
Ubiquitin Regulation of the Rab5 Family GEF Vps9p

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To maintain cellular homeostasis, the levels of transmembrane receptors found on the plasma membrane must be tightly regulated. Endocytosis of activated receptors and the eventual degradation of these transmembrane proteins in the lysosome serve a vital role in maintaining the plasma membrane receptor levels as well as attenuating the downstream signaling pathways. Two processes that regulate this receptor trafficking are the covalent modification of the receptor with ubiquitin (ubiquitylation) and the activation of the Rab5 family of small GTPases. Activation of Rab5 family proteins has been shown to be critical for early steps of the endocytic pathway including delivery of activated receptors to the early endosome, while ubiquitylation of activated receptors has been shown to be involved in receptor internalization, delivery to the endosome, and sorting into the multivesiclar body. In yeast, the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vps9p serves to integrate the activation of a Rab5 protein (Vps21p) via the Vps9 domain with ubiquitin binding via the CUE domain to facilitate the delivery of ubiquitylated receptors to the endosome. Here we provide detailed protocols for the study of Vps9p in vivo and in vitro with regard to Vps21p activation, ubiquitin binding, and Vps9p ubiquitylation.

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... While in the cytoplasm prenylated Rabs are found attached to guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitory proteins (GDI) [46,47] and their targeting to membranes might be, in some cases, aided by GDI displacement factors (GDF) [48]. The major determinants for Rab targeting to membranes were shown to be guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) either alone or in conjunction with phosphoinositides or protein co-factors such as ubiquitin (Figure 2A-1) [49][50][51]. Elegant studies demonstrated that GEFs mistargeted to the mitochondria, by fusing a mitochondrial targeting sequence, successfully attracted their cognate Rabs. The analysis included well-established Rab-GEF pairs such as Rab5A-Rabex-5, Rab1A-DrrA, Rab8-Rabin8 [52], and Rab32/Rab38-BLOC3 [53]. ...
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Many viruses exploit specific arms of the endomembrane system. The unique composition of each arm prompts the development of remarkably specific interactions between viruses and sub-organelles. This review focuses on the viral–host interactions occurring on the endocytic recycling compartment (ERC), and mediated by its regulatory Ras-related in brain (Rab) GTPase Rab11. This protein regulates trafficking from the ERC and the trans-Golgi network to the plasma membrane. Such transport comprises intricate networks of proteins/lipids operating sequentially from the membrane of origin up to the cell surface. Rab11 is also emerging as a critical factor in an increasing number of infections by major animal viruses, including pathogens that provoke human disease. Understanding the interplay between the ERC and viruses is a milestone in human health. Rab11 has been associated with several steps of the viral lifecycles by unclear processes that use sophisticated diversified host machinery. For this reason, we first explore the state-of-the-art on processes regulating membrane composition and trafficking. Subsequently, this review outlines viral interactions with the ERC, highlighting current knowledge on viral-host binding partners. Finally, using examples from the few mechanistic studies available we emphasize how ERC functions are adjusted during infection to remodel cytoskeleton dynamics, innate immunity and membrane composition.
... GEF activity analysis was carried out according to a published protocol (Davies et al, 2005). Briefly, wild-type proteins and the D25A1/E288A and M419D mutants were expressed as His 6 –MBP fusions. ...
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Covalent modification of proteins with ubiquitin (Ub) is widely implicated in the control of protein function and fate. Over 100 deubiquitylating enzymes rapidly reverse this modification, posing challenges to the biochemical and biophysical characterization of ubiquitylated proteins. We circumvented this limitation with a synthetic biology approach of reconstructing the entire eukaryotic Ub cascade in bacteria. Co-expression of affinity-tagged substrates and Ub with E1, E2 and E3 enzymes allows efficient purification of ubiquitylated proteins in milligram quantity. Contrary to in-vitro assays that lead to spurious modification of several lysine residues of Rpn10 (regulatory proteasomal non-ATPase subunit), the reconstituted system faithfully recapitulates its monoubiquitylation on lysine 84 that is observed in vivo. Mass spectrometry revealed the ubiquitylation sites on the Mind bomb E3 ligase and the Ub receptors Rpn10 and Vps9. Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) analyses of ubiquitylated Vps9 purified from bacteria revealed that although ubiquitylation occurs on the Vps9-GEF domain, it does not affect the guanine nucleotide exchanging factor (GEF) activity in vitro. Finally, we demonstrated that ubiquitylated Vps9 assumes a closed structure, which blocks additional Ub binding. Characterization of several ubiquitylated proteins demonstrated the integrity, specificity and fidelity of the system, and revealed new biological findings.
... The molecular chaperones Hsc70 and Hsp90 have been shown to modulate the intracellular levels and activity of a number of signaling molecules including the GEFs FGD1(30), CNRasGEF (51), and Vps9p (15). The present study describes a new Hsp90/Hsc70 client protein: the guanine nucleotide exchange factor proto-Dbl, suggesting the possibility that other proteins that bear structural and functional homology may be similarly regulated. ...
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The dbl proto-oncogene product is a prototype of a growing family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that stimulate the activation of small GTP-binding proteins from the Rho family. Mutations that result in the loss of proto-Dbl's amino terminus produce a variant with constitutive GEF activity and high oncogenic potential. Here, we show that proto-Dbl is a short-lived protein that is kept at low levels in cells by efficient ubiquitination and degradation. The cellular fate of proto-Dbl is regulated by interactions with the chaperones Hsc70 and Hsp90 and the protein-ubiquitin ligase CHIP, and these interactions are mediated by the spectrin domain of proto-Dbl. We show that CHIP is the E3 ligase responsible for ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of proto-Dbl, while Hsp90 functions to stabilize the protein. Onco-Dbl, lacking the spectrin homology domain, cannot bind these regulators and therefore accumulates in cells at high levels, leading to persistent stimulation of its downstream signaling pathways.
... The following mutants were constructed using GeneTailor (Invitrogen): WW1 (W257A), WW2 (W359A), WW3 (W415A), WW1/2 (W257A, W359A), WW2/3 (W359A, W415A), WW1/3 (W257A, W415A), WW1/2/3 (W257A, W359A, W415A), and G753I. The mutants and wild-type RSP5 were subcloned using BamHI and SalI sites into pET28MBP (Davies et al., 2005), and pnTAP416 (Oestreich et al., 2007), and pDsRed415 for bacterial and yeast expression, respectively. To construct pDsRed415, DsRed was amplified from pDsRed-N1 (Clontech, Mountain View, CA) and cloned into pRS416 with the TDH3 promoter and subcloned into pRS415 using SacI and XhoI sites. ...
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A subset of proteins that transit the endosomal system are directed into the intralumenal vesicles of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). MVB formation is critical for a variety of cellular functions including receptor down-regulation, viral budding, antigen presentation, and the generation of lysosome-related organelles. Entry of transmembrane proteins into the intralumenal vesicles of a MVB is a highly regulated process that is positively modulated by covalent modification of cargoes with ubiquitin. To identify additional MVB sorting signals, we examined the previously described ubiquitination-independent MVB cargo Sna3. Although Sna3 ubiquitination is not essential, Sna3 MVB sorting is positively modulated by its ubiquitination. Examination of MVB sorting determinants within a form of Sna3 lacking all lysine residues identified two critical regions: an amino-terminal tyrosine-containing region and a carboxyl-terminal PPAY motif. This PPAY motif interacts with the WW domains of the ubiquitin ligase Rsp5, and mutations in either the WW or, surprisingly, the HECT domains of Rsp5 negatively impacted MVB targeting of lysine-minus Sna3. These data indicate that Rsp5 function is required for MVB targeting of Sna3 in a capacity beyond cargo ubiquitination. These results uncover a series of determinants impacting Sna3 MVB sorting, including unexpected roles for Rsp5.
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Rab small G proteins control membrane trafficking events required for many processes including secretion, lipid metabolism, antigen presentation and growth factor signaling. Rabs recruit effectors that mediate diverse functions including vesicle tethering and fusion. However, many mechanistic questions about Rab-regulated vesicle tethering are unresolved. Using chemically defined reaction systems, we discovered that Vps21, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae ortholog of mammalian endosomal Rab5, functions in trans with itself and with at least two other endosomal Rabs to directly mediate GTP-dependent tethering. Vps21-mediated tethering was stringently and reversibly regulated by an upstream activator, Vps9, and an inhibitor, Gyp1, which were sufficient to drive dynamic cycles of tethering and detethering. These experiments reveal a previously undescribed mode of tethering by endocytic Rabs. In our working model, the intrinsic tethering capacity Vps21 operates in concert with conventional effectors and SNAREs to drive efficient docking and fusion.
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The regulation of the small GTPases leading to their membrane localization has long been attributed to processing of their C-terminal CAAX box. As deregulation of many of these GTPases have been implicated in cancer and other disorders, prenylation and methylation of this CAAX box has been studied in depth as a possibility for drug targeting, but unfortunately, to date no drug has proved clinically beneficial. However, these GTPases also undergo other modifications that may be important for their regulation. Ubiquitination has long been demonstrated to regulate the fate of numerous cellular proteins and recently it has become apparent that many GTPases, along with their GAPs, GeFs and GDis, undergo ubiquitination leading to a variety of fates such as re-localization or degradation. in this review we focus on the recent literature demonstrating that the regulation of small GTPases by ubiquitination, either directly or indirectly, plays a considerable role in controlling their function and that targeting these modifications could be important for disease treatment.
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Yeast vacuole protein targeting (vpt) mutants exhibit defects in the sorting and processing of multiple vacuolar hydrolases. To evaluate the impact these vpt mutations have on the biogenesis and functioning of the lysosome-like vacuole, we have used light and electron microscopic techniques to analyze the vacuolar morphology in the mutants. These observations have permitted us to assign the vpt mutants to three distinct classes. The class A vpt mutants (26 complementation groups) contain 1-3 large vacuoles that are morphologically indistinguishable from those in the parental strain, suggesting that only a subset of the proteins destined for delivery to this compartment is mislocalized. One class A mutant (vpt13) is very sensitive to low pH and exhibits a defect in vacuole acidification. Consistent with a potential role for vacuolar pH in protein sorting, we found that bafilomycin A1, a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar ATPase, as well as the weak base ammonium acetate and the proton ionophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, collapse the pH gradient across the vacuolar membrane and cause the missorting and secretion of two vacuolar hydrolases in wild-type cells. Mutants in the three class B vpt complementation groups exhibit a fragmented vacuole morphology. In these mutants, no large normal vacuoles are observed. Instead, many (20-40) smaller vacuole-like organelles accumulate. The class C vpt mutants, which constitute four complementation groups, exhibit extreme defects in vacuole biogenesis. The mutants lack any organelle resembling a normal vacuole but accumulate other organelles including vesicles, multilamellar membrane structures, and Golgi-related structures. Heterozygous class C zygotes reassemble normal vacuoles rapidly, indicating that some of the accumulated aberrant structures may be intermediates in vacuole formation. These class C mutants also exhibit sensitivity to osmotic stress, suggesting an osmoregulatory role for the vacuole. The vpt mutants should provide insights into the normal physiological role of the vacuole, as well as allowing identification of components required for vacuole protein sorting and/or vacuole assembly.
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We have constructed a PRC1-SUC2 gene fusion that directs the synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of a hybrid polypeptide consisting of a 433-residue amino-terminal domain derived from the yeast vacuolar protease carboxypeptidase Y (CPY; EC and a 511-residue carboxyl-terminal domain derived from the secreted yeast enzyme invertase (EC Fractionation data indicated that this amount of CPY primary sequence is sufficient to quantitatively divert invertase to the yeast vacuole. The phenotypic consequence of localizing active invertase to the vacuole has enabled us to select for mutants that "mislocalize" the hybrid protein to the cell surface. The corresponding mutations that lead to this effect are all trans-acting and recessive, and they define at least eight complementation groups. These vacuolar protein targeting (vpt) mutants also exhibit hybrid protein independent defects in wild-type CPY delivery to the yeast vacuole. Precursor forms of CPY accumulate in the mutants and are secreted into the yeast periplasm and extracellular medium. The vpt mutants should provide useful information pertaining to the mechanisms by which yeast cells regulate vacuolar protein traffic.
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Ypt51p, a small GTPase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been previously identified as a structural homolog of mammalian Rab5. Although disruption analysis revealed that the protein is required for endocytic transport and for vacuolar protein sorting, the precise step controlled by Ypt51p was not determined. In this work we show that by heterologous expression in animal cells Ypt51p was targeted to Rab5-positive early endosomes and stimulated endocytosis. Furthermore, two Ypt51p mutants induced similar morphological alterations as the corresponding Rab5 mutants. Also in yeast cells Ypt51p was found to be required at an early step in endocytic membrane traffic, since alpha-factor accumulated in an early endocytic intermediate in the absence of Ypt51p. Cell fractionation analysis revealed cofractionation of Ypt51p with endocytic intermediates, while no association with the late Golgi compartment could be detected. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy allowed us to morphologically identify the Ypt51p-containing compartment. Similar to the mammalian system larger Ypt51p-positive structures were revealed upon expression of Ypt51p Q66L. These structures were also positive for alpha-factor receptor and for carboxypeptidase Y, thus providing direct evidence for their endocytic nature and for the convergence of the vacuolar biosynthetic and endocytic pathways.
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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mutations in vacuolar protein sorting (VPS) genes result in secretion of proteins normally localized to the vacuole. Characterization of the VPS pathway has provided considerable insight into mechanisms of protein sorting and vesicle-mediated intracellular transport. We have cloned VPS9 by complementation of the vacuolar protein sorting defect of vps9 cells, characterized its gene product, and investigated its role in vacuolar protein sorting. Cells with a vps9 disruption exhibit severe vacuolar protein sorting defects and a temperature-sensitive growth defect at 38 degrees C. Electron microscopic examination of delta vps9 cells revealed the appearance of novel reticular membrane structures as well as an accumulation of 40- to 50-nm-diameter vesicles, suggesting that Vps9p may be required for the consumption of transport vesicles containing vacuolar protein precursors. A temperature-conditional allele of vps9 was constructed and used to investigate the function of Vps9p. Immediately upon shifting of temperature-conditional vps9 cells to the nonpermissive temperature, newly synthesized carboxypeptidase Y was secreted, indicating that Vps9p function is directly required in the VPS pathway. Antibodies raised against Vps9p immunoprecipitate a rare 52-kDa protein that fractionates with cytosolic proteins following cell lysis and centrifugation. Analysis of the VPS9 DNA sequence predicts that Vps9p is related to human proteins that bind Ras and negatively regulate Ras-mediated signaling. We term the related regions of Vps9p and these Ras-binding proteins a GTPase binding homology domain and suggest that it defines a family of proteins that bind monomeric GTPases. Vps9p may bind and serve as an effector of a rab GTPase, like Vps2lp, required for vacuolar protein sorting.
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Vacuolar protein sorting (vps) mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae missort and secrete vacuolar hydrolases. The gene affected in one of these mutants,VPS21, encodes a member of the Sec4/Ypt/Rab family of small GTPases. Rab proteins play an essential role in vesicle-mediated protein transport. Using both yeast two-hybrid assays and chemical cross-linking, we have identified another VPS gene product, Vps9p, that preferentially interacts with a mutant form of Vps21p-S21N that binds GDP but not GTP. In vitro purified Vps9p was found to stimulate GDP release from Vps21p in a dose-dependent manner. Vps9p also stimulated GTP association as a result of facilitated GDP release. However, Vps9p did not stimulate guanine nucleotide exchange of GTP-bound Vps21p or GTP hydrolysis. We tested the ability of Vps9p to stimulate the intrinsic guanine nucleotide exchange activity of Rab5, which is a mammalian sequence homologue of Vps21p, and Ypt7p, which is another yeast Rab protein involved in vacuolar protein transport. Rab5, but not Ypt7p was responsive to Vps9p, which indicates that Vps9p recognizes sequence variation among Rab proteins. We conclude that Vps9p is a novel guanine nucleotide exchange factor that is specific for Vps21p/Rab5. Since there are no obvious Vps9p sequence homologues in yeast, Vps9p may also possess unique regulatory functions required for vacuolar protein transport.
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Mutations in the VPS (vacuolar protein sorting) genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been used to define the trafficking steps that soluble vacuolar hydrolases take en route from the late Golgi to the vacuole. The class D VPS genes include VPS21, PEP12, and VPS45, which appear to encode components of a membrane fusion complex involved in Golgi-to-endosome transport. Vps21p is a member of the Rab family of small Ras-like GTPases and shows strong homology to the mammalian Rab5 protein, which is involved in endocytosis and the homotypic fusion of early endosomes. Although Rab5 and Vps21p appear homologous at the sequence level, it has not been clear if the functions of these two Rabs are similar. We find that Vps21p is an endosomal protein that is involved in the delivery of vacuolar and endocytosed proteins to the vacuole. Vacuolar and endocytosed proteins accumulate in distinct transport intermediates in cells that lack Vps21p function. Therefore, it appears that Vps21p is involved in two trafficking steps into the prevacuolar/late endosomal compartment.
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The conserved vacuolar protein-sorting (Vps) pathway controls the trafficking of proteins to the vacuole/lysosome. Both the internalization of ubiquitylated cargo from the plasma membrane and its sorting at the late endosome via the Vps pathway depend on ubiquitin (Ub) binding motifs present in trafficking regulators. Here we report that Ub controls yet a third step in the Vps pathway. Vps9p, which promotes endosomal and Golgi-derived vesicle fusion, binds directly to Ub via a Cue1p-homologous (CUE) domain. The CUE domain is structurally related to the Ub-associated (UBA) domain. In an assay for vacuolar delivery of a transmembrane receptor fused to Ub, a Ub mutation impairing interaction with Vps9p led to a cytoplasmic block in receptor trafficking. This block resembled that of a receptor fused to wild-type Ub but expressed in a vps9-null background. Strikingly, this trafficking defect caused by a mutant Ub was rescued by deletion of the Vps9p CUE domain, indicating that lack of the CUE domain renders Vps9p independent of Ub for activation in vivo. We thus provide evidence for biochemical and genetic interactions between Ub and a novel Ub binding domain in Vps9p. Ub plays a positive role, whereas the CUE domain plays both positive and negative roles in Vps9p function in trafficking.
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Monoubiquitylation is a regulatory signal, like phosphorylation, that can alter the activity, location or structure of a protein. Monoubiquitin signals are likely to be recognized by ubiquitin-binding proteins that transmit the regulatory information conferred by monoubiquitylation. To identify monoubiquitin-binding proteins, we used a mutant ubiquitin that lacks the primary site of polyubiquitin chain formation as bait in a two-hybrid screen. The C-terminus of Vps9, a protein required in the yeast endocytic pathway, interacted specifically with monoubiquitin. The region required for monoubiquitin binding mapped to the Vps9 CUE domain, a sequence previously identified by database searches as similar to parts of the yeast Cue1 and mammalian Tollip proteins. We demonstrate that CUE domains bind directly to monoubiquitin and we have defined crucial interaction surfaces on both binding partners. The Vps9 CUE domain is required to promote monoubiquitylation of Vps9 by the Rsp5 hect domain ubiquitin ligase. Thus, we conclude that the CUE motif is an evolutionarily conserved monoubiquitin-binding domain that mediates intramolecular monoubiquitylation.
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Rab5 GTPases are key regulators of protein trafficking through the early stages of the endocytic pathway. The yeast Rab5 ortholog Vps21p is activated by its guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vps9p. Here we show that Vps9p binds ubiquitin and that the CUE domain is necessary and sufficient for this interaction. Vps9p ubiquitin binding is required for efficient endocytosis of Ste3p but not for the delivery of the biosynthetic cargo carboxypeptidase Y to the vacuole. In addition, Vps9p is itself monoubiquitylated. Ubiquitylation is dependent on a functional CUE domain and Rsp5p, an E3 ligase that participates in cell surface receptor endocytosis. These findings define a new ubiquitin binding domain and implicate ubiquitin as a modulator of Vps9p function in the endocytic pathway.
The small GTPase rab5 has been shown to represent a key regulator in the endocytic pathway of mammalian cells. Using a PCR approach to identify rab5 homologs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two genes encoding proteins with 54 and 52% identity to rab5, YPT51 and YPT53 have been identified. Sequencing of the yeast chromosome XI has revealed a third rab5-like gene, YPT52, whose protein product exhibits a similar identity to rab5 and the other two YPT gene products. In addition to the high degree of identity/homology shared between rab5 and Ypt51p, Ypt52p, and Ypt53p, evidence for functional homology between the mammalian and yeast proteins is provided by phenotypic characterization of single, double, and triple deletion mutants. Endocytic delivery to the vacuole of two markers, lucifer yellow CH (LY) and alpha-factor, was inhibited in delta ypt51 mutants and aggravated in the double ypt51ypt52 and triple ypt51ypt52ypt53 mutants, suggesting a requirement for these small GTPases in endocytic membrane traffic. In addition to these defects, the here described ypt mutants displayed a number of other phenotypes reminiscent of some vacuolar protein sorting (vps) mutants, including a differential delay in growth and vacuolar protein maturation, partial missorting of a soluble vacuolar hydrolase, and alterations in vacuole acidification and morphology. In fact, vps21 represents a mutant allele of YPT51 (Emr, S., personal communication). Altogether, these data suggest that Ypt51p, Ypt52p, and Ypt53p are required for transport in the endocytic pathway and for correct sorting of vacuolar hydrolases suggesting a possible intersection of the endocytic with the vacuolar sorting pathway.
Ubiquitin regulates protein transport between membrane compartments by serving as a sorting signal on protein cargo and by controlling the activity of trafficking machinery. Monoubiquitin attached to integral plasma membrane proteins or to associated transport modifiers serves as a regulated signal for internalization into the endocytic pathway. Similarly, monoubiquitin attached to biosynthetic and endocytic membrane proteins is a signal for sorting of cargo into vesicles that bud into the late endosome lumen for delivery into the lysosome. Ubiquitination of trans-acting endocytic proteins is also required for transport, and key endocytic proteins are modified by monoubiquitin. Regulatory enzymes of the ubiquitination machinery, ubiquitin ligases, control the timing and specificity of plasma membrane protein downregulation in such diverse biological processes as cell fate specification and neurotransmission. Monoubiquitin signals appended by these ligases are recognized by endocytic proteins carrying ubiquitin-binding motifs, including UBA, UEV, UIM, and CUE domains. The UIM proteins epsins and Hrs are excellent candidates for adaptors that link ubiquitinated cargo to the clathrin-based sorting machinery at appropriate regions of the endosomal or plasma membranes. Other ubiquitin-binding proteins also play crucial roles in cargo transport, although in most cases the role of ubiquitin-binding is not defined. Ubiquitin-binding proteins such as epsins, Hrs, and Vps9 are monoubiquitinated, indicating the general nature of ubiquitin regulation in endocytosis and suggesting new models to explain how recognition of monoubiquitin signals may be regulated.
Delivery of proteins to the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae provides an excellent model system in which to study vacuole and lysosome biogenesis and membrane traffic. This organelle receives proteins from a number of different routes, including proteins sorted away from the secretory pathway at the Golgi apparatus and endocytic traffic arising from the plasma membrane. Genetic analysis has revealed at least 60 genes involved in vacuolar protein sorting, numerous components of a novel cytoplasm-to-vacuole transport pathway, and a large number of proteins required for autophagy. Cell biological and biochemical studies have provided important molecular insights into the various protein delivery pathways to the yeast vacuole. This review describes the various pathways to the vacuole and illustrates how they are related to one another in the vacuolar network of S. cerevisiae.
The collection of vacuolar protein sorting mutants (vps mutants) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae comprises of 41 complementation groups. The vacuoles in these mutant strains were examined using immunofluorescence microscopy. Most of the vps mutants were found to possess vacuolar morphologies that differed significantly from wild-type vacuoles. Furthermore, mutants representing independent vps complementation groups were found to share aberrant morphological features. Six distinct classes of vacuolar morphology were observed. Mutants from eight vps complementation groups were defective both for vacuolar segregation from mother cells into developing buds and for acidification of the vacuole. Another group of mutants, represented by 13 complementation groups, accumulated a novel organelle distinct from the vacuole that contained a late-Golgi protein, active vacuolar H(+)-ATPase complex, and soluble vacuolar hydrolases. We suggest that this organelle may represent an exaggerated endosome-like compartment. None of the vps mutants appeared to mislocalize significant amounts of the vacuolar membrane protein alkaline phosphatase. Quantitative immunoprecipitations of the soluble vacuolar hydrolase carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) were performed to determine the extent of the sorting defect in each vps mutant. A good correlation between morphological phenotype and the extent of the CPY sorting defect was observed.
A series of yeast shuttle vectors and host strains has been created to allow more efficient manipulation of DNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Transplacement vectors were constructed and used to derive yeast strains containing nonreverting his3, trp1, leu2 and ura3 mutations. A set of YCp and YIp vectors (pRS series) was then made based on the backbone of the multipurpose plasmid pBLUESCRIPT. These pRS vectors are all uniform in structure and differ only in the yeast selectable marker gene used (HIS3, TRP1, LEU2 and URA3). They possess all of the attributes of pBLUESCRIPT and several yeast-specific features as well. Using a pRS vector, one can perform most standard DNA manipulations in the same plasmid that is introduced into yeast.
We have devised a genetic selection for mutant yeast cells that fail to properly deliver the vacuolar glycoprotein CPY to the lysosome-like vacuole. This has allowed us to identify mutations in eight VPL complementation groups that result in aberrant secretion of up to approximately 90% of the immunoreactive CPY. Other soluble vacuolar proteins are also affected by each vpl mutation, demonstrating that a sorting system for multiple vacuolar proteins exists in yeast. Mislocalized CPY apparently traverses late stages of the secretory pathway, since a vesicle-accumulating sec1 mutation prevents secretion of this protein. Despite the presence of abnormal membrane-enclosed organelles in some of the vpl mutants, maturation and secretion of invertase are not substantially perturbed. Thus vpl mutations define a new class of genes that encode products required for sorting of newly synthesized vacuolar proteins from secretory proteins during their transit through the yeast secretory pathway.
Many of the vacuolar protein sorting (vps) mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae exhibit severe defects in the sorting of vacuolar proteins but still retain near-normal vacuole morphology. The gene affected in one such mutant, vps21, has been cloned and found to encode a member of the ras-like GTP binding protein family. Sequence comparisons with other known GTP binding proteins indicate that Vps21p is unique but shares striking similarity with mammalian rab5 proteins (> 50% identity and > 70% similarity). Regions with highest similarity are clustered within the putative GTP binding motifs and the proposed effector domains of the Vps21/rab5 proteins. Point mutations constructed within these conserved regions inactivate Vps21p function; the mutant cells missort and secrete the soluble vacuolar hydrolase carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). Cells carrying a complete deletion of the VPS21 coding sequence (i) are viable but exhibit a growth defect at 38 degrees C, (ii) missort multiple vacuolar proteins, (iii) accumulate 40-50 nm vesicles and (iv) contain a large vacuole. VPS21 encodes a 22 kDa protein that binds GTP and fractionates with subcellular membranes. Mutant analysis indicates that the association with a membrane(s) is dependent on geranylgeranylation of the C-terminal cysteine residue(s) of Vps21p. We propose that Vps21p functions in the targeting and/or fusion of transport vesicles that mediate the delivery of proteins to the vacuole.
We describe the construction of expression vectors based on three of the most frequently used gene fusion affinity tags [glutathione S-transferase (GST), maltose binding protein (MBP), and the His6 peptide]. The polylinkers of pGEX4T1, pMal-c2, and a pET vector were replaced with the polylinker isolated from the baculovirus expression plasmid pFastBac. Once appropriate restriction sites have been introduced into a gene, it can be fused to all three affinity tags with little effort, allowing expression-screening experiments to be performed efficiently. We discuss the development and use of these vectors with respect to overcoming purification problems encountered for the RhoA GDP/GTP nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (RhoGDI) and their advantages over commercially available expression vectors.
Sequence database searches, using iterative-profile and Hidden-Markov-model approaches, were used to detect hitherto-undetected homologues of proteins that regulate the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation pathway. The translocon-associated subunit Sec63p (Sec=secretory) was shown to contain a domain of unknown function found twice in several Brr2p-like RNA helicases (Brr2=bad response to refrigeration 2). Additionally, Cue1p (Cue=coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation), a yeast protein that recruits the ubiquitin-conjugating (UBC) enzyme Ubc7p to an ER-associated complex, was found to be one of a large family of putative scaffolding-domain-containing proteins that include the autocrine motility factor receptor and fungal Vps9p (Vps=vacuolar protein sorting). Two other yeast translocon-associated molecules, Sec72p and Hrd3p (Hrd=3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase degradation), were shown to contain multiple tetratricopeptide-repeat-like sequences. From this observation it is suggested that Sec72p associates with a heat-shock protein, Hsp70, in a manner analogous to that known for Hop (Hsp70/Hsp90 organizing protein). Finally, the luminal portion of Ire1p (Ire=high inositol-requiring), thought to convey the sensing function of this transmembrane kinase and endoribonuclease, was shown to contain repeats similar to those in beta-propeller proteins. This finding hints at the mechanism by which Ire1p may sense extended unfolded proteins at the expense of compact folded molecules.
Cancer cells depend on multiple, locally produced growth factors. Signaling by growth factors entails phosphorylation events, and its termination is determined primarily by endocytosis of growth factor receptor complexes. One group of growth factor receptors frequently implicated in human cancer is the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases. By using ErbB as a prototype, here we review the role of protein ubiquitylation in the process that terminates signaling. Specifically, we concentrate on several adaptor proteins, including c-Cbl and Hgs, to elucidate the complexity of receptor sorting for degradation. Detailed understanding of ubiquitylation control on receptor desensitization may lead to better ways to diagnose and eradicate cancer.
Coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation (CUE) domains are approximately 50 amino acid monoubiquitin binding motifs found in proteins of trafficking and ubiquitination pathways. The 2.3 A structure of the Vps9p-CUE domain is a dimeric domain-swapped variant of the ubiquitin binding UBA domain. The 1.7 A structure of the CUE:ubiquitin complex shows that one CUE dimer binds one ubiquitin molecule. The bound CUE dimer is kinked relative to the unbound CUE dimer and wraps around ubiquitin. The CUE monomer contains two ubiquitin binding surfaces on opposite faces of the molecule that cannot bind simultaneously to a single ubiquitin molecule. Dimerization of the CUE domain allows both surfaces to contact a single ubiquitin molecule, providing a mechanism for high-affinity binding to monoubiquitin.
The Rab5 GTPase, an essential regulator of endocytosis and endosome biogenesis, is activated by guanine-nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that contain a Vps9 domain. Here, we show that the catalytic core of the Rab GEF Rabex-5 has a tandem architecture consisting of a Vps9 domain stabilized by an indispensable helical bundle. A family-wide analysis of Rab specificity demonstrates high selectivity for Rab5 subfamily GTPases. Conserved exchange determinants map to a common surface of the Vps9 domain, which recognizes invariant aromatic residues in the switch regions of Rab GTPases and selects for the Rab5 subfamily by requiring a small nonacidic residue preceding a critical phenylalanine in the switch I region. These and other observations reveal unexpected similarity with the Arf exchange site in the Sec7 domain.
In eukaryotic cells, delivery of transmembrane proteins into the lumen of the lysosome for degradation is mediated by the multivesicular body pathway. The function of the ESCRT protein complexes is required for both the formation of multivesicular body lumenal vesicles and the sorting of endosomal cargo proteins into these vesicles. Recent studies have identified additional factors that seem to function as an upstream cargo retention system feeding into the ESCRT machinery, given new insights into the dynamic structure of multivesicular bodies, and identified a potential mechanism for multivesicular body vesicle formation.
The plasma membrane protein composition of a eukaryotic cell is maintained in part through the removal of transmembrane proteins by endocytosis and delivery to the lysosome (or vacuole in yeast) for degradation. The endocytic and biosynthetic pathways converge at endosomes, where related sorting events occur for proteins arriving from either pathway before their lysosomal delivery. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has proven to be an excellent model organism for the study of fundamental cellular processes, and this complex process is no exception. The powerful genetics available in the yeast system have facilitated the identification of a large number of factors that drive protein sorting throughout the endocytic pathway. It is clear that ubiquitin plays a critical role in targeting cargoes into this degradative pathway and that this signal is recognized by a series of adaptor proteins between the cell surface and lysosome that are responsible for directing the cargo for degradation. Here we provide detailed protocols for studying the fate of cargo proteins within the endosomal system, as well as the role of putative ubiquitin-binding proteins.
Rab5 guanine nucleotide exchange factors: Regulators of receptor trafficking from yeast to neurons
  • Carney