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Analyses of Toxic Metals and Essential Minerals in the Hair of Arizona Children with Autism and Associated Conditions, and Their Mothers



The objective of this study was to assess the levels of 39 toxic metals and essential minerals in hair samples of children with autism spectrum disorders and their mothers compared to controls. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry was used to analyze the elemental content of the hair of children with autism spectrum disorders (n=51), a subset of their mothers (n=29), neurotypical children (n=40), and a subset of their mothers (n=25). All participants were recruited from Arizona. Iodine levels were 45% lower in the children with autism (p=0.005). Autistic children with pica had a 38% lower level of chromium (p=0.002). Autistic children with low muscle tone had very low levels of potassium (-66%, p=0.01) and high zinc (31%, p=0.01). The mothers of young children with autism had especially low levels of lithium (56% lower, p=0.005), and the young children (ages 3-6 yr) with autism also had low lithium (-30%, p=0.04). Low iodine levels are consistent with previous reports of abnormal thyroid function, which likely affected development of speech and cognitive skills. Low lithium in the mothers likely caused low levels of lithium in the young children, which could have affected their neurological and immunological development. Further investigations of iodine, lithium, and other elements are warranted.
Analyses of Toxic Metals
and Essential Minerals in the Hair
of Arizona Children with Autism
and Associated Conditions,
and Their Mothers
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-6006;
Osteopathic Medical Care, Cave Creek, AZ; and
Doctor’s Data,
St. Charles, IL
Received April 4, 2005; Revised May 9, 2005; Accepted May 11, 2005
The objective of this study was to assess the levels of 39 toxic metals
and essential minerals in hair samples of children with autism spectrum
disorders and their mothers compared to controls. Inductively coupled
plasma–mass spectrometry was used to analyze the elemental content of
the hair of children with autism spectrum disorders (n=51), a subset of
their mothers (n=29), neurotypical children (n=40), and a subset of their
mothers (n=25). All participants were recruited from Arizona. Iodine levels
were 45% lower in the children with autism (p=0.005). Autistic children
with pica had a 38% lower level of chromium (p=0.002). Autistic children
with low muscle tone had very low levels of potassium (–66%, p=0.01) and
high zinc (31%, p=0.01). The mothers of young children with autism had
especially low levels of lithium (56% lower, p=0.005), and the young chil-
dren (ages 3–6 yr) with autism also had low lithium (–30%, p=0.04). Low
iodine levels are consistent with previous reports of abnormal thyroid
function, which likely affected development of speech and cognitive skills.
Low lithium in the mothers likely caused low levels of lithium in the
young children, which could have affected their neurological and
immunological development. Further investigations of iodine, lithium,
and other elements are warranted.
Index Entries: Autism; hair analysis; iodine; lithium; potassium.
Biological Trace Element Research 193 Vol. 110, 2006
© Copyright 2006 by Humana Press Inc.
All rights of any nature, whatsoever, reserved.
0163-4984/(Online)1559-0720/06/11003–0193 $30.00
*Author to whom all correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed.
Autism is a developmental disorder that occurs in children under 3 yr
of age and involves three major areas: impaired language/communica-
tion, abnormal or stereotypic behaviors, and impaired social interactions.
Its diagnosis is based solely on the observation of these symptoms, as there
is no known cause or biological marker. It is a spectrum disorder, ranging
from classic autism (most severe), to Pervasive Developmental Disorder
Not Otherwise Specified (PDD/NOS), to Asperger’s syndrome (least
severe). Studies of identical twins have clearly demonstrated that both
genetic and environmental factors are important, but the genes and envi-
ronmental factors have not yet been identified.
Regarding environmental factors, either the exposure to toxins or lack
of essential nutrients could be important. There have been suggestions that
mercury or other toxic metals might play a role in the pathogenesis of
autism (1). Similarly, the lack of essential minerals is known by definition
to cause many health problems, and a lack of them (or in some cases, an
excess of them) could contribute to the etiology of autism. The amount of
toxic metals and essential minerals can be assessed by blood, urine, and
hair. Hair is useful for measuring metals, as they are much more concen-
trated in the hair. Because hair grows at a rate of 1–1.5 cm/mo, a 2- to 3-
cm sample from next to the scalp can provide an average over 2–4 mo. It
provides a measure of what is being transported in the body during that
time, but it will not be able to detect earlier exposures. There was a recent
well-publicized criticism of hair analysis studies (2), but the major criti-
cism centered on differences in results among different labs, some of which
were using inferior equipment and less rigorous preparation techniques.
Those concerns can be addressed by using a single high-quality lab, with
blinded testing of subjects vs controls. In a classic review of over 250
reports, the EPA (3) concluded that hair is “a meaningful and representa-
tive tissue” for measuring toxic metals and selected nutrients. Similarly,
the National Health and Nutrition Evaluation Study (4) continues to use
hair as one method to evaluate levels of metals such as mercury.
In the early 1980s, there were several studies of the levels of toxic and
essential minerals in the hair of children with autism (5–8). Several abnor-
malities were reported, but the results of the studies are generally incon-
sistent. There was also one study (9) that measured only vanadium
concentrations in 10 autistic adults vs 10 controls; no significant difference
in vanadium levels was found. Most of these studies suffer from a rela-
tively small sample size. Also, they did not differentiate between the chil-
dren who had pica (eating nonfood items) and those who did not, which
is common in autism and could account for an increased toxic metal bur-
den. A limitation with one study was that most of the controls were sib-
lings of children with autism. Also, the studies were done before 1985,
when measurement techniques were not as advanced as they are today.
Only one of the studies (8) mentioned the use of a special common sham-
poo, but the subjects only used it for 3 d prior to collecting the hair sam-
194 Adams et al.
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ple; this is important to avoid contaminants through hair care products,
which can invalidate results. Therefore, it is clear that a larger study, with
more rigorous avoidance of contaminants and an assessment of pica, is
necessary to resolve the discrepancies in the previous studies.
A recent study (10) measured mercury levels in the blood and hair of
children with autism (n=82; meanage =7.2 yr) compared to controls (n=55)
living in Hong Kong. The authors found that children with autism had
slightly elevated levels of mercury in their blood, but the difference was
not statistically significant (p=0.15). They did not find a significant differ-
ence in hair mercury levels, but the levels were unusually high in both
populations (2.26 and 2.07 ppm for the autism and control groups, respec-
tively); the authors suggested that the reason for the high levels is that the
“Hong Kong Chinese are famous for eating seafood.”
In addition, there was a recent study (11) of the level of mercury in the
baby hair of infants (aged 12–24 mo) who later were diagnosed with
autism compared to controls (n=94 and 45, respectively). This study found
that the autism group had one-eighth of the normal amount of mercury in
their baby hair compared to controls. In the control group, the amount of
mercury correlated with the mother’s seafood consumption and number
of mercury amalgam dental fillings, but that was not true of the children
with autism, who had a low level regardless of their mother’s seafood con-
sumption or number of dental fillings, which suggests a general inability
to excrete mercury. They also found that the severity of autism had a
strong inverse relationship with the level of mercury, with the most severe
group having the lowest levels of mercury in their hair. This is consistent
with the hypothesis that the group with the most inhibition of mercury
excretion would be the most severely affected.
There has never before been an attempt to analyze the hair of the
mothers of children with autism. Because the mothers are the major source
of exposure to toxic metals and also the source of essential minerals dur-
ing gestation and breastfeeding, we felt that it would be important to also
analyze the levels in their hair.
Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the hypothesis that
children with autism and/or their mothers had abnormal levels of toxic
metals or essential minerals in their hair. This will not necessarily indicate
cause and effect, but it will allow us to look for possible associations that
can be further investigated.
This study was conducted with the approval of the Human Subjects
Institutional Review Board of Arizona State University. All parents and
(where possible) children signed informed consent forms. The autism partic-
ipants were families of people with autism in the State of Arizona, contacted
using the mailing lists of the Greater Phoenix Chapter and the Pima
County (Tucson) Chapter of the Autism Society of America. The inclusion
Elements in Hair of Autistic Children 195
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 110, 2006
criteria for the children was age 3–15 yr, with a diagnosis by a psychiatrist
or developmental pediatrician of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),
including autism, PDD/NOS, and Asperger’s syndrome.
Parents of the participants with ASD asked friends and neighbors to
act as controls for the study. The criteria for the controls were that they (1)
be mentally and physically healthy individuals aged 3–15 yr without any
developmental delays, illness, or other medical conditions and (2) be unre-
lated to a person with ASD. Also, there was an attempt to match the ages
and genders as closely as possible. Table 1 lists the characteristics of the
cases and controls.
The children with ASD were also divided into several subgroups
based on other symptoms, so that it could be determined if any of the
196 Adams et al.
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Table 1
Characteristics of Participants
symptoms were associated with abnormal levels of elements in their hair.
All of the subgroupings were based on their mothers’ reports of symptoms
and included pica (eating of nonfood items, such as paper, sand, etc.),
major developmental regression (occurring on average at 18 mo), exces-
sive ear infections (>8 during first 3 yr of life), gastrointestinal problems
(chronic diarrhea/constipation), sleep problems (moderate/severe), and
low muscle tone (moderate/severe). Table 1 gives the numbers in each
subgroup. Also, a subgroup of children aged 3–6 yr was analyzed, which
included 23 children with autism and 16 controls.
Mothers were asked to participate as well, but their participation was
optional. Only mothers who had not dyed or permed their hair within 2
mo of collecting samples were included in the data. (None of the children
had had their hair permed or dyed.) A subgroup of mothers of younger
children (ages 3–8 yr) was also analyzed, and it included 22 mothers of
children with autism and 15 controls.
All participants (children and mothers) were asked to wash their hair
for 2 wk with Johnson’s and Johnson’s “No More Tears” Formula Baby
Shampoo, without the use of any other hair care products (no conditioner,
gel, hairspray, etc.). After 2 wk, a sample of hair was cut using stainless-
steel scissors. The hair sample was taken from the nape of the neck, taking
the 1 in. closest to the neck.
The samples were sent to Doctors Data Lab for analysis in a blinded
fashion. In the laboratory, the hair specimens were further cut and washed
using a modified method developed by the International Atomic Energy
Agency (12). The hair specimens were cut into approx 0.3-cm pieces and
mixed to allow a representative subsampling of the hair specimen. After
cutting, each sample was washed four times with a 1 : 200 (v/v) dilution
of Triton X-100 and then rinsed with acetone and allowed to drain. Sam-
ples were then rinsed three times with ultrapure deionized water and two
times with acetone. The dried samples were weighed prior to nitric
acid/microwave digestion as described in detail by Puchyr et al. (13). After
digestion, the samples were cooled and a 500-µL aliquot of an internal
standard was added and mixed with 50 mL of ultrapure deionized water.
The samples were then analyzed for element content using inductively
coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. To ensure validity, calibration verifi-
cations, a certified hair reference control, in-house controls, spiked hair
samples, and other appropriate control samples were analyzed. Results are
expressed as micrograms per gram, equivalent to parts per million.
The results are reported in Tables 2–5. Statistical analysis of the data
was carried out with an unmatched t-test, assuming two-sided Normal
distributions of unequal variance. Because a total of 39 elements were
examined, only p-values of 0.01 or lower will be discussed, although
Tables 2–5 highlight values up to p=0.05.
Elements in Hair of Autistic Children 197
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198 Adams et al.
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Table 2
Toxic Metals: Children with Autism vs Controls
Note: Units are micrograms per gram. t-Test values are given if they statistically significant. The pica subgroup is a subgroup of
the total.
Table 3
Essential Minerals: Children with Autism vs Controls
Note: Units are micrograms per gram. t-Test values are given if they were statistically significant. The pica subgroup is a subgroup of the total.
200 Adams et al.
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 110, 2006
Table 4
Toxic Metals: Mothers of Children with Autism vs Controls
Note: Units in micrograms per gram. t-Test values are blank because none were statistically significant.
Table 5
Essential Minerals; Mothers of Children with Autism vs Controls
Note: Units in micrograms per gram. Only the Li values were statistically significant.
This study has several limitations, including the following:
1. Sample size: A larger sample size, from multiple sites, is
needed to improve the statistical power of this study and val-
idate or refute its findings.
2. Sample bias for cases: The participants represented 51 families
out of approx 1000 in the Arizona area who were contacted by
mail. The reason for the modest participation rate was that the
study included several other parts [reported in a separate arti-
cle, (14)] and a modest participation rate is typical for medical
studies that require substantial time commitment. Because
participants generally did not know their elemental status
prior to the study, this was probably a minor effect.
3. Sample bias for controls: The controls were chosen from the
friends and neighbors of the cases, which allows for an easy
way to obtain a reasonable match of geographic location and
socioeconomic status, but is not the most rigorous method.
4. Prevalent vs incident cases: This study involves prevalent cases,
not incident ones, so the results are not necessarily indicative of
mineral status during the development of autism.
5. Autism severity: This study did not independently evaluate
the severity of autism. It would be interesting to determine if
the severity of certain symptoms of autism correlated with
hair levels.
6. Contamination: Contamination of hair samples is always a
concern. This study involved washing with a common sham-
poo and washing by the lab, which reduces those concerns.
With a large enough sample size, contamination of samples
should be fairly similar for the autism and control groups.
7. Correlation of hair levels with body levels: Although hair is
known to be a good indicator for body levels of some toxic
metals and essential minerals, that is not true for all cases, and
in some cases we do not know.
Toxic Metals in Children with Autism
As shown in Tables 2 and 3, none of the children with autism had
abnormal levels of toxic metals with a p-value of 0.01 or less. Some possi-
bly abnormal levels (p=0.05) are listed in Tables 2 and 3 and a larger study
is needed to investigate those.
202 Adams et al.
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Toxic Metals in the Mothers
In the mothers of children with ASD, there was no statistically signif-
icant difference in the level of heavy metals in their hair.
Essential Minerals in the Children with Autism
Iodine: For the children with ASD, the mean level of iodine was
much lower (45%) than for the control children, and the differ-
ence was highly statistically significant (p=0.005). When the
subgroup of age 3–6 yr was considered, the magnitude of the
difference was almost identical (47%), although the difference
was not statistically significant because of the smaller number
of children in the subgroup.
Phosphorus: There was a small, but very statistically significant,
difference in the level of phosphorus, with the children with
ASD having a 12% lower value than the controls, with a
p=0.001. When the subgroup of children age 3–6 yr was con-
sidered, the magnitude of the difference was almost identical
(11% lower), although the difference was not statistically sig-
nificant because of the smaller number of children in the sub-
Lithium: In the subgroup of children aged 3–6 yr, the children
with ASD had a 30% lower level of lithium with a marginal sta-
tistical significance (p=0.04). For the full group of children
(aged 3–15 yr), the difference was less (15%) and it was not sta-
tistically significant.
Chromium: The pica subgroup had much less chromium than the
nonpica subgroup (0.28 vs 0.42, p=0.004) or the typical children
(0.28 vs 0.45, p=0.002).
In terms of other subgroups, there were some differences in levels of
essential minerals:
1. For the regression and gastrointestinal subgroups, there were
no differences that reached a statistical significance of p=0.01
or lower.
2. Sleep: The autistic children with sleep disorders had lower lev-
els of selenium than the autistic children without sleep disor-
ders (0.99 vs 1.19 PPM, p=0.007, with controls, p=1.06 PPM).
3. Ear infections: The autistic children with fewer infections had
slightly lower levels of phosphorus than the autistic children
with more infections (175 vs 200 PPM, p=0.004, controls
p=213 PPM).
4. Muscle tone: The autistic children with low muscle tone had
very low potassium compared to the autistic children with nor-
mal muscle tone (16 vs 61 PPM, p=0.01, vs controls =47 PPM)
and high zinc (193 vs 150 PPM, p=0.01, controls =147 PPM).
Elements in Hair of Autistic Children 203
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 110, 2006
Essential Minerals in the Mothers
The only statistically significant differences in the levels of essential
minerals between the mothers of children with ASD and mothers of typical
children was in their lithium levels. In the mothers of children with ASD,
the level of lithium was 40% lower than the mothers of typical children,
and the result was marginally statistically significant (p=0.05). When the
subgroup of mothers of children aged 3–8 yr was considered, the differ-
ence was more pronounced (56% lower) and more statistically significant
Toxic Metals in the Children with Autism
Overall, it appears that the children with autism do not have major
differences in their levels of toxic metals compared to controls. Because
mercury toxicity has been suggested as a cause of autism, it is worthwhile
to note that the autistic children in this study had levels that were very
similar to those of the typical children. In terms of the validity of our test-
ing, it should be pointed out that the mean values we found for the typi-
cal children aged 3–6 yr (0.21 µg/g) are similar but somewhat higher than
those of the 1999–2000 NHANES study (4) of 838 children aged 1–5 yr (0.12
µg/g). In terms of our results, our finding of similar values of mercury for
autistic children and controls is consistent with the study by Ip et al. (10),
which found similar (albeit much higher) levels in the autism and control
children in Hong Kong. However, it should be pointed out that this is long
past their primary exposure to mercury (from thimerosal-containing vac-
cines, maternal seafood consumption, and maternal mercury dental fill-
ings), so this hair measurement would not reflect such a long previous
Thus, our results are not necessarily inconsistent with the results of
Holmes et al. (11), which found unusually low levels in baby hair, as the
ages of their group (12–24 mo) are quite different than ours (age 3–15 yr).
Actually, if both sets of data are valid, then they suggest a temporary loss
of the ability to excrete mercury in young infants. This temporary loss
could be explained by higher use of oral antibiotics (for ear infections) in
children with autism as we found here, as Rowland et al. (15) showed that
oral antibiotics dramatically inhibit mercury excretion to one-tenth of nor-
mal in rats.
Toxic Metals in the Mothers
Overall, the mothers of children with autism did not have any statis-
tically significant differences in the level of toxic minerals in their hair.
Because mercury is of great interest as a possible cause of ASD, it is worth-
while to note that the mothers of children with ASD had 57% more mer-
204 Adams et al.
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 110, 2006
cury in their hair on average than the typical mothers, but this difference
was not statistically significant (p=0.22). When the subgroup of mothers of
young children was considered, there was less difference. In terms of the
validity of our testing, it should be pointed out that the mean values we
found for the typical mothers (0.35 µg/g) were similar but somewhat
higher than those of the 1999–2000 NHANES study (4) of 1726 women of
age 16–49 yr (0.20 µg/g). Because the average value of the autism mothers
is somewhat higher than that of the controls in our study and the sample
size is small, a larger study might be warranted.
Essential Minerals in Children with Autism
Iodine: The low levels of iodine in the hair of children with autism
suggests that iodine could be important in the etiology of
autism, presumably through its effect on thyroid function. There
have been several studies of thyroid function and autism,
including a report of a high incidence of thyroid abnormalities in
parents of children with autism (16), abnormal thyroid function
in young adults with severe autism correlating with impaired
verbal communication (17), and reduced thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH) levels in children with autism (n=41) vs controls
(18). There was also one small study (n=14) that found normal
levels of TSH in children with autism, but that study did not
have a control group (19). Overall, the reports of abnormal thy-
roid function in most of the studies are consistent with our find-
ings of low iodine, and it is possible that impaired thyroid
function is a cause of some of the symptoms of autism, especially
language impairment and mental retardation.
Iodine deficiency was extremely common in parts of the
United States in the early 1900s and caused many cases of goi-
ters (enlarged thyroid) and cretinism (a form of mental retar-
dation resulting from iodine deficiency). This prompted the
federal government to encourage the addition of iodine to salt
(iodinized salt). According to Hollowell et al.’s analysis (20) of
the NHANES surveys I and III, average iodine levels in the
United States (measured in the urine) have declined more than
50% during the 20-yr period from 1971 to 1974 to 1988–1994,
presumably resulting from decreased use of table salt (which is
one of the major sources of iodinized salt). It is possible that the
decreasing level of iodine in the United States is causally
related to the large increase in autism during the last 20 yr.
One study found that iodine levels in hair did increase after
exposure to iodine, but the hair was also susceptible to external
contamination (such as from sweat) and loss of iodine because
of washing (21). In the present study, all samples were washed
in the same manner, so external contamination effects were
Elements in Hair of Autistic Children 205
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 110, 2006
minimized; thus, the results should be reasonably reflective of
excretion rates of iodine. Future studies should use blood,
urine, or saliva for increased reliability.
Lithium: In the subgroup of children aged 3–6 yr, the children
with ASD had a 30% lower level of lithium with a marginal sta-
tistical significance (p=0.04). For the full group of children
(aged 3–15 yr), the difference was less (15%) and it was not sta-
tistically significant. Low lithium was the only statistically sig-
nificant finding in the mothers of children with autism, so we
hypothesize that low levels in the mothers was the cause of low
lithium in the young children, which tended to normalize as
they grew older. Anke et al. (22) found that hair is a reliable
method to assess lithium deficiency in goats, in agreement with
measurements of blood, milk, and several other organs.
Lithium concentrations are highest in the brain (23) and are
highest during the first trimester (24), so a deficiency of it dur-
ing pregnancy could adversely affect fetal development and
especially brain development. Also, low levels of lithium in
humans have been found to correlate with a wide range of
behavioral problems, including aggression and decreased
sociability (25–27). One placebo-controlled treatment study by
Schrauzer and de Vroey (28) found that low-dose supplemen-
tation (400 µg/day) was beneficial to drug addicts, resulting in
increases in the subcategories of happiness, friendliness, and
energy. It should be noted that lithium is also used at dramati-
cally higher doses (of the order of 500,000 µg/day) as a psychi-
atric medication for bipolar disorder.
In addition, goats on a lithium-deficient diet were found to
suffer from lowered immunological status and chronic inflam-
mations, they had less lithium in their milk, and their infants
were found to have reduced growth rates. We hypothesize that
the low levels of lithium in the ASD mothers result in lower
levels in their children, which might explain why the children
suffer from a higher level of ear infections in their first 3 yr of
life. In turn, higher level of ear infections results in higher oral
antibiotic use, which results in a temporary decrease in the
ability to excrete mercury and can also contribute to gastroin-
testinal problems by eliminating normal gastrointestinal flora.
So, a low lithium level is plausible as an important factor in the
etiology of autism.
Phosphorus: The significance of the slightly lower phosphorus
level in children with autism is unclear. It might be an indica-
tor that children with autism tend to consume foods with lower
nutritional content (less fruits and vegetables).
Chromium: The finding of low chromium in the pica subgroup of
autistic children was highly statistically significant. However,
206 Adams et al.
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it is unclear if it is a cause of pica or the result of it. Low levels
of iron and zinc have previously been reported as being associ-
ated with pica, possibly as a cause of it (29).
Overall, the pica subgroup had low levels of sodium, chromium, and
sulfur, with the low chromium level being the most statistically significant
and, hence, most likely to be a possible factor in the etiology of pica. The
pica group also had elevated levels of strontium and copper, presumably
because of increased consumption.
For the subgroup with low muscle tone, the finding of low
potassium was large and statistically significant. Potassium is
needed for muscle contractions and is released during periods
of activity. Low potassium in the hair is an indication of low
muscle activity. The low muscle activity could be the result of
low potassium in the body overall, but hair measurements are
inconclusive regarding this point.
For the other subgroups, the differences in essential minerals
were generally minor.
Essential Minerals in the Mothers
The very low level of lithium in the mothers of children with autism
is interesting because that was the only abnormal finding in the mothers.
The significance of this is discussed in the preceding subsection.
First and foremost, we thank the many autism families and their
friends who volunteered as participants in this research study. We thank
the Greater Phoenix Chapter and the Tucson Chapter of the Autism Soci-
ety of America for their financial support and for help with recruiting par-
ticipants. We thank Arizona State University for financial support. We
thank Mike Margolis for his assistance. We thank Jon Pangborn and Bob
Smith for their useful comments.
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... For the analysis of Hg level in hair, a total of 25 studies were included , encompassinf various geographic regions. Specifically, there were 7 studies conducted in Europe [70,71,74,76,80,85,88], 5 in North America [73,79,83,86,87], 9 in Asia [65][66][67]72,77,78,81,82,84], and 4 in Africa [68,69,75,89]. The meta-analysis of Hg levels in whole blood comprised 15 studies [78,86,[90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103], with 2 conducted in Europe [85,92], 5 in North America [91,95,96,98,99], 1 in Central America [97], 5 in Asia [77,91,93,100,101], and 2 in Africa [94,102]. ...
... To date, limited research has explored differences in hair Hg levels in ASD cases and neurotypical controls based on demographic and clinical factors. Adams et al. [73] found no significant differences in hair Hg levels for age groups 3-15 years and 3-6 years in the USA. In contrast, Zhai et al. [72] found significantly different hair Hg levels between female cases and female controls, but not between male cases and male controls in China. ...
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Mercury (Hg) is a non-essential trace metal with unique neurochemical properties and harmful effects on the central nervous system. In this study, we present a comprehensive review and meta-analysis of peer-reviewed research encompassing five crucial clinical matrices: hair, whole blood, plasma, red blood cells (RBCs), and urine. We assess the disparities in Hg levels between gender- and age-matched neurotypical children (controls) and children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (cases). After applying rigorous selection criteria, we incorporated a total of 60 case-control studies into our meta-analysis. These studies comprised 25 investigations of Hg levels in hair (controls/cases: 1134/1361), 15 in whole blood (controls/cases: 1019/1345), 6 in plasma (controls/cases: 224/263), 5 in RBCs (controls/cases: 215/293), and 9 in urine (controls/cases: 399/623). This meta-analysis did not include the data of ASD children who received chelation therapy. Our meta-analysis revealed no statistically significant differences in Hg levels in hair and urine between ASD cases and controls. In whole blood, plasma, and RBCs, Hg levels were significantly higher in ASD cases compared to their neurotypical counterparts. This indicates that ASD children could exhibit reduced detoxification capacity for Hg and impaired mechanisms for Hg excretion from their bodies. This underscores the detrimental role of Hg in ASD and underscores the critical importance of monitoring Hg levels in ASD children, particularly in early childhood. These findings emphasize the pressing need for global initiatives aimed at minimizing Hg exposure, thus highlighting the critical intersection of human–environment interaction and neurodevelopment health.
... Skalny et al. (2020) observed significantly lower concentrations of Zn in the hair in a group with concomitant ASD and ADHD compared to the control group [25]. Adams et al. (2006) observed higher Zn concentrations for the ASD group with Pica syndrome compared to the ASD group without the syndrome, but with no significant differences [19]. ...
... Skalny et al. (2020) observed significantly lower concentrations of Zn in the hair in a group with concomitant ASD and ADHD compared to the control group [25]. Adams et al. (2006) observed higher Zn concentrations for the ASD group with Pica syndrome compared to the ASD group without the syndrome, but with no significant differences [19]. ...
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, the prevalence of which has increased in children and adolescents over the years. Studies point to deficiency of trace elements as one of the factors involved in the etiology of the disorder, with zinc being one of the main trace elements investigated in individuals with ASD. The aim of this review is to summarize scientific evidence about the relationship between zinc status and ASD in children and adolescents. This review has been registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (registration number CRD42020157907). The methodological guidelines adopted were in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Studies were selected from an active investigation of the PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, and Google databases to search for observational studies. Fifty-two studies from twenty-two countries were included. The sample sizes ranged from 20 to 2635, and the participants ranged from 2 to 18 years old. Nine types of biological matrices were used, with hair, serum, and plasma being the most frequently used in the evaluation of zinc concentrations. Significant differences in zinc concentrations between the ASD and control groups were observed in 23 studies, of which 19 (36%) showed lower zinc concentrations in the ASD group. The classification of studies according to methodological quality resulted in high, moderate, and low quality in 10, 21, and 21 studies, respectively. In general, we did not observe a significant difference between zinc concentrations of children and adolescents with ASD compared to controls; however, studies point to an occurrence of lower concentrations of Zn in individuals with ASD. This review reveals that more prospective studies with greater methodological rigor should be conducted in order to further characterize this relation.
... The t test was the conventional statistical method for identifying a disease marker among various components in the hair samples [21]. Many studies have reported the components for which significant differences in contents were found in the hair samples from both the healthy and patient groups by the t test [32][33][34]. In a previous paper, owing to difficulty in narrowing down markers via t test alone, additional analysis was attempted for marker identification by evaluating the correlation coefficient between two of the components in hair between healthy subjects and diseased patients and the component loadings of each component in hair when PCA was performed on the components in hair [32]. ...
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Globally, the rapid aging of the population is predicted to become even more severe in the second half of the 21st century. Thus, it is expected to establish a growing expectation for innovative, non-invasive health indicators and diagnostic methods to support disease prevention, care, and health promotion efforts. In this study, we aimed to establish a new health index and disease diagnosis method by analyzing the minerals and free amino acid components contained in hair shaft. We first evaluated the range of these components in healthy humans and then conducted a comparative analysis of these components in subjects with diabetes, hypertension, androgenetic alopecia, major depressive disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke. In the statistical analysis, we first used a student’s t test to compare the hair components of healthy people and those of patients with various diseases. However, many minerals and free amino acids showed significant differences in all diseases, because the sample size of the healthy group was very large compared to the sample size of the disease group. Therefore, we attempted a comparative analysis based on effect size, which is not affected by differences in sample size. As a result, we were able to narrow down the minerals and free amino acids for all diseases compared to t test analysis. For diabetes, the t test narrowed down the minerals to 15, whereas the effect size measurement narrowed it down to 3 (Cr, Mn, and Hg). For free amino acids, the t test narrowed it down to 15 minerals. By measuring the effect size, we were able to narrow it down to 7 (Gly, His, Lys, Pro, Ser, Thr, and Val). It is also possible to narrow down the minerals and free amino acids in other diseases, and to identify potential health indicators and disease-related components by using effect size.
... The hair reference ranges calculated to date have been used to characterize diets [10,29], evaluate nutritional deficiencies in individuals or populations [30,31], toxic metal exposures [6,9,32,33], or to monitor exposure in people living near anthropogenic contamination (e.g., smelter) [34][35][36]. Hair elemental chemistry has even been used to characterize and correlate to health issues [37], such as diabetes [38], autism [39], kidney disease [40], hypertension [41], and cancer [42,43]. To interpret hair results as it pertains to an individual's health status would therefore rely entirely on appropriate reference ranges, and accuracy is integral [8]. ...
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External contamination of hair is the most significant challenge to it becoming an accepted matrix for monitoring endogenous metal exposure and nutritional deficiency. Here we use laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to quantify elemental concentrations in hair strands below and above the scalp in the cuticle and cortex layers to determine the extent of external contamination in a reference population. Evidence of hair strand contamination occurred for barium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and strontium in both the outer cuticle and the inner cortex layers, with increasing concentrations from root to tip. Aluminum, boron, copper, lead, and manganese showed significant contamination in the cuticle layer only, suggesting some protection of the inner cortex. Phosphorus and potassium decreased outside the scalp suggesting loss by washing, while chromium, mercury, selenium, sodium, titanium, and zinc showed no evidence of loss or external contamination above the scalp. The results clearly show that for most elements, hair chemistry above the scalp is unreliable for use in interpretation of endogenous exposures or deficiencies, and that the below-scalp portion provides a more accurate monitoring tool. This is the first paper to provide a reference range of elemental hair chemistry that is not impacted by the external environment.
... The content of Zn was similar. This suggests that prenatal mercury exposure is the confirmation that mercury is a neurodevelopmental toxin responsible for the development of autism [8]. ...
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Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition with increasing prevalence. This review aims to systematically investigate the relationship between the levels of toxic and trace elements in hair and the occurrence of ASD. Methods: Original articles reporting trace element levels in hair were included. A comprehensive search was conducted in databases such as Medline (via PubMed), Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, covering publications from 1 January 2000, to 2 January 2023. Keywords including “hair element analysis”, “trace elements”, and “autism”, were utilized in the search. Results: A direct comparison of the data was not possible due to the variety of methodologies observed in the available studies, including variations in sample sizes and analytical procedures. Conclusions: Exposure to toxic elements, notably Mercury (Hg) and Lead (Pb), which act as neurotoxicants, was found to be associated with the pathogenesis of ASD. Furthermore, a significant correlation was identified between the Zinc (Zn) to Copper (Cu) ratio and ASD.
The present study was conducted to investigate the differences in cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) concentrations between children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and controls. In this systematic review and meta-analysis study, three thousand one hundred forty-five studies were collected from scientific databases including Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar from January 2000 to October 2022 and were investigated for eligibility. As a result, 37 studies published in the period from 2003 to 2022 met our inclusion criteria and were considered in the meta-analysis. The heterogeneity assumption was evaluated using the Chi-squared-based Q-test and I-squared (I²) statistics. The pooled estimates were shown in the forest plots with Hedges’ g (95% confidence interval) values. The random effects model demonstrated that there is no significant difference in the blood (Hedges' g: 0.14, 95% CI: 0.45, 0.72, p > 0.05), hair (Hedges' g: 0.12, 95% CI: 0.26, 0.50, p > 0.05), and urinary (Hedges' g: 0.05, 95% CI: 0.86, 0.76, p > 0.05) Cd levels of the case group versus control subjects. Moreover, the pooled findings of studies showed no significant difference in the blood (Hedges' g: 1.69, 95% CI: 0.09, 3.48, p > 0.05), hair (Hedges' g: 3.42, 95% CI: 1.96, 8.80, p > 0.05), and urinary (Hedges' g: 0.49, 95% CI: 1.29 – 0.30, p > 0.05) Hg concentrations. The results demonstrated no significant differences in Hg and Cd concentrations in different biological samples of children with ASD compared to control subjects.
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Environmental pollutants, particularly toxic trace metals with neurotoxic potential, have been related to the genesis of autism. One of these metals that stands out, in particular, is lead (Pb). We conducted an in-depth systematic review and meta-analysis of peer-reviewed studies on Pb levels in biological materials retrieved from autistic children (cases) and neurotypical children (controls) in this work. A systematic review was conducted after the careful selection of published studies according to established criteria to gain a broad insight into the higher or lower levels of Pb in the biological materials of cases and controls, and the findings were then strengthened by a meta-analysis. The meta-analysis included 17 studies (hair), 13 studies (whole blood), and 8 studies (urine). The overall number of controls/cases was 869/915 (hair), 670/755 (whole blood), and 344/373 (urine). This meta-analysis showed significantly higher Pb levels in all three types of biological material in cases than in controls, suggesting a higher body Pb burden in autistic children. Thus, environmental Pb exposure could be related to the genesis of autism. Since no level of Pb can be considered safe, the data from this study undoubtedly point to the importance of regularly monitoring Pb levels in autistic children.
Excessive exposure to metals directly threatens human health, including neurodeve lopment. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, leaving great harms to children themselves, their families, and even society. In view of this, it is critical to develop reliable biomarkers for ASD in early childhood. Here we used inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to identify the abnormalities in ASD-associated metal elements in children blood. Multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) was applied to detect isotopic differences in copper (Cu) for further assessment on account of its core role in the brain. We also developed a machine learning classification method for unknown samples based on a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. The results indicated significant differences in the blood metallome (chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), magnesium (Mg), and arsenic (As)) between cases and controls, and a significantly lower Zn/Cu ratio was observed in the ASD cases. Interestingly, we found a strong association of serum copper isotopic composition (δ65Cu) with autistic serum. SVM was successfully applied to discriminate cases and controls based on the two-dimensional Cu signatures (Cu concentration and δ65Cu) with a high accuracy (94.4%). Overall, our findings revealed a new biomarker for potential early diagnosis and screening of ASD, and the significant alterations in the blood metallome also helped to understand the potential pathogenesis of ASD in terms of metallomics.
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Concentrations of 16 nutrient minerals and seven toxic minerals were determined in scalp hair samples from a group of 28 autistic children and 18 controls. Autistic children had significantly lower amounts of magnesium and calcium in their hair than did controls. On the basis of a stepwise discriminant function of the 23 minerals, 85 percent of the autistic children were correctly classified with magnesium levels accounting for 18 percent of the variance between the two groups. Possible relationships between magnesium deficiency and early childhood autism are discussed. Introduction The etiology of early childhood autism is largely unknown. Abnormal mineral meta-bolism can cause a variety of illnesses (Rimland, 1973), and scalp hair has been proposed as a convenient sampling tissue for evaluating an individual's burden of certain minerals (Bland, 1979; Laker, 1982). The first purpose of this research was to determine if concentrations of certain minerals in the hair of autistic children were different from their non-autistic siblings. The second purpose was to determine the relative importance of each mineral to the discrimination of the two groups. Method Subjects Parent members of the National Society for Autistic Children in Colorado and Montana were contacted and asked to submit hair samples from their autistic child and a non-autistic sibling for trace mineral analysis. Parents without a non-autistic child were asked to submit a hair sample from a same-sex, same-age child in their neighborhood. Twenty-eight parents consented, resulting in a subject population of 28 autistic children and 18 controls (14 siblings, four neighborhood children). All of the autistic children were classified as autistic using the definition of the National Society for Autistic Children (Ritvo and Freeman, 1977). The mean age of the autistic children was 8.85 ± 4.06, and the mean age of the controls was 10.83 ± 4.55 (p = NS). There were 24 males in the autistic group compared to 10 males in the control group (p < .05). All 46 subjects were Caucasian and from middle class urban families. Of the 28 autistic children, 19 were reported to be on psychotropic medicines. Medications included phenothiazines, butyrophenones, anti-Parkinson drugs and antiepileptic drugs.
Reported rates of autism have increased sharply in the United States and the United Kingdom. One possible factor underlying these increases is increased exposure to mercury through thimerosal-containing vaccines, but vaccine exposures need to be evaluated in the context of cumulative exposures during gestation and early infancy. Differential rates of postnatal mercury elimination may explain why similar gestational and infant exposures produce variable neurological effects. First baby haircut samples were obtained from 94 children diagnosed with autism using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM IV) criteria and 45 age- and gender-matched controls. Information on diet, dental amalgam fillings, vaccine history, Rho D immunoglobulin administration, and autism symptom severity was collected through a maternal survey questionnaire and clinical observation. Hair mercury levels in the autistic group were 0.47 ppm versus 3.63 ppm in controls, a significant difference. The mothers in the autistic group had significantly higher levels of mercury exposure through Rho D immunoglobulin injections and amalgam fillings than control mothers. Within the autistic group, hair mercury levels varied significantly across mildly, moderately, and severely autistic children, with mean group levels of 0.79, 0.46, and 0.21 ppm, respectively. Hair mercury levels among controls were significantly correlated with the number of the mothers' amalgam fillings and their fish consumption as well as exposure to mercury through childhood vaccines, correlations that were absent in the autistic group. Hair excretion patterns among autistic infants were significantly reduced relative to control. These data cast doubt on the efficacy of traditional hair analysis as a measure of total mercury exposure in a subset of the population. In light of the biological plausibility of mercury's role in neurodevelopmental disorders, the present study provides further insight into one possible mechanism by which early mercury exposures could increase the risk of autism.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess Vanadium concentrations in hair from autistic subjects as previous reports have shown a relationship between the disorder and patterns of several other trace elements. Method: Neutron activation analysis was performed in a group of 10 adult autistic subjects compared with 10 healthy age and sex matched controls. Results: No significant difference was found in Vanadium hair concentration between groups. Conclusions: Vanadium does not appear to have a potential as a secondary marker in autism.
The clinical and biochemical status of thyroid function of patients with an autistic syndrome was investigated. The study consisted of 13 patients between the ages of 7 and 21 years. There was no clinical evidence for hypothyroidism in any patient, and T3, T4, and TSH concentrations were within the normal range. Two patients who had retarded bone ages were treated with triiodothyronine for 6 months. Hyperthyroidism developed when T3 levels exceeded physiologic concentrations in these patients. The concept that the clinical response to triiodothyronine in autistic patients results from correction of thyroid dysfunction is not supported by these findings.
Using data for 27 Texas counties from 1978-1987, it is shown that the incidence rates of suicide, homicide, and rape are significantly higher in counties whose drinking water supplies contain little or no lithium than in counties with water lithium levels ranging from 70-170 micrograms/L; the differences remain statistically significant (p less than 0.01) after corrections for population density. The corresponding associations with the incidence rates of robbery, burglary, and theft were statistically significant with p less than 0.05. These results suggest that lithium has moderating effects on suicidal and violent criminal behavior at levels that may be encountered in municipal water supplies. Comparisons of drinking water lithium levels, in the respective Texas counties, with the incidences of arrests for possession of opium, cocaine, and their derivatives (morphine, heroin, and codeine) from 1981-1986 also produced statistically significant inverse associations, whereas no significant or consistent associations were observed with the reported arrest rates for possession of marijuana, driving under the influence of alcohol, and drunkenness. These results suggest that lithium at low dosage levels has a generally beneficial effect on human behavior, which may be associated with the functions of lithium as a nutritionally-essential trace element. Subject to confirmation by controlled experiments with high-risk populations, increasing the human lithium intakes by supplementation, or the lithiation of drinking water is suggested as a possible means of crime, suicide, and drug-dependency reduction at the individual and community level.
RÉSUMÉ Réduction de la TSH par rapport à la TRH chez les garçons autistiques La thyréostimuline (TSH) et la réponse de prolactine à la thyréolibérine (TRH) ont été comparées chez des garçons parmi lesquels il y avait 41 autistiques, 12 retardés mentaux (RM) et 12 présentant un dysfonctionnement cérébral a minima (MBD). Les garçons autistiques ont été divises en deux groupes: Q.D. ou Q.I. >ou =à 80, et Q.D. ou Q.I. <80. Les taux moyens de base et de pointe de la TSH étaient significativement plus bas dans les deux groupes autistiques que parmi les groupes RM, MBD et contrǒles. L'écart (p‐b) entre la valeur moyenne de pointe et la valeur moyenne de base de la TSH était significativement plus bas dans les deux groupes autistiques que chez les contrǒles. Les taux moyens et les valeurs p‐b pour la prolactine ne différaient pas entre les groupes. Les auteurs suggèrent qu'il peut y avoir une activité dopaminergique renforcée et/ou une activité sérotoninergique réduite dans le système nerveux central des enfants autistiques, à cǒté d'un dysfonctionnement hypothalamique. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Verminderte TSH Stimulierbarkeit durch TRH bei autischen Kindern Bei 41 Jungen mit Autismus, 12 mit geistiger Retardierung (MR) und 12 mit minimaler Hirnfunktionsstörung (MBD) wurden das Thyreoidea‐stimulierende‐Hormon (TSH) und die Prolaktinreaktion auf Thyreotropin‐releasing‐Hormon (TRH) verglichen. Die autistischen Jungen wurden in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: DQ(1Q) ≥80 und DQ(1Q) <80. Die mittleren Basalwerte und die maximal stimulierbaren Werte für TSH waren in beiden autistischen Gruppen signifikant niedriger als bei der MR‐, der MBD‐ und der Kontrollgruppe. Der mittlere maximal stimulierbare TSH Wert minus Basalwert (p‐b) war bei beiden autistischen Gruppen niedriger als bei der Kontrollgruppe. Zwischen den Gruppen fand sich kein Unterschied für die mittleren Prolaktinspiegel und den p‐b Wert. Man nimmt an, daß es im Zentralnervensystem autistischer Kinder eine erhölte dopaminerge und/oder eine verminderte serotinerge Aktivität in Verbindung mit einer hypothalamischen Dysfunktion gibt. RESUMEN Reduccion de TSR frente a TRH en muchachos autisticos Se compararon las respuestas de la hormona tiroido‐estimulante (TSH) y de la prolactina a la hormona liberadora de la tirotropina (TRH) en 41 muchachos autistas, 12 retrasados mentales (RM) y 12 con disfunción cerebral minima (DCM). Los autistas se dividieron en dos grupos: CD(C1) ≥80 y CD(CI) <80. Los niveles promedio de la TSH basal y su pico eran significativamente más bajos en ambos grupos autísticos que en las grupos RM DCM y control. El valor promedio del pico de TSH, menos el valor basal (p‐b) era significativamente más bajo en ambos grupos autísticos que en el grupo control. Los niveles promedio de prolactina y el valor p‐b no diferian entre los grupos. Se sugiere que debe haber una facilitación dopaminérgica y/o una reducción de la actividad serotoninérgica en el sistema nervioso central de los niños autisticos, junto con una disfunción hipotalámica.
The concentrations of 14 elements were determined in scalp hair samples from control, autistic and autistic-like children. Significant differences were noted between normal males and females for calcium, magnesium and mercury. The autistic population had significantly lower levels of calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese and chromium and higher levels of lithium as compared to sex- and age-matched controls. Children with autistic features (autistic-like), classified as having childhood-onset pervasive disorder, had lower levels of magnesium, cadmium, cobalt and manganese as compared to controls. Discriminant function analysis using the 14 trace elements correctly classified 90.5% of the normal and 100% of the autistic population. Using a stepwise procedure, the five elements with the greatest discriminatory power were calcium, copper, zinc, chromium and lithium. Analysis based on these five trace elements led to the correct classification of 85.7% of the normal and 91.7% of the autistic group. Results indicate that the concentrations of trace elements in hair from normal children differ from patterns observed in both autistic and autistic-like children. Furthermore, evidence suggests that hair analysis may have potential use as a diagnostic tool for autism.