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Community Epidemiology Framework for Classifying Disease Threats


Abstract and Figures

Recent evidence suggests that most parasites can infect multiple host species and that these are primarily responsible for emerging infectious disease outbreaks in humans and wildlife. However, the ecologic and evolutionary factors that constrain or facilitate such emergences are poorly understood. We propose a conceptual framework based on the pathogen's between- and within-species transmission rates to describe possible configurations of a multihost-pathogen community that may lead to disease emergence. We establish 3 dynamic thresholds separating 4 classes of disease outcomes, spillover, apparent multi-host, true multihost, and potential emerging infectious disease; describe possible disease emergence scenarios; outline the population dynamics of each case; and clarify existing terminology. We highlight the utility of this framework with examples of disease threats in human and wildlife populations, showing how it allows us to understand which ecologic factors affect disease emergence and predict the impact of host shifts in a range of disease systems.
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Recent evidence suggests that most parasites can
infect multiple host species and that these are primarily
responsible for emerging infectious disease outbreaks in
humans and wildlife. However, the ecologic and evolution-
ary factors that constrain or facilitate such emergences are
poorly understood. We propose a conceptual framework
based on the pathogen’s between- and within-species
transmission rates to describe possible configurations of a
multihost-pathogen community that may lead to disease
emergence. We establish 3 dynamic thresholds separating
4 classes of disease outcomes, spillover, apparent multi-
host, true multihost, and potential emerging infectious dis-
ease; describe possible disease emergence scenarios;
outline the population dynamics of each case; and clarify
existing terminology. We highlight the utility of this frame-
work with examples of disease threats in human and
wildlife populations, showing how it allows us to understand
which ecologic factors affect disease emergence and pre-
dict the impact of host shifts in a range of disease systems.
Models of host-pathogen dynamics have typically
assumed a single-host population infected by a sin-
gle pathogen. However, most pathogens can infect several
host species; >60% of human pathogens, >68% of wild
primate parasites, and >90% of domesticated animal
pathogens infect multiple host species (1–3). An interest in
multihost pathogens is particularly timely, given that many
of the most threatening current pathogens (e.g., HIV, West
Nile virus, influenza virus, Ebola virus) are believed to
have crossed species barriers to infect humans, domesticat-
ed animals, or wildlife populations (1,3–8). However, we
do not know the host and pathogen characteristics that
determine such host shifts and the likely characteristics of
future emerging infectious diseases. To address this issue,
2 theoretical approaches have been adopted. The first,
using dynamic models, focuses on the host’s perspective
and ascertains how a shared pathogen affects the dynamics
of 2 host populations (9–12). The second approach takes
the pathogen’s point of view and considers how combined
host densities affect pathogen persistence within the com-
munity (13–15). However, as the number of studies grows,
so does the terminology. Terms such as multihost
pathogens, dead-end hosts, reservoir hosts, host shifts, and
spillovers are frequently used, but often different phrases
are used to describe the same phenomenon, and possibly
more concerning, the same terminology may be used to
describe strictly different phenomena.
This lack of consolidation makes it unclear how these
different approaches relate in terms of understanding the
mechanisms driving disease emergence. A need exists for
a single, comprehensive framework that characterizes dis-
ease outcomes based on biologically meaningful process-
es. Recently, attempts have been made to reconcile these
concepts, mainly by highlighting the role of reservoir hosts
(13,16). Haydon et al. (13) proposed a conceptual model
that assumed a target host species was exposed to a
pathogen endemic in a second host species (or species
complex). The outcome of infection then depended on the
sizes of the populations and whether they were able to
maintain the pathogen alone. This approach expanded the
naive view that reservoirs are nonpathogenic, single-
species populations and encompassed the complexity of
pathogen-host communities observed in nature. However,
focusing just on host density ignores many key features of
emerging diseases. The likelihood of disease emergence
will depend on highly dynamic processes determined by
both between- and within-species transmission rates.
Therefore, ecologic forces acting on both hosts and
pathogens will influence the contact structure of the com-
munity and affect the likelihood and persistence of an
emerging infectious disease in a new host.
Community Epidemiology
Framework for Classifying
Disease Threats
Andy Fenton* and Amy B. Pedersen†
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 11, No. 12, December 2005 1815
*Institute of Zoology, London, United Kingdom; and †University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
We propose a conceptual framework to describe the
configurations of a host-pathogen community that may lead
to disease emergence in a target host. We develop our
framework from a simple 2-host 1-pathogen model and
establish thresholds for pathogen and host persistence
based on the between- and within-species net transmission
rates. We then consider what ecologic factors determine the
location of various host-pathogen systems within the
framework. Finally, we use a stochastic model to consider
what characteristics of the hosts and pathogen define the
dynamics and likelihood of an emerging infectious disease.
Conceptual Framework of an Emerging
Infectious Disease
We start by considering the assembly of a 2-host com-
munity infected by a single pathogen (15,17,18) where the
pathogen is endemic within host population H1such that
individuals of H1are either susceptible (S1) or infected (I1).
We then assume a second target host population (H2) enters
the community and can become infected by the pathogen
(Figure 1A). Since the pathogen is well established in H1,
we assume S1and I1are unchanged by H2; thus, our model
most closely resembles the asymmetric model of Dobson
(15). In the terminology of Haydon et al. (12), H1is a
maintenance host species (or species complex) with the
potential to be a disease reservoir for H2. H2may or may
not be a maintenance host (see below). The model is
(model 1)
where ris the reproductive rate, Kthe carrying capacity,
and dthe death rate of the infected hosts. The composite
functions f22 and f12 describe the net within-species (H2 to
H2) and between-species (H1 to H2) transmission rates,
respectively. We assume density-dependent transmission
and so these functions have the form fij = βij IiS2, where βij
is the per capita transmission rate from species ito species
j. Therefore, for example, the net rate of transmission from
H1to H2(f12) depends on the size of the susceptible target
population (S2), the size of the reservoir (I1), and the level
of exposure and susceptibility of H2(β12).
The target host population H2has 4 possible outcomes:
1) uninfected, 2) infected but unable to sustain the
pathogen, 3) infected and able to sustain the pathogen, or
4) infected and driven to extinction by the pathogen
(Figure 1). These 4 outcomes are separated by 3 thresholds
(Figure 1C): i) invasion threshold, ii) persistence thresh-
old, and iii) host extinction threshold. The first 2 thresh-
olds are analogous to established density-based thresholds
in epidemiology; the first allows ecologic invasion of a
pathogen, which subsequently dies out, and the second
allows persistence of the pathogen (19). Here we combine
these density effects with the per capita rates of infection
to express these thresholds in terms of the magnitude of the
net between- and within-species transmission rates (f12 and
f22, respectively).
Community-Epidemiology Continuum
Infection of H2by H1and transmission within H2are 2
separate processes determined by f12 and f22. Different
combinations of these parameters lead to the different out-
comes described above, and all possible scenarios can be
placed within a 2-dimensional continuum (Figure 2), with
f12 on one axis (i.e., can H2get infected from H1?) and f22
on the other (i.e., can H2sustain infection?). We can then
1816 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 11, No. 12, December 2005
Figure 1. Emerging infectious disease framework. A) Schematic
diagram of the multihost-pathogen community. B) Possible out-
comes for a novel host, H2, after an initial infection by a pathogen
endemic in an existing host, H1, where (1) the pathogen is unable
to invade H2, (2) the pathogen invades but cannot be sustained
within H2, (3) the pathogen invades and persists in H2, and (4) the
pathogen invades and drives H2to extinction. C) Three thresholds
separating the 4 possible outcomes: (i) the invasion threshold, (ii)
the persistence threshold, and (iii) the host extinction threshold.
divide the f12 f22 parameter space into regions of different
disease outcomes.
Case 1: Spillover
In this case, the within-H2transmission rate is too low
to sustain the pathogen (f22 0). The between-species
transmission from H1is also low (f12 0). Thus, although
infections of H2do occasionally occur, they are transient.
This represents the case in which the pathogen is special-
ized to the endemic host and there is either very low expo-
sure to H2(an ecologic constraint, such as parasite
transmission mode) or H2is resistant to infection (a phys-
iologic constraint). We recommend the term spillover to
describe this form of cross-species infection. Previously,
spillover has been used to describe a wide range of
dynamics (20), but we recommend limiting its use to tran-
sient infections in a target host because of transmission
from a reservoir host that is not self-sustaining in the tar-
get population.
The recent outbreak of West Nile encephalitis in the
United States is such a spillover: the virus moved from
bird populations (H1) to infect humans (H2), which are
unable to transmit the pathogen (β22 = 0) (21).
Nevertheless, spillovers still represent a serious health
concern; increases in the reservoir population may lead to
dramatic increases in disease prevalence in the target host.
Case 2: Apparent Multihost Pathogen
In this case, the within-species transmission rate for the
target host is low, but the between-species transmission
rate exceeds the invasion threshold, resulting in persistent
infections in H2. This case represents apparent multihost
dynamics that differ from spillover dynamics in that the
disease is nontransient in H2, but the pathogen is sustained
because of frequent between-species transmission from the
disease-endemic host. Apparent multihost dynamics exist
because the potentially high prevalence in the target host
would give the appearance of a true multihost pathogen,
but the lack of within-species transmission means the dis-
ease cannot be maintained in the absence of H1. We recom-
mend the term reservoir to describe H1in both cases 1 and
2, in which the pathogen is permanently maintained in H1
and without between-species transmission (β12), the dis-
ease would not persist in the target host.
An example of an apparent multihost pathogen is rabies
in side-striped jackals (H2) in Africa. Until a recent analy-
sis (22), rabies was considered sustainable in the jackal
population (H2), but detailed monitoring showed that
rabies is not self-sustaining because of the density of the
low susceptible jackal population (S2), and epidemics are
frequently seeded from the domestic dog reservoir (high
Case 3: True Multihost Pathogen
In this case, both the within- and between-species trans-
mission rates are high. Thus, since the pathogen can inde-
pendently persist in either host population in the absence
of the other, following Haydon et al (13), both are consid-
ered maintenance hosts. This case represents a true multi-
host pathogen with substantial within- and between-
species transmission. One example is brucellosis infec-
tions around Yellowstone National Park, where the
pathogen can be endemically maintained in cattle, bison,
and elk populations (23).
Case 4: Potential Emerging Infectious Disease
In this case, the within-H2transmission rate is high, but
the between-species transmission rate is very low (f12
0). Thus, the pathogen can persist in the target host (H2),
but the net rate of between-species transmission is so low
that H2is rarely exposed to the disease. This case might
occur when a disease is transmitted through close contact
and thus has little chance of transmission between species.
Similarly, the barrier to infection could be an ecologic fac-
tor, such as geographic isolation, which may be overcome
by an anthropogenic change such as the introduction of
exotic or invasive species. Thus, this case represents a
potential emerging infectious disease in which the
pathogen will become self-sustaining in H2once the initial
barrier to infection has been crossed. This case may be the
region of greatest future concern since a single transmis-
sion event can have devastating consequences because of
Framework for Classifying Disease Threats
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 11, No. 12, December 2005 1817
Figure 2. Community-epidemiology continuum, determined by the
net between-H1 and -H2transmission rate (f12) and the net within-
H2transmission rate (f22). EID, emerging infectious disease.
the high rate of within-species transmission in the target
Recent examples of potential emerging infectious dis-
eases that were realized include the emergence of HIV-1
and HIV-2 in human populations, in which the close-con-
tact nature of the infection process prevented transmission
of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) from primates to
humans (6,24). Another example is severe acute respirato-
ry syndrome–associated coronavirus in humans, in which
the primary transmission event is believed to be the result
of close human contact with civet cats in China. Once the
infection was successful, it spread rapidly throughout the
human population by direct contact (25).
Factors Affecting Location of a
Host-Pathogen Community
The location of a host-pathogen system within the con-
tinuum will be determined by characteristics of both host
populations and the pathogen. For instance, the pathogen’s
transmission mode will greatly determine its likelihood of
encountering new hosts (26). Parasites transmitted by
close contact may have limited exposure to multiple
species and thus transmission modes that decouple host-to-
host contact (i.e., waterborne or soilborne transmission)
will increase the opportunity for between-species trans-
mission. Evidence from wild primates and humans shows
that pathogens with direct contact transmission are associ-
ated with high host specificity (1,3). Therefore, host-
pathogen systems should segregate along the f12 axis
according to their transmission mode.
Furthermore, the evolutionary potential of a pathogen
will affect its ability to infect a new host (2,27). Pathogens
in taxa with high mutation rates, antigenic diversity, and
short generation times may rapidly adapt to new hosts
(28,29), and recent evidence suggests that RNA viruses are
the most likely group to emerge in humans (26,30), possi-
bly because of their high mutation rate (31). Thus, host-
parasite systems may segregate along the f22 axis according
to taxonomy. Similarly, the phylogenetic relationship
between the reservoir and target host will have conse-
quences for disease emergence; viruses are less likely to
jump to new hosts as the phylogenetic distance between
hosts increases (32).
However, host-pathogen systems are not static, and a
community may move across the continuum either
because of ecologic or evolutionary shifts of the host or
pathogen (27). In particular, anthropogenic changes, such
as environmental exploitation and the introduction of
domestic animals into previously uninhabited areas, may
increase exposure to the pathogen and drive such transi-
tions. For instance, although transmission of SIV from
chimpanzees to humans may have occurred on a number of
distinct occasions (6), these spillovers remained isolated.
Only through various anthropogenic changes, including
urbanization (increasing S2) and increased global travel
(increasing β22) did the HIV pandemic take off in the 20th
In addition, pathogen evolution may greatly affect the
likelihood of disease emergence by increasing the
pathogen’s basic reproductive ratio (R0) (18,26). For exam-
ple, avian influenza has emerged several times in human
populations since 1997. Typically, limited human-to-
human transmission exists (β22 0), so that although the
avian reservoir (I1) and susceptible human populations (S2)
are high, outbreaks are rare and isolated (i.e., occupying
region 1 of the continuum). Only through recombination
between strains and acquisition of human-specific respira-
tory epithelium receptors (thereby increasing β22) could
the virus evolve sufficient transmissibility to be sustained
in the human population, which poses the greatest risk for
pandemics (33). These genetic changes could shift avian
flu from being a spillover to becoming a true multihost
parasite, which would have serious implications for human
Stochastic Dynamics and Consequences for
Vulnerable Host Populations
Theoretical and empiric evidence suggest that
pathogens harbored by reservoir host populations are of
particular concern because they can drive target hosts to
extinction (34). Therefore, we must investigate population
dynamic properties of different regions of the continuum
and regions that pose the greatest risk for a target host. In a
deterministic model, the invasion and persistence thresh-
olds are the same and are determined by the pathogen’s
basic reproductive ratio (R0); if R0>1, an initial infection
can both become established and persist. As shown by
Dobson (15), R0for a pathogen in an asymmetric host com-
munity (with no back-transmission from the target host to
the reservoir) is dominated by the largest within-species
transmission term, which implies that infection dynamics in
the 2 host populations are largely independent; once
between-species transmission has occurred, infection in H2
is driven solely by within-H2transmission. However, in the
stochastic reality of the natural world, an established infec-
tion may fade out, and reinfection from H1could occur in
the future (19). Therefore, we developed a stochastic ana-
log of the above deterministic model to explore dynamics
of the community-epidemiology continuum. The model
was a discrete-time Monte Carlo simulation model, in
which each event in model 1 (births, deaths, between- and
within-species transmission) occurred probabilistically, and
the next event was chosen at random based on those prob-
abilities. The model was run 100 times for different combi-
nations of within- and between-species transmission rates,
and the infection status of the target host (H2) was measured
1818 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 11, No. 12, December 2005
as the mean prevalence over time, the proportion of time
the pathogen was absent from H2(the proportion of time
the pathogen faded out), and the proportion of runs in
which the pathogen drove the host to extinction. This sto-
chastic model is appropriate for exploring the dynamics of
emerging infectious diseases not captured by continuous-
time deterministic models, in particular when exposure of a
target host to a pathogen from a reservoir is likely to occur
at discrete intervals (27).
As in the deterministic case, low between- and within-
species transmission prevents the pathogen from persisting
in the target host (prevalence 0, Figure 3A; proportion of
time pathogen was absent 100%, Figure 3B). Increasing
the exposure of H2to the pathogen (i.e., increasing β12)
leads to a gradual increase in both the prevalence of infec-
tion and the proportion of time the pathogen is present in
H2. This increase applies even if within-H2transmission is
negligible (β22 0). Therefore, regular, high exposure to
the pathogen from the reservoir can give the appearance of
endemic infection, even if the pathogen cannot be sus-
tained within the population (case 2: apparent multihost
dynamics). Increasing the within-H2transmission rate
(β22) from very low levels has little impact on the preva-
lence of infection or the proportion of time H2is infected.
Eventually, however, a point is reached at which increas-
ing β22 suddenly allows the long-term persistence of the
pathogen in H2. At this point, the persistence threshold is
reached and the pathogen becomes endemic in H2, regard-
less of input from H1. This threshold can be approximated
from the deterministic model by setting β12 = 0 and solv-
ing for R0= 1, which shows that β22 must be > (d+ r)/Kfor
the pathogen to persist in the absence of input from H1(the
horizontal line in Figure 3).
Increasing either between- or within-species transmis-
sion rates (β12 or β22) leads to a point when the host is driv-
en to extinction (Figure 3C), which highlights the danger
of an emerging infectious disease; even if H2is a poor
transmitter of the disease (β22 0), repeated exposure
from H1may be sufficient to drive the population to
extinction. Analysis of the equivalent deterministic model
(model 1) suggests that this threshold should be in the
between-species transmission rate (β12) only (host extinc-
tion is not affected by β22) and is given by β12 > dr/(d – r)
for H2extinction to occur (shown by the vertical line in
Figure 3). Thus, even if the probability that H2will con-
tract the pathogen is very low (β12 0), a single transmis-
sion event may spark an epidemic that completely
decimates the population (region 3).
Implications for Disease Control
The correct classification of the different regions of the
community-epidemiology continuum are of more than just
semantic importance; quantifying the between- and with-
in-species transmission rates and the location of a host-
pathogen system within the continuum are vital to
determine the appropriate control strategy. Haydon et al.
(13) proposed 3 means of controlling infection in a target-
reservoir system: 1) target control, which is aimed at con-
trolling infection within the target population; 2) blocking
tactics, to prevent transmission between the reservoir and
target host population; and 3) reservoir control, which sup-
presses infection within the reservoir. These 3 control
strategies correspond to reducing the within- and between-
species transmission rates (β22, β12, and β11, respectively).
The benefits of each approach will vary according to the
relative contributions different transmission processes
Framework for Classifying Disease Threats
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 11, No. 12, December 2005 1819
Figure 3. Stochastic model predictions of system behavior in β12β22 parameter space. Each square represents the average of 100 sim-
ulation runs. Two measures of pathogen persistence are shown: A) Mean prevalence of infection in H2, where black represents zero
prevalence and white represents 100% prevalence, and B) Proportion of time in which the pathogen is absent (i.e., has faded out) from
H2, where white represents zero fade-outs (i.e., the pathogen is always present in H2) and black represents 100% fade-outs (i.e., the
pathogen never infects H2). C) Probability of pathogen-driven host extinction, where black represents the case in which all runs resulted
in host extinction and white the case in which none of the runs resulted in host extinction. The horizontal dashed lines are the determin-
istic approximation threshold. The points marked A and B in panel A and the associated arrows represent different control scenarios for
2-host pathogen systems located at different points within the continuum (see text for details).
make to the overall prevalence in the new host (H2). Our
stochastic model showed that high exposure to the
pathogen from the reservoir host can give the appearance
of endemic infection in the target host, even if it cannot
sustain the pathogen alone. In this case, the optimal control
strategy is completely different from that used against a
true multihost pathogen endemic in the target host. For a
host-pathogen system in region 2 of the continuum (appar-
ent multihost dynamics), where between-species transmis-
sion rates are high but within-H2transmission rates are low
(point A in Figure 3A), the prevalence of infection in H2
may be very high, but mounting a target control program
aimed at reducing within-H2transmission is unlikely to be
effective (the vertical arrow from point A in Figure 3A).
However, blocking control, which would reduce transmis-
sion from the reservoir to the target host, may drastically
reduce prevalence (the horizontal arrow from point A in
Figure 3A). Conversely, similar levels of prevalence in H2
may be observed for a host-pathogen system located in
region 4 of the continuum (point B in Figure 3A) but
because of fundamentally different processes. In this case,
blocking tactics aimed at preventing transmission from the
reservoir to the target host will be ineffectual (horizontal
arrow from point B in Figure 3A), but target control may
prove highly effective (vertical arrow from point B in
Figure 3A). Therefore, establishing the initial location of a
novel host-pathogen system within the community-epi-
demiology continuum and understanding the within- and
between-species transmission rates are essential for opti-
mizing vaccination and culling strategies to lessen the
impact of disease.
This report provides a conceptual framework to under-
stand the ecologic characteristics of disease emergence
based on between- and within-species transmission rates
involving a potential disease reservoir population and a tar-
get host population. Using this framework, we outlined 4
possible cases of long-term disease dynamics in the target
host and showed that these outcomes occupy different
regions of a 2-dimensional continuum described by the net
between- and within-species transmission rates. Further-
more, the development of the community-epidemiology
framework allows us to clarify the wealth of terminology
currently used to describe disease occurrence in host com-
munities, based on an understanding of the underlying eco-
logic and epidemiologic processes. In particular, the
much-overused terms reservoir and spillover can be seen to
have explicit definitions, depending on whether the
pathogen can be sustained within the target host population.
By explicitly considering how the ecologic and evolu-
tionary characteristics of hosts and pathogens combine to
affect the between- and within-species transmission rates,
and the subsequent consequences for disease occurrence in
a novel host, this framework highlights that current human
diseases, domestic and wild animal diseases, and the
threats of emerging infectious diseases can be understood
by a quantitative framework of the underlying transmis-
sion processes. Given that most parasites can infect multi-
ple host species and the recent surge of emerging
infectious diseases in wildlife and human populations,
understanding the dynamics of disease persistence in novel
hosts has never been more important.
We thank S. Altizer for her enthusiasm about undertaking
this project and helpful comments on the manuscript. We also
thank J. Antonovics and M. Hood for comments on earlier drafts.
This work was initiated at a workshop at Penn State University
on the ecology and evolution of infectious diseases (Hudfest ’03).
A.F. was funded by a fellowship from the National
Environment Research Council.
Dr Fenton is a National Environment Research Council
research fellow at the University of Liverpool. His research inter-
ests include the dynamics of host-parasite systems, emerging
infectious diseases, and the evolution of parasite life-history
Dr Pedersen is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department
of Biology at the University of Virginia. Her research interests
include the ecology of wildlife diseases and multihost, multipar-
asite community dynamics.
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Address for correspondence: Andy Fenton, School of Biological
Sciences, Biosciences Building, Crown St, University of Liverpool,
Liverpool L69 7ZB, UK; fax: 44-151-795-4408; email: a.fenton@
Framework for Classifying Disease Threats
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 11, No. 12, December 2005 1821
International Symposium
on Emerging Zoonoses
Medical and Veterinary
Partnerships To Address Global
March 22-24, 2006
Marriott Marquis Hotel
Atlanta Georgia USA
For Symposium agenda and registration
information visit
Late-breaker Abstracts Submissions
Due February 1
Which infectious diseases are emerging?
Whom are they affecting?
Why are they emerging now?
What can we do to prevent and control them?
... Efforts have been carried out to overcome the methodological and technical limitations and achieve harmonized wildlife population monitoring (APHAEA 2023;Sonnenburg et al., 2017;EFSA, 2023;ENETWILD, 2023). This is even more complicated for multi-host pathogens, where the epidemiology and maintenance does not depend on a single-host species but on a host community network, which might include wildlife, domestic animals, and/or humans (Fenton and Pedersen, 2005;Godfrey, 2013;Portier et al., 2019;Stephen, 2023). While most approaches to assess and monitor wildlife abundance focus on a single species or taxon, determining and achieving knowledge on the host community network, including abundance and interspecific contact rates, must instead be the objective, allowing to fine-tune community interspecific pathogen transmission dynamics (Barroso et al., 2023;González-Crespo et al., 2023a. ...
... Combining epidemiological and community network approaches allows the classification of disease threats according to the risk of exposure and duration (Fenton and Pedersen, 2005;Triguero-Ocaña et al., 2020). Nevertheless, measuring wildlife population health, including demographics and the diversity and status of infectious and noninfectious diseases (Hanisch et al., 2012;Stephen, 2014), faces major methodological, technical, logistical, economic, and even political constraints (Wobeser, 2007;Ryser-Degiorgis, 2013). ...
... The detailed knowledge arising from such combination allows eco-epidemiologically characterizing the status of the pathogens present in a system as emerging, endemically maintained in a multi-host system, or spillover, as well as assessing whether the interaction of the host community with the pathogen(s) has a dilution effect or the multi-species host community exerts a density-dependent maintenance effect on the pathogen (Cortez and Duffy, 2021). IWM also allows defining the specific role of each host taxon, species, or population as maintenance, bridge, or spillover hosts (Fenton and Pedersen, 2005;Gervasi et al., 2017;Pepin et al., 2017;Triguero-Ocaña et al., 2020;Barroso et al., 2023). ...
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Integrated wildlife monitoring (IWM) combines infection dynamics and the ecology of wildlife populations, including aspects defining the host community network. Developing and implementing IWM is a worldwide priority that faces major constraints and biases that should be considered and addressed when implementing these systems. We identify eleven main limitations in the establishment of IWM, which could be summarized into funding constraints and lack of harmonization and information exchange. The solutions proposed to overcome these limitations and biases comprise: (i) selecting indicator host species through network analysis, (ii) identifying key pathogens to investigate and monitor, potentially including nonspecific health markers, (iii) improve and standardize harmonized methodologies that can be applied worldwide as well as communication among stakeholders across and within countries, and (iv) the integration of new noninvasive technologies (e.g., camera trapping (CT) and environmental nucleic acid detection) and new tools that are under ongoing research (e.g., artificial intelligence to speed-up CT analyses, microfluidic polymerase chain reaction to overcome sample volume constraints, or filter paper samples to facilitate sample transport). Achieving and optimizing IWM is a must that allows identifying the drivers of epidemics and predicting trends and changes in disease and population dynamics before a pathogen crosses the interspecific barriers.
... Using a community epidemiological framework to classify disease threats (Fenton & Pedersen, 2005), I summarized knowledge on CWD in multiple cervid species in North America (Figure 1). A key point is that spillover and subsequent within-and/or betweenspecies transmissions are distinct processes, which lead to different pairwise CWD dynamics among species: (1) Mule deer and whitetailed deer are equally competent based on PRNP; that is, expected true multihost. ...
... The recent detection of CWD among wild reindeer in Europe necessitates F I G U R E 1 A conceptual figure illustrating chronic wasting disease (CWD) dynamics among host species in North America, and a priori assumptions regarding CWD dynamics in a multihost cervid community in Europe based on known host species traits and niche overlap. Adapting the community epidemiology framework of Fenton and Pedersen (2005). EID, emerging infectious disease; H1/H2, host 1/host2; PRNP, prion protein gene. ...
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Many pathogens can infect several host species, which complicates the management of wildlife diseases. Even for generalist pathogens, hosts are not equally competent, and variable niche overlap between hosts leads to different exposure levels within hosts when compared with that between hosts. Hence, the processes determining spillover risk and the subsequent transmission dynamics within and between species differ. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a contagious prion disease of the cervids detected across expanded geographic ranges over the last few decades. Multihost management has become topical with CWD detection among reindeer Rangifer tarandus in Europe, with an immediate spillover risk to sympatric species. Here, I argue for the use of a community epidemiological framework that distinguishes between‐ and within‐host dynamics arising from host competence and exposure processes. In CWD, host competence is mainly determined by how variants of the prion protein gene (PRNP) affect susceptibility. The exposure level is not only linked to the density of infected and susceptible hosts both within and between species but also to the spatiotemporal niche overlap between species and social organization within species. Mule deer Odocoileus hemionus and white‐tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus are highly susceptible and expected to show true multihost dynamics; however, mule deer have a higher CWD prevalence in sympatric areas, indicating only partially linked dynamics. Moose Alces alces are highly susceptible, but cases of CWD‐infected moose are few and appear to be spillover events with subsequent epidemic die outs. Elk Cervus canadensis have less susceptible PRNP variants and low levels of prion shedding in lymphoid tissues, indicating lower contagiousness. CWD prevalence in elk is lower and appears to result from spillover and subsequent within‐species emergence, which is partially independent of sympatric deer. Synthesis and applications. Stronger awareness of the different expected CWD dynamics within and between species may facilitate effective surveillance and management. Surveillance should consider the potential lack of linked dynamics between species when designing sampling. Multihost management can target niche overlap at different scales to limit spillover risk: (1) geographic distribution ranges, (2) density reductions in overlap zones and (3) co‐use of transmission hot spots.
... The pathogen jumps from one host (reservoir) to another (incidental and sympatric), causing damage not only at the individual level but also impacting populations, communities, and ecosystems (e.g., decreasing population density, reducing fitness, and potentially causing local extinctions) (Power & Mitchell 2004). At the individual level, the disease remains in the infected specimen without propagation (dead-end host), while at the population and community levels, the pathogens could be transmitted within the colony or environments leading to other species (Fenton & Pedersen 2005, Nugent 2011). Pathogen outbreaks in new host species can lead to the occurrences of Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs) (Daszak & al. 2000, Pinilla-Gallego & Irwin 2022. ...
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Ants are ubiquitous insects that commonly coexist with honey bees in shared environments. The constant interactions between these species can facilitate the transmission of pathogens from honey bees to ants. If ants prove to be efficient carriers of pathogens, the situation may be exacerbated by spillback events. This systematic review gathers and summarizes instances of honey bee pathogen occurrences in ants. The reports are categorized based on host species, condition and stage, year and geographic area, as well as detection methods. A total of 22 studies have investigated the presence of 11 honey bee pathogens. Among nine detected viruses, five demonstrated replicative capability, suggesting that ants could potentially act as vectors for honey bee pathogens. Clinical symptoms were detected for acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV) in Lasius niger and deformed wing virus (DWV) in Solenopsis invicta. Additionally, multiple co-infections of honey bee pathogens have been observed in nine ant species. Understanding whether ants could act as incidental hosts, primary hosts, or vectors of these pathogens, facilitating transmission to other insects, is crucial. Further studies are necessary to clarify their role in the ecological dynamics of diseases, safeguarding the well-being not only of ants but also of other hymeno pterans and insects.
... If there is asymmetry in this, for example if bank voles are more likely to use a previous wood mouse nest than wood mice are to use previous bank vole nests, then cross-species transmission would more likely occur from wood mice to bank voles, rather than vice versa. Clearly, further work is needed to understand these mechanisms of cross-species transmission, but general theory suggests that for pathogens which show strong reservoirspillover dynamics, the greatest reduction in infection risk for the spillover host is achieved by targeting the reservoir host (wood mice, in this case), rather than the spillover host (bank voles) itself [1,2]. The results presented here provide a rare experimental demonstration of that effect in a natural multihost community. ...
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Vector-borne pathogens, many of which cause major suffering worldwide, often circulate in diverse wildlife communities comprising multiple reservoir host and/or vector species. However, the complexities of these systems make it challenging to determine the contributions these different species make to transmission. We experimentally manipulated transmission within a natural multihost–multipathogen–multivector system, by blocking flea-borne pathogen transmission from either of two co-occurring host species (bank voles and wood mice). Through genetic analysis of the resulting infections in the hosts and vectors, we show that both host species likely act together to maintain the overall flea community, but cross-species pathogen transmission is relatively rare—most pathogens were predominantly found in only one host species, and there were few cases where targeted treatment affected pathogens in the other host species. However, we do provide experimental evidence of some reservoir–spillover dynamics whereby reductions of some infections in one host species are achieved by blocking transmission from the other host species. Overall, despite the apparent complexity of such systems, we show there can be ‘covert simplicity’, whereby pathogen transmission is primarily dominated by single host species, potentially facilitating the targeting of key hosts for control, even in diverse ecological communities.
... In disease models, transmission describes the process by which an infected individual transmits a pathogen to an uninfected individual, and is a critical step in disease outbreak and spillover (Park et al., 2018). When interspecific transmission is sufficiently high, a pathogen may invade a novel host population (Daszak et al., 2000;Fenton and Pedersen, 2005;Wolfe et al., 2007). A key strategy for preventing spillover is to reduce transmission from the reservoir (a population of a single species that maintains the disease) to a susceptible, novel target population (Haydon et al., 2002). ...
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With the rising frequency of pathogen spillover worldwide, wildlife disease dynamics have received increased attention. There are many possible pathway a pathogen can invade and spread through a host population, and the assumed transmission model used to capture disease propagation can influence predictions of pathogen net reproductive success (R0), determining the outbreak dynamics. We synthesize a comprehensive overview of these models and overarching implications, using bovine Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) as a case study. We unify sub-models from the disease ecology literature and clarify the biological motivation behind these models and resulting ecological dynamics. We warn readers of pitfalls regarding the relative orders of the transmission parameters and reiterate that the contact rate determines the transmission model and thus defines key dynamical properties of an outbreak. Transmission in wildlife is linked to ecosystem and human health, and host community structure can mediate pathogen spread. We link these models with disease-biodiversity theories, by considering the role of host diversity in disease transmission, contributing to the debate on the effect of biodiversity and on disease outbreak potential. We decompose the various mechanisms of transmission in a stepwise process, and provide the reader a guide for modelling pathogens in both single-host and multi-host systems.
... One approach to identify which wildlife species comprise the reservoir for a multi-host pathogen, such as rabies, is to determine which species are connected by epidemiologically relevant contact both within and between species (Fenton & Pedersen, 2005;Viana et al., 2014). This type of fine-scale epidemiological information can be difficult to obtain from wildlife populations, especially in the absence of an outbreak, because the identification of disease state often requires capturing and testing of large numbers of animals through invasive methods. ...
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Rabies, a multi‐host pathogen responsible for the loss of roughly 59,000 human lives each year worldwide, continues to impose a significant burden of disease despite control efforts, especially in Ethiopia. However, how species other than dogs contribute to rabies transmission throughout Ethiopia remains largely unknown. In this study, we quantified interactions among wildlife species in Ethiopia with the greatest potential for contributing to rabies maintenance. We observed wildlife at supplemental scavenging sites across multiple landscape types and quantified transmission potential. More specifically, we used camera trap data to quantify species abundance, species distribution, and intra‐ and inter‐species contacts per trapping night over time and by location. We derived a mathematical expression for the basic reproductive number (R0) based on within‐ and between‐species contract rates by applying the next generation method to the susceptible, exposed, infectious, removed (SEIR) model. We calculated R0 for transmission within each species and between each pair of species using camera trap data in order to identify pairwise interactions that contributed the most to transmission in an ecological community. We estimated which species, or species pairs, could maintain transmission (R0>1${R}_0 > 1$) and which species, or species pairs, had contact rates too low for maintenance (R0<1${R}_0 < 1$). Our results identified multiple urban carnivores as candidate species for rabies maintenance throughout Ethiopia, with hyenas exhibiting the greatest risk for rabies maintenance through intra‐species transmission. Hyenas and cats had the greatest risk for rabies maintenance through inter‐species transmission. Urban and peri‐urban sites posed the greatest risk for rabies transmission. The nighttime hours presented the greatest risk for a contact event that could result in rabies transmission. Overall, both intra‐species and inter‐species contacts posed risk for rabies maintenance. Our results can be used to target future studies and inform population management decisions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
This book considers a number of problems posed by ungulates and their management in Europe. Through a synthesis of the underlying biology and a comparison of the management techniques adopted in different countries, the book explores which management approaches seem effective - and in which circumstances. Experts in a number of different areas of applied wildlife biology review various management problems and alternative solutions, including the impact of large ungulates on agriculture, forestry and conservation habitats, the impact of disease and predation on ungulate populations and the involvement of ungulates in road traffic accidents and possible measures for mitigation. This book is directed at practising wildlife managers, those involved in research to improve methods of wildlife management, and policy-makers in local, regional and national administrations.
The development of molecular tools has dramatically increased our knowledge of parasite diversity and the vectors that transmit them. From viruses and protists to arthropods and helminths, each branch of the Tree of Life offers an insight into significant, yet cryptic, biodiversity. Alongside this, the studies of host-parasite interactions and parasitism have influenced many scientific disciplines, such as biogeography and evolutionary ecology, by using comparative methods based on phylogenetic information to unravel shared evolutionary histories. Parasite Diversity and Diversification brings together two active fields of research, phylogenetics and evolutionary ecology, to reveal and explain the patterns of parasite diversity and the diversification of their hosts. This book will encourage students and researchers in the fields of ecology and evolution of parasitism, as well as animal and human health, to integrate phylogenetics into the investigation of parasitism in evolutionary ecology, health ecology, medicine and conservation.
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The first part of this paper surveys emerging pathogens of wildlife recorded on the ProMED Web site for a 2-year period between 1998 and 2000. The majority of pathogens recorded as causing disease outbreaks in wildlife were viral in origin. Anthropogenic activities caused the outbreaks in a significant majority of cases. The second part of the paper develops some matrix models for quantifying the basic reproductive number, R-0, for a variety of potential types of emergent pathogen that cause outbreaks in wildlife. These analyses emphasize the sensitivity of R-0, to heterogeneities created by either the spatial structure of the host population, or the ability of the pathogens to utilize multiple host species. At each stage we illustrate how the approach provides insight into the initial dynamics of emergent pathogens such as canine parvovirus, Lyme disease, and West Nile virus in the United States.
This chapter provides an introduction to the evolutionary ecology of viruses. It deals with condition and capacity of the selective environment in determining the evolutionary path of viruses. This selective environment is partitioned into many compartments, each of which has a role in shaping the overall adaptive landscape. This chapter demonstrates the extreme range of virus adaptability that allows these beings to parasitize genomes in essentially any of their possible manifestations and to subsequently exhibit overwhelming diversity. This chapter presents the mechanisms that are employed in diversification: adaptation, genetic exchange, mutation, niche segregation, and cospeciation. These mechanisms contribute fundamentally to the broad range of viruses' variation. This chapter illustrates the evolutionary history of imaginary virus taxa in relation to their hosts. The existence of viruses also induces evolutionary responses in their hosts, which in turn feeds back as changes in the virus adaptive landscape.
This is a major synthesis of the theory and empirical knowledge about the ecology and epidemiology of infectious diseases in natural, unmanaged, animal and plant populations. Throughout the book a dialogue is developed between the patterns observed in empirical studies of disease in natural populations and the mathematical models used to dissect and examine the observed epidemiological patterns. The book arose from a symposium at the Newton Institute at Cambridge University. It is divided into a number of reviews by experts in various fields and four group reports: two of these synthesize important issues relating to the dynamics of microparasites and macroparasites, while the others discuss spatial patterns in disease dynamics and the evolutionary biology of parasites, pathogens and their hosts.
Evidence of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection has been reported for 26 different species of African nonhuman primates. Two of these viruses, SIVcpz from chimpanzees and SIVsm from sooty mangabeys, are the cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. Together, they have been transmitted to humans on at least seven occasions. The implications of human infection by a diverse set of SIVs and of exposure to a plethora of additional human immunodeficiency virus–related viruses are discussed.
Multihost parasites can infect different types of hosts or even different host species. Epidemiological models have shown the importance of the diversity of potential hosts for understanding the dynamics of infectious disease (e.g., the importance of reservoirs), but the consequences of this diversity for virulence and transmission evolution remain largely overlooked. Here, I present a general theoretical framework for the study of life-history evolution of multihost parasites. This analysis highlights the importance of epidemiology (the relative quality and quantity of different types of infected hosts) and between-trait constraints (both within and between different hosts) to parasite evolution. I illustrate these effects in different transmission scenarios under the simplifying assumption that parasites can infect only two types of hosts. These simple but contrasted evolutionary scenarios yield new insights into virulence evolution and the evolution of transmission routes among different hosts. Because many of the pathogens that have large public-health and agricultural impacts have complex life cycles, an understanding of their evolutionary dynamics could hold substantial benefits for management.
Examines the effect of a shared infectious disease on species coexistence in a differential equation model that generalizes to 2 host species, a 1-host 1-disease model explored by Anderson and May (1979). In this model, the transmission rate is described by a 'mass action' term; there is no acquired immunity; and the infectious disease is the only factor regulating population growth. These assumptions, which are generally more applicable to invertebrate than to vertebrate hosts, are carried over to this 2-host model. There are 3 possible outcomes to the interaction: 1) one host species may unilaterally exclude the other; 2) the 2 host species may coexist; or 3) either host may exclude the other, with the outcome depending on initial conditions. These outcomes are graphically expressed with isoclines similar to those generated by the Lotka-Volterra model. The model identifies 3 ingredients that must be assessed to predict the consequences of shared infectious disease for species coexistence: the intrinsic capacity for increase of each host; the per capita birth, death, and recovery rates of infected individuals; and the pattern of within- and cross-species infections. Also, given certain assumptions, including that infectious disease is the only factor regulating population growth, at equilibrium the ratio of infected to uninfected individuals in any particular host species is independent of the presence of absence of alternative host species. Further, the basic model does not lead to stable coexistence for an infectious disease that is only transmitted between host species and not within host species (ie host-parasite systems involving alternate hosts, such as infectious diseases carried between definitive hosts by intermediate hosts).-from Authors
Many pathogens and parasites attack multiple host species, so their ability to invade a host community can depend on host community composition. We present a graphical isocline framework for studying disease establishment in systems with two host species, based on treating host species as resources. The isocline approach provides a natural generalization to multi-host systems of two related concepts in disease ecology – the basic reproductive rate of a parasite, and threshold host density. Qualitative isocline shape characterizes the threshold community configurations that permit parasite establishment. In general, isocline shape reflects the relative forces of inter- and intraspecific transmission of shared parasites. We discuss the qualitative implications of parasite isocline shape for issues of mounting concern in conservation ecology.
The evolution of niche breadth or phenotypic plasticity is often assumed to be limited by negative genetic correlations among fitness in different environments, but these trade-offs are rarely observed. Many other constraints can reduce the mean niche breadth of species. This article discusses one of these limitations-that species with broader niche breadths can have a slower rate of evolutionary response. Species with narrower niche breadths have higher probabilities of fixing beneficial alleles, taking less time to do so; they have fewer deleterious alleles drifting to fixation (a lighter drift load) and a lower frequency of deleterious alleles at mutation- selection equilibrium (a lighter mutation load). These patterns are true even with no correlation at all between fitness in different environments; no trade-offs are assumed. Furthermore, niche breadth is likely to evolve to be more narrow, because of the association between location and alleles favored in local habitats for individuals with reduced migration, assortative mating, or habitat selection. The evolution of niche breadth and plasticity is not a simple function of the fitness in different environments; understanding niche breadth evolution requires consideration of the limitations of the evolutionary process per se.