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A single domestication for potato based on multilocus AFLP genotyping


Abstract and Figures

The cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum, ultimately traces its origin to Andean and Chilean landraces developed by pre-Colombian cultivators. These Andean landraces exhibit tremendous morphological and genetic diversity, and are distributed throughout the Andes, from western Venezuela to northern Argentina, and in southern Chile. The wild species progenitors of these landraces have long been in dispute, but all hypotheses center on a group of ≈20 morphologically very similar tuber-bearing (Solanum section Petota) wild taxa referred to as the S. brevicaule complex, distributed from central Peru to northern Argentina. We present phylogenetic analyses based on the representative cladistic diversity of 362 individual wild (261) and landrace (98) members of potato (all tuber-bearing) and three outgroup non-tuber-bearing members of Solanum section Etuberosum, genotyped with 438 robust amplified fragment length polymorphisms. Our analyses are consistent with a hypothesis of a “northern” (Peru) and “southern” (Bolivia and Argentina) cladistic split for members of the S. brevicaule complex, and with the need for considerable reduction of species in the complex. In contrast to all prior hypotheses, our data support a monophyletic origin of the landrace cultivars from the northern component of this complex in Peru, rather than from multiple independent origins from various northern and southern members. • evolution • sect. Petota • Solanum
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A single domestication for potato based
on multilocus amplified fragment length
polymorphism genotyping
David M. Spooner*
, Karen McLean
, Gavin Ramsay
, Robbie Waugh
, and Glenn J. Bryan
*U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Vegetable Crops Research Unit, Department of Horticulture, University
of Wisconsin, 1575 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1590; and Genome Dynamics Programme, Scottish Crop Research Institute,
Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, United Kingdom
Communicated by S. J. Peloquin, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, August 29, 2005 (received for review November 15, 2004)
The cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum, ultimately traces its
origin to Andean and Chilean landraces developed by pre-Colom-
bian cultivators. These Andean landraces exhibit tremendous mor-
phological and genetic diversity, and are distributed throughout
the Andes, from western Venezuela to northern Argentina, and in
southern Chile. The wild species progenitors of these landraces
have long been in dispute, but all hypotheses center on a group of
20 morphologically very similar tuber-bearing (Solanum section
Petota) wild taxa referred to as the S. brevicaule complex, distrib-
uted from central Peru to northern Argentina. We present phylo-
genetic analyses based on the representative cladistic diversity of
362 individual wild (261) and landrace (98) members of potato (all
tuber-bearing) and three outgroup non-tuber-bearing members of
Solanum section Etuberosum, genotyped with 438 robust ampli-
fied fragment length polymorphisms. Our analyses are consistent
with a hypothesis of a ‘‘northern’’ (Peru) and ‘‘southern’’ (Bolivia
and Argentina) cladistic split for members of the S. brevicaule
complex, and with the need for considerable reduction of species
in the complex. In contrast to all prior hypotheses, our data
support a monophyletic origin of the landrace cultivars from the
northern component of this complex in Peru, rather than from
multiple independent origins from various northern and southern
evolution sect. Petota Solanum
The origin of crop plants has long fascinated botanists,
archaeologists, and sociologists with the following funda-
mental questions: When, where, how, why, and how many times
did crop domestication occur? What are the wild progenitors of
these crops? How do crops differ from their progenitors, what
selective processes, and how many genetic changes produce these
changes? Did crops have single or multiple and separate origins
(1–5)? Single (diffusionist) vs. multiple origin (in situ) hypoth-
eses of crop origins has long been the subject of debate (6– 8).
We have used multilocus molecular data from amplified frag-
ment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to reassess a single vs.
multiple origin of landrace cultivars of cultivated potato.
Primitive indigenous cultivated (landrace) potatoes are widely
distributed in the Andes from western Venezuela south to
northern Argentina, and in Chiloe´ Island and the adjacent
Chonos Archipelago of south-central Chile. The Chilean land-
races are secondarily derived from the Andean ones (9), likely
after hybridization with the Bolivian and Argentinean species
Solanum tarijense (10). Potato landraces have been classified into
21 species (11, 12), 7 species (9), 9 species (13, 14), or as a single
species, S. tuberosum, with eight cultivar groups (15). The
landraces are very diverse, with hundreds of clones differing in
tuber colors and shapes, and leaf, floral, and growth habit
variations. Ploidy levels in cultivated potato range from diploid
(2n2x24), to triploid (2n3x36), to tetraploid (2n
4x48), to pentaploid (2n5x60). The wild relatives of these
landraces (Solanum section Petota) are all tuber-bearing and
include 190 wild species that are widely distributed in the
Americas from the southwestern United States to southern Chile
(16, 17); they possess all ploidy levels of the cultivars, as well as
hexaploids (2n6x72).
The wild species progenitors of these Andean landraces have
long been in dispute, but all hypotheses center on a group of 20
morphologically similar wild species referred to as the S. brevi-
caule complex, distributed from central Peru to northern Ar-
gentina (18–22). Members of the complex are morphologically
similar to the landraces. Potato domestication from these wild
species involved selection for underground characters of shorter
stolons, larger tubers, (often) colored and variously shaped
tubers, and the reduction of bitter tuber glycoalkaloids; above-
ground characters of wild and cultivated species are similar but
with cultivated types exhibit high vigor and extensive segregation
for flower and foliage traits. The S. brevicaule complex includes
diploids, tetraploids, and hexaploids. Many members grow as
weeds in or adjacent to cultivated potato fields and form
crop–weed complexes (19). Morphological data (21) and single-
to low-copy nuclear restriction fragment length polymorphism
data (22) failed to clearly differentiate wild species in the S.
brevicaule complex from each other or from most landraces
(although the landraces often are taller and more vigorous as a
group than the wild species), and the most liberal taxonomic
interpretation from these studies was to recognize only three
wild taxa: (i) the Peruvian populations of the S. brevicaule
complex, (ii) the Bolivian and Argentinean populations of the
S. brevicaule complex, and (iii)S. oplocense (Bolivia and
Literally all hypotheses have suggested complex hybrid or
multiple origins of the cultivars from both northern and southern
members of the S. brevicaule complex (9, 13–15, 19–21, 23–25).
This study investigates these hypotheses through phylogenetic
analyses that incorporate the first comprehensive sampling of
landraces, the putative progenitors, and outgroups.
Materials and Methods
Plant Materials. We sampled 362 individual wild (261) and
landrace (98) members of tuber-bearing relatives of potato
(Solanum section Petota) and three sister group representatives
in Solanum section Etuberosum (S. etuberosum and S. palustre).
These accessions came from the United States Potato Genebank
(www.ars-grin.govnr6) and the Commonwealth Potato Collec-
tion of the Scottish Crop Research Institute (
cpc). They were identified mostly from living accessions planted
at the genebank by visiting potato taxonomists (mainly Jack
Hawkes and Carlos Ochoa) over 30 years. The 264 wild species
Abbreviations: AFLP, amplified fragment length polymorphism; RAPD, randomly amplified
polymorphic DNA; RFLP, restriction fragment length polymorphism.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
© 2005 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA
October 11, 2005
vol. 102
no. 41 www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0507400102
accessions are mostly members of the S. brevicaule complex and
are largely the same ones used in prior morphological (21) and
molecular (22) studies of the complex, and are labeled as those
species. We included tetraploid S. stoloniferum to have a data set
comparable to the prior morphological and molecular studies.
The members of the S. brevicaule complex are so similar that
their identities have frequently changed, and we mostly use the
identities from these prior studies for consistency. We add
additional cultivated accessions and wild species to represent the
entire four-clade diversity of section Petota from Spooner and
Castillo (26), and they included members of the Phureja Group
(diploid, Andean), Stenotomum Group (diploid, Andean), An-
digenum Group (tetraploid, Andean), and Chilotanum group
(tetraploid, lowland Chile). Our study included 230 diploids
(2n2x24), 120 tetraploids (2n 4x 48), and 12 hexaploids
(2n6x72). S. gourlayi included its diploid and tetraploid
cytotypes, and S. oplocense included its tetraploid and hexaploid
cytotypes. Designations of ploidy and classes of species (culti-
vated, S. brevicaule group north, S. brevicaule south, outgroups,
and ploidy) are presented in Fig. 1.
AFLP Genotyping. Plants were grown in the glasshouse, and DNA
was extracted from frozen plant leaf tissue taken from single
plants by using the DNeasy Plant DNA Extraction kit (Qiagen,
cat. no. 69181). AFLP assays were performed by using a mod-
ification of the protocol of Vos et al. (27), using the 6-bp cutting
enzymes PstI and EcoR I and the 4-bp cutting enzyme MseI. The
six AFLP primer combinations used were EAAC MCCA,
MAAC, and PCA MAGG. PCR reactions were set up on
384-well plates by using a Beckman Biomek 2000 liquid handling
device. Electrophoresis was carried out on the Bio-Rad Sequi-
Gen GT system on 5% acrylamide and 7 M urea in 1TBE
buffer (100 mM Tris100 mM boric acid2 mM EDTA). A dual
buffer system of 1TBE and 1TBE supplemented with 0.5 M
NaOAc was used to create an ionic gradient, which resulted in
better separation of the larger fragments. A Promega fmol DNA
Cycle Sequencing system (Promega Q4100) marker (prepared
according to the protocol but using only dddT Nucleotide Mix)
was run to estimate fragment sizes. Gels were dried onto paper
and visualized by exposure to x-ray film (Kodak BIOMAX MR).
Gels were scanned by using a standard flat-bed scanner at 300
dpi and 8-bit grayscale format. The TIFF images were then
imported into AFLP-QUANTAR software supplied by Keygene
(Wageningen, The Netherlands). To enable automatic position-
ing of marker bands, a standard genotype was run on each gel.
The AFLP data matrices are published as supporting informa-
tion on the PNAS web site.
Phylogenetic Analysis. Phylogenetic reconstructions were per-
formed by using PAUP* 4.0b8 (28), using Wagner parsimony (29).
The non-tuber-bearing species S. etuberosum and S. palustre
(section Etuberosum) were designated as the outgroup, but
members of these species, and clades 1, 2, and 3 of Spooner and
Castillo (26), fall at the base of the tree and are listed as
outgroups in Fig. 1; all remaining wild and cultivated species are
members of clade 4. To find multiple tree islands, we used a
four-step search strategy, modified from Olmstead and Palmer
(30). (i) One million replicates initially were run by using random
order entry starting trees with nearest-neighbor interchange. (ii)
The shortest trees from this analysis were used individually as
starting trees with the tree-bisection-reconnection (TBR)
method. (iii) The resulting trees were searched with nearest-
neighbor interchange, retaining all most parsimonious trees
(MULPARS). (iv) The resulting trees were searched with TBR
and MULPARS. The last two analyses were terminated at 10,000
trees. The resulting trees were used to compute a strict consensus
tree. A bootstrap analysis was conducted on 500 replicates with
TBR and MULPARS. The above analyses were done twice, once
with the entire data set and again only with the diploids.
AFLP data were also analyzed by neighbor-joining using
NTSYS-PCR2.02k (31). The program SIMQUAL was used to compute
similarity matrices using the “Jaccard” option, which ignores
shared absent bands, and which is an appropriate algorithm for
AFLPs scored as dominant markers.
Concordance Tests Among the Present AFLP Data to the Prior Restric-
tion Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), Randomly Amplified
Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and Morphological Studies. We tested
concordance among our new AFLP results to the morphological
(21) and single- to low-copy RFLP and RAPD data (22) of the
S. brevicaule complex. For each data set, we constructed parallel
matrices containing accessions in common between studies. We
then made pairwise distance matrices for all four data sets. For
the AFLP and RAPD data, we used the Jaccard matrix, for the
RFLP data we used a simple-matching coefficient, and for the
morphological data we used the distance algorithm, all present
in NTSYS-PCR2.02k (31). We then performed pairwise compari-
sons of these matrices with the Mantel test (32) as performed in
NTSYS-PCR. This statistic varies from 0 (no correspondence of
matrices) to 1 (perfect correspondence).
Results and Discussion
Cladistic Results. The six AFLP primer combinations produced
438 characters of which 3.6% of the data matrix had missing
values, caused by occasional failed reactions or faint bands.
Wagner parsimony analysis of all 362 accessions (Fig. 1) pro-
duced 10,000 (our designated upper tree limit) most parsimo-
nious 13,672-step trees with a consistency index of 0.033 and a
retention index of 0.571, and a rescaled consistency index of
0.019. The topology of the entire data set is ver y similar to the
four clade cladistic structure of Spooner and Castillo (26).
S. etuberosum and S. palustre form a monophyletic basal out-
group, sister to S. bulbocastanum,S. polyadenium,S. stenophyl-
lidium, and S. tarnii (clades 1 and 2), sister to S. acroscopicum,
S. andreanum,S. chilliasense,S. pascoense, and S. paucissectum
(clade 3); this clade also includes two accessions of S. acroscopi-
cum and two accessions of S. multidissectum, members of the
S. brevicaule group. The bootstrap analysis (Fig. 1) showed
50% support for the basal clades of sect. Etuberosum and
clades 1–3, and in some internal branches of clade 4, but poor
support (50%) in the external branches of clade 4. Wagner
parsimony analysis of the 230 diploid accessions (data not
shown) produced 177 most parsimonious 8,393-step trees with a
consistency index of 0.0534, and a retention index of 0.5617 and
a rescaled consistency index of 0.0300; bootstrap support was
similar to the total taxon tree. The topology of the entire data
set and the reduced data set of the diploids differs very little.
The topology of the entire data set is in concordance with
the morphological (21), RAPD, and RFLP results (22) in
defining a northern (species from Peru, together with S.
achacachense from northern Bolivia) and southern (species
from Bolivia and northern Argentina) clade of the S. brevicaule
complex. This geographic split does not exactly follow country
borders, but very closely so. For example, the northern clade
contains S. achacachense PI 558032 from the department of La
Paz, Bolivia bordering Peru, and the southern clade contains
S. leptophyes PI 458378 from the department of Puno border-
ing Bolivia.
Also in concordance with prior results, the AFLP data fail to
resolve many species in the complex. Species that fail to form
clades in the northern S. brevicaule group are S. abancayense,
S. bukasovii,S. canasense,S. leptophyes,S. marinasense,S.
multidissectum, and S. multiinterruptum, whereas S. candollea-
num and S. pampasense form clades. Species that fail to form
clades in the southern complex are S. ambosinum,S. brevicaule,
Spooner et al. PNAS
October 11, 2005
vol. 102
no. 41
Fig. 1. Strict consensus parsimony cladogram of 10,000 equally parsimonious 13,176-step Wagner trees based on the entire AFLP data set of 362 accessions,
with six AFLP primer combinations producing 438 characters. Outgroups consist of three accessions in Solanum section Etuberosum and clades 1–3 tuber-bearing
wild potatoes (section Petota) (26). The remaining ingroup consists of members of clade 4, labeled as the northern and southern S. brevicaule groups and
www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0507400102 Spooner et al.
cultivated species . The southern S. brevicaule group includes species from North and Central America and species from South America that have not traditionally
been considered part of this group. For space considerations, the taxa are staggered on the tree. Diploid accessions are colored black, tetraploid accessions are
blue, and hexaploid accessions are red.
Spooner et al. PNAS
October 11, 2005
vol. 102
no. 41
S. canasense,S. leptophyes,S. oplocense,S. sparsipilum, and S.
sucrense, whereas S. avilesii,S. hoopesii,S. incamayoense,
S. spegazzinii,S. ugentii,S. vernei, and S. vidaurrei [diploid] (to the
exclusion of one accession of S. gourlayi [tetraploid]) form clades.
The AFLP data support a monophyletic origin of all of the
cultivars. S. bukasovii 568954 and S. acroscopicum 230495,
however, fall within the cultivated clade. Accession 230495 was
labeled in the genebank as S. acroscopicum (a diploid species),
but chromosome counts show it to be tetraploid and likely to be
a misidentified cultivated species. S. bukasovii 568954 could be
a progenitor or an unrecognized cultivated diploid species.
Hosaka (10) showed that S. tarijense was a likely maternal
contributor in the origin of landraces of the Chilotanum group,
because they share a 241-bp chloroplast deletion. Our examina-
tion of three accessions of S. tarijense, and the related species
S. arnesii,S. berthaultii, and S. chacoense, show them to form a
clade, separate from the cultivars.
Phenetic Results. Because AFLPs are dominant and anonymous
marker data, a case has been made that they should be
analyzed with phenetic methods (33). The neighbor-joining
tree (data not shown) outlines nearly the same set of species
groups including the northern and southern S. brevicaule
groups, places the cultivated species as a single group, and
places the outgroup distant to the tuber-bearing species. A
phenogram could represent the phylogeny when similarities
are mainly due to shared derived characteristics (34). In our
case, conclusions are the same with cladistic or neighbor-
joining procedures, and controversies of proper methods to
use are therefore moot.
Concordance of the Present AFLP Data to Prior Morphological and
Molecular Data in the
S. brevicaule
Complex. The Mantel tests
showed high correlations (r) of the present AFLP results to the
prior RAPD and single- to low-copy nuclear RFLP results of the
S. brevicaule complex (22) (r0.740–0.845) (Table 1) and much
lower correlations to the morphological data (r0.204). Despite
much lower correspondence of AFLP, RFLP, and RA PD results
to the morphological results (Table 1), the morphological data
still showed a north–south partitioning by a canonical variates
analysis (21).
The utility of AFLPs to examine relationships of closely
related species has been documented elsewhere. For example,
Powell et al. (35) showed AFLPs and nuclear RFLPs to be
significantly correlated in diversity studies of cultivated soybean
(Glycine max [L.] Merrill) and its progenitor species G. soja
Hort.; Milbourne et al. (36) showed good correlations between
AFLPs and RAPDs in S. tuberosum; and Russell et al. (37)
showed good correlations of AFLPs and nuclear RFLPs in
Hordeum. Such correlations, and the concordance of AFLP to
nuclear RFLP, RAPD, and morphological results reported here,
support the utility of AFLPs for examining relationships of
S. tuberosum and the S. brevicaule complex.
Single Domestication for Potato. All cladistic and phenetic analy-
ses, of both the diploids and tetraploids, show all landrace
populations to form a monophyletic clade, derived from the
northern members of the S. brevicaule complex. These S. brevi-
caule northern group member ‘‘species’’ are poorly defined, and
ongoing studies may reduce them to a single species, with the
earliest valid name of the group being S. bukasovii. The conclu-
sions of a single origin of cultivated potato from the northern
species of the S. brevicaule group differs from all conventional
domestication hypotheses (9, 13, 15, 19–21, 23–25) in two
fundamental respects: (i) a single origin is here supported, rather
than a series of multiple independent origins; and (ii) the origin
is confined to the northern component of the S. brevicaule
complex, rather than to other southern complex species that are
commonly mentioned as progenitors, such as S. sparsipilum or
S. vernei (e.g., refs. 9 and 23). A ‘‘single’’ origin is here supported
to mean an origin from a single species, or its progenitor
(S. bukasovii), in the broad area of southern Peru. Because
landrace potatoes are currently spread throughout the Andes
and Chile, they clearly were diffused from Peru both north
and south, assuming present-day distributions of the original
The single origin of potato parallels results suggesting single
origins of other crops including barley (38), cassava (39), maize
(40), einkorn wheat (41), and emmer wheat (42). This differs
from multiple origins of common beans (43), cotton (44), millet
(45), rice (46), and squash (47). Allaby and Brown (48) criticize
the use of ‘‘anonymous’’ marker data of any type (including
AFLPs) to infer single crop origins. Results of computer simu-
lations have led these authors to postulate that monophyletic
origins can be erroneously inferred when using dominant marker
data analyzed by neighbor-joining methods. They assume that
pairs of markers, on average, are unlinked and simulate different
scenarios for cereal crops. Authors of some of the original studies
have replied, suggesting that the ‘‘intrinsic quality’’ of their data
outweighs any doubts through use of simulated data (49). It is
clear that further, more sophisticated simulations are required,
using information on known marker linkage relationships. More-
over, Allaby and Brown (48) do not comment on the applicability
of their studies to predominantly outbreeding, clonally propa-
gated crops, such as potato.
Diamond (50) discusses single vs. multiple crop origins in a
geographic perspective. He suggests that crops that spread east
and west (as einkorn wheat and emmer wheat in the Fertile
Crescent), rather than north and south (as squash and cotton in
the Americas), have a competitive advantage in rapid diffusion
because they take less time to adapt to new habitats. He further
contends that such rapid diffusion preempts adoption of com-
peting crops and favors single crop origins, in contrast to multiple
origins of crops spread north and south. His paper was written
when maize (51, 52) and potato (present results) were thought
to have multiple origins. The widespread north and south
diffusion of maize and potatoes, and their monophyletic origin,
prompts a reconsideration of his geographic interpretation of
single and multiple origins.
Reconsideration of the Taxonomy of the
S. brevicaule
Complex. The
data strongly suggest that (i) considerable reduction of species is
needed in the S. brevicaule complex and (ii) the complex is
polyphyletic. AFLP data suggest that some of the species in the
complex, however (mentioned above), may be valid. AFLP data
also suggest, as do the RAPD and nuclear RFLP data, that some
accessions of S. multiinterruptum are part of the distinctive clade
3 (series Piurana) (22). Taxonomic changes in species circum-
scriptions are underway as part of a broader-scale taxonomic
Table 1. Pairwise comparisons of the present AFLP results to the
morphological results (21) and RAPD and single- to low-copy
nuclear RFLP results (22) using the same accessions, as
performed with the Mantel test (32)
AFLP 0.760 0.761 0.182
RFLP 0.740 (166) 0.590 0.123
RAPD 0.845 (76) 0.609 (82) 0.069
Morphology 0.204 (211) 0.048 (128) 0.121 (69)
0no correspondence; 1 perfect correspondence. The results above the
diagonal compare the similarity matrices, and those below the diagonal
compare the tree topologies transformed to matrix values through cophen-
etic values (31). The numbers in parentheses below the diagonal indicate the
number of accessions common to each comparison.
www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0507400102 Spooner et al.
revision of the entire genus Solanum (53). Poor support for the
traditionally circumscribed S. brevicaule complex species sug-
gests that designations of species-specific progenitors of the
landrace cultivars with this outdated taxonomy (9, 25) are futile.
Rather, our results suggest that the Andean landrace cultivars
arose from the northern component of the S. brevicaule complex.
S. bukasovii is the earliest taxonomic name possessing priority as
this progenitor.
We thank the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural
Service and the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs
Department for financial support.
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Spooner et al. PNAS
October 11, 2005
vol. 102
no. 41
... Cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was domesticated from wild Solanum species native to the Peruvian Andes 8000-9000 years ago (Spooner et al. 2005). Through polyploidization (Watanabe and Peloquin 1989), photoperiodism changes (Hosaka 2003(Hosaka , 2004, and other diversification mechanisms (Hardigan et al. 2017), potato became adopted globally and it is now the third most important food crop for human consumption (Birch et al. 2012). ...
... Potato landraces and wild species are widely distributed across Central and South America (Hardigan et al. 2015;Hijmans et al. 2002). These materials display remarkable phenotypic variation, encompassing diverse tuber colors, sizes and shapes, canopy architectures, and growth habits (Spooner et al. 2005). More importantly, landraces and wild species are excellent sources of resistance to nematodes, viruses, insects, fungi and late blight (Bachmann-Pfabe et al. 2019;Dandurand et al. 2019;del Rio and Bamberg 2020;Fürstenberg-Hägg et al. 2013;Ritter et al. 2008;Ruiz de Galarreta et al. 1998). ...
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To catalog and promote the conservation and use of crop wild relatives, comprehensive phenotypic and genotypic information must be available. Plant genotyping has the power to resolve the phylogenetic relationships between crop wild relatives, quantify genetic diversity, and identify marker-trait associations for expedited molecular breeding. However, access to cost-effective genotyping strategies is often limited in underutilized crops and crop wild relatives. Potato landraces and wild species, distributed throughout Central and South America, exhibit remarkable phenotypic diversity and are an invaluable source of resistance to pests and pathogens. Unfortunately, very limited information is available for these germplasm resources, particularly regarding phenotypic diversity and potential use as trait donors. In this work, more than 150 accessions corresponding to 12 species of wild and cultivated potatoes, collected from different sites across the American continent, were analyzed using computer vision and morphometric methods to evaluate leaf size and shape. In total, more than 1100 leaves and leaflets were processed and analyzed for nine traits related to size, shape, and color. The results produced in this study provided a visual depiction of the extensive variability among potato wild species and enabled a precise quantification of leaf phenotypic differences, including shape, color, area, perimeter, length, width, aspect ratio, convexity, and circularity. We also discussed the application and utility of inexpensive but comprehensive morphometric approaches to catalog and study the diversity of crop wild relatives. Finally, this study provided insights for further experimental research looking into the potential role of leaf size and shape variation in plant–insect interactions, agronomic productivity, and adaptation.
... The common cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) originated near the Titicaca Basin in southern Peru as documented by archaeological finds [1,2] and in agreement with genetic data [3]. However, several other tuberous Solanum species exist. ...
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Citation: Azariadis, A.; Andrzejczak, O.A.; Carlsen, F.M.; Westberg, I.; Brinch-Pedersen, H.; Petersen, B.L.; Hebelstrup, K.H. A Walk on the Wild Side: Genome Editing of Tuber-Bearing Solanum bulbocastanum. Plants 2024, 13, 1044. https://doi. Abstract: Solanum bulbocastanum is a wild diploid tuber-bearing plant. We here demonstrate transgene-free genome editing of S. bulbocastanum protoplasts and regeneration of gene-edited plants. We use ribonucleoproteins, consisting of Cas9 and sgRNA, assembled in vitro, to target a gene belonging to the nitrate and peptide transporter family. Four different sgRNAs were designed and we observed efficiency in gene-editing in the protoplast pool between 8.5% and 12.4%. Twenty-one plants were regenerated from microcalli developed from individual protoplasts. In three of the plants we found that the target gene had been edited. Two of the edited plants had deletion mutations introduced into both alleles, whereas one only had a mutation in one of the alleles. Our work demonstrates that protocols for the transformation of Solanum tuberosum can be optimized to be applied to a wild Solanum species.
... Since its original domestication from Peruvian wild species progenitors into Andean and Chilean landraces (Spooner et al., 2005(Spooner et al., , 2014, the cultivated potato has been globally disseminated, and Solanum tuberosum L. is currently the world's third most important food crop (FAOSTAT, 2023). Its high efficiency in energy yield per cultivated area and high nutritional value compared to cereals have resulted in a cosmopolitan growth distribution (Wilson et al., 2021), and potato remains a crop of key interest for future global food security. ...
Genomic prediction and genome-wide association studies are becoming widely employed in potato key performance trait QTL identifications and to support potato breeding using genomic selection. Elite cultivars are tetraploid and highly heterozygous but also share many common ancestors and generation-spanning inbreeding events, resulting from the clonal propagation of potatoes through seed potatoes. Consequentially, many SNP markers are not in a 1:1 relationship with a single allele variant but shared over several alleles that might exert varying effects on a given trait. The impact of such redundant “diluted” predictors on the statistical models underpinning genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and genomic prediction has scarcely been evaluated despite the potential impact on model accuracy and performance. We evaluated the impact of marker location, marker type, and marker density on the genomic prediction and GWAS of five key performance traits in tetraploid potato (chipping quality, dry matter content, length/width ratio, senescence, and yield). A 762-offspring panel of a diallel cross of 18 elite cultivars was genotyped by sequencing, and markers were annotated according to a reference genome. Genomic prediction models (GBLUP) were trained on four marker subsets [non-synonymous (29,553 SNPs), synonymous (31,229), non-coding (32,388), and a combination], and robustness to marker reduction was investigated. Single-marker regression GWAS was performed for each trait and marker subset. The best cross-validated prediction correlation coefficients of 0.54, 0.75, 0.49, 0.35, and 0.28 were obtained for chipping quality, dry matter content, length/width ratio, senescence, and yield, respectively. The trait prediction abilities were similar across all marker types, with only non-synonymous variants improving yield predictive ability by 16%. Marker reduction response did not depend on marker type but rather on trait. Traits with high predictive abilities, e.g., dry matter content, reached a plateau using fewer markers than traits with intermediate-low correlations, such as yield. The predictions were unbiased across all traits, marker types, and all marker densities >100 SNPs. Our results suggest that using non-synonymous variants does not enhance the performance of genomic prediction of most traits. The major known QTLs were identified by GWAS and were reproducible across exonic and whole-genome variant sets for dry matter content, length/width ratio, and senescence. In contrast, minor QTL detection was marker type dependent.
... Employing 8 SSR markers, this endeavor unveiled unique accessions and identified instances of duplicated varieties (Ivanova-Pozdejeva et al., 2022), and the INRAE collection in France sought to develop core collections and facilitate marker-assisted selection, resulting in the fingerprinting of approximately 2,000 accessions using Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (CAPS) markers and the SolCAP 8K array. Notably, also the Commonwealth Potato Collection, while only partially genotyped, has been extensively employed in diverse studies encompassing taxonomic and breeding aspects (Hawkes et al., 1994;Bradshaw and Ramsay, 2005;Spooner et al., 2005), as well as evaluations for resistances and tolerances against both biotic and abiotic stress, exemplified by its assessment for resistance to Potato Virus Y (Torrance et al., 2020). The International Potato Center's germplasm collection has undergone thorough genotyping efforts, with specific findings detailed in (Ellis et al. (2020). ...
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This review highlights -omics research in Solanaceae family, with a particular focus on resilient traits. Extensive research has enriched our understanding of Solanaceae genomics and genetics, with historical varietal development mainly focusing on disease resistance and cultivar improvement but shifting the emphasis towards unveiling resilience mechanisms in genebank-preserved germplasm is nowadays crucial. Collecting such information, might help researchers and breeders developing new experimental design, providing an overview of the state of the art of the most advanced approaches for the identification of the genetic elements laying behind resilience. Building this starting point, we aim at providing a useful tool for tackling the global agricultural resilience goals in these crops.
... However, the tuber fragments are unlikely to be maca, which is a more northerly taxon. Several tuber species could potentially account for the tubers observed at Soro Mik'aya Patjxa, but they are most likely associated with wild potato species, which are concentrated in the region and were likely domesticated there [59,[70][71][72]. ...
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Current models of early human subsistence economies suggest a focus on large mammal hunting. To evaluate this hypothesis, we examine human bone stable isotope chemistry of 24 individuals from the early Holocene sites of Wilamaya Patjxa (9.0–8.7 cal. ka) and Soro Mik’aya Patjxa (8.0–6.5 cal. ka) located at 3800 meters above sea level on the Andean Altiplano, Peru. Contrary to expectation, Bayesian mixing models based on the isotope chemistry reveal that plants dominated the diet, comprising 70–95% of the average diet. Paleoethnobotanical data further show that tubers may have been the most prominent subsistence resource. These findings update our understanding of earliest forager economies and the pathway to agricultural economies in the Andean highlands. The findings furthermore suggest that the initial subsistence economies of early human populations adapting to new landscapes may have been more plant oriented than current models suggest.
... andigena) es un tubérculo que se cultiva en los Andes peruanos y que fue domesticado originalmente en América del Sur, distribuyéndose por los Andes desde Colombia hasta Chile (Kumari et al., 2018). Su domesticación data de entre 7000 y 10.000 años (Horton & Samanamud, 2013) y luego de un estudio filogenético, el origen de la papa se ubica en la parte sur de Perú (Spooner et al., 2005).Entre Bolivia, Perú y Ecuador se estima que crecen más de 4000 variedades, de las cuales más de 3000 se encuentran en Perú (Senasa, 2017). Además, la papa es ampliamente consumida y es una fuente de macronutrientes (carbohidratos, proteínas), micronutrientes (vitaminas, minerales) y compuestos bioactivos como polifenoles, antocianinas y propiedades antioxidantes (López-Cobo et al., 2014), incluso y principalmente en papas nativas harinosas se reportó una mayor cantidad de proteína y hierro (de Haan et al., 2019). ...
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En Perú se producen más de 3500 variedades de papas, sin embargo, es poca la información disponible sobre las propiedades antioxidantes que poseen. El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el efecto de los tratamientos térmicos de hervido y de fritura, y la digestión in vitro en el contenido de polifenoles totales, antocianinas y actividad antioxidante en cuatro variedades de papas nativas. Las papas nativas clon de pulpa rojo (C1), clon de pulpa azul (C2), variedad Elena 1198 (V4) y la variedad Kitipsho (V8) fueron obtenidas del centro poblado de Huallmish a 3500 m s.n.m. para la evaluación de principios activos, las muestras sometidas a cocción y fritura fueron licuadas y se realizaron extracciones con metanol y también se realizó la digestión in vitro. Los resultados en las papas nativas mostraron diferencias en peso, longitud y diámetro, además, tampoco se encontró la presencia de vitamina C. Los tratamientos térmicos mediante hervido, fritura y luego del proceso de digestión in vitro, indujeron variaciones en el contenido de componentes bioactivos (P < 0,05), donde las cuatro variedades de papa mostraron un incremento en su capacidad para inhibir el catión abts, lo que estaría relacionado con el tipo de antioxidante y el potencial de hidrógeno del medio al cual fue sometido durante la digestión in vitro. En conclusión, las muestras de papas nativas luego de los tratamientos de hervido, fritura y digestión in vitro incrementaron la actividad antioxidante para secuestrar el catión ABTS.
Potato is a major crop that is consumed by over one billion people worldwide. However, production is hampered by diseases such as viral infections, late blight, and bacterial wilt. Bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is the second most prevalent disease after blight, and its effects are exacerbated by both global trade and climate change. The extent of the disease devastation varies by country, with more serious consequences evident in major potato-producing countries. The Ralstonia species complex (RSSC) is a group of pathogenic strains that spread through the use of infected seed potato, soils, water run-offs, plant debris, or contaminated farm equipment and propagation material. The elements that contribute to the rapid spread of bacterial wilt disease in potato are discussed in this review article, and a disease-control strategy is proposed. Understanding how R. solanacearum spreads through international trade is critical for developing effective mitigation and management techniques to control and limit the spread of this damaging phytopathogen.
Ralstonia solanacearum , a highly destructive phytopathogen causing bacterial wilt disease, poses a substantial risk to the potato value chain, putting global food security at risk and impeding potato production. ‘Cruza 148’, a locally adapted potato genotype, has been reported to exhibit resistance when cultivated in areas with a background of bacterial wilt occurrences. This study aimed to acquire a deeper understanding of the factors influencing resistance and susceptibility in ‘Cruza 148’ and ‘Shangi’ potato genotypes respectively. To achieve this, RNA‐seq was deployed to detect DEGs in ‘Cruza 148’ and ‘Shangi’ potato genotypes at 6 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h post‐inoculation with Ralstonia solanacearum . A total of 54.2% of the DEGs were upregulated and 45.8% were downregulated in the roots of the ‘Cruza 148’ potato genotype, while 45.5% and 54.5% of DEGs were upregulated and downregulated in the roots of the susceptible potato genotype ‘Shangi’ respectively. The gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis indicated that the ‘Cruza 148’ genotype consistently displayed the ‘defence response’ category throughout every stage of infection. The analysis of enriched GO terms revealed 225 terms, with 132 related to biological processes, 16 linked to cellular components and 12 linked to molecular functions. The ‘Cruza 148’ genotype had the highest gene counts in peptide metabolic processes and cellular component assembly, while the ‘Shangi’ genotype had the greatest number of gene counts that responded to chemicals and cellular component assembly. Defence genes identified, included leucine‐rich repeat protein, MYB transcription factor, glucan endo‐1,3‐beta‐glucosidase, serine/threonine‐protein kinase, ethylene‐responsive transcriptional coactivator and disease resistance protein, which could help explain the mechanisms and pathways of resistance to R. solanacearum . This study presents a fundamental understanding of the transcriptional alterations that occur during pathogen interactions with potato. It will also assist in identifying potential useful genes induced during the resistance and susceptibility processes.
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Background Plant U-box (PUB) E3 ubiquitin ligases have vital effects on various biological processes. Therefore, a comprehensive and systematic identification of the members of the U-box gene family in potato will help to understand the evolution and function of U-box E3 ubiquitin ligases in plants. Results This work identified altogether 74 PUBs in the potato (StPUBs) and examined their gene structures, chromosomal distributions, and conserved motifs. There were seventy-four StPUB genes on ten chromosomes with diverse densities. As revealed by phylogenetic analysis on PUBs within potato, Arabidopsis, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), cabbage (Brassica oleracea), rice (Oryza sativa), and corn (Zea mays), were clustered into eight subclasses (C1-C8). According to synteny analysis, there were 40 orthologous StPUB genes to Arabidopsis, 58 to tomato, 28 to cabbage, 7 to rice, and 8 to corn. In addition, RNA-seq data downloaded from PGSC were utilized to reveal StPUBs’ abiotic stress responses and tissue-specific expression in the doubled-monoploid potato (DM). Inaddition, we performed RNA-seq on the ‘Atlantic’ (drought-sensitive cultivar, DS) and the ‘Qingshu NO.9’ (drought-tolerant cultivar, DT) in early flowering, full-blooming, along with flower-falling stages to detect genes that might be involved in response to drought stress. Finally, quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) was carried out to analyze three candidate genes for their expression levels within 100 mM NaCl- and 10% PEG 6000 (w/v)-treated potato plantlets for a 24-h period. Furthermore, we analyzed the drought tolerance of StPUB25 transgenic plants and found that overexpression of StPUB25 significantly increased peroxidase (POD) activity, reduced ROS (reactive oxygen species) and MDA (malondialdehyde) accumulation compared with wild-type (WT) plants, and enhancing drought tolerance of the transgenic plants. Conclusion In this study, three candidate genes related to drought tolerance in potato were excavated, and the function of StPUB25 under drought stress was verified. These results should provide valuable information to understand the potato StPUB gene family and investigate the molecular mechanisms of StPUBs regulating potato drought tolerance.
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The potato is one of the most important food crops in the world. Improving the efficiency of potato breeding is of great importance for solving the global food problem. Today, researchers distinguish between six potato cytoplasm types: A, M, P, T, W, D. In the current study, the complete chloroplast genomes of Solanum tuberosum accessions with five out of the six major cytoplasmic genome types were sequenced (T-, W-, D-, A-, and P-genomes). A comparative analysis of the plastomes in potato accessions with different cytoplasm types was carried out for the first time. The time of origin of the different cytoplasm types was estimated. The presence of two main groups of chloroplast genomes among cultivated potato was confirmed. Based on the phylogenetic analysis of the complete plastome sequences, five main evolutionary branches of chloroplast genomes can be distinguished within the Petota section. Samples with A- and P- cytoplasm formed isolated and distant groups within a large and polymorphic group of samples with M-type cytoplasm, suggesting that A and P genomes arose independently. The findings suggest that the diversity of the T-genome in S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum could be initially low due to a bottle neck already existing at the origin of the Chilean clade. Differences in the rbcL gene sequence may be one of the factors causing differences in economically important traits in species with A and T-type cytoplasm. The data obtained will contribute to the development of methods for molecular marking of cytoplasm types and increase knowledge about the evolution and diversity of potato.
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The field of plant molecular systematics is expanding rapidly, and with it new and refined methods are coming into use. This paper reviews recent advances in experimental methods and data analysis, as applied to the chloroplast genome. Restriction site mapping of the chloroplast genome has been used widely, but is limited in the range of taxonomic levels to which it can be applied. The upper limits (i.e., greatest divergence) of its application are being explored by mapping of the chloroplast inverted repeat region, where rates of nucleotide substitution are low. The lower limits of divergence amenable to restriction site study are being examined using restriction enzymes with 4-base recognition sites to analyze polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified portions of the chloroplast genome that evolve rapidly. The comparison of DNA sequences is the area of molecular systematics in which the greatest advances are being made. PCR and methods for direct sequencing of PCR products have resulted in a mushrooming of sequence data. In theory, any degree of divergence is amenable to comparative sequencing studies. In practice, plant systematists have focused on two slowly evolving sequences (rbcL and rRNA genes). More rapidly evolving DNA sequences, including rapidly changing chloroplast genes, chloroplast introns, and intergenic spacers, and the noncoding portions of the nuclear ribosomal RNA repeat, also are being investigated for comparative purposes. The relative advantages and disadvantages of comparative restriction site mapping and DNA sequencing are reviewed. For both methods, the analysis of resulting data requires sufficient taxon and character sampling to achieve the best possible estimate of phylogenetic relationships. Parsimony analysis is particularly sensitive to the issue of taxon sampling due to the problem of long branches attracting on a tree. However, data sets with many taxa present serious computational difficulties that may result in the inability to achieve maximum parsimony or to find all shortest trees.
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M13 DNA fingerprinting was used to determine evolutionary changes that occurred in Latin American germ plasm and USA cultivars of commonbean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) during domestication. Linkage mapping experiments showed that M13-related sequences in the common-bean genome were either located at the distal ends of linkage groups or that they were unlinked to each other or to any previously mapped markers. Levels of polymorphism observed by hybridization with M13 (1 probe-enzyme combination) were comparable to those observed by hybridization with single-copy random PstI genomic probes (36 enzyme-probe combinations) but were higher than those observed for isozymes (10 loci). Results indicated that the wild ancestor had diverged into two taxa, one distributed in Middle America (Mexico, Central America, and Colombia) and the other in the Andes (Peru and Argentina); they also suggested separate domestications in the two areas leading to two cultivated gene pools. Domestication in both areas led to pronounced reductions in diversity in cultivated descendants in Middle America and the Andes. The marked lack of polymorphism within commercial classes of USA cultivars suggests that the dispersal of cultivars from the centers of origin and subsequent breeding of improved cultivars led to high levels of genetic uniformity. To our knowledge, this is the first crop for which this reduction in diversity has been documented with a single type of marker in lineages that span the evolution between wild ancestor and advanced cultivars.
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The effect of phosphorus supply (1–15μM) on proton release and the role of P in symbiotic nitrogen fixation in medic (Medicago truncatula L. ‘Jemalong’) was investigated. As P concentration in the nutrient solution increased, shoot and root growth increased by 19 and 15%, respectively by day 35, with maximal growth at 4μM P. A P concentration of 15μM appeared to be toxic to plants. Phosphorus supply had no influence on nodule formation by day 12 but increased nodule number by day 35. Nitrogenase activity was estimated by in situ measurement of acetylene reduction activity (ARA) in an open-flow system. During the assay, a C2H2-induced decline of ARA was observed under all P concentrations except 4μM. Specific ARA (per unit nodule weight) doubled when P supply was increased from 1 to 8μM. This effect of P was much greater than the effects of P on nodulation and host plant growth. Concentrations of excess cations in plants decreased with increasing P concentration in the nutrient solution. Phosphorus deficiency stimulated uptake of excess cations over anions by the plants and hence enhanced proton release. The results suggest that P plays a direct role in nodule functioning in medic and that P deficiency increases acidification which may facilitate P acquisition.
Echinochloa colona (L.) Link of Malaya and Java, and Indian strains of cultivated species, E. frumentacea (Roxb.) Link, were certained to be hexaploid, n=27, and to have the same genome constitution in common. Although the F1 hybrids of these two species showed a low degree of fertility, it can be assumed that E. colona is a wild form of E. frumentacea. In earlier paper the author (Yabuno 1953) has confirmed that hexaploid varieties of E. crus-galli (L.) Beauv. and Japanese cultivated strains have the same genome constitution, and that the former is a wild form of the latter. Four F1 hybrids between Indian strains of E. frumentacea and hexaploid varieties of E. crus-galli, and an F1 hybrid between Indian strain of E. frumentacea and Chinese cultivated strain were cytologically investigated. It is concluded that E. colona and E. crus-galli do not possess genomic constitution in common. The same conclusion can be adopted to Indian and Chino-Japanese cultivated strains. But any genomic formula was not assigned to these species in this paper. Indian and Chino-Japanese cultivated strains have been maintained under the specific name, E. frumentacea. On the basis of the results of cytological investigations Chino-Japanese cultivated species was separated from E. frumentacea, and the new specific name, E. utilis Ohwi et Yabuno was given. E. colony and E. crus-galli can be distinguished in some morphological characters, particularly with respect to panicles character, and these two wild species differ more or less in geographic distribution. E. utilis and E. frumentacea resemble to E. crus-galli and E. colona respectively in the characteristics of panicle. From the evidences mentioned above, it is assumed that E. utilis has arisen from the hexaploid varieties of E. crus-galli probably in the Far East, and E. frumentacea from E. colona in the tropics.
— We studied sequence variation in 16S rDNA in 204 individuals from 37 populations of the land snail Candidula unifasciata (Poiret 1801) across the core species range in France, Switzerland, and Germany. Phylogeographic, nested clade, and coalescence analyses were used to elucidate the species evolutionary history. The study revealed the presence of two major evolutionary lineages that evolved in separate refuges in southeast France as result of previous fragmentation during the Pleistocene. Applying a recent extension of the nested clade analysis (Templeton 2001), we inferred that range expansions along river valleys in independent corridors to the north led eventually to a secondary contact zone of the major clades around the Geneva Basin. There is evidence supporting the idea that the formation of the secondary contact zone and the colonization of Germany might be postglacial events. The phylogeographic history inferred for C. unifasciata differs from general biogeographic patterns of postglacial colonization previously identified for other taxa, and it might represent a common model for species with restricted dispersal.
Solanum section Petota (Solanaceae), which includes the cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) and its wild relatives, contains about 200 wild species distributed from the southwestern U.S.A. (38°N) to central Argentina and adjacent Chile (41°S). Although most species occur in the Andes of South America, a secondary center of diversity exists between 16°N and 21°N in the central Mexican highlands; the populations include diploids (2n = 2x = 24; some mixed with triploids, 2n = 3x = 36), tetraploids (2n = 4x = 48), hexaploids (2n = 6x = 72), and triploid and pentaploid nothospecies. This treatment covers the wild potatoes of North and Central America (U.S.A. to the Panama/Colombia border). A summary of recent morphological and molecular studies of species limits and their interrelationships is presented. The field component of this study yielded herbarium specimens and germplasm samples from all countries harboring wild potatoes in North and Central America; germplasm collections of every species are now available. Twenty-five species and four nothospecies (and an unnamed additional nothospecies) from North and Central America are recognized and assigned to eleven informal species groups. Full descriptions and synonymies (including designations of lectotypes), illustrations, distribution maps, an extensive list of georeferenced localities, and a map of species richness are provided for all recognized taxa.
Five chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) types (W, T, C, S, and A) have previously been identified in the Andean tetraploid cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena) and three types (C, S, and A) in diploid cultivated potatoes (S. stenotomum). In this study, ctDNA types were determined for an additional 35 accessions of S. stenotomum and 97 accessions of putative ancestral wild species (15 of S. brevicaule, 26 of S. bukasovii, 4 of S. candolleanum, 25 of S. canasense, 17 of S. leptophyes, and 10 of S. multidissectum). The first five ctDNA types were also identified in S. stenotomum. The wild species were also polymorphic for ctDNA types except for S. brevicaule, which had only W-type ctDNA. T-type ctDNA was not found in any of the wild species and could have originated from W-type ctDNA after S. stenotomum arose. The other types of ctDNA evolved in wild species. The geographical distribution of each ctDNA type indicated that A-type ctDNA arose in central Peru and T-type ctDNA in the Bolivia-Argentine boundary. It is implied that potatoes were successively domesticated and that, in parallel, several wild species were differentiated from time to time and place to place from the 'ancestral species' complex. Subsequent sexual polyploidization formed a wide ctDNA diversity among the Andean tetraploid potatoes, and selection from them formed the limited ctDNA diversity found in Chilean tetraploid potatoes (ssp. tuberosum).
The Potatoes of South America: Bolivia. Carlos M. Ochoa. Translated by Donald Ugent. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 512 pp. $140.00 (cloth). ISBN 0–521–38024–3.