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Cross-kingdom hormonal signaling: An insight from thyroid hormone functions in marine larvae


Abstract and Figures

Thyroid hormones (THs) are small, lipophilic signaling molecules built from tyrosine and iodine. TH action is well characterized in vertebrates, where these molecules play a fundamental role as regulators of development, metabolism, growth and differentiation. Increasing evidence suggests that THs also function in a variety of invertebrate species. Two alternative sources of hormone for animals are exogenous (from food items) and endogenous synthesis. We propose that exogenous THs can convey environmental information as well as regulate metabolism, revealing new communication avenues between organisms from different kingdoms. While such modes of cross-kingdom communication have been previously considered for fatty acid-based signaling and steroid hormones in plant-animal interactions, this is the first attempt to explore such a mode of action for TH signaling. We suggest that exogenous sources of TH (from food) may have been ancestral, while the ability to synthesize TH endogenously may have evolved independently in a variety of metazoans, resulting in a diversity of signaling pathways and, possibly, morphological structures involved in TH-signaling.
Fig.·1. (A) A hypothesis for iodine-based cross-kingdom communication in marine ecosystems. Marine organisms incorporate iodine into an organic matrix (organification) and synthesize thyroid hormone (TH)related signaling molecules, which are then shuttled through the food chain (phytoplankton to zooplankton). This hypothesis is supported by previously published evidence and our own new data (see Fig.·2) of THlike molecules being present in marine algae and various marine invertebrates and their larval forms. (B) One functional aspect of this cross-kingdom communication is the involvement of TH-related compounds in development to metamorphosis of various marine invertebrate larvae, represented schematically in B for molluscs (veliger larvae) and echinoderms (pluteus larvae). New evidence suggests that THs are used as developmental signals by larvae and that the primary source may be exogenous (Chino et al., 1994; Heyland and Hodin, 2004), although we were able to find evidence for endogenous synthesis as well (Heyland and Hodin, 2004). The role of THs in metamorphosis per se remains to be elucidated. The blue frame indicates larval development (L) and the red frame metamorphic development with metamorphic competence (C) and settlement (S). Please note that here we are using the term THs generically for thyroid-like hormones, since the specific chemical identification of THs in these lineages requires further confirmation using microanalytical methods (e.g. mass spectrometry and NMR). Images of echinoid larvae modified from Hyman (1995).
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Many structurally similar signaling molecules are shared
between organisms from different kingdoms. For example,
oxidation products of fatty acids such as oxylipins and
eicosanoids play fundamental roles in plant and animal
metabolism, respectively (Stanley, 1999; Stoka, 1999). As
these molecules are common to both kingdoms, they can be
exploited for plant–insect recognition and manipulation
purposes (Schultz and Appel, 2004). Another group of
signaling molecules that could be involved in such a cross-
kingdom cross-talk (sensu Schultz and Appel, 2004) are
ecdysteroids. Their role in regulating insect molting and
metamorphosis is well known (Nijhout, 1994). Intriguingly the
essential precursors for ecdysteroid synthesis in insects
originate from their food, suggesting possibilities for their use
in cross-kingdom communication (for further discussion, see
Hodin, in press).
Thyroid hormones (THs) are critical metabolic regulators in
all vertebrates (i.e. Hulbert, 2000; Valverde-R et al., 2004;
Yen, 2001). Moreover THs are well known for orchestrating
amphibian and lamprey metamorphoses (Manzon et al., 2001;
Manzon and Youson, 1997; Shi et al., 1996; Yaoita and Brown,
1990; Youson, 2003). Recent observations suggest that THs
and their metabolites are not restricted to the vertebrates but
instead are widely distributed in the animal and plant kingdoms
(Eales, 1997; Heyland et al., 2005). In fact, we have recently
shown that these hormones can act via exogenous routes as
environmental messengers in echinoderm larvae (Heyland and
Hodin, 2004), in turn suggesting a possibility of cross-kingdom
Iodine is the essential component of THs (Fig.·1A). Two
complementary routes of iodine and TH incorporation in plants
and animals are illustrated in Fig.·1A. While marine
invertebrate larvae may synthesize hormones endogenously
from incorporated iodine (organification), it is also conceivable
that their primary source of THs and their metabolites is marine
phytoplankton (ingestion). These compounds, having
accumulated in phytoplankton, would then be shuttled to
marine invertebrate larvae that feed on algae, providing them
with an enriched source of hormones and/or pre-hormones that
can be more readily transformed into the active compounds.
Thus, THs may be transferred through the food chain.
Consequently, the utilization of iodine and its organic forms as
signaling molecules would depend primarily on (a)the
availability of iodine in the marine environment; (b)the
recruitment of cellular machinery inside the organism capable
of performing the necessary biochemical modifications of
The Journal of Experimental Biology 208, 4355-4361
Published by The Company of Biologists 2005
Thyroid hormones (THs) are small, lipophilic signaling
molecules built from tyrosine and iodine. TH action is well
characterized in vertebrates, where these molecules play a
fundamental role as regulators of development,
metabolism, growth and differentiation. Increasing
evidence suggests that THs also function in a variety of
invertebrate species. Two alternative sources of hormone
for animals are exogenous (from food items) and
endogenous synthesis. We propose that exogenous THs
can convey environmental information as well as regulate
metabolism, revealing new communication avenues
between organisms from different kingdoms. While such
modes of cross-kingdom communication have been
previously considered for fatty acid-based signaling and
steroid hormones in plant–animal interactions, this is the
first attempt to explore such a mode of action for TH
signaling. We suggest that exogenous sources of TH (from
food) may have been ancestral, while the ability to
synthesize TH endogenously may have evolved
independently in a variety of metazoans, resulting in a
diversity of signaling pathways and, possibly,
morphological structures involved in TH-signaling.
Key words: thyroid hormone, mollusc, echinoderm, iodine, nuclear
hormone receptor, non-genomic action, sea urchin, Aplysia.
Cross-kingdom hormonal signaling: an insight from thyroid hormone functions
in marine larvae
Andreas Heyland* and Leonid L. Moroz
The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience and Department of Neuroscience, University of Florida, FL, 32080
*Author for correspondence (e-mail:
Accepted 8 September 2005
organic iodine; and (c)the presence of receptors capable of
decoding these signals.
Below, we trace the path of organic iodine from the diet
to the targeted response. We outline the role of THs and
other organic forms of iodine within animals and plants.
Specifically, we explore the functions of TH-like molecules
as algal chemical defence and as exogenous and
endogenous signaling molecules in marine invertebrate
larvae. We hypothesize that these small, lipophilic,
vitamin-like molecules may have been exploited by a large
number of taxa as regulators of development, specifically
during metamorphosis and larval settlement (Fig.·1B).
Exogenous sources of iodine, tyrosine and thyroid
hormones for animals
Iodine distribution is highly variable among habitats
(Mairh et al., 1989). In seawater, it is part of a complex
mixture dominated by iodate and iodide at concentrations
of 40–60 parts per billion (Truesdale, 1994; Truesdale and
Upstill-Goddard, 2003). Both macro- and microalgae
accumulate significant amounts of iodine (Mairh et al.,
1989; Saenko et al., 1978; Wong et al., 2002). Some marine
algae such as kelp and microalgae contain up to 1% iodine;
the actual content can vary substantially based on the
season, water temperature and depth (Mairh et al., 1989;
Saenko et al., 1978; Wong et al., 2002). The most common
organic forms of iodine found in algae are iodomethane
(CH3I) and its derivatives, such as diiodomethane (CH2I2)
and iodobutane (C4H9I) (Collen et al., 1994). Other organic
forms of iodine, including iodotyrosines, are present in the
diatom Chaetoceras gracilis (Chino et al., 1994). Using
antibody-based detection methods, we have found that
three species of unicellular algae, Dunaliella tertiolecta,
Isochrysis aff. galbana (T-ISO) and Rhodomonas lens, also
contain thyroxine (Fig.·2). Since many marine organisms
feed on phytoplankton and algae that are rich in iodine, the
diet is a likely source of this element. It has been shown
that invertebrates and their larvae incorporate different
forms of iodine from the seawater and some have been
shown to contain various iodinated tyrosines such as T4 (L-
thyroxine), T3 (3,3⬘⬘,5-triiodo-L-thyronine), rT3 (reverse
3,3⬘⬘,5-triiodo-L-thyronine), T2 (diiodotyrosine) and T1
(monoiodotyrosine) (Eales, 1997). TH precursors and
active THs could be directly transferred from prey to
predator. Yet, the mechanisms involved in iodine uptake,
synthesis and the potential transfer of such compounds
between organisms are poorly understood.
The other critical building block of THs is tyrosine. In
animals tyrosine is synthesized from the essential dietary
amino acid phenylalanine. However, alternative routes have
been described for Cnidaria. In the sea anemone Aiptasia
pulchella (Cnidaria), tyrosine and six other amino acids
(histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine and
valine) are transferred directly from symbiotic algae (Wang
and Douglas, 1999). Similarly, tyrosine and phenylalanine are
abundant in dissolved organic matter (DOM; Yamashita and
Tanoue, 2003). DOM includes organic compounds ranging
from macromolecules to low molecular mass compounds such
as simple organic acids and short-chain hydrocarbons, which
are dissolved in water and may be directly incorporated by
aquatic animals. Several lines of evidence suggest that DOM
may serve as a nutrient source for invertebrate larvae in marine
A. Heyland and L. L. Moroz4356
Phytoplankton Zooplankton
Fig.·1. (A) A hypothesis for iodine-based cross-kingdom communication
in marine ecosystems. Marine organisms incorporate iodine into an
organic matrix (organification) and synthesize thyroid hormone (TH)-
related signaling molecules, which are then shuttled through the food
chain (phytoplankton to zooplankton). This hypothesis is supported by
previously published evidence and our own new data (see Fig.·2) of TH-
like molecules being present in marine algae and various marine
invertebrates and their larval forms. (B) One functional aspect of this
cross-kingdom communication is the involvement of TH-related
compounds in development to metamorphosis of various marine
invertebrate larvae, represented schematically in B for molluscs (veliger
larvae) and echinoderms (pluteus larvae). New evidence suggests that
THs are used as developmental signals by larvae and that the primary
source may be exogenous (Chino et al., 1994; Heyland and Hodin, 2004),
although we were able to find evidence for endogenous synthesis as well
(Heyland and Hodin, 2004). The role of THs in metamorphosis per se
remains to be elucidated. The blue frame indicates larval development
(L) and the red frame metamorphic development with metamorphic
competence (C) and settlement (S). Please note that here we are using the
term THs generically for thyroid-like hormones, since the specific
chemical identification of THs in these lineages requires further
confirmation using microanalytical methods (e.g. mass spectrometry and
NMR). Images of echinoid larvae modified from Hyman (1995).
and freshwater ecosystems (Jaeckle and Manahan, 1992;
Shilling and Manahan, 1994; Thomas, 1997). In summary,
essential building blocks for TH biosynthesis are present in the
marine environment. Moreover, algae contain iodinated
tyrosines that could be transferred to marine invertebrate larvae
via the food chain. Therefore both routes of TH metabolism
outlined in Fig.·1 may occur in marine ecosystems.
Thyroid hormone metabolism and biosynthesis in
vertebrates and invertebrates
TH synthesis requires iodine to be covalently bound to
tyrosine residues. In vertebrates, ingested iodine is shuttled into
the follicle cells of the thyroid gland by the sodium iodine
symporter (NIS; Dai et al., 1996), and then into the follicular
lumen for storage and further processing. Upon recruitment,
the inorganic iodine is conjugated to thyroglobulin (TG).
Thyroid peroxidase (TPO), a large (105·kDa) heme-containing
glycoprotein, iodinates tyrosyl residues on TG (reviewed in
Nunez and Pommier, 1982). Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is
required for the proper transfer of iodine to the acceptor residue
via a free radical intermediate. Thyroid NADPH oxidase
appears to be the primary enzyme involved in regulated
synthesis of H2O2. Two iodinated tyrosyls are then coupled to
form THs (primarily T4). For activation of the hormone, TG
is then shuttled out of the follicular lumen into the extracellular
space on the basal side of the follicle cell via pinocytotic
vesicles. Once these vesicles reach the extracellular space,
active TH is cleaved off and released into the blood stream (for
more details on these processes see Taurog, 2000).
Increasing evidence suggests that basal chordates
(urochordates and cephalochordates) have the ability to
synthesize THs in the endostyle, a specialized feeding organ
associated with the pharynx (reviewed in Eales, 1997). Many
authors homologize the endostyle of hemichordates,
cephalochordates and urochordates with the thyroid gland of
vertebrates using developmental molecular markers (TTF-1,
TTF-2 and Pax-8, Mazet, 2002; Ogasawara et al., 1999b;
Ogasawara and Satou, 2003; Ogasawara et al., 2001; Sasaki et
al., 2003; Satake et al., 2004; Takacs et al., 2002; Valverde-R
et al., 2004; Yu et al., 2002) and functional arguments (TPO,
TG and TSH receptor, Ogasawara, 2000; Ogasawara et al.,
1999a; Shepherdley et al., 2004; Valverde-R et al., 2004).
However, both the endostyle and thyroid gland are present in
such basal chordates as parasitic lampreys. The endostyle in
lampreys is a larval structure, which transforms into a thyroid
gland-like organ with follicular cells after metamorphosis
(Wright and Youson, 1976). This suggests that the endostyles
of urochordates, cephalochordates and lampreys are
homologous to each other and that the thyroid gland evolved
de novo within the vertebrate clade, therefore at best the
vertebrate thyroid or lamprey endostyle–thyroid complex can
only be homologized with the endostyles of urochordates and
cephalochordates at a very general level, as an organ involved
in TH synthesis. Interestingly, both the thyroid gland and
endostyle are closely associated with the pharyngeal region of
the digestive tract, suggesting a link between thyroid hormone
function and food uptake.
It has been repeatedly suggested that invertebrates such as
arthropods, annelids, echinoderms and molluscs have the
ability to synthesize THs and TH-like compounds that affect
the organism’s physiology (reviewed in Eales, 1997; Heyland
et al., 2005). However, no specific morphological structure has
been associated with TH function and synthesis in these groups
and the hormone effects appear to be extremely diverse,
ranging from effects on calcium metabolism to effects on
development and reproduction (reviewed in Eales, 1997). Thus
we propose that THs were independently co-opted as signaling
molecules in many marine invertebrates via various structures
and pathways. Initially dietary sources of iodine and THs may
have been dominant, later being replaced by endogenous
synthesis in some clades.
Thyroid hormones as developmental signals in echinoids
In echinoids (sea urchins and sand dollars), two forms of THs
(T4 and T3) regulate development to metamorphic competence
(Chino et al., 1994; Heyland and Hodin, 2004). Recently we
showed that thyroxine application is sufficient to change the
Cross-kingdom hormonal signaling 4357
R. lensT-I SOD. tert
(mg dl–1 g–1 protein)
Fig.·2. Various algae species commonly used as larval nutrition in
laboratory cultures contain thyroxine. We reared replicate samples of
algae of three species [Dunaliella tertiolecta (D. tert.), Isochrysis aff.
galbana (T-ISO) and Rhodomonas lens (R. lens)] at the coastal
research center (WHOI) in Woods Hole (MA, USA) in summer 2002
in 25·l containers using protocols previously described by McEdward
and Herrera (1999), although adapted for large-scale use. Sterile
starters for all three algae species were obtained from Dr A. D.
Anderson’s laboratory (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, MA,
USA). After collection of replicate samples we performed
methanol:chloroform extractions and separated small molecular
species using Amicon® (Bedford, MA, USA) Ultra-15 Centrifugal
Filter Device (5·kDa) and then dried samples down in a Speed-VacTM.
We re-dissolved pellets in 50·µl 0.01·mol·l–1 NaOH and measured
thyroxine using ELISA (Total Thyroxine (Total T4) ELISA Kit Alpha
Diagnostics, San Antonio, TX, USA) following the manufacturer’s
instructions. We determined total protein content for samples using
the Micro BCATM Protein Assay Kit from Pierce (Rockford, IL,
USA). Although T-ISO has an approximately 10 times smaller cell
volume than D. tert. it contains approximately the same amount of
thyroxine [T4 standardized by protein content (mg·dl–1·g–1·protein)].
Differences in TH content of these algae may reflect differential
effects of these algae on larval development and morphogenesis.
Values are means ± 1 S.E.M.(N=3). Asterisks indicate significant
difference in hormone content between samples using Student’s t-test,
larval developmental mode of the sand dollar Leodia
sexiesperforata from an obligatory feeder to a facultative
feeder, which can complete metamorphosis and settle in the
absence of food (Heyland et al., 2004). THs not only accelerate
development in echinoids, but differentially affect larval and
juvenile morphogenesis as well. For example, while larval
development and growth are inhibited by THs, development of
juvenile structures is accelerated (Heyland and Hodin, 2004).
These differential responses of larval and juvenile structures
to TH in echinoids are strikingly similar to the adaptive
phenotypically plastic response of these larvae to varying food
concentrations (Heyland and Hodin, 2004), suggesting that
ingested TH may be the plasticity cue in these larvae. These
findings support the hypothesis that THs from algae (i.e. Fig.·2)
provide nutrition-related signals to echinoid larvae that alone
can regulate distinct physiological responses. While all
vertebrates obtain iodine from their diet, the direct transfer of
THs (T4 and T3) across the intestinal wall has also been
observed (Wynn, 1961). For example, some amphibian
tadpoles obtain THs from crustaceans that they prey on.
Increased TH levels in these predatory tadpoles correlate with
accelerated metamorphosis (Pfennig, 1992). This situation
could lead to a feeding preference of tadpoles for crustaceans
with high TH levels. These findings show that THs from
exogenous sources physiologically affect development – an
observation in favor of the cross-kingdom (cross-phyla for the
amphibian example) communication hypothesis.
While plant-derived exogenous TH signaling may represent
the ancestral mode of thyroid metabolism in animals, evidence
from echinoids suggests that some evolved endogenous
synthesis. Exposing sand dollar larvae to TH-synthesis
inhibitors delays metamorphic competence, a process that is
regulated by THs. Moreover, metamorphically inhibited larvae
can be rescued with the application of exogenous T4 (Heyland
and Hodin, 2004), supporting the hypothesis of endogenous
synthesis in this group.
Endogenous TH synthesis can be advantageous because it
leaves the organism independent from exogenous sources. On
the other hand, it might be associated with high metabolic
costs. If metabolic costs could be lowered when an existing
pathway is co-opted for a novel function, it could potentially
result in a wide diversity of enzymatic candidates and signaling
pathways participating in TH metabolism in different
organisms. In the next section we argue that candidates for
endogenous TH synthesis are present in many marine
invertebrate species and could have been co-opted many times
independently for this function.
The role of peroxidases in thyroid hormone biosynthesis
Two peroxidases, thyroid oxidase (THOX) and thyroid
peroxidase (TPO), are essential for TH synthesis in vertebrates.
THOX catalyzes the production of H2O2, which then oxidizes
the free TPO enzyme to the so called complex I. By binding
iodide, complex I is oxidized to complex II, which reacts with
tyrosyl residues of TG.
Both THOX and TPO share the primary structure of the
active site involved in heterolytic cleavage of the iron linked
O–O bond of hydrogen peroxide (Poulos, 1988; Poulos and
Finzel, 1983) with other peroxidases found in protists, bacteria,
plants, fungi and animals (Taurog, 1999). These sites are
essential to dismutate hydrogen peroxide necessary for the
oxidation of iodide (or any other halide). For example,
chloroperoxidase from the mold Caldariomyces fumago can
catalyze the synthesis of significant amounts of thyroxine from
thyroglobulin and iodine (Taurog and Howells, 1966). Other
members of the peroxidase superfamily (sensu Taurog, 1999)
are the haloperoxidases found in marine algae, where they
catalyze the oxidation of halogens, a process responsible for
the synthesis of small, volatile halocarbons (Gribble, 2003).
Animal and plant peroxidases evolved from different
ancestors (O’Brien, 2000). Their ability to catalyze the
oxidation of halogens and the synthesis of H2O2led to their
use for various biological functions. We hypothesize that one
such function is TH synthesis in various invertebrates. Our
observations that thiourea and other TPO inhibitors block
iodine uptake (A. Heyland, unpublished) and metamorphosis
(Heyland and Hodin, 2004) in echinoid larvae directly support
this hypothesis. However, isolation, biochemical and
pharmacological characterization of enzymes responsible for
TH synthesis in marine invertebrates will be required.
Organic forms of iodine may have been used by algae as
defence against excessive predation, or to suppress the
oxidative environment inside the cell by scavenging hydrogen
peroxide and superoxide (Collen et al., 1994; Giese et al.,
1999). Due to its high chemical reactivity, iodine is often
rapidly neutralized to the less reactive iodide in cells and
tissues, especially in the gut (Gosselin et al., 1984; Reynolds,
1989). It is conceivable that the aforementioned reactions
involving peroxidases may have initially served as
detoxification mechanisms; the signaling role of THs may have
evolved secondarily. Under this scenario, the critical enzymes
were recruited and selected for their ability to efficiently
catalyze the subsequent reactions necessary for TH synthesis.
An analogous hypothesis has been recently suggested for the
evolution of juvenile hormones as signaling molecules in
insects (Hodin, in press).
An ortholog of the vertebrate THOX enzyme has recently
been cloned from the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus (Wong
et al., 2004), where its catalytic activity induces an oxidative
burst at fertilization. However, functions in embryonic or larval
development have not yet been investigated. We are currently
identifying other peroxidases in sea urchin and mollusc larvae
(A. Heyland and L. L. Moroz, unpublished data) that could be
good candidates for TH synthesis or incorporation.
Receptors without ligands: the search for the thyroid
hormone-related signal transduction pathways in marine
The signaling potential of any molecule is regulated by its
synthesis and transport, and its link to a specific transduction
A. Heyland and L. L. Moroz4358
pathway. In vertebrates, TH synthesis and release are tightly
regulated via the hypothalamo–pituitary axis (HP-axis). At the
target tissue, de-iodinases can regulate the availability of T3 by
removing one iodine from T4 (Yen, 2001) One mode of signal
transduction of THs in vertebrates that is well understood is via
thyroid hormone receptors (TRs). Upon binding to its cognate
TR, T3 turns on transcription via a complex cascade of
intracellular events involving various other nuclear hormone
receptors (NRs) and co-factors (Yen, 2001). TRs have a much
higher affinity for T3 than other THs, which leads to the notion
that T3 is the active hormone and T4 is the pre-hormone.
To date, there is no completely characterized invertebrate
TR analog. Candidates for receptors such as CiNR1 (Carosa et
al., 1998) failed to bind DNA. Other attempts to characterize
TH binding proteins in ascidians remained ambiguous due to
very low binding affinity to T3 (Fredriksson et al., 1993). New
candidates such as putative TR from a trematode expressed
sequence tags (EST) database (CD154489) and the TR
identified from the sea urchin Strongyolentrotus purpuratus
genome (GenBank, Accession number: XM_784395) remain
to be characterized molecularly and physiologically before any
statement about their identity can be made.
Structurally similar molecules can signal via radically
different pathways. Terpenoids, for example, occur as
signaling molecules in plants and animals: gibberellins
(hormones regulating blooming cycle in plants) are
diterpenoids, ecdysteroids (arthropod hormones) are
triterpenes and juvenile hormones are sesquiterpenoids. Insects
co-opted NRs for the signal transduction of ecdysteroids, while
plants use a variety of alternative pathways (Thomas and Sun,
2004). The mechanistic basis for this flexibility in hormonal
signal transduction is still poorly understood. Recent efforts in
understanding how xenobiotics (environmental contaminants)
can mimic hormonal effects in animals provide evidence that
low affinity binding to NRs and receptor cross-talk between
NRs is primarily involved in this physiological interference
(Mclachlan, 2001).
It should not come as a surprise that although no NRs have
been identified in plants, fungi and bacteria (Escriva et al.,
2000), animal hormones could have relevant physiological
effects in these groups. Furthermore, we should be prepared to
consider alternative signal transduction pathways for TH
action in vertebrates and invertebrates. For example, it has
become clear that THs signal via non-genomic (also called
non-nuclear or non-transcriptional) pathways in vertebrates.
This mode is characterized by relatively fast signal
transduction that does not necessarily involve protein
synthesis, instead acting through a suite of membrane-
signaling pathways that may involve kinases or calmodulin
(Yen, 2001). Two major targets of non-genomic thyroid and
steroid hormone action are the central nervous system and the
vascular system. Some recent reviews provide excellent
background information about this mode of signaling
(Simoncini and Genazzani, 2003; Hulbert, 2000; Davis and
Davis, 1996; Christ et al., 1999; Falkenstein et al., 2000;
Schmidt et al., 2000).
Our knowledge about such alternative modes of signaling is
still rudimentary, however, and dependent on molecular
information and rigorous functional physiological
manipulation of the organism, a task that is not yet easily
accomplished in the majority of invertebrate species. Defining
the signal transduction pathway(s) involved in TH signaling
across different kingdoms may require us to broaden our view
and distance ourselves from established schemes such as the
signaling of THs via NR pathways.
Conclusion and perspectives
THs are generally thought of as vertebrate-specific
hormones that signal via NR cascades. However, increasing
evidence suggests that TH signaling is not restricted to the
vertebrates or even chordates. TH plays a critical role in
animals that do not possess a thyroid gland or an endostyle.
Moreover, growing evidence suggests that THs generated by
food items have physiological effects on the ‘consumers’.
This may help us understand how endogenous hormone
synthesis evolved. We hypothesize that the process of TH
synthesis may have evolved through a peroxidase-dependent
defence mechanism, because these ubiquitous enzymes have
the ability to efficiently oxidize iodine. Furthermore, nuclear
hormone receptor signaling is just one of the many possible
signal transduction pathways for THs; several alternatives
may have been recruited by different metazoans. Both the
omnipresence of iodinated ligands in the marine environment
and the multitude of TH signal transduction pathways
emphasize that TH signaling has most likely evolved
independently many times among the Metazoa, and that
many more TH transduction pathways remain to be
List of abbreviations
DOM dissolved organic matter
HP hypothalamo–pituitary
NIS sodium iodine symporter
NR nuclear receptor
rT3 reverse 3,3⬘⬘,5-triiodo-L-thyronine
T1 monoiodotyrosine
T2 diiodotyrosine
T3 3,3⬘⬘,5-triiodo-L-thyronine
T4 L-thyroxine
TG thyroglobulin
TH thyroid hormone
THOX thyroid oxidase
TPO thyroid peroxidase
TR thyroid hormone receptor
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
We would like to thank Drs Jason Hodin, Cory Bishop and
Svetlana Maslakova as well as two anonymous reviewers,
Sami Jezzini, James Netherton III and Julian Wong, for very
helpful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript.
Cross-kingdom hormonal signaling 4359
Furthermore we would like to thank Drs Ken Halanych, Don
Anderson and Jesus Pineda for providing research space at the
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. This research was
supported by NIH, NSF, Swiss National Science Foundation
Post-doctoral grant to A.H. and in part by Packard and
McKnight Foundation grants.
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Cross-kingdom hormonal signaling 4361
... Comparative morphology, physiology, and genetics suggest that the HPTh axis is highly conserved across vertebrates and that it shares many characteristics with hormone systems across kingdoms. [23][24][25] Algae and plants extract iodine from seawater, the primary reservoir of iodine, and store it in the form of thyroid hormone precursors, such as monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine. 24,25 In fact, iodine storage is thought to date back to primitive oxygenic cyanobacteria from 3.5 billion years ago. ...
... [23][24][25] Algae and plants extract iodine from seawater, the primary reservoir of iodine, and store it in the form of thyroid hormone precursors, such as monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine. 24,25 In fact, iodine storage is thought to date back to primitive oxygenic cyanobacteria from 3.5 billion years ago. 25 The lower chordates use an endostyle, an organ that is homologous to the vertebrate thyroid gland, to concentrate iodine. ...
... 5 Thyroid hormones play a pleiotropic role in development, growth, differentiation, and metamorphosis across all vertebrates. 23 Given these phylogenic patterns, Heyland 24 and others propose that the consumption of plants and algae may represent the original source of iodine and thyroid hormone in animals. Exogenous thyroid hormone and its precursors convey environmental information across organisms, and thyroid hormone regulation may have evolved to be sensitive to these signals. ...
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The evolution of human life history characteristics required dramatic shifts in energy allocation mechanisms compared with our primate ancestors. Thyroid hormones, such as thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), are sensitive to energy balance, and are significant determinants for both tissue-specific and whole-body metabolic rate. Thus, thyroid hormones are in part responsible for setting the body's overall energy budget and likely played an important role in the evolution of human life history patterns. We propose that the dynamics of mammalian T3 production, uptake, and action have evolved so that energy allocation prioritizes the high demands of brain development and functioning, often at the expense of growth and reproduction. This paper explores the role of thyroid hormone dynamics in the evolution of human encephalization, prolonged childhood and adolescence, long lifespans, reproduction, and human aging.
... We found that the putative TH synthesis enzymes were regulated by THs in pre-metamorphic sea urchin larvae (Taylor et al., 2023). This corresponds well with previous models in which THs were both exogenously and endogenously sourced; consumed as part of a typical algal diet and synthesized by iodinating dityrosine residues (Eales, 1997;Heyland & Moroz, 2005). In both cases, THs would be sourced proximal to the gut. ...
... ;Heyland & Moroz, 2005;Miller & Heyland, 2013), and gut wall transporters would be a crucial element in exogenous hormone uptake(Miller & Heyland, 2010). The transporter hypothesis would partially explain why THs bind to some non-mesenchymal cells. ...
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Thyroid hormones are crucial regulators of metamorphosis and development in bilaterians, particularly in chordate deuterostomes. Recent evidence suggests a role for thyroid hormone signaling, principally via 3,5,3',5'-Tetraiodo-L-thyronine (T4), in the regulation of metamorphosis, programmed cell death and skeletogenesis in echinoids (sea urchins and sand dollars) and sea stars. Here we test whether TH signaling in skeletogenesis is a shared trait of Echinozoa (Echinoida and Holothouroida) and Asterozoa (Ophiourida and Asteroida). We demonstrate dramatic acceleration of skeletogenesis in three classes of echinoderms: sea urchins, sea stars, and brittle stars (echinoids, asteroids, and ophiuroids). Fluorescently labeled thyroid hormone analogues reveal thyroid hormone binding to cells proximal to regions of skeletogenesis in the gut and juvenile rudiment. Immunohistochemistry of phosphorylated MAPK in the presence and absence of TH binding inhibitors suggests that THs may act via phosphorylation of MAPK (ERK1/2) to accelerate skeletogenesis in the three echinoderm groups. Additionally, we detect thyroid hormone binding to the cell membrane and nucleus during metamorphic development in echinoderms. Together, these results indicate that TH regulation of mesenchyme cell activity via integrin-mediated MAPK signaling may be a conserved mechanism for the regulation of skeletogenesis in echinoderm development. Additionally, TH action via a nuclear thyroid hormone receptor may regulate metamorphic development. Our findings shed light on potentially ancient pathways of thyroid hormone activity in echinoids, ophiuroids, and asteroids, or on a signaling system that has been repeatedly co-opted to coordinate metamorphic development in bilaterians.
... Exogenous TH pathway is conserved in vertebrates and invertebrates (Heyland & Moroz, 2005) and endogenous synthesis of TH has already been observed in animals devoid of dedicated morphological structure (Eales, 1997). In echinoderms, providing supplementary TH to starved larvae allows metamorphosis (Heyland et al., 2004); hence, exogenous TH is mandatory for the settlement success of this species. ...
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Early development stages in marine bivalve are critical periods where larvae transition from pelagic free‐life to sessile mature individuals. The successive metamorphosis requires the expression of key genes, the functions of which might be under high selective pressure, hence understanding larval development represents key knowledge for both fundamental and applied research. Phenotypic larvae development is well known, but the underlying molecular mechanisms such as associated gene expression dynamic and molecular cross‐talks remains poorly described for several nonmodel species, such as P. margaritifera . We designed a whole transcriptome RNA‐sequencing analysis to describe such gene expression dynamics following four larval developmental stages: d ‐shape, Veliger, Umbo and Eye‐spot. Larval gene expression and annotated functions drastically diverge. Metabolic function (gene expression related to lipid, amino acid and carbohydrate use) is highly upregulated in the first development stages, with increasing demand from d ‐shape to umbo. Morphogenesis and larval transition are partly ordered by Thyroid hormones and Wnt signaling. While larvae shells show some similar characteristic to adult shells, the cause of initialization of biomineralization differ from the one found in adults. The present study provides a global overview of Pinctada margaritifera larval stages transitioning through gene expression dynamics, molecular mechanisms and ontogeny of biomineralization, immune system, and sensory perception processes.
... MCT10 transports amino acids with aromatic side chains (Imagawa et al., 2004;Yoshida, 2021). Cnidarians import essential amino acids (including phenylalanine and tyrosine) directly from symbiotic algae (Wang and Douglas, 1999) and tyrosine is known to be can be transferred to marine invertebrate larvae via the food chain (Heyland and Moroz, 2005). MCT10's recognized function offers a potential mechanistic explanation for how cnidarians import the amino acids referenced in these previous studies. ...
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Cnidarians face significant threats from ocean acidification (OA) and anthropogenic pollutants such as oxybenzone (BP-3). The convergence of threats from multiple stressors is an important area to investigate because of potential significant synergistic or antagonistic interactions. Real-time quantitative PCR was performed to characterize the expression profiles of twenty-two genes of interest (GOI) in sea anemones (Exaiptasia diaphana) exposed to one of four treatments: 1) 96 h of OA conditions followed by a 4 h exposure to 20 ppb BP-3; 2) Exposure to 4 h 20 ppb BP-3 without 96 h of OA; 3) Exposure to 96 h of OA alone; or 4) laboratory conditions with no exposure to BP-3 and/or OA. These 22 GOIs represent cellular processes associated with proton-dependent transport, sodium-dependent transport, metal cation binding/ transport, extracellular matrix, amino acid metabolism/transport, immunity, and/or steroidogenesis. These 22 GOIs provide new insight into vulnerable cellular processes in non-calcifying anthozoans exposed to OA and BP-3. Expression profiles were categorized as synergistic, antagonistic, or additive of BP-3 in the presence of OA. Two GOIs were synergistic. Fifteen GOIs were antagonistic and the remaining five GOIs were additive in response to BP-3 in acidified seawater. A subset of these GOIs appear to be candidate biomarkers for future in situ investigations. In human health, proton-dependent monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) are promising pharmacological targets and recognized as potential biomarkers. By comparison, these same MCTs appear to be targets of xenobiotic chemical pollutants in cnidarian physiology. In the presence of BP-3, a network of collagen synthesis genes are upregulated and antagonistic in their expression profiles. Cytochrome b561 is a critical protein required for collagen synthesis and in silico modeling demonstrates BP-3 binds in the pocket of cytochrome b561. Understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms of "drug-like" compounds such as BP-3 may lead to a more comprehensive interpretation of transcriptional expression profiles. The collective antagonistic responses of GOIs associated with collagen synthesis strongly suggests these GOIs should be considered candidate biomarkers of effect. GOIs with synergistic and additive responses represent candidate biomarkers of exposure. Results show the effects of OA and BP-3 are interactive with respect to their impact on cnidarians. This investigation offers mechanistic data that supports the expression profiles and underpins higher order physiological responses.
... Although not recognized as essential AA, tyrosine has been considered a semi-essential AA due to its high bioactivity as a precursor of thyroid hormones [61]. This condition is especially important when it comes to early stages of species low in the food web that directly consume phytoplankton [62]. Tyrosine-rich foods may thus contribute to supporting optimal zooplankton development and consequently lead to more efficient energy transfer to upper trophic levels. ...
... This suggests that TH metabolism may be active early in development. We consider this to be likely, especially given the high concentration of iodinated tyrosine derivatives in a typical larval diet (3,75) and the potential for larvae to derive THs from them (Vitamin hypothesis; 1). ...
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Thyroid hormones (THs) are small amino acid derived signaling molecules with broad physiological and developmental functions in animals. Specifically, their function in metamorphic development, ion regulation, angiogenesis and many others have been studied in detail in mammals and some other vertebrates. Despite extensive reports showing pharmacological responses of invertebrate species to THs, little is known about TH signaling mechanisms outside of vertebrates. Previous work in sea urchins suggests that non-genomic mechanisms are activated by TH ligands. Here we show that several THs bind to sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) cell membrane extracts and are displaced by ligands of RGD-binding integrins. A transcriptional analysis across sea urchin developmental stages shows activation of genomic and non-genomic pathways in response to TH exposure, suggesting that both pathways are activated by THs in sea urchin embryos and larvae. We also provide evidence associating TH regulation of gene expression with TH response elements in the genome. In ontogeny, we found more differentially expressed genes in older larvae compared to gastrula stages. In contrast to gastrula stages, the acceleration of skeletogenesis by thyroxine in older larvae is not fully inhibited by competitive ligands or inhibitors of the integrin membrane receptor pathway, suggesting that THs likely activate multiple pathways. Our data confirms a signaling function of THs in sea urchin development and suggests that both genomic and non-genomic mechanisms play a role, with genomic signaling being more prominent during later stages of larval development.
Origins of neural system is one of the major transitions in planetary evolution. Many details of these transitions are still unknown. In particular, high diversity of neurotransmitters lacks convincing explanation so far. We analyze homologues of neuronal glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors of Placozoa – animal phyla lacking neurons but displaying motility and complex behaviour. Phylogenetic analysis and comparison of amino acids in ligand-binding pockets show that glutamate and GABA-like receptors of Placozoa are surprisingly numerous, diverse and fast-evolving. All these traits are characteristic of odorant rather than neurotransmitter receptors of higher animals. We argue that chemoreception system was an important source of diverse receptors for emerging nervous system to recruit, and that amino acid neurotransmitters (glutamate, GABA, glycine) were relevant external stimuli for early animals before the emergence of nervous system.
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Thyroid Hormones (THs) are a class of signaling molecules produced by coupling iodine with tyrosine residues. In vertebrates, extensive data support their important role in a variety of processes such as metabolism, development and metamorphosis. On the other hand, in invertebrates, the synthesis and role of the THs have been, so far, poorly investigated, thus limiting our understanding of the function and evolution of this important animal signaling pathway. In sea urchins, for example, while several studies focused on the availability and function of external sources of iodotyrosines, preliminary evidence suggests that an endogenous TH pathway might be in place. Here, integrating available literature with an in silico analysis, various homologous genes of the vertebrate TH molecular toolkit have been identified in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. They include genes involved in the synthesis (Sp-Pxdn), metabolism (Sp-Dios), transport (Sp-Ttrl, Sp-Mct7/8/10) and response (Sp-Thr, Sp-Rxr and Sp-Integrin αP) to thyroid hormones. To understand the cell type(s) involved in TH synthesis and/or response, we studied the spatial expression of the TH toolkit during urchin development. Exploiting single-cell transcriptomics data in conjunction with in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, we identified cell types that are potentially producing or responding to THs in the sea urchin. Finally, growing sea urchin embryos until the larva stage with and without a source of inorganic iodine, we provided evidence that iodine organification is important for larval skeleton growth.
Leading researchers in evolutionary developmental biology seek linkages between, and a synthesis of, development, physiology, endocrinology, ecology, and evolution. Evolutionary developmental biology, also known as evo-devo or EDB, seeks to find links between development and evolution by opening the "black box" of development's role in evolution and in the evolution of developmental mechanisms. In particular, this volume emphasizes the roles of the environment and of hormonal signaling in evo-devo. It brings together a group of leading researchers to analyze the dynamic interaction of environmental factors with developmental and physiological processes and to examine how environmental signals are translated into phenotypic change, from the molecular and cellular level to organisms and groups of organisms. Taken together, these chapters demonstrate the crucial roles of those processes of genetic, developmental, physiological, and hormonal change that underpin evolutionary change in development, morphology, physiology, behavior, and life-history. Part I investigates links between environmental signals and developmental processes that could be preserved over evolutionary time. Several contributors evaluate the work of the late Ryuichi Matsuda, especially his emphasis on the role of the external environment in genetic change and variability ("pan-environmentalism"). Other contributors in part I analyze different aspects of environmental-genetic-evolutionary linkages, including the importance of alternate ontogenies in evolution and the paradox of stability over long periods of evolutionary time. Part II examines the plasticity that characterizes much of development, with contributors discussing such topics as gene regulatory networks and heterochronicity. Part III analyzes the role of hormones and metamorphosis in the evolution of such organisms with alternate life-history stages as lampreys, amphibians, and insects. Bradford Books imprint
Few systems have been explored in sufficient detail to link the proximate causes of polyphenism to the ecological factors that favour discontinuous, environmentally induced variation. I examined the developmental and physiological bases underlying polyphenism in southern spadefoot toad tadpoles (Scaphiopus multiplicatus). Scaphiopus often occurs as two discrete trophic morphs: carnivores and omnivores. Carnivores develop from omnivores if the latter are fed macroscopic prey (anostracan shrimp and tadpoles). I found that tadpoles can change to the alternative morphology if their diet was switched. Static allometric analyses indicated that morph determination results from acceleration (or retardation) of certain anatomical features. I hypothesized that morph determination is triggered by the presence of a potent accelerator of amphibian development occurring in the carnivore's prey: thyroid hormone (or its constituents). Omnivores exposed exogenously to thyroxine assumed the carnivore morphology within days. This endocrine response enables tadpoles to develop into the morph with the greater fitness since the rapidly developing carnivores are favoured in highly ephemeral ponds, which contain more shrimp. Carnivores also are more efficient predators of shrimp. This study thus links the underlying physiological causes of a polyphenism to the ecological factors that likely favour the occurrence of alternative morphs. More generally, this study illustrates how an endocrine signal may allow an individual to assess and continuously adapt to a changing environment.
The rates of oxygen consumption by embryos of antarctic echinoderms (Acodontaster hodgsoni, Odon- taster validus, Psilaster charcoti, and Sterechinus neu- mayeri) were compared to the biomass (ash-free dry or- ganic weight) of the egg of each species. These species could survive for months to years (range: 10 months to 5 years) by relying solely on the reserves present in the egg. However, certain species did not use any of the egg's reserves during early development. Embryonic stages of 0. validus (a species with planktotrophic larvae) did not decrease in lipid, protein, or total biomass during the first 35 days of development. During the first 42 days of development, embryos of A. hodgsoni (a species with lecithotrophic development) used protein as an energy source. For both species lipid composed 40 to 50% of egg biomass, but was not used as an energy reserve. Larvae of 0. validus have a high-affinity transport system for amino acids dissolved in seawater (K, = 1.3 PM for ala- nine). The rate of alanine transport from a low concen- tration (50 nM) could supply 32% of the larva's metabolic needs. This is a IO-fold higher input to metabolism than was determined (3% at 50 nA4) for larvae of a temperate asteroid, Asterina miniata. Larvae of antarctic echino- derms live in an environment where the food supply is low for most of the year. Relative to their metabolic rates, antarctic larvae have larger energy stores and plankto- trophic larvae have higher nutrient transport capacities when compared to larvae from temperate regions. These physiological differences allow antarctic larvae to survive for long periods without particulate food.