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The pathology of myocardial infarction in the pre- and post-interventional era



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The pathology of myocardial infarction in the pre-
and post-interventional era
M Pasotti, F Prati, E Arbustini
Heart 2006;92:1552–1556. doi: 10.1136/hrt.2005.086934
he clinical diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI) relies
on symptoms, electrocardiographic findings, and bio-
chemical markers (troponin, serum creatine kinase,
creatine kinase-MB).
Acute ischaemic syndromes are now
classified as unstable angina/non-ST-elevation MI (UA/
NSTEMI) and acute ischaemic syndromes with ST-elevation
The new diagnostic criteria and markers are
leading to increased proportions
of acute ischaemic syn-
dromes being recognised as acute MI. Obviously, elevated
troponin concentrations are not, by themselves, synonymous
with acute MI and can occur in a variety of cardiac and non-
cardiac disorders (for example, sepsis or septic shock,
pulmonary embolism, acute exacerbation of chronic obstruc-
tive pulmonary disease).
Therefore, the diagnosis of acute
MI relies on the combination of all clinical and biochemical
tools, each providing its own diagnostic contribution.
The pathological hallmark of acute MI is coagulative
necrosis of the myocardium. All recent advances in the
definition, diagnostic work-up and treatment of MI are
essential to perform an informative pathological investiga-
tion. In fatal MI, the pathological study must be performed at
the appropriate technical and interpretative level to confirm,
extend and improve information useful for the clinical
understanding of the event (why one infarction proves fatal
while other clinically similar MIs are not) and, eventually,
contribute towards improving knowledge that may help
future research in the MI setting.
The pathological diagnosis of MI relies on the identification
of coagulative necrosis in the myocardium, or of repairing
features according to the ‘‘age’’ of the MI,
or, if death
occurred before the time necessary for coagulative necrosis to
become visible at routine histopathology, on the detection of
occlusive coronary thrombosis of an epicardial coronary
artery (International classification of diseases, 9th revision (ICD-
9) classification 410, 411). When coronary thrombosis is not
detected at autopsy in individuals with MI who did not
receive reperfusion, plaque complications such as rupture and
haemorrhage can be considered the potential substrate of an
acute thrombotic event that spontaneously thrombolysed. In
less than 5% of cases, MI is reported as not being associated
with coronary atherosclerotic plaques. Coronary spasm
drug-induced (Kounis syndrome)
or associated with
systemic disease
), coronary emboli, and myocardial bridges
have been considered as exceptional causes of MI; for these
coronary substrates, the pathologic identification of the
culprit lesion may be difficult. Cases with clinically diagnosed
MI in which neither coagulative necrosis nor acute events in
the culprit plaque are found at autopsy are exceptional.
Most patients with acute MI who are admitted to coronary
care units (CCUs) and coronary interventional labs shortly
after the onset of the ischaemia have a favourable prog-
In the modern cardiology setting, fatal MIs are
usually those occurring out of the hospital, or are seen in
patients who came late to the CCU, did not receive
appropriate treatments, or died suddenly from life-threaten-
ing arrhythmias.
With respect to transmural versus subendocardial MI, the
recent identification of small intramural foci of coagulative
necrosis, clinically recognised with the additional informa-
tion derived from troponin measurements (fig 1),
the need for modified investigation protocols at autopsy with
extensive search for microfoci of necrosis in multiple
myocardial samples. These MIs are unlikely to be fatal unless
the acute ischaemia triggers life-threatening arrhythmias
and, in any case, the corresponding clinical phenotype should
Non-reperfused MI shows typical ischaemic coagulative
During the first 30–40 minutes of ischaemia, the
changes are visible only at electron microscopy and are
reversible. The macroscopic appearance depends on the
interval of time between the onset of MI and death. A
macroscopic early diagnosis (few hours from onset) relies on
the immersion of the infarcted myocardium in a solution of
triphenyltetrazolium chloride. This histochemical stain
imparts a brick-red stain to the non-infarcted area preserving
the dehydrogenase enzymes. From 12–24 hours the myocar-
dium appears as dark mottling; from days 1–3, the mottling is
centred by a yellow-tan core; from days 3–7 the central
yellow-tan softening area is surrounded by hyperaemic
borders; from days 7–10, the infarction area is yellow-tan
and soft, and the margins are red-tan and depressed; from
10–14 days, the borders assume a red-grey colour; from 2–
8 weeks the scar starts to develop from the periphery to the
centre; after the second month, the scarring process should
be completed.
Although the microscopic appearance before 12 hours is
poorly informative, hypereosinophilic changes of the myocyte
sarcoplasms are present before neutrophilic infiltrates
(fig 1A,B). The so-called ‘‘waviness’’ may be seen at the
border of the ischaemic MI. Isolated myocyte waviness
(without other findings such as hypereosinophilia of the
sarcoplasms or contraction bands and coagulative necrosis)
do not have diagnostic value. Focal waviness of single
myocytes or groups of these cells can be seen in hearts of
patients who died from proven non-cardiac causes; they
constitute the morphologic expression of terminal changes in
pre-agonic and agonic phases. The lack of significance of
Abbreviations: CCU, coronary care unit; MI, myocardial infarction;
MR, mitral regurgitation; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention;
PTCA, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; STEMI, ST-
elevation myocardial infarction, UA/NSTEMI, unstable angina/non-ST-
elevation myocardial infarction
isolated myocyte waviness has been experimentally demon-
After 12 hours, coagulative necrosis starts and progresses
with loss of the nuclei (days 1–3), neutrophilic infiltration
(early days 1–3) (fig 1C,D, fig 2A,B), myocyte fragmentation
(days 3–7) and early phagocytosis at the border of the MI
(days 3–7) after the first week; the granulation tissue
progresses and evolves through loose (week 2) and progres-
sively dense collagen deposition (from 3–8 weeks) and scar
that is completed by the second month. After that date, the
scar becomes acellular and collagen appears dense and
The above time intervals indicate the onset and
peaks of the features but do not reflect the ending. In large
transmural MI, layers of necrotic myocytes can be observed
after intervals longer than two months.
Coronary arteries
A culprit plaque with acute thrombosis is found at autopsy in
more than 90%
of patients who have died from MI and were
not treated with either thrombolysis or percutaneous translum-
inal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). The plaque substrate for
thrombosis is rupture in about 75% of the cases and erosion in a
minority of cases,
mostly women and smokers.
The typical
culprit lesion is a large atherosclerotic plaque with cap
ulceration and superimposed acute thrombosis. The acute
thrombus is red, with a small platelet-rich small head, a fibrin-
and red cell-rich body, and a red cell-rich tail.
Reperfusion in MI restores the coronary flow interrupted by
the acute coronary event. It can be obtained using thrombo-
lysis or mechanical interventions such as PTCA with or
without stenting. The greatest effectiveness is obtained with
PTCA which dramatically modifies the natural history of MI
and is now available in nearly all tertiary cardiologic centres
in Europe.
Thrombolysis and percutaneous coronary interventions
(PCI) with or without stenting is usually performed when
the interval between the onset of symptoms and opening of
the culprit coronary artery is less than 12 hours (the gold
standard is six hours, while the benefit derived from
reperfusion between 12–24 hours is debatable). Guidelines
for STEMI indicate 12 hours after onset of symptoms, and
then distinguish the indications on the basis of the presence
or absence of a PCI centre in the hospital. In hospitals where
a PCI centre is active, all patients with STEMI should
undergo primary PCI. If the interval between onset of
symptoms and arrival at a hospital without a PCI centre is
between 3–12 hours, the patient should be immediately
transferred to a hospital with an active PCI centre. If the
interval is , 3 hours, then thrombolysis can be performed.
Reperfusion strategies are introduced in the cardiopathological
setting for the so-called reperfusion-associated pathologies,
Figure 1 Small foci of coagulative necrosis can be recognised on haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained sections: ischaemic myocytes typically show
the hypereosinophilia that characterises early phases of coagulative necrosis. (A) The ischaemic myocytes are located in the left side of the panel; (B) the
ischaemic myocytes are positioned bottom left; (C) low magnification view showing a small area of acute myocardial infarction in which granulocyte
infiltration is clearly visible among the myocytes showing coagulative necrosis (squared area and (D), inset at higher magnification). The front of the
myocardial ischaemia is in the top half of the figure.
Mini-symposium 1553
whose clinical manifestations include arrhythmias and pro-
longed ischaemic dysfunction, the pathological evidence for
which includes myocardial haemorrhage with contraction
bands, myocyte reperfusion injury distinct from, and additional
to, coagulative necrosis, and small vessel damage. Contraction
bands are seen in irreversibly injured myocytes: their morphol-
ogy is characterised by intensely eosinophilic transverse bands
comprising closely packed hypercontracted sarcomeres. The
macroscopic appearance of reperfused MI is typically haemor-
rhagic. Microscopic examination of reperfused infarction areas
shows myocytes with coagulative necrosis surrounded by red
cell infiltration (fig 2C,D), contraction band necrosis and small
vessels which are either damaged or showing small thrombo- or
athero-emboli. Small vessel damage may further worsen the
haemorrhagic invasion of the myocardium and leads to
endothelial cell swelling which is potentially occlusive (espe-
cially at the capillary level), thus preventing local reperfusion of
ischaemic myocardium. This phenomenon is known as no-
15 16
If reperfusion is done before irreversible necrosis, the
blood flow restoration of the area at risk may rescue the entire
ischaemic myocardium. Alternatively, the rescued area is
proportional to the interval elapsed between onset of ischaemia
and blood flow restoration. Scars of reperfused MI show more
angiogenesis processes than non-reperfused MI. In the majority
of cases, the result of reperfusion is a limitation of the infarct
area and size, with improvement of short and long term
function and prolonged survival.
Coronary arteries
In reperfused MI the culprit lesion is expected to be patent: it
may show ulceration with haemorrhagic invasion of the core
or mural thrombus layered over the plaque ulceration.
Pultaceous material and thrombotic fragments may reach
the small vessels of the area around the culprit vessel.
deleterious consequence of infarct-related artery reperfusion
can be addressed by the upstream use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
inhibitors, which were found to improve microcirculatory
function and clinical outcome.
Alternatively, new filters or
aspirating devices are being used in clinical practice to collect
or suck up both plaque and thrombus derived fragments in
order to limit small vessel impairment. However, these
devices were not found to sufficiently antagonise the no-
reflow phenomenon and improve clinical results.
Acute pulmonary oedema
Pulmonary oedema is associated with a 20–40% 30-day
mortality rate, even in the fibrinolytic era.
oedema may occur as an acute event with the onset of STEMI
Figure 2 (A and B) Typical, non-reperfused myocardial infarction: the basophilic areas indicate the front of granulocyte infiltration. In non-reperfused
MI the repair starts at the borders of the MI and the front progresses from the periphery to the centre. (C and D) Typical reperfusion pattern of a
consolidated myocardial infarction: note the extensive haemorrhagic invasion of the myocardium with coagulative necrosis and the absence of
haemorrhage in subendocardial layers with morphologically ‘‘viable’’ myocytes.
1554 Mini-symposium
or reinfarction, or as the culmination of slowly progressive
congestive heart failure during the first days after MI.
Heart rupture
The main risk factors for heart rupture include longstanding
hypertension, female sex, advanced age, and no history of
prior infarction.
21 22
Left ventricular free-wall rupture—Cardiac rupture occurs in
1–6% of all patients admitted with STEMI. The frequency
of cardiac rupture shows two peaks: one early within
24 hours, and one late from 3–5 days after STEMI. Risk
factors for cardiac rupture include: first MI, anterior
infarction, old age, female sex, hypertension during the
acute phase of STEMI, lack of prior angina and MI, lack of
collaterals, Q waves on the ECG, symptoms of pericarditis,
peak MB creatine kinase . 150 IU/l, intake of corticoster-
oids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and
fibrinolytic therapy more than 14 hours after onset of
21 22
The most important determinants in pre-
venting rupture are successful early reperfusion and the
presence of collateral circulation.
21 22
Ventricular septal rupture—During the reperfusion era the
frequency of acute rupture of the interventricular septum
has declined. It occurs in less than 1% of patients with
In patients treated with fibrinolytic therapy, the
highest risk is within the first 24 hours after MI. The
haemodynamic collapse, even in patients who appear to
be clinically stable with normal left ventricular function.
Papillary muscle rupture—Papillary muscle rupture occurs in
less than 1% of cases. The diagnosis is made on the basis of
clinical and imaging findings.
Left ventricular aneurysm
Aneurysm after STEMI usually occurs in the left anterior
wall, in association with left anterior descending occlusion
and a wide infarcted area. Patients with STEMI treated with
fibrinolytic therapy and a patent infarct-related artery have a
significantly reduced incidence of left ventricular aneurysm
compared with those who do not (7.2% v 18.8%).
Ventricular pseudoaneurysm
Ventricular pseudoaneurysm is a rare complication. It occurs
as a consequence of rupture of the ventricular free wall and is
contained by overlying, adherent pericardium, producing
what has been termed a ‘‘false aneurysm or pseudoaneur-
ysm’’ of the left ventricle. The pathologic features depend on
the interval of time elapsed from onset of MI and death and
from the extent of haemorrhage between the pericardium
and the myocardial wall. The myocardial wall shows
interruption or fissuring. The myocardial changes include
coagulative necrosis with or without reperfusion pattern,
according to the administered treatments.
Most pseudo-
aneurysms are formed within seven days after an AMI, only
exceptionally forming later.
Cardiac arrhythmias are common in patients with STEMI
and occur most frequently early after the development of
symptoms. The mechanisms for ventricular tachyarrhythmia
include loss of transmembrane resting potential, re-entrant
mechanisms due to dispersion of refractoriness in the border
zones between infracted and non-ischaemic tissues, and the
development of foci of enhanced automaticity.
arrhythmias likely involve washout of toxic metabolites and
various ions such as lactate and potassium.
Lethal arrhythmias/sudden death
Ventricular arrhythmias are one of the most frequent causes
of death in non-hospitalised patients with acute MI.
are the most common form of sudden ischaemic death.
Cardiogenic shock
Cardiogenic shock in patients with STEMI is commonly
(75%) caused by extensive left ventricular dysfunction.
Other relevant causes include mechanical complications
(acute severe mitral regurgitation, ventricular septal rupture,
and subacute free-wall rupture with tamponade).
Cardiogenic shock may be mimicked by aortic dissection
and haemorrhagic shock.
Mitral regurgitation
After STEMI, mitral regurgitation (MR) may occur as a result
of infarction of the papillary muscle, infarction involving the
lateral wall, large infarction with left ventricular dilation, and
displacement/dysalignment of the papillary muscle. Severe
MR with cardiogenic shock has a poor prognosis. In the
SHOCK trial registry, approximately 10% of patients with
shock presented with severe MR (overall hospital mortality
When severe MR is caused by infarction of the
papillary muscle and wall, the area of infarction tends to be
less extensive than in patients in whom the MR is caused by
papillary displacement/dysalignment and severe left ventri-
cular dysfunction. The presence of acute pulmonary oedema
or cardiogenic shock in posterior/posterolateral STEMI
should point to the possibility of acute MR caused by
papillary muscle rupture.
Figure 3 Light micrographs showing (A) typical pulmonary oedema
(H&E stain) versus (B) pulmonary haemorrhage in a patient who died of
acute adult-type respiratory distress related to abciximab (peroxidase-
antiperoxidase; anti-glycoforin A immunostain).
Mini-symposium 1555
Pericarditis occurs in transmural STEMI involving the full
thickness of the myocardial wall to the epicardium. Patients
with pericarditis have larger infarcts, lower ejection fraction
and higher incidence of congestive heart failure. Pericarditis
may appear up to several weeks after STEMI. The Dressler
syndrome (post-MI syndrome) has essentially disappeared in
the reperfusion era.
Acute pulmonary haemorrhage
This is a rare complication that may occur in patients who
undergo primary PTCA and are treated with glycoprotein IIb/
IIIa inhibitors.
30 31
When it occurs, it is difficult and costly to
treat and may result in death. The pathologic diagnosis is
essential to confirm the alveolar invasion by red blood cells
(fig 3A,B). Bleeding complications are higher in women than
in men. In pooled analysis of the results from EPIC, EPILOG
and EPISTENT, major bleeding rates were 3% and 1.3%
(p = 0.004) and minor bleeding rates were 6.7% and 2.2%
(p , 0.001) in women and men, respectively. Rare intracra-
nial and gastrointestinal haemorrhages have also been
The pathology of MI in the post-interventional era includes
specific features mostly resulting from the reperfusion of
necrotic myocardium. The contribution of the pathologic
study should add information to the clinical data and should
match new sensitive diagnostic markers. The complication
scenario is also modified: prevalence and evolution are
significantly different in non-reperfused and reperfused MI.
Authors’ affiliations
M Pasotti, Center for Inherited Cardiomyopathies, IRCCS Policlinico San
Matteo, Pavia, Italy
F Prati, Interventional Cardiology, S. Giovanni Hospital, Roma, Italy
E Arbustini, Molecular Genetics, Cardiovascular and Transplant
Pathology, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy
Supported by grants: Ricerche Finalizzate granted by the Ministry of
Health to the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy
Correspondence to: Dr Eloisa Arbustini, Centre for Inherited
Cardiovascular Diseases, Cardiovascular Pathology, Area
Trapiantologica, Piazzale Golgi 2, 27100 Pavia, Italy; e.arbustini@
Published Online First 18 April 2006
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... Coagulative necrosis is not consistently noted with PFA, 1 and this rare finding could reflect a small amount of thermal injury with PFA, but this may also represent delayed healing of the MI itself, as coagulative necrosis is well described as part of the early and intermediate stages of MI repair. [17][18][19] The finding of selective PFA effects on surviving myocytes within the scar and extending to the epicardial border of the scar is promising, as clinical ablation of ventricular arrhythmias often seeks to target or even 'homogenize' these tissues, which may be critical isthmuses for reentry. 20 Conversely, the inability to selectively target viable myocytes within a chronic MI scar is a well-described limitation of RF, 9,20 in which resistive heating may be limited by a 'shunting' of current away from higher-impedance myocytes by lower impedance scar, and myocytes may be insulated from conductive heating by surrounding intra-scar fat and collagen. ...
... Thus, it cannot be confirmed that the PFA effects (contraction bands and myocytolysis) of surviving myocytes within the scar will definitively lead to irreversible scar homogenization. However, these pathologic findings are well-known acute markers of eventual scar formation, both in studies of ablation and in those of MI. [17][18][19] Conclusion PFA is able to generate ventricular lesions of significant depth, contiguous linear lesions without gaps, and selective ablation of surviving myocytes in and beyond the chronic MI scar via contraction band necrosis and myocytolysis (but rare coagulative necrosis). Translation to clinical use for catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias will require an assessment of chronic evolution and 'durability' of PFA lesions made in/ around the myocardial scar. ...
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Aims: Data on ventricular pulsed-field ablation (PFA) are sparse in the setting of chronic myocardial infarction (MI). The objective of this study was to compare the biophysical and histopathologic characteristics of PFA in healthy and MI swine ventricular myocardium. Methods and results: Myocardial infarction swine (n = 8) underwent coronary balloon occlusion and survived for 30 days. We then performed endocardial unipolar, biphasic PFA of the MI border zone and a dense scar with electroanatomic mapping and using an irrigated contact force (CF)-sensing catheter with the CENTAURI System (Galaxy Medical). Lesion and biophysical characteristics were compared with three controls: MI swine undergoing thermal ablation, MI swine undergoing no ablation, and healthy swine undergoing similar PFA applications that included linear lesion sets. Tissues were systematically assessed by gross pathology utilizing 2,3,5-triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium chloride staining and histologically with haematoxylin and eosin and trichrome. Pulsed-field ablation in healthy myocardium generated well-demarcated ellipsoid lesions (7.2 ± 2.1 mm depth) with contraction band necrosis and myocytolysis. Pulsed-field ablation in MI demonstrated slightly smaller lesions (depth 5.3 ± 1.9 mm, P = 0.0002), and lesions infiltrated into the irregular scar border, resulting in contraction band necrosis and myocytolysis of surviving myocytes and extending to the epicardial border of the scar. Coagulative necrosis was present in 75% of thermal ablation controls but only in 16% of PFA lesions. Linear PFA resulted in contiguous linear lesions with no gaps in gross pathology. Neither CF nor local R-wave amplitude reduction correlated with lesion size. Conclusion: Pulsed-field ablation of a heterogeneous chronic MI scar effectively ablates surviving myocytes within and beyond the scar, demonstrating promise for the clinical ablation of scar-mediated ventricular arrhythmias.
... A few hours after the AMI, an intercellular edema occurred. It is characterized by an obvious inflammatory response with neutrophil infiltration and progressive coagulative necrosis (8). It led to an increase in the pacing threshold in this patient, and it finally, resulted in a failure capture of the right ventricular lead. ...
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A 71-year-old female with a dual-chamber pacemaker presented to our hospital complaining of repeated chest pain. She was diagnosed with unstable angina. On day 7, the patient suddenly suffered cardiopulmonary arrest due to an inferior ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Pacemaker lost capture was suspected and was later confirmed by a pacemaker check with a high pacing threshold and a low sensing parameter. Emergency coronary angiography revealed that a large filling defect remained due to an extensive thrombus in the proximal left circumflex (LCX) with thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) grade 2 flow, and then a repeat thrombus aspiration was performed. After reperfusion, the parameters of the right ventricular lead were gradually returned. We conclude that the loss of the right ventricular lead pacing occurred in this case of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) induced by an LCX thrombus due to an LCX supplying the right ventricular septal.
... Whole heart mounts confirmed that acute DOX treatment reduced cardiac size, particularly in HDD treated animals. Higher magnification revealed increased nuclei from cell infiltration, identification of myocytes without nuclei, and the appearance of 'wavy' fibres within the myocardium, all of which are indicative of early myocardial injury/necrosis (Michaud et al., 2020;Pasotti et al., 2006). Interestingly, DOX treatment resulted in a small, but significant increase in myocyte cross-sectional area, which could reflect a combination of hypertrophy and necrosis-related cell swelling ( Figure 1E). ...
Doxorubicin (DOX) is an effective anthracycline used in chemotherapeutic regimens for a variety of haematological and solid tumors. However, its utility remains limited by its well-described, but poorly understood cardiotoxicity. Despite numerous studies describing various forms of regulated cell death and their involvement in DOX-mediated cardiotoxicity, the predominate form of cell death remains unclear. Part of this inconsistency lies in a lack of standardization of in vivo and in vitro model design. To this end, the objective of this study was to characterize acute low- and high-dose DOX exposure on cardiac structure and function in C57BL/6 N mice, and evaluate regulated cell death pathways and autophagy both in vivo and in cardiomyocyte culture models. Acute low-dose DOX had no significant impact on cardiac structure or function; however, acute high-dose DOX elicited substantial cardiac necrosis resulting in diminished cardiac mass and volume, with a corresponding reduced cardiac output, and without impacting ejection fraction or fibrosis. Low-dose DOX consistently activated caspase-signaling with evidence of mitochondrial permeability transition. However, acute high-dose DOX had only modest impact on common necrotic signaling pathways, but instead led to an inhibition in autophagic flux. Intriguingly, when autophagy was inhibited in cultured cardiomyoblasts, DOX-induced necrosis was enhanced. Collectively, these observations implicate inhibition of autophagy flux as an important component of the acute necrotic response to DOX, but also suggest that acute high-dose DOX exposure does not recapitulate the disease phenotype observed in human cardiotoxicity.
... Aescin treatment protected the myocardium against ISO-induced damage and restored myocardial architecture to near-normal. Histopathological investigations of cardiac tissues from normal and aescin-only treated rats revealed a healthy morphology of the heart muscle without any necrosis, demonstrating that aescin is non-toxic [48]. Aescin 5 and 20 mg/kg b.w also provided excellent morphological protection by reducing muscle fiber loss with moderate necrosis. ...
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The efficacy of aescin on the liver and cardiac markers, lipid profile, and antioxidant status in rats with myocardial infarction (MI) induced by isoproterenol (ISO) was investigated in this study. Three doses of aescin (5, 10, and 20 mg/kg of b.w) were administered to rats for the first 21 days. After the treatment period, ISO (60 mg/kg of b.w) was given subcutaneously to the rats on the 22nd and 23rdday. Cardiovascular and hepatic markers (CK, ALT, CK-MB, AST, cTnI, and cTnT) have been analyzed to investigate the cardiac and liver damage. The activities of antioxidant enzymes (CAT, GST, SOD, and GPx) were decreased in both cardiac tissue and erythrocytes of ISO rats. The levels of phospholipids (PLs), total cholesterol (TC), free fatty acids (FFA), and triglycerides (TG) were increased significantly in the serum of the rats administrated with ISO. The results of the present study implies that aescin pretreatment reduces oxidative stress and exhibits cardioprotective action by scavenging the free radicals and maintaining the levels of circulatory and cardiac lipids. Hematoxylin and eosin staining method was used to examine the cardiac histological changes in the experimental rats and the results showed that ISO-administered rats pretreated with aescin reduced cardiac tissue damage when compared with ISO alone injected rats.
Immune cell trafficking constitutes a fundamental component of immunological response to tissue injury, but the contribution of intrinsic RNA nucleotide modifications to this response remains elusive. We report that RNA editor ADAR2 exerts a tissue- and stress-specific regulation of endothelial responses to interleukin-6 (IL-6), which tightly controls leukocyte trafficking in IL-6-inflamed and ischemic tissues. Genetic ablation of ADAR2 from vascular endothelial cells diminished myeloid cell rolling and adhesion on vascular walls and reduced immune cell infiltration within ischemic tissues. ADAR2 was required in the endothelium for the expression of the IL-6 receptor subunit, IL-6 signal transducer (IL6ST; gp130), and subsequently, for IL-6 trans-signaling responses. ADAR2-induced adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing suppressed the Drosha-dependent primary microRNA processing, thereby overwriting the default endothelial transcriptional program to safeguard gp130 expression. This work demonstrates a role for ADAR2 epitranscriptional activity as a checkpoint in IL-6 trans-signaling and immune cell trafficking to sites of tissue injury.
Cell therapy is a potential novel treatment for cardiac regeneration and numerous studies have attempted to transplant cells to regenerate the myocardium lost during myocardial infarction. To date, only minimal improvements to cardiac function have been reported. This is likely to occur from low cell retention following delivery and high cell death after transplantation. The thesis aimed to improve the delivery and engraftment of viable cells by using an injectable biomaterial which provides an implantable, biodegradable substrate for attachment and growth of cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). The thesis describes the fabrication and characterisation of Thermally Induced Phase Separation (TIPS) microspheres, and functionalisation of the microspheres to enable cell attachment in xeno-free conditions. The selected formulation resulted in iPSC attachment, expansion, and retention of pluripotent phenotype. Differentiation of iPSC into cardiomyocytes was investigated and characterised, comparing in vitro culture to microsphere culture using flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry and western blotting techniques. Microsphere culture was shown to be protective against anoikis and compatible for injectable delivery. The in vivo compatibility of the microspheres was assessed using pre-clinical murine models. The microspheres were rendered trackable, using the computed tomography contrast agent barium sulphate, to assess the distribution after ultra-sound guided intramyocardial injections for targeted delivery. The findings suggest that barium sulphate-loaded microspheres can be used as a novel tool for optimising delivery techniques and tracking persistence and distribution of implanted products. Once in vivo compatibility was established, a cellularised microsphere formulation was delivered to the myocardium of immunocompromised mice, to compare the efficacy of biomaterial assisted versus suspension cell therapy. This work demonstrates that TIPS microcarriers offer a supporting matrix for culturing iPSC and iPSC derived cardiomyocytes in vitro and when implanted in vivo have the potential to be developed into an injectable biomaterial for cardiac regeneration.
Purpose Immune checkpoint blocker (ICB) associated myocarditis (ICB-myocarditis) may present similarly and/or overlap with other cardiac pathology including acute coronary syndrome presenting a challenge for prompt clinical diagnosis. Methods An international registry was used to retrospectively identify cases of ICB-myocarditis. Presence of coronary artery disease (CAD) was defined as coronary artery stenosis >70% in patients undergoing coronary angiogram. Results Among 261 patients with clinically suspected ICB-myocarditis who underwent a coronary angiography, CAD was present in 59/261 patients (22.6%). Coronary revascularization was performed during the index hospitalisation in 19/59 (32.2%) patients. Patients undergoing coronary revascularization less frequently received steroids administration within 24 h of admission compared to the other groups (p = 0.029). Myocarditis-related 90-day mortality was 9/17 (52.7%) in the revascularised cohort, compared to 5/31 (16.1%) in those not revascularized and 25/156 (16.0%) in those without CAD (p = 0.001). Immune-related adverse event-related 90-day mortality was 9/17 (52.7%) in the revascularized cohort, compared to 6/31 (19.4%) in those not revascularized and 31/156 (19.9%) in no CAD groups (p = 0.007). All-cause 90-day mortality was 11/17 (64.7%) in the revascularized cohort, compared to 13/31 (41.9%) in no revascularization and 60/158 (38.0%) in no CAD groups (p = 0.10). After adjustment of age and sex, coronary revascularization remained associated with ICB-myocarditis-related death at 90 days (hazard ratio [HR] = 4.03, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.84–8.84, p < 0.001) and was marginally associated with all-cause death (HR = 1.88, 95% CI, 0.98–3.61, p = 0.057). Conclusion CAD may exist concomitantly with ICB-myocarditis and may portend a poorer outcome when revascularization is performed. This is potentially mediated through delayed diagnosis and treatment or more severe presentation of ICB-myocarditis.
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of both men and women in industrialized countries. Occlusion of the arteries to the heart, the coronary arteries, leads to myocardial ischemia, an imbalance between oxygen supply and demand in the heart muscle. If the ischemia is of sufficient severity and duration, death of myocardium, myocardial infarction (MI), occurs. This can lead to failure of the heart as a pump, or to electrical system failure leading to arrhythmias and sudden death. Other complications in individuals who survive, include aneurysms, ruptures, and/or valvular dysfunction of the heart. The only effective early treatment to date is to reperfuse the ischemic muscle. Myocardial conditioning can have a temporizing and partially protective effect on evolving MI. As more is learned about the molecular biology of the ischemic myocardium, there is optimism regarding the potential for novel methods of myocardial preservation and regeneration for those who suffer from this disease. This chapter focuses on the morphologic features of the coronary arteries and the heart in patients with ischemic heart disease.
The pathology textbooks of the 1930s and 1940s mirrored the teaching of pathology at a low ebb: a descriptive discipline rich in color, shapes, and culinary allusions, but imprisoned by the autopsy and satisfied with the portrayal of disease as static morbid anatomy.After the war there were hopeful rebellions, and several splinter books appeared. Especially notable was Sir Howard Florey's General Pathology, around which rallied those departments of pathology that revered the new science of cell biology. Wiley D. Forbus attempted to bring movement and dynamism back to pathology with Reaction to Injury, which unfortunately never caught on. No one, however, approached pathology as a clinical discipline, and only Boyd demonstrated elegance of style. W. A. D. Anderson captured the mainstream; his monumental work (introduced in 1948, and now in its eighth edition, edited by J. W. Kissane) continued the tradition of obsessive cataloging, gradually introducing dynamic concepts as
The incidence of the post-myocardial infarction syndrome (Dressler’s syndrome) among thrombolized patients has not been established yet. To clarify this issue we prospectively studied 201 consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction who had undergone recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator therapy followed by 5 days of heparin administration. All patients were followed for at least 3 months for clinical signs of Dressler’s syndrome. None of the 148 patients (76%) who showed clinical signs of early reperfusion had Dressler’s syndrome. The sole patient in the group who manifested the syndrome developed it 3 weeks following extensive anterior myocardial infarction with no evidence of reperfusion. Although 4 patients manifested signs of early pericarditis, none developed the syndrome. We conclude that Dressler’s syndrome has in fact been rendered a rare phenomenon among patients who benefit from thrombolytic therapy.
Acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema is a common cause of acute respiratory failure; however, with appropriate management few patients require intubation and mechanical ventilation. The explosive onset of dyspnea with typical clinical and radiographic findings differentiates patients with cardiogenic pulmonary edema from those with chronic congestive heart failure who present with slowly increasing dyspnea, fatigue, and peripheral edema. The predominant pathophysiologic problem is diastolic heart failure, and although many patients have coexistent systolic heart failure, this problem rarely dominates the clinical presentation. Management must concurrently aim to decrease left ventricular diastolic pressure (primarily by decreasing central blood volume), promote coronary blood flow, and correct the acute respiratory failure. The action of nitroglycerin (initially sublingually and then by intravenous infusion) combines venodilatation, reduction of left ventricular afterload, and correction of myocardial ischemia. Although parenteral furosemide is almost universally administered, both as a venodilator and a potent diuretic, it may acutely raise the pulmonary artery occlusion pressure and lower cardiac output in patients with chronic congestive heart failure. Mask continuous positive airway pressure has been shown to dramatically reduce the need for intubation and mechanical ventilation in patients with severe acute respiratory failure; this technique is well tolerated and is usually required for less than 10 hours. Beneficial effects as compared with oxygen therapy include quicker correction of hypoxemia and reduction in respiratory work, left ventricular preload, and left ventricular afterload. In patients for whom systolic dysfunction is the dominant feature, mechanical ventilation, positive inotropic agents, and left ventricular assist devices may be needed. (C) Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
Ventricular septal defect (VSD) complicating acute myocardial infarction has been studied primarily in small, prethrombolytic-era trials. Our goal was to determine clinical predictors and angiographic and clinical outcomes of this complication in the thrombolytic era. We compared enrollment characteristics, angiographic patterns, and outcomes (30-day and 1-year mortality) of patients enrolled in the Global Utilization of Streptokinase and TPA for Occluded Coronary Arteries (GUSTO-I) trial with and without a confirmed diagnosis of VSD. Univariable and multivariable analyses were used to assess relations between enrollment factors and the development of VSD. In all, 84 of the 41 021 patients (0.2%) developed VSD, a smaller percentage than reported in the prethrombolytic era. The median time from symptom onset to VSD diagnosis was 1 day. Enrollment factors most associated with this complication were advanced age, anterior infarction, female sex, and no previous smoking. The infarct artery was more often the left anterior descending and more likely to be totally occluded in patients who developed VSD. Mortality at 30 days was higher in patients with VSDs than in those without this complication (73.8% versus 6.8%, P<0.001). Patients with VSDs selected for surgical repair (n=34) had better outcomes than patients treated medically (n=35; 30-day mortality, 47% versus 94%). Compared with historical control subjects, patients who undergo thrombolysis within 6 hours of infarction onset may have a reduced risk of later VSD. If patients develop this mechanical complication, however, it typically occurs sooner than described in the prethrombolytic era. Despite improvements in medical therapy and percutaneous and surgical techniques, mortality with this complication remains extremely high.
This investigation was undertaken in order to experimentally reassess the value of myocardial waviness and stretching as early histological indicators of acute myocardial infarction. Twenty three dogs were subjected to periods of ischemia, from 30 minutes to 4 hours; wavy fibers were present in 87% and 91% of the ischemic and non-ischemic samples respectively. It is concluded that myocardial fiber waviness lacks significance as an indicator or early myocardial infarction, whose diagnosis remains a major challenge.
To investigate the pathophysiology of cardiac free wall rupture (cardiac rupture) following acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and to clarify whether reperfusion therapy prevents cardiac rupture, 1,329 cases of AMI (conventional therapy group: 807 cases and reperfusion therapy group: 533 cases) were studied retrospectively. The overall incidence of cardiac rupture was 2.3% (2.7% in the conventional therapy group vs. 1.7% in the reperfusion therapy group). Patients with cardiac rupture were divided into two subgroups according to the time interval from the onset of AMI to cardiac rupture (early rupture less than or equal to 72 h and late rupture greater than or equal to 4 days). The indices of initial evolution of AMI was a significant risk of early cardiac rupture. The reperfusion therapy group showed significantly lower incidence of late rupture (0.4 vs. 1.5% in conventional therapy group; p less than 0.05). The incidence of cardiac rupture in the unsuccessful reperfusion therapy group was higher than that of the successful group (5.9% of 118 cases vs. 0.5% of 404 cases; p less than 0.05). It is concluded that the etiology of cardiac rupture following AMI cannot be explained by any single factor. Early rupture depends on the initial evolution of AMI, and early reperfusion and collateral flow prevent the late onset cardiac rupture.
We investigated incidence, severity, and distribution of coronary atherosclerosis, acute thrombosis, and plaque fissuring in ischemic heart disease (both unstable-acute syndromes and chronic ischemia) and in nonischemic controls. We also studied the structural, immunohistochemical, and biochemical profile of plaques, with and without thrombus, including morphometry, immunophenotyping of inflammatory infiltrates, cytokine presence, and ultrastructural features. Critical coronary stenosis was almost the rule in both acute and chronic ischemic series (greater than 90%) whereas it reached 50% in control subjects. Thrombosis was principally characteristic of unstable-acute ischemic syndromes (unstable angina, 32%; acute myocardial infarction, 52%; cardiac sudden death, 26%) but was also found in chronic ischemia (stable angina, 12%; ischemic cardiomyopathy, 14%) and in control subjects (4%). Plaque fissuring without thrombus occurred in low percentages in lipid-rich, severe eccentric plaques in most series. Major differences were found between pultaceous-rich versus fibrous plaques rather than between plaques with or without thrombus. Pultaceous-rich plaques were frequent in sites of critical stenosis, thrombosis, and ulceration. Inflammatory infiltrates, i.e., T cells, macrophages, and a few beta cells, mostly occurred in lipid-rich, plaques unrelated to thrombus. In adventitia, infiltrates were a common finding unrelated to any syndrome. Necrotizing cytokines such as alpha-TNF were immunohistochemically detected in macrophages, smooth muscle, and intimal cells and detected by immunoblotting in 67% of pultaceous-rich plaques, either with or without thrombus. Immune response mediators such as IL-2 were also expressed in analogous plaques but in a minor percentage (50%-40%). Media were extensively damaged in severely diseased vessels with and without thrombus. Ultrastructural study showed that the fibrous cap was either highly cellular or densely fibrillar. Intimal injury with collagen exposure was often associated with platelet adhesion, whereas foamy cell exposure was not. In conclusion, investigated parameters were essentially similar in plaques, both with and without thrombus, whereas major differences were found between pultaceous-rich and fibrous plaques. Since platelets adhere to exposed collagen and not to foam cells, the type of exposed substrates could play a major role in thrombosis.