most of sub-Saharan Africa and throughout most of
the tropics.
Worldwide, most infections with malaria-causing
agents are clinically silent, reflecting the ability of
adaptive immune mechanisms to prevent disease.
In non-immune individuals, however, infections are
more clinically overt, and a minority of these can
become severe or life threatening, manifesting a range
of discrete and overlapping disease syndromes of
complex aetiologies. Those dying of malaria can have
single-organ, multiple-organ or systemic involvement
TABLE 1. Overall patterns of disease depend markedly
on the age and the previous immunological experi-
ence of the host
. In areas of high malaria transmis-
sion, the burden of disease is borne by infants and
young children; life-threatening disease in this setting
typically consists of metabolic acidosis (which leads to
respiratory distress), cerebral malaria (CM) and severe
malarial anaemia (SMA). However, in areas of lower
transmission, primary infections might occur in adult-
hood, in which severe disease more frequently involves
additional disturbances, such as renal failure, pulmo-
nary oedema, shock and jaundice. So, transmission
dynamics and host age are important determinants of
disease, together with host genetics and immunological
responses (discussed later).
The diversity of syndromes
TABLE 1 seems to con-
found the identification of unifying mechanisms of
disease. However, the studies reviewed here generally
support a scheme in which several important malaria
syndromes might arise from the intersection of a few
basic processes: the site-specific localization of para-
sitized red blood cells (PRBCs) among target organs;
Louis Schofield* and Georges E. Grau
Abstract | Malaria is possibly the most serious infectious disease of humans, infecting 5–10%
of the world’s population, with 300–600 million clinical cases and more than 2 million deaths
annually. Adaptive immune responses in the host limit the clinical impact of infection and
provide partial, but incomplete, protection against pathogen replication; however, these
complex immunological reactions can contribute to disease and fatalities. So, appropriate
regulation of immune responses to malaria lies at the heart of the host–parasite balance and
has consequences for global public health. This Review article addresses the innate and
adaptive immune mechanisms elicited during malaria that either cause or prevent disease
and fatalities, and it considers the implications for vaccine design.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
the local and systemic action of bioactive parasite
products, such as toxins, on host tissues; the local
and systemic production of pro-inflammatory and
counter-regulatory cytokines and chemokines by the
innate and adaptive immune systems in response to
parasite products; and the activation, recruitment
and infiltration of inflammatory cells. According
to this view, diverse organ-specific or systemic dis-
ease syndromes are end-stage processes of atypical
inflammatory cascades that are initiated in target
organs by pathogen products and are maintained by
infiltrating cells through positive-feedback cycles. In
most cases, homeostasis corrects the cascade effect,
and responses are adequately downregulated. In severe
disease, however, a ‘run-away’ effect can ensue, with
fatal consequences. Appropriate regulation of immune
responses might therefore be a key to healthy out-
comes, and understanding these processes might aid
in the development of vaccine-based interventions.
Initiation of malaria-associated syndromes
Site-specific localization of PRBCs. As blood-stage
parasites mature through the 48-hour replicative cycle,
avoiding passage through the spleen is an essential
survival strategy, because this immunological effector
efficiently filters PRBCs from the bloodstream.
Erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (
EMP1) is the name
given collectively to members of a family of variant
cell-surface proteins that are encoded by P. f a l c i p a r u m
and enable PRBCs to engage multiple receptors — such
as intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (
ICAM1), vascu-
lar cell-adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM1), CD31,
Figure 1 | The life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum. Mosquitoes that carry the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium falciparum
inject a small number of infectious sporozoites into the bloodstream while feeding. Within a few minutes, they are carried to the liver,
where they invade and replicate in liver cells. Then, 10–12 days later, thousands of daughter merozoites are released back into the
bloodstream and enter red blood cells (RBCs). The parasites are carried around the circulation within RBCs, but as they grow, they
express adherent ligands — such as P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 — that enable the maturing parasite to bind
receptors expressed by endothelial cells that line the blood vessels in the deep vascular beds of organs such as the brain, lungs and
placenta. After 48 hours, the parasitized RBCs (PRBCs) rupture and release more daughter merozoites, thereby perpetuating
and promoting the blood-stage cycle. The presence of the parasite and the invasion of RBCs might not be sufficient to account
for disease; instead, the release of bioactive parasite molecules and an inappropriately regulated host immune response could be
the main causes of fatal pathogenesis, which occurs in only a minority of patients. Some merozoites differentiate into gametocytes,
which, when taken up by another feeding mosquito, perpetuate the sexual cycle in the insect.
Blood vessel
enter RBC
Some merozoites
develop into
Asexual reproductive
stages in RBC
released into
Liver cells
Placental malaria
Cerebral malaria
Mosquito injects
Sequestration of
PRBCs on placental
Inflammatory response to
PRBCs and parasite toxins
PRBC Platelet Leukocyte
Sporozoites rapidly
enter liver cells
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
A disease that is caused by
Trypanosoma cruzi. In chronic
cases, it is associated with
autoimmune damage to
various organs.
thrombospondin, endothelial-cell selectin (E-selectin),
chondroitin sulphate A (CSA) and hyaluronic acid
— that are expressed by vascular endothelial cells
in deep-organ microvascular beds. Binding to these
receptors by cell-surface P. falciparum EMP1 seques-
ters parasites so that they are removed from the circu-
lation and, consequently, do not travel to the spleen.
Although this is advantageous for the survival of the
parasite, this strategy has the pathological consequence
of concentrating parasites in various target organs, and
the precise locations depend on the differential expres-
sion of the various P. falciparum EMP1 members and
their diverse endothelial-cell-expressed receptors.
Production of bioactive parasite products. As
sequestered parasites mature, they produce a vari-
ety of bio active molecules that either upregulate or
downregulate pathogenic processes, largely through
their effects on the innate immune system
TABLE 2.
Immune responses to infectious insults are mainly
initiated by the interaction of pathogen-associated
molecular patterns (PAMPs) with receptors expressed
by host cells. For viruses, bacteria and yeast, PAMPs
include modified lipids (such as bacterial lipopoly-
saccharides), carbohydrates (such as yeast zymosan),
proteins (such as flagellin) and nucleic acids (such
as unmethylated CpG-motif-containing DNA and
double-stranded RNA). Many studies implicate
glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) of P. falciparum
as a malaria PAMP and as a toxin. Purified GPI
induces the expression of many genes that are impli-
cated in malaria pathogenesis: for example, genes
that encode pro-inflammatory cytokines — such
as tumour-necrosis factor (
TNF), interleukin-1
IL-1) and IL-12 REFS 36 — inducible nitric-oxide
, and various adhesion molecules that
are expressed at the surface of the vascular endo-
thelium and are recognized by P. falciparum
REF. 8, which increases endothelial-cell binding by
. In a sepsis–shock model, GPI alone is suf-
ficient to cause symptoms that are similar to those
of acute malaria, such as transient pyrexia, hypo-
glycaemia and death of recipients as a consequence
of TNF-mediated coagulopathy, as seen in the
malarial shock-like syndrome
TABLE 1. The GPIs
from Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and
Toxoplasma gondii all have similar properties to the
GPI from P. falciparum
, and this might account
for some pathogenic features of trypanosomiasis,
CHAGAS’ DISEASE and toxoplasmosis.
Other potential P. f a l c i p a r u m PAMPs include phos-
phorylated, non-peptidic antigens, to which γδ T cells
respond with slow kinetics
, and haemozoin, the insol-
uble, crystalline residue of parasite-mediated haemo-
globin digestion, which is long-lived and accumulates in
phagocytes. Haemozoin has interesting, although seem-
ingly contradictory, bioactivities. It has been reported to
or inhibit
dendritic cell (DC) maturation and
to induce either the production of the T helper 1 (T
cytokines TNF
and IL-12 REF. 13 or the T
2 cytokine
IL-10. It also inhibits general proliferative responses by
human leukocytes
. In addition, it has been shown to
promote monocyte and macrophage dysfunction, by
impairing phagocytosis and the expression of MHC
class II molecules, CD11c and ICAM1
REF. 17. Overall,
haemozoin seems to be highly immunosuppressive
Table 1 | Severe and fatal disease syndromes in malaria
Syndrome Clinical features Possible sequence or mechanism of disease
Cerebral malaria Sustained impaired consciousness, coma,
long-term neurological sequelae
Cerebral parasite sequestration; bioactive GPI; pro-inflammatory
cytokine cascade; endothelial-cell activation; natural killer T-cell
activation; T
2-cell balance; chemokine production;
monocyte, macrophage and neutrophil recruitment; platelet
and fibrinogen deposition; CD4
, CD8
and γδ T-cell involvement;
IFN-γ production; neurological metabolic derangements; possibly
Placental malaria Placental insufficiency, low birth weight,
premature delivery, loss of fetus
Plasmodium falciparum EMP1-mediated binding to placental
endothelium and syncytiotrophoblast through chondroitin
sulphate A and hyaluronic acid; cytokine production; chemokine-
mediated recruitment and infiltration of monocytes; intravascular
macrophage differentiation
Severe malarial anaemia Pallor, lethargy, haemoglobin level of 4–6 g
per 10 ml
Erythropoietic suppression by toxins and cytokines; increased
RBC destruction, owing to parasitization, RBC alterations,
complement and immune complex or antigen deposition,
erythrophagocytosis, splenic hyperphagism, CD4
T cells,
2 cytokine balance (TNF and IFN-γ versus IL-10)
Metabolic acidosis Respiratory distress, deep breathing
(Kussmaul breathing), hypovolaemia
Molecular mechanisms unknown. Possibly widespread parasite
sequestration; bioactive toxins; increased vascular permeability;
reduced tissue perfusion; anaemia; pulmonary airway obstruction;
hypoxia; increased host glycolysis; repressed gluconeogenesis.
Some overlap with shock-like syndrome
Shock-like syndrome
(systemic inflammatory-
response-like syndrome)
Shock, haemodynamic changes, impaired
organ perfusion, disseminated intravascular
Bioactive toxins; T
1 cytokines; acute-phase reactants
EMP1, erythrocyte membrane protein 1; GPI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol; IFN-γ, interferon-γ; IL-10, interleukin-10; RBC, red blood cell; T
, T helper; TNF, tumour-
necrosis factor.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
The inhibition of normal
production of fresh red blood
cells in the bone marrow or
spleen. This occurs by various
mechanisms, including
inhibition of precursor-cell
responsiveness to
Divergent results might be a consequence of differences
in haemozoin preparations, because these preparations
are heterogeneous, containing uncharacterized bio-
active contaminants, such as non-covalently associated
phospholipids, hydroxylated fatty acids, carbohydrates
and glycolipids. Removal of non-covalently asso ciated
lipids from haemozoin preparations abolishes their
. However, a synthetic version of haemo-
zoin, β-haematin, has pro-inflammatory activity on
mouse monocytes and
At high PRBC to target-cell ratios, PRBCs can
inhibit the maturation of DCs and reduce their
ability to stimulate T cells
. DC exhaustion could
result from antigen overload, but it has been sug-
gested, although not proven, that these activities
result from the binding of P. f a l c i p a r u m EMP1 to
CD36 and CD51
REFS 23,24. If this is the case, this
important molecule would also participate in the
negative regulation of the immune system, in con-
trast to PAMPs, which only induce activation of the
innate immune system.
Recognition of parasite molecules by innate immune
receptors. The various members of the mammalian
Toll-like receptor (TLR) family are important recep-
tors that are responsible for recognition of microbial
PAMPs. Mice that have a mutant version of TLR4,
which binds lipopolysaccharide, are responsive to GPI
from P. f a l c i p a r u m
and T. cruzi, indicating that this
glycolipid triggers a different receptor that results in
the expression of pro-inflammatory genes. GPI from
both pathogens can activate TLR2, and this requires
the crucial TLR adaptor protein MyD88 (myeloid
differentiation primary-response gene 88)
. However,
TLR2-deficient mice produced pro-inflammatory cyto-
kines when stimulated with live T. cruzi, and they were
almost as resistant to infection as wild-type mice
Evidence for the involvement of TLR mechanisms in
the immunoregulation and immunopathogenesis of
malaria is still limited. MyD88-deficient mice that are
infected with Plasmodium berghei have less liver injury
and produce less IL-12 but not IL-18 than wild-type
. However, the liver injury in this experimental
system does not model the pathophysiological disease
processes that occur in humans. Haemozoin activates
mouse DCs through TLR9
REF. 13. TLR9 is expressed
by monocytes, macrophages, B cells and DCs in mice,
but it is restricted to B cells and plasmacytoid DCs
in humans
. So, TLR9 agonists (and presumably
haemozoin) do not activate monocytes or macrophages
in humans. TLR9 functions through a strictly MyD88-
dependent pathway. However, data indicate that
there is no significant difference in peak parasitaemia,
ERYTHROPOIETIC SUPPRESSION, interferon-γ (IFN-γ) produc-
tion and CM fatality rates between P. b e r g h e i -infected,
mice and their P. berghei-infected, Myd88
litter-mates (L.S., unpublished observations). If this
observation is confirmed, then MyD88-independent
pathways would seem to dominate disease processes
in this model. Other lectin-like receptors might also
function as pattern-recognition receptors or modula-
tory receptors, including calcium-dependent C-type
lectins such as soluble mannose-binding lectin (MBL),
which is present in the plasma. MBL binds sugars
that are present at the surface of PRBCs but have yet
to be characterized
, and a low level of MBL in the
Table 2 | Malaria products and their bioactivities
Parasite product Receptor and cell type Pathological and cellular effects
Plasmodium falciparum
EMP1-family members
ICAM1, VCAM1, CD36, thrombospondin,
E-selectin, chondroitin sulphate A,
hyaluronic acid and CD31 on endothelial
cells and trophoblast cells; CD36 on DCs
Binding directs parasite to the brain, placenta
and possibly other target organs; CD36
engagement proposed to suppress DC and
macrophage activation
GPI TLR2, TLR4 and/or possibly C-type
lectins on several cell types, including
DCs, macrophages, endothelial cells and
adipocytes; CD1d and Vα14–Vβ8 TCR
on NKT cells
Induces widespread expression of genes
encoding pro-inflammatory proteins (including
TNF, IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, iNOS, ICAM1, VCAM1);
activates NKT cells; induces T
1- or T
cytokine production
Haemozoin TLR9 on DCs Contradictory reports: both T
1- and T
cell activities; induces and inhibits DCs;
suppresses macrophages; induces IL-10
production; broadly immunosuppressive
Unknown ligands NKC-encoded receptors on NK and
NKT cells
Activates NK cells; induces IFN-γ production;
regulates balance of T
1 and T
2 cytokines
produced by NKT cells
γδ TCRs Activates γδ T cells; induces IFN-γ production
Protein antigens Diverse TCRs on CD4
and CD8
T cells Activates αβ T cells; induces T
1- or T
cytokine production
Unknown sugar(s) MBL in plasma Possible binding provides protection; low
levels of MBL are associated with disease
DC, dendritic cell; EMP1, erythrocyte membrane protein 1; E-selectin, endothelial-cell selectin; GPI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol;
ICAM1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1; IFN-γ, interferon-γ; IL, interleukin; iNOS, inducible nitric-oxide synthase; MBL, mannose-
binding lectin; NK, natural killer; NKC, natural killer complex; NKT, natural killer T; TCR, T-cell receptor; T
, T helper; TLR, Toll-like
receptor; TNF, tumour-necrosis factor; VCAM1, vascular cell-adhesion molecule 1.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
plasma is associated with severe disease in humans
Nonetheless, lectin-like-receptor signalling and bio-
activity remain poorly defined. Further studies are
clearly required to dissect the role of purified, struc-
turally defined malaria PAMPs in the activation of
TLR-signalling pathways, both those that are MyD88
dependent and MyD88 independent, and to elucidate
the possible contributions of these pathways to relevant
pathophysiological processes.
‘Intermediate’ pathways between innate and adaptive
immunity. Many studies show that pro-inflammatory
1 cytokines are crucial determinants of malaria
disease states. In addition to acute-phase mono-
kines, the production of which is induced rapidly by
parasite toxins, IFN-γ levels can increase very early
during malaria, indicating that non-conventional lym-
phoid populations that can function with accelerated
kinetics account for this production. CD1d-restricted
natural killer T (NKT) cells are such an ‘intermedi-
ate’ arm between innate and adaptive immunity, and
these cells are particularly important in regulating the
downstream differentiation of CD4
T cells into T
and T
2 cells
. As well as having toxic bioactivity, GPI
is a natural glycolipid ligand for NKT cells
, together
with closely related myco bacterial phosphatidyl inositol
. In mice with CM, NKT cells were shown
to be a crucial determinant of cytokine levels, the pro-
inflammatory cascade, pathogenesis and fatality
The CD1d–NKT-cell pathway also upregulates and
downregulates acute malarial splenomegaly in mice
and is an important determinant of B-cell responses
The CD1d–NKT-cell pathway either prevents or pro-
motes fatality, and it determines the differentiation of
immune cells, depending on which alleles of the natu-
ral killer complex (NKC), which is located on mouse
chromosome 6
REF. 37, are expressed. The loci in the
NKC are differentially expressed by natural killer (NK)
cells and NKT cells, and they control the production
of pro-inflammatory T
1 cytokines and counter-
regulatory T
2 cytokines by NKT cells
. NKC loci also
determine the level of malarial anaemia, the isotypes
of malaria-specific antibodies and the T
2 profile of
conventional T cells that is induced during infection
C57BL/6 mice, which are T
1-cell-response prone, are
susceptible to CM, whereas BALB/c mice, which have
a genetically determined T
2-cell bias, are resistant
and these different profiles reflect the substantial con-
tribution of polymorphic NKC loci
. Infection with
malaria-causing agents imparts NKC-dependent signals
to NKT cells that influence their differentiation into
cells that secrete T
1 or T
2 cytokines, but the spe-
cific receptor–ligand interactions that are involved in
this process are unknown. So, the NKC is a crucial
genetic determinant of malaria pathogenesis in mice,
with an important role in controlling NK- and NKT-
cell function. Not all NKC loci are involved, however,
because injecting certain NK-cell-specific monoclonal
antibodies does not affect pathogenesis in mice
Human NK cells also become activated early dur-
ing malaria
and are activated rapidly by parasites
in vitro
, which requires direct contact of PRBCs
with NK cells and results in IFN-γ production
However, the relevance of NK cells to human disease
remains unclear.
Progression to cerebral malaria
The histopathology of CM is associated with the
accumulation of mature PRBCs in cerebral micro-
vessels, through sequestration. This feature was
first described in 1894
REF. 43 and has since been
confirmed by numerous studies
. This has led to the
dominant theory of CM pathogenesis: that, because
PRBCs are sequestered in brain capillaries and post-
capillary venules, they induce flow perturbations
that eventually lead to obstruction and hypoxia of
the surrounding brain parenchyma
and to haem-
orrhages. Nevertheless, as early as 1944, there were
doubts about any causal relationship between CM and
PRBC sequestration
. Indeed, there is, for the most
part, no proof that PRBC sequestration is sufficient
to cause CM
and even less that it is a cause of death;
this issue has been debated previously
. Mature-
stage parasites are absent from the peripheral blood
of patients infected with P. falciparum. Clearly, seques-
tration of PRBCs in deep microvascular beds occurs
routinely in all of these patients, although only 1% of
these individuals develop CM. So, PRBC sequestra-
tion might not be sufficient to cause CM, but it might
be necessary. Subsequently, it has become apparent in
humans with CM, as well as in mouse models of CM,
that host cells, such as leukocytes or platelets, might
also be sequestered in brain microvessels, in addition
to PRBCs
. These host cells might be involved in
the pathogenesis of CM, either through local effects in
brain microvessels or through distant effects mediated
by the production of potentially deleterious mediators,
such as pro-inflammatory cytokines, which can be
detected in the circulation. These leukocytes, however,
show little evidence of endothelial extravasation and
therefore cannot be described as classic inflammatory
cells. The
TIMELINE shows how the study of mouse and
simian models, in vitro assays and human infections
has contributed over time to the elucidation of the
complex cascade that controls CM pathogenesis.
Accumulation of intravascular infiltrates. The intra-
vascular accumulation of monocytes in the brain has
long been recognized in mice
and humans
with CM. Sequestered monocytes and macrophages are
more abundant in paediatric patients with CM than in
those with SMA or non-malarial encephalopathy
. This
feature has largely been ignored as a possible contributor
to the pathogenic process in CM in humans.
In CM, some cells of the monocyte–macrophage
lineage within the microvasculature show charac-
teristics that are normally associated with tissue
macrophages (including an increased size and the
presence of phagocytosed material, vacuoles, a ruffled
plasma membrane and pseudopods). For this reason,
we refer to these cells as intravascular macrophages.
Therefore, CM is a rare situation in which monocytes
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
differentiate into macrophages in the intravascular
compartment and not in the tissues. Several modi-
fications of monocyte–macrophage phenotype and
functions are known to occur in severe malaria. For
example, coagulation factors secreted by monocytes,
in addition to their role in blood-clot formation,
might contribute to the sequestration of cells in brain
microvessels of patients with CM, at least in children.
Tissue factor can itself function as an adhesion mol-
ecule, and it has coagulation-independent roles in cell
adhesion and migration. Furthermore, upregulation
of tissue-factor expression has a central role in driv-
ing a thrombosis–inflammation circuit. Coagulant
mediators (such as factor VIIa and factor Xa) and the
end-product fibrin are also pro-inflammatory, elicit-
ing the expression of TNF and other cytokines, as well
as chemokines and adhesion molecules, and this has
recently been reviewed in
REFS 50,51.
The accumulation of leukocytes in the brains
of patients with CM is evidence of a consider-
able chemokine cascade, which has been shown in
experimental studies, including DNA-microarray
analyses of mouse disease
. The expression of
monocyte-secreted cytokines and chemokines, such
as TNF, CXC-chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10; also
known as IP10), CC-chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2;
also known as MCP1) and CCL5 (also known as
RANTES), varies with mouse genotype and corre-
lates with resistance versus susceptibility to disease
Neutrophils also contribute to the brain lesions
in mice and are an important source of cytokines
(including the p40 subunit of IL-12, IL-18, IFN-γ
and TNF) and chemokines (including CCL3 (also
known as MIP1α), CXCL9 (also known as MIG) and
CXCL10) that participate in pathogenesis. Indeed,
depletion of neutrophils early in malaria prevents
the development of CM in mice, downregulates the
expression of T
1 cytokines in the brain, and mark-
edly decreases the sequestration of monocytes and
the incidence of microhaemorrhages in the brain
Although the contribution of neutrophils to CM in
humans is unknown, the neutrophil-specific acti-
vation marker and recruitment agent lipocalin was
found at a higher concentration in plasma from
patients with severe malaria
, and transcription of
the gene encoding lipocalin is upregulated in the
brain during cerebral disease in mice
Evidence for a pathogenic role of platelets,
both in CM in mice and in in vitro models of CM
in humans, has been summarized elsewhere
. As
illustrated in
FIG. 2, there are several possible ways
through which platelets could affect endothelial-
cell function and viability, and promote leukocyte
adhesion. First, platelets, together with other cell
types, can modulate the expression of adhesion
molecules, such as ICAM1, and the production of
cytokines, such as IL-6, by endothelial cells
, through
the release of IL-1. Second, platelet-derived micro-
particles modulate endothelial-cell metabolism, by
regulating the production of cyclooxygenase-2 and
, and increase the adhesiveness of
the endothelial-cell–leukocyte–platelet interaction,
Timeline | Contribution of animal models and human-based assays to our understanding of cerebral malaria
PRBC sequestration
T-cell dependency
of disease
detected in
Brain lesion
CD36 is a receptor for
PRBC sequestration
TNF detected
in plasma
LFA1-specific antibody protects
ICAM1 is a
receptor for PRBC
brain barrier
IFN- -specific
GPI is
a toxin
Platelet-specific antibody protects
Role for
P. falciparum EMP1
is a ligand for PRBC
Axonal injury
Presentation of GPI by CD1d
metabolism in
Axonal injury
detected in
Role for ATP-
binding cassette
PRBC sequestration
P. falciparum EMP1
first identified
VCAM1 is a receptor
for PRBC
Nitric oxide
Role for
Role for
and V 8
T cells
Role for
T cells
Role for lymphotoxin-α
Role for
NKT cells
Role for
1900 1980 1982 1984 1985 1986 1987 1989 1991 1992 1993 1994 1997 1998 1999 2002 2003 2004 2005
domains are ligands
for PRBC binding
Role for
Research on cerebral malaria has been carried out in mouse in vivo infection models (orange), simian in vivo infection models (green), in vitro models of human infection (yellow) and
in vitro assays involving human tissues (blue). CCR5, CC-chemokine receptor 5; EMP1, erythrocyte membrane protein 1 of P. falciparum; E-selectin, endothelial-cell selectin; GPI,
glycosylphosphatidylinositol; ICAM1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1; IFN-γ, interferon-γ; LFA1, lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1; NKT, natural killer T; P. falciparum,
Plasmodium falciparum; PRBC, parasitized red blood cell; P-selectin, platelet selectin; TNF, tumour-necrosis factor; TNFR2, TNF receptor 2; VCAM1, vascular cell-adhesion molecule 1.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
Mice with a mutation that
causes both hairlessness and
defective formation of the
thymus, which results in
a lack of mature T cells.
by directly upregulating the expression of adhesion
molecules and integrins such as ICAM1 and macro-
phage receptor 1 (
MAC1; CD11b–CD18), both by the
endothelium and by adherent monocytes and other
. Consistent with this, microparticles have
been shown to be crucial for the development of CM
in mice
, and the level of microparticles is markedly
increased in the plasma of children with CM
. Third,
the adhesion of activated platelets to the endothelium
(which is an early event in inflammation and possibly
occurs through CD40-ligand–CD40 interactions)
can indirectly mediate leukocyte–endothelial-cell
adhesion, by providing additional receptors, such as
fibrinogen and
ICAM2 REF. 71, which are ligands for
leukocyte MAC1 and lymphocyte function-associated
antigen 1 (
LFA1; CD11a–CD18), respectively. In
addition, platelet selectin (
P-selectin) is released
from secretory granules of activated platelets and
can be expressed at their surface, and leukocytes
that express
P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 can then
adhere to this surface P-selectin
. Last, platelets can
also modulate the sequestration of normal RBCs and
of PRBCs, by surface expression of CD36, which
binds P. f a l c i p a r u m EMP1 at the PRBC surface, and
they can directly modulate cytokine production by
circulating leukocytes and the endothelium, as has
been shown in mouse models of CM
A key unresolved question is how much of the
accumulation of parasites in cerebral vessels is associ-
ated with adhesion mediated by classic receptor–ligand
interactions and how much is associated with non-
specific deposition of activated platelets, deposition
of fibrin and the presence of other markers of the host
inflammatory response. Evidence from P-selectin- or
ICAM1-deficient mice indicates that most platelet
binding is likely to be ligand mediated (not non-
specific), because platelet binding is undetectable
by intravital microscopy in these mutant mice
Nonetheless, the relative importance of the numerous
effects of platelets in the pathogenesis of CM remains
to be further elucidated
Role of T cells. In mice, CM has been known to be a
T-cell-dependent disease for two decades.
and mice that are deficient in the αβ
-TCR are resistant
to disease. In addition, in vivo depletion using specific
monoclonal antibodies showed that CD4
T cells are
required for pathogenesis
. However, MHC-class-II-
deficient mice, which lack conventional CD4
T cells,
still develop CM
, probably by retaining CD1d-
restricted, CD4
NKT cells that have a crucial role in
. Subsequently, γδ T cells have been shown to
participate in CM, because although mice that are defi-
cient in the γδ
-TCR are susceptible to CM, depletion
Figure 2 | Mechanisms of platelet–endothelial-cell interactions in cerebral malaria. Platelets, after activation by tumour-
necrosis factor, can markedly alter the functions of brain endothelial cells, either directly, by binding to the endothelium, or
indirectly, by releasing molecules from their secretory granules. For example, platelets release interleukin-1 (IL-1), which increases
the expression of adhesion molecules (such as intercellular adhesion molecule 1, ICAM1) and the production of cytokines (such
as IL-6) by endothelial cells. Platelet-derived microparticles also alter endothelial-cell metabolism by regulating the production of
cyclooxygenase-2 and prostaglandins, which might affect endothelium permeability, electrical resistance and apoptosis. One
of the earliest events in inflammation or tissue injury is the adhesion of activated platelets to the endothelium (possibly through
CD40 ligand (CD40L)–CD40 interactions). Importantly, in cerebral malaria, this provides additional receptors at the endothelial-cell
surface for the adhesion of leukocytes, which bind platelet surface molecules such as platelet selectin (P-selectin) and CD40L,
through P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL1) and CD40, respectively. Furthermore, platelet-derived microparticles can
increase the adhesiveness of endothelial cells to leukocytes and the adhesiveness of the platelets themselves to the endothelium.
Finally, activated platelets can indirectly alter endothelial cells through the complex effects of their granule-derived mediators
on leukocytes, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE), CXC-chemokine
ligand 4 (CXCL4; also known as PF4), β-thromboglobulin (β-TG) and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). The exact
mechanisms that are involved have yet to be defined. EMP1, erythrocyte membrane protein 1 of Plasmodium falciparum;
LFA1, lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1; MAC1, macrophage receptor 1; PRBC, parasitized red blood cell.
endothelial cell
Release of PDGF, 12-HETE,
CXCL4, β-TG and TGF-β
Effects on endothelium
Adhesiveness for leukocytes and PRBCs
Electrical resistance
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
of γδ T cells from wild-type mice (using specific anti-
bodies) confers resistance to CM. γδ-TCR-deficient ani-
mals therefore seem to develop a functional redundancy
that is absent in conditions of normal immunological
. In humans, there are few data that address
T-cell involvement in CM.
IFN-γ seems to be the most important T-cell-
secreted cytokine. In vivo neutralization of IFN-γ in
mice infected with P. berghei strain ANKA prevented
TNF overproduction and CM development
. The
central role of IFN-γ in the pathogenesis of CM was
confirmed by experiments in mice that were defi-
cient in IFN-γ or the IFN-γ receptor, which are resis-
tant to the development of experimentally induced
. The cell-surface antigen CTLA4 (cytotoxic
T-lymphocyte antigen 4; CD152) negatively regu-
lates T cells and therefore might downregulate
T-cell responses and prevent immunopathology. As
expected, blockade of CTLA4 exacerbated CM in mice
which highlights the contribution of T cells to disease.
T cells might also be effectors in patho-
. In mice, the number of cytotoxic CD8
T cells infiltrating the brain during CM is increased,
and these cells contribute to permeability changes
of the mouse blood–brain barrier through perforin-
dependent mechanisms
. CM is also associated with
an increase in the number of peripheral CD8
T cells
that have TCRs using the Vβ8.1 or Vβ8.2 segments
and disease was reduced when mice were treated with
antibodies that specifically neutralize these T cells.
Because of the hypothesis that CD8
T cells contribute
to the pathology of CM
, the role of CC-chemokine
receptor 2 (CCR2), which is expressed by CD8
T cells,
was evaluated
. Mice that were deficient in CCR2
remained susceptible to CM, indicating that this
receptor is not directly involved in cerebral pathol-
ogy. However, the number of CD8
T cells
in the brain increased after infection with P. berghei
strain ANKA, and CCR5-deficient mice were partially
protected against the neurological syndrome
. CD8
T cells sequestered in the brain were proposed to be
responsible for the neurological syndrome and for
death, but there has been no report that directly shows
the presence of these cells, using histopathology, at the
site of neurovascular lesions. Direct contact has been
shown in vitro between brain endothelial cells and
activated T cells, and this contact might also be cru-
cial in cerebral pathogenesis
. CD8
T cells also have
a role in circulatory shock and in respiratory distress
in mice that are infected with P. berghei
Microvascular obstruction: what is the sequence
of events? In conclusion, histopathological studies
have uncovered the presence of PRBCs, platelets and
leuko cytes, each of which might contribute to dis-
ease, in the cerebral vascular lumen in humans and
mice with CM
(FIG. 3). What cannot be deduced from
such observations is the order in which the cells and
platelets are sequestered in a vessel and the nature
of the ensuing interactions. There are three possi-
bilities: namely, that PRBCs bind brain endothelial
cells first, followed by leukocytes or platelets; that
leukocytes bind first; or that platelets make the initial
interaction. This might vary in different areas of the
brain and over time, thereby leading to a mosaic of
arrested cells. So, conclusions drawn from histology,
even in post-mortem analyses of multiple sites, might
be influenced by sampling variables. In addition, the
transient nature of the binding events, the temporal
pattern of expression of adhesion molecules, and
competition among PRBCs and leukocytes for bind-
ing sites is likely to determine the sequence of adhe-
sive events. For example, P-selectin and E-selectin
are expressed transiently, which probably influences
the binding of circulating cells. Endothelial-cell,
leuko cyte and platelet adhesion molecules are likely
to participate in cell–cell interactions in this dynamic
environment. After cells have accumulated, they pro-
duce chemotactic, inflammatory and toxic mediators
that further contribute to the pathogenesis, and this
can lead to positive-feedback cycles
(FIG. 3).
Judgement must remain reserved, however, on the
contribution of each factor in different age groups, in
different transmission settings and across the spec-
trum of disease. What is cause and what is effect in
this complex picture? The difficulty of ascribing func-
tion applies particularly to post-mortem histological
analyses of human cerebral disease states, because
processes that are observed to be associated with
disease might be corrective attempts that have been
made by the host to control infection or to downregu-
late pathogenesis, or might be pathogenically neutral.
A recent histological study points to the possibility of
a disease spectrum in paediatric patients with CM
There are three defined disease categories (CM1,
CM2 and CM3), and they occurred in 15%, 56% and
29% of clinically defined cases, respectively. Patients
with CM1 have only PRBC sequestration, whereas
patients with CM2 have PRBC sequestration plus
other intra- and perivascular pathology, including
immune-cell infiltrates. Patients with CM3 fulfilled
the complete World Health Organization clinical
criteria for CM, including unrousable coma associ-
ated with infection, but they died of non-malarial
causes. So, what seems to be a defined syndrome
appears heterogeneous with respect to the under-
lying pathogenesis
. Key histological studies have
been undertaken in South-East Asian adults. These
implicate a role mainly for PRBC sequestration in
CM, and it seems probable that there are substantial
differences between CM in adults and in children
(studied in Africa), with intravascular leukocyte
accumulation being more pronounced in children.
Fortunately, animal models allow hypotheses to be
tested by experimental intervention, and CM in
rodents seems to mirror the human disease with
reasonable accuracy, including presenting a disease
spectrum that depends on host genetics. Because
disease progression in animal models evidently
requires several sequential steps, multiple points of
intervention might also be possible in the treatment
of humans with CM.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
Immunology of placental malaria
In areas with high rates of transmission of malaria,
women have considerable immunity to malaria by the
time they reach child-bearing age. However, during
their first or second pregnancy, they are susceptible
to placental malaria, and this becomes less common
with subsequent pregnancies. CSA and hyaluronic acid
are receptors that are expressed by endothelial cells,
preferentially in the placenta. PRBCs that display
P. falciparum EMP1 proteins that bind these recep-
tors can be sequestered, allowing parasite maturation
on the placental endothelium
and thereby validating
the link between an adhesive phenotype and organ-
specific disease
. As is the case for CM in mice
and humans
, severe placental malaria (which
results in low birth weight) is associated with sub-
stantial macrophage infiltration into the placenta
and high chemokine expression
, indicating that
adhesive phenotype and chemokine-driven cellular
infiltration are key determinants of organ-specific dis-
ease syndromes. Interestingly, women with placental
malaria remain afebrile, indicating that the condition is
mainly a local pathology, with some aspects of acquired
clinical immunity remaining unaffected by placental
Immunology of severe malarial anaemia
SMA is the most serious and most common pernicious
complication of malaria, and it might be the leading
cause of deaths from malaria worldwide. Compared
with the florid, acute signs of CM, SMA can be chronic
or silent and therefore is less well studied. However,
that peaks of SMA incidence coincide with peaks of
CM incidence during high transmission seasons in
endemic areas indicates that SMA might sometimes
be an acute syndrome, notwithstanding that, for some
cases, this might be the point at which a chronic process
flares up.
Many cross-sectional studies report a lack
of correlation between parasite densities and severity of
anaemia, although longitudinal studies indicate that
duration of infection might be a better predictor of risk
of disease
. There is a misconception, however, that
SMA arises simply from the destruction of infected
RBCs, and over-reliance on inappropriate models
might contribute to this view
BOX 1. Many animals
with acute infections develop severe haemolytic anae-
mia, through invasion and rupture of RBCs as a con-
sequence of excessive parasite burdens of a magnitude
that is rare in humans with malaria. In humans, SMA
is typically associated with parasite burdens that are
considerably lower than those required for the marked,
direct destruction of RBCs
, with 12 uninfected RBCs
lost for every PRBC
. Because of the limitations of
hyperparasitaemic experimental infections, there has
been increased interest in Aotus spp. monkeys either
immunized with experimental vaccines consisting
of antigens from blood-stage parasites or rendered
semi-immune by previous exposure to infection with
P. f a l c i p a r u m , as these animals develop marked SMA
despite having very low parasite burdens
. Before the
advent of antibiotics, the high fever induced by malaria
was used to treat neurosyphilis; the low parasite bur-
dens, and the kinetics and magnitude of SMA, in
semi-immune simian models mirror the anaemia that
developed in the numerous untreated humans who
had malaria that was induced for the management of
. Therefore, because direct destruc-
tion of RBCs by parasitization seems to be a relatively
Figure 3 | Schematic representation of events that are likely to lead to severe malarial
disease, particularly in the brain. First, parasitized red blood cells (PRBCs) adhere to
receptors expressed by brain microvascular endothelial cells, such as intercellular adhesion
molecule 1 (ICAM1), through surface expression of Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte
membrane protein 1 (EMP1). When merozoites are released from PRBCs 4 hours later, parasite
glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI), which is either released into the blood or present in
parasite membranes, functions as a pathogen-associated molecular pattern and toxin, thereby
inducing an inflammatory response. A local acute-phase response then occurs, which involves
activation of the endothelium and local production of cytokines and chemokines, and this
results in upregulation of expression of cell-adhesion molecules by endothelial cells. Within
the next 24 hours, this cycle is perpetuated and exacerbated, owing to increasing parasite
numbers and further binding of PRBCs to endothelial cells that have upregulated expression
of cell-adhesion molecules. GPI can also function as a ligand for CD1d-restricted natural killer
T (NKT) cells, leading to their activation. Activated NKT cells can regulate the differentiation of
T cells into T helper 1 (T
1) or T
2 cells, depending on which natural-killer-complex loci
are expressed, so activation and involvement of CD4
T cells occurs. In addition, chemokines
recruit monocytes and activate neutrophils (although neutrophils are not known to infiltrate
brain microvessels in humans or mice with cerebral malaria). Recruited monocytes can then
differentiate into macrophages and become arrested in brain microvessels. Macrophages
can also be activated by GPI, a process that is amplified by interferon-γ. Local activated
macrophages produce more chemokines, which are released systemically, thereby amplifying
infiltration of cells, sequestration of PRBCs and release of microparticles (which are probably
of endothelial-cell origin). After several more cycles, γδ T cells and CD8
T cells might become
involved, releasing more chemokines and cytokines both systemically and locally and possibly
inducing perforin-mediated lesions in the endothelium. Together with locally arrested
macrophages, platelets are sequestered and participate in altering endothelial-cell functions.
More microparticles of platelet, endothelial-cell and monocyte origin are released, which leads
to the dissemination of pro-inflammatory and pro-coagulant effects. Finally, damage to the
endothelium, with possible perivascular haemorrhage, axonal injury, and neurotransmitter
and metabolic changes, can ensue. The overall disease spectrum in humans might depend
on whether all of these processes occur or only some of them.
of GPI
Local expression
of cell-adhesion
molecules increases
Cytokine and chemokine
cascades occur
First wave of
Second wave
of microparticles
Local production
of cytokines and
chemokines increases
Systemic cytokine
levels increase
Systemic cytokine
levels increase
Local cytokines
levels increase
functions alter
and axonal
Endothelial cell
Parasitized red
blood cell
NKT cell
T cell
T cell
T cell
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
The general phagocytic system
of the host. It is responsible for
removal and destruction of
foreign material and senescent
or dead host cells, such as red
blood cells.
minor contributory mechanism
, SMA is thought to
arise mainly from two processes: increased destruction
of non-parasitized RBCs, and decreased production of
RBCs (also known as erythropoietic suppression).
Destruction of uninfected RBCs. In SMA in humans,
accelerated RBC turnover is proposed to result from
changes to the surface or structure of uninfected RBCs
that target them for destruction
. The following have
been detected at relatively high frequencies in indi-
viduals with SMA
: oxidation, phosphatidylserine
externalization and reduced deformability of RBCs;
complement binding by RBCs; complement
deficiencies; and autoantibodies, immune complexes
and IgG specific for non-specifically adsorbed para-
site antigen at the surface of RBCs. These mechanisms
are proposed to target RBCs for destruction by intra-
vascular haemolysis or for clearance mediated by the
SMA is not associated with the typical signs of intra-
vascular haemolysis, such as secretion of haemo globin
in the urine. By contrast, homeostatic RES clearance
of RBCs is mainly mediated by macrophages in the
splenic red pulp, and recruitment to the spleen or
activation of these macrophages might accelerate
the process
. SMA is associated with high serum
levels of neopterin, a marker of macrophage activa-
tion, the expression of which is induced by IFN-γ in
. Phagocytosis of uninfected RBCs has
been documented during human infections
, and
upregulation of RES activity is implicated in malarial
. Anaemia often persists after
clearance of parasitaemia, and haemo globin normal-
ization shows delayed kinetics compared with condi-
tions that have similar blood loss, such as trauma
It is possible that clearance by the RES that involves
high RBC turnover extends beyond the period of
parasitaemia. In untreated malaria used to control
neurosyphilis, the rapid onset of severe anaemia was
temporally linked to the appearance of a distended
spleen, as was subsequently observed in children with
malarial anaemia
. These observations are consistent
with hyperactivation of the RES and with the magni-
tude of RBC destruction during SMA. This has led to
the proposal that SMA has an inflammatory aetiol-
. Counter-regulatory T
2 cytokines such as
REF. 103 or IL-10 REFS 108,109 might therefore
protect against disease. So, SMA might be regulated by
diverse factors that control hypersplenism and splenic
macrophage recruitment and activation: for example,
host CD4
T cells, cytokines and chemokines (such
as CCL2, CCL3 and CCL4 (also known as MIP1β))
and parasite products (such as haemozoin and GPI).
SMA might therefore be precipitated by the rise of
parasitaemia above a crucial threshold, as has been
observed for experimental infections of simians
and humans
Nevertheless, it might be the immune response of the
host to this parasite biomass that is the main cause of
anaemia, rather than simply the direct destruction
of RBCs by parasitization. In broad terms of immuno-
regulation, SMA might therefore have similarities
to other malaria syndromes. Adoptive transfer of
parasite-specific, CD4
1-cell lines promotes anaemia
after infection with P. berghei
, showing that antigen-
specific T cells can contribute to the severity of disease.
A plausible mechanism lies in the ability of T cells to
upregulate macrophage-mediated RBC clearance.
Because SMA is marked in Aotus
spp. monkeys that
have been immunized with P. f a l c i p a r u m antigens
blood-stage vaccines might not necessarily protect
against this condition, although they might suppress
parasitaemia. Whether T-cell priming by these experi-
mental vaccines promotes the development of SMA is
not clear. Such preclinical models might prove useful
for further assessing the efficacy of vaccines in the
prevention or promotion of this disease state.
Decreased production of RBCs. Normal homeostasis of
RBC numbers is maintained by balancing destruction
of old RBCs by the RES with production of new RBCs
through erythropoiesis. Under the influence of factors
such as erythropoietin, haematopoietic stem cells in
the bone marrow or spleen multiply and differentiate
to produce the youngest fully functional RBCs, which
Box 1 | Experimental models of malaria
The study of malaria is aided by the availability of a wide range of experimental
models. Various species of the Plasmodium genus — such as Plasmodium chabaudi,
Plasmodium berghei, Plasmodium yoelii and Plasmodium vinckei — naturally infect
rodents. Adapted to infect laboratory rats and inbred mouse strains, they have
proven enormously useful in the development of drugs and vaccines, and in basic
studies of pathogenesis, immunology, and the genetics of susceptibility or resistance
to infection and disease. Other models use parasites that cause malaria in simians —
such as Plasmodium knowlesi and Plasmodium cynomolgi — or parasites of humans
that are adapted to simian hosts (such as Aotus spp. monkeys). Although no two
host–parasite combinations are identical in all features of the relationship, some
models are better than others at recapitulating the main features of pathology or
the immune responses that occur in malaria in humans. There is great diversity
of responses and disease outcomes in human populations, so experimental models
that use inbred hosts might reflect only a section of the natural spectrum of disease
in humans: varying both host and parasite genetics uncovers a diversified disease
spectrum in these models.
Malaria in mice
Early during infection, P. be r g h e i strain ANKA is a good model of cerebral malaria
(CM), and processes identified using this model have been subsequently validated
in humans. Inbred mouse strains differ markedly in their susceptibility, showing the
importance of host genetic variation in immunopathogenesis
. Similarly, different
strains of P. be r g h e i (K173 versus ANKA) differ in some aspects of pathogenesis,
indicating the influence of parasite genetic variation in induced pathology.
Infection with P. yoelii strain 17XL (a lethal strain) induces CM that is associated
with the sequestration of parasitized red blood cells, and it has been used together with
P. yoelii strain 17XNL (a non-lethal strain) to study experimental vaccine-induced
immune responses.
P. chabaudi chabaudi strain AS causes a non-lethal infection in resistant mouse
strains and a lethal infection in susceptible mouse strains. Lethality, however, results
from haemolysis that is secondary to hyperparasitaemia, which might not be relevant
to the human disease processes. This Plasmodium strain has been used to study
experimental vaccines and immunological processes that control hyperparasitaemia.
Infections with P. chabaudi adami are self-resolving, non-pathogenic and non-lethal.
P. vinckei vinckei causes an aggressive, overwhelming hyperparasitaemia.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
are known as reticulocytes and are the earliest cell in
this pathway to be released into circulation. The num-
ber of reticulocytes in the blood directly reflects recent
erythropoietic activity. Reticulocyte levels are often
decreased during acute infection with P. falciparum,
indicating that another mechanism might contribute
to SMA — erythropoietic suppression
. Animal mod-
els seem to accurately recapitulate this phenomenon.
Infection with Plasmodium chabaudi or P. b e r g h e i
results in decreased proliferation, differentiation and
maturation of erythroid precursors
, and reticulo-
cyte levels are decreased early in infection, with DNA-
microarray analysis of splenocytes and bone-marrow
cells uncovering reduced transcription of at least 25
erythroid-specific loci
. It has been widely proposed that
the TNF and IFN-γ cytokine cascade that is associated
with the immediate early acute phase of infection medi-
ates erythropoietic suppression in mice and humans,
by decreasing the responsiveness of erythroid precur-
sors to erythropoietin
, but this remains unproven.
Anaemia in response to acute infection with P. berghei
strain ANKA is controlled, in part, by genes encoded
by the polymorphic NKC loci that are expressed by
NK and NKT cells, which control cytokine levels and
immune-cell differentiation
. Crude P. berghei strain
ANKA and P. chab au d i parasite lysates also induce
erythropoietic suppression in vivo
, reflecting the
bioactivity of parasite products (possibly haemozoin or
GPI), which either directly affect erythroid precursors
or indirectly affect them by influencing macrophages
(to secrete TNF
) or NKT cells
After loss of RBCs in conditions such as trauma,
anaemia is normally compensated for by physio-
logical erythropoiesis. However, SMA could be
exacerbated if erythropoietic suppression were to
prevent adequate reticulocyte compensation during
continuing clearance of RBCs. Further investigation
of the multiple host and parasite factors that might
influence these two contributory mechanisms of
SMA in vivo is required. Specifically, the impact
of vaccination on SMA-related end-points should be
examined in more detail in experimental models.
Clinical immunity to malaria
Epidemiological studies show that, after the initial
period in which children are susceptible to severe
malaria, protective immunity that is acquired to malaria
develops in three sequential phases: first, immunity to
life-threatening disease; second, immunity to symp-
tomatic infection; and only then, third, partial immu-
nity to parasitization. In 1899, Robert Koch observed
that immunity to disease precedes the ability to control
parasite densities, as others subsequently observed
proposing that it reflects the primary acquisition of
antitoxic immunity. The data from the treatment
of neurosyphilis with malaria shows evidence for anti-
toxic immunity
. At the population level, immunity
to severe malaria seems to be acquired after only one or
two infections
, although many children with severe
disease have a previous history of multiple mild bouts
of malaria.
Several studies report associations between levels of
antibodies that are specific for various parasite antigens
and reduced risk of infection
, but this is not clearly
established for disease states such as CM or SMA.
So, there is no single correlate of clinical immunity,
and those described do not account for the overall
variation in susceptibility in a population
. However,
antibodies specific for the parasite glycolipid GPI have
been found to be negatively associated with the risk
of developing SMA
or CM
and with acute febrile
, although a cross-sectional study found no
association with tolerance for parasitaemia
, which
might reflect the developmentally compromised acqui-
sition of carbohydrate-specific antibodies in infants.
Although clinical immunity might result from adaptive
immune responses to GPI, other explanations include
the acquisition of physiological non-responsiveness to
malaria toxins (which is analogous to tachyphylaxis,
the process of downregulation of lipopolysaccharide-
responsive signalling pathways following exposure
to the agonist). However, this mechanism is unlikely to
operate over long time-scales, whereas clinical immu-
nity seems to be relatively robust. A further possibility
is that disease susceptibility or resistance is regulated
to a considerable extent by the T
profile of the NK- and NKT-cell arm of the immune
system (which is intermediate between the innate and
adaptive immune systems)
or of conventional
T cells and that clinical immunity is associated
with a switch away from the default, T
responses to T
2-cell-biased responses, which prevents
severe disease but controls parasite densities only after
an appropriately diverse antibody repertoire is gener-
ated. Establishing whether clinical immunity results
from adaptive immune responses to bioactive parasite
products, physiological desensitization to malaria tox-
ins, regulation of the balance of T
1 and T
2 cytokines,
or a combination of mechanisms is an important issue
for future research because such considerations should
inform vaccine development.
Implications for vaccines
Vaccines against malaria should aim to reduce mor-
bidity and mortality. Traditional approaches seek to
achieve this objective by reducing parasite burdens.
In support of this, a recent clinical trial shows that
reducing the infective inoculum by administration of a
sporozoite-specific vaccine reduces the rates of dis-
. Nonetheless, reducing the replication of blood-
stage parasites, although likely to confer protection, will
not necessarily reduce morbidity or mortality, because
host immune responses, which can be non-linear with
respect to parasite densities, are important determi-
nants of these events. Despite the clinical objective of
vaccination, there has been no systematic attempt to
assess the impact of experimental vaccines in preclini-
cal models that have appropriate disease end-points.
Preclinical models that have been used so far include
infection of naive mice with P. c h a b a u d i and infec-
tion of naive Aotus
spp. monkeys with P. f a l c i p a r u m ,
and these infections result in high rates of parasite
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
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replication but not in clinically relevant syndromes.
As mentioned earlier, SMA is marked in Aotus
monkeys that have been immunized with P. f a l c i p a r u m
, so blood-stage vaccines might not neces-
sarily protect against this condition, although they
might suppress parasitaemia. Whether experimental
vaccines can induce immune responses that promote
SMA is not clear.
The use of vaccines against the disease aims to
reduce morbidity and mortality directly, by immuniz-
ing individuals with parasite products that contribute
to host pathology
. For example, vaccines that are
designed to prevent malaria during pregnancy target
the domains of P. f a l c i p ar u m EMP1 that bind placental
(that is, CSA and hyaluronic acid). Other
organ-specific disease processes could be targeted if a
restricted set of P. fal c i p a r u m EMP1 molecules were
found to be important
, the inherent diversity of these
targets being a potential barrier to these strategies.
Chemical synthesis of the glycan group of Plasmodium
spp. GPI, which is highly conserved and non-toxic, has
recently provided a means to test the hypothesis that
this molecule is causally involved in the pathogenesis of
P. berghei infection
. Vaccination with the GPI glycan
protects against blood acidosis, pulmonary oedema,
vascular occlusion by macrophages, and cerebral fatali-
ties in a rodent model of severe malaria induced by
P. b e r g h e i infection
. These findings show the efficacy
of a prototype antitoxic vaccine, and they prove that
GPI is an essential parasite product in the pathogenesis
of systemic disease and in the lethal cerebral syndrome
in this model.
It has been argued that antitoxic vaccines might
exacerbate disease by inhibiting the acute-phase
responses that limit parasite replication
. Indeed, it
has been proposed that the function of malaria toxins
is to elicit host responses that limit infection densities
by killing parasites
. However, ‘suicide’ explanations
of biological function in unicellular organisms are not
easily reconciled with Darwinian logic, it being difficult
to envisage why parasites would produce a molecule to
cause their own demise. Furthermore, strong acute-
phase immune responses are seen in association with
high parasite densities in sick children, and marked
inflammatory cascades do not necessarily reduce
parasite burdens in humans or in experimental models.
Clearly, this is an important area for further investiga-
tion. Nonetheless, these speculations help to highlight
that the impact of the current blood-stage vaccines on
malaria pathogenesis remains to be determined, even
in preclinical models.
Because they are blood-borne, malaria-causing para-
sites have access to multiple organs, including the
bone marrow, spleen, brain, lungs and placenta. The
binding of P. falciparum EMP1 to diverse endothelial-
cell-expressed receptors concentrates parasites
in certain sites. Parasite toxins, such as GPI and
haemo zoin, induce acute-phase immune responses,
with local activation of monocytes and the vascular
endothelium. GPI also contributes to early IFN-γ and
counter-regulatory IL-4 production, by functioning as
a ligand for the CD1d-restricted NKT-cell arm of the
immune system. The overall balance of T
1 and T
cytokines at this stage of the cascade is determined
to a considerable extent by the polymorphic loci in
the NKC. Chemokine cascades recruit intravascular
macrophages and inflammatory cells to diverse target
organs, with subsequent deposition of platelets and
fibrin. Various lymphoid-cell lineages might further
contribute to disease, through the production of pro-
inflammatory cytokines, such as IFN-γ. Counter-
regulatory T
2-cell responses might downregulate
disease and promote parasite clearance through anti-
body formation. Much severe pathology in malaria
therefore has an immunological basis, although this
remains poorly investigated for certain key processes
such as metabolic acidosis, which is the strongest
prognostic indicator of malarial fatality
and one
of the least understood aspects of pathogenesis. The
importance of immune processes in malaria patho-
genesis in humans is further exemplified by clear
associations of genetic polymorphisms in immune
loci — such as those encoding MBL, CD36, CD40
ligand, TNF, IFN-γ, IL-4 and the p40 subunit of IL-12
with altered risk of disease
. Credible model sys-
tems allowing hypothesis testing by experimentation
show that multiple convergent factors are required,
and few components are sufficient, for disease pro-
gression, indicating that there are multiple potential
points of intervention in humans. Because T cells
contribute to these processes, vaccination strategies
should avoid exacerbating disease, by the induction of
appropriate counter-regulatory mechanisms or by the
neutralization of pathogenic parasite products.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
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131. Kwiatkowski, D. TNF-inducing malaria toxin: a sheep in
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133. Lou, J., Lucas, R. & Grau, G. E. Pathogenesis of cerebral
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We thank A. Craig, V. Combes, N. Coltel, D. Hansen and
K. Evans for useful discussion. This work was supported by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia),
the National Institutes of Health (United States), the Human
Frontier Science Program (France), the United Nations
Children’s Fund–United Nations Development Programme–
World Bank–World Health Organization Special Programme for
Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (Switzerland), the
Paludisme+ programme of the French Ministry of Research
(France), the Direction Générale des Armées (France), the
Fondation Recherche Médicale (France) and the Wellcome
Trust (United Kingdom). L.S. is an international research scholar
of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (United States).
Competing interests statement
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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... Every year, approximately 200 million people are infected by Plasmodium, and around 400,000 children die of infection, contributing to social and economic instability in the developing world. 1 Malaria is a complex multisystemic disorder in which multiple parasite and host factors contribute to disease severity. 2 Many studies have documented the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in malaria pathogenesis. 2 In addition, host metabolic changes, such as hypoglycemia and lactate accumulation (lactic acidosis), are often associated with severe forms of disease. ...
... 2 Many studies have documented the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in malaria pathogenesis. 2 In addition, host metabolic changes, such as hypoglycemia and lactate accumulation (lactic acidosis), are often associated with severe forms of disease. 3 Thus, understanding the metabolic mechanisms that mediate host resistance or susceptibility to infection is critical to improving the clinical management of individuals with malaria. ...
... The reason for low malaria burden in infants younger than 6 months include the protective effects of transplacentally transferred immunoglobulin-G against malaria from mother to child in malaria endemic areas. [17] Other reasons include factors that inhibit parasite growth such as hemoglobin F, lactoferrin (which binds iron), and secretory immunoglobulin-A in breast milk, as well as low levels of paraaminobenzoic acid in breast milk, a metabolic substrate for parasite growth. [18] Most of the children in this study (87.7%) had a single component of severe malaria. ...
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Background: Malaria is a major cause of mortality among children. Objective: This study determines the clinical profile, outcome (discharge and death), and factors associated with poor outcome in children with severe malaria in a tertiary health facility inNorthern Nigeria. Methods: We conducted a descriptive retrospective study of all children (≤14 years) admitted with severe malaria based on positive malaria parasite on thick film and or rapid diagnostic test and the World Health Organization guideline for severe malaria. We extracted relevant data from patients’ case files and departmental records and analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows, version 20.0. (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY). Results: A total of 483 children with severe malaria were admitted with median age interquartile range of 4.0 (2.5–8.0) years. Males were 261 (54.0%). Underfives were 258 (53.4%). Common forms of presentation were cerebral malaria 169 (35.0%), prostration (102; 21.1%), and multiple convulsion (86; 17.8%). Cerebral malaria and prostration were significantly higher among children aged 5 years and older. The mortality rate was 4.3% (21). Multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that impaired consciousness (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 8.5, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.345, 30.484), hypoglycemia (aOR: 21.4, 95% CI: 2.766, 165.410), presence of two or more components (aOR: 4.5, 95% CI: 1.630, 12.522), and duration of hospitalization of 24 h or less (aOR: 4.6, 95% CI: 1.621, 12.782) were independent predictors of poor outcome. Conclusion: Our study showed that cerebral malaria was the most common form of severe malaria with a significant burden in children above 5 years. The presence of impaired consciousness, hypoglycemia, multiple components, and duration of <24 h on admission were predictive of death
... Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections are common Olaniran in many of the malaria endemic areas. HBV induces a robust pro-inflammatory Type 1 immune response (Th1), which is important for Plasmodium clearance, but is also implicated in disease severity [8]. Therefore, the study was conducted to determine the asymptomatic plasmodium falciparum coinfections with hepatitis b and c virus among blood donors in Ife Central Local Government Area, Ile Ife, Nigeria. ...
Despite the remarkable achievements in the reduction of malaria mortality, the disease had remained the most common cause of morbidity and mortality. Infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) might associate with increased mortality rate as the infections may predisposes to the development of serious liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The aim of the present study was to determine the Asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum co-infections with hepatitis B and C viruses among blood donors in Modakeke Area Office, Ile Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. The study was conducted in Modakeke Area Office, Ile Ife, Osun State. The study was conducted in Modakeke health facility, Ile Ife, Osun State. Five (5) ml of venous blood was obtained from each of 400 blood donors into plain bottles and labeled accordingly. Thick and thin films of the donor’s blood samples were made on slides dried for five minutes at 37°C then stained using Giemsa stain. The slides were then examined microscopically for presence and densities of malaria parasites. Species identification and determination of the Hematological parameters were also conducted on the slides. Sera were separated from the remaining aliquots of the blood and screened for hepatitis-B and C surface antigens (HBsAg and anti-HCV). The overall mean parasitaemia of malarious blood donors was 786.20µl/blood while that of blood donors with hepatitis virus infection was 53 representing 13.3% of the total donor examined. Donors infected with HBV, HCV and co-infection of HBV and HCV had viraemia of 25 (6.3%), 21 (5.3%) and 7(1.8%) respectively. Among the age groups, high prevalence of Hepatitis viral infection rate of 57.9% was recorded among aged group 18-26 years. The infection rate of 15.8%, 13.6% and 10.5% of HBV, HCV was recorded from age group 18-26years respectively. The highest co-infection rate of HBV and HCV of 18.8% was recorded from age group 54-62years, while high mean malaria parasitaemia of 1,882.78 (µl of blood) was also recorded among donors aged 18-26 years. High hepatitis viral infection rate of 22.2% with 16.7% of HCV were recorded among females, while 6.3% of HBV and 1.9% of co-infection was observed among males and the mean malaria parasitaemia of 2,382.80 µl of blood was observed among females. High prevalence of Hepatitis infection rate of 17.1%, 8.6% of HCV, (6.3%) of HBV and 2.3% of co-infection were recorded among single donors. The mean malaria parasitaemia of 786.89 (µl of blood) was observed among married donors, there was significant difference between marital status and hepatitis infection (p= 0.0043) and between HCV (p=0.009). High prevalence of hepatitis viraemia of 21.4% and co-infection 5.6% was recorded among artisans, while 14.6% HBV infection rate was recorded among civil servants and 14.3% of HCV was recorded among donors who are farmers. The mean malaria parasitaemia of 1,150.15 µl/blood was recorded among donors who are traders. Donors that have acquired primary education have high prevalence of hepatitis infection rate of 38.5%, with 15.4% of HBV and (23.1%) co-infection (HBVand HCV). HCV (6.7%) was high among donors with secondary education; high mean malaria parasitaemia of 2,096.84 µl of blood was recorded among donors with primary education. Blood B+ve had high hepatitis viral infection rate of 21.7%, HCV 13.0% and co-infection of 5.8% while 7.8% of HBV was recorded among O+ve donors. The mean malaria parasitaemia of 1,378.50 (µl of blood) was recorded among B-ve donors. The total mean PCV in the study was 42.63, White blood cell count was 5,281.25, lymphocytes count was 42.88, eosinophils was 1.53 and neutrophil count was 55.72. The total percentage of elevated AST was 5.0%, ALT was 6.0% and ALB was 10.5%. There was significant difference between malaria and ALT (p=0.000) also, there was significant difference between HCV and ALB (p=0.000). There was significant difference between HBV and AST (p=0.001), ALT (p=0.028) and ALB (p=0.028).The hepatitis viral infection had significant difference with ALB (p=0.000). The logistic regression shows that there was an association between hepatitis viral infection and aged group 27-35years (p=0.022), female (p=0.006), trading (p=0.001), tertiary (p=0.003) A+ve (p=0.018) and B+ve (p=0.001). In conclusion, Although, the prevalence of malaria was low, while that of hepatitis viral infection was high in the local government area, critical screening of blood donors is of prime importance because they serve as an asymptomatic reservoirs and a potential source of transmission of these infections. The strengthening of creating awareness on the general public regarding Malaria, HBV and HCV transmission and prevention should be embarked on.
... Inflammation and Cytokines Inflammatory signals and cytokines that induce hepcidin expression, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), are central to the innate immune response. However, excessive hepcidin production during inflammation may lead to anemia of inflammation, a condition that negatively impacts the host's ability to mount an effective immune response against malaria [43]. ...
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Malaria remains a significant global health threat, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths annually. Understanding the host's protective mechanisms against this parasitic infection is crucial for developing effective prevention and treatment strategies. Hepcidin, a central regulator of iron homeostasis, has emerged as a key player in the host's defense against malaria. This comprehensive review explores the multifaceted roles of hepcidin in safeguarding the host from malaria infection. We delve into the molecular mechanisms of hepcidin regulation and its impact on the intricate interplay between iron, the immune system, and Plasmodium species. Additionally, we discuss the potential therapeutic implications of targeting hepcidin to enhance antimalarial responses. By shedding light on hepcidin's antimalarial arsenal, this review aims to contribute to the development of innovative strategies for combating malaria.
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Neutrophils are the most abundant polymorphonuclear granular leukocytes in human blood and are an essential part of the innate immune system. Neutrophils are efficient cells that eliminate pathogenic bacteria and fungi, but their role in dealing with protozoan parasitic infections remains controversial. At sites of protozoan parasite infections, a large number of infiltrating neutrophils is observed, suggesting that neutrophils are important cells for controlling the infection. Yet, in most cases, there is also a strong inflammatory response that can provoke tissue damage. Diseases like malaria, trichomoniasis, leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, and amoebiasis affect millions of people globally. In this review, we summarize these protozoan diseases and describe the novel view on how neutrophils are involved in protection from these parasites. Also, we present recent evidence that neutrophils play a double role in these infections participating both in control of the parasite and in the pathogenesis of the disease.
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Malaria, one of the major infectious diseases in the world, is caused by the Plasmodium parasite. Plasmodium antigens could modulate the inflammatory response by binding to macrophage membrane receptors. As an export protein on the infected erythrocyte membrane, Plasmodium surface-related antigen (SRA) participates in the erythrocyte invasion and regulates the immune response of the host. This study found that the F2 segment of P. yoelii SRA activated downstream MAPK and NF-κB signaling pathways by binding to CD68 on the surface of the macrophage membrane and regulating the inflammatory response. The anti-PySRA-F2 antibody can protect mice against P. yoelii, and the pro-inflammatory responses such as IL-1β, TNF-α, and IL-6 after infection with P. yoelii are attenuated. These findings will be helpful for understanding the involvement of the pathogenic mechanism of malaria with the exported protein SRA.
Cerebral malaria (CM) is a severe complication of Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) infection, with complex pathogenesis involving multiple factors, including the host's immunological response. T lymphocytes, specifically CD4+ T helper cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, are crucial in controlling parasite growth and activating cells for parasite clearance via cytokine secretion. Contrary to this, reports also suggest the pathogenic nature of T lymphocytes as they are often involved in disease progression and severity. CD8+ cytotoxic T cells migrate to the host's brain vasculature, disrupting the blood-brain barrier and causing neurological manifestations. CD4+ T helper cells on the other hand play a variety of functions as they differentiate into different subtypes which may function as pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. The excessive pro-inflammatory response in CM can lead to multi-organ failure, necessitating a check mechanism to maintain immune homeostasis. This is achieved by regulatory T cells and their characteristic cytokines, which counterbalance the pro-inflammatory immune response. Maintaining a critical balance between pro and anti-inflammatory responses is crucial for determining disease outcomes in CM. A slight change in this balance may contribute to a disease severity owing to an extreme inflammatory response or unrestricted parasite growth, a potential target for designing immunotherapeutic treatment approaches. The review briefly discusses the pathogenesis of CM and various mechanisms responsible for the disruption of the blood-brain barrier. It also highlights the role of different T cell subsets during infection and emphasizes the importance of balance between pro and anti-inflammatory T cells that ultimately decides the outcome of the disease.
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Malaria, a life-threatening infectious disease caused by Plasmodium falciparum, remains a significant global health challenge, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. The epidemiological data for 2021 revealed a staggering toll, with 247 million reported cases and 619,000 fatalities attributed to the disease. This formidable global health challenge continues to perplex researchers seeking a comprehensive understanding of its pathogenesis. Recent investigations have unveiled the pivotal role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in this intricate landscape. These tiny, membrane-bound vesicles, secreted by diverse cells, emerge as pivotal communicators in malaria’s pathogenic orchestra. This Review delves into the multifaceted roles of EVs in malaria pathogenesis, elucidating their impact on disease progression and immune modulation. Insights into EV involvement offer potential therapeutic and diagnostic strategies. Integrating this information identifies targets to mitigate malaria’s global impact. Moreover, this Review explores the potential of EVs as diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets in malaria. By deciphering the intricate dialogue facilitated by these vesicles, new avenues for intervention and novel strategies for disease management may emerge.
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Co-localization of blood platelets and granulocytes at sites of hemostasis and inflammation has triggered an intense interest in possible interactions between these cellular processes and induction of vessel wall injury. Leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells decreases with increasing shear and is dependent on an initial rolling phase mediated by selectins. We hypothesized that flow-dependent platelet adhesion at an injured vessel wall will lead to P-selectin expression by platelets, thus mediating leukocyte co-localization. A perfusion chamber was used in which flowing whole blood induced platelet adhesion to a subendothelial matrix (ECM) of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). We compared neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte [PMN]) interactions with HUVEC and their ECM with and without adhered platelets. PMNs adhered predominantly to ECM-adhered platelets and not to endothelial cells. ECM alone did not support PMN adhesion under flow conditions. PMN adhesion to unstimulated HUVEC was only substantial at low shear (up to 200 cells/mm2 at shear stress 80 mPa). In marked contrast, PMN adhesion to ECM-adhered platelets was dramatically increased, and adhesion was demonstrated at much higher shear stress (up to 640 mPa). Studies with specific antibodies showed that the platelet-dependent neutrophil adhesion was selectin-mediated. Inhibition of P-selectin caused a marked inhibition of adhesion at high shear stress, whereas the role of leukocyte L-selectin was less pronounced. beta2-Integrin-blocking antibodies inhibited static neutrophil adhesion. fMLP induced L-selectin shedding from leukocytes, resulting in decreased leukocyte adhesion. In conclusion, platelet- dependent hemostasis at the ECM appears to be a powerful intermediate in neutrophil-vessel wall interactions at shear stresses that normally do not allow neutrophil adhesion to intact endothelium.
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Falciparum malaria is a major cause of disease and death in African children and pregnant women, primarily due to severe anemia. We studied anemia in vaccinated Aotus monkeys during a second infection where the animals were considered to be semi-immune. Most animals had extremely low or undetectable levels of parasitemia; in some, anemia did not develop and reticulocytemia remained unchanged; in others, moderate to severe anemia developed with inappropriately low reticulocytemia indicating bone marrow dysfunction. Bone marrow rapidly responded after parasite clearance. The rapid drop in hematocrit despite extremely low to undetectable parasitemia indicated massive removal of uninfected red blood cells from the circulation that, in the presence of bone marrow dysfunction, led to severe anemia—the problem that occurs in African children. We demonstrate that Aotus monkeys are a nonhuman primate model to gain insight into the pathogenesis of severe anemia in African children.
Interleukin 1 (IL-1) plays a central role in the regulation of the body's response to infectious and inflammatory stimuli. Recent evidence has shown that human platelets express a cell associated form of this proinflammatory cytokine very rapidly following activation. Since one of the earliest events in inflammation is frequently the rapid adhesion of platelets to injured endothelium, it was of interest to determine whether platelets express IL-1 in a functionally relevant form that can alter the phenotype of human endothelial cells in vitro. Thrombin activated platelets induced significant expression of the adhesion molecule intercellular adhesion molecule 1, as well as secretion of the IL-1 inducible cytokines IL-6 and granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor by cultured human umbilical cord and saphenous vein endothelial cells. This was inhibited by prior treatment of the platelets with antibody specific for IL-1. These results suggest that platelet delivered IL-1 might initiate and regulate some of the earliest phases of the inflammatory response. An additional observation of interest was differential induction of endothelial leucocyte adhesion molecule 1 by activated platelets on saphenous vein but not umbilical vein but not umbilical vein endothelial cells, which suggests functional heterogeneity of the endothelial cells.
A comparative study was carried out on cytokine and chemokine responses in a cerebral malaria (CM)-susceptible or -resistant strain of mice (C57BL/6 or BALB/c respectively) in Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection. C57BL/6 mice died by 10 days after infection when parasitemia was ∼15-20% with cerebral symptoms, while BALB/c mice survived until week 3 after infection. Although both strains showed T h 1-skewed responses on day 4 after infection, significantly higher levels of IFN-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and NO were observed during the course of the infection in BALB/c, suggesting that T h 1 responses are involved in the resistance. interestingly, in the brain, both strains expressed IFN-inducible protein of 10 kDa (IP-10) and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 genes as early as at 24 h post-infection, whereas some differences were observed between both strains thereafter, i.e. enhanced expression of RANTES in C57BL/6, and of IFN-γ and TNF-a in BALB/c respectively. Moreover, the expression of IP-10 and MCP-1 genes in KT-5, an astrocyte cell line, was induced In vitro upon stimulation with a crude antigen of malaria parasites. These results suggest that the direct involvement of brain parenchymal cells takes place in response to plasmodial infection, providing a new aspect to analyze possible mechanisms of CM. This is the first report on the chemokine expression in neuroglial cells in response to malaria infection.