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Horizontal gene transfer: Perspectives at a crossroads of scientific disciplines


Abstract and Figures

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has a crucial role in microbial evolution, in shaping the structure and function of microbial communities and in controlling a myriad of environmental and public-health problems. Here, Barth F. Smets and Tamar Barkay assess the importance of HGT and place the selection of articles in this Focus issue in context.
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© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
*Institute of Environment &
Resources, Technical
University of Denmark,
Kongens Lyngby, DK 2800,
Department of
Biochemistry and
Microbiology, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick,
New Jersey 08901, USA.
Correspondence to B.F.S.
Recent years have witnessed an increased appreciation
for the role of microorganisms and their metabolism
in shaping and sustaining life on Earth. Most of life’s
fundamental processes were ‘invented’ during the first
2 billion years of life on Earth, prior to the appearance
of the first eukaryote. This achievement is especially
striking considering that it was accomplished by organ-
isms lacking sexual reproduction, the long-presumed
major mechanism of genetic innovation. Horizontal
gene transfer (HGT) is a process that can compensate
for the otherwise clonal mode of prokaryotic life,
affecting microbial adaptation, speciation and evolu-
tion. Microorganisms occupy — and adapt to occupy
— a plethora of ecological niches on earth, and their
activities in large part control global homeostasis.
Through its attendant effects on microbial adaptation,
HGT poses both challenges and opportunities in the
control of global human and environmental health.
For any gene to be horizontally transferred from
one genome to another, at least four (sometimes five)
distinct steps need to occur (FIG. 1). First, a nucleic-acid
molecule (DNA or RNA) in the donor organism is pre-
pared for transfer. This might entail the active packaging
of nucleic acids into phage particles, plasmid replication
from an origin that leads to conjugal transfer, integron
assembly or passive release of DNA into the environ-
ment upon cell death. Second, the transfer step, which
might or might not require physical contact between
the donor and recipient organism, takes place. Third,
the nucleic acid enters the recipient organisms through
specific or non-specific means. Fourth, the nucleic-acid
molecule is established in the recipient either as a self-
replicating element or through recombination with, or
transposition into, the recipient’s chromosome. This
existence can be transitory, as is the case with many
plasmids of which maintenance by the recipient genome
depends on selective pressure. Last, in step 5, stable
inheritance in the recipient genome might ensue.
Several scientific disciplines are addressing HGT,
each providing their unique perspective and each using
different approaches and methodologies. In general,
evolutionary biology considers HGT events that have
gone to completion (that is, through step 5). Molecular
ecology, on the other hand, tends to focus on HGT
events at the level of step 4. Finally, molecular biology
is most interested in the mechanisms controlling steps
1 through 4. With such distinct perspectives, conflicts
are bound to arise, but opportunities for synthesis are
certain to emerge. The goal of this Focus issue of Nature
Reviews Microbiology is to present HGT from the pers-
pective of these different disciplines and to provide a
path towards the construction of a holistic picture of
HGT and its effects on extant microbial communi-
ties. We argue that efforts towards such synthesis will
accelerate our understanding of the mechanisms and
factors that control HGT, the impacts of HGT on the
evolutionary history of prokaryotes, the effect of HGT
on microbial interactions with each other and their
environment, and the means by which HGT can be
controlled to affect human and environmental health.
Barth F. Smets* and Tamar Barkay
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has a crucial role in microbial evolution, in shaping the structure
and function of microbial communities and in controlling a myriad of environmental and public-
health problems. Here, Barth F. Smets and Tamar Barkay assess the importance of HGT and
place the selection of articles in this Focus issue in context.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
Bacteria Archaea Eukarya
Common ancestral community of primitive cells
Molecular evolution
Molecular evolution employs a retrospective approach
to infer HGT by examining the signatures left by HGT
in microbial genomes. This approach has benefited
enormously from the availability of complete microbial
genome sequences. As is described in this Focus issue
by Peter Gogarten and Jeffrey Townsend, HGT can be
inferred from phylogenetic dependent or independent
inspections of genes. In the first approach, the atypi-
cal distribution of genes, inferred from incongruence
between various gene phylogenies, is taken as evidence
of HGT. In the latter approach, genes that seem unu-
sual in their genomic context are considered to have
arrived in their current genome relatively recently
through horizontal transfer. In addition, experimental
approaches that specifically aim at the isolation and
identification of heterologous ‘gene islands’ in closely
related strains1 are also employed.
Molecular evolution examines HGT from a post-
step-5 position (FIG. 1), and whereas evidence of past
HGT in current genomes is pervasive, the ramification
of these observations to our understanding of lifes his-
tory is hotly contested. Certainly, HGT has challenged
our view of the evolutionary history of organisms and
genes from a tree-like paradigm2 to a network-like
paradigm3, and therefore its influence on microbial
speciation and diversification. This area of ongoing
controversy — the concept of the prokaryotic species
— is discussed in detail by Dirk Gevers and colleagues,
who also propose approaches to find a taxonomic
framework that can accommodate the vast differences
in biology presented by prokaryotes.
Understanding the way HGT has contributed
to microbial evolution can help identify intra- and
extracellular processes that affect the stable inherit-
ance of transferred genes in a new genome (step 5 in
FIG. 1). Crucial among them, according to Gogarten
and Townsend, is the question of selective pressure
for the inheritance of transferred genes in their
new host in light of their observation of selective
neutrality of transferred genes. There remain,
therefore, fundamental questions on the actual
(if any) ecological role of such transferred genes
and the mechanism that controls their mainte-
nance in a host genome. If harmful genes (for
example, antibiotic-resistance or virulence genes) are to
be prevented from spreading horizontally, or beneficial
genes (for example, biodegradative genes) are to be
stimulated to do so, information on the processes that
facilitate inheritance after HGT is essential, and bio-
informatic analyses should provide useful clues.
The traditional view that obligate intracellular
parasitic microorganisms have ‘fixed’ minimal
genomes with little influence of intra- and inter-
genomic genetic (ex)change is challenged by Seth
Bordenstein and William Reznikoff. These authors
argue that the extensive presence of mobile genetic
elements (MGEs) such as prophages, plasmids and
transposons in recently sequenced genomes of obli-
gate parasites suggests a more complex picture. As
the association of eukary otic organisms with obligate
intracellular parasites often leads to pathologies, the
issues raised by this review could have far-reaching
practical implications.
Molecular biology
Molecular biology has long been examining the
mechanisms that govern the first steps in the
gene-transfer process (steps 1–4 in FIG. 1), in part
because MGEs are at the core of much molecu-
lar biological experimentation. Diverse elements
and elegant mechanisms have been discovered
and elucidated. The molecular pro cesses that
govern, as well as those that serve as barriers for,
gene transfer have been thoroughly, yet incompletely,
characterized, as reviewed by Christopher Thomas
and Kaare Nielsen. The authors observe that any
identified explicit barrier to HGT (for example,
surface exclusion, restriction and so on) is subject
to genetic and/or physiological modulation, and is
therefore not impermeable. Remarkably little, how-
ever, is known about environmental and molecular
signals that control expression (or overexpression, if
such exists) of the HGT processes. Yet this question
is central to a correct assessment of HGT in microbial
communities. Is HGT an adaptive phenomenon that
is stimulated in challenging environments or is it a
random process of which the outcome is controlled
by natural selection?
Molecular biology has supplied microbial ecolo-
gists with the tools to interrogate the mobile gene pool
in microbial communities from diverse habitats. The
surprise and lesson from such studies is that the diver-
sity of mobile elements is much broader — and prob-
ably underestimated — than what has been gleaned
from the original molecular biological work that
focused primarily on pathogenic microorganisms.
The diversity of MGEs, and especially the challenges
and opportunities in annotation and cataloguing that
arise as their rate of discovery has accelerated with
Figure 1 | The 5 steps of horizontal gene flow. Horizontal gene transfer and how it has
impacted the evolution of life is presented through a web connecting bifurcating branches that
complicate, yet do not erase, the tree of life. The inset illustrates the continuum of 5 steps that
leads to the stable inheritance of a transferred gene in a new host.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
the sequencing of microbial genomes, is addressed by
Anne Summers and colleagues. Together, these ele-
ments are in the process of being transferred (step 2)
and could be considered to be ‘genes in transit’.
Comparison of this gene pool — with the exclusion
of genes involved in the transfer processes themselves,
such as viral genes or plasmid maintenance genes
— with those that are identified in complete genome
sequences by bioinformatic approaches as laterally
transferred genes should generate new insights and
testable hypotheses on the processes that favour stable
inheritance of transferred genes in a new genomic
context (the transition from step 4 to 5 in FIG. 1).
Our expanded view on the diversity and distribu-
tion of MGEs has, to a large extent, been made possible
by the progression in microbial ecology from the
study of pure cultures (and the genetic elements
residing within them) to the direct isolation of nucleic
acids and mobile elements from microbial communi-
ties (for example, exogenous plasmid isolation, direct
sequencing of viral DNA). This newly found diversity
should be matched by an attempt at characterizing
these mobile elements beyond their sequence com-
position and understanding the manner in which
they might enhance microbial genome evolution.
An essential tool for progress towards this goal is
the establishment of curated and carefully annotated
databases and repositories of molecular information
specifically for the mobile gene pool, or ‘mobilome’,
which spans all kingdoms of life. Challenges associ-
ated with this effort are further discussed by Summers
and colleagues.
Microbial ecology
The role of HGT in adaptation of microbial com-
munities to changing environmental conditions has
intrigued microbial ecologists for at least three decades.
Although the advantage of spreading ‘ready made’
genes that enhance fitness under altered conditions
relative to their de novo evolution by the slow process
of mutations acted upon by natural selection is obvi-
ous, obtaining solid evidence of this occurrence in
extant microbial communities has been elusive. Most
evidence to date consists of observations that imply
HGT’s role in response to changing environments.
Chief among them is the frequent association of envi-
ronmentally beneficial genes, such as antibiotic- and
metal-resistance genes and xenobiotic-compound-deg-
radation genes, with MGEs, as described by Summer
and colleagues in this Focus issue. Observations of
such MGEs in man-impacted environments, and in
related but pristine environments, has led to the fas-
cinating hypothesis that the horizontal transfer events
that led to the dissemination of such genes are induced
by the introduction of substances such as antibiotics,
metals or organic contaminants into the environment.
However, the observation of HGT under apparently
selective conditions does not necessarily imply that
the environmental forces caused HGT; it could simply
mean that these elements were enriched to detectable
The documented incidence of HGT, as revealed
from comparative genome-sequence analysis, and
the discovery of an increased diversity of MGEs have
nevertheless given credence to the notion that HGT
could be an important determinant in shaping the
microbial community metagenome. Analytical and
experimental tools developed by molecular evolu-
tion and molecular biology are now routinely used to
examine strains and nucleic-acids pools from different
environments. For example, incongruence between gene
trees has been invoked to suggest horizontal transfer of
metal-homeostasis4 and 2,4-dichloro phenoxyacetic-
acid-degradation genes5 among micro organisms from
aquatic and terrestrial environments.
Perhaps most exciting are new experimental
approaches that facilitate the real-time demonstration
of HGT in undisturbed microbial communities. Søren
Sørensen and colleagues describe the issues, chal-
lenges and achievements in the study of HGT in extant
microbial communities. These methods are largely
driven by technological advances in optical detection
and biomarker construction to permit observations of
single-cell and single-MGE dynamics in undisturbed
microbial communities. Whereas achievements to
date have mostly focused on methods development,
future research employing these methods should place
HGT within the context of contemporary microbial
communities and their activities. The consequences
of such studies to enhance our ability to modulate
interactions with and among the microorganisms
around us might result in a better control of disease
processes and improved environmental management
(see below).
HGT: why care?
While the concept of HGT frequently engenders
joyful intellectual contemplation and lively philo-
sophical exchanges, it carries more than just ivory
tower relevance. The evidence indicates that HGT is a
central process in microbial activities that control our
health and the environment, and that it holds promise
as a tool for their improvement.
The increased global documentation of human
pathogenic bacteria (for example, Streptococcus
pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa) that are resistant to multiple classes of
antibiotics — identified as one of the key challenges
to contemporary infectious-disease control — is one
example in which proficient HGT has resulted in
undesirable consequences6. The improper and exces-
sive administration of antibiotics (conferring selective
advantage), combined with the ready bacterial ability
to transfer antibiotic-resistance genes through plasmids
and transposons and the presence of large transfer
communities (for example, the gastrointestinal tract) in
places such as hospitals or animal husbandry facilities,
promotes the widespread dissemination of these genes.
An urgent need for a more prudent use of antibiotics,
combined with a better grasp of the ecology of HGT,
is essential to avoid a return to a pre-antibiotic area of
infectious-disease control7.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
Transgenic organisms hold great promise for
improved food production. Concerns about HGT from
these organisms have, however, shrouded and limited
their application. The appropriateness of current risk-
assessment models8 and monitoring protocols9 to depict
the potential for recombinant gene transfer through
HGT to unintended target organisms are issues that
are subject to fierce debate. A fuller understanding of
the mechanisms and constraints for HGT could ensure
development of effective gene-containment strategies
within target species and ultimately allow the full
realization of the promise of biotechnology.
On the other hand, the spread of genes by HGT
to microorganisms in contaminated environments is
a desired outcome of gene-augmentation strategies10.
In these strategies, donor cells carrying an MGE that
encodes essential genes for the biodegradation of a
target contaminant are introduced into the relevant
environment, and dissemination of the genes to indig-
enous bacteria, followed by expression of the degra-
dative genes in their new hosts, leads to accelerated
contaminant degradation. Although some promising
results have been obtained to date, more studies are
required to evaluate whether the concept of HGT-
based environmental management can be sustained.
The ability to control harmful effects and to enhance
desired attributes of HGT depends on the integrated
understanding of HGT as a continuum spanning
steps 1–5 of the gene-transfer paradigm (FIG. 1) and its
integra tion within an ecological framework.
Clearly, HGT has contributed to prokaryotic evolu-
tion and is an ongoing process in extant microbial
communities. The ‘mobilome’ is therefore receiving
unprecedented attention from a range of scientific
disciplines. The purpose of this themed issue is to
synthesize the state of our knowledge from these dif-
ferent perspectives. We believe that such a synthesis
will be mandatory to obtain a more precise appraisal
of HGT as a force in shaping prokaryotic evolution,
diversity and activity and, therefore, in modulating
the history of life on Earth.
1. Nesbo, C. L. & Doolittle, W. F. Targeting clusters of transferred genes
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2. Woese, C. R. Interpreting the universal phylogenetic tree.
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 97, 8392–8396 (2000).
3. Bapteste, E. et al. Do orthologous gene phylogenies really support
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4. Coombs, J. M. & Barkay, T. Molecular evidence for the evolution of
metal homeostasis genes by lateral gene transfer in bacteria from the
deep terrestrial subsurface. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70, 1698–1707
5. McGowan, C., Fulthorpe, R., Wright, A. & Tiedje. J. M.
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8. Heinemann, J. A. & Traavik, T. Problems in monitoring horizontal gene
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9. Nielsen, K. M. & Townsend, J. P. Monitoring and modeling horizontal
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10. Springael, D. & Top, E. M. Horizontal gene transfer and microbial
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The authors would like to thank the US National Science Foundation (BES
pogramme) and the US Department of Energy (NABIR programme) for sup-
port of research on HGT in their laboratories. This article and special issue
were inspired by a workshop on ‘Horizontal Gene Flow in Microbial
Communities’ that was co-chaired by the authors in Warrenton, Virginia,
USA, in June 2004, and sponsored by the National Science Foundation
(MO/MIP programme) and the Department of Energy (NABIR programme).
These agencies, as well as the US National Aeronautics and Space Agency
(Astrobiology Programme) provided gracious support to the production of
this issue.
... The results for this category had the highest percentages of 34 to 38% of the genes, as detected for the human strains in clade I and the environmental clade IV for the cloud and shell genomes, respectively. In addition, a high percentage of uncharacterized genes (grey-black), ranging from 23-33%, were predominantly identified in the cloud genomes for strains belonging to all clades, and the cloud genomes for the human strains in clade II and clade V were identified by having prophages, transposons, and over 20% of the genes associated with the mobilome, corresponding to those genetic elements that can confer movement within and among the different bacterial genomes [54]. Additionally, the functional COG categories associated with the C. werkmanii accessory genome are presented in Figure 2. When examining the entire pangenome, the average percentage of functional COG was 85%, and subsequent analysis of the gene clusters for the core, shell, and cloud genomes revealed the average percentage of the functional COGs to be 91.5%, ...
... The results for this category had the highest percentages of 34 to 38% of the genes, as detected for the human strains in clade I and the environmental clade IV for the cloud and shell genomes, respectively. In addition, a high percentage of uncharacterized genes (grey-black), ranging from 23-33%, were predominantly identified in the cloud genomes for strains belonging to all clades, and the cloud genomes for the human strains in clade II and clade V were identified by having prophages, transposons, and over 20% of the genes associated with the mobilome, corresponding to those genetic elements that can confer movement within and among the different bacterial genomes [54]. ...
... Additionally, the presence of phage protein tail and capsid structural genes were found as part of both the shell and cloud genomes. Phages have been described as a common bacterial evolution mechanism involving horizontal gene transfer [54,66]. Moreover, the findings from this study indicated a high number of genes of unknown function or uncharacterized genes, which were also in the cloud and shell genomes. ...
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Citrobacter werkmanii is an emerging and opportunistic human pathogen found in developing countries and is a causative agent of wound, urinary tract, and blood infections. The present study conducted comparative genomic analyses of a C. werkmanii strain collection from diverse geographical locations and sources to identify the relevant virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes. Pangenome analyses divided the examined C. werkmanii strains into five distinct clades; the subsequent classification identified genes with functional roles in carbohydrate and general metabolism for the core genome and genes with a role in secretion, adherence, and the mobilome for the shell and cloud genomes. A maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree with a heatmap, showing the virulence and antimicrobial genes’ presence or absence, demonstrated the presence of genes with functional roles in secretion systems, adherence, enterobactin, and siderophore among the strains belonging to the different clades. C. werkmanii strains in clade V, predominantly from clinical sources, harbored genes implicated in type II and type Vb secretion systems as well as multidrug resistance to aminoglycoside, beta-lactamase, fluoroquinolone, phenicol, trimethoprim, macrolides, sulfonamide, and tetracycline. In summary, these comparative genomic analyses have demonstrated highly pathogenic and multidrug-resistant genetic profiles in C. werkmanii strains, indicating a virulence potential for this commensal and opportunistic human pathogen.
... • Descendants receive new genetic information from a neighbor ancestor of another lineage, not a direct ancestor (Lawrence, 2005;Smets and Barkay, 2005) • Mainly caused by asexual reproduction in biology MT ...
This study investigates the dynamics of diversity within photovoltaic technology by considering the spatial information of technological change. We introduce a phylogenetic tree methodology using an evolutionary perspective for validation at the level of technology genes and functional modules. Our findings show that the photovoltaic technology phylogenetic tree fully describes the technological and industrial histories of photovoltaics. Furthermore, the results imply that diversity is necessary for the evolutionary mechanism to operate and technology integration is the correct direction to pursue.
... Metagenomics in synergy with few other approaches of molecular biology has transformed the field of microbiology by throwing light on the evolution, adaptation, and microbial diversity (Riesenfeld et al. 2004). Different studies have been carried out on the communities of microbes from different ecological conditions such as aquatic sediments and water (DeLong et al. 2006;Yooseph et al. 2007), human gut (Turnbaugh et al. 2007), soils (Smets and Barkay 2005) and systems of mining acid drainage (Tyson et al. 2005) for providing some new knowledge into the metabolism, structural communities, evolution, function, and genetic make-up of such communities of microbes. ...
The increase in population has resulted in a rapid increase in waste that is being dumped within the environment. The addition of various harmful and contaminating compounds results in the degradation of the environment and has a direct impact on human health. Various research studies that are taking place in recent times help in the enhancement of the naturally available microbes to degrade toxic compounds that are liberated into the environment. Although various types of bioremediation techniques are available, microbe-associated remediation is proven to be the best option due to its effectiveness, no generation of toxic by-products, and natural availability of microbes with the ability to take up nutrients from the toxic contaminants that exist on the surface of the earth. Both ex situ and in situ bioremediation can be accomplished with the help of these microbes. In most cases, this is done through biofilm-assisted seclusion of pollutants, more precisely by means of extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) of biofilm matrix. In recent times, various types of techniques have been implemented like proteomics, genomics, fluxomics and transcriptomics for bringing about maximum remediation by the microbial species. In order to explore the different kinds of microbial communities involved in natural bioremediation, the strategic approach of metagenomic analysis is adopted, which has brought about a technological drift in remediation, even at a genomic level. As chemical mode of remediating wastes are associated with the release of various harmful chemicals those can be toxic to the environment, the use of biological systems can be a potential agent in the conversion of complex waste materials to simpler substances so that it mixes with the environment in easier manner. Microbes are the potential entities that can easily act on the waste materials and bring about remediation in an effective manner.
... Bacteria are ubiquitous microorganisms able to colonize and adapt to different environments in a very short-term period. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) plays a key role in the adaptation process, being conjugative plasmid transfer one of the most efficient DNA exchange mechanisms between bacteria [1]. Plasmids are widely distributed selfish genetic elements that are characterized by their autonomous replication. ...
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Rhizobia are Gram-negative bacteria known for their ability to fix atmospheric N2 in symbiosis with leguminous plants. Current evidence shows that rhizobia carry in most cases a variable number of plasmids, containing genes necessary for symbiosis or free-living, a common feature being the presence of several plasmid replicons within the same strain. For many years, we have been studying the mobilization properties of pSmeLPU88b from the strain Sinorhizobium meliloti LPU88, an isolate from Argentina. To advance in the characterization of pSmeLPU88b plasmid, the full sequence was obtained. pSmeLPU88b is 35.9 kb in size, had an average GC % of 58.6 and 31 CDS. Two replication modules were identified in silico: one belonging to the repABC type, and the other to the repC. The replication modules presented high DNA identity to the replication modules from plasmid pMBA9a present in an S. meliloti isolate from Canada. In addition, three CDS presenting identity with recombinases and with toxin-antitoxin systems were found downstream of the repABC system. It is noteworthy that these CDS present the same genetic structure in pSmeLPU88b and in other rhizobial plasmids. Moreover, in all cases they are found downstream of the repABC operon. By cloning each replication system in suicide plasmids, we demonstrated that each of them can support plasmid replication in the S. meliloti genetic background, but with different stability behavior. Interestingly, while incompatibility analysis of the cloned rep systems results in the loss of the parental module, both obtained plasmids can coexist together.
... Many plasmids encode genes for resistance to antimicrobial agents and heavy metals, virulence factors, production of toxins, attachment to intestinal mucosa, and for new pathways of degradation [16]. Acquisition of such plasmids enables the host bacterium to adapt to environmental changes, such as exposure to antibiotics, rapidly and effectively [17]. Plasmid replicon typing was established in order to facilitate their identification and study [18]. ...
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Background The dissemination of carbapenem resistance via carbapenemases, such as the metallo-β-lactamase NDM, among Enterobacterales poses a public health threat. The aim of this study was to characterize a plasmid carrying the blaNDM-1 gene, which was extracted from a clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae uropathogen from an Egyptian patient suffering from a urinary tract infection. Methods and results The recovered plasmid was transformed into competent E. coli DH5α which acquired phenotypic resistance to cefoxitin, ceftazidime, and ampicillin/sulbactam, and intermediate sensitivity to ceftriaxone and imipenem (a carbapenem). Whole plasmid sequencing was performed on the extracted plasmid using the DNBSEQ™ platform. The obtained forward and reverse reads were assembled into contigs using the PRINSEQ and PLACNETw web tools. The obtained contigs were uploaded to PlasmidFinder and ResFinder for in silico plasmid typing and detection of antimicrobial resistance genes, respectively. The final consensus sequence was obtained using the Staden Package software. The plasmid (pNDMKP37, NCBI accession OK623716.1) was typed as an IncX3 plasmid with a size of 46,160 bp and harbored the antibiotic resistance genes blaNDM-1, bleMBL, and aph(3’)-VI. The plasmid also carried mobile genetic elements involved in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance including insertion sequences IS30, IS630, and IS26. Conclusions This is Egypt’s first report of a transmissible plasmid co-harboring blaNDM-1 and aph(3’)-VI genes. Moreover, the respective plasmid is of great medical concern as it has caused the horizontal transmission of multidrug-resistant phenotypes to the transformant. Therefore, new guidelines should be implemented for the rational use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, particularly carbapenems.
... Genetic poential of resistance to antibiotics may acquire by mutation or horizontal gene transfer (HGT) [10]. Plasmids carrying AMR genes are effective transmitters of this feature in microbial populations which are preserved and propagated under the selective pressure resulting from the indiscriminate use of antibiotics [11,12]. It is belived that plasmid-mediated AMR transfer has a key role in increasing the population of MDR strains among Enterobacterales [13]. ...
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Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacterial isolates from food producing animals not only challenges the preventive and therapeutic strategies in veterinary medicine, but also threatens public health. Genetic elements placed on both chromosome and plasmids could be involved in AMR. In the present study, the associations of genomic backbone and plasmids with AMR were evaluated. We also provided some primary evidences that which genetic lineages potentially host certain groups of plasmids. Results: In the current study, 72 avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strains were examined. Isolates resistant to tetracycline and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (87.5%; each), and harboring blaTEM (61.1%) were dominant. Moreover, phylogroup D was the most prevalent phylogroup in total (23.6%), and among multidrug-resistant (MDR) isolates (14/63). The most prevalent Inc-types were also defined as follows: IncP (65.2%), IncI1 (58.3%), and IncF group (54.1%). Significant associations among phylogroups and AMR were observed such as group C to neomycin (p = 0.002), gentamicin (p = 0.017) and florfenicol (p = 0.036). Furthermore, group D was associated with blaCTX. In terms of associations among Inc-types and AMR, resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics was considerably linked with IncP (p = 0.012), IncI1 (p = 0.038) and IncA/C (p = 0.005). The blaTEM and blaCTX genes presence were connected with IncI1 (p = 0.003) and IncFIC (p = 0.013), respectively. It was also shown that members of the D phylogroup frequently occured in replicon types FIC (8/20), P (13/47), I1 (13/42), HI2 (5/14) and L/M (3/3). Conclusions: Accorging to the results, it seems that group D strains have a great potential to host a variety of plasmids (Inc-types) carrying different AMR genes. Thus, based on the results of the current study, phyogroup D could be a potential challenge in dealing with AMR in poultry. There were more strong correlations among Inc-types and AMR compared to phylotypes and AMR. It is suggested that in epidemiological studies on AMR both genomic backbone and major plasmid types should be investigated.
... Metagenomics in combination with some other techniques of molecular biology has transfigured the microbiological field by shedding light on the adaptation, evolution and diversity of microbes (Riesenfeld et al., 2004). Various studies have been performed on the microbial communities from various environmental conditions like marine water and sediments (Yooseph et al., 2007;DeLong et al., 2006), gut of humans (Turnbaugh et al., 2007), soils (Smets and Barkay, 2005) and mining acid drainage systems (Tyson et al., 2005) to provide some new insights into the structural communities, metabolism, function, evolution and genetic make-up of these microbial communities. ...
Jujube ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill.), renowned for its nutritional value and health benefits, is believed to have originated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in China, where it underwent domestication from wild jujube. Nonetheless, the evolutionary trajectory and species differentiation between wild jujube and cultivated jujube still require further elucidation. The chloroplast genome (plastome), characterized by its relatively lower mutation rate compared to the nuclear genome, serves as an excellent model for evolutionary and comparative genomic research. In this study, we analyzed 326 nonredundant plastomes, encompassing 133 jujube cultivars and 193 wild jujube genotypes distributed throughout China. Noteworthy variations in the large single copy region primarily account for the size differences among these plastomes, impacting the evolution from wild jujube to cultivated varieties. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) unveiled a unique chloroplast‐to‐nucleus transfer event, with transferred fragments predominantly influencing the evolution of the nuclear genome while leaving the plastome relatively unaffected. Population genetics analysis revealed two distinct evolutionary pathways from wild jujube to cultivated jujube: one driven by natural selection with minimal human interference, and the other resulting from human domestication and cultivation. Molecular dating, based on phylogenetic analysis, supported the likelihood that wild jujube and cultivated jujube fall within the same taxonomic category, Z. jujuba . In summary, our study comprehensively examined jujube plastome structures and HGT events, simultaneously contributing novel insights into the intricate processes that govern the evolution and domestication of jujube species.
Environmental Microbiology: Advanced Research and Multidisciplinary Applications focus on the current research on microorganisms in the environment. Contributions in the volume cover several aspects of applied microbial research, basic research on microbial ecology and molecular genetics. The reader will find a collection of topics with theoretical and practical value, allowing them to connect environmental microbiology to a variety of subjects in life sciences, ecology, and environmental science topics. Advanced topics including biogeochemical cycling, microbial biosensors, bioremediation, application of microbial biofilms in bioremediation, application of microbial surfactants, microbes for mining and metallurgical operations, valorization of waste, and biodegradation of aromatic waste, microbial communication, nutrient cycling and biotransformation are also covered. The content is designed for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and environmental professionals, with a comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of environmental microbiology as a discipline that has greatly expanded in scope and interest over the past several decades.
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Transgenic crops are approved for release in some countries, while many more countries are wrestling with the issue of how to conduct risk assessments. Controls on field trials often include monitoring of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from crops to surrounding soil microorganisms. Our analysis of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and of the sensitivity of current techniques for monitoring HGT from transgenic plants to soil microorganisms has two major implications for field trial assessments of transgenic crops: first, HGT from transgenic plants to microbes could still have an environmental impact at a frequency approximately a trillion times lower than the current risk assessment literature estimates the frequency to be; and second, current methods of environmental sampling to capture genes or traits in a recombinant are too insensitive for monitoring evolution by HGT. A model for HGT involving iterative short-patch events explains how HGT can occur at high frequencies but be detected at extremely low frequencies.
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Small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) from 20 phenotypically distinct strains of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-degrading bacteria was partially sequenced, yielding 18 unique strains belonging to members of the alpha, beta, and gamma subgroups of the class Proteobacteria. To understand the origin of 2,4-D degradation in this diverse collection, the first gene in the 2,4-D pathway, tfdA, was sequenced. The sequences fell into three unique classes found in various members of the beta and gamma subgroups of Proteobacteria. None of the alpha-Proteobacteria yielded tfdA PCR products. A comparison of the dendrogram of the tfdA genes with that of the SSU rDNA genes demonstrated incongruency in phylogenies, and hence 2,4-D degradation must have originated from gene transfer between species. Only those strains with tfdA sequences highly similar to the tfdA sequence of strain JMP134 (tfdA class I) transferred all the 2,4-D genes and conferred the 2,4-D degradation phenotype to a Burkholderia cepacia recipient.
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Monitoring efforts have failed to identify horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events occurring from transgenic plants into bacterial communities in soil or intestinal environments. The lack of such observations is frequently cited in biosafety literature and by regulatory risk assessment. Our analysis of the sensitivity of current monitoring efforts shows that studies to date have examined potential HGT events occurring in less than 2 g of sample material, when combined. Moreover, a population genetic model predicts that rare bacterial transformants acquiring transgenes require years of growth to out-compete wild-type bacteria. Time of sampling is there-fore crucial to the useful implementation of monitoring. A population genetic approach is advocated for elucidating the necessary sample sizes and times of sampling for monitoring HGT into large bacterial populations. Major changes in current monitoring approaches are needed, including explicit consideration of the population size of exposed bacteria, the bacterial generation time, the strength of selection acting on the transgene-carrying bacteria, and the sample size necessary to verify or falsify the HGT hypotheses tested.
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Transgenic crops are approved for release in some countries, while many more countries are wrestling with the issue of how to conduct risk assessments. Controls on field trials often include monitoring of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from crops to surrounding soil microorganisms. Our analysis of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and of the sensitivity of current techniques for monitoring HGT from transgenic plants to soil microorganisms has two major implications for field trial assessments of transgenic crops: first, HGT from transgenic plants to microbes could still have an environmental impact at a frequency approximately a trillion times lower than the current risk assessment literature estimates the frequency to be; and second, current methods of environmental sampling to capture genes or traits in a recombinant are too insensitive for monitoring evolution by HGT. A model for HGT involving iterative short-patch events explains how HGT can occur at high frequencies but be detected at extremely low frequencies.
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The optimism of the early period of antimicrobial discovery has been tempered by the emergence of bacterial strains with resistance to these therapeutics. Today, clinically important bacteria are characterized not only by single drug resistance but also by multiple antibiotic resistance--the legacy of past decades of antimicrobial use and misuse. Drug resistance presents an ever-increasing global public health threat that involves all major microbial pathogens and antimicrobial drugs.
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Since Darwin's Origin of Species, reconstructing the Tree of Life has been a goal of evolutionists, and tree-thinking has become a major concept of evolutionary biology. Practically, building the Tree of Life has proven to be tedious. Too few morphological characters are useful for conducting conclusive phylogenetic analyses at the highest taxonomic level. Consequently, molecular sequences (genes, proteins, and genomes) likely constitute the only useful characters for constructing a phylogeny of all life. For this reason, tree-makers expect a lot from gene comparisons. The simultaneous study of the largest number of molecular markers possible is sometimes considered to be one of the best solutions in reconstructing the genealogy of organisms. This conclusion is a direct consequence of tree-thinking: if gene inheritance conforms to a tree-like model of evolution, sampling more of these molecules will provide enough phylogenetic signal to build the Tree of Life. The selection of congruent markers is thus a fundamental step in simultaneous analysis of many genes. Heat map analyses were used to investigate the congruence of orthologues in four datasets (archaeal, bacterial, eukaryotic and alpha-proteobacterial). We conclude that we simply cannot determine if a large portion of the genes have a common history. In addition, none of these datasets can be considered free of lateral gene transfer. Our phylogenetic analyses do not support tree-thinking. These results have important conceptual and practical implications. We argue that representations other than a tree should be investigated in this case because a non-critical concatenation of markers could be highly misleading.
The universal phylogenetic tree not only spans all extant life, but its root and earliest branchings represent stages in the evolutionary process before modern cell types had come into being. The evolution of the cell is an interplay between vertically derived and horizontally acquired variation. Primitive cellular entities were necessarily simpler and more modular in design than are modern cells. Consequently, horizontal gene transfer early on was pervasive, dominating the evolutionary dynamic. The root of the universal phylogenetic tree represents the first stage in cellular evolution when the evolving cell became sufficiently integrated and stable to the erosive effects of horizontal gene transfer that true organismal lineages could exist.
The current epidemic of bacterial resistance is attributed, in part, to the overuse of antibiotics. Recent studies have documented increases in resistance with over-use of particular antibiotics and improvements in susceptibility when antibiotic use is controlled. The most effective means of improving use of antibiotics is unknown. Comprehensive management programs directed by multi-disciplinary teams, computer-assisted decision-making, and antibiotic cycling have been beneficial in controlling antibiotic use, decreasing costs without impacting patient outcomes, and possibly decreasing resistance.
We screened a Thermotoga sp. strain RQ2 lambda library for genes present in that strain but absent from the closely related completely sequenced relative Thermotoga maritima strain MSB8, by using probes generated in an earlier genomic subtraction study. Five lambda insert fragments were sequenced, containing, respectively, an archaeal type ATPase operon, rhamnose biosynthetic genes, ORFs with similarity to an arabinosidase, a Thermotoga sp. strain RQ2-specific alcohol dehydrogenase and a novel archaeal Mut-S homologue. All but one of these fragments contained additional Thermotoga sp. strain RQ2-specific sequences not screened for, suggesting that many such strain-specific genes will be found clustered in the genome. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses, phylogenetic distribution and/or G + C content suggests that all the Thermotoga sp. strain RQ2 specific sequences in the sequenced lambda clones have been acquired by lateral gene transfer. We suggest that the use of strain-specific small insert clones obtained by subtractive hybridization to target larger inserts for sequencing is an efficient, economical way to identify environmentally (or clinically) relevant interstrain differences and novel gene clusters, and will be invaluable in comparative genomics.
The characterization of bacteria that degrade organic xenobiotics has revealed that they can adapt to these compounds by expressing 'novel' catabolic pathways. At least some of them appear to have evolved by patchwork assembly of horizontally transmitted genes and subsequent mutations and gene rearrangements. Recent studies have revealed the existence of new types of xenobiotic catabolic mobile genetic elements, such as catabolic genomic islands, which integrate into the chromosome after transfer. The significance of horizontal gene transfer and patchwork assembly for bacterial adaptation to pollutants under real environmental conditions remains uncertain, but recent publications suggest that these processes do occur in a polluted environment.