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Stress causes a rise in body temperature in laboratory animals (stress-induced hyperthermia). However, the direct effect of common stressors in animal research, i.e. transportation between holding and test rooms or isolation of animals, on body temperature has not been investigated to its full extent. To address this question, it is important to have a reliable and simple monitoring technique, which does not induce stress itself. In the present study, we investigated stress-related changes in body temperature of F344/Hw rats after (1) moving the cage within the holding room, (2) moving the cage from the holding room to another test room and (3) social deprivation (isolation). A combination of two different body temperature recording methods was used to clarify their accuracy and stress-inductive character: rectal temperature recording and peritoneal implanted temperature sensors (Thermochron iButtons). The results demonstrate that (1) different stressors induce a significant rise in body temperature, (2) which is detectable for more than 60 min and (3) it is of importance to standardize temperature recording methods in order to avoid confounding effects of the recording method itself. Furthermore, Thermochron iButtons are more accurate and reliable for body temperature studies than rectal recordings.
Stress-induced hyperthermia in the rat:
comparison of classical and novel
recording methods
R Dallmann
, S Steinlechner
, S von Ho¨ rsten
and T Karl
Institute of Zoology, School of Veterinary Medicine, 30559 Hannover, Germany;
Department of
Functional and Applied Anatomy, Hannover Medical School, 30623 Hannover, Germany;
of Zoology, University of Toronto, Toronto Ontario, M5R 3G5 Canada;
Neuroscience Institute for
Schizophrenia and Allied Disorder, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010, Australia
Stress causes a rise in body temperature in laboratory animals (stress-induced hyperthermia).
However, the direct effect of common stressors in animal research, i.e. transportation
between holding and test rooms or isolation of animals, on body temperature has not been
investigated to its full extent. To address this question, it is important to have a reliable and
simple monitoring technique, which does not induce stress itself. In the present study, we
investigated stress-related changes in body temperature of F344/Hw rats after (1) moving the
cage within the holding room, (2) moving the cage from the holding room to another test
room and (3) social deprivation (isolation). A combination of two different body temperature
recording methods was used to clarify their accuracy and stress-inductive character: rectal
temperature recording and peritoneal implanted temperature sensors (Thermochron
The results demonstrate that (1) different stressors induce a significant rise in body
temperature, (2) which is detectable for more than 60 min and (3) it is of importance to
standardize temperature recording methods in order to avoid confounding effects of the
recording method itself. Furthermore, Thermochron iButtons are more accurate and reliable
for body temperature studies than rectal recordings.
Keywords Body temperature; rectal measurement; Thermochron iButton;
transportation stress; isolation stress
A wide range of studies show that different
types of stress (e.g. introduction to an open
field, cage switch, immobil ity, rectal body
temperature measurement, handling,
removal of littermates from home cage or
electric foot shock) induce an increase of
core body temperature (T
) (Poole &
Stephenson 1977, Eikelboom 1986, Long
et al. 1990, Van der Heyden et al. 1997, Kask
et al. 2001, Oka et al. 2001, Verleye &
Gillardin 2004). This stress-induced rise in
or so-called stress-induced hyperthermia
(SIH) is a robust, reproducible, long-lasting
and stable phenomenon, which can be
suppressed by prior anxiolytic treatment (e.g.
diazepam and flesinoxan) (Borsini et al.
1989, Zethof et al. 1994).
Importantly, increases in T
accompanied by elevations in plasma
ACTH, corticosterone and glucose levels
(Groenink et al. 1994). Furthermore, the
cardiovascular system is stimulated
Accepted 15 July 2005 r Laboratory Animals Ltd. Laboratory Animals (2006) 40, 186–193
Correspondence: Tim Karl, Neuroscience Institute of
Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders, 384 Victoria Street,
Darlinghurst, NSW 2010, Australia.
(Nakamori et al. 1993) and both brain and
pituitary opioids are mobilized (increase in
release Vidal et al. 1984). Oka and
co-workers (2001) have taken this potent and
important impact of T
elevations on an
organism’s physiology into consideration
and classified an increase in T
from disturbance or stress as ‘psychogenic
fever’. Thus, the impact of various stressors
such as transpor tation or isolation can be
determined, for example by monitoring body
temperature dynamics of the test animal.
Blasig and colleagues found an increase in
after transportation of rats (from indoors
to outdoors and back) (Blasig et al. 1978). In
addition, transportation of rats between
buildings has a great impact on
gonadotropin-releasing hormone and
follicle-stimulating hormone levels
(Bieglmayer et al. 1980). Neither study
examined the effects of the most common
situations in animal research, i.e.
transferring animals from a holding to a
testing room. Thus, no valid recommen-
dation on the duration of a habituation
period after such a procedure can be given at
this time. Therefore, it is of great interest to
investigate the impact of stress aroused by
short-time transport on a given stress-related
parameter, i.e. body temperature. The
present study addresses this question and
investigates the influence of transportation
of laboratory animals between rooms, of
isolation and of body temperature recording
itself on T
and indirectly on the animal’s
physiology. A stress-induced increased T
likely to be already established after
approximately 10 min but is a long-lasting
effect for at least 30–60 min (Van der Heyden
et al. 1997).
In this context, radio telemetry has
provided the method of choice for stress-free
recording of core body temperature in recent
years. In contrast to rectal T
repeated measurements are easily possible
and do not result in an increase of T
& Stephenson 1977, Van der Heyden et al.
1997). However, disadvantages of implanted
transponders compared with rectal
measurement are high set-up costs, the
inability to record from multiple animals
housed together and the necessary surgery.
Here, we adapted a new industrial technique
for behavioural research and used
Thermochron iButtons (DS1921H-F50:
Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor, USA) for T
recording. Thermochron iButtons require no
telemetric recording devices and have
therefore low set-up costs, are reusable, have
a reasonable temperature resolution
(0.1251C) and range (15–461C) and, in
contrast to most telemetric systems, allow
synchronous measuring of T
from several
animals per cage.
Thus, in this study , we used three different
stress paradigms (rectal T
versus transportation versus isolation) and
two different recording methods (rectal
measurement versus Thermochron iButtons)
to investigate (i) the effect of common
stressors on the animal’s T
and (ii) the impact
of different recording methods on the animal’s
within these different stress paradigms.
Materials and methods
Age (710 days of age) and body weight
(330740 g) matched six-month-old, handled,
male F344/Hw rats were group-housed (2–3
animals per cage) at the Institute of
Laboratory Animal Science of the Medical
School, Hannover (sub-line code: Ztm) and
maintained under artificial light from 07:00
to 19:00 h in a separated minimal barrier
sustained room. The animals were kept in
Makrolon type III cages (Techniplast, Italy)
with standard bedding (Lignocel: Altromin,
Lage, Germany). Food (Altromin Standard
Diet 1320: Altromin) and tap water were
available ad libitum. Ambient temperature
was automatically regulated at 21721C and
relative humidity was 55 75% with an air
change rate of 15 times per hour. The animal
rooms were operated with a positive air
pressure of 0.6 Pa. Routine microbiological
monitoring according to the Federation of
European Laboratory Animal Associations
(FELASA) recommendations (Nicklas et al.
2002) did not reveal any evidence of
infections with common murine pathogens
except for Pasteurella pneumotropica and
Staphylococcus aureus. All research and
Laboratory Animals (2006) 40
Body temperature recording methods 187
animal care procedures were approved by the
Review Board for the Care of Animal
Subjects of the district government,
Hannover, Germany, and were performed
according to international guidelines for the
use of laboratory animals (for details see:
Institute for Laboratory Animal Research,
Rats were randomly assigned to three
different recording groups:
(1) ‘rec’: rectal body temperature (T
was recorded by inserting a digital
thermistor probe (n ¼ 10);
(2) ‘iBut’: core body temperature (T
was recorded automatically by
Thermochron iButtons (n ¼ 10);
(3) ‘rec þ iBut’: both methods were used to
assess core and rectal body temperature
at the same time (n ¼ 9).
Implantation of Thermochrom iButtons
The Thermochron iButtons were implanted
into the peritoneal cavity. The animals were
anaesthetized with an intramuscular
injection of ketamine hydrochloride (0.1 mL/
100 g body weight concentration: 100 mg/
mL; Albrecht, Aulendorf, Germany) and
medetomidine (Domitor
, Novartis,
Ontario, Canada) (0.01 mL/100 g body weight
concentration: 20 mg/mL; Pfizer,
Karlsruhe, Germany). Domitor, having an
analgesic-like effect as well, was not
reversed in order to provide postoperative
analgesia. The lower ventral part of the
abdomen was shaved and a 1.5–2 cm long
incision was made in the skin and the
peritoneal wall. The silicone-coated iButton
was then inser ted into the peritoneal cavity
and the peritoneum and the skin were closed
separately with absorbable suture (Softcat
plain 3.5 metric, Braun, Germany). After
surgery, animals were pair-housed and
allowed to recover for 10 days before
behavioural experiments started. Two
months after the experiments animals were
sacrificed by an overdose of ketamine
hydrochloride and iButtons were recovered
from the peritoneal cavity. Simultaneously,
we checked for any signs of injury of internal
organs caused by the iButtons.
Recording of body temperature
Rectal recording
The same person, who
handled the animals prior to the experi-
ments, carried out body temperature record-
ings in the stable thermal environment of
the holding and/or testing room. The rectal
temperature was measured by gently insert-
ing a digital thermistor probe (CMA/150
Temperature Controller: CMA/Microdialy-
sis, Solna, Sweden) to a length of 4–5 cm
intrarectal until a stable reading was ob-
tained or for up to 20 s. For this, rats were
restrained manually at the base of the tail
and the thermistor probe was dipped into
Vaseline before inserting. The temperature
was determined with a resolution of 0.11C,
and the accuracy of the thermistor was
within 0.11C of the respective calibrated
mercury thermometer. The time interval
between rectal temperature measurements
of individual rats was 1 min.
Thermochron iButton recording The core
body temperature was automatically re-
corded by i.p. implanted Thermochron
iButtons. The iButtons weigh 3.1 g (dia-
meter: 16 mm; thickness: 6 mm). Prior to
implanting, iButtons were coated with a thin
layer of silicone (734 RTV: Dow Corning,
Wiesbaden, Germany) in order to exclude
ingress of moisture and tissue adhesions.
Each iButton can store up to 2048
temperature readings in a user-defined
time-interval. The onset of measurement is
user-definable. Here, we used a 3 min
interval resulting in a measurement period
of more than 4 days. The implanted iButtons
started recording of core body temperature
36 h prior to the experiments. The
temperature resolution of the iButtons was
0.1251C, thus, with an accuracy of less than
0.11C after calibration against a mercury
Stress paradigms
Basal T
(‘basal’) Starting 4 h before onset
of the dark phase home cages of rats of all
three experimental groups were trans-
ported within the holding room to a desk and
the cage lids of all cages were removed.
Laboratory Animals (2006) 40
188 R Dallmann et al.
Following this, animals’ rectal T
measured every 30 min during 120 min in
the ‘rec’ and ‘rec þ iBut’ groups (as described
above). Afterwards, the cage lid was placed
back onto the cage and the cage was put back
onto the rack.
after room transfer (‘transport
Twenty-four hours after the ‘basal’
measurement, rats’ T
was measured fol-
lowing the same procedure as described
above. In contrast, however, after the first T
recording in the holding room animals
were transferred in their home cages through
a noisy corridor (constant background
noise caused by ventilation and pig
holding rooms on the other side of the
corridor) to a nearby testing room. T
measured again 30 and 60 min later.
Afterwards, animals were returned to the
holding room.
after isolation (‘isolation stress’)
Twenty-four hours after the ‘transport stress’
experiment using the same procedure, rats
were individually housed in Makrolon type II
cages without bedding material after being
transferred to the testing room. Animals were
kept isolated for the followi ng 60 min, during
which T
was measured twice (after 30 and
60 min).
Statistical analysis
Body temperature data were assessed by
analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated
measures. In repeated measures ANOVA the
variable recording method was used as the
between factor for body temperature
differences between the three recording
groups ‘rec’, ‘iBut’ and ‘rec þ iBut’ and the
two different sets of data in the ‘rec þ iBut’
group (rectal and iButton measurements).
The compact variable stressor was used as
the within factor for body temperature
differences in each recording group in
between the various experiments. In case
of significant differences with regard to the
between or within factor, one-way
ANOVAs were used split by the dimension
of the continuous response variable.
One-way ANOVAs were followed by the
Fisher-PLSD-test for post hoc comparison
if appropriate.
The accuracy of the different recording
methods in measuring T
was analysed in
the ‘basal’ experiment between the two data-
sets of the ‘rec þ iBut’ group and between the
‘rec’ and ‘rec þ iBut’ group (using the
Thermochron iButton recording data-set).
The analysis of influences of different
recording methods on T
was done in the
‘basal’ experiment between the ‘rec þ iBut’
(using the Thermochron iButton data-set)
and the ‘iBut’ group. The effect of transport
and isolation stress on T
(and its increase)
was calculated within and the influence of
the recording method on the effect of
transport and isolation stress was calculated
between the different T
recording groups. In
order to evaluate the effects of the stressful
situations to the T
rhythm we calculated
the timing of the nightly rise (onset) and fall
(offset) of body temperature for all animals
with iButtons (n ¼ 19). Therefore, we
calculated the 24 and 3 h running averages of
the raw data. The intercept points of these
two running averages were defined as on-
and offset of T
(Meerlo et al. 1997).
Differences were regarded as statistically
significant if Po0.05. The number of
animals per T
recording group (n) was 9–10.
All data are presented as means7standard
error of the mean (SEM).
Localization of iButtons
All iButtons were found on the right side of
the peritoneal cavity, just posterior to the
liver upon removal, showing that the
position of the thermistor was very stable.
Comparison of different T
Repeated measures ANOVA revealed
significant T
differences between the two
recording methods within the ‘rec þ iBut’
group and between this group and the ‘rec’
group in the ‘basal’ experiment (P ¼ 0.001).
One-way ANOVA revealed significantly
higher T
levels by iButton recording
Laboratory Animals (2006) 40
Body temperature recording methods 189
compared with the rectal measurement in
the same animals at 0 min (35.3 70.2 1C
versus 36.870.21C, Po0.0001) and 60 min
(36.570.21C versus 37.670.21C, P ¼ 0.006)
(Figure 1) of the ‘rec þ iBut’ group, and also
compared with T
of the ‘rec’ group (data not
shown). In order to compare for reliability of
the measurements we compared the
standard deviation of the rectal and iButton
recordings of the basal experiment for the
‘rec þ iBut’ group. Rectal temperature
recordings showed a higher mean standard
variation (0.94) compared with iButton
values (0.47).
Influence of different recording methods on
basal T
Comparison of the two iButton recording
groups ‘iBut’ and ‘rec þ iBut’ revealed no
statistically significant differences between
these two groups in the ‘basal’ experiment.
In both groups a significant elevation of T
can be observed over time (repeated
ANOVA: Po0.0001).
Influence of different stress paradigms on T
In all three experiments the treatment of the
animals significantly increa sed T
confirmed by repeated ANOVA (‘basal’:
Po0.0001; ‘transfer’: Po0.0001; ‘isolation’:
Po0.0001) (Figure 2). The increase of T
during the various experiments is presented
in Table 1.
Influence of different recording methods on
the effect of stress paradigms on T
Repeated ANOVA showed a significantly
lower T
in the ‘rec’ group in the ‘basal’
(P ¼ 0.0001) and the ‘transfer (P ¼ 0.003)
experiments. But no significant effects of
the rectal measurement could be found
when T
of the ‘iBut’ and the ‘rec þ iBut’
group were analysed for the different
stress paradigms.
Laboratory Animals (2006) 40
190 R Dallmann et al.
0 30 60 90 120
Temperature [°C]
Time [min]
Figure 1 Body temperature (1C) development by
rectal and Thermochron iButton recording within the
‘rec þ iBut’ group during the ‘basal’ experiment at
given times. Results are shown as means7SEM
(n ¼ 9–10). Significant T
differences between
recording methods (rectal versus Thermochron
iButton recording) are indicated by stars (
Figure 2 Body temperature (1C) development for the different stress paradigms (a: ‘basal’; b: ‘transfer’;
c: ‘isolation’) at given times. Results are shown as means7SEM (n ¼ 9–10). For details see text
Influence of stress on daily T
As depicted in Figure 3, the rats showed a
clear diurnal rhythm of body temperature
with low values during the inactive light
phase (36.970.11C) and high values at the
active dark phase (37.470.11C) in both
implanted groups (‘iBut’ and ‘rec þ iBut’).
As analysed in detail above, the body
temperature experiments had a dramatic
acute effect on T
, which was as high as the
rise at the beginning of the night, although
the peaks were clearly distinct from the
onset of the nightly temperature rise.
However, the experiments did not alter
either the onset (64723 min after lights off)
or offset (21719 min after lights on) of the
nightly rise in temperature.
This study was undertaken to investigate
the influence of different common stressors
on the body temperature (T
) of laboratory
rats and to validate a new method for T
measurement. We have demonstrated that
different stressors such as (i) moving the
home cage within the holding rooms, (ii)
transferring animals between holding and
test room or (iii) isolation of animals after
such a transfer each have a strong increasing
impact on the animals T
for at least the
following 60 min. Furthermore, we found
that a new industrial technique
(Thermochron iButtons) delivers much more
accurate and reliable T
data than rectal T
Moving the rats within their home cage in
the holding room resulted in a significant
elevation in T
of more than 0.51C for the
following 120 min (‘iBut’ group). Thus,
moving cages within the holding room, i.e.
transferring the cage from a rack to a table,
has to be regarded as a stressor itself. This
finding is in accordance with studies
Laboratory Animals (2006) 40
Body temperature recording methods 191
Table 1 Average increase of body temperature (1C) compared with the initial T
value (0 min) within the
three recording groups ‘rec’, ‘iBut’, and ‘rec+iBut’ during the various experiments at given times
Experiment Recording time (min) ‘rec’ ‘iBut’ ‘rec + iBut’
‘Basal’ 30 1.270.27 0.5470.08 0.8070.14
60 0.9070.43 0.6370.09 0.7770.16
90 1.170.26 0.5670.10 0.5470.15
120 1.170.32 0.5370.11 0.6870.15
‘Transfer’ 30 0.9470.28 0.8770.10 0.7670.14
60 0.7670.23 0.9270.12 0.8370.13
‘Isolation’ 30 1.370.21 1.070.13 0.7670.12
60 1.470.15 1.170.11 0.8770.13
Results are shown as means7SEM (n=9–10)
24 48 72 96 120
Temperature [°C]
Time [h]
Figure 3 Time course of body temperature for all implanted animals (‘iBut’
and ‘rec þ iBut’ group; n ¼ 19) shown as means (black) and SEM (grey). The
arrows indicate the start of the different stress paradigms. Note the T
peak in
the early day after the first night. This was due to cage changing
showing that cage switching and even gentle
handling of animals results in a significant
rise in T
(Briese & De Quijada 1970, Long
et al. 1990). The knowled ge that this rise in
temperature is not simply the result of
metabolic changes but a regulated process
with associated changes in physiology (Long
et al. 1990, Nakamori et al. 1993, Groenink
et al. 1994) shows that standardized and
gentle handling procedures are of great
importance in animal research using rats
(see also: Eikelboom 1986). The other two
stress paradigms (transportation and/or
isolation) were shown to be effective in
increasing T
over time and these elevations
lasted for at least 60 min. Thus, the
commonly used habituation period of 60 min
after transportation is very likely a too brief
period between transport/isolation and
testing. Since the T
elevation lasted for at
least 120 min in the ‘basal’ test, habituation
periods of up to 120 min or even longer seem
to be necessary.
Furthermore, we compared different
methods for measuring body temperature
in rats. Thermochron iButton recording
revealed higher T
values than when rectally
recorded. These findings are based on the
fact that iButtons are located much closer to
the liver, which is the main heat-producing
organ in the abdomen (Birnie & Grayson
1952), than the rectally inserted probe.
Furthermore, the higher variation in rectal
measurements compared with iButton
values in the basal experiments suggests that
rectal measurements are less reliable.
Besides this overall difference between the
two recording methods we could not detect
any major influence of the two recording
methods on the different stress paradigms as
the relative T
rise was comparable in the
rectal (‘rec þ iBut’) and iButton recording
groups (‘iBut’).
Rectal measurement only slightly affected
of rats compared with for example
moving the cage within the holding room.
This finding is contradictory to other studies
showing marked elevations of T
in rats
(Poole & Stephenson 1977) and mice (Van
der Heyden et al. 1997) after rectal
measurement. In our study, however,
animals were habituated to handling prior to
the experiments and the rectal recording of
was limited to 20 s, which might have
reduced its effect on T
development. The
two main problems of standardization in
rectal recording of T
are variations in the
necessary handling of the animals and the
depth of the probe insertion and thus, the
distance to the liver, which has been
previously reported (Lomax 1966, Van der
Heyden et al. 1997). Furthermore, it has to
be mentioned that although main stress
effects can also be detected by rectal
recordings the Thermochron iButtons are
more precise and measure the T
at the same
location within the peritoneal cavity each
time. Thermochron iButtons avoid these
standardization difficulties and can be an
alternative, highly standardized recording
method assuring correct T
recordings. Main
stress effects can also be detected by rectal
recording but Thermochron iButtons are
more precise and the time resolution of the
model used in our study has recently been
improved as a new model of Thermochron
iButtons (DS1922T) became available. This
model can store more data (4-fold compared
with the model used in our study) and offers
an even higher temperature resolution.
Therefore, it could be used for long-term
measurements (e.g. in chronobiological
studies) and thereby corrects for a former
major disadvantage of telemetric systems
(Davidson et al. 2003). This advantage of
using iButtons for a longer period of time
offers the possibility to continuously control
for disturbances of the animals as these
disturbances can have an influence on the
animal’s performance in for example
behavioural tests. For example, in our study
the weekly cage cleaning by the animal
caretaker resulted in a T
rise in the morning
of the ‘basal’ test day, which was as high as
the one caused by the ‘basal’ test itself.
In conclusion, we demonstrate that
different stress paradigms result in
significant T
elevations. These increases in
last for longer than 60 min, suggesting
that long periods of habituation (e.g. to a
testing room) are necessary for baseline
measures. Importantly, moving the cage
within the holding room results in
significant elevations in T
, as well, showing
Laboratory Animals (2006) 40
192 R Dallmann et al.
the importance of gentle and standardized
handling of laboratory animals (Levine
1957). The use of Thermochron iButtons for
recording body temperature results in more
precise and more standardized data although
rectal recording is still a valuable tool for
single but not repeated T
studies. Thus, this
new technique provides a good alternative
for better standardized T
measurements in
rodents. Ongoing studies will not only
investigate specific stress levels induced by
the various procedures (e.g. plasma
corticosterone levels or other parameters)
but also modify the time course by
measuring T
of test animals for up to
180 min after stress induction.
Acknowledgements The authors thank Frank
Scherbarth and Michael Stephan for assistance with
the surgery and recovery of the iButtons. The DFG
(Graduiertenkolleg 705 and Forschungsstipendium Ka
1837/1-1) supported this work. The critical comments
by Nicholas Mrosovsky, Liesl Duffy, Patricia
Hedenqvist, two anonymous reviewers, and Jerry
Tanda on the manuscript are gratefully acknowledged.
This work was carried out at the Institute of
Laboratory Animal Science, Hannover Medical
School, 30623 Hannover, Germany.
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Laboratory Animals (2006) 40
Body temperature recording methods 193
... Briefly, besides manual thermometers, temperature-sensitive data loggers, transmitters or transponders can be used to measure T c . Estimation of the circadian rhythm of T c requires repeated sampling over a 24-h period, and implantable temperature-sensitive devices are favoured because they facilitate T c measurement without the need to repeatedly handle an animal, which can result in stress-induced hyperthermia (Dallmann et al., 2006). ...
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Core body temperature ( T c ) is a critical aspect of homeostasis in birds and mammals and is increasingly used as a biomarker of the fitness of an animal to its environment. Periodogram and cosinor analysis can be used to estimate the characteristics of the circadian rhythm of T c from data obtained on loggers that have limited memory capacity and battery life. The sampling interval can be manipulated to maximise the recording period, but the impact of sampling interval on the output of periodogram or cosinor analysis is unknown. Some basic guidelines are available from signal analysis theory, but those guidelines have never been tested on T c data. We obtained data at 1‐, 5‐ or 10‐min intervals from nine avian or mammalian species, and re‐sampled those data to simulate logging at up to 240‐min intervals. The period of the rhythm was first analysed using the Lomb–Scargle periodogram, and the mesor, amplitude, acrophase and adjusted coefficient of determination ( R ² ) from the original and the re‐sampled data were obtained using cosinor analysis. Sampling intervals longer than 60 min did not affect the average mesor, amplitude, acrophase or adjusted R ² , but did impact the estimation of the period of the rhythm. In most species, the period was not detectable when intervals longer than 120 min were used. In all individual profiles, a 30‐min sampling interval modified the values of the mesor and amplitude by less than 0.1°C, and the adjusted R ² by less than 0.1. At a 30‐min interval, the acrophase was accurate to within 15 min for all species except mice. The adjusted R ² increased as sampling frequency decreased. In most cases, a 30‐min sampling interval provides a reliable estimate of the circadian T c rhythm using periodogram and cosinor analysis. Our findings will help biologists to select sampling intervals to fit their research goals.
... However, some psychological stressors do not induce an increase in muscular activity, so the response is independent of exercise hyperthermia. For example, SIH has been observed in response to handling, shearing, restraint, and social defeat in animals [242,[245][246][247][248][249]. Anxiety-like and depressive-like behaviours have also been shown to activate a SIH response [249]. ...
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At a time when there is a growing public interest in animal welfare, it is critical to have objective means to assess the way that an animal experiences a situation. Objectivity is critical to ensure appropriate animal welfare outcomes. Existing behavioural, physiological, and neurobiological indicators that are used to assess animal welfare can verify the absence of extremely negative outcomes. But welfare is more than an absence of negative outcomes and an appropriate indicator should reflect the full spectrum of experience of an animal, from negative to positive. In this review, we draw from the knowledge of human biomedical science to propose a list of candidate biological markers (biomarkers) that should reflect the experiential state of non-human animals. The proposed biomarkers can be classified on their main function as endocrine, oxidative stress, non-coding molecular, and thermobiological markers. We also discuss practical challenges that must be addressed before any of these biomarkers can become useful to assess the experience of an animal in real-life.
... Despite the previous observation that co-administration of caffeine and mephedrone caused hyperthermia up to 2 h post-administration (Shortall et al., 2016a) these measurements were obtained via rectal probe -which constitutes a more invasive and thus more stress-inducing procedure (Dallmann et al., 2006) -and animals were housed in grid top cages. Technical refinements aimed at improving animal welfare determined, for the present study, the use of subcutaneous (s.c.) temperature chips, allowing for minimally-invasive scanning for this measurement, and the housing of animals in individually ventilated cages. ...
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Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) is an illicit psychoactive stimulant and synthetic cathinone which gained prominence in the UK as a “legal high” circa 2008, subsequently being made illegal following media reports of adverse effects and links to several fatalities, as well as its structural similarity to amphetamine. Today, mephedrone remains in recreational use worldwide, often consumed alongside traditional illicit substances such as methamphetamine and gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), or legal drugs such as caffeine and alcohol. In rats, co-administration of caffeine with MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymephampethamine), has been shown to potentiate the elevation of extracellular 5-HT brain levels, a neurochemical correlate of the serotonin syndrome. In humans, this syndrome is characterised by adverse physiological effects including fever, agitation and hypertension. Despite increased elucidation of its pharmacological profile since 2008, there remains a paucity of data on mephedrone’s behavioural and neurochemical effects, particularly when combined with caffeine. The present thesis sought to somewhat mitigate this deficit. First, a repeated dosing regimen was designed to assess the acute effects of repeated mephedrone administration, with and without caffeine, on behavioural and physiological measures in adolescent rats, and any lasting changes in anxiety, cognition and microglial activation in adulthood. Second, following the observation of hyperthermia and stereotyped behaviours in adolescent rats, an in vivo microdialysis study was designed to elucidate whether this apparent serotonin syndrome was elicited via increased downstream activation of postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors by endogenous 5-HT. In sum, mephedrone elicited changes in body temperature and locomotor hyperactivity in both studies (with tolerance to the latter developing throughout the one-week binge-type dosing period in study 1). In each case, caffeine converted mephedrone-induced hypothermia to hyperthermia, and enhanced mephedrone-induced stereotyped behaviours. Pre-administration of the 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY-100,635 failed to prevent any of these effects, and in fact sped the onset of the hyperthermic response, perhaps via downstream effects following binding to 5-HT1A autoreceptors in the dorsal raphe nuclei. Nonetheless, no lasting effects of mephedrone, caffeine, or the combination of each, were observed on recognition memory, anxiety, sensorimotor gating, conditioned freezing or hippocampal microglial activation.
... In rodents, mainly laboratory mice and rats, SIH usually involves an increase of the core body temperature by 0.5 -1.5 °C (McGivern et al. 2009, Bouwknecht et al. 2007, Dallmann et al. 2006. Traditional methods of measuring animal core body temperature are mostly invasive as they require the use of thermocouples or thermistors, surgical implants, gastrointestinal devices, or passive transplants ). ...
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Heat loss from non-insulating body parts of rodents can be used as a proxy to Stress-Induced Hyperthermia (SIH) and can be detected via non-invasive methods, such as infrared thermography (IRT). Although IRT has been systematically used to detect SIH in captive or laboratory animals, very few studies have been performed in wild situations. We investigated the SIH in a wild rodent, the Eastern Broad-toothed Field Mouse Apodemus mystacinus, faced with novel stressors in its natural habitat, using IRT. We subjected live-trapped individuals to six consecutive experimental manipulations (Experimental Manipulations Phase-EMP), and then we temporarily transferred them to a wooden box to partly overcome the stressful challenges (Transitory Release Phase-TRP). We used the maximum eye temperature difference between the start of the EMP and the start of the TRP (ΔTSIH) as the best estimate of SIH. Mean eye temperature during EMP differed significantly from that of TRP for each individual and the differences were similar when examined separately as to sex, trapping history, or breeding condition. Comparison of eye temperature time series for different trapping history groups showed a higher similarity of the response of first captures with 2 nd and 3 rd recaptures than of first captures with 1 st recaptures, verified by a comparison of ΔTSIH for these groups. Larger-sized first-captured individuals appeared less stressed by the experimental procedure than smaller-sized individuals. Overall, IRT appears to be a useful and feasible method for non-invasive monitoring of SIH.
... The delayed hypothermic effect in control animals is likely attributed to removal from their home cage at 30-, 60-, 90, and 240-min to record body temperature, compared to THC exposed animals in which body temperature was recorded separately for each timepoint due to euthanasia for mass spectrometry analysis. Alternately, as stress is known to produce mild hyperthermic responses 41 , it is also possible that exposure to the control vapor itself was a mildly stressful experience that produced a transient hyperthermic response that waned over time. ...
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Up to a third of North Americans report using cannabis in the prior month, most commonly through inhalation. Animal models that reflect human consumption are critical to study the impact of cannabis on brain and behaviour. Most animal studies to date utilize injection of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC; primary psychoactive component of cannabis). THC injections produce markedly different physiological and behavioural effects than inhalation, likely due to distinctive pharmacokinetics. The current study directly examined if administration route (injection versus inhalation) alters metabolism and central accumulation of THC and metabolites over time. Adult male and female Sprague–Dawley rats received either an intraperitoneal injection or a 15-min session of inhaled exposure to THC. Blood and brains were collected at 15, 30, 60, 90 and 240-min post-exposure for analysis of THC and metabolites. Despite achieving comparable peak blood THC concentrations in both groups, our results indicate higher initial brain THC concentration following inhalation, whereas injection resulted in dramatically higher 11-OH-THC concentration, a potent THC metabolite, in blood and brain that increased over time. Our results provide evidence of different pharmacokinetic profiles following inhalation versus injection. Accordingly, administration route should be considered during data interpretation, and translational animal work should strongly consider using inhalation models.
... The measurements to assess metabolism (basal body temperature) and hormonal stress response [15] were conducted after Weeks 1, 5, and 8. During manual fixation, body temperature was taken by a digital thermometer, which was rectally inserted (HS digital thermometer VET, Henry Schein Dental, Melville, NY, USA). ...
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Ensuring optimal housing conditions for laboratory animals is a crucial prerequisite for high-quality and ethically justifiable in vivo science. In addition to guaranteeing animal welfare and promoting scientific validity, environmental sustainability is also increasingly gaining attention in laboratory animal facilities. Consequently, comprehensive management of such aspects is one of the core tasks of any research vivarium. Hygienic monitoring and adhering to standardized experimental protocols have been highlighted in the past; nevertheless, various environmental aspects of housing animals still need to be evaluated in greater depth. In this pilot study, we aimed at assessing the suitability of spelt and corncob as economical and ecologically friendly bedding substrates as compared with commonly used aspen wood chips. Therefore, following a descriptive study design, we examined the preferences of male and female Wistar rats for corncob and spelt under specific conditions. In addition, we evaluated potential effects on behavior, metabolism, and stress physiology. The type of bedding did not seem to influence behavior in the observed parameters but did have time- and sex-dependent effects on blood glucose. Furthermore, housing animals on spelt led to a significant reduction in food consumption, probably compensated for by the intake of spelt, and although it did not influence glucose levels, it may have certainly impacted the nutrient supply. Our descriptive pilot study, therefore, highlights the importance of a thorough condition-associated evaluation of even seemingly marginal environmental factors, when balancing potential cost-benefit advances in sustainability and questions of standardization and reproducibility of experimental protocols.
... Dymon y Fewell (1998), evaluaron la respuesta térmica de cobayos machos y hembras, frente a la exposición de un campo abierto simulado; se observó que no desarrollaron SIH ni los machos, ni las hembras; sin embargo, en el caso de las hembras, hubo un menor valor de temperatura corporal. Esta observación se contrapone con lo reportado en el estudio de Dallmann et al., (2006), quienes encontraron que la confrontación social genera SIH, debido al aumento de corticosterona, aproximadamente entre 10 a 30 minutos posteriores a la exposición al estresor. Cabe señalar que otros autores han determinado que la SIH puede prolongarse 60-120 minutos después del estímulo nocivo, lo cual se presentó al realizar un análisis de inmunotinción para el receptor Fos en los núcleos preóptico y periolivar (Veening et al., 2004). ...
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Stress-induced hyperthermia is an acute response that occurs in the short term in individuals who are facing a stressful stimulus, considering that this response can provide significant information on the degree of stress. However, it is not yet clear whether the neurological pathway can be modified to the degree to which stress is perceived, besides, research indicates that the thermal response possibly has a greater cardiovascular influence by generating the consumption of energy resources. In the same way, the factors that induce this response have been questioned, since recent evidence indicates that social factors such as the presence of conspecifics attenuate the thermal response, but, when coexistence or some other action like parenting is prevented, the response is to the reverse. For this reason, the objective of this article was to analyze the neurobiology of stress-induced hyperthermia and its conceptual difference with infectious fever, as well as to integrate the factors that modulate it, analyzing recent scientific advances in stress-induced thermal response.
... Rabbits are the third most common companion animal species presenting to the veterinary clinic, and yet are poorly represented in the veterinary literature (O'Neill et al., 2020). As rabbits are a prey species, any handling or restraint will potentially elicit a stress response, impacting physiological parameters such as heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature (Dallmann et al., 2006;Ozawa et al., 2017). Previously published rabbit rectal temperature reference ranges likely reflect the influence of stress, for example 38.6-40.1 °C (Fielder, 2016), but are also potentially derived from laboratory animals subject to very different husbandry from the typical pet rabbit. ...
Measuring body temperature is a key part of a thorough clinical examination. Deviations from the normal range can be life-threatening and require immediate action. Despite temperature measurement being one of the most commonly measured clinical parameters – the T in TPR – there is little robust, evidence-based veterinary literature available to support the normal temperature range for many companion animals. There is also limited information on normal temperature ranges for different anatomical sites. This review will outline the options available for monitoring body temperature, the limitations of the thermometers available and the need for more research into this “hot topic”.
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Objective Fever is defined as a rise in body temperature upon disease. Fever-range hyperthermia (FRH) is a simplified model of fever and a well-established medical procedure. Despite its beneficial effects, the molecular changes induced by FRH remain poorly characterized. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of FRH on regulatory molecules such as cytokines and miRNAs involved in inflammatory processes. Methods We developed a novel, fast rat model of infrared-induced FRH. The body temperature of animals was monitored using biotelemetry. FRH was induced by the infrared lamp and heating pad. White blood cell counts were monitored using Auto Hematology Analyzer. In peripheral blood mononuclear cells, spleen and liver expression of immune-related genes (IL-10, MIF and G-CSF, IFN-γ) and miRNA machinery (DICER1, TARBP2) was analyzed with RT-qPCR. Furthermore, RT-qPCR was used to explore miRNA-155 levels in the plasma of rats. Results We observed a decrease in the total number of leukocytes due to lower number of lymphocytes, and an increase in the number of granulocytes. Furthermore, we observed elevated expressions of DICER1, TARBP2 and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in the spleen, liver and PBMCs immediately following FRH. FRH treatment also had anti-inflammatory effects, evidenced by the downregulation of pro-inflammatory macrophage migration inhibitor factor (MIF) and miR-155, and the increased expression of anti-inflammatory IL-10. Conclusion FRH affects the expression of molecules involved in inflammatory processes leading to alleviated inflammation. We suppose these effects may be miRNAs-dependent and FRH can be involved in therapies where anti-inflammatory action is needed.
This article encourages a rethinking of how rats are regarded within the laboratory research environment. The rat’s remarkable intellect and cognitive capacities are well known yet conveniently ignored. An understanding of the five domains of animal welfare and the telos of the rat necessitate that the rat’s circumstances, namely habitat accommodations, in the research arena be reassessed. The rat-ness of being a rat must be considered, celebrated, and elevated to significantly higher standards. We advocate for a new research paradigm if one continues to “use” the extraordinary Rattus species.
In the stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) paradigm in group-housed male mice, the rectal temperature of last measured mice is approximately 1.5°C higher than the first measured one when the temperature of each mouse is measured sequentially with an interval of 1 min. In the present study it is demonstrated that SIH is accompanied by increases in plasma ACTH, corticosterone, and glucose levels that return to baseline more or less parallel to the temperature. The simultaneous increases in temperature and plasma stress hormones strongly support the use of the SIH paradigm in mice as an animal model to study putative anti-stress or anxiolytic properties of drugs.
The rat social interaction (SI) test is used widely to measure anxiety-like behavior, yet the influence of various factors such as testing time, pre-experimental manipulations (transport stress), and testing of animals from the same cage (cohort removal, CR) on SI has not been systematically studied. We measured SI behavior of male triad-housed Wistar rats in a novel dimly lit arena (low light unfamiliar, LU) and found that SI time is higher in the beginning of the activity (dark) phase when compared with SI time in first half of the light phase. Furthermore, SI time is significantly increased by habituation of animals to the testing room during light phase, but this intervention has no effect in early dark phase when SI behavior is already maximal. Sequential removal of rats from the home cage led to the stress-like behavioral and physiological consequences. Rats removed in the last position had shorter SI time and higher body temperature. These data demonstrate that SI is higher during early dark vs. early light phase and confirm that CR has anxiogenic-like effects in rats. We conclude that the usage of sequentially removed group-housed rats in behavioral tests can be a source for considerable variation due to anxiety that develops in animals remaining in the cage. On the other hand, CR may be a useful method to study behavioral/neurochemical mechanisms of psychogenic stress in rats.
Hyperthermia produced by handling becomes evident at the initial daily measurement if temperature is measured at a consistent time. This hyperthermia may be a learned effect occurring in anticipation of handling. In Experiment One male Wistar rats were either unhandled or had their temperatures measured daily in the dark or the light part of the day. All animals had their temperatures measured on Day 29, in the dark. Rats usually tested in the dark were hyperthermic, 38.8°C, relative to rats previously handled only in the light, 38.1°C, and to naive rats, 37.9°C. In Experiment Two rats were handled three times daily in either the light or the dark. On Day 9 each group was divided in two, and temperatures were measured at either the usual time or at the other time. Rats tested at their usual time were hyperthermic, relative to rats normally handled in the other part of the cycle. This suggests a conditioned hyperthermia occurs in response to stimuli predictive of handling.
When rats were confronted with the novel experience of a new environment and stressful handling procedure their body temperature increased within minutes. At the same time β-endorphin-like immunoreactivity in the plasma increased dramatically. The stress-induced hyperthermia could be antagonized or reversed by the active, not however, by the inactive enantiomer of naloxone. The data provide evidence for a physiological role of endorphins.
Core temperature was recorded from thermistors implanted into the thoracic cavities of rats; rectal temperature was also recorded. A marked elevation of core temperature, lasting 70 min, was produced by insertion of a rectal probe for 1 min; this elevation was maintained if the probe was left in situ.
Several forms of psychological stress result in a rise in body temperature in rats. In this study, we report that rats housed at a low ambient temperature (11.1 degrees C) develop stress-induced rises in body temperature that do not differ from the responses seen when the animals are kept at a temperature within their thermoneutral zone (24.7 degrees C). These data support the hypothesis that stress-induced "hyperthermia" is a regulated rise in temperature (i.e., a rise in thermoregulatory "set-point," or fever), and is not simply the result of metabolic changes associated with the stress response itself.
IN investigations involving changes in body temperature in the rat1-3 we have noted discrepanciess, in the control levels and changes in response to given doses of drugs such as morphine, chlorpromazine and reserpine, between our own data and those quoted for comparable situations in the literature. Although a wide variety of techniques for measuring body temperature have been used, the most commonly used method in the conscious animal is the intermittent or chronic insertion of a thermo-sensitive device into the rectum. Few authors state the distance to which the thermometer is inserted but, where the measurement is given, it is generally, in the rat, of the order of 3.0-5.0 cm.
The effects of 3 different non-noxious stressors on body temperature (Tb) were investigated in the rat: (1) loose restraint in cylinders, (2) removal of the rats from cylinders, exposure to a novel environment and replacement in cylinders, a stressor called here 'novelty', and (3) gentle holding of the rats by the nape of the neck. Loose restraint and 'novelty' produced hyperthermia. On the contrary, holding induced hypothermia. Hypophysectomy (HX) reduced basal Tb, abolished restraint hyperthermia and reduced both 'novelty' hyperthermia and holding hypothermia. Dexamethasone ( DEXA ) had no effect upon either restraint or novelty hyperthermia but reduced the hypothermia. Naloxone (Nx) produced a slight fall in basal Tb accounting for its reduction of restraint and 'novelty' hyperthermias ; it did not affect holding hypothermia. The inhibitory effects of HX suggest a participation of the pituitary in the hyperthermias ; the neurointermediate lobe would be involved as the hyperthermias were not affected by DEXA , which is known to block the stress-induced release of pituitary secretions from the anterior lobe but not from the neurointermediate lobe. In contrast, substances from the anterior lobe might participate in hypothermia due to holding since it is reduced by HX and DEXA . As to the effects of Nx, endogenous opioids would not be significantly involved in the thermic effects of the stressors used in this study; they might play, if any, only a minor role in the regulation of basal Tb. These results are compared with those previously obtained on nociception using the same non-noxious stressors. It emerges that, depending on the stressor, different types of association between thermoregulation and nociception may occur, i.e. hyperthermia with analgesia, hyperthermia with hyperalgesia and hypothermia with hyperalgesia.