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Orphan drug policies: implications for the United States, Canada, and developing countries

Orphan Drug Policies:
Implications for the United States, Canada,
and Developing Countries
Richard Y. Cheung , Jillian C. Cohen and Patricia Illingworth*
The United States’ Orphan Drug Act (“ODA”) has been hailed as “one of the
most successful US legislative actions in recent history”.
Although many coun-
tries, and governing bodies, have enacted Orphan Drug legislation in the past
decade, the United States (US) was the first country to implement an official policy,
primarily because of public pressure due to the lack of treatment options for rare
disease sufferers in the US. For everyone who has espoused the virtues of the ODA
in encouraging research into rare disease treatments, there are equal numbers of
detractors who claim that it is a policy that serves mainly to promote private industry
by allowing companies to charge outrageous prices for products that rare disease
sufferers have no option but to purchase. While these are wildly divergent opinions,
the true value of the ODA likely resides somewhere in between.
This paper will provide some background on the history of drug development
leading up to the enactment of the ODA. The US ODA will be described in brief
detail outlining the incentives structure the ODA provides. The successes and
limitations of the ODA, since its inception will be examined and comparisons will
be made with other jurisdictions, where relevant. The issue of potentially applying
ODA concepts to resolve the drug development gap that presently exists for
neglected diseases in developing countries will also be considered. Finally, policy
recommendations that could help reconcile some of the perceived deficiencies of
the ODA will be put forth. In addition, final perspectives will be presented.
2.0 Creation of Orphans
The late 1950s and early 1960s were marred by the infamous thalidomide
Thalidomide was a drug that was prescribed to pregnant women to
alleviate symptoms associated with morning sickness. However, when taken during
the first trimester of pregnancy it affected the proper growth of the fetus, resulting
Richard Y. Cheung, PhD, is a first-year law student at the University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario; Jillian C. Cohen is an Assistant Professor at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
Toronto, and Patricia Illingworth is an Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religion,
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts. Correspondence: e-mail:
Marlene E. Haffner, Janet Whitley & Marie Moses, “Two Decades of Orphan Product Development”
(2002) 1:10 Nature Reviews 821, at 821.
in significant birth defects in thousands of children worldwide. Tragic incidents
such as this led to the passage of the Kefauver-Harris Bill in the US; although
thalidomide was never approved in the US market largely because of the circum-
spection of Frances Kelsey, a drug evaluator of the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) at the time.
The Kefauver-Harris Bill amended the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
(1962) by requiring all drugs to be proven safe and effective by adequate well-con-
trolled studies before being approved for the US market.
While this improved
public protection from potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals, it also dramatically
increased the costs associated with drug development. Consequently, pharmaceu-
tical companies began to focus on developing treatments for common diseases with
large potential markets in order to maximize the possibility of recouping research
and development costs and generating significant revenues. As a result, rare
diseases were largely ignored because of limited profit motive, hence, becoming
Pursuant to the Kefauver-Harris amendments, the development gap between
drugs for common versus rare diseases widened to the point where either very few
or no treatment options were available for some disease conditions (e.g. Crohn’s
disease, Hansen’s disease, etc.).
The worsening situation mobilized rare disease
sufferers, as they worked aggressively to draw attention to the lack of treatment
options available.
Patient advocacy groups continue to be the driving force behind
the enactment of orphan drug legislation. Not only did they play a significant role
in the US in the early 1980’s, but following the US example in the late 1990s, groups
like Eurordis (European Organization for Rare Diseases modeled after the US based
National Organization for Rare Diseases or NORD) also successfully lobbied in
the EU for the enactment of an orphan drug policy.
3.0 United States Orphan Drug Act
The plight of rare disease sufferers became a significant public issue in the
late 1970s to early 1980s. The US government was subject to pressure from
non-governmental organizations like NORD. Interestingly, NORD’s issue became
a cause celebre when the actor Jack Klugman took an interest in the issue and helped
promote the passage of the ODA into law.
The star of a popular television medical
drama at the time, Klugman devoted episodes of his show to rare disease issues.
Health Law Journal Vol. 12, 2004
Teri Randall, “Thalidomide has 37-Year History” (1990) 263:11 Journal of the American Medical
Association 1474.
note 1 at 821.
John Henkel, “Orphan Drug Law Matures into Medical Mainstay” (1999)
FDA Consumer
33:3 (May-
June 1999) 29 at 30.
note 1 at 821.
John Henkel, “How TV Launched the Orphan Drug Law”
FDA Consumer
33:3 (May-June 1999) 34 at
This led to a huge outpouring of public support that the US government could not
On January 4, 1983, then President Ronald Reagan signed the ODA into law.
Drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic agents would now qualify for orphan status if they
were intended to treat a disease group with a prevalence of less than 200,000 US
citizens. In order to encourage the development of drugs for orphan diseases, the
ODA included a number of incentives including: (i) seven-year market exclusivity
for firms that developed orphan drugs; (ii) tax credits equal to half of the develop-
ment costs — later amended to offer a fifteen-year carry-forward provision and a
three-year carry-back stipulation that can be applied in profitable years; (iii) drug
development grants; (iv) fast-track development and approvals of drugs indicated
for rare diseases; (v) expanded access to the Investigational New Drug Program,
which allows patients access to pre-approved orphan drugs; and (vi) fee reductions,
whereby the US FDA waives its drug application fees.
Market exclusivity is particularly appealing to pharmaceutical firms as an
incentive to pursue orphan drug development. The seven-year market exclusivity
period differs from traditional patent law in that it does not begin until the drug is
granted FDA approval and is independent of the drug’s current patent status.
Furthermore, if a market competitor wishes to introduce a drug for the same
indication, the onus is on the competitor to prove that their drug is therapeutically
superior (e.g. increased efficacy, less toxicity, etc.) when compared to the present
drug indicated for the rare disease of interest. This incentive creates an attractive
monopolistic market for companies interested in developing a product for any given
rare disease.
4.0 Success of the US Orphan Drug Act
4.1 A Star is Born
There are an estimated 6000 rare diseases worldwide. In the US alone, it is
thought that upwards of 25 million people suffer from rare diseases.
In the absence
of an incentive structure that encourages the development of treatments for rare
diseases, a significant percentage of the US population, as well as in other countries
Cheung, Cohen & Illingworth
Orphan Drug Policies
Marlene E. Haffner, “Orphan Drugs: the United States Experience” (1999) 33 Drug Information Journal
Carson R. Reider, “The Orphan Drug Act: Provisions and Considerations” (2000) 34:1 Drug Informa-
tion Journal 297 [Reider]; Lisa Ruby Basara & Michael Montagne,
Searching for Magic Bullets
York: Pharmaceutical Products Press, 1994) at 144-146 [Basara].
Thomas Maeder, “The Orphan Drug Backlash” (2003) 288:5 Scientific American 80 at 81.
throughout the world, would not have treatments for their diseases. This further
underscores the moral and health significance of the ODA.
Before its enactment in 1983, only ten products for the treatment of rare
diseases were approved for use in the US.
Since then, over 1,100 medicinal
products have received orphan status in the US, with 248 of these products gaining
approval by the FDA.
This increase in drug development has benefitted countless
sufferers of rare diseases by introducing products that have both improved the
quality of life of orphan disease patients and extended life expectancies. Not only
has this legislation helped patients, but it has also benefitted the health care system
through cost-savings because many of the treatments help to avoid expensive
surgeries and their incidental costs.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a good example of a designated orphan disease. In the
1980s, CF patients rarely lived beyond their early teens — their brief lives marked
by repeated lung infections. However, drugs like Pulmozyme and Tobramycin,
both developed with aid from the ODA, revolutionized treatment for CF patients
by significantly improving their quality of life and extending their life expectancies.
Now, CF patients often survive into their thirties and some into their fifties.
stories are commonplace now in large part due to the success of the ODA.
In 2002, President George W. Bush signed the Rare Diseases Act into law.
This bill amended the Public Health Service Act in the US to establish an official
Office of Rare Diseases having federal powers. It also increased funding for the
development of treatments for patients with rare diseases. This was a significant
event in that it re-affirmed the growing importance of orphan disease issues.
A number of cases have surfaced in the U.S. courts that reflect the high value
pharmaceutical and biotech companies place on securing orphan drug designation,
and in particular, on the seven-year period of market exclusivity. Although the
ODA does not limit the number of drugs that may be designated for a specific
orphan disease, if an orphan drug has received market approval first, then the FDA
is not permitted to confer orphan drug status on another drug until after the
seven-year period.
Second, similar drugs can win orphan drug designation only
if it can be shown that the second drug is clinically superior to the marketed drug.
Health Law Journal Vol. 12, 2004
note 1 at 824.
Carol Rados, “Orphan Products: Hope for People with Rare Diseases”
FDA Consumer
37.6 (Novem-
ber-December 2003), online: U.S. Food and Drug Administration
note 11 at 81.
note 5 at 29.
Alexander Iribarne, “Orphan Diseases and Adoptive Initiatives” (2003) 290:1 Journal of the American
Medical Association 116.
Robert A. Bohrer & John T. Prince, “A Tale of Two Proteins: The FDA’s Uncertain Interpretation of
the Orphan Drug Act” (1998-1999) 12 Harv. J.L. & Tech. 365 at 371.
21 U.S.C. § 360bb (1997),
see also
21 C.F.R. § 316.20(a) (1999).
Only the first manufacturer to receive full FDA approval, including pre-clinical
studies on laboratory animals and clinical investigation receives exclusivity. The
two exceptions to the exclusivity rule are first, when the exclusivity holder cannot
provide adequate amounts of the drug and second, the exclusivity holder consents
to it.
Obviously, given what is at stake with orphan drug designation, especially
the promise of market exclusivity, the question of what will count as the same vs.
a different drug is important. Indeed, much of the litigation in this area is over this
In Genentech, Inc. v. Bowen, 676 F. Supp. 301 (D.D.C. 1987), the ODA’s
definition of “different” was at issue. Genentech had been granted market exclu-
sivity for Protropin, a genetically engineered human growth hormone, helpful in
treating hypopituitary dwarfism. Shortly after, Eli Lilly was given market exclu-
sivity under the ODA for Humatrope, a human growth hormone, that differed from
Protropin only with respect to one amino acid. Genentech objected on the grounds
that for purposes of the ODA, Humatrope was the same as Protropin and therefore
ineligible for market exclusivity. The U.S. District Court for the District of
Columbia held that the two were not the same under the ODA but it refused to state
a rule for determining when two drugs are different.
The same question arose in Amgen, Inc. v. Chugai Pharm. Co.
Amgen had
received orphan drug exclusivity for Epogen, for the treatment of chronic anemia
associated with end stage renal disease. Soon after Chugai attempted to secure
orphan drug designation for Marogen, arguing that its glycosylation pattern differed
from Amgen’s Epogen. Eventually Amgen won the dispute. At first the FDA settled
on a definition of “same drug” that specified that a second drug would be considered
the same as the first drug if it has the same “molecular structural features” and was
intended for the same use. However, if the second drug was “clinically superior,”
then it would be considered different.
There were three ways that clinical supe-
riority could be shown: greater effectiveness, greater safety and evidence that the
drug can make an important contribution to unusual cases.
Additional queries concerning this definition arose when the FDA decided
that interferon
, found in Chinese hamster ovaries, and interferon
found in E.
coli were different and could both be approved for the treatment of multiple
sclerosis. Berlax Laboratories, the producer of Betaseron, the E. coli produced drug,
disagreed with the FDA’s decision to approve Avonex and sought to have the
decision reversed. In Berlax Laboratories Inc v. FDA,
the court found that Avonex
was clinically superior to Bateseron. Among the differences between the two is the
Cheung, Cohen & Illingworth
Orphan Drug Policies
note 17 at 373.
at 388.
Amgen, Inc. v. Chugai Pharmaceutical Co
., 927 F.2d 1200 (Fed. Cir. 1991).
21 C.F.R. § 316.3(b)(3)(ii) (1999).
See ibid.
at § 316.3(b)(3)(i)-(iii).
Berlex Laboratories, Inc. v. FDA
, 942 F. Supp. 19 (D.D.C. 1996).
number of times each must be injected. Bataseron must be injected every other day,
while Avonex is injected once a week.
In 2001, the same-drug question was raised again with respect to the cancer
drugs, Paxene and Taxol. Baker Norton developed Paxene and BMS, Taxol. In
March of 1997, Baker Norton submitted a new drug application for Paxene and
sought orphan drug designation for its treatment of Kaposi’s sarcoma, a rare
disease. It received that status on April 15, 1997. Similarly, BMS sought orphan
designation for Taxol for the treatment of Kaposi’s in January of the same year and
was granted that designation by the FDA.
In this race for orphan drug designation,
which ever drug was first approved would receive market exclusivity. The FDA
notified Baker Norton that it had determined that Paxene was safe and effective,
but could not give final approval until after Taxol’s period of exclusivity. It also
stated that Baker Norton could receive final approval for marketing before this date
if it could show that Paxene and Taxol are not the same drug. Baker Norton
responded with a complaint against the FDA in which it claimed that “the regulation
itself is contrary to law, because the FDA’s interpretation of the word “drug” is
contrary to unambiguous legislative intent, or, alternatively, that its interpretation
is unreasonable and impermissible.”
The complaint alleged that the FDA wrongly
interpreted the term “drug” to encompass only the active ingredient rather than the
entire drug product and that its refusal to grant final approval of Paxene were
“arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with
In count II, it claimed that the FDA exceeded its statutory discretion when
it refused to grant approval for Paxene. Most of the case consisted of an analysis
of the permissibility of the FDAs interpretation of the term “drug.” The court found
that the FDAs interpretation was permissible and consistent with the purpose of the
Orphan Drug Act. What this brief overview of some of the key cases in this area
shows is that the Orphan Drug Act’s offer of market exclusivity in exchange for
the development of products that will treat orphan disease is indeed prized by the
pharmaceutical community.
4.2 “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”
To further underscore the importance of the US legislation, in 1993 and 1999
respectively, Japan and the EU each passed orphan drug legislation. While Japan
and the EU essentially copied the tried and tested US orphan drug model, differ-
ences do exist. Australia and Singapore have also instituted limited orphan drug
policies that have benefited rare disease patients in their respective countries. To
date, Canada has not implemented an official orphan drug policy, choosing instead
to rely on a combination of access mechanisms to procure orphan drugs for its rare
disease sufferers.
Health Law Journal Vol. 12, 2004
Baker Norton Pharmaceuticals, Inc., v. FDA
, 132 F. Supp. 2d 30 (D.D.C. 2001).
at 33.
(quoting the
Administrative Procedures Act
, 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A) (2000)).
4.2.1 Japan
The disease prevalence limit for the classification as an orphan disease in
Japan is set at less-than 0.04% of the country’s population, a lower level than both
the US and EU which place the limit at 0.1% of their respective populations.
Successful orphan drugs are also granted ten-years of market exclusivity, compared
to seven-years in the US. Furthermore, before drugs are granted orphan status in
Japan, they must have a reasonable assurance of successful development. One of
the most unique inclusions in the Japanese legislative regime is the stipulation that
mandates companies to pay a one-percent sales tax on orphan drugs that have annual
profits exceeding $100 million yen until such time as government subsidies
received by the firm have been repaid.
4.2.2 European Union
Throughout the 1990’s, the European Commission, the legislative body of
the EU, displayed increasing interest in issues surrounding orphan drug develop-
ment — partly in response to mounting pressure from organized rare diseases
advocacy groups (e.g. Eurordis). Prior to the EU’s enactment of an orphan drug
policy in 1999, none of the member countries had explicit orphan drug legislation.
However, some countries, including the United Kingdom, France, and Sweden had
broad national drug policies that encompassed and encouraged orphan drug devel-
These policies generally included incentives for drug development in the
form of regulatory and application fee reductions, as well as programs to facilitate
access to orphan drug medications.
Like Japan, the EU gives approved orphan drugs a ten-year market exclusiv-
ity period. While the EU does not provide companies with tax credits due to the
differences in tax structures between member nations, sponsor companies are still
able to obtain tax benefits by negotiating with individual countries. The EU charged
the London-based European Agency for Evaluation of Medicinal Products
(EMEA) with administering the mandate of its legislation, amongst other respon-
sibilities. The significance of the EMEA is that it is a cost-saving mechanism for
both EU member nations and orphan drug sponsor companies because it stream-
lines the application and approval process. EU legislation also provides incentives
for companies developing products for diseases occurring mainly in tropical
regions. Recently, in an effort to curtail any possible exploitation of orphan drug
incentives by drug companies, the EU amended its legislation requiring that all
orphan drugs be stripped of their orphan status after five-years if they are considered
to be “extraordinarily profitable”.
Cheung, Cohen & Illingworth
Orphan Drug Policies
Makoto Shiragami & Kiyohito Nakai, “Development of Orphan Drugs in Japan: Characteristics of
Orphan Drugs Developed in Japan” (2000) 34:3 Drug Information Journal 839; Mae Thamer & Niall
Brennan, “A Cross-National Comparison of Orphan Drug Policies: Implications for the U.S. Orphan
Drug Act” (1998) 23:2 J. Health Pol. 265 at 280 [Thamer].
. at 273.
Jean Lang & Susan C. Wood, “Development of Orphan Vaccines: An Industry Perspective” (1999) 5:6
Emerging Infectious Diseases 749;
note 11 at 83.
4.2.3 Australia and Singapore
Other countries that have also adopted specific orphan drug legislation
include Singapore and Australia. Singapore’s legislative regime, which came into
operation at the end of 1991, sets up a definition of orphan drugs and provides a
legal framework for imports into Singapore.
Australia adopted its orphan drug
policy in 1997. With the help of the US FDA, the Therapeutic Goods Administra-
tion developed specific orphan drug legislation largely based on the US model and
the FDA’s experience with it. The incentives of the Australian program are fee
waivers and priority evaluation. It does not offer market exclusivity, tax credits, or
4.2.4 Canada
Canada has no official policy for orphan drugs, possibly stemming from a
combination of low relative levels of innovative drug research, reliance on the US
market, and a small population. Fortunately, Canada does have systems in place
that enable rare disease sufferers to obtain necessary drugs when required.
such mechanism is the Special Access Program, which allows for the emergency
release of drugs otherwise unavailable for sale in Canada. Although the program is
good in intent, it is often inefficient and has a number of bureaucratic obstacles. In
terms of stimulating orphan drug development, companies that undertake orphan
drug development are eligible to receive research and development tax credits,
qualify for protection that Canada’s strong patent laws provide, and are entitled to
a reduction in the new drug application fees offered through the Therapeutic
Products Directorate (TPD).
In 1996, TPD, known as the Drug Directorate at the time, investigated the
rare disease issue in Canada and concluded that: (i) all orphan drugs approved in
the US, at the time of the report, were available in Canada; (ii) the high costs of
orphan drugs could be an obstacle to patient access; and (iii) the Canadian
population was not large enough to support significant research and development
in the area. Their recommendation was that no orphan drug policy was needed since
Canadians already had access to orphan drugs.
In an era of diminishing resources, an official orphan drug policy for
stimulating the development of orphan drugs in Canada can be viewed as unnec-
essary given the relative paucity of innovative drug research that is presently
conducted in Canada. On the other hand, it could encourage greater investment in
Health Law Journal Vol. 12, 2004
European Union, Scientific and Technical Options Assessment,
Orphan Drugs
(March 1999), online:
European Parliament <>.
Austl., Commonwealth, Department of Health and Aged Care,
the Orphan Drug Program and
Improving Community Access to Effective Drugs for Rare Diseases
, (Canberra: Australian Government
Publishing Service, December 2001) at 38.
Canada, Health Canada,
Orphan Drug Policy
(Ottawa: Drugs Directorate, 27 November 1996) at 9.
at 20.
research and development by the pharmaceutical industry in Canada. While the
prospect of forging a strong biotechnology sector in Canada is enticing, it does not
address the immediate needs of orphan disease sufferers in the country. Given the
importance of providing life-saving or life-enhancing products to those in need, we
propose that a policy be developed that focuses on improving access of these
treatments to Canadian sufferers of rare diseases through the establishment of a
Canadian National Office of Rare Diseases. Both physicians and rare disease
sufferers often argue that it is difficult to find current information on rare diseases
and their available treatment options.
Not only could a central office serve to
disseminate important information on rare diseases, but it could also facilitate
access to orphan drugs by providing funds to help patients purchase expensive
treatment options or even identify individuals who might qualify for clinical trials
in Canada or abroad. This is a practical policy solution that ideally will not demand
much in the way of human and financial resources.
Clearly, the success of the US ODA can be measured in myriad ways. It has
succeeded in creating incentives for the development of drugs for rare diseases,
evidenced by the unprecedented number of drugs and biological agents that have
applied for orphan status following the enactment of the legislation. Furthermore,
the US orphan drug program has been used as a legislative model for many other
countries and has had an impact on shaping policies concerning both access to, and
development of, orphan drugs for people with rare diseases. While the provisions
of the US ODA may not presently be feasible in some countries (e.g. Canada) for
various reasons, this should not deter the development of a focused rare disease
treatment strategy. As Australia has shown, through collaboration and a practical
assessment of a population’s health needs, rare disease sufferers can benefit from
even partial application of the US ODA principles.
5.0 Two Sides to Every Coin
5.1 Rich Orphans
While the ODA has been largely successful, there are still some challenges
that must be overcome. One of the most common criticisms of the ODA is that it
places no restrictions on the prices companies can charge for their products. While
the majority of orphan drugs are not very profitable, there are numerous examples
of drugs that were developed using orphan drug incentives that have become
“blockbuster” products.
Zidovudine (AZT) is a common medication for HIV/AIDS patients and was
granted orphan status when AIDS was considered an “obscure disease of the
immune system”; however, even when the AIDS epidemic escalated in the US,
AZT maintained its orphan designation. In 1997, it earned Glaxo Wellcome, as the
Cheung, Cohen & Illingworth
Orphan Drug Policies
Andrew Duffy, “Rare Diseases’ Troubling Questions”
Ottawa Citizen
(21 January 2002), A10.
company was known at the time, $471 million (USF) in revenue.
This raises the
question of whether there should be limitations placed on drug designations as
orphan status. However, this could also be viewed as a disincentive for firm
investment in orphan diseases.
Erythropoiten (Epogen) is a drug that is used to boost red blood cells in the
body. It was granted orphan status based on Amgen’s intention to target the
end-stage renal failure population — approximately 78,000 patients at the time.
However, once on the market, clinicians discovered that it was also useful for
boosting red blood cells in cancer and AIDS patients. Thus, the market size for
Epogen dramatically increased to the point where the drug now earns Amgen a
reported US$ 2 billion per year in annual revenue.
Another extraordinarily
profitable orphan drug is Cerezyme (Genzyme), a treatment for Gaucher’s disease,
with annual revenues of US $500 million.
Examples such as these have served to fuel the call for reform by ODA critics.
The ODA explicitly states that, “a pharmaceutical company which develops an
orphan drug may reasonably expect the drug to generate relatively small sales in
comparison to the cost of developing the drug and consequently to incur a financial
From this statement, it would seem that the spirit of the ODA is ostensibly
to break down one of the main barriers to orphan drug development — the ability
for companies to recover sunk costs. Thus, companies that develop blockbuster
orphan drugs are often accused of abusing the system.
While the impact the ODA has had on drug development for rare diseases is
not in question, critics have lobbied for reform claiming that the incentive structure
is excessively generous. They argue that the lack of price controls coupled with
vague definitions of orphan diseases encourage an inflationary market.
financial aid programs are available to help rare disease sufferers purchase treat-
ments that are otherwise unobtainable due to cost, it is not uncommon to hear stories
of patients having to sell their homes and spend their life-savings simply to qualify
for government or corporate assistance programs.
This lack of price control
defeats the purpose of the legislation which is to ensure that those patients that need
life-saving or life-enhancing products have access to them. While some third party
insurance payers offer coverage for orphan drugs, the high costs associated with
some treatments often lead to situations where either the premiums become
Health Law Journal Vol. 12, 2004
“Safety in Numbers
The Economist
64 347:8070 (30 May 1998); Susannah Motl, Sarah J. Miller &
Patrick Burns, “Programs Established by FDA to Expedite Patient Access to Medications” (2003) 60
American Journal of Health System Pharmacy 339.
“Safety in Numbers”,
at 64.
Brian Reid, “New Products Highlight Ambiguity of Orphan Drug Law” (2003) 21 Nature Biotechnol-
ogy 6 at 7.
The Orphan Drug Act of 1983
, Pub. L. No. 97-414, 96 Stat. 2049 (codified at 21 U.S.C. § 360aa-360ee).
A.M. Garber, “Benefits versus profits: has the orphan drug act gone too far?” (1994) 5:2 PharmacoE-
conomics 88.
note 11 at 83.
extraordinarily high, or the lifetime maximum for the plan is exceeded whereupon
the coverage is revoked.
Proponents for reform of the US orphan legislation assert that the high cost
of orphan drugs is unethical because rare disease patients have no alternative
treatment options. They are placed in a morally reprehensible situation. This has
prompted many to label the ODA as nothing more than a “Biotechnology Promo-
tion Act”
, as it has spawned a considerable biotechnology industry that has been
allowed to flourish from sales of highly priced products in a monopolistic market
— largely due to the incentives offered by the Act. Critics assert that it is unjust
when private companies use public monies to develop blockbuster drugs without
reimbursement. Furthermore, they argue that the US prevalence limit for orphan
disease designation is too generous; unconvinced that a drug will be unprofitable
simply because its target indication has a patient population of less than 200,000
5.2 A Growing Call for Change
While reforms have been proposed in the past, they have repeatedly been
voted down in Congress or vetoed by the incumbent US President, likely due to the
enormous influence that the research based pharmaceutical industry has on political
decision makers in the United States. Some of the more popular reform proposals
include: (i) having an orphan drug forfeit its status, and the accompanying incen-
tives, if the size of the patient population it serves grows beyond 200,000;
employing a “sales trigger” whereby a drug loses its orphan designation if the
cumulative revenue it generates exceeds a predetermined target within the seven-
year market exclusivity window;
and (iii) shortening the length of market exclu-
sivity to four-years with an opportunity for a three-year extension (seven-years
total) if the drug is proven to be truly unprofitable.
While the merits of each of
these proposals have been extensively discussed in literature,
the emergence of
pharmacogenomics has strengthened the commonly held belief that the ODA
cannot continue unaltered.
Pharmacogenomics holds the possibility of targeting a drug therapy to an
individual based on that patient’s genetic sequence — individualized drug thera-
Until recently, pharmaceutical companies have “relied on mass sales of
Cheung, Cohen & Illingworth
Orphan Drug Policies
note 10 at 298;
note 28 at 83.
note 28 at 80.
note 28 at 269.
note 10 at 157.
note 38 at 271.
note 10 at 143-159.
Arti K. Rai, “Pharmacogenetic Interventions, Orphan Drugs, and Distributive Justice: the Role of
Cost-benefit Analysis” (2002) 19:2 Social Philosophy & Policy 246; Haffner,
note 1 at 824.
identical drugs to large, poorly differentiated patient populations.”
However, with
advances in pharmacogenomics, what is now considered and treated as a homoge-
neous disease may in fact be an aggregate of different genetic sequences, each with
different responses to any given drug therapy.
This will have many potential
consequences within the drug development community. On one hand, it could
improve overall drug development and therapy since drug efficacy will be demon-
strated faster and less expensively, as companies will be able to target drugs
exclusively to patients who will respond favourably. However, it could also be
reasoned that using pharmacogenomics to sub-divide disease populations based on
genetics will lead to the formation of groups with less than 200,000 patients —
creating orphan diseases that did not previously exist. While resource limits have
not been considered to date, a significant increase in the number of designated
orphan products would put considerable strain on limited resources. It also suggests
that these patient groups may very well be subject to high drug prices.
While the proper course of action continues to be heatedly contested by
representatives from all parties, the need for reform of the ODA is apparent.
Although the ODA has undoubtedly served its purpose, the current US legislation
was conceived and written in 1983. Recent scientific advances, coupled with the
burgeoning biotechnology industry and the high prices associated with some of the
drugs that these companies produce, are justifications for reforms which reflect the
current and ever-changing drug development landscape. However, the call for
reform of the ODA should be tempered by the fact that any changes to the incentive
structure of the legislation may negatively impact on the degree to which companies
may be willing to invest into rare disease research. While, the EU and Japan have
both included clauses in their respective policies that strip profitable orphan drugs
of their incentives, the level of drug development in these countries is minor relative
to the US industry. After all, it has been the generous incentive structure of the
ODA that has made the initiative so successful to-date.
6.0 Applicability of Principles of the ODA
to Tropical Diseases?
Even though developing countries represent about 80 percent of the global
population, they represent a relatively small proportion of the global pharmaceuti-
cal market in value (about 20 percent of the global value),
thus providing limited
market incentives for the development of new drugs specific to diseases endemic
to those countries (including many tropical diseases). Since 1973, more than
twenty-five new infectious diseases have emerged, all requiring treatment with
Health Law Journal Vol. 12, 2004
note 11 at 84.
note 1 at 824.
Daniel Berman & Suerie Moon, “Fatal Imbalance: The Crisis in Research and Development for Drugs
for Neglected Diseases” (Geneva: Médecins Sans Frontières Access to Essential Medicines Campaign
and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Working Group, September 2001) at 8.
Some like HIV/AIDS are global in their scope and are particu-
larly devastating. Other diseases like cholera, tuberculosis, and malaria are mainly
disease burdens of developing states.
Even though global expenditure on health research and development has
increased significantly and continues to rise, diseases of the poor are still largely
ignored by the pharmaceutical industry. In 2001, an estimated US$ 70 billion was
invested globally in health research and development, with the US private sector
alone accounting for just under half of the spending.
An analysis of drug
development outcomes over the past 25 years shows that only 15 new drugs were
indicated for tropical diseases and tuberculosis.
These diseases primarily affect
poor populations and account for 12% of the global disease burden. In comparison,
179 new drugs were developed for cardiovascular diseases, which represent 11%
of the global burden of disease.
It is clear that the issue of orphan drugs is not exclusive to developing
countries, as even prevalent diseases can be considered orphans. Companies tend
to avoid developing drugs for certain disease groups deemed to have small markets
because of the uncertainty surrounding their ability to recover investment dollars.
Similarly, the pharmaceutical industry avoids developing drugs for diseases in
developing countries, not because of the small market, but because of their inability
to pay for the drugs.
Market exclusivity is widely regarded to be the most motivating incentive
for companies to develop drugs for rare diseases. However, it is unlikely that a
similar incentive will stimulate research into tropical diseases. While enforcement
of the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement
in all World Trade Organization (WTO) member countries by 2005,
and finally
by 2016, may help to mitigate patent concerns, the lack of purchasing power by
developing nations will remain an obstacle. Furthermore, the need to develop
production and distribution mechanisms, due to the lack of infrastructure will place
further cost pressures on companies.
While the ODA has been largely successful in the US, the specific incentives
the ODA offers is unlikely to encourage the same level of development for tropical
diseases in developing countries. The EU and the US extend incentives from their
Cheung, Cohen & Illingworth
Orphan Drug Policies
Jillian Clare Cohen
et al.,
“Improving Transparency in the Pharmaceutical System: The Case of Costa
Rica” (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2002) unpublished paper.
note 11 at 16.
at 10.
Patrice Trouiller
et al
., “Is Orphan Drug Status Beneficial to Tropical Disease Control? Comparison of
the American and Future European Orphan Drug Acts” (1999) 4:6 Tropical Medicine & International
Health 412.
Patrice Trouiller
et al
., “Drug Development for Neglected Diseases: a Deficient Market and a Public-
health Policy Failure” (2002) 359:9324 The Lancet 2188.
respective orphan drug legislations to include drug development for tropical
diseases; however, as of June 2002, no drug candidates for neglected diseases in
developing countries have been developed and marketed through these policies.
This drug development gap has led to a number of proposals aimed at fulfilling the
needs of patients suffering from neglected diseases.
One potential alternative solution includes initiatives such as public-private
partnerships (PPPs), which include collaborations between the private sector (e.g.
pharmaceutical companies, philanthropic institutions, etc.) and the public sector
(e.g. governments, academia, etc.).
Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) and
Global Alliance for Tuberculosis (GAT) are examples of two disease-based PPPs
that have recently been formed, November 1999 and October 2000 respectively,
involving diverse partners such as pharmaceutical industry, academia, and devel-
opment agencies.
MMV and GAT both focus on funding projects that convert
promising drug candidates to viable drug treatments using a social venture capital
While the ultimate success of these PPPs is still to be determined, at
the very least they provide proof that diverse collaborations are possible.
Another proposal put forth to encourage tropical diseases drug research
suggests instituting a regulation requiring a small fraction of industry revenues be
sent to developing countries.
While this proposition may provide recipient nations
with more resources to purchase drugs, it does not provide a long-term solution for
the drug development gap. Furthermore, pharmaceutical companies will likely
compensate for any regulation requiring them to divert money to developing
nations by either increasing the price of their products or by inflating their
development costs.
In the absence of any change in the global distribution of wealth, any plan to
narrow the development gap between drugs indicated for profitable versus ne-
glected diseases will require the support of a third-party since developing countries
do not have the resources at hand to offer companies generous incentives. While
PPPs are present-day examples of such collaborations that have resulted in some
gains, their potential is often muted by the varying agendas of multiple stakehold-
Strides have been made in developing drugs for some tropical diseases;
however, bolder projects are needed if a significant and sustainable impact in drug
development is to be realized.
Health Law Journal Vol. 12, 2004
Craig Wheeler & Seth Berkley, “Initial Lessons from Public-private Partnerships in Drug and Vaccine
Development” (2001) 79 Bulletin of the World Health Organization 728.
note 58 at 2197;
at 729.
Arrigo Schiepatti, Giuseppee Remuzzi & Silvio Garattini, “Modulating the Profit Motive to Meet
Needs of the Less-developed World” (2001) 358:9293 The Lancet 1638.
note 58 at 2197.
7.0 New Directions
7.1 A global approach?
While existing orphan drug policies have been generally praised for their
success in providing rare disease sufferers with life-saving treatments, the most
commonly cited criticism of the various legislations has been that they promote
high drug prices. High orphan drug costs have even been recognized by Canada, a
country without an official orphan drug policy, as a barrier to drug access by
patients. Abbey Meyers, the president of NORD, claims that to-date, drug costs
have not prevented rare disease sufferers from obtaining an orphan drug.
In spite
of her assertion, increasingly sophisticated drugs combined with the emergence of
pharmacogenomics will continue to inflate drug prices to the point where they will
eventually preclude treatment access to patients belonging to lower socioeconomic
The aforementioned Kefauver-Harris amendments required that all drugs be
proven safe and effective by well-controlled studies. “Well-controlled studies”
often require hundreds, if not thousands, of patients. This is a well documented
problem for companies developing orphan drugs for the US market, as the popu-
lation of patients suffering from any given rare disease is small.
In countries with
populations that are smaller than that of the US (e.g. Canada), the logistical
problems of conducting rigorous safety and efficacy trials are magnified, which
will in turn make it exceedingly difficult for companies to recoup their development
costs. While expanding the potential market by targeting patients in the US remains
a possibility, developing a drug for the US is extremely expensive — a burden only
large companies may be able to afford.
One potential enterprise that could help to lessen drug development costs,
and hence lower drug prices, is the establishment of a Global Orphan Drug Office,
along the lines of the comprehensive international policy proposed by Reider.
Such an office could consolidate individual orphan drug offices and be charged
with the responsibility of overseeing international orphan drug development.
Similar to the EU’s EMEA, a single office would significantly reduce costs for
companies since they would only need to submit one application as opposed to
several at present, and for countries since they would not need to maintain their
own orphan drug offices. The development of orphan drugs on an international
scale is also reasonable because it immediately mitigates the major obstacle to drug
development — market size; both in terms of having an adequately sized patient
pool to conduct rigorous clinical trials and having a large enough market to allow
companies to recoup their investments. An ancillary benefit may be lower product
Cheung, Cohen & Illingworth
Orphan Drug Policies
note 11 at 83.
note 1 at 823; Reider,
note 10 at 299.
“Safety in Numbers”,
note 25 at 64.
note 10 at 299.
prices for patients. Moreover, a global office could help companies accelerate
clinical trials by identifying patients with specific rare diseases worldwide. This
would also benefit rare disease sufferers because they could gain access to orphan
drugs they might otherwise not be aware of by enrolling in an international clinical
Any global office would require member countries to relinquish some
control. This may not be a simple task given the considerable influence that the
FDA and the US Office of Rare Diseases wield. However, history has shown that
governments have submitted to public lobbying involving rare diseases. Thus,
given enough pressure, a global office may be achievable. At the very least, if a
Global Orphan Drug Office is not feasible, perhaps an agreement between each
country with orphan drug legislation can be forged whereby a drug receiving orphan
status in one country is automatically granted the same status in another country (a
mutual recognition policy) — similar to the US-Australia agreement on orphan
7.2 Sales Triggers
While the institution of ODA reforms has been repeatedly turned down, the
idea of a “sales trigger” specifically is promising. With some revision, an incentives
structure incorporating a sales trigger may be amenable to the pharmaceutical
industry. Instead of setting a single target sales figure for all orphan drugs, it may
be possible for sponsor companies and the regulatory agency to negotiate different
sales limits based on individual orphan drugs, or even therapeutic classes. The sales
trigger approach in general benefits rare disease sufferers because even if compa-
nies insist on maintaining high prices, the sales limit will be reached sooner,
meaning that the drug’s period of market exclusivity will expire earlier, opening
up the market to competition and exerting negative price pressure. Alternatively,
companies could maintain exclusivity by reducing the cost of the drug so that it
will take longer to trigger the sales limit.
In either case, the consumer benefits
because prices will eventually be reduced. By extending the opportunity to nego-
tiate sales targets, the pharmaceutical industry may see this as a reasonable
compromise because it allows companies to be involved in the process of setting
the sales trigger limit, without having to disclose sensitive financial information.
7.3 Volunteerism
A coordinated approach to the problem by industry and governments of both
developed and developing countries will likely be necessary to make any significant
gains with respect to drug development for tropical diseases. Volunteer organiza-
tions such as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) have demonstrated that an initiative
centered on volunteers can be effective in rebuilding and promoting health struc-
tures in developing countries. Perhaps a similar approach can be applied to drug
Health Law Journal Vol. 12, 2004
note 10 at 298.
development for tropical diseases. Developed countries, corporations, and philan-
thropic institutions could provide seed money to establish a not-for-profit organi-
zation focused on developing drugs for tropical diseases plaguing developing
countries. With the support of their respective companies, researchers could vol-
unteer their services for extended terms (i.e. six-months, one-year, etc.) and work
on a project of their choosing so long as it addresses a tropical disease issue. At the
end of a term, another researcher could continue the project. In time, such a venture
could produce importantly needed drug neglected diseases and possibly even
generate enough revenue to become self-sustaining.
In the process of searching for the next blockbuster drug, pharmaceutical
companies screen thousands of molecules for potential therapeutic applications.
Many promising molecules are shelved due to a limited predicted profitability.
Instead of discarding a molecule that may have potential efficacy against a tropical
disease, companies could donate the molecule to the volunteer organization for
further investigation into its development potential.
Such an endeavor undoubtedly involves significant hurdles, especially when
financial considerations are at the forefront. However, given time, a not-for-profit
drug development venture based on volunteerism, could foster an environment
where such humanitarian work is viewed as a positive within the research commu-
8.0 Final Perspectives
While imperfect, the US ODA has been undeniably successful in fulfilling
part of its original mandate. Given the changing landscape for drug development,
reforms are required to bring the ODA back into line with its original intent. Since
scientific advances like pharmacogenomics and increasingly complicated treat-
ments will continue to inflate orphan drug prices, action will be required before
costs prohibit access to potentially life-saving treatments for rare disease sufferers.
The EU and Japanese orphan drug policies both incorporate measures to control
drug prices. However, if any significant change in pricing practices are to occur, it
will have to be initiated by the US due to the sheer size of their market and because
the bulk of drug research and development occurs in that country.
While generous incentives are presently in place to promote the research and
development of drugs for rare diseases, issues surrounding drug access need to be
addressed. There is no point in creating incentives for the development of new drug
therapies if population groups that need them, do not have access to them. With
respect to Canada, lack of awareness about rare diseases and the high cost of orphan
drugs have been identified as barriers to access. Rather than fund initiatives
involving rare disease treatment research, efforts should be initially focused on
improving therapy for rare disease sufferers, including rare disease diagnosis and
Cheung, Cohen & Illingworth
Orphan Drug Policies
note 16 at 116.
access to treatments, by providing a central rare disease database and establishing
a financial aid program to help patients procure orphan drugs.
Tropical, or neglected, diseases in developing countries have been shown to
share similarities to rare diseases in developed countries — the lack of treatment
options. While lowering drug costs and providing financial aid are some of the
strategies employed to facilitate drug access for available treatment options, a more
permanent, innovative, and sustainable initiative is required if any significant
improvement in drug development for tropical diseases is to be attained.
Health Law Journal Vol. 12, 2004
... There are still a number of issues to discuss, like ethnicity (13), familial association, prognosis on the longterm or, even, if the pandemic has brought additional burden to these patients (14). However, it is not to be forgotten that this is a technically a rare disease and collective experience, especially in the surgical field, is still scanty. ...
... For the time being, the indications for non-transplant cardiac surgery seem to be restrictive. Do not forget, as stated, that rare diseases were also called "orphan diseases", and largely ignored due to poor economic potential and were thus said to be "orphaned (14). Some more time may then be needed to understand which the role of surgery may be. ...
... There are still a number of issues to discuss, like ethnicity, 11 familial association, the prognosis on the long-term or, even, if the pandemic has brought additional burden to these patients. 12 However, it is not to be forgotten that this is technically a rare disease and collective experience, especially in the surgical field, is still scanty. In their review, Smith et al. 9 discuss a number of small-sized studies and mortality. ...
This article aims to synthesize the existing literature on the implementation of public policies to incentivize the development of treatments for rare diseases, (diseases with very low prevalence and therefore with low commercial interest) otherwise known as orphan drugs. The implementation of these incentives in the United States (US), Japan, and in the European Union (EU) seems to be related to a substantial increase in treatments for these diseases, and has influenced the way the pharmaceutical research & development (R&D) system operates beyond this policy area. Despite the success of the Orphan Drug model, the academic literature also highlights the negative implications that these public policies have on affordability and access to orphan drugs, as well as on the prioritization of certain disease rare areas over others. The synthesis focuses mostly on the United States’ Orphan Drug Act (ODA) as a model for subsequent policies in other regions and countries. It starts with a historical overview of the creation of the term “rare diseases”, continues with a summary of the evidence available on the US ODA’s positive and negative impacts, and provides a summary of the different proposals to reform these incentives in light of the negative outcomes described. Finally, it describes some key aspects of the Japanese and European policies, as well as some of the challenges captured in the literature related to their impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs).
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This article aims to synthesize the existing literature on the implementation of public policies to incentivize the development of treatments for rare diseases, (diseases with very low prevalence and therefore with low commercial interest) otherwise known as orphan drugs. The implementation of these incentives in the United States (US), Japan, and in the European Union (EU) seems to be related to a substantial increase in treatments for these diseases, and has influenced the way the pharmaceutical research & development (R&D) system operates beyond this policy area. Despite the success of the Orphan Drug model, the academic literature also highlights the negative implications that these public policies have on affordability and access to orphan drugs, as well as on the prioritization of certain disease rare areas over others. The synthesis focuses mostly on the United States’ Orphan Drug Act (ODA) as a model for subsequent policies in other regions and countries. It starts with a historical overview of the creation of the term “rare diseases”, continues with a summary of the evidence available on the US ODA’s positive and negative impacts, and provides a summary of the different proposals to reform these incentives in light of the negative outcomes described. Finally, it describes some key aspects of the Japanese and European policies, as well as some of the challenges captured in the literature related to their impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs).
Son yıllarda yeni ilaç geliştirme çalışmaları kapsamında yapılan araştırmalarda, öksüz ilaçların çok önemli bir yerinin olduğu görülmektedir. Öksüz ilaçların geliştirilmesiyle, nadir hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılacak yararlı yeni ilaçların elde edilmesi mümkün olabileceği gibi, etkinliği kanıtlanmış bu ilaçların, henüz tedavisi mümkün olmayan pek çok hastalığın tedavisi için de öncü olması beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmada, öksüz ilaçların, mevcut durumuna ilişkin araştırma ve değerlendirme yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında yapılan literatür taramaları sonucunda, öksüz ilaçlar hakkında yaşanan son gelişmeler ve bu ilaçlarla ilgili araştırma-geliştirme çalışmalarının artmasını sağlayan yasa ve programlar detaylı olarak sunulmuştur. Öksüz ilaçlarla ilgili sunulan sayısal veriler, bu ilaçların yeni ilaç geliştirilmesindeki yerinin önemini göstermektedir.
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This article aims to synthesize the existing literature on the implementation of public policies to incentivize the development of treatments for rare diseases (which are diseases with very low prevalence and therefore with low commercial interest) otherwise known as orphan drugs. The implementation of these incentives in the 1980s in the United States (US), later in Japan, and in the European Union (EU) seems to be related to a substantial increase in treatments for these diseases, and has influenced the way the pharmaceutical research & development (R&D) system operates beyond this area. In spite of this success, the academic literature also highlights the negative implications that these public policies have on affordability and access to orphan drugs, as well as on the prioritization of certain rare disease areas over others. The synthesis focuses mostly on the United States’ Orphan Drug Act (ODA) as a model for subsequent policies in other regions and countries. It starts with a historical overview of the creation of the term “rare diseases”, continues with a summary of the evidence available on the US ODA’s positive and negative impacts, and provides a summary of the different proposals to reform these incentives in light of the negative outcomes described. Finally, it describes some key aspects of the Japanese and European policies, as well as some of the challenges captured in the literature related to their impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs).
Pharmaceutical agents which treat rare medical conditions like orphan or rare diseases are called “orphan drugs”. The name ‘orphan’ itself indicates that the pharmaceutical industries are showing less interest in the development and marketing of drugs intended only for a small number of patients. Difficulty in the diagnosis and therapeutic management of rare disease is the major challenge in the development of orphan drug. In recent years, progress has been made in the development of orphan drugs by pharma industries due to enactment of different regulations, administration authorities, tax benefits, marketing rights and public awareness by different countries. This review provides an overview of incentives, marketing rights and administrative authorities of different countries like U.S, European Union, South Korea, Japan, Australia and Taiwan.
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Objective : to study the main aspects of assistance to children with orphan diseases in the Russian Federation. Materials and methods : the most relevant literature sources were studied that covered a concept of orphan diseases in various countries of the world and in the Russian Federation as well as the tactics and regulation of mechanisms for helping patients with rare diseases. Results : the study showed that not all countries have legislative regulations of assistance to orphan patients. The United States and Western Europe are the most advanced in this regard. They have clear criteria for determining orphan pathology and a number of measures are taken to improve the quality of medical care for patients with rare diseases. These activities are not only aimed at improving the health care system but also encourage pharmaceutical companies to develop and produce medicines as well as contribute to the research in this area. The clinical cases covered in the article provide an idea of rare diseases, the complexity of their diagnosis, the severity of the course, and the drugs that are necessary to help patients. Conclusion : orphan diseases have been the focus of attention by the health system and national legislation in the past decades. Their extremely low prevalence in the human population creates difficulties with the timely diagnosis, provision of qualified medical care, and drug provision.
Les anomalies rares touchant les dents, la cavité buccale et la face sont nombreuses, bien que chaque maladie soit rare. Ces anomalies peuvent aller de quelques dents absentes à de sévères dysmorphoses cranio-faciales très invalidantes sur les plans fonctionnel et esthétique. Elles génèrent des situations de handicap oral fonctionnel et esthétique affectant la qualité de vie, l’intégration sociale, scolaire et professionnelle. Deux études ont été menées afin dans un premier temps, d’offrir une première description épidémiologique des MR orofaciales en France. Puis, une étude a été menée afin de proposer aux pouvoirs publics des pistes pour une meilleure prise en charge des patients. L’étude des données CEMARA, a porté sur les données de 2008 à 2015 basées sur la nomenclature d'Orphanet. Chaque « cas » de maladie rare déclarée a été défini par le statut « malade » et par le degré de certitude du diagnostic, codé comme suit : confirmé, probable ou non classifiable. Les paramètres analysés, présentés avec leurs intervalles de confiance à 95% à l'aide d'un modèle de Poisson, étaient les suivants : heure et âge du diagnostic, proportions de prévalence brute et standardisée de la maladie de DR, par âge, genre et site géographique. Les critères étudiés étaient les proportions de patients en région parisienne et la « géographie des cas inclus » dans laquelle ces proportions étaient projetées sur les autres régions françaises, en tenant compte des populations locales. L’étude ORAQL est une étude de cohorte nationale dans des centres français de maladies rares spécialisés dans les maladies. Les critères d'inclusion étaient les suivants : avoir été pris en charge dans des centres de MR au cours des 5 dernières années (2012-2017) et avoir entre 6 et 17 ans le 1er septembre 2017. Les enfants, aidés de leurs parents si cela était nécessaire, ont été invités à remplir un questionnaire avec dedans un volet qualité de vie avec le questionnaire Child-OIDP. À la fin du questionnaire, un espace libre était laissé au patient pour lui permettre d'ajouter un commentaire textuel afin de fournir des données qualitatives. Une analyse thématique a été utilisée pour analyser les réponses textuelles. En ce qui concerne l’étude des données CEMARA, en région parisienne, la prévalence estimée de ces maladies était de 5,58 pour 10 000 habitants (IC 95 % 4,3-7,1). Au 31 décembre 2015, 11 342 patients étaient référencés au total en France, dont 7294 en région parisienne. Plus de 580 entités cliniques individuelles (code ORPHA) ont été identifiées avec leurs fréquences respectives. La plupart des anomalies ont été diagnostiquées avant la naissance. Près de 80% des patients enregistrés se rendent dans les hôpitaux parisiens pour obtenir soit un diagnostic, soit des soins ou un suivi. Nous avons observé que plus la maladie était rare, plus les patients étaient dirigés vers les hôpitaux parisiens. Pour l’étude ORAQL, les données complètes étaient disponibles pour 110 patients. L'échantillon comprenait 44,5 % de garçons et 55,5 % de filles. Les patients étaient âges 6 à 17 ans et 68,2 % avaient entre 6 et 12 ans et 31,8 % entre 13 et 17 ans. Les facteurs associés à une qualité inférieure étaient : être une fille (p= 0,03), le renoncement aux soins dentaires pour des raisons financières (p = 0,01), avoir une maladie syndromique (p = 0,01), avoir un problème de forme et de couleur des dents (p = 0,03), se sentir isolé, seul et différent des autres enfants (p = 0,003 et p = 0,02). L'analyse qualitative a mis en évidence une très faible prise en charge psychologique des enfants et les patients ont signalé une grande anxiété et une grande peur pour l'avenir. Il existe toujours un déséquilibre notable entre l'offre et la demande de soins de santé dans ce domaine. La qualité de vie des enfants atteints de ces maladies est altérée, notamment du point de vue psychosocial, mais également leur parcours de soins et leurs accès aux soins bucco-dentaires.
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In this article we examine the Orphan Drug Act and one of the most important incentives it provides for the development of new drugs for rare diseases, a seven-year period of market exclusivity for new orphan drugs. The FDA has had difficulty interpreting the market exclusivity provisions of the Orphan Drug Act since its enactment. The continuing uncertainties about the scope of protection that the Act provides for innovative products threaten the basic purposes of the Act. The FDA's recent interpretation of the Act raises numerous questions: Should market protection from the Orphan Drug Act depend on the physical and functional properties of the drug, or should the protection depend on the design of the clinical trial? Should there be a nexus between biochemical similarity and clinical superiority, or should a competing drug be brought to the market if its application to the FDA is based on a differently designed clinical trial? Should the market protection afforded by the Orphan Drug Act be commensurate with the effort required to bring the drug to the market? Should the market protection afforded by the Orphan Drug Act be analogous to the scope of patent protection? Finally, should the FDA provide clear rules, analogous to the FDA Guidance Concerning Demonstration of Comparability of Human Biological Products, to assist orphan drug sponsors in their efforts to determine the non-comparability of two orphan drugs? The article provides a brief overview of the Orphan Drug Act and its incentives for pharmaceutical research in general and the biotechnology industry in particular. The article also provides an introduction to the general scientific context of the problem of determining when two drugs are the same or different and the history of such Orphan Drug Act controversies. The article then uses the most recent major controversy under the Act, the approval of two variant forms of interferon-alpha (and the rejection of a third form) to examine several approaches to the problem of distinguishing similar biotechnology drugs. In particular, we suggest that rules similar to the FDA's policies concerning generic drugs and the comparability of biological molecules from different manufacturing sources should be used to provide guidance under the Act. We also conclude that guidelines for "non-comparability" testing, particularly focused on bioavailability and bioequivalence, could significantly reduce the uncertainties which have continually plagued the FDA's administration of the Orphan Drug Act and would bolster the Act's incentives for innovative medical treatments for rare diseases.
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The development of vaccines against rare emerging infectious diseases is hampered by many disincentives. In the face of growing in-house expenditures associated with research and development projects in a complex legal and regulatory environment, most pharmaceutical companies prioritize their projects and streamline their product portfolio. Nevertheless, for humanitarian reasons, there is a need to develop niche vaccines for rare diseases not preventable or curable by other means. The U.S. Orphan Drug Act of 1983 and a similar proposal from the European Commission (currently under legislative approval) provide financial and practical incentives for the research and development of drugs to treat rare diseases. In addition, updated epidemiologic information from experts in the field of emerging diseases; increased disease awareness among health professionals, patients, and the general public; a list of priority vaccines; emergence of a dedicated organization with strong leadership; and the long-term pharmacoeconomic viability of orphan products will be key factors in overcoming the complexity of orphan status and the limited need for vaccine.
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There is a lack of effective, safe, and affordable pharmaceuticals to control infectious diseases that cause high mortality and morbidity among poor people in the developing world. We analysed outcomes of pharmaceutical research and development over the past 25 years, and reviewed current public and private initiatives aimed at correcting the imbalance in research and development that leaves diseases that occur predominantly in the developing world largely unaddressed. We compiled data by searches of Medline and databases of the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, and reviewed current public and private initiatives through an analysis of recently published studies. We found that, of 1393 new chemical entities marketed between 1975 and 1999, only 16 were for tropical diseases and tuberculosis. There is a 13-fold greater chance of a drug being brought to market for central-nervous-system disorders or cancer than for a neglected disease. The pharmaceutical industry argues that research and development is too costly and risky to invest in low-return neglected diseases, and public and private initiatives have tried to overcome this market limitation through incentive packages and public-private partnerships. The lack of drug research and development for "non-profitable" infectious diseases will require new strategies. No sustainable solution will result for diseases that predominantly affect poor people in the South without the establishment of an international pharmaceutical policy for all neglected diseases. Private-sector research obligations should be explored, and a public-sector not-for-profit research and development capacity promoted.
This paper provides an overview of orphan drug legislation in the United States. Since passage of the Orphan Drug Act in 1983, 182 designated orphan products have received Food and Drug Administration approval for rare disease treatment or diagnosis. Incentives provided in the act—seven years of marketing exclusivity, protocol assistance, tax credits, the orphan products grant program which authorizes grant moneys to support pivotal clinical trials, and user fee waiver—are discussed. Issues, challenges, and successes are outlined. Important international initiatives in orphan drug legislation triggered by the United States Orphan Drug Act are highlighted.
Unlabelled: OBJECTIVES To quantify past outcomes of tropical pharmacology research and development (R & D) and to assess past benefits of the American orphan drug act and potential benefits of the future European orphan drug regulation on tropical diseases. Methods: This paper presents two analyses: a 1983-97 retrospective study of the United States Orphan Drug Act concerning rare diseases and a prospective study of the European Proposal for a Regulation Concerning Orphan Drugs and its possible impact on tropical diseases. Results: Different programmes have in the past tried to stimulate R & D in this area, but results remain limited. Of 1450 new chemical entities marketed between 1972 and 1997, 13 were specifically for tropical diseases and considered as essential drugs. Between 1983 & 1997, the US Orphan Drug Act approved 837 drugs and marketing of 152 new molecular entities (NMEs). Three NMEs have been designated for malaria and human African trypanosomiasis. Seven others, already commonly used in tropical diseases, received either orphan designation or an orphan approval for another indication. Pharmaceutical companies benefit from the US framework only when the US market exclusivity clause was applicable. Future European orphan drug regulation appears to be similar to the US Orphan Drug Act. CONCLUSION The orphan drug programmes relating to rare diseases have met with some success. Considering tropical diseases rare diseases seems inadequate to boost pharmaceutical R & D. However, some provisions of the European text may be relevant to tropical diseases, admitting the need for a more specific rule for evaluations of this kind of drug and recognizing the existence of 'diseases of exception'.
In recent years, venture capital approaches have delivered impressive results in identifying and funding promising health discoveries and bringing them to market. This success has inspired public sector experiments with "social venture capital" approaches to address the dearth of affordable treatment and prevention for diseases of the developing world. Employing the same focus on well-defined and measurable objectives, and the same type of connections to pool and deploy resources as their for-profit counterparts, social venture capitalists seek to use the tools and incentives of capitalism to solve one of its biggest failures: the lack of drugs and vaccines for diseases endemic to low-income populations. As part of a larger trend of partnerships emerging in health product donation and distribution, public-private partnerships for pharmaceutical development have led research and development (R&D) efforts to generate more accessible and efficacious products for diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS. In this article, three R&D-focused partnerships are explored: the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative; the Medicines for Malaria Venture; and the newly formed Global Alliance for TB Drug Development. The article highlights key elements essential to the success of these ventures.
The success, despite the problems, of academic/industrial collaborations over the past decade owes much to the profit motive. However, market-driven research and development has little to offer patients in the less-developed world. Some flexibility has already been demonstrated on drugs for orphan (rare or under-researched) diseases. Many diseases in less-developed countries are not rare. Academic researchers should be encouraging the establishment of funding for basic and clinical research that is directed at patients' needs in the less-developed world and that is independent of a commercial ethos.